Cardboard watch model. DIY wall clock - step by step instructions with photo examples

Various types of watches accompany us everywhere. Wall, floor, wrist. It is simply impossible to do without them. They are used not only for the practical purpose of telling the time, but also for decorating the interior. It is quite possible to make a watch with your own hands from improvised materials.

Interesting options for wall clocks

In fact, there are a lot of options for creating a wall clock at home, but I want to consider the most popular of them.

From vinyl records or discs

How to make a wall clock from vinyl records or discs with your own hands will tell detailed instructions:

Prepare a vinyl record or disc, remove all stickers and dirt from its surface. If you use a disc, then choose with a white core. Prepare the clock mechanism in advance, purchase or use from old clocks.

Apply a primer to the surface with a special spray gun and cover with acrylic, if necessary. Leave for some time to dry. Enhance the background of the clock with acrylic bright color or gold.

Using vinyl record, it is better to decorate its surface using decoupage. To do this, prepare a paper picture or from a napkin, apply a layer of glue to the surface of the dial, moisten the picture and fix it on an adhesive base. Apply a layer of glue on top, gently smoothing the surface so that bubbles do not form, and dry.

Cover the drawing with acrylic varnish in three layers. Make suitable numbers and fix on the dial in the right places.

Make a hole in the center of the plate and fasten the mechanism with arrows, which can be of a different color as you wish. Install the battery right time and hang the clock on the wall in the right place.

Such handmade clocks can be presented to friends and relatives, or decorate the interior of any of the rooms with them. Many options for do-it-yourself watches using decoupage technique are shown in the photo.

coffee theme

A clock decorated with coffee beans is suitable for the kitchen. And the creative process will give you a lot of pleasure:

  • prepare the clock mechanism and the base in the shape of a circle;
  • for beautiful decoupage do-it-yourself watch, select a suitable picture with fragments related to coffee;
  • apply primer to the surface and paint one side in White color, the other in brown. Leave the product to dry;
  • cover with adhesive composition (glue diluted with water - 1: 1);
  • lay the picture evenly so that bubbles do not form, and dry;
  • schematically depict the arrangement of grains;
  • Arrange the coffee beans on the drawing according to the scheme. Lay the grains close to each other, securing with stained glass paint;
  • leave the product to dry, then apply the numbers and mount the clock mechanism;
  • fix the decorated surface of the dial with clear acrylic varnish.

Wood clock

Original and stylish wooden clock for ethnic interior styles, make it even easier:

  • take a saw cut of a tree of a suitable shape and size, no more than 3 cm thick;
  • clean from the bark and unnecessary parts, if necessary, adjust the shape of the future dial;
  • make a hole in the center for installing the hands and clockwork;
  • apply varnish to the surface and let it dry;
  • mount the mechanism and fix the numbers.


A clock from a plate will also decorate kitchen interior Plus, they're easy to make. It is only necessary to drill a hole in the center of the plate, mount the mechanism with arrows and decorate as you wish.

And master classes by the clock with their own hands will tell and show a more detailed work procedure.

With cutlery

Continuing the kitchen theme, I would like to consider another version of the watch with your own hands using cutlery: forks and spoons.

  • take a box from the disk, cut out a circle and paint it in the desired color;
  • drill a hole in the center;
  • wash the cutlery thoroughly, dry it and degrease it;
  • fasten them on the back of the circle at regular intervals, alternating with each other;
  • paint them in different colors;
  • mount a mechanical device and hands, set the time and decorate the interior of the kitchen with a clock.

Much more best ideas You will find decorative frames for watches with your own hands on the relevant sites.

DIY watch photo

It is not so easy to teach a child to understand the time by the clock. But it needs to be done. To make the baby interested during such activities, do with him visual material- Cardboard clock. With your own hands, invite the baby to make arrows, write numbers. Believe me, with such an educational toy, the child will be happy to play. The master class offered in this article will tell you how to make a clock out of cardboard to teach children about time.

Materials and tools

To work on the manufacture of a fake clock, you will need:

  • thick cardboard in three colors;
  • a compass or two plates;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • bolt with nut;
  • PVA glue;
  • markers;
  • decorative elements.

How to make a clock out of cardboard: a description of the process

  1. On sheets of cardboard of different colors, use a compass to draw two circles (or circle two plates). The second part should be slightly smaller than the first. Cut them out and stick them one on top of the other. Try to match the centers of both circles.
  2. Draw arrows of the desired shape on the cardboard and cut them out. If the cardboard is not very dense, then glue it together in half. It is important that this part of the watch is durable.
  3. Glue a round blank onto a whole sheet of rectangular cardboard. Lay something flat and hard on it and let it dry. This is necessary so that the product does not deform from the moisture that the glue gives.
  4. Poke a hole in the center of the circle, make the same holes on the arrows. Using a small bolt and nut, attach the arrows to the base of the product.
  5. Use markers to write the numbers 1 to 12 along the edge of the outer circle. In the future, when the child learns to understand time using these symbols, you can add values ​​\u200b\u200bfrom 13 to 24 on the side.
  6. Decorate the product the way your little know-it-all wants. It can be stickers, drawings, appliqué.

So you now know how to make a clock out of cardboard. This version of the product is perhaps the simplest and most affordable. With older children, you can perform a different model.

An interesting idea: how to make a clock out of cardboard, and not only out of it?

Your child will love this fake watch with a real mechanism. He will be able to translate the arrows and set the time on his own. To make such a product, you will need the following materials:

  • corrugated cardboard;
  • with arrows;
  • plastic caps (from bottles, jars of vitamins, gouache paint boxes) - 12 pieces;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • pencil.

Step by step instructions: how to make a clock out of cardboard

  1. Cut out a large circle from the cardboard.
  2. Spread the lids at approximately the same distance from each other and glue with a heat gun.
  3. Pierce a hole in the center of the product. This can easily be done with a pencil, since corrugated cardboard is easily pierced.
  4. FROM inside install from the outside, fasten the arrows.
  5. In each lid, write a number with a marker or stick it on paper.

That's all. The clock is ready. If the mechanism is working, then such a dummy can even correctly show the time and serve not only as an educational toy, but also as ordinary wall clock in the children's room.

If you have children growing up in your house, then be sure to take note of our master class "How to make a clock out of cardboard". Toddlers will enjoy playing with an attribute of their own making rather than with a watch industrial production. Easy and fruitful work for you!

To make a watch, you will need: an eraser, a ruler, double-sided tape, brushes, watercolors, an old clock, a battery, a screwdriver, a piece of paper, a burner, a pencil, a container of water and a plywood blank. The workpiece can also be cut out independently by making a hole in its center with a drill.

1. First you need to decide what exactly you will depict on the clock. It can be either your kid's favorite fairy-tale or cartoon character, or just a cute animal. I chose a little hedgehog who gets to know those around him beautiful world. Draw a sketch of the future picture with a pencil. If you do not know how to draw at all, then simply use a carbon paper to translate a drawing from a children's book.

2. Now, using a screwdriver, disassemble the old clock, taking out the hands, and then the clockwork itself.

3. Draw a dial on the workpiece. Try to make the numbers large enough. Make the drawing more accurate and clear.

4. Turn on the burner. Wait until the tip is hot enough. Burn the picture by tracing the pattern along the contour. Burn out the numbers, completely filling them. In this case, it is best to set the power of the burner to the maximum, this will save you time.

5. Now you need to color the drawing. To do this, you need watercolor, brushes (you can use synthetic, squirrel or kolinsky) and a piece of paper as a palette. When coloring, do not be afraid to mix colors, getting smooth transitions. This will give the work a picturesque look.

6. When the paint dries, varnish the work. I recommend using acrylic, as it is odorless and dries quickly enough. It is easy to apply with a synthetic brush. In doing so, care must be taken. While working, do not press hard on the brush, otherwise you risk smearing the paint layer.

7. After waiting for the varnish to dry completely, you can start assembling the watch. Via double sided tape fasten the mechanism on the back side. Then insert the battery. Turning the clock over, attach the hands: hour, minute and finally second. Set the time.

8. After making sure that the clock is running, hang it on the wall using double-sided tape. A watch made by you will definitely remind your child not only of the time, but also of your love!

From an early age, the child must be taught to such a concept as time. Watches made from improvised materials will help to master this science. Such a toy will allow the child to set the arrows himself and study the numbers. It is better to make such crafts together with the child, in order to explain to the baby the purpose and the very structure of the dial during work. In addition, the manufacture of the dial will help develop fine motor skills, accuracy when working with glue, creativity, imagination and fantasy of the child. Today we will introduce you to various options making a dial and tell you how to make a watch out of cardboard, and for older children we will help you assemble a functional model with a clockwork. Making a clock out of cardboard with your own hands is not difficult at all, but if Small child inadvertently damage the craft, you can always make a new one using improvised materials and our recommendations.

Option one: Cardboard watch for a baby

A preschooler can make a children's watch with his own hands from cardboard. Homemade toy watches will help the kid move the hands himself and get acquainted with their purpose.

Work materials

To make this model, you will need the following materials:

  • Colored cardboard.
  • Scissors.
  • Colored paper.
  • Pencils, markers, markers.
  • PVA glue.
  • Small bolt and nut.
  • Compass.
  • Decor for crafts - acrylic mother-of-pearl paints, sparkles, etc.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take one sheet of thick cardboard, which will be the basis for creating the dial.
  2. Cut out a circle from the cardboard using a compass or a large plate.
  3. Do the same manipulations with a sheet of colored paper.
  4. Glue the colored paper dial onto the cardboard base.
  5. Cut out a smaller circle from paper of a different color, glue it inside the future dial.
  6. Cut out two arrows from thick cardboard: one is shorter, the other is longer.
  7. Glue strips of colored paper onto the arrows.
  8. On the dial, write legibly the numbers for the hours, and use a marker to write smaller numbers for the minutes.
  9. Make a small hole in the center of the dial and fasten the clock hands with a bolt and nut.
  10. Decorate the clock with decorative elements.

  • Let your child decorate their first watch. You can decorate the dial with thematic pictures corresponding to the time, for example, at 2 o’clock it’s time to eat (a plate of food), and at 10 o’clock it’s time to sleep (bed). Such drawings will help the child remember the time faster.
  • Do not tighten the nut strongly from the back of the dial, otherwise the hands will not move.
  • DIY watches for children can be made in the shape of any object, for example, in the shape of a flower or a starfish. Just stick the dial on any suitable cardboard base.
  • If placed geometric figures all over the dial homemade watch become a universal textbook.
  • For the base of the dial, you can use a disposable paper plate. Fasten arrows made of thick cardboard with a bolt and nut, and draw large and bright numbers in a circle.
  • If the numbers are made of plasticine, then they will be more convex and bright.
  • On a too bright paper plate, you can stick a white circle for the dial, and replace the bolt and nut with plastic-coated wire.

Option two: Functional hours in operation

For an older child, you can make a functional model with a working clockwork. These watches can also be used as a decorative item.

Work materials

To make a clock out of cardboard so that the hands spin, prepare the following materials for work:

  1. Thick cardboard. You can also use a sheet of corrugated cardboard, for example, from a box or box.
  2. Multi-colored caps from yogurts (vitamins) or large buttons.
  3. Compass.
  4. PVA glue.
  5. Clockwork with hands from any cheap version of a quartz watch.

The manufacturing process is as follows:

  • Prepare a sheet of thick cardboard, lay out multi-colored caps on it in order to understand what the size of the future watch should be.
  • Cut out a base circle from cardboard.
  • Use a corner ruler to mark based on the location of the caps.
  • Glue the caps (buttons) to the base at an equal distance from the center and each other.

Important! For gluing plastic parts You can use a hot glue gun or PVA glue.

  • On the lids, write the numbers indicating the time with a marker. If the material of the parts allows, then you can use acrylic paint.
  • Make a hole in the center of the circle.
  • On the back wall hours, install the clock mechanism and screw the hands.
  • Insert a battery into the clock and set the time.

Important! The edges of the circle can be outlined with a colored or black marker. In the center of each cap, you can glue a cardboard circle with a number, and not apply it to the part with a marker or paint.

Do-it-yourself clocks can be a wonderful element of interior and decor. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the following version of the clock model, which can become an original and unique home decoration.

Option three: Decoupage wall clock

Everyone can make a wall clock model, the main task is to install a large working mechanism.

Important! Having an old clock will greatly simplify the task, since you can use their mechanism, and if there are no old models in the house, then purchase a watch working mechanism in a specialized store.

You can make a chronograph from any improvised materials. But, if you want to create an elegant and unique product, then the decoupage style will be the perfect solution.

For work you will need:

  1. Wooden base (square or round).
  2. Clock mechanism with arrows.
  3. Napkins for decoupage.
  4. Acrylic paints.
  5. Sponges, brushes.
  6. Sandpaper for processing the workpiece.

Master Class

Making watches in the decoupage style is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Sand the base of the future workpiece with sandpaper.
  • Cover the finished workpiece three times with acrylic paint. The cover will serve as the ground.
  • Let the paint dry.
  • Step back a couple of centimeters from the edge of the workpiece and outline the future frame.
  • Choose the base paint color that best suits your interior. Dilute the paint and apply it with a sponge in a chaotic manner to age the product.
  • Highlight the frame of the future chronometer more dark color. Brown paint is ideal for this purpose.
  • Cut out the pattern from the prepared rice paper and apply it to the workpiece. If you use special napkins for decoupage, soak them in water first and attach to the selected place on the dial.
  • Apply special glue over the image.
  • Using paints of appropriate tones and a sponge (brush), create a smooth transition from the pattern to the surface of the dial. Connect all your imagination and carefully make sure that the pattern fits organically into the surface.

Important! If desired, you can age the product with a two-component craquelizer. With a dry brush, apply a product to the surface (you can buy it at a needlework store). After the craquelure dries, cracks will appear on the chronometer, which will give it elegance.

  • Coat the workpiece with varnish (as a protective layer).
  • Install the clock mechanism with hands into the workpiece and glue the numbers.

Now the clock has a complete look and can be used in any room as a decor.

Comfort and coziness in our home sometimes depends on even the smallest details and elements. Even most interior designers agree that the most important attributes for getting comfort in the house are well-chosen curtains, original lamps, soft and matched in correct shade, blankets, pillows, bath mats and clocks.

This article will focus on a master class on how to decorate a clock at home yourself.

The Internet has a large number of photos of watches, most of them are made by famous designers, but to make original watch at home is also not difficult.

There is, of course, one key and difficult moment - this is the installation of a mechanism on the watch for its operation, but the finished mechanism should be bought in a store and installed according to the instructions. But appearance future hours and its rest design completely depends on personal preferences and tastes.

Allocate a few modern technicians, which help to independently make watches in any style.

Decoupage watch style

A similar technique for designing and creating a wall clock involves working with a ready-made store template, where there is already a blank, the base of the hands and the finished mechanism. You can also purchase ready-made patterns on papers, special paints, glue and other decoupage elements.

The workpiece for the clock is done in this way: several times the base is covered with soil from acrylic paints, and polished at the end. The desired shade and texture is given to the base in the next step.

There is one trick - if you want to make an old-style clock with a shade that is scuffed, then the paint must be applied with a sponge.

Decorating a wall clock with your own hands is a process of bringing out the imagination and creativity of a person. You can stick special water stickers on the base. Or draw a preliminary sketch yourself and transfer it to the dial.

After that, the finished mechanism and arrows with numbers are already attached. After a series of actions, the clock created by your own hands will come to life and will give the house a special original look.

Quilling clock

Quilling is an arts and crafts process in which you work with straight strips of multi-colored paper of various widths. Such strips, as a rule, are twisted and glued to the surface, while creating the most varied patterns and pictures.

To create a clock using this technique, it is best to take a tree as the basis of the clock, since quilling elements can be well glued to it.

The color scheme should be in harmony with the interior of the room. After all, a bright clock will look ugly in a room made in a minimalist style. Therefore, the choice of shade is key moment in this case.

Most often, multi-colored quilling elements are used to create flowers, insects, trees, animals, berries, and so on.

Plaster clock

Ordinary gypsum tiles will serve well as the basis for future watches.

Romantic and reverent natures will surely find a large number of solutions for creating watches from this material.

Among professionals, such a tile is called a medallion. The mechanism of the future clock is attached to it back side. To make the product look more elegant and discreet, its surface should be covered with matte paint light tones.

And, if you want some highlights, then glossy paint will do.


This material is most suitable for creating clocks in the bedroom. At the same time, shades are chosen - beige, pale pink, pearl, the color of coffee with milk, purple and so on.

Clock with wooden sticks

In this situation, your arsenal should include items such as chopsticks and quality wood, good glue, scissors, and a ready-made working clock with a flat surface.

Many small sticks of the same size should be cut out of wood, and then connected

If the sticks are applied to the base in two layers, then you can achieve a wonderful “explosion” effect, which looks luxurious and original.

Now you know how to make a clock at home. Clock handmade Ideal for kitchen, living room and bedroom.


DIY watch photo

