How to increase the yield of currants. The yield of blackcurrant per bush

Now we are actively studying permaculture according to Bill Mollison, his methods and approach in general are very interesting. In this material, it seemed to me, a lot practical advice, which can be used for shrubs, berry bushes, methods of preparing new seedlings by cuttings quickly and easily enough are especially interesting. I love currants and other berries! 🙂

How to get super crops of raspberries, currants, gooseberries, cherries.

Amateur gardener Mikhail Rudenko from Moscow has invented a way to increase the yield of raspberries by 10 times and currants by half. According to him, the method is derived from a combination of his own skills and some well-known agricultural practices. An increase in yield is achieved in raspberry bushes in the second year, in currants in the third year.

To achieve 10 times the yield of raspberries On June 30 of each year, I pinch off the upper, germinal bud of young shoots that have risen to a height of at least 30 cm. After this procedure, by autumn, the future fruiting brush of the new summer grows from each bud located at the base of the leaf.

In spring and summer, currant cuttings also pinch off the upper germ bud, at the moment when it has reached a height of 20 cm. The twigs grown from this bud next spring should also bud off when they reach a length of 10 cm. At the end of the season, new shoots will grow from the buds at the base of these twigs, which will be super-fruitful the next, the third year after the first operation.
In subsequent years, the bush should no longer be pruned, and the size of currant berries increases after these procedures by 1.5 times.

How to increase the yield of currants

If currants (white, red, black) bloom profusely in your area, and then the ovaries fall off, then poor pollination of flowers may also be the cause. To avoid this, you need to take 1 tablespoon of natural honey, dissolve in 1 liter of water and spray the bushes with this solution during their flowering. This attracts bees, which will accordingly provide excellent pollination, which in turn will affect the increase in yield.
This method can be used for other plants as well.

Significantly improve the water-air regime in the soil, to obtain more high yields, can be done in the following simple and cheap way. Under a currant or gooseberry bush, a hole is obliquely made a little deeper than the root system (with a hose with water pressure, a small-diameter drill or a crowbar), a pipe segment (or irrigation hose) is inserted into it. A container with water is fixed above the hose, which should continuously drip into it 1-2 liters per day, depending on the weather. In this case, the yield can increase several times. So, the weight of a pumpkin grown by me in this way in 1999 exceeded 40 kg.

Is it possible to rapidly propagate currants?

Can. In autumn, when caring for blackcurrant bushes, branches should be selected and cuttings 20 cm long should be cut from them. They are planted to a depth of about 15 cm in the grooves of a well-treated and fertilized sandy soil(about 80 cuttings per 1 running meter), sprinkled with earth, while only two buds are left on the surface. Then a frame is made of slats or perches. In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, the frame is covered with a film in two layers. Cuttings are watered often enough. In early June, in the evening or in the afternoon in cloudy weather, the cuttings are dug up. Those of them that have good roots are planted on a bed at a distance of 25 cm from one another. During the summer, weeding, loosening the soil and top dressing (if possible with liquid mullein) are carried out. When the growth of the cuttings reaches 20 cm, pinching is done for the appearance of branches. In September, for better wood maturation, pinching the tops of all shoots is carried out. Planted in autumn permanent place, on the next year they are already bearing fruit.

How to get two raspberry crops a year?

For this you need remontant varieties(September, lyulin, heritage), which have the ability to bear fruit on the tops of annual shoots. To obtain a second crop on the raspberries of these varieties, you need to form a horizontal trellis, that is, in autumn, bend down the shoots that have grown during the season perpendicular to the axis of the row at a height of 30-40 cm from the soil surface. next spring replacement shoots and offspring in a row are left to grow vertically. In this case, the first crop from two-year-old shoots on a horizontal trellis can be harvested in July, the second - in September from the tops of one-year shoots.

How to get a triple crop of raspberries

If there is no harvest, you wave your hand with annoyance and cut out the unfortunate bushes (in autumn). But next year, the surviving shoots will give a super-harvest of berries!

In the raspberry bush there are shoots of only two ages: the current year and last year. Divide the raspberry into two equal parts, spaced one from the other by at least 2 meters. On one part of the plantation, you will grow only fruit-bearing shoots, and transplant the offspring (replacement shoots) to another area.
Planting raspberries can be nested or ordinary. The latter method is preferred, as plants acquire Better conditions power and lighting. But in both cases, the number of plants per linear meter should not exceed ten. The garter of fruit-bearing plants is of exceptional importance! In addition to the double-sided garter, you can strengthen the shoots to the third wire, stretched higher, directly between the stakes. This is done if not 10, but 12-13 shoots are left in a row per meter.

Buds in excess, on each meter of two or three shoots tied to the middle wire, we sniff out (delete) from below. With this technique, we will prevent the thickening of the lower part of the row and increase the branching of the upper part of the shoots, where there are better conditions for development. Do not be embarrassed that the tops of the shoots hang behind the wire by 30-40 cm. This is how it should be: the sun's rays should not penetrate into the soil of the fruit row. Shade is also important as a means of suppressing weeds. But in order to prevent the growth of weeds at all, it is necessary 2-3 times a season between shoots to wrap the soil in such a layer (no more than 3 cm). From this, the soil will always be loose, moderately moist and saturated with valuable carbon dioxide for plants. Only on loose soil do all the so-called "reserve buds" of plants awaken. The fight against pests and diseases is carried out at the usual time and with accepted chemicals. Feed raspberries with slurry or organic-mineral solution. After the berries ripen, fruiting shoots finish their life cycle and dry up. Cut them out. In a plant-free, well-lit plantation, all the nutrients in the soil will go to replacement shoots. And the replacement shoots-offspring, grown on the other part of the raspberry, are already full of vitality, ready to give a harvest next year.

Advantages of the method

1. Known way has the disadvantage that replacement shoots, oppressed by fruit-bearing shoots, do not reach the proper capacity and are not able to produce many berries next year. And fruit-bearing shoots are extremely constrained by root offspring - the latter take away a significant part of them nutrients and shade too much - not able to give a high yield of good quality.

2. Released from active young competitors, fruiting shoots turn into long branches with large berries. Moreover, the lower buds, usually shaded and unproductive, here form fruit branches of a meter length with big amount berries. In the middle and upper parts of the shoot from the buds, not one, as usual, but several fruit-bearing branches appear, that is, all “sleeping” branches awaken in the usual situation.

3. New way cultivation of raspberries gives a high yield, almost three times, regardless of the raspberry variety. The productivity of picking labor increases sharply: the berry is large-fruited and there are no replacement shoots getting underfoot. Enlightened and well-ventilated raspberries become resistant to diseases and pests, they are easy to care for, they have a beautiful appearance.

Drive stakes 130-140 cm high along the edges of the raspberries. Attach a crossbar 120-150 cm long to them at a level of 90 cm from the ground. The wire stretched between the crossbars will serve as a support for unstable plant stems. Tie them with wire, but not more than 20 cm apart and with a Christmas tree: one shoot to the left, the other to the right wire. To prevent the wire from sagging, support it with 1-2 slingshots.

Why do cherries bloom and bear fruit poorly?

Cherries are able to bloom and bear fruit annually. Poor yields with good flowering are due to two reasons: poor conditions for pollination (cold, rain, lack of bees), as well as the self-sufficiency of the variety and the lack of pollinators. Barrenness is characteristic of many forms of native root cherries. There are also self-fertile local cherries, but they form less root offspring. Infertility stimulates the development of vegetative organs and weakens the formation of seeds. Therefore, when laying the garden with root offspring, they should be taken only from productive trees and be sure to plant seedlings of other varieties nearby.

Gooseberry from a cutting

The fastest and most effective method gooseberry propagation - green cuttings.
Shoots from bushes are cut in different dates. From young bushes they are cut later than from old ones. The best time for harvesting shoots is the second half of the day. They are cut with a sharp knife into cuttings 8-10 cm long, while removing the bottom sheet and retreating from the kidney by 0.5-1 cm. Then the cuttings are tied into bundles and lowered with their lower ends (by 1-1.5 cm) into a solution of the substance , stimulating root formation, such as heteroauxin. Duration of treatment - 12-16 hours at a temperature of 18-22°C. These solutions are unstable, so they are prepared little by little and stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed dark container.

For rooting green cuttings, film shelters are used, which are placed in semi-shaded areas with good drainage. As a substrate, a mixture of peat with sand or perlite (1: 1) is used.
The substrate before planting the cuttings is watered and rammed. Green cuttings are planted at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other, deepening by 2-3 cm (the soil around the cutting is compacted). The main care is regular watering, cleaning of fallen leaves and weeding. After 2-3 weeks, when root formation begins, the cuttings are watered as needed, fed with a solution of urea (2-3 g / l) and sprayed with a 0.1% solution of anti-rot foundationazole, and then hardening begins, slightly opening the film for a day. After another 7-10 days, the greenhouses are left open overnight. By autumn (mid-September), the film is completely removed. Rooted young plants are left in a greenhouse for the winter, sprinkling 10-15 cm with peat. You can store them until spring in the refrigerator or in the sand in the basement at 0-2 ° C. Good results are obtained by transplanting for growing in September. One year later they receive good seedlings gooseberry.

Currant seedlings for three months

As you know, it takes a year or even two to grow a seedling of currant, gooseberry or some other berry crops. I grow excellent seedlings with a 100% survival rate in three months. How? Very simple. In late January or early February, I cut cuttings with 5-8 buds from annual shoots of the most productive bushes and immediately put them in glass jars with water, which I change weekly. I slightly “sweeten” the water with a couple of grains of complete garden fertilizer. I put containers on bright window. In May, when the probability of frost is minimal, the cuttings have an excellent root system and shoots 10-15 cm long, that is, they are seedlings of the desired variety ready for planting.

By the autumn of the same year, with good care, they turn into powerful bushes.

I collect the first harvest of berries next fall.

As you can see, everything is very simple and affordable, and most importantly, absolutely reliable.

How to treat damaged bark in fruit trees (apple, pear, cherry, plum, etc.)

Sunburn, improper pruning, sharp hare teeth are the causes of wounds.

  1. Affected (tissue) places are cleaned with a garden knife or a chisel from dead tissue, disinfected with a 3% solution of copper sulfate and covered with pitch or a mixture of clay and mullein.
  2. In summer, damaged areas can be treated with sorrel. It needs to be torn together with the cuttings, crushed and put on the wound with a layer 1-1.5 cm thick, make a burlap bandage on top. During the summer, this operation should be done 2-3 times. Small wounds should be smeared with BF-6 glue.
  3. You can simply wrap the tree trunk with plastic wrap.

Recipes for making garden pitches and putties for garden trees

  1. Village. Fresh mullein, oily clay (1:1). To stir thoroughly. To give more viscosity, add a little wool (comb from a lazy cat or dog).
  2. Forsyth ointment(XVII century). Fresh mullein, dry lime (old plaster), wood ash, river sand(2:1:1:0.25). Only freshly prepared ointment is applied to the wound in an even, thin (2.5 mm) layer and sprinkled with powder from wood ash and chalk (in a ratio of 6:1).
  3. Reshetnikov putty. 100 g of fir resin, 10 g of pure wax. Drain, heating over low heat, stirring. In a water bath, 120 ml of 90% alcohol is heated, stirring quickly, it is added to the dissolved and slightly cooled mixture of resin and wax. Cooled, but liquid ointment is applied to the wound with a brush. The wound heals very quickly, even if the tree around the circumference is damaged by rodents.
  4. Paint for putty wounds. Drying oil and ocher (2:1). After mixing, the paint is ready for use. Apply with a brush.
  5. Bee glue. They are collected when cleaning the frames and put into action, you can add a little wax.
  6. Cold Var Raevsky. Dissolve 0.5 kg of wood resin. To the cooling resin, stirring, add 60 g of 90% alcohol heated in a water bath. After mixing, add 1-2 tablespoons of drying oil. Pour into a container (made of non-oxidizing materials) and close the lid. It remains in a semi-liquid state and is suitable for use in any weather.

Middle band currant in the second half of May for ten to twenty days. Pollen is sticky and not easily carried by the wind. To attract pollinating insects to the plantings, the bushes are sprayed with a solution prepared from a tablespoon of honey and a liter of water.

It has a positive effect on the yield of currants and cross-pollination with pollen from another variety. To make this possible, two or three varieties of currants are placed on the plot of land intended for planting this crop, which differ in terms of ripening. In order to prevent shading of plants with such a variety, varieties in which the bushes have a sprawling shape are planted less often than varieties with a compact crown. Unlike black currants, red currants do not require cross-pollination to increase their yield.

Due to the lack of moisture in the soil, currants can shed already formed ovaries. To prevent this and increase the future harvest, plantings are watered if necessary. In a dry year, after the end of the flowering of currants on square meter soil will need four buckets of water. After absorbing moisture, the earth is mulched. The same operation is done during the formation of berries.

Currant consumes enough a large number of nutrients. To obtain high yields of this berry, it is necessary to replenish the loss of compounds taken out by the plant from the ground. As experiments show, a good result can be achieved if one hundred grams of soil contains at least thirty milligrams of phosphorus pentoxide available for shrubs and twenty-five milligrams of potassium oxide. In order to bring the content of the necessary compounds in the earth to the desired concentration, thirty grams of ammonium nitrate, eighty grams of superphosphate and twenty-five grams of potassium sulfate are added per square meter of soil every year. ammonium nitrate plantings fertilize in early spring when the soil is moist. Other substances are scattered in the fall into furrows dug along the border of the crown of the bush.

The main crop of blackcurrant is concentrated on two- or three-year-old shoots. Older branches produce fewer berries, and therefore the plants are shaped by pruning in such a way that three to four annual shoots remain on the bush each year, which will gradually replace the six-year-old branches that are removed. For red currants, the productive age of the shoot increases to seven years. Gradual pruning can restore the yield of a bush that has not been shaped. To do this, within two to three years, all old branches are removed from the currant. Plant pruning is carried out, as a rule, in the fall, after leaf fall.

The blackcurrant market has a constant shortage of supply. The annual need for berries is 4 kg per person. But the annual production figures, unfortunately, are significantly lower - 2.5 kg per person. Establishing a blackcurrant sales market is quite simple. Many enterprises are ready to buy your berries directly from the field on a self-delivery basis, of course, at a wholesale price. You are only engaged in cultivation, and you don’t have to worry about selling products. This year the wholesale purchase price of these berries is $2. But every year blackcurrant is dynamically becoming more expensive. A farm that has been in existence for more than 3 years, capable of growing berries with a yield of 8 tons. from one hectare. At the same time, the cost of one kilogram of grown products is $ 0.4 (the cost of caring for plants, taking into account payment for harvesting). It is not difficult to calculate the profitability of a blackcurrant growing business: (2-0.4) X 8,000 = $ 12,800 per hectare. In addition to everything, this craft does not require large investments to start production. For example, the cost of one seedling starts from $1, and a bush will grow from it, which will produce 4 kg of berries every year, that is, $8 each. If you seriously engage in this type of activity, then in three years you can build a super-profitable small business. It is important to study all the pros and cons of production and all the algorithms for growing products. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Learn and practice fruit growing technology step by step. Well, then about everything in order.

Benefits in the Blackcurrant Growing Business

We already know that one hectare of land can produce significant yields of expensive agricultural products. Let’s take a look at some of the other benefits of this activity. The attractiveness of investing in blackcurrant is determined by many factors:

  1. Currant has medicinal and dietary characteristics of the fruit.
  2. Currant, like many berries, is characterized by precocity.
  3. Winter hardiness is an important advantage of growing blackcurrant over many other berries.
  4. The berry with the best performance tolerates freezing. All flavors are preserved beneficial features. In comparison with other berries, currants after freezing cannot be distinguished from fresh ones. This factor allows not only to maintain for a long time, but also to double the margin due to sales in winter and spring period.
  5. Possibility of combine harvesting (substantial cost savings for employees, plus high productivity).
  6. Possibility of mechanization of all plant care processes.
  7. The business does not require specialized investments. With various tactical combinations, you can organize your business even from 5 acres of land. It’s just more difficult in such cases, you will have to make a little effort to organize the sale of products at a retail price (markets, acquaintances, own production jams, etc.).
This list can still be supplemented, although there are already obvious reasons for self-employment.

Blackcurrant cultivation technology

In the technology of growing blackcurrant, special attention should be paid to the soil. Preparation is, of course, its fertilizer and planting. The conditions for caring for currants are very similar to caring for apple trees. Also, when growing currants as a business, currants are planted in the autumn. This is a proven method that will provide you with a harvest in early summer. In rare cases, they resort to planting in the spring. Currant does not require additional planting of pollinators. It is a culture that is self-fertile. True, for higher yields, additional pollination is recommended. To do this, it is enough to grow several different varieties currants. Be sure to do an agrochemical analysis of the soil where you are going to grow plants (the cost of the service is about $ 40). Currant loves soils of low acidity pH of about 6-6.5. This distinguishes it from most berries. Acidity can be adjusted. But even at medium acidity there will be crops. And sandy and clay soils must be fertilized with mineral fertilizers. With increased acidity, you will need to evenly add a little lime to the soil during preparation. When preparing the soil, it is important to apply fertilizers. A bag of fertilizer weighing 25kg. will cost $100.

The influence of doses and methods of applying nitrogen fertilizer on the growth of blackcurrant plants:

Effect of surface and deep furrow fertilization on shoot growth:

N60 - nitrogen fertilizers 60 kg/ha.
K60 - potash fertilizers 60 kg/ha.
When planting currant bushes, it is important to maintain a comfortable distance between seedlings. It is recommended to use the following planting pattern: the distance between the centers of the rows is 2m. and 1.5m. in the rows themselves, that is, not less than 2 X 1.5 meters. This distance is necessary to reach the harvest large berries. The further the bushes, the larger the berries on them. It's verified. It is also recommended to plant bushes of different varieties in the neighborhood in order to create conditions for successful pollination. As for different berry varieties, then the following pattern is deduced here: blackcurrant is much less resistant to various factors of the surrounding space and time than varieties of white and red currants. When planting seedlings, they certainly use a support for tying bushes. Currant loves moisture very much, but categorically does not like floods. It is important to take care of drip irrigation. It is the most effective of all types of irrigation, but also the most expensive. For example, watering ELKO No. 2 with a pipeline and accessories per hectare costs $ 700. The soil must not be allowed to dry out. Regularly monitor soil moisture and get best harvests. In caring for plants, it is important to note the peculiarity of the structure of the root system. In grown blackcurrant bushes, it is almost horizontal. Therefore, when processing the soil, one should be careful, given this fact, so as not to damage the roots of the bushes. Bushes for planting should have a well-developed rhizome. A weak root will not produce a crop and may even die. Fertilizer is also not an unimportant thing. In this regard, currants are not too demanding. Next, let's move on to the rules for the formation of a berry bush. The yield of the bush and the weight of the fruit directly depend on this. This is done in the spring. The weaker the shoot of the shrub, the more it needs to be shortened. In normal cases, the shoot is shortened by 2-3 buds. Cut bushes not only in spring, but also in winter. But there are some peculiarities here. Look at the development of the currant bush. In this case, absolutely everything is cut out, except for 4-5 main (supporting) branches, which are considered fruitful. This contributes to high yields and active growth of such a bush. All old, damaged branches should be removed when pruning. They also cut branches that have been fruiting for 4 years in a row, and in retaliation they leave one-year-old shoots. Although cutting grown currant bushes when growing it as a business is not always appropriate. Fruitful branches are cut out, starting from the fifth year of life. In the sixth year, such shoots will not please you.

Black currant has an abundant selection of varieties for cultivation.

There are a variety of varieties for growing blackcurrant. Each has its own advantages, it remains only to choose the most suitable for growing conditions. For business, varieties of early ripening are used. But there are variations on this theme. Everything is individual. It is also important to use several types of varieties at the same time. From a business point of view, this will help diversify income. Varieties that will have different periods ripeness and differ in other characteristics, they will be able to reinsure the business in a lean period. From the point of view of technology, different varieties achieve the best effect of plant pollination. Here is a list of varieties to look out for:

  1. High Yielding Varieties:
    • Gross - from one bush you can get up to 35 kg. berries;
    • Vigorous - one bush replaces 12 bushes of ordinary varieties (when choosing this type, consider changes in the planting pattern);
    • Treasure - has very large and very sweet fruits in large quantities.
  2. Large-fruited varieties:
    • Raisins - berries reach a weight of up to 3.2 grams Sweet taste, universal purpose;
    • Exotica is a self-fertile variety (by 54%), has large berries;
    • Sweetie - very large fruits(up to 4g.), But the yield is 3kg. from the bush;
    • Centaur - large-fruited (berries 18mm), one of the earliest. Ideally tolerates freezing;
    • Pharaoh - by origin - a variety-linear hybrid. Berry weighing up to 5g. but taste qualities 4 points.
  3. Varieties resistant to diseases and harsh climates:
    • Titania - not afraid of floury mildew and other types of stains. Abundantly bears fruit from the second year;
    • Ilya Muromets - the bush is resistant to bud mites. Has branches with powerful trunks strong force growth. Ripe berries do not crumble;
    • Vasilisa the Beautiful - especially resistant to anthracosis and powdery mildew. Selechenskaya - 2 - high resistance to heat (up to +37) and insects. Does not require treatments for the fungus, can grow and bear fruit in the shade;
    • Anniversary Digging - also not afraid of the heat. In clusters, the upper and lower berries are the same size and ripen at the same time. Excellent commodity indicators of berries.

From right choice varieties, business success depends on 30%. Beware of fakes. Experienced gardeners manage to develop their own varieties that best meet the necessary conditions. And in order to propagate new plant species, you can use different methods of propagating a new shrub. Allocate such as cuttings, layering, dividing the bush, grafting and growing from seeds. For a retail business built on the cultivation of currants, it is precisely large-fruited species of the same size of berries that are used. For the marketing of products for processing, yield plays a more important role. Resistant species to diseases and variables climatic conditions reinsure your business in any case.

Combine for harvesting currant berries as a business upgrade

After acquiring all the means for growing blackcurrant, the first year must be done well, and all subsequent years are devoted to caring for plants, harvesting and making a profit. Already in the third year, you can receive tangible income. Over time, you should think about additional investments in order to improve the quality of the business. For example, you can buy a harvester berry fruits. The biggest expense, as in any other business, is the wages of employees. We have to hire people for a quarter of the season. Hired workers, work slowly and often eat the products sold - this is ridiculous, but a fact that needs to be taken into account. It is unrealistic to harvest a hectare of crops on your own and meet the deadlines. The blackcurrant harvester does its job very quickly and efficiently. Combine JOVARAS USK - 1, price $20,000. This is not a self-propelled harvester, it is aggregated with a tractor. You will need to hire a tractor. Receives a drive from the tractor power take-off shaft. Brief characteristics of the combine:

The harvester is able to lift lying branches and feed them to the picking fingers of the working shaft. And he bends the upper branches and also brings them to his fingers. The process of picking the fruit occurs due to the rapid shaking of the branches with special fingers, after which the collected fruits are fed through conveyors to the pneumatic cleaning system. There, the berries are cleaned of debris, dry knots, small stones, part of the soil and other third-party impurities. The peeled fruits are fed into the bunker, after which the combine packs into plastic crates. At a time, it can pack 80 boxes of 13 kg of fruits in each box. With such technology, working in this business is more comfortable and productive.

Growth of guaranteed income and experience in the currant business

This business idea is very attractive for medium-term investments. Having worked well the first year, you can create a prosperous high income for a lifetime. It does not require specialized investments. If you are new to gardening and the agricultural business is a big risk for you, you can turn to special companies for help. There are companies that are ready to provide all the necessary funds for your business on a turnkey basis. You only need to buy from them everything you need to start. Seedlings of different varieties, fertilizers, watering. You will pay no more than 20% more, but you get a guarantee of business success for 2 years. Until the first harvest, the campaign itself monitors the entire growing process. They themselves will do an agrochemical analysis of the soil, adjust the acidity of the soil themselves, connect and set up irrigation. In a word, the agro-company will create all the conditions for you to do business until the first currants are ripe using modern technologies. For example, such technologies as the use of black agrofibre, which allows:

  • maintain moderate soil moisture;
  • get rid of weeds;
  • warm up the soil winter period and get harvests 2 months ahead of competitors.

During this time, you will receive free knowledge and invaluable experience in modern gardening. We wish you early big harvests.

Blackcurrant is the most commonly found berry bush on the garden plots. But it is not always possible to get good harvest large berries. The yield of blackcurrant depends on a combination of factors:

  • compliance with the optimal water regime;
  • work on the formation and renewal of the bush;
  • timely feeding;
  • a set of pest and disease control measures.

Let's take a closer look at these and other factors for increasing productivity.

Black currant blossom

Blackcurrant blooms from the second half of May. Sometimes flowering is abundant, but does not bring the expected result due to shedding of the ovaries. This can happen both due to sudden frosts and due to insufficient pollination.

The first problem can be solved by the presence on the site of several varieties of currants that bloom in different time. In addition, self-pollination of several varieties leads to higher yields and the growth of larger berries. Do I need to remind you that the varieties you have chosen need to be bought only in nurseries or from trusted sellers.

As for the actual pollination, here you can try to attract insects that will carry pollen and contribute to pollination. For this purpose, during flowering, blackcurrant bushes are sprayed with a solution of honey: 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.

You also need to use all the ways to attract pollinating insects to your garden, plant helper plants next to the currant bushes. For example, Kotovnik (Nepeta), or Catnip, blooms from May almost all summer, bees visit it very well, it is believed that Kotovnik repels aphids. Lungwort narrow-leaved, Daffodils, Tulips, Irises, Ground primrose, Hionodoxa bloom early.

Protection of currants from recurrent frosts

It is not every year that spring is warm, sometimes it suddenly becomes colder and the temperature approaches minus.

In this case, it is necessary to protect the currant bushes - in the evening cover with foil, paper, burlap, matting, mulch the root zone with hay or straw. In the morning, after 9-10 hours, be sure to remove the shelters so that the plants do not rot.

The correct arrangement of the bushes

Another factor that can affect the yield of blackcurrant is the location of the bushes on the site. When planting bushes too close, less than 1 meter apart, they will shade each other, in addition, closely planted bushes are more difficult to care for, worse movement air in the crown of bushes and higher incidence.

Blackcurrant with good care gives excellent harvest. It remains to find out what methods and methods will help the currant bush to give us a lot of very large and very delicious berries. There are several secrets that will help achieve this.

Secret 1: Cunning Strategy
If we want the harvest to be “guaranteed”, the most correct way is to plant several currant varieties on the site that bloom at different times. Then at spring frosts surely not all currant blossom will suffer.

Secret 2: spacious "living space"
It is recommended to plant currant bushes no closer than 1 meter from each other. Some experienced gardeners believe optimal distance at 2 meters. If the distance between the bushes is less than 1 meter, the yield decreases, and the life expectancy of the bushes is reduced. When planting currants along the fence, the recommended distance from it is 1.2 meters.

Secret 3: special nutrition
How to properly feed this plant is described in detail in the article "How to feed currants." But there is another recipe that will be your “favorite dessert” for your bushes.

The fact is that currants are not indifferent to starch. Therefore, to increase the yield, special top dressing is used. Infusion of potato peels: Pour a full 1-liter jar of dried potato peels into 10 liters of boiling water. Close the lid and wrap to keep cool. Potato peelings- excellent raw material for nutritious infusion. This top dressing is most effective during the flowering period. The recommended rate is 3 liters of infusion per 1 currant bush.
(Material provided by the group Garden, vegetable garden:)

Secret 4: the tricky delivery of fertilizers to the roots
You can just sprinkle mineral fertilizers under the bushes, and then pour water. You can dissolve the fertilizer in water and water the soil with the solution. And you can do it in another way.

Secret 5: bush health and prevention
It often happens that even with a lot of currant bushes, the summer resident collects a very small crop of berries. And the reason for this is pests and diseases. Aphids, mites, scale insects and powdery mildew can almost completely deprive us of the currant crop. Meanwhile, you can prevent the enemy from entering your territory by very simple methods:

Do routine inspections of the plant and immediately remove the affected buds, leaves, shoots;

In early spring, before the soil under the bushes completely thaws, it is good for currant bushes to do a hot douche. To do this, you need to pour boiling water into a watering can with a spray bottle and simply water the plants from above. Such a hot shower can destroy the eggs of the kidney mite and scale insects. And it will be an excellent prevention. powdery mildew.

Secret 6: good watering
Currant - moisture-loving plant and must be watered. If there is not enough moisture, the growth of shoots slows down significantly, the berries become small. And after the autumn moisture deficit, the bush will endure the winter much worse.
(Material provided by the group Garden, vegetable garden:)

root system currants are fibrous, and the bulk of the roots is shallow - from 10 to 60 cm, so watering is necessary. But it doesn't need to be watered often. You can do this 4-5 times per season - for example, during the active growing season; during flowering and the formation of ovaries; during the period of pouring berries and after harvest.

If the summer is dry and hot, it is necessary to water the currants at least every 7-10 days. The norm in this case is up to 50 liters for each bush. Experienced gardeners advise digging circular grooves around the bush (about 20-25 cm from the ends of the stems), and pour water into them.

Secret 7: our friend is a pruner
To keep the currant bush in a good, healthy, fruit-bearing state, it must be pruned. Pruning helps shape the bush and maintain the correct ratio of branches in age and number. Pruning can be done in spring or autumn, but best time this is considered autumn.

Tips from experienced gardeners

Do not plant currant bushes "back to back" with the fence. The part of the bush pressed against it will not give you fruit!
- Currant is a self-pollinating plant, if you plant other varieties nearby, cross pollination will lead to the enlargement of the berries.
- Black currant does not like soil with high acidity; if it is exactly like this on your site, you need to make liming.
- You should not plant currants in the lowlands with excessive moisture - there it feels uncomfortable and will not give a good harvest.
- The articles of our summer residents "Blackcurrant: varieties, cultivation and care" and "Blackcurrant. Spring cuttings" will help to choose the right variety of currant and propagate it with cuttings

Of course, the taste qualities of currant berries are determined not only by a good choice of variety and good care but also weather conditions. If the weather is cold and rainy during the ripening of the berries, the fruits will be noticeably sourer than those ripened in a dry sunny season. But if you apply these simple secrets on your site, currants in any weather will definitely respond with a wonderful harvest of large healing berries.
(Material provided by the group Garden, vegetable garden.
