Guaranteed quality and in accordance. Quality control

Good afternoon! We draw up a brand book; the text constantly contains the phrase "operation guarantee" (for example: "SnowDog motorized towing vehicle is equipped with an engine with a two-year operation guarantee." It seems to me that the word "operation" is redundant here, one "guarantee" is quite enough; but I need to give arguments, and I will pick them up can't, tell me, please, how will it be right?

It is possible like this: with a two-year warranty(i.e., it can be guaranteed to operate for two years). Although the usual two year warranty enough to understand the meaning.

Question #280987
Good afternoon. In what case is double H put in the word Guaranteed?

Answer help desk Russian language

Brief Communion written with one n, and the adverb - with two: The right to freedom of speech is guaranteed by the Constitution And Directed relocation of people from densely populated countries guaranteed would lead to the destruction of the Siberian forests and the transformation of Siberia into a desert.

Question #266690
Good afternoon. Do I need to separate "cooperating with us" with commas in the sentence:
Its task is to convey to the client the idea that, (?) cooperating with us, (?) each user is guaranteed to receive the necessary information.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

This combination must be separated by commas.

Question #246469
Please tell me, how will it be right: the quality is guaranteed or the quality is guaranteed?
Is a comma put: "both? and the other has changed ..."

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

1. Correct with one H. 2. The comma is not put.

Question #244438
Good afternoon! Should there be some kind of punctuation in the sentence: "Guaranteed large volumes" or is the construction of the phrase itself incorrect?
Very urgent, tomorrow in the room.
Thanks a lot.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The words you quoted in quotation marks do not constitute a sentence, so there is no need to talk about punctuation. Within this combination of words, no punctuation marks are required.

Question No. 240417
Good afternoon!
Tell me, with two or with one H is the word "guaranteed" written in the sentence: "The universal medicine is guaranteed (o increases volume and weight"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Should be written with two N's: guaranteed.

Question No. 240405
Dear editors!
In one of the broadcasts of the ORT channel, I heard the phrase: "Seeing whales is guaranteed." The author of the program gave a guarantee. Is everything here correct in terms of grammar, style. Thanks in advance!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The correct spelling is here - guaranteed. It is better to replace this word with the words "for sure, for sure, probably."

Question No. 240023
Correct: You are providing information that is guaranteed non-disclosure. Or: You give information, the non-disclosure of which is guaranteed.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correct with two N.

Question #224595
Hello. Is the punctuation correct? Providing guaranteed by the Constitution Russian Federation the right to housing requires purposeful, accelerated sustainable development of the housing sector. But, based on the current state of production and the forecast of consumption volumes certain types building materials for the period up to 2010, experts conclude that without state support... In information articles, in what cases are the words: "government", "national project", "governor", "president", "deputy chairman ...." capitalized? Thanks

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

1. Punctuation is correct. 2. The proposal should be restructured: _But, based on the current state of production and the forecast of consumption of certain types of building materials for the period up to 2010, experts conclude that without state support ..._ 3. See answer no. The words _national project, governor, deputy chairman_ are written with a small letter.
Question #217460
Thank you very much for your reply! And further. We've selected over 500 of the most popular products for you and set guaranteed (or guaranteed?) low prices for them.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correct with two N.
Question #217236
Hello! The ghost is animate noun or not? "you are guaranteed to see ghosts and vampires" - so we will see ghosts or ghosts after all?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

According to the "Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language" by A. A. Zaliznyak, a _ghost_ can be animate and inanimate. In the above example, in our opinion, it is preferable: _you will see ghosts and vampires ..._

Since the beginning of this year, the scandal has not subsided that the quality of food in the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia and Poland is lower than in Western Europe. Eastern European politicians are appealing to research that confirms that large manufacturers replace expensive ingredients with cheap ones when they sell them in the markets of not very rich countries in Europe. They offer to solve the problem, at least with a change in the label.

“Not just food. shampoos, household chemicals, tablets for dishwasher- the quality of all these products in Eastern Europe is lower, although the brands are the same ... Try washing your hair with Head & Shoulders shampoo, which is made in France, and then with one made in Romania, and you will feel what rubbish all this is made of. But what infuriates me most is that these products cost the same, and often more, than in Western Europe”, a Romanian resident comments on an article about the quality of products on Reddit.

Such different Nutella and Coca-Cola

It all started in February 2017, when Hungarian experts compared 24 products of the same brands and names in chain stores in Hungary and Austria. It turned out that waffles and Nutella chocolate paste differ from each other in taste and composition. I also got Coca-Cola. Cane sugar is added to drinks sold in the west, and fructose is added in the east. Poland, Romania and Bulgaria joined the outraged Hungarians. They require compliance with uniform standards for products.

“More than half of the products studied differ significantly in quality. Products sold in Slovakia contain less meat and more fat, more preservatives and sweeteners,” the minister said indignantly. Agriculture Slovakia Gabriela Matechna.

Eastern Europeans demand from the EU leadership to take measures to combat consumer fraud. In addition, they intend to force sellers to change product labels, as well as support local producers whose quality is easier to control.

To Finland for "faerie"

LookBio found out if there is a problem of different quality of goods for Russia. The experts were residents of St. Petersburg, who often travel to Finland to buy food. It turned out that there is a difference.

“It is a well-known fact that in Finland goods are better. There, even the "fairy" washes better, so it makes sense to buy there, especially since it is often also cheaper. Here, the products have less chemicals, it seems to me, and they are tastier, ”explained Lyudmila, a resident of St. Petersburg.

Every day, as the Delovoy Peterburg edition clarifies, from 10 to 20 tourist buses filled with special tourists depart for “grocery” tours. The Russians are going to "buy fairies, tea, coffee and return home before dark."

Russian product quality standards primarily control safety. At the same time, control is carried out mainly on paper: the manufacturer declares the quality of his products, and the control authorities can check it, but they rarely do it. That is why there are so many "quality" revelations on the websites of independent laboratories and projects.

Organic standards are the same for everyone

To what extent does the introduction of organic standards guarantee product quality? First of all, organic standards are not only about safety, but also about quality and the production process. The requirements of the "European List" are equally the same for European and Russian companies. But organic standards do not guarantee the correctness of the recipe and the amount of meat in canned food.

“Organic guarantees compliance with uniform standards. Outside the EU, the same organic standards apply as in Europe. And if the product is produced for the EU, but outside it, then the organic certificate guarantees compliance with these very standards,” explained Nune Darbinyan, head of Ecoglobe LTD (Armenia), which conducts certification according to European organic standards.

But you still have to watch the compositions!


5.1. The concept of product certification

At present, especially in the context of market relations When all enterprises and organizations are granted the right to independently enter the foreign market, they face the problem of assessing the quality and reliability of their products.

International experience shows that essential tool guaranteeing compliance of product quality with the requirements of regulatory technical documentation NTD is certification. Certificate from lat. certim - right, facere - to do.

Certification in the generally accepted international terminology is defined as the establishment of conformity. National Legislation various countries Specify: the correspondence to what is established, and who establishes this correspondence.

Product certification is a set of activities (actions) carried out in order to confirm by means of a certificate of conformity (document) that products meet certain standards or other R&D.

Many foreign firms spend a lot of money and time to prove to the consumer that their products have high quality. Thus, according to foreign sources, the cost of these works is about 1-2% of all costs of manufacturers.

In some cases, the costs are even comparable to the costs of achieving the quality itself. This is not done by chance, as certification is very important. effective tool development of trade and economic relations of the country, promotion of the company's products to the external and internal sales markets, as well as fixing them for a sufficiently long period of time. It's all predetermined wide use certification.

Certification appeared in connection with the need to protect the domestic market from products that are unsuitable for use. Safety, health and environmental issues make legislature, on the one hand, to establish the responsibility of the supplier (manufacturer, seller, and so on) for putting into circulation low-quality products; on the other hand, to establish mandatory minimum requirements for the characteristics of products put into circulation. The former include such legislative acts as, for example, the Law "On Consumer Rights Protection" adopted in Russia, or the law on product liability adopted in the countries of the European Community. Laws establishing minimum performance requirements may apply to a product group as a whole or to individual product parameters. Examples of such laws are the toy law, the electromagnetic compatibility law, and so on.

Thus, a restriction is established on the introduction into circulation of products that, in general or for any individual parameters subject to legislation. At the same time, they say that the products fall into the legally regulated area. If the characteristics of a product, in whole and in part, are not subject to national laws, then such a product can move freely within the relevant market, and the product is said to fall into an area not regulated by law.

To put into circulation products that fall into the legally regulated area, official confirmation is required that it meets all the requirements imposed by law. One of the forms of such confirmation is product certification carried out by an independent third party (the first is the manufacturer, the second is the consumer).

If a positive result is obtained, the certification process issues a document called a "certificate of conformity", confirming that the product meets all the minimum requirements established by national legislation. This document is a pass to the market in a legally regulated area.

Products in a legally unregulated area can move freely within the market, and at the same time, they are not officially required to establish conformity. However, in a contractual situation, the consumer may require the supplier to prove that the product meets certain requirements, for example, compliance with a particular standard or group of standards, compliance with specific requirements presented by the consumer himself (including compliance with the terms of the contract). In this case, certification by a third party can also act as confirmation of the fulfillment of conditions, which will be recorded in a certificate of compliance with specific requirements established by the consumer.

A non-regulated supplier may have its products certified by an independent third party and on its own initiative. At the same time, he requests confirmation of the conformity of his products with the characteristics chosen at his discretion. The Supplier may request that its products conform to certain standards defined by technical parameters, the content of a passport or advertising material for a product, etc. Since the certification procedure is very expensive, it can lead to either a decrease in the supplier's profit or an increase in the cost of products, which in turn can reduce its competitiveness in the market. Therefore, the supplier must clearly present a mechanism to benefit from the certification procedure, for example, through an advertising campaign involving the opinion of an independent third party.

ISO guidance defines eight third party certification schemes:

1. Product sample testing.

2. Testing of a product sample with subsequent control based on the supervision of factory samples purchased at open market.

3. Testing of a product sample with subsequent control based on the supervision of factory samples.

4. Testing of a sample of products with subsequent control based on the supervision of samples purchased on the open market and received from the factory.

5. Product sample testing and evaluation of factory quality management, followed by control based on the supervision of factory quality management and testing of samples received from the factory and the open market.

6. Factory quality management evaluation only.

7. Checking batches of products.

8. 100% control.

In the process of product certification activities, the supplier may encounter two subjects of this process (Fig. 5.1).

Rice. 5.1. Relationships between subjects of certification

According to the classical scheme, testing of product samples is carried out by testing laboratories. The test results, drawn up in the form of a protocol, are transmitted in one way or another to the certification body. At the same time, the testing laboratory has no right to interpret or disclose the received data. The certification body compares the test results with the requirements of the law (if the product falls into the area regulated by law) or with other characteristics, standards, documents, etc. provided by the supplier. If the product complies with the specified established requirements, the certification body issues a certificate of conformity to the supplier.

Depending on the chosen scheme, the relationship of certification subjects may not end at the stage of issuing a certificate. The certification body may itself, or by instructing the controlling body, to carry out ongoing supervision of the supplier's production and product characteristics, and in case of negative results, cancel the issued certificate of conformity.

Certification - important factor ensuring confidence in mutual deliveries of products, as well as solving such major social problems as guaranteeing the safety of consumed (used) products, protecting the health and property of citizens, and protecting the environment. The development of certification in the common economic space of various states implies mutual recognition of the results of product certification, which can be based on harmonization legislative framework, the use of common standards and mutually recognized conformity mechanisms.

At the level of European countries, the relationship of subjects of certification is regulated by a series of European standards EN 45000. Many certification bodies and testing laboratories that carry out tests for certification purposes are accredited, that is, they receive official recognition that they can carry out certain types of activities. In particular, accreditation may consist in the fact that the accreditation body, guided by the standards EN 45002 or EN 45010, verifies that the testing laboratory or certification body meets the standards EN 45001 or EN 45011, respectively.

For a testing laboratory, the result of accreditation is the recognition of its technical competence with certain types of tests, while the certification body must be recognized as competent and trustworthy when operating in a certain product certification system. The purpose of accreditation is usually formulated as follows:

  • quality improvement and professional competence testing laboratories and certification bodies;
  • recognition of test results and certificates in the domestic and foreign markets;
  • ensuring competitiveness and recognition of products in the foreign and domestic markets.

However, many testing laboratories and certification bodies do not accredit themselves, not without reason believing that trust and recognition of competence can be achieved at a lower cost and that accreditation can only make sense when the organization has too much free funds.

In fact, international acts, including European standards, do not require accreditation to perform work for the purpose of certification. The exception is some legislative acts adopted at the level of individual countries and tightening the certification procedure. In particular, Germany regulates the need for accreditation of all organizations conducting certification in the field of electromagnetic compatibility; in Russia, all certification bodies and testing laboratories that carry out activities for the purpose of certification must be accredited.

Another way to confirm the conformity of a product is a declaration of conformity, in which the supplier, in accordance with EN 45014, declares under his sole responsibility that a particular product conforms to a particular standard or other normative document to which this declaration refers. At the same time, the supplier must ensure compliance with the required parameters within acceptable limits and control all types of its activities at all stages of production. If the supplier is truly able to consistently implement and monitor compliance with the requirements of the standard or other document to which he refers in the declaration of conformity, then it is possible that this method establishing compliance will be the most cost-effective for such a supplier. However, even if all the conditions of the EN 45014 standard are met, the supplier can share the risk of product liability with the certification body by requesting that the product be certified by an independent third party.

5.2 Benefits of product certification

The use of product certification by enterprises in Russia in the conditions of market relations provides the following advantages:

  • ensures the confidence of domestic and foreign consumers in product quality;
  • facilitates and simplifies the choice of necessary products for consumers;
  • provides the consumer with objective information about the quality of products;
  • contributes to longer-term success and protection in competition with manufacturers of non-certified products;
  • reduces imports of similar products into the country;
  • prevents the entry of imported products of inadequate quality into the country;
  • stimulates the improvement of the quality of scientific and technical documentation by establishing more progressive requirements in it;
  • contributes to the improvement of the organizational and technical level of production;
  • stimulates the acceleration of scientific and technical progress.

All certification activities are carried out in an appropriate system with its own rules and guidelines.

Product certification systems can be classified according to various classification criteria.

Classification of the most common certification systems according to the main classification features.

A national product certification system is created at the national level by a governmental or non-governmental organization. Gosstandart of Russia is defined as the national certification body in the Russian Federation. In addition to state forms of control over the safety and quality of products, other parallel forms of this activity are developing in the emerging market, in particular, the system of certification of exchange goods. For development and practical implementation of this system JSC "Certification of Exchange Commodities" was created.

A regional international product certification system is being created at the level of some countries of one region, for example, within the framework of the European economic commission The United Nations has about 100 certification systems and agreements operating at the regional level.

The international product certification system is created at the level of a number of countries from any regions of the world by an international government organization.

A mandatory system is created for products for which the NTD must contain requirements for environmental protection, ensuring the safety of life and health of people. In this case, a manufacturer without an appropriate certificate has no right not only to sell products, but also to produce.

The voluntary certification system provides for the certification of products only at the initiative of its manufacturer. In this case, he has the right to certify his products for compliance with any requirements of scientific and technical documentation, including foreign ones. This type of certification can give a lot in increasing the competitiveness of products.

An independent product certification system (self-certification) is created by the manufacturer of the products. At the same time, certificates for products are issued by the enterprise itself strictly under its own responsibility. In essence, self-certification is a manufacturer's statement about the conformity of its products and production with the requirements of the NTD.

A third-party product certification system is created by a third-party organization that checks, evaluates and confirms the compliance of the manufacturer's products and activities carried out by him with the requirements of the NTD. It is very important in this situation to have well-equipped testing centers, laboratories (stands) for certification of products.

Consistent implementation of the foundations of domestic legislation in the field of certification of products and services, the intensification of the activities of governmental and non-governmental organizations in this direction predetermined the formation in the country of an organizational and technical mechanism for certification in the legislatively mandatory and voluntary spheres, and made it possible to begin to coordinate the activities of federal bodies executive power in the region of mandatory certification in order to implement state policy.

The fundamental intersectoral document of the federal level in the field of certification today is the "Rules for Certification in the Russian Federation". These rules are used in the organization of work on mandatory and voluntary certification, serve as the basis for the creation of systems (rules) for certification of homogeneous products. The provisions of this document were developed taking into account the regulatory documents in force in international and European practice of certification and accreditation, such as ISO and IEC guidelines, international standards of the 9000 and 10000 series, European standards 45000 and 29000 and other documents of international and regional organizations that carry out certification work. This makes it possible to ensure the recognition of certificates and marks of conformity abroad. Such recognition in Russia (respectively, Russian abroad) is carried out on the basis of multilateral and bilateral agreements to which the Russian Federation is a party.

Mandatory certification in the country, as provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Certification of Products and Services", is introduced by legislative acts of the Russian Federation for certain products and is carried out by authorized federal executive bodies.

The first legislative act introducing mandatory certification in the country is the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", according to which goods (works, services) are subject to mandatory certification, for which laws or standards establish requirements that ensure the safety of life, health of the consumer and environmental protection , prevention of damage to the property of the consumer, as well as means to ensure the safety of the life and health of the consumer.

The organization and carrying out of work on mandatory certification are entrusted to the State Standard of Russia. On this basis, a mandatory certification system was formulated - the GOST RF Certification System. In relation to it, the nomenclature of products, works and services subject to mandatory certification has been formulated. Tied to OKP classifiers and Commodity Nomenclature foreign economic activity(TN VED), this nomenclature unambiguously establishes the state standards necessary for certification (including interstate and international standards adopted in the Russian Federation), sanitary norms and rules, building codes and regulations, safety standards, as well as other documents that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, contain mandatory requirements for products.

Currently, the nomenclature is constantly updated and periodically reviewed as mandatory certification is introduced in accordance with legislative acts. Among them are laws: on weapons; about information, informatization and protection of information; on labor protection; about space technology; about communication; about fire safety; about security traffic; about veterinary medicine; on sanitary and epidemiological well-being; on state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products; about railway transport; about energy saving; on state regulation in the field of mining and use of coal; on state regulation in the field of genetic engineering activities; about burial and funeral business.

It is currently envisaged that, in order to implement state regulation certification in the country, the general list of products subject to mandatory certification is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Voluntary certification is carried out on the initiative legal entities and citizens on the basis of contractual relations between applicants and certification bodies. This type of certification can be carried out by legal entities that have assumed the functions of bodies for voluntary certification and have registered certification systems and marks of conformity with the State Standard of Russia, as well as bodies for mandatory certification within the scope of their accreditation. The main objectives of certification are:

  • ensuring the realization of the rights of citizens to the safety of products for life, health, property and the environment;
  • creation of conditions for the activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs on the single commodity market of the Russian Federation, as well as to participate in international economic, scientific and technical cooperation and international trade; assistance to consumers in the competent choice of products; protection of the consumer from the dishonesty of the manufacturer (seller, contractor);
  • confirmation of product characteristics declared by the manufacturer. Both mandatory and voluntary certification used in the production and circulation of products in the domestic and foreign markets.

The national body of the Russian Federation for certification is the State Standard of Russia, which coordinates the activities of federal executive authorities in the field of mandatory certification in order to implement state policy, establishes general rules and recommendations for carrying out work on certification, taking into account international practice, establishes General requirements to certification experts and the procedure for their training and certification, leads State Register certification systems and marks of conformity, publishes official information on all aspects of certification, prepares proposals for joining international (regional) certification systems and concludes agreements on mutual recognition of certification results, interacts with national certification bodies of the CIS and other foreign countries.

The main functional formation of certification systems are certification bodies that certify products, issue certificates and licenses for the use of conformity marks. They also oversee the certified products, suspend or cancel the certificates issued by them, form and update the fund of regulatory documents for certification, provide the applicant with the necessary information at his request.

The certification body builds its activities on the basis of materials from a testing laboratory that tests specific products or specific types of tests and issues test reports for certification purposes.

The formation of certification systems for homogeneous products is carried out taking into account the following main factors:

  • existence of a similar international system;
  • commonality technical principles devices (methods of functioning) of products;
  • common purpose of products and (or) requirements for it;
  • commonality of test methods;
  • generality of the area of ​​distribution, normative documents. As is customary in foreign practice, certification is an activity of a (third) party independent of the commodity producer and consumer to confirm the conformity of products to the requirements established by legislative acts, standards and other regulatory and technical documents.

The generally accepted certification schemes in the Russian Federation are given in the appendix, which differ in the volume and methods of work carried out by the certification body, as well as the established inspection control. Moreover, the degree of evidence of certification results, the confidence of the certification body in the reliability of issued certificates depend on these parameters of certification schemes. Schemes 1-8 are classified by ISO and are generally accepted in foreign and international practice. Schemes 9-10 are based on the use of the Supplier's Declaration of Conformity as a common practice in the EEC as an element of confirming the conformity of products to the established requirements.

If there are several certification bodies, the applicant has the right to send an application to any of them. If the applicant does not have information about such bodies and the procedure for certification of products of interest to him, then he can obtain this information from the territorial body of the State Standard of Russia. The presence of the application and the information contained in it are a form of evidence of the confidence of the management of the applicant enterprise about the release (supply) of products that meet the mandatory requirements current standards and regulatory documents. The applicant may additionally submit to the certification body documents on the conformity of products to the established requirements, issued by the relevant authorities government controlled within its competence, as well as test reports carried out during the development of products and putting them into production. Based on the results of consideration of the application, the certification body makes a decision, and which contains all the basic conditions for certification, a certification scheme, a list of necessary technical documents, a list of testing laboratories that tested products, and a list of bodies that can certify production and quality systems (if provided for by the certification scheme). The applicant has the right to choose a specific testing laboratory and certification body for quality systems (production).

1. Apply for certification

2. Making a decision on the application, including the choice of scheme

3. Selection, identification of samples and their testing

4. Evaluation of production (if it is provided for by the certification scheme)

5. Analysis of the results obtained and making a decision on issuing a certificate of conformity

6. Issuance of a certificate and license to use the mark of conformity

7. Implementation of inspection control over certified products

8. Corrective actions in case of violation of compliance with established requirements and misapplication mark of conformity

9. Information about certification results

Z - the applicant;

OS - certification body;

IL - testing laboratory.

Rice. 5.2. The sequence of product certification procedures:

Tests are carried out on samples, the design, composition and manufacturing technology of which must be the same as for the products supplied to the consumer (customer). The number of samples, the procedure for their selection, the rules for identification and storage are determined by the rules of the homogeneous product certification system, taking into account the regulatory documents that establish the requirements and test methods for this type of product. As a rule, sampling for testing is carried out by the certification body, or, on its behalf, by a testing laboratory, or other competent organization. In order to ensure the validity of the results of the certification, the samples that have passed the tests are stored during the shelf life of the product or the validity period of the certificate. The standard procedure for handling samples used in the mandatory certification of products is defined by GOST R 40.002-96.

Based on the analysis of test reports, results of assessment of production, certification of quality systems or production, analysis of documents on compliance of other competent government bodies, the certification body assesses the conformity of products with established requirements, draws up and registers a certificate. The form of the certificate of conformity in the GOST RF Certification System is given in the appendix.

The validity period of the certificate is established by the certification body, taking into account the validity period of regulatory documents for products, as well as the period within which the production or quality system is certified. In any case, the validity of the certificate shall not exceed three years. If the product has a service life (shelf life), then the validity of the certificate applies to a batch of products or each product. When making changes to the design (composition) of the product or the technology of its production, the applicant must notify the certification body in advance, which decides on the need for new tests or assessment of the state of production of these products.

The applicant company provides information about certified products in the accompanying technical documentation (passport, label) indicating the details of the certificate. The manufacturer receives the right to label products with a conformity mark on the basis of a license issued by a certification body. The rules for issuing licenses for carrying out work on mandatory certification and the use of the conformity mark are determined by GOST R 40.003-96. Marking of mass-produced products is carried out by the manufacturer, and he is responsible for the compliance of products with regulatory documents and certified (tested) samples. As a rule, the mark of conformity is applied to the non-removable part of each unit of certified products and to each packaging unit of these products next to the manufacturer's trademark. Marking of the product is carried out by well-known methods - engraving, etching, casting, printing, etc. If it is impossible to apply the mark of conformity directly to the product (for gaseous, liquid and bulk materials and substances) it is applied to containers or packaging. It is also possible to use special technical means such as labels, tapes made as an integral part of the product (for ropes, cables, etc.). In any case, the rules for applying marks of conformity to specific products are established by the certification rules in certification systems for homogeneous products.

Inspection control over certified products is organized by the certification body during the entire period of validity of the certificate and license, but at least once a year. Inspection control is carried out in the form of periodic and unscheduled inspections, including testing of product samples and other checks necessary to confirm that the products being sold continue to comply with the established requirements, confirmed earlier during certification.

The criteria for determining the frequency and scope of inspection control are the degree of potential danger of products, the stability of its production, the volume of output, the availability of a quality system, etc. The scope, content and procedure for conducting inspection control, depending on the certification schemes, are established by the rules of certification systems for homogeneous products.

Based on the results of the inspection control, the certification body may suspend or cancel the certificate and revoke the license for the right to use the mark of conformity. This occurs in cases where a non-compliance of products with the requirements of regulatory documents is established, changes are made to the regulatory document for the product or the test method, to the design (composition), to the completeness of the product or to the technology of its production. The decision to suspend the certificate and license for the right to use the mark of conformity is taken in cases where the applicant is able to eliminate the detected causes of non-compliance by corrective measures agreed with the authority and ensure (confirm) the conformity of products without re-testing in an accredited laboratory. Otherwise, the validity of the certificate is canceled and the license for the right to use the mark of conformity is cancelled.

Certification of imported products is carried out according to the same rules. In pursuance of the Laws of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", "On Certification of Products and Services", the procedure for importing goods into the territory of Russia subject to mandatory certification has been determined. This document establishes that goods are subject to import into the customs territory of Russia subject to their compliance with the requirements of mandatory certification established in the Russian Federation. Lists of such goods are formed in accordance with the requirements of the TN VED by the State Standard of Russia and the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation.

The need for a certificate and a sign of conformity for imported products should be provided for in the terms of the contract (agreement) concluded for the supply of goods to Russia. To the territory of Russia upon presentation of certificates in Customs goods may be admitted that must undergo mandatory certification and such customs regimes as release for free circulation, re-import, processing under customs control(in case of release of processed products for free circulation), processing out of customs territory(in the part concerning the import of processed products). Without a certificate, goods intended for official use by representative offices of foreign states and international intergovernmental organizations, as well as goods imported individuals and not intended for production or commercial activities. Conditionally, goods can be released without presenting certificates when placed under the mentioned customs regimes, goods imported in single quantities and intended for consumption exclusively by the persons importing them. In this case, it is necessary to have appropriate obligations submitted to the customs authorities.

5.3. Stages of quality system certification

There are two stages in the quality system certification process:

  • preliminary check and evaluation of the quality system;
  • final verification, evaluation and issuance of a certificate of conformity of the enterprise quality system of the relevant standard.

Each of these stages contains a specific scope of work (Table 5.1).

Enterprises applying for quality system certification and the certification body together with the application and cover letter should be sent: a questionnaire for conducting a preliminary check of the quality system; general quality manual (or the main STP of the quality system), information data on product quality (information on claims, losses from defects, results of certification previously carried out at the enterprise, product testing, etc.); declaration of conformity of the quality system; invoice for the first stage of the quality system review. At the request of the certification body, other information and data about the enterprise and the quality system can also be submitted.

Table 5.1

Stages of quality system assessment

Scope of work


1. Stage of preliminary check and evaluation of the quality system

1.1. Preparation of the quality system and its documentation for certification


1.2. Application for quality system certification


1.3. Preliminary check and evaluation of the quality system

Certification body

1.4. Conclusion of an agreement for the certification of the quality system

2. Stage of the final check and evaluation of the quality system

2.1. Preparing the quality system for the final audit


2.2. Development of a program for conducting the final check of the quality system

Certification body

2.3. Conducting a preliminary meeting to organize a quality system check at the enterprise

Enterprise, certification body

2.4. Conducting a quality system audit

2.5. Preparation of preliminary conclusions on the results of the audit for the final meeting

Certification body

2.6. Holding a closing meeting

Certification body, enterprise

Certification body

2.8. Registration, registration and issuance (with a positive decision) of a quality system certificate

Certification body

Based on the results of the first stage, the certification body draws up a conclusion, which indicates the readiness of the enterprise and the feasibility of carrying out the second stage of work on certification of the quality system, or reveals the reasons for the inexpediency or impossibility of carrying out work on the second stage. In case of a positive conclusion, when signing the contract, the deadlines for the work on the second stage are set - the final inspection and assessment of the quality system. If during the work of the second stage, the certification body detects a discrepancy between the quality system and the requirements of the relevant standard, then together with the enterprise, the term for its revision is determined and an approximate period for re-inspection is established. If approved, the certificate will be issued for certain period(usually this period is limited to three years).

The development of certification activities in the industrial sphere of the domestic economy has created the prerequisites and will necessitate the creation of a set of rules for the accreditation of various objects (certification bodies, testing and measuring laboratories). For these purposes, a set of requirements was formed that are applied in the Russian Federation to the systems of accreditation of objects that carry out conformity assessment, including testing, measurement and certification in the mandatory (legally regulated) and voluntary areas. Currently Russian system accreditation (ROSA) is regulated by the complex state standards. These standards implement the provisions of the laws of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", "On Certification of Products and Services", "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements" in terms of accreditation of testing and measuring laboratories, certification bodies, as well as ISO / IEC 55, ISO / IEC 38, ISO/IEC 40, European Standards E series 45000 and the work of the International Conference on Accreditation of Testing Laboratories (ILAC). The objects of accreditation within the framework of this system are defined (GOST 51000.1-95):

  • laboratories carrying out tests, measurements, calibration;
  • certification bodies for products, services, industries and quality systems;
  • metrological services of legal entities that carry out verification of measuring instruments;
  • organizations that provide special training for experts in these areas of activity.

Accreditation of organizations operating in the mandatory field is organized and carried out by the State Standard of Russia and others. federal authorities executive power (in cases specified by law). The organization of work on accreditation of objects is shown in fig. It is only natural for applicant organizations to be accredited in a particular area. Their accreditation is carried out in relation to specific types of products, services, works. At the same time, the parameters and methods of research (control, checks), the standards corresponding to them, and others are unambiguously established. regulations. Accreditation work includes the following six main stages:

1. Submission of an application for accreditation and its preliminary consideration.

2. Examination of documents for accreditation;

3. Attestation of the applicant;

4. Analysis of all materials based on the results of examination and accreditation;

5. Making a decision on accreditation or refusal of accreditation, and, accordingly, execution, registration and issuance of an accreditation certificate.

6. Subsequent inspection control of an accredited organization.

General requirements for testing laboratories are defined by GOST R 51000.3-96, which is harmonized with EN 45001. The standard defines the requirements for the legal status of the laboratory in accordance with applicable law, establishes the conditions for its impartiality, independence and inviolability. Requirements for technical competence are differentiated by such elements as requirements for the management of the organization, personnel, premises and equipment, premises and environment, operating procedures, test methods, quality systems of results reporting systems, sample handling, confidentiality and security, subcontracting, and requirements for interaction with the customer and the accrediting body.

Rice. 5.3. Organization of works on accreditation of objects

The procedure for accreditation of testing laboratories, including verification and calibration, is determined by GOST R 51000-96, which is harmonized with EN 45002. Laboratory accreditation is carried out according to the criteria of GOST R 51000.3-96. The stages of accreditation correspond to the generally accepted stages in accordance with GOST R 51000.1-95. Each subsequent stage is carried out with a positive result of the previous one.

The GOST R 51000.5-96 and GOST R 51000.6-96 standards are similarly interconnected. The first establishes the requirements (criteria) for certification bodies for products and services, and the second establishes the procedure for their accreditation according to the criteria of the first. GOST R 51000.5-96 is harmonized with EN 45011. The main forms and content of documents submitted for accreditation of a certification body are given in the Appendix.

In 1979, a technical committee on international trade was established due to the requirements of national certification, led to vigorous activity

5.4. International practice certification

Technical barriers that arise in many international organizations aimed at creating international certification organizations and international certification systems for certain types of products to ensure its unimpeded entry into their markets.

The largest international organization is the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The agreement contains special recommendations for its participants (about 100 countries) in the field of standardization and certification. The participating countries of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCO) in their final acts following the meetings in Helsinki (1975) and Vienna (1989) noted the need for cooperation in the field of certification and its use as a means to promote convergence and expansion trade relations of countries.

The leading place in the field of organizational and methodological support of certification belongs to ISO, which has a Certification Committee (SEGTIKO). In 1985, in connection with the further development of work in the field of renaming it into the Committee for Conformity Assessment (CASCO), ISO Committee 176. The Certification System, the Certification Assurance System, the accreditation of laboratories and the assessment of quality assurance systems, a decision was made to expand the activities of SERTICO and quality . Summarizing the national experience of many countries, ISO TC 176 prepared the well-known ISO 9000 series standards, published in 1987.

The IEC is working with ISO on certification issues. All guides are issued on behalf of these two organizations (ISO/IEC). The IEC has also organized two international systems certification. In 1980, an examination of electronic products was carried out for compliance with IEC standards (resistors, capacitors, transistors, cathode-ray tubes, etc.).

The White Paper of the EEC, published in 1985, contains a schedule of activities necessary to ensure free movement products, capital, services and human resources. Since 1984, under the auspices of the IEC, there has been a certification system for electrical products (IECSE), which previously functioned within the framework of the CEC (International Commission for Certification). This system is aimed at confirming the safety of household electrical appliances, medical equipment, cables and some other products in accordance with IEC standards.

The International Conference on Accreditation of Testing Laboratories ILLK annually holds conferences for the exchange of information and experience on the issues of mutual recognition of test results, accreditation of laboratories, assessment of the quality of test results; ILAC is engaged in publishing activities on certification issues and closely cooperates with CASCO, ISO, EEC, ECE, UN, GATT.

In order to ensure mutual recognition of test results in 1986, an accreditation body for laboratories of countries was created. Northern Europe(NORDA).

In 1991, the General Assembly of the European Standards Committee (SEN) - international organization on standardization of member countries common market– approved the “Rules for the implementation and use of SEN SER systems” and general provisions certification systems and mutual recognition by the countries of the EEC of the results of testing reserves in the EEC countries by 1992, provided for the implementation of a program to eliminate differences between national standards And technical regulations through the development of EEC directives and European standards. At the same time, it was assumed that any product manufactured and sold legally in one country that is a member of the EEC should be allowed on the market of other countries of the community.

In contrast to the previous order, European standards are adopted by the decision of the majority of the member countries of the EEC - and after adoption, they become legally binding in all countries of the community.

Stage name


Stage end

1. Receipt by the certification body of the declaration of the application for certification of products

Analysis of the declaration-application

Organization (applicant)

Appointment of an expert for the examination of source materials

2. Examination of source materials

Examination of raw materials, collection and analysis of information on the quality of products sold, assessment of the feasibility of carrying out subsequent stages of production certification

Drawing up a conclusion on the feasibility of certification of production, conclusion of an agreement for certification of production

3. Formation of a production inspection commission

Appointment of the chief expert and approval of the composition of the commission

Certification body (authorized expert)

Drawing up an order on the composition of the commission

4. Drafting work program verification (or adoption of a model program)

Regulation of objects and procedures for checking production and decision-making rules

Certification body (authorized expert)

Adoption of the production verification program

5. Production check

Formation of a commission, drawing up an inspection plan, inspection of production, making a decision on the possibility of certification of production

Certification body (authorized expert)

Drawing up an act on the results of the production check

Drafting a certificate

Certification body (authorized expert)

Sending the act on the results of the production check, the draft certificate to Technical Center Register

7. Deciding on production certification

Deciding on the registration of a certificate in the Register of the Register

Register Technical Center

Sending the certificate to the applicant

8. Inspection control over certified production

Implementation of procedures for checking the stability of the quality of manufacturing products in accordance with the verification program

Certification body (authorized expert)

Register Technical Center

Registration of acts of inspections

Joint CEN/CENELEC Institute for EEC member countries and European Association member countries free trade(EFTA) developed the European standards EN 45000 series. These are organizational and methodological documents relating to the activities of testing laboratories, product certification bodies, quality systems and personnel certification, as well as determining the actions of a manufacturer who decides to declare that his products comply with the requirements of the standards.

In 1990, a special body, the European Organization for Testing and Certification (EOIT), was created to implement the certification rules, consider declarations of conformity, and establish criteria for mutual recognition. The goal of the ECPO is to rationalize the activities of conformity assessment bodies in Europe, contributing to the free circulation of goods and services. This is possible by creating conditions that guarantee all interested parties that products, services and technological processes that have passed the tests do not need to be re-tested and certified.

There are currently more than 700 certification bodies in Europe. Certification systems are interconnected and act in concert. In total, more than 5,000 products are certified in the EEC and EFTA countries, more than 300 certification systems are in operation, etc. in almost all foreign countries.

Certification is a documentary confirmation of the conformity of products to certain requirements, specific standards or specifications.

All certification activities are carried out in an appropriate system that has its own rules.

The organization and carrying out of work on mandatory certification are entrusted to the State Standard of Russia.

The need and scope of testing, the place of sampling is determined by the product certification body based on the results of inspection control over the certified quality system (production).

Review questions

1. What is certification?

2. What are the relationships between certification subjects?

3. List eight third party certification schemes.

5. What is conformity certification?

6. What is a certification system?

7. What is the difference between the concepts of certification of conformity and certificate of conformity?

8. What is a mark of conformity for certification?

9. What is accreditation and accreditation system (laboratories)?

10. What is regulatory framework quality system certification?

11. Define a standard.

12. Who is the object of accreditation?

13. What is a declaration of conformity?

14. What are the international standards ISO 9000 used for?

15. What is mandatory certification?

17. What is a quality systems register?

18. The sequence of product certification procedures.

19. How is the certification of imported products carried out?

20. International practice of certification.

21. List the main areas of accreditation of quality system certification bodies by type of economic activity?

22. Main stages of production certification.
