Eastern part of Africa. The easternmost point of Africa

Beautiful and vibrant Africa is the second largest continent in the world. More than 1 billion people live in its open spaces. And its lands are conditionally divided into 5 regions. Traditionally, the countries of Africa, the list of which consists of 62 items, belong to the following regions:

  • South.
  • Western.
  • Northern.
  • East.
  • And Central.

This division is due to different geographical and climatic conditions, differences in cultures and forms of government of states.

There are dependent and independent territories in Africa. There are 37 countries with access to the seas and oceans. Present (10 units). And 16 countries located in the interior of the continent.

African countries: list of states of the southern region

South Africa keeps memories of the colonization period in its memory. Nuclear weapons were developed on its territory, which the government then abandoned. It includes countries such as:

  • Zimbabwe;
  • Mozambique;
  • Comoros;
  • Seychelles;
  • Mauritius Island;
  • Reunion;
  • Madagascar;
  • Lesotho;
  • Botswana;
  • Swaziland;
  • Namibia.

The largest country on this earth is the Republic of South Africa (South Africa). Almost the entire population of the Southern Region lives and works there. There are 11 official languages ​​in this territory. Ethnic composition South Africa is a diverse group of many religious communities.

The proximity of the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean make South Africa attractive for tourism. In the southern part of the continent all year round warm and humid. But the climate is temperate, so the heat is tolerated quite easily.

African countries: list of states of the Western region

The humid and windy climate of West Africa is directly dependent on the capricious trade winds. This territory consists of the following countries:

  • Sierra Leone;
  • Senegal;
  • Benin;
  • Burkina Faso;
  • Gambia;
  • Ghana;
  • Togo;
  • Guinea;
  • Guinea-Bissau;
  • Cape Verde;
  • Cameroon;
  • Mauritania;
  • Nigeria;
  • Niger;
  • Mali;
  • Liberia;
  • Ivory Coast;
  • Saint Helena.

The Western region is the birthplace of many African languages. Even today oral folklore is valued on its territory. And ceremonial dances are included in the program of every significant holiday.

The Cameroon Mountains are the natural boundary of this land in the east. In the south of the region itself, the legendary Sahara desert begins. And in the west, the natural boundary forms the Atlantic Ocean.

The Federal Republic of Nigeria a few years ago received the status of the largest oil producer. Most of the population speaks several dialects at once. 527 languages ​​are officially recognized in this country. Among them there are 11 "dead" dialects, English and several other languages ​​​​of the local ethnic group are taught in state schools.

Abuja is the Nigerian capital, chosen by the government as the most ethnically neutral place. Western region. After the completion of the main stages of construction in 1976, Abuja received the status of the main city of Nigeria instead of the overcrowded Logos.

African countries: list of states of the Northern region

significant portion Northern region occupied by the sands of the Sahara desert. The largest states of the world border on the endless sandy sea. African continent:

  • Sudan;
  • Tunisia;
  • Algeria;
  • Morocco;
  • Libya;
  • SADR;
  • Egypt.

The Mediterranean natural area is considered very comfortable for living. Therefore, there are large tourist sites of the African continent, which are known throughout the world.

The economy of this region is in better condition than in other parts of Africa. The proximity of Europe affects not only the development of the region, but also its cultural heritage.

Tunisia is the country with the most competitive economy of all African countries. About 10 million people live in Tunisia, most of whom speak Arabic. Almost the entire population of the northern state professes Islam. The Mediterranean climate makes Tunisia an important tourism sector. The culture of the country contains a wide variety of trends that are organically woven into everyday life Tunisian people.

African countries: list of countries in the Eastern region

East of the mysterious Nile, there are several countries that make up the Eastern Region. Among them are such states as:

  • Ethiopia;
  • Eritrea;
  • Uganda;
  • Tanzania;
  • Somalia;
  • Mayotte;
  • Kenya;
  • Djibouti;
  • Zambia;
  • Comoros;
  • Malawi.

The climate of East Africa is arid in the central regions. But on the coast, it quickly changes to tropical. Former colonists set the borders of states rather arbitrarily. Due to the fact that cultural and religious directions, the development of the Eastern region is proceeding at a very slow pace.

Kenya is not only a favorite place for tourists, but also a place that has amazing flora and fauna. In Kenya, there is a large number of reserves that are protected international organization UNESCO.

In Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, people speak English and the local language, Swahili. Long time This country was a British colony.

African countries: list of states of the Central region

In the heart of Africa are the following states:

  • Angola;
  • Congo;
  • Sao Tome;
  • Equatorial Guinea.

These countries are endowed with a subequatorial climate. Thanks to the extensive river system, it is there that you can see endless forests consisting of evergreen and deciduous trees.

The Republic of the Congo is extremely rich in minerals. This circumstance several centuries ago contributed to the emergence of the African "gold" rush in the country.

The capital of the country with an unusual name Brazzaville is quite developed in terms of education. The literacy rate of the population there reaches 82%. The economy of the state is based on oil production and agriculture. The cultural sector is represented by folk art. The trend of contemporary art is also well developed.

All countries in Africa, the list of which is given above, are considered officially recognized states. Meanwhile, many territories of the African continent have recently embarked on the path of international recognition and so far are not real states. But still they have conventions borders on some maps.

Anthropologists call Africa the cradle of civilization. According to research, human culture first appeared there. Paradoxically, in the place of origin of all living things, there are still corners where no human foot has set foot. Out of 29 million square meters only a small part is inhabited by people. The rest of the space is deserts and tropical forests. African fauna is unique. this continent is not found anywhere else.

Exploring the countries of Africa, the list of which is so diverse, it is difficult to imagine that the Sahara Desert covers an area larger than the entire territory of the United States. Also on the territory of the continent, half of all the gold in the world is mined. And the name of this part of the world comes from one of the most ancient tribes "Afri".

East Africa

East Africa.
physical map.

East Africa, a natural country in the equatorial and subequatorial latitudes of eastern Africa, between the Ethiopian highlands in the north, the Congo depression in the west and the lower reaches of the river. Zambezi in the south. In the east it is washed by the Indian Ocean. within the limits V.A. includes Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi. AT broad sense It also includes the Ethiopian Highlands and Ethiopia and Djibouti located within it. For relief V.A. characterized by the predominance of mountains and plateaus. Most of the territory is occupied by the East African Plateau (height more than 1000 m), broken by tectonic faults (see). There is a complex combination of elevated basement plains, deep and narrow fault depressions bounded by ledges of blocky mountains, lava plateaus, and isolated volcanic cones. AT V.A. there are the highest (over 5000 m) peaks of the continent - Kilimanjaro, Kenya, Rwenzori. Coastal lowlands stretch along the coasts.

The climate is equatorial and subequatorial, seasonally humid, hot (at an altitude of 1500-2000 m - warm, higher - cool). AT V.A. The largest and most abundant rivers in Africa, the Nile, the Congo (Zaire), and the Zambezi, originate; there are many large lakes lying in discharge depressions (Tanganyika, Nyasa, Rudolph, etc.) or filling shallow depressions within the basement plains (Lake Victoria). Vegetation is dominated Various types savannas and woodlands, high mountains there is a change of altitudinal zones (from the mountain-forest to the African varieties of the subalpine and alpine belt). Rich and varied animal world V.A.(especially the fauna of large mammals - elephant, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, zebra, antelope, etc.). Large National parks- and .

Typical landscape of East Africa (with umbrella acacia).

Encyclopedic reference book "Africa". - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Chief Editor An. A. Gromyko. 1986-1987 .

See what "East Africa" ​​is in other dictionaries:

    East Africa- East Africa is a geographical term covering the countries of Africa east of the Nile, with the exception of Egypt. To them from ... Wikipedia

    EAST AFRICA- the eastern part of Africa in equatorial and subequatorial latitudes. Most of the East Africa occupies the East African Plateau. The climate is hot, seasonally humid, with precipitation from 500 to 3000 mm per year. In Vost. Africa is one of the largest in the world ... ... Large encyclopedic Dictionary

    East Africa- — EN East Africa A geographic region of the African continent that includes Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia and Somalia, and also Mt. Kilimanjaro and Lake… … Technical Translator's Handbook

    East Africa- the eastern part of Africa in equatorial and subequatorial latitudes. Most of East Africa is occupied by the East African Plateau. The climate is hot, seasonally humid, with precipitation from 500 to 3000 mm per year. In East Africa, one of the largest… encyclopedic Dictionary

    East Africa- a natural country covering the eastern part of Africa in the equatorial and subequatorial latitudes between the Ethiopian plateau in the north, the Congo depression in the west, the lower reaches of the Zambezi in the south and the Indian Ocean in the east. Within V. A. completely ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    East Africa- 1) British (see Great Britain) and 2) German (see Germany) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    East Africa is a natural country in eastern Africa. Within the East. Africa located Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti. Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. Moscow: Rosman. Under… … Geographic Encyclopedia

    East Africa- (East Africa) 2nd World War After Aug. 1941 15 thousandth English. the garrison located in Somalia was forced to evacuate from the country, Gen. Wavell developed with gene. Sir William Platt and Sir Alan Cunningham plan for ... ... Encyclopedia of World History Battles

    Italian East Africa- Africa Orientale Italiana colony ← ... Wikipedia

    German East Africa- Deutsch Ostafrika Colony of Germany ← ... Wikipedia


  • East Africa: Tanzania, Not available. Africa is a huge continent of the Earth, which is washed on all sides by the waters of the oceans: the Atlantic, Indian and Mediterranean seas. Previously, the mainland was connected with Asia by the Suez ...

Africa is the largest region in terms of area (30 million sq. km.), which includes 54 independent states. Some of them are rich and developing, others are poor, some have access to the sea, while others do not. So how many countries are there in Africa, and which states are the most developed?

North African countries

The entire continent can be divided into five zones: North Africa, West Africa, East Africa, Central Africa, South Africa.

Rice. 1. African countries.

Almost the entire region of North Africa (10 million square kilometers) lies on the territory of the Sahara desert. For this natural area high temperatures are characteristic, it is here that the highest temperature in the world in the shade is recorded - +58 degrees. The largest African states are located in this region. These are Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Sudan. All these countries are territories with access to the sea.

Egypt - the tourist center of Africa. People from all over the world come here to enjoy the warm sea, sandy beaches and infrastructure, fully suitable for a good holiday.

State of Algiers with the capital of the same name is the most big country by area in North Africa. Its area is 2382 thousand square meters. km. The largest river in this area is the Sheliff River, which flows into the Mediterranean Sea. Its length is 700 km. The rest of the rivers are much smaller and are lost among the deserts of the Sahara. In Algeria, oil and gas production is carried out in large volumes.

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Sudan - a country in the North African region, which has access to the Red Sea.

Sudan is sometimes called the "country of three Niles" - White, Blue, and the main one, which is formed as a result of the merger of the first two.

In Sudan, dense and rich vegetation of tall-grass savannas grows: in the wet season, the grass here reaches 2.5 - 3 m. In the very south there is a forest savanna with iron, red and black ebony trees.

Rice. 2. Ebony.

Libya - a country in the Central part of North Africa, with an area of ​​1760 thousand square meters. km. Most of the territory is a flat plain with heights from 200 to 500 meters. Same as other countries North America, Libya has access to the Mediterranean Sea.

West African countries

West Africa washed by Atlantic Ocean from the south and from the west. Here are the Guinean forests of the tropical region. These areas are characterized by alternating rainy and dry seasons. West Africa includes many states, including Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Mali, Cameroon, Liberia. The population of this region is 210 million people. It is in this region that Nigeria (195 million people) is located - the most large country by population in Africa, and Cape Verde is a very small island state with a population of about 430 thousand people.

plays a key role in the economy Agriculture. West African countries are leaders in the collection of cocoa beans (Ghana, Nigeria), peanuts (Senegal, Niger), palm oil(Nigeria).

Central African countries

Central Africa is located in the western part of the mainland and lies in the equatorial and subequatorial belt. This area is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Guinea. AT Central Africa there are a lot of rivers: Congo, Ogowe, Kwanza, Kvilu. The climate is humid and hot. This area includes 9 countries, including Congo, Chad, Cameroon, Gabon, Angola.

Availability natural resources The Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of the most richest countries continent. There are unique rainforests here - the Selva of Africa, which make up 6% of the rainforests of the whole world.

Angola is a major export supplier. Coffee, fruits, sugar cane are exported abroad. And in Gabon, copper, oil, manganese, and uranium are mined.

East African countries

The shores of East Africa are washed by the Red Sea, as well as the course of the Nile. The climate in the area in each country is different. For example, the Seychelles are characterized as humid maritime tropics dominated by monsoons. At the same time, Somalia, also belonging to East Africa, is a desert where there are practically no rainy days. This area includes Madagascar, Rwanda, Seychelles, Uganda, Tanzania.

Some East African countries are characterized by the export of specific products that are not available in other African countries. Kenya exports tea and coffee, while Tanzania and Uganda export cotton.

Many people are interested in where is the capital of Africa? Naturally, each of the countries has its own capital, but the capital of Ethiopia, the city of Addis Ababa, is considered the heart of Africa. It has no access to the sea, but it is here that representative offices of all countries of the mainland are located.

Rice. 3. Addis Ababa.

South African countries

South Africa includes South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland.

The Republic of South Africa is the most developed in its region, and Swaziland is the smallest. Swaziland borders South Africa and Mozambique. The population of the country is only 1.3 million people. This region is located in the tropical and subtropical climate zone.

List of African countries with capitals

  • Algiers (capital - Algiers)
  • Angola (capital - Luanda)
  • Benin (capital - Porto-Novo)
  • Botswana (capital - Gaborone)
  • Burkina Faso (capital - Ouagadougou)
  • Burundi (capital - Bujumbura)
  • Gabon (capital - Libreville)
  • Gambia (capital - Banjul)
  • Ghana (capital - Accra)
  • Guinea (capital - Conakry)
  • Guinea-Bissau (capital - Bissau)
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo (capital - Kinshasa)
  • Djibouti (capital - Djibouti)
  • Egypt (capital - Cairo)
  • Zambia (capital - Lusaka)
  • West Sahara
  • Zimbabwe (capital - Harare)
  • Cape Verde (capital - Praia)
  • Cameroon (capital - Yaounde)
  • Kenya (capital - Nairobi)
  • Comoros (capital - Moroni)
  • Congo (capital - Brazzaville)
  • Cote d'Ivoire (table - Yamoussoukro)
  • Lesotho (capital - Maseru)
  • Liberia (capital - Monrovia)
  • Libya (capital - Tripoli)
  • Mauritius (capital - Port Louis)
  • Mauritania (capital - Nouakchott)
  • Madagascar (capital - Antananarivo)
  • Malawi (capital - Lilongwe)
  • Mali (capital - Bamako)
  • Morocco (capital - Rabat)
  • Mozambique (capital - Maputo)
  • Namibia (capital - Windhoek)
  • Niger (capital - Niamey)
  • Nigeria (capital - Abuja)
  • Saint Helena (capital - Jamestown) (UK)
  • Reunion (capital - Saint-Denis) (France)
  • Rwanda (capital - Kigali)
  • Sao Tome and Principe (capital - Sao Tome)
  • Swaziland (capital - Mbabane)
  • Seychelles (capital - Victoria)
  • Senegal (capital - Dakar)
  • Somalia (capital - Mogadishu)
  • Sudan (capital - Khartoum)
  • Sierra Leone (capital - Freetown)
  • Tanzania (capital - Dodoma)
  • Togo (capital - Lome)
  • Tunisia (capital - Tunisia)
  • Uganda (capital - Kampala)
  • Central African Republic (capital - Bangui)
  • Chad (capital - N'Djamena)
  • Equatorial Guinea (capital - Malabo)
  • Eritrea (capital - Asmara)
  • Ethiopia (capital - Addis Ababa)
  • Republic of South Africa (capital - Pretoria)

It is the second largest in the world after Eurasia and the first in its mystery and unpredictability. It lies between two oceans - the Atlantic and the Pacific, crosses the line of the equator, which is why the climate there is extremely dry and hot. The expanses of the eastern part of the continent are considered especially arid. Despite the fact that the Sahara and the Kalahari are located in the north and south, it is here that the minimum amount of precipitation falls. Because of this, the flora is scarce, and tourism is not very well developed. The most eastern point Africa is Cape Ras Hafun, which is located in Somalia. It is these lands that we now consider in detail.

Cape Data

Africa's easternmost point is 10°26" northern latitude and 51 ° 23 "East longitude. It is located on the Somali Peninsula, in the state of the same name. Many note that this country only actually exists. In fact, development there is at an extremely low level due to the constant civil war. Most people live below the poverty line, many are engaged in maritime piracy. The exact coordinates of the easternmost point of Africa give us the opportunity to see it on the map. On a large scale, it can be seen that the Hafun Peninsula (as the locals call it) is an inverted “figurine” of Africa itself in miniature. Its outlines are the same as those of the main continent.

Relief and natural features

The easternmost point of Africa is a low-lying cape. Its length is about 40 kilometers, and it is located in the northeast of the state of Somalia. With its shores, the peninsula protrudes into the Indian Ocean. His coastline not indented by bays, because of the typical paradise beaches and cozy places there is no rest. On the contrary, the cape extends its shores into the open sea, which is often the reason strong winds and above the surface of the water, and on the eastern shores of Somalia. Often there are storms and even tsunamis, from which the locals literally run away deep into the continent. Due to the same winds and intense heat, Cape Hafun, like all countries of East Africa, is sparse in vegetation. Desert territories turn into savannahs, where animals such as zebras, giraffes, elephants, lions and others are found. But this region is simply teeming with insects and reptiles. There are also centipedes, scorpions, poisonous snakes and other very dangerous reptiles.

Region population

Today, the easternmost point of Africa is inhabited exclusively by the Ottoman Mamuds. Now they are considered local natives, but it is impossible to call them with accuracy the aborigines of these lands, since over the centuries here, as well as throughout the world, peoples have been assimilated. About 25 thousand inhabitants of Hafun are fishermen - this is the main type of economy in the region. Local residents rarely sell their catch, most often it is the main food for the men themselves and their families. A certain percentage of the population of the peninsula does not disdain to engage in piracy. Given the fact that Somalia is one of the largest in the world, the local pirates hijack entire ships, and the goods that are delivered to them are simply taken away.

Economy of the region

Geographers say that the easternmost geographical point of Africa is a corner of original, unique and unforgettable nature. Unfortunately, the local lands are infertile, not suitable for recreation, and excessive heat and winds are even dangerous for the health of people who are not used to such conditions. But it is precisely on this that the country's economy has recently been rising. Thrill-seekers, adrenaline junkies often come to Cape Hafun to take a safari tour, hunt the local fauna, see those very unique and huge insects, find out how local fishermen live and how modern Somali sea pirates live.

Those who decided to go to Cape Hafun

Given that the economic situation in Somalia is extremely deplorable, there are no exchange offices, no ATMs and terminals. Therefore, it is important for travelers to change the currency to the local Somali shilling in advance. AT last resort you will have to pay here in the dollar, Egyptian or Yemeni currency, but at the local rate, which is extremely disadvantageous. It is also important to know that hurricanes and tsunamis often occur in the region. If such a “bad weather” is approaching, you need to literally reach the deeper points of the mainland in half an hour, leaving the cape. The local hurricanes literally destroy all the buildings and cause invaluable damage to the country.

Neighboring countries of East Africa

The original nature, which was described above, is typical not only for the lands of the easternmost cape of the continent. Similar landscapes are also found in neighboring countries. Some of them are more economically developed, those that have access to the ocean constantly receive tourists from different parts of the world. East Africa refers to a region that is located in the corresponding part of the continent. Almost all states have access to they are united according to the geographical principle, as well as according to natural features. Therefore, for now, we will list all the countries of East Africa simply in alphabetical order:

Population and languages

Modern anthropologists believe that modern East Africa was the cradle of all mankind. The map of this region has not changed much since the existence of the alleged supercontinents, therefore it is also assumed that many local residents are carriers of the most ancient types of DNA on the planet. However, most of the population has long been assimilated both with the inhabitants of other regions of Africa, and with the Europeans, who repeatedly made their colonies from these territories. Only the tribes of Mahmuds and natives, who are far from civilizations and lead a predominantly nomadic lifestyle, are considered original here. Local languages ​​are also a synthesis of European, mainly Romance, and local dialects. The most popular of the languages ​​on the east coast is Swahili.

Country borders

Now we will consider how the modern political map Africa in the eastern part of the continent and what influenced the formation of the borders known to us. Despite the fact that the people here have the same roots, the number of traditions, rituals, beliefs and other cultural customs here exceeds 200. For centuries, it was for this reason that there were constant skirmishes and armed conflicts between the tribes of the inhabitants of East Africa. This weakened the development of the region, did not give him the opportunity to improve. As a result, European colonialists came here, who, at their own discretion, regardless of the cultural characteristics of certain peoples, established the borders of modern powers. That's why modern map Africa, in particular its eastern part, is just a formality, which only exacerbated the confrontation of the locals.


As it turned out, the easternmost point of Africa is by no means a picturesque paradise. Despite the fact that Cape Hafun is washed by the Indian Ocean, here its waters are extremely harsh. Often there are tsunamis that sweep away everything in their path. Therefore, only lovers of new experiences, extreme sports and drive come here.

East Africa - Somalia

Africa is the most mysterious continent of the planet Earth, and it has not been possible to unravel its secrets for many years. The second largest continent of our planet is famous for its beauty, and one of them is Cape Ras Hafun, the easternmost point of Africa.

Which traveler has not dreamed of Africa? This is probably the most intriguing continent of the Earth with its obscurity. Those who lack adrenaline in their lives strive there, and the thirst for adventure does not allow them to sit quietly at home in front of the TV.

The large territory of Africa is not as densely populated as Europe or Asia, but at the same time there are 57 countries on the continent that are united in the international African Union, where joint political decisions are made.

Somalia is considered the largest peninsula in Africa, the state of which actually does not exist due to a long civil war, there is the easternmost point of Africa, a small peninsula, Cape Ras Hafun. If you look at the map of Africa, you can see that Cape Hafun looks like an inverted mini copy of a large continent.

Cape Ras Hafun

The flat location of the main part of the peninsula, the lack of water, as a result of which numerous vegetation, dry and hot climate does not contribute to the development of the economy. Most of the inhabitants of the peninsula are pastoralists, nomads, and the rest settled in coastal cities and engaged in fishing.

In the eastern point of Africa, on Cape Ras Hafun, which is located in the Gulf of Aden and protrudes into the Indian Ocean, the city is inhabited mainly by Ottoman Mahmuds, who are engaged in fishing and do not disdain to trade in piracy, all over the world they are called Somali pirates and they have their own laws - the main thing is loot and money, so pirates steal entire ships.

Somali local currency

The nature of the coastal regions of the Somali Peninsula, and in particular Cape Hafun, is very beautiful, the diversity of the animal world enriches the perception of the African continent and provides an opportunity for entertainment, such as a safari for tourists or hunters. Recently, European tour operators have been offering special tours called "Safari in Somalia - Pirate Hunt", which includes several yacht hijackings by pirates and the rental of weapons.

It is difficult to imagine a person who, at present and of his own free will, decides to visit the country of Somalia, in which the easternmost point of Africa, Cape Ras Hafun, is located. If you took a chance and ended up there, then stock up on the Somali currency, the Somali shilling, since it will not be possible to change your money on the territory of this African state, and paying by credit card is not in fashion there.

Element in Somalia

As means of payment in Africa, quite long time in the course of Euro and US dollars, especially in Somalia, local residents also accept Egyptian, Yemeni and even Kenyan currency for payment.

You can find Cape Hafun, as the easternmost point of Africa, by geographic coordinates on any map, if you apply these calculations - 10 degrees 25 "00 * north latitude and 51 degrees 16" 00 * east longitude.

AT Indian Ocean off the coast of Africa, earthquakes and, as a result, tsunamis are not rare, so you need to know how to escape from the "coastal wave that brings death." Seeing a tsunami in the ocean, you have 15 to 30 minutes to run away or go deep into the continent, away from the coast. Run faster, especially if this is the coast of Ras Hafun, the easternmost point of the African continent.

Africa is considered the second largest continent on the planet Earth, and the easternmost point of Africa is located at Cape Ras Hafun. It is not difficult to visit this cape, but one must be prepared for the unexpected and not be afraid of adventure.
