Do I need to water the onion if it lay down. Watering garlic and onions in the summer - how to get an excellent harvest? Water rates in different periods of tomato development

Our garden-garden consumes a huge amount of moisture during the season, evaporating part through the leaves, and part using it to form greenery and fruits. With the organization of proper watering, the yield of the beds can increase significantly. And in this article we will look at specific example how often to water onions and garlic to get maximum results.

How often should I water onions after planting?

Onion belongs to the category of the most moisture-loving vegetables, with a lack of watering, its arrows change color to bluish-white, the quality of the bulbs decreases due to inferior passage chemical reactions in the process of growth and development.

The highest need for water in onions is observed precisely after planting. From the emergence of seedlings to the beginning of the formation of bulbs, soil moisture should be at least 75-80%. In the first two weeks after sowing and another two weeks after germination, it is extremely important to ensure that the onions are watered abundantly approximately every 4-6 days, provided that the weather is dry and hot. If it is rainy outside, additional watering is not needed.

Also, high-quality watering is required when the onion leaves leaves and the formation of bulbs begins. Next, the amount of water must be reduced.

How often should onions be watered on a turnip?

If growing onions on a turnip, you need to remember that the yield is ensured by the moisture content of the topsoil to a depth of 30 cm. This is easy to check by digging the ground in the garden with a shovel. Excessive watering of the plant during the growth of the bulbs, when you pull out a shovel with a continuous sticky clod of earth, leads to the fact that excess moisture delays the ripening process of the bulbs and reduces their keeping quality.

During the period of formation and maturation of the bulbs, soil moisture should be reduced to 65-70%. When the ripening phase of the crop comes, watering is stopped altogether. This usually happens 20-25 days before the onion harvest. It is possible to understand that the bulb has finally formed thanks to the yellowing tops.

How often to water garlic outdoors?

Garlic is more of a water-saving plant. He loves watering, but is able to withstand a week between waterings. So to the question of how often you need to water the garlic, the answer is no rather than yes.

In the period after planting, that is, in May and June, it is enough to irrigate it once a week. In July, its watering is completely stopped, since the ripening period begins. But if the weather is dry outside, then you can water it to prevent the plant from wilting, which manifests itself as an inflection of the tips of the feathers and a change in their color.

Features of watering or how often to water garlic and onions in summer?

Watering is carried out at the rate of 30 liters per square meter during the formation of leaves and the laying of bulbs and 35 liters per square meter during the period when they are poured.

Due to the compactness of the root system of onions and garlic, it is better to water along the grooves. In hot summers, you can water every 5-6 days. If the summer is rainy, then you can water less often or not water at all. Stop watering 2-3 weeks before harvest to keep the tubers clean and dry.

You need to water under the root, best of all - in the evenings. But if the weather is cool outside, it is preferable to water during the day, so that the moisture has time to absorb and dry before nightfall, otherwise it is fraught with fungal diseases.

After sowing, onions and garlic are watered, moistening the topsoil, and after rooting, the depth of wetting should be sufficient to good development harvest.

As for the water temperature for irrigation, it should be in the range of + 18-25 ° C. To warm it, containers (barrels, bathtubs) are installed on the site. By the way, they can accumulate rainwater, which is better than tap water, because it does not have rigidity.

Onions and garlic - unpretentious, tasty and useful crops grown in almost every garden. One of the main conditions for obtaining a good harvest is their proper watering. Like any other bulbous plants, these cultures absolutely do not tolerate either stagnant water or its lack. About how often to water onions and garlic and in what quantities, our article.

Spring onion care

This crop is planted in open ground in middle lane Russia in mid-May. The day before this procedure, the soil in the garden should be thoroughly shed. After planting, the soil is not moistened in any case: they wait for the moment when the earth dries. In a rainy spring, this usually does not happen, and the plants are not watered at all.

The answer to the question of how often to water the onions depends largely on what kind of weather it is outside. In a dry spring, the condition of the soil will have to be carefully monitored. Drying out the onion in the beds is just as harmful as waterlogging it. In temperate continental climate spring time onions usually have to be watered about once a week. While the heads are small, it is not necessary to moisten the soil under the plants too much: an 8-liter bucket per 1 m 2 will be enough.

Care in June-August

So, we have found out how to properly moisten the soil under plants in spring. Now let's figure out how often to water the onions in the summer and how much water you need to spend. In June, the beds with plants should be moistened a little less often than in spring. Watering during this period is usually done once every one and a half weeks. At the same time, about 10-12 liters of water are consumed for each square meter. Approximately the same irrigation regime is maintained in the first half of July. At this time, bulbs are poured in plants, and therefore they need quite a lot of moisture. The soil in the garden should get wet by at least 15 cm.

Summer residents who decide to grow good harvest of this culture, you should also know the answer to the question of how often you need to water onions at the end of July. At this time, the beds are moistened at the same frequency as at the beginning of the month. However, the amount of water poured under the plants is halved. At the end of July, no more than 5-6 liters of water should be spent per square meter of planting, otherwise the bulbs will be lost in storage. Stop watering about three weeks before harvesting - immediately after creases appear on the feathers.

Basic rules to follow

How often to water onions open field you now know. In the spring, this is done once a week, in the summer - once every one and a half. Next, consider what the actual technology for performing this procedure is.

Onion is a hardy and unpretentious plant, so you can choose any method of watering: from a hose under the root, drip, sprinkling. In the latter case, the procedure should be carried out as carefully as possible. A watering can with very small holes should be put on the hose. Too strong jets can crush the feathers of the onion, and it will grow worse. It is best to water early in the morning.

What else do you need to know

Too much warm water watering onions is not recommended. High temperature combined with humidity can provoke the development of putrefactive diseases. The optimal degree of water for watering onions is 14-18. With this mode, you can grow juicy, tasty, large and at the same time lying heads.

Sometimes the owners suburban areas added to irrigation water different kind preparations useful for onions. A very good solution would be, for example, the use of such a tool as Energen. This drug stimulates the growth and development of heads and feathers, reduces the content of nitrates in plant tissues and can increase the yield of onions up to 40%. Add "Energen" to the water at the rate of 1 capsule per 10 liters.

The answer to the question of how often to water onions can be, among other things, appearance the plants themselves. If the turnip feather turns pale and becomes too watery, the frequency of soil moisture in the garden should be reduced. Yellowing and drying of the tips of the leaves, on the contrary, is a sign of a lack of moisture in the soil.

How often to water the onion "on the feather"?

In this case, the soil in the beds is moistened in much the same way as when growing plants for heads. The only thing is that such onions are watered a little more often. In a dry spring, the soil is moistened not once, but two or three times a week. At the same time, they consume about 8 liters of water per meter. Before the growth of a long feather, watering is best done using the "under the root" method. Then you can use any method.

How often to water onions in the open field when growing "on a feather" in the middle of summer? Moisten the soil under the plants almost until harvest. Stop watering about five days before cutting. Later, this procedure should not be carried out, otherwise the pen will be too watery and brittle, and its shelf life will decrease several times.

Watering the garlic

So, how often to water the onions and how much water to use, we found out. Now let's figure out how to properly moisten the soil in the beds with garlic. root system This plant is rather weak. In addition, garlic heads are smaller than onion ones and nutrients are drawn mainly from upper layers soil. Therefore, this plant needs a little more water. However, it is impossible to pour garlic, just like onions.

The green parts of this culture begin to develop intensively in late April - early May. During this period, at least two waterings should be made. But only if the weather is dry. At the end of spring - in June, garlic heads begin to actively grow. At this time, it is watered at least once every 5 days, and in very hot windy weather - once every 3 days.

The answer to the question of how often you need to water onions and garlic depends primarily on the weather in growing season. In rainy summers, the soil on the beds with garlic is watered much less frequently - as it dries up. Sometimes in the beds with this plant you even have to make grooves to prevent stagnant water.

In the event that garlic is supposed to be stored long time, during the period of rapid development of the bulbs, it should be watered less often, then the heads will grow not too large, but at the same time keeping. If the bed is small, and garlic is supposed to be used, for example, only as a seasoning for pickling tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, the frequency of watering should be increased. In this case, the heads will grow very large, but they will not be stored for too long.

Basic watering rules

When growing garlic, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • at temperatures below +15 degrees, the plants are not watered;
  • the water temperature should be no more than +18 degrees;
  • best irrigation early morning;
  • most The best way watering garlic - drip.

If garlic is only going to be used for canning, stop moistening the beds a week before harvest. If the heads will be stored all winter - 2 weeks before.

Thus, we have found out how often to water onions and garlic. Both of these plants are unpretentious, however, in terms of soil moisture, they are still considered quite capricious. The technology of their irrigation must be observed, otherwise it will be, simply put, impossible to grow a good crop.

How often should a greenhouse be watered? Valentina Nikolaevna
Green onions (or feather) are an indispensable product suitable for any dish. Chlorophyll, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, B5, tocopherol - this is an incomplete list of useful substances contained in onions. You can get a whole storehouse of vitamins and minerals by growing onions in a greenhouse. Putting an onion in a jar and then getting a bunch of greens from it is a simple matter, but it comes out too little. When breeding in a greenhouse, a rich harvest can be harvested at any time of the year, but growing in such conditions has its own subtleties, especially in watering.

Greenhouse preparation and planting

You can get a good crop of onions from a greenhouse all year round, but improper soil preparation will negate all further efforts.

Attention! You can not plant onions constantly in the same soil! Ideally, if tomatoes, eggplants, carrots grew there before.

The soil, cleared of the remnants of the previous crop, is loosened, manure and compost are added to it. Contributed mineral fertilizers if the soil is dry, it is watered abundantly, then it needs to be dug up twice and leveled.

Before planting onions, the soil must be well watered.

Bulbs for growing feathers are taken with a diameter of about 3 cm, dry and without damage. The material is planted in rows, the planting depth is 4 cm, the distance between the bulbs is about 2 cm.

Watering onions in the greenhouse after planting

Advice. It is better to plant onions on the second day after watering and mixing the soil. It will be just the humidity that the bulbs need. It is also great to mix a small amount of sawdust into the ground, which will retain some of the water and prevent the soil from completely drying out.

Step-by-step schedule for watering onions from the moment of landing:

Features of watering greenhouse onions in the heat

Advice. The soil should dry out a little: the white leg will then be tall and juicy.

At a temperature in the greenhouse from 15 to 20 degrees, watering is done once every ten days, this is enough, the main thing is to prevent cracking of the soil. The amount of water - 3 liters per 1 sq. m.

In heat above 25 degrees, there are two ways to irrigate onions:

  • once every ten days 7 liters of water per sq. m;
  • once every five days 3-4 liters for the same area.

In the heat, onions are watered once every five days.

If the onion “sits” in cracked soil for more than three days, then the feather dries up at the ends, fades, and further watering does not reanimate a damaged product.

At proper fit and the correct watering schedule, the crop can be harvested as early as 20-25 days. The feather is formed due to the nutrients in the bulb, and the correct watering regimen is the key to obtaining a large number greenery.

Proper watering of onions - video

Growing onions, at first glance, may seem simple and a simple matter, but in reality the process requires compliance ground rules gardening. You need to know how to water onions in the open field, how to process and feed them. The subtleties of agricultural technology allow you to grow a good and high-quality crop. A vegetable needs a lot of moisture, but its excess leads to the development of fungi, so it is necessary to follow the irrigation rules when growing onions.

Watering onions in open ground is a must. After all, the plant quickly responds to any changes in the climate and, accordingly, the soil. If the bulb is in dry and unmoistened ground for a long time, it simply stops growing greens and starts feeding and growing the tuber itself.

For a vegetable, nutritious and moist soil is one of the main conditions for active growth.

It is necessary to water the onion from the moment it is planted on the beds. An important condition moderate irrigation is, as the plant is easily susceptible to fungi that multiply in dampness and excessive moisture.

In the spring, you should wait until the sun dries the earth after winter period: as soon as greens and herbs appear, watering can be carried out.

Irrigation Features

Like any vegetable crop, onions require specific care. Irrigation plays an important role in this matter.

Experienced gardeners determine the time and amount of sprinkling according to the condition of the soil. Tips for watering onions:

  1. The soil should be moderately moist.
  2. Drying out and waterlogging of the earth should be avoided.
  3. In order to determine how moist the soil is, you need a thin, dry wooden torch. It is stuck into the ground to a depth of at least 10 cm and then it is checked whether soil particles remain on it or whether it is completely dry.

Early growth

At the first stage of cultivation, irrigation young plant should be timely and special. Its specifics are as follows:

  1. Water for irrigation at the beginning of growth should be warm and settled. It doesn't need to be heated up. If the days are sunny and warm, it is enough to collect water in a container and leave it for sunlight. Possible precipitation will sink to the bottom, and the liquid itself will heat up to the required temperature.
  2. There are standard norms for how much water to pour on the beds on initial stage onion growth. 10 liters of liquid are used per 1 m² of land. The number of irrigations and their volumes depend on the weather and soil conditions.
  3. Growing onions on a feather has its own characteristics. It is important when watering to ensure that water does not remain between the feathers. Otherwise, the greens will begin to deteriorate.
  4. So that the green mass does not receive burns from the sun's rays, irrigation is carried out in the morning or evening.
  5. The irrigation system for each grower is different. If the grooves between the rows are filled with water, it is important to monitor the pressure from the hose and the initial soil moisture. Strong pressure can expose the bulbs and wash the soil. Root crops will begin to disappear.
  6. The first watering is carried out immediately after planting. During irrigation, apply liquid fertilizers, which allow the bulb to take root faster and adapt to the ground.

When ripe

Gardeners recommend at the ripening stage, which is about 2 months after planting, to reduce the amount of watering. If this is not done, then you can spoil the taste of the crop and its ability to be stored for a long time.

The bulb from this period can already be prepared for harvest. If she gained the desired mass and was saturated with useful substances, her feathers will fall on the ground. If the green tops lay down, it is necessary to halve irrigation.

When top dressing, you need to water the ground before and after applying the preparations to the soil. This will allow deeper and more even penetration. nutrients into the desired soil layers. Fertilizers are applied every week during watering. The culture responds well to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Before the harvest

Most gardeners believe that it is necessary to stop frequently irrigating the beds before harvesting. For at least 7-10 days, the number of waterings is reduced to 1 time per week. You can completely stop watering the onion a couple of days before harvesting it.

If you grow a vegetable for the sake of greenery, it is recommended to focus on the length of the feather. For collection, the tops should reach 30-40 cm. Upon reaching the desired top parameters, watering is completely stopped a couple of days before the greenery is removed. This is done to keep the feathers clean and dry.

When is watering not required?

  1. At least one week before harvest. This is a prerequisite. The vegetable must be removed from the soil dry, then it will be stored longer. If the weather is rainy and there is a threat of crop loss, wet bulbs are dried in a dry and well-ventilated area.
  2. Opinions differ on whether onions should be watered in August. By this time, irrigation should be reduced, but it is not recommended to stop completely. Lack of moisture at the last stage of bulb ripening can affect palatability root crop.
  3. You need to follow the nearest weather forecasts. Bad weather can disrupt plans for harvesting or fertilizing. It is worth fertilizing plants with mineral preparations a few days before the expected rainy period. Thus useful material will have time to be absorbed by the root system and their concentration will correspond to the required norm.
  4. A lot of moisture in the soil is not required for the crop, so watering should be special at all stages of the growing season. When planting, it is important to regularly irrigate the beds so that the bulb wakes up and grows actively. During the ripening period, it needs less moisture, so the amount of watering is reduced. Immediately before harvesting, moisten the soil completely.

If you follow the basic rules of watering, the harvest will be good and of high quality.

How and why to water the onion with saline?

It is recommended to water the onion saline solution, because such a liquid helps in the fight against the main pest of the vegetable - onion fly. The insect lays larvae in the ground, and small worms eat the onion. In addition, the pest destroys the green mass. The plant dries up.

Irrigation with salt water pluses are not only in the fight against the onion fly, but also a number of other pests that can damage the crop.

To grow onions, you need to be a responsible person, because the slightest mistake in any aspect of garden work can be fatal to your crop. This article is devoted to some agrotechnical subtleties that will teach you how to properly water onions, and in particular when to stop watering onions and the dangers of overflow.

Irrigation rules and regulations


- a native of hot Asia, so the climate prefers the appropriate one. In its native lands, it takes root in early spring, and then falls asleep. The growth of the plant, respectively, stops. Awakening occurs only during the rainy season in Asia, that is, in winter, when the main crop is formed. In the Moscow region, the hibernation period of the onion can be adjusted by providing the culture with a sufficient amount of water. Its size, taste and keeping quality depend on the correct watering of the onion.

Within two months after planting, the formation and increase in the volume of the heads takes place. During this period, the soil should always be moist. If in doubt about the need for watering, then squeeze a lump of earth in your hand, from about 10 cm deep. In the event of its decay, you should water the garden bed.

In rainy weather, you do not need to strain, but in hot weather, you will have to sweat. In order for the onion to remain normal, it should be watered 1-2 times a week. One square meter should take about ten liters.

Watering is required in the early morning or late evening. This will help to avoid burns on the leaves. Prepare water in advance. Onions, which are watered with warm, and most importantly - settled water, do not suffer from temperature changes and get sick less.

Water onions in the morning or evening

Also, some summer residents are very interested in whether it is necessary to water the onions during planting. Considering that onions are planted with the help of sets, deepening one-year-old heads into the ground by three centimeters, it is not necessary to moisten the bed before planting. On the contrary, in moist soil it is easier to damage the roots. However, then, after the onion is planted, it must be filled with water.

When to stop watering

Two months after planting, onion growth stops - it begins to accumulate sucrose and nutrients. Water will only interfere further, therefore, in July, watering completely stops. onion.

Around the middle of summer, onion feathers will begin to fit on the ground. The upper scales on the heads, when dry, form a golden-brown husk. After that, the crop can be harvested. For hundreds of years, the holiday of Peter and Paul, July 12, has been considered by the people as an indicative day on which to stop watering onions.

When the feather falls to the ground, you can harvest

Overflow dangers

When watering onions, you should be careful. Overfilling is just as dangerous as underfilling. If the amount of moisture exceeds the norm, then the likelihood of developing pathogenic bacteria increases dramatically, which reduces the ease after collection.

In addition, waterlogged onions rot easily. Because of this, turnips then become inedible and all your growing efforts are in vain.

Video: Proper watering of onions
