You can customize for yourself. Method of psychocorrection G

The SOEVUS method (Verbal-Figurative Emotional-Volitional Control of the State or the method of psycho-correction) gives results that far exceed everything previously known in this area.

So, at the Institute of Normal Physiology. acad. PC. Anokhin of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR in the presence of Academician K.V. Sudakov, as a result of applying this method for ten minutes, a long-term stable tachycardia with a pulse rate of 120 beats per minute was removed from an employee (28 years old). The control electrocardiogram was taken by Art. n. from. V.V. Sinichkin. After the verbal-figurative impact, the pulse rate decreased to normal (72 beats per minute), which remains to this day.

In another case, in Polyclinic No. 1 of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, in the presence of the head L.N. Pokrovskaya in a patient surgeon (68 years old), the method was applied for 30 minutes, after which the extrasystole, which had not been treatable before, disappeared. A normal pulse has been observed to date. There are many such examples. At the same time, the wide possibilities of the SOEVUS method are scientifically substantiated. The human brain stores the entire process of his healthy and diseased development. The SOEVUS method uses precisely this phenomenon, and extraordinary psychosomatic changes in people are based mainly on it. In order to improve and improve the activity of any diseased or weakened organ, the SOEVUS method normalizes the control of the organ by nervous system, with a rapid flow of blood, it washes it and provides it with good nutrition and oxygen, pours energy and strength into it. All this is done with the right setting. In the SOEVUS method, such settings are available for all organs and systems of the body.

Over the past two decades, domestic and foreign physiologists have experimentally shown that the impulses of the second signaling system caused by the word come from the cerebral cortex to the internal environment of the body and rebuild the vital activity of tissues and internal organs for a long time. This explains the great stability of the healthy vital activity of the organism, caused by the assimilation of the settings of the SOEVUS method. As our studies have shown, the results of one thirty-minute session with the patient are recorded by devices for a month or more.

For example, in the two cases above positive result was achieved after the impact of the main fragment of the mood for healing the heart: "A healthy newborn youth flows into my heart (in the second case - youth), my heart is completely renewed, my new heart is born a newborn-young, untouched heart." Yes, people middle age for facial rejuvenation, the following fragment of a mood for a young life is used: "Newborn youth flows into my face, my face is completely renewed, my new face is born newborn-young, primordial-fresh, newborn youth is born in my face."

Using the SOEVUS method, one can also achieve the restoration of the natural color of gray hair in old age, for which it is enough to assimilate a fragment of the mood: "Life-giving newborn life flows into my hair, hair is completely renewed, new hair is born, newborn-thick, newborn-healthy. Beautiful natural dye fills my hair." It is useful to assimilate such fragments against the background of the influence of the general mood on young life, which contributes to the restoration and strengthening of all physiological functions of the body and, thus, the elimination of their various disorders both in young and old age.

The settings of the SOEVUS method are made up of positive statements, for example: "I have a healthy strong heart." In the moods, negative expressions such as: "I do not have a sick heart, my heart does not hurt" are not allowed, since they are harmful and only increase the disease with the words "sick", "hurt". In the settings of the method, the so-called inverse form is used: "I suppress all doubts that I have a healthy strong heart." Suppression of doubts promotes assimilation of mood.

The construction of moods is such that they form in a person vivid images of health, youth, strength, indefatigability and beauty, enhance positive feelings, such as the joy of life, and stimulate volitional efforts in order to manage the state.

State management according to the SOEVUS method stimulates a life position, activates a personality, develops a person's volitional efforts. Many tasks of healing and rejuvenation of a person can be solved only on the basis of his active life position, on the management of his condition for the sake of personal and social goals. In turn, state management ensures high performance, and in combination with self-education of an active life position, purposefulness and strong will, it ensures high labor productivity.

The SOEVUS method does not require any preliminary special preparation for its application. Attunements can be assimilated without any restrictions at the age of 16 years and older. Only a special attitude to overcome nighttime urinary incontinence is designed for children.
In its essence, the SOEVUS method is a method of psycho-correction of somatic structures: in case of gastric ulcer, the restoration of the mucosa does not proceed by scarring, as usual, but by epithelialization, and after healing, no traces remain on the mucosa; at the onset of menopause, menstruation is restored in women, for example, three years after they stop (the author has no observations for longer periods), and in men, sexual function is restored even twelve years after its extinction, and appearance the face and the whole body are changed, gray hair is restored to its natural color, etc.
This method was repeatedly tested in various organizations on behalf of the USSR Ministry of Health. According to the results of clinical trials, the SOEVUS method is recommended for implementation in the practice of psychotherapists.

With the help of the SOEVUS method, the author cures schizophrenia, Minier's disease, nervous tics and other diseases that are difficult to treat. The SOEVUS method opens new era highly effective medicine without a knife and drugs. But most importantly: the method opens up ways for mankind to rejuvenate and long-term healthy happy life. The author is convinced that the life expectancy of a person will increase many times over, and that is why the second version of the mood for longevity is written in such a way that people begin to get used to this idea.

Some moods are written in two versions so that a person can choose the most suitable one.

The healing settings of the SOEVUS method cannot be edited. When translating into another language, it is very important to preserve the author's punctuation marks. Any editing reduces the effectiveness of their impact, which has been repeatedly tested in practice.

For ease of use and assimilation, the texts of moods can be read to yourself, spoken aloud or listened to in sound recordings at any time of the day.

In order to prevent diseases and rebuild the body for a long life, it is necessary to accustom people to assimilate attitudes as early as possible. The entire system of upbringing and education in the country should help the new generations in this. It is useful to systematically transmit the most important attitudes on the radio, on television, print in newspapers, for example, attitudes towards stability in life, on healthy lifestyle life, long life and others.

The efficiency of the SOEVUS method is high. It gives excellent results in the development of all human abilities, in increasing his creative activity in study, self-education, science, art, and production. To do this, the book provides the appropriate settings.

Over time, the SOEVUS method will find application in all spheres of human life.

1) Particularly emotional natures may experience slight dizziness during the first sessions; in this case, it is recommended to take a break for 5 minutes.

2) After several sessions of applying the method, in some cases, there is an exacerbation of the disease, fever, dizziness, nausea. This is due to the fact that various salts and slags, deposited in the body for many years, leave the tissues and enter the bloodstream, gradually leaving naturally. The process of slag extraction lasts about three days; at the same time, it is recommended to even increase the number of sessions.

3) Often the effect of healing is observed already at the first use of the method. In this case, it is recommended to continue sessions for at least a week, because. with a single application, the possibility of the return of symptoms of the disease is not excluded.

4) In the absence of a pronounced effect after a month of using the therapy of the SOEVUS method, it is recommended to use the texts "To overcome neurasthenia", "On the stability of the nervous system", "To improve the head", because malaise is not caused by a specific disease of certain organs, but common disease nervous system. As practice has shown, the use of the above texts helps to cure a whole bunch of diseases.

5) When using the method, any drug therapy is allowed (the dose of psychotropic drugs should be reduced by at least 25-50%). Please note that any use medicines increases the slagging of the body.

6) In severe and threatening conditions, an abrupt cessation of drug therapy is strictly prohibited; reduce the dose of drugs to produce in proportion to the improvement of the condition.

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G. N. Sytin developed an original method of healing moods. The effectiveness of its method of influencing many diseases has been confirmed by numerous scientific research. This is a method of verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of a person’s state (abbreviated as SOEVUS), developed on the basis of generally recognized methods of psychotherapy and some methods alternative medicine(conspiracies). The method is harmless and can be used at home on its own.

The basis of G. N. Sytin's psycho-correction technique is healing moods (texts). Attitudes create psychological support for the patient and contribute to the restoration and strengthening of the physiological functions of individual organs and body systems. Through the assimilation of attitudes, the state of the body is controlled. Texts can be recorded on a tape, transcribed or reprinted for listening, reading (to oneself and aloud), memorization and deep, lasting assimilation.

The specific way of mastering the mood depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Some people prefer to listen to the mood, others - to read as they like. When listening to the mood at home, you can do something around the house, but if possible, you should try not to be distracted and focus on the mood. This increases the efficiency of its absorption.

In the first days of the SEVUS method, you should begin with an introductory text: "The mood that I will now assimilate will have a strong influence on me, due to the fact that the body will strengthen ten times, a hundred times increase its influence and mobilize all its reserves for the quick and complete fulfillment of what is said in the mood; I set myself up for a deep and lasting assimilation of the content of the necessary, useful mood, I will try to assimilate it as deeply and firmly as possible.

Regardless of whether a person knows the text of the mood by heart or not, the mood is assimilated only in the process of listening, speaking or reading it. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to assimilate the mood until the state of a person comes into strong correspondence with the content of the mood. If you use a weight loss mindset, then continue to assimilate it until you reach a normal weight.

When listening to the mood, you should behave as actively as possible (it is better to walk), making efforts to remember the text. This increases its perception and effectiveness. Those fragments of the mood that a person likes the most and has, in his opinion, highest value for him, it is useful to listen, pronounce or read many times. Here is a mood (conspiracy) that will most effectively help you normalize weight.

attitude against obesity
“The life-giving newborn life is pouring into me, a huge, colossal life-giving force is pouring into me. By the colossal power of life in the whole body, excess fat quickly burns-burns-burns to complete disappearance.Under the colossal energy of life, all excess fat in the abdomen: both on top of the abdominal muscles and inside abdominal cavity quickly, quickly burns out, burns out, burns out, disappears, disappears, disappears, newborn life gives birth to a newborn-young-skinny-sunk, skinny-sunk, skinny-sunk young belly, a thin young waist is born.
Excess fat, weighing down my body, spoiling my slender young figure, I hate with the strongest fierce hatred. Under my fierce hatred, all excess fat quickly burns-burns-burns to complete disappearance. A slender, flexible young figure is born.
I constantly control my food: I do not allow myself to eat excess food, I eat no more than the body needs to maintain an intense energetic fun life. I hate overeating with the strongest, fierce, malicious hatred, I have forbidden myself excess food once and for all, and no force can force me to eat what I consider unnecessary.
Mentally, I figure out what I need to eat for a healthy energetic life, and I will not eat one extra spoon, not one extra piece.
I am tuning in to a slender young figure both now and in thirty years, and in a hundred years. I tune in to maintain a newborn-young physique, to maintain a thin young waist through many decades, through my whole life. And my whole body unconditionally unquestioningly fulfills my will, mobilizes its limitless reserves for the exact fulfillment of my desire to always maintain a slender young figure, a thin waist, a skinny, sunken young belly. And therefore, now, and in thirty years, and in fifty years, and in a hundred years, I will have a young, slender, beautiful figure.
I have a strong will, I dare everything, I can do everything and I am not afraid of anything, I can always control my food and not eat too much. I have the strongest self-control. I vividly and firmly remember that I always need to control my food and not eat anything extra.
I clearly feel the needs of my body, I always know exactly how much to eat for a healthy, energetic life."
Psycholinguistic studies of mood texts have shown that their construction differs from all known prayers, incantations, texts used in psychotherapy. Features of construction and semantic content of individual mood formulas provide them high efficiency, so they are not subject to editing (the efficiency of their application is sharply reduced). The settings of the SOEVUS method, the method of psycho-correction are based on original semantic elements, first created by G. N. Sytin. Their use is effective and safe.

I. A. Koreshkin

Russian scientist Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin created more than twenty thousand verbal attitudes, which were tested by specialists from the Ministry of Health and showed their effectiveness. In order to understand how the word affects the body, the scientist long years collected and studied ancient conspiracies and created moods for healing from various diseases, for rejuvenation, for long-term beauty, for female attractiveness, for male power, and so on.

Sytin himself was cured by his attitudes. During the Great Patriotic War he received nine wounds and returned to peaceful life disabled person of the first group. He worked out his method on himself, and in 1957 he was recognized as fit for military service! Doctors admit that in many cases the Sytin technique is simply irreplaceable.


The basis of the method is the settings developed by Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin. Their construction differs from all hitherto known prayers, incantations, texts used in psychotherapy.
The specificity of the structure and the semantic content of individual mood formulas ensure their high efficiency, therefore it is undesirable to edit them (the efficiency of application decreases).
Attitudes are based on semantic elements, created for the first time and therefore still unknown.

Words and whole phrases that he does not like should be excluded from the mood. All verbal formulations should be understandable, figurative, forming a vivid representation.

The mood should include expressions like: “I try to feel as clearly as possible: ...”. This technique connects the right feelings to the work. Or it can be expressions like: “I try to make an effort to feel as clearly as possible:”. This technique activates the influence of volitional efforts.

The mood should include verbal formulas that reflect the systems of a person’s vital relationships, for example: “I love my wife, children, I will try to bring them as much joy and happiness as possible”, or “I will work hard on myself so that people will be pleased with me communicate".

Attitude, as a rule, should be based on positive statements, for example: "I have a strong will." You can not use such expressions: “My head does not hurt”, “I do not have a sick heart”, as they have a negative effect. The attitude should be based on the suppression of doubts: "I suppress all doubts that I have a healthy young heart."


The easiest way to absorb a mood is to read it aloud or listen to it on a recording. The tone of presentation should be business-like, firm, without any pathos, very convincing. Some people prefer to listen to the mood, others prefer to read. This is how you like it.

While listening, you can also do something around the house. But it is better if you try not to be distracted and focus.

Regardless of whether a person knows the healing text by heart or not, the mood is assimilated only in the process of listening to or pronouncing it. This will have to be continued until the state of the person comes into strong correspondence with the content of the mood.

When listening to the text, try to be as active as possible (better to walk), make an effort to memorize the text. This increases attentiveness, brightness of perception, and thereby the efficiency of assimilation.

You need to start classes (especially in the early days) with an introductory text:

“The mood that I am now assimilating will have a strong influence on me due to the fact that the body will increase ten times, a hundred times increase its influence and mobilize all its reserves for the quick and complete fulfillment of what is said in the mood; I set myself up for a deep, lasting assimilation of the content of the necessary, useful attitude, I will try to assimilate it as deeply and firmly as possible.


The SOEVUS method (verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of the state) gives results that far exceed everything previously known in this area.

So, at the Institute of Normal Physiology. Acad. PC. Anokhin of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR in the presence of Academician K.V. Sudakov, as a result of applying this method for ten minutes, a long-term stable tachycardia with a pulse rate of 120 beats per minute was removed from an employee (28 years old).

The control electrocardiogram was taken by senior researcher V.V. Sinichkin. After the verbal-figurative impact, the pulse rate decreased to normal (72 beats per minute), which remains to this day.

In another case, in polyclinic No. 1 of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, in the presence of the head L.N. Pokrovskaya in a patient surgeon (68 years old), the method was applied for 30 minutes, after which the extrasystole, which had not been treatable before, disappeared. A normal pulse has been observed to date.

There are many such examples. At the same time, the wide possibilities of the SOEVUS method are scientifically substantiated.

The human brain stores the entire process of his healthy and diseased development. The SOEVUS method uses precisely this phenomenon, and extraordinary psychosomatic changes in people are based mainly on it.

To improve the functioning of any diseased or weakened organ, the SOEVUS method normalizes the control of the organ by the nervous system, flushes it with a rapid flow of blood and provides it with good nutrition and oxygen, pours energy and strength into it.

All this is done with the right setting. In the SOEVUS method, such settings are available for all organs and systems of the body.

Over the past two decades, domestic and foreign physiologists have experimentally shown that the impulses of the second signaling system caused by the word come from the cerebral cortex to the internal environment of the body and rebuild the vital activity of tissues and internal organs for a long time.

This explains the great stability of the healthy vital activity of the organism, caused by the assimilation of the settings of the SOEVUS method. Studies have shown that the results of one thirty-minute session with a patient are recorded by devices for a month or more.

For example, in the two cases cited, a positive result was achieved after the impact of the main fragment of the mood on healing the heart: “A healthy newborn youth flows into my heart (in the second case, youth), my heart is completely renewed, my heart is new, a newborn, untouched heart is born.”

So, in people of mature age, the following fragment of the mood for a young life is used to rejuvenate the face:
“Newborn youth flows into my face, my face is completely renewed, my new face is born newborn-young, primordial-fresh, newborn youth is born in my face.”

Using the SOEVUS method, it is also possible to achieve the restoration of the natural color of gray hair in old age, for which it is enough to assimilate a fragment of the mood:

“The life-giving newborn life flows into my hair, the hair is completely renewed, new hair is born, newborn-thick, newborn-healthy. Beautiful natural dye fills my hair.”
It is useful to assimilate such fragments against the background of the influence of the general mood on young life, which contributes to the restoration and strengthening of all physiological functions of the body and, thus, the elimination of their various disorders both in young and old age.

The construction of moods is such that they form in a person vivid images of health, youth, strength, indefatigability and beauty, enhance positive feelings, such as the joy of life, and stimulate volitional efforts in order to manage the state.

Managing the state of the given method stimulates the life position, activates the personality, develops the willpower of a person. Many tasks of healing and rejuvenation of a person can be solved only on the basis of his active life position, on the management of his condition for the sake of personal and social goals.

In turn, state management ensures high performance, and in combination with self-education of an active life position, purposefulness and strong will, it ensures high labor productivity.

The SOEVUS method does not require any preliminary special preparation for its application. Attunements can be assimilated without any restrictions at the age of 16 years and older. Only a special attitude to overcome nighttime urinary incontinence is designed for children.

In essence, the method is a method of psycho-correction of somatic structures: in case of gastric ulcer, the restoration of the mucosa does not proceed by scarring, as usual, but by epithelialization, so that after healing, no traces remain on the mucosa, etc.

This method was repeatedly tested in various organizations on behalf of the USSR Ministry of Health. According to the results of clinical trials, the SOEVUS method is recommended for implementation in the practice of psychotherapists.

By this method, Sytin G.N. cures schizophrenia, Minier's disease, nervous tics and other diseases that are difficult to treat.

Some moods are written in two versions so that a person can choose the most suitable one.

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In 1944, after being wounded, twenty-one-year-old Sytin was demobilized from the army as an invalid. Then G. N. Sytin began to develop his own medical texts.

Naturally, Sytin conducted the first experiments on himself, and the first confirmation of their effectiveness was that in 1957, Dr. Sytin, having passed a medical commission, was declared fit for military service without restrictions.

Dr. Sytin called his method verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of a person's state (abbreviated SOEVUS).From the very name of the method comes the decoding of healing mechanisms.

Will. With its help, we force the primary consciousness to produce an increased amount of psychic energy, to “unwind” the chakras intensely.

Emotions. Positive sthenic emotions give strength to the whole organism, trigger the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, make the endocrine glands work hard, etc.

Images. Vivid images are capable of restoring the structure of a person's field form, "blurred" by the disease, and, consequently, restoring the physical tissue with its functions.

Word. G. N. Sytin himself refers to the teachings of I. P. Pavlov about speech as the second signaling system and its connection with the subconscious of a person (in our opinion - the primary consciousness), which controls the physiological processes in the body (in our opinion - the field form of a person). And since there is such a connection, then with the help of a word one can purposefully influence the psyche and, with its help, physiological processes, restore and strengthen the functions of internal organs, and mobilize self-regulation.

The healing power of the word

Let's dive a little deeper into the healing mechanism of words to explore this issue more deeply. What does Sytin himself say about the healing effect of this or that word?

“... Here is this old conspiracy - I wrote it down in the Smolensk region: “Saint George rides on a horse, his horse is brown, and you don’t bleed ...”

And what does "not kan" mean?

I don’t know for sure, perhaps there is a common root with the word “beep”. But measurements of biopotentials show that it is precisely this that has a hemostatic effect ... "

G. N. Sytin began to select “key words” for his moods with the help of specially designed devices that showed the body’s reaction to a particular word.

What exactly is a word? Firstly, these are certain sounds, alternating in a certain sequence. And what does sound consist of? Sound is made up of vibrations, which are made up of energy. Words are a thought formed into vibrational energy and brought out of the body. Thus, the impact of the word on the human body begins at the level of thought, resulting in the following:

  1. There is a volitional influence - after all, first you need to think about what to say and how to say it. Consequently, psychic energy is intensively produced.
  2. Psychic energy "unwinds" the corresponding chakras, which produce energies that form a thought.
  3. These energies are partially converted by the nervous system into electrical impulses (biopotentials that are fixed by devices), and partially radiated outward in the form of a “formed clot of energy”.
  4. Part of the energy in the form of electrical impulses is supplied to the vocal cords, where it is converted into the energy of sound vibrations.
  5. The energy of sound vibrations, passing through the cells of the body, causes appropriate changes in them.

With the semantic part of the "key words" everything is clear, but how do such words as, for example, "kan" affect? After all, even its meaning is not clear to us. What is the mechanism of its action on stopping the blood? This question is answered by the ancient teaching set forth in the Upanishads, and confirmed by quantum physics.

It turns out that primary sounds arise in the quantum Universe (“In the beginning, it was all just Consciousness. It looked around Itself and said AUM - “I am”), which unbalance the quantum field. Primary sounds, connecting with each other in various combinations, eventually form energy, matter and an infinite variety of things. Primary sounds are not accidental; the entire manifested Universe consists of them.

Considering from these points of view human body, then it is based on primary sounds that initially connect it together. If a person gets sick or injured, it means that some sounds are distorted or disappear altogether. For example, the DNA molecule that carries the hereditary code is ordinary carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms bound together. But they are bound together by the finest (and extraordinarily strong) vibrations formed by primary sounds.

When there is a violation of the sequence of alternations of the indicated atoms in the DNA chain, the correct formation of proteins is disrupted, the construction of tissue is distorted, etc. In this case, a specially selected primary sound pronounced by a person will spread through tissues, cells, intracellular structures, atoms and energy bonds between them, restoring a distorted, missing or broken connection.

As a result, the sequence of the DNA chain and the correct formation of proteins are restored, tissue growth is normalized and the disease disappears. Such is the mechanism of the effect of sounds, for example, the word "kan", on stopping the blood. As you can see, neither the first nor the second mechanism is connected with the "second signaling system", but they act flawlessly.

It is best to pronounce primary sounds (such as "kan") internally, with a special intonation, like the voice of reason - only then do they have a healing effect in full. I hope you understand that the “quantum language” does not understand the meaning, it understands the accuracy of the initial vibrations that arise at the mental level. Draw your own conclusions.

And now the main thing that G. N. Sytin recommends for the successful development of moods: “The specific structure and semantic content of individual mood formulas ensure their high efficiency, so they are not subject to editing (the effectiveness of its application is sharply reduced). The settings of the SOEVUS method are based on semantic elements that were created for the first time and therefore are still unknown.

G. N. Sytin himself thinks so, but, in my opinion, Dr. Sytin rediscovered the most ancient science of restoring the connection between the general consciousness of an organism (i.e., primary consciousness) and the consciousness of an organ, tissue, etc. After all, what is happening is consciousness of one or another organ, "slagging" with emotional, mental and cellular "slags", ceases to function normally, which means that both the structure of the tissue of the organ and its function are now completely different - sick.

The same can be said about conspiracies and prayers. Those who use this genre in their practice still allow to establish a deep contact of the word with the personality, helping to achieve a psychotherapeutic effect in special states of consciousness no worse than “scientific” formulas.

Many conspiracies, at first glance seeming almost meaningless, sometimes even a naive or ridiculous set of words, are actually special verbal formulas from which not a word, not even half a word can be thrown out, and to which not a word, not even half a word can be added; otherwise, the conspiracy will not only not work, but may also cause irreparable harm.

The power of the conspiracy lies in the hidden meaning of what is pronounced, and in the pronunciation of combinations of sounds following in a certain (healing) order. It is believed that combinations of sounds affect certain areas of the brain, and through them - on diseased organs and on organ systems whose activity has gone wrong.

Thus, the conspiracy is, as it were, the key to the pantry in which the reserves of the body are stored, and turning this key can sometimes decide the matter in favor of recovery even in very severe cases of the disease. Of course, the faith of a sick person in the power and experience of the healer who uses it also plays an important role, otherwise, without this faith, conspiracies are nothing more than sayings, primitive parables.

And Sytin, with his moods, encourages, forces, persuades and helps one or another consciousness of an organ, or even of the whole organism, to improve its work, to submit to the primary consciousness of the organism and work with it in harmony. This is how the ancient section of occult medicine was revived - stimulation of the consciousness of an organ by the whole organism.

Below is the beginning of the mood, which G. N. Sytin calls "On the sustainability of life":

“I tune in to a fun, energetic young life now, and in thirty years, and in a hundred years. I tune in to daily energetic and interesting work both now and in thirty years, and in a hundred years. I tune in to the constant continuous development of all my abilities now, and in thirty years, and in a hundred years. I have a whole long, cheerful, energetic young life ahead of me ... "

As you can see, this attitude "coaxes" the primary consciousness to recover to normal and supernormal levels.

The patient's ideas about the destruction of some tissue, for example, the lung, in the SEVUS method, are opposed to the mood for the development of this tissue. Here is the beginning and end of the mood "For the improvement of the respiratory system":

“A newly born life flows into the respiratory tract, into the lung tissue, into the pleura: a new, new, rapidly developing newborn life of enormous, colossal strength. A huge, colossal rejuvenating newborn force flows into the respiratory tract - into the lung tissue - into the pleura. The colossal newly born newborn energy of development flows into the respiratory tract - into the lung tissue - into the pleura. The colossal force of life - newborn life - flows into the entire respiratory system. The whole respiratory system now-now, in an instant, is born newborn-fresh-newborn-whole-energetic-healthy-indestructibly healthy...

... A newborn life of colossal force pours into the throat area, into everything internal organs in the region of the throat, a rapidly-energically developing newborn life of enormous, colossal strength pours in. In the region of the throat, all the internal organs are now born newborn-fresh, newborn-energetic. All internal organs in the throat area work more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically. All the internal organs in the throat area are perfectly correct, ideally correctly performing all their functions in the body. All the internal organs in the throat area live a healthy, joyful, happy life.

This attitude establishes a dialogue between the primary consciousness and the consciousness of the lungs. You persuade the consciousness of the lungs to function fully, to restore its functions (and, consequently, the lung tissue), you help it by saying - all internal organs, all body systems work with enormous - with colossal power for the complete restoration of the lungs, for the birth of a newborn whole lung tissue , and further - the whole organism mobilizes all its reserves for the birth of ... healthy-newborn lungs.

From this and the previous mood, another important detail- the verbal-semantic basis is aimed at helping a person to imagine the healing process as vividly as possible. And for this, it is necessary to select the appropriate words: newborn, young, pristinely healthy, stormy, energetic, strong, active, powerful, huge, cheerful, joyful, etc. The main thing is to choose words that would touch a nerve and help visualize the healing process.

Naturally, the whole mood must act for some time, so that the healing process has time to unfold (preferably 10-30 minutes). Do not forget about biorhythmology, restoring, for example, the same lung tissue during its maximum activity.

In general, you can, working through the seasons, strengthen the entire body: in the spring - the liver; in summer - the heart and small intestine; autumn - lungs and large intestine; in winter - the kidneys, and during periods of "off-season" - the stomach and pancreas.

What can I advise you now when composing a dialogue with this or that kind of consciousness of an organ? It is always necessary to start with an appeal to the Cosmic Consciousness, because its potential is much higher than yours (after all, you are a small part of this Whole), and your request, sincere, coming from the heart, will be heard by it.

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you; For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” (Gospel of Matthew, ch., 7; 8).

After turning to the Cosmic Consciousness (Heavenly Father), go to your own primary consciousness - stimulate it with a strong-willed "doping", then begin to stimulate the consciousness of a weakened organ. Now the main thing is to feel, to experience vividly and fully how force, energy, life pass from a field form to a physical one: you feel an infusion of something that uplifts your mood, you feel warmth and blood flow in the organ you are addressing. Further, support these feelings, sensations for some time, so that there is a pronounced healing effect.

The following attitude-appeal will help you when working with the consciousness of a particular organ in order to restore the internal structure of the organ and its functions. Or you can use the settings of Sytin from his book "Life-Giving Power".

To improve and strengthen the liver. Best of all, this attitude works in the spring, in the second phase. lunar month from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. By Eastern calendar comes New Year(it coincides with the beginning of the lunar month), skipping a week, during the entire second week you read the mood for 30-45 minutes at the indicated time. In the remaining weeks of the lunar month, you can read the mood for 10-15 minutes at any time convenient for you.

1. Great and Loving, the beginning of all good, I turn to You. Give me Strength, Power, Knowledge to strengthen myself but Glory to You. May it be so.

My Soul is filled with the Great Power of Mother Life. The life-giving flow of Mother Life powerfully spins the energy centers, which, sparkling and shimmering with all the colors of the life-giving rainbow radiance, fill my aura, my body, every cell of the body with the Eternally triumphant Glory of life. My field form, like an Easter egg of the purest rock crystal, radiates rays of Strength, Youth, Newbornness. The rainbow radiance of the Life-Giving Light, pulsing from within outwards, purifies me, strengthens me, strengthens me. I am healthy, I am young, I am strong, I am forever young and strong.

My body, pierced by rays of Divine healing rainbow light, sparkles with strength and diamond fortress). Every cell of the body sings the hymn of Strength, Happiness, Beauty and Newborn-health. Splendor, Delight and Divine Love overwhelm my body. The Miracle of Life is happening - my cells are dividing and I live. Peace, Happiness, Love to all the Forces of the Cosmic Consciousness manifested by the Will of the Supreme Lord in me.

2. Consciousness of the liver, I turn to you with my thought, energy and will. I unwind your energy center with the boundless power of Love and Creation. Oceanic descendants of the life-giving force of heat, healing yellow color pour into your form - the form of a drop. The life-giving light of the Sun-healer burns your illnesses and ailments. The liver is your velvety tissue, each of your cells is filled with healing light. Liver - the nucleoli of your cells radiate the light of life, strength, joy and delight - they divide, divide, divide. Your cells! constantly updated, they are newborn-young, strong, fresh, beautiful.

The liver is the nerves piercing you - silvery threads that carry the Force of Life. The power of Young Life spreads along the silver threads-nerves, burns all the slag and waste. The power of silver-reviving energy invigorates and amuses every cell of yours. Liver - you breathe and live, in | the key of the eternally young life-creating force of the beautiful silvery-pure light beats you. Liver, it’s easy and joyful for you, you are forever young and beautiful.

Liver cells - you are washed by the purest scarlet blood. Scarlet blood nourishes every cell of the liver with divine food, removes the unnecessary in time. Liver cells, we love you, we give you everything only the best, fresh, healthy, Liver cells - you are beautiful, efficient and forever young. Liver cells - your performance is limitless, your health and strength are enormous, you are forever young.

Liver - you easily and cheerfully cope with the life support of the body. You make the body young and healthy. Liver - you purify the divine fluid of our body - blood, make it newborn-young. Liver - you are our "Elder Queen", we love you and are grateful for your excellent work. Liver - you will always remain strong, hardy, beautiful, forever young body.

The liver is your bile, an amber life-giving fluid. Bile flows easily and freely through the ducts, washing and cleansing you - the Liver. Bile is collected in a beautiful vessel - the gallbladder. Bile is an amber, fluid liquid, warm and fragrant, easily breaking down nutrients. Bile - you give a beautiful golden color to the skin, and to the eyes - brilliance and the ability to distinguish objects perfectly. Sunny, golden-amber bile - you give the mind the ability to comprehend the secrets of the world, sharpen the mind like a "razor blade". Bile is a magical life-giving liquid that gives us warmth, light, sharpness of the mind. Liver - you are divine, we love you forever young, newborn beautiful, strong. Truly, the Liver - you are our "Elder Queen".

3.Great and Loving, I thank You for the Eternal Life given to me by You, I thank You for the opportunity to live in a physical body, I thank You for the health and life itself, with which You manifest Yourself in me. I thank You for Love, Happiness, Knowledge, Life. (If necessary, repeat the text so many times that it is 10-15 or 30-45 minutes.)

Here is an example of working with the consciousness of the liver. To work with the consciousness of the heart or any other organ, point 1 - introduction-appeal and point 3 - conclusion, you leave the same as in the address to the liver, replacing point 2, where there is a specific appeal to the consciousness of the organ.

The essence of his methodology, in addition to that described above, was to select the most effective words and phrases that have the most healing effect on the entire body, or on a separate organ. For example, the main fragment of the mood for healing the heart looks like this: “A healthy newborn youth flows into my heart, my heart is completely renewed, my heart is new, a newborn-young, untouched heart is born.”

Thus, such moods can be chosen for yourself individually, depending on which words “hurt” you the most. At present, more than 20,000 moods are classified in Sytin's card index along with variants, and work on the creation of new medical texts continues.

Read texts of attitudes or appeals on a tape recorder with expression, affirmative intonation and listen regularly or just read with a good figurative idea. To enhance the therapeutic power of the impact of moods and appeals, you can, simultaneously with listening, draw with colored pencils the organ that you are addressing. And you do everything according to the text of the appeal: first you draw the whole liver, and then you pierce it with nerves, blood vessels, and bile ducts. Separately draw the cells and the processes occurring in the cells, etc.

People do not underestimate the creative power of the mental image, and sometimes (it happens), healing can occur in one session. You can “resolve” any tumor, heal from any disease, if you consciously visualize the healing process. Therefore, in severe and neglected cases, constantly do this day and night. Otherwise, everything that hurts will be “chopped off” to you, and they will make you disabled for life. And the reason left in you will give new shoots in other places. And they will again be "pulled" in one place or another, until there is nothing more to "grab" and no one else.


The SOEVUS method of Academician G.N. Sytin.

In this part of the chapter, I will act as a popularizer of the teachings of Academician Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin - a teaching that he called verbal - figurative emotional - volitional control of a person's state, abbreviated SOEVUS.

G.N. Sytin did not come, he was brought from the front in 1943 as an invalid, as a result of a severe concussion. A miracle in his life was a meeting with a psychologist K.N. Kormilov, with his light hand he became a psychologist, cured himself and has been treating people for decades now.

The shell-shocked Georgy Sytin was healed by folk healers with conspiracies. Having healed, G.N. Sytin collected more than two thousand conspiracies, studied them, studied himself and began to compose medical texts (he calls them moods) on memory recovery, working capacity, functions of muscles and organs, etc., etc.

There were all sorts of difficulties, misunderstandings, especially when he was compiling his Divine moods, which contradicted the then dominant ideology in the country. But for how many years Academician G.N. Sytin heads the All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Center for Human Psychological Support and Non-Drug Treatment by the SOEVUS Method.

Academician G.N. Sytin is widely known in the world. His moods are published in large numbers in Russia. In Chita, his books most often appear in the Military Book store.

Set up G.N. Sytin is not at all miracles and not mysticism. Everything is based on strict science - on the teachings of I.P. Pavlov about speech as the second signal system and its connection with the human subconscious. And since there is such a connection, then with the help of the word it is possible to exert a targeted impact on the psyche and through it - on the processes that restore and strengthen the functions of organs, to mobilize self-regulation ...

The human brain stores the entire process of his healthy and diseased development. The SOEVUS method uses precisely this phenomenon, and extraordinary psychosomatic changes in people are mainly based on it.

IN last years I studied the teachings of Tao a lot and diligently. I went to the qigong section, talked with followers of the Taoist teachings. It seemed to me that folk wisdom is bottomless in time and very similar. Yogis and our hermits, Chinese Taoists and Tibetan lamas, shamans and psychics ... Now we are much more careful about all this deep, unusual effective art healing, which came to us from time immemorial.

Not so long ago I got a book by Mantak Chia “The Tao of the Awakening of Light”, book: “Sofia”; M.: Publishing house "Gemos", 2003. - 480s. The book is the basics of psychoenergetic training, a complete and consistent presentation of the Taoist techniques of light meditation, as well as some of the traditional methods of their application in the practice of integral self-regulation and healing.

In one of the initial techniques of this teaching, which is called "Inner Smile", the author teaches compassion, love for oneself, which alone can ensure the psychological harmony of the individual. M. Chia teaches you to speak with your internal organs, communicate with them, give them and accept smiles from them with your consciousness ...

In the mood of Academician G.N. Sytin, we also communicate with ourselves, our internal organs, blood vessels, blood, brain, every cell of our body, we talk with her, instill in her (and in ourselves) hope for the best - healthy functioning. How similar these teachings are, they have one basis - presence of consciousness from neutrino to the Universe.

After all, we just speak out loud or to ourselves in a mood, convincing ourselves and nerve cells and organ cells that they are working normally, getting better and better. Here is a quote from the mood of G.N. Sytin “To reduce blood pressure blood": "All the nerve cells of the brain constantly - continuously increase their energy reserves and become more and more energetic, and with every second, every moment the stability of the nervous system increases ... " 1 )

Set up G.N. Sytin are consonant with both the distant teachings of yogs and Taoists, and modern psychology. Here are some examples of the main forms of expression of self-suggested thought he uses:

I want to…

I dare everything, I can do everything ...

I firmly believe that...

I believe that...

I clearly remember...

All people see me as a person... and

Since I am writing a manual, not a textbook, there is obviously no need to delve into discussions about the theoretical substantiation of self-change techniques. I believe that the propaganda of the theory of Academician G.N. Sytin will be enough, therefore - about the practice of applying attitudes.

In the moods of the SOEVUS method, the degree of volitional tension and the initial strength of the expression of thought are important in order to tire the person less when mastering the mood.

The best way to capture the mood is in a recording. The tone of presentation should be business-like, firm, reflecting the actual fact, without any pathos, very convincing. In the same tone, you need to pronounce the mood out loud. It is possible to read the mood to yourself. The choice here is individual, just listen to yourself: What is more convenient, more comfortable, more convincing for you.

Listening to the mood, try not to be distracted. Suppose washing, cooking, car repairs and listening to the mood at the same time are ineffective.

You should listen to the words, and if it is a tape recording, then active behavior will be most effective (it is better to walk). It is necessary to make efforts to memorize the text, a good effect is given by the inclusion - pronunciation of phrases or parts of them while listening to the mood. It would be useful to repeat part of the mood (phrase, paragraph), which, in your opinion, “was written for you ...”, you can repeat it any number of times. In essence, listening to this or that mood day after day, we “drive” it into the subconscious, into organs, into cells and ... and as a result, we change ourselves as a whole. Something similar happens when learning through repeated repetitions of the script.

In the first days of classes on the SOEVUS method, you should always start with an introductory text (to any mood), I quote it: “The mood that I will now assimilate will have a strong influence on me due to the fact that the body will strengthen ten times, a hundred times its influence and mobilize all its reserves for the quick and complete fulfillment of what is said in the mood; I set myself up for a deep, lasting assimilation of the content of the necessary, useful attitude, I will try to assimilate it as deeply and firmly as possible. 2

Whether you know the mood text by heart or not, mood is acquired only in the process of listening, speaking or reading. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to assimilate the mood until your state comes into strong correspondence with the content of the mood.

I am a teacher of applied psychological sciences and, in fact, do not practice as a psychologist, but is it possible to turn away from a suffering person asking for help or not respond to a student's "pop-up" problems with his own eyes. Set up G.N. Sytin, projective tests, video-computer method of double portrait, scripts - all these are my main tools in working with a client. Here are some examples of how G.N. Sytin.

Woman 50 years old. Enlargement of the thyroid gland. She followed the instructions of the endocrinologist, but, having experience in the effective use of Sytin's moods, she came to me. I gave her the mood G.N. Sytin "On the improvement of the thyroid gland". She read the mood in the morning alternately, either aloud or to herself. This went on for 7-8 months. At the next appointment, the doctor even doubted: “Whether they made a mistake with the diagnosis, you have no problems at all about the thyroid gland. She's fine!"

The comment was all on the woman's face. How many examples do we have when a person is being treated properly, but there is no result, because he is pessimistic, and rebuilding himself already in illness, oh, how difficult. Help G.N. Sytina is priceless here.

However, in the first example, the mood, as it were, was superimposed on drug treatment. And here is another example.

In 2001, G.N. Sytin's book "Healing moods" was published in the Moscow publishing house "Labyrinth - PRESS", which G.N. Sytin dedicated to a woman with unusual abilities living in the remote taiga - Anastasia. He wrote: “I dedicate to Anastasia, who inspired me to create these moods.” Already in 2003, "Healing moods for every day" were published. These small, no more than a page, daily moods will be discussed.

A woman (after forty) read these moods daily, in accordance with the calendar. She suffered from migraines. This is far from a harmless, but a very painful disease, but she didn’t know how to get rid of it, didn’t find ... and I (of course, at the household level) do not know cases of healing with migraine pills.

So. She read the mood for August 22: "Healing from migraine", and he, in comparison with other moods, although small, a page, was broken by G.N. Sytin for two days. August 23 passed, and she felt that the pain had not gone away, but the vise squeezing the left side of her head weakened ... and she began to read this mood every day, in addition to the next - calendar ones.

After a week the pain was gone. I was afraid to quit reading, I dared only after 3 months ... half a year had already passed, the pains that tormented her so much did not return.

I use G.N. Sytin’s moods to dampen neurotic manifestations in students on the eve of defending a diploma or a state exam.

In combination with a triple portrait according to the method of Avtandal Nikolaevich Anuashvili, the mood of G.N. Sytin "On the Stability of the Nervous System" in a month brought an elderly woman out of a deep neurosis (depression, tearfulness, headaches, general depression).

In the context of this chapter, "I am calm ... I am calm ..." one of the key attitudes of G.N. Sytin, I find the mood "On stability in life." I recommend it, in fact, to all my readers and quote it in full:

For sustainability in life

I tune in to a cheerful, energetic young life now, and in thirty years, and in a hundred years. I tune in to a daily energetic interesting work both now, and in thirty years, and in a hundred years. I tune in to the constant continuous development of all my abilities now, and in thirty years, and in a hundred years. I have a whole long, cheerful, energetic young life ahead of me.

A person inspired by the idea of ​​longevity surpasses in his power all the elements of nature, omnipotent destiny, and can really increase the duration of his future life every day by mastering the mood for a long young life and live a cheerful, energetic young life through the birth of many generations of his children. I am setting myself up to raise many generations of my children to adulthood. And in thirty years, and in a hundred years I will be young, cheerful, indestructibly healthy.

All changes in my body that occurred after the age of 17-20 leave my body forever into the space of the Universe. I come into full compliance with the young 17-20 years of age, retaining my knowledge and life experience. My whole body is completely renewed, born young 17-20 years old. I am born a vigorously developing, indestructibly healthy beautiful young man. Freshness is born in my face, the whole face is directed by an even color, my lips are filled with a bright red color. The whole face is filled with a monolithic fortress. The whole face is young, smooth, strong. The whites of the eyes quickly brighten, the whites of the eyes are born light - light, bright - bright as snow in the sun. I clearly feel how I am getting healthier - getting stronger, a healthy steel fortress is pouring into all my nerves, a steel fortress, a steel fortress is pouring into my psyche, into all my nerves. Every day that passes increases the duration of my future life. And in this sense, I live by the law: the older, the younger.

I constantly maintain full combat readiness to overcome all harmful influences that destroy the mood for a cheerful, long, young life. I constantly suppress the influences of people's talk about transience. human life, about illnesses and death, I know that this has nothing to do with me, as a person living by the law: the older, the younger. I constantly suppress all influences that oppose my behavior and healthy from all harmful influences.

I constantly stubbornly assimilate the mood for a long, cheerful, energetic young life, for bold behavior, and thereby create for myself a constant powerful support.

I am a brave man, firmly confident in myself, I dare everything, I can do everything and I am not afraid of anything. I know for sure that if all the difficulties fall on me at once unexpectedly, they will still not crush my mighty will. And therefore I look the world in the face, fearing nothing, and in the midst of all worldly hurricanes and storms, I stand unshakably like a rock against which everything is crushed.

All paths have opened before me, all roads to a long, energetic, cheerful young life, and this fills my whole being with the joy of life. I am all filled with the sunny joy of life, spring always blooms in me, spring blooms, an inextinguishable cheerful light always burns in my eyes, on my face there is always a cheerful spring bright smile. Throughout the body, a huge force is in full swing, all internal organs work energetically - fun. My gait is cheerful - cheerful - fast, I’m walking - I’m flying like a bird on wings, I vividly feel my gallant prowess.

Every day I become more cheerful, more cheerful. My cheerful, cheerful mood becomes more and more durable. An irresistible steel will shines in my eyes, and this unbending will is felt in me by all the people who come into contact with me.

The triumphant strength of youth, the delight of victory shine in my eyes, the triumph of indestructible good health shines in my eyes. Shining youthful eyes.

I have now been born into a long-term, vigorously developing young man. I tune in to the development of all my abilities now, and in thirty years, and in a hundred years. My thinking is getting more and more energetic. Energetic is born - energetic, fast, like lightning, thinking, a bright strong young memory is born. All my abilities are developing vigorously. A carefree, cloudless youth glows in my eyes, an inextinguishable cheerful light always burns in my eyes.


1. Sytin G.N. Life-giving power. Help yourself. v.1. M.: 1993 P.246

2. Sytin G.N. Life-giving power. Help yourself. v.1. M.: 1993. - S. 19.
