Business at a pharmacy kiosk in the village. Pharmacy in the village is not a luxury

Start-up entrepreneurs who want to get a high stable income even in times of crisis, they are interested in how to open a pharmacy kiosk (point) from scratch and what is needed for this. In fact, this is not such an easy project. It requires careful preparation and large investments.

But the relevance is really confirmed in any period. After all, people always get sick, and today it is rare that anyone is treated with the help of folk remedies and various herbal teas. Traditional medicine is increasingly preferred. And if you think carefully about the range of goods and the location of the pharmacy, then you can count on a constant influx of customers.

Business features

Initially, it is worth studying pharmaceutical activities from the point of view of the law and some of the nuances of organizing and doing business in this industry. After all, they are slightly different from any other form of trading. A document called Federal Law No. 86 of 06/22/1998 will help with this.

Establishments selling medicines in Russia differ from each other:

  1. A pharmacy is a large institution that not only sells medicines, but also prepares them. Here you can buy any medicine, even those that are dispensed by prescription.
  2. Pharmacy kiosk or point - the range of goods is limited only to popular positions that can be sold freely.
  3. Online pharmacy - how modern variety the previous version. With the help of the online system, you can sell products anywhere in the country. often becomes in an additional way marketing of medicines.

A novice entrepreneur with a small start-up capital is recommended to open a pharmacy kiosk. And although it assumes lower profits from trading activities than pharmacies, it can still become successful project and with minimal difficulties to bring tangible income. Also remember that the state prohibits setting a markup on goods higher than 10-40%.

It is believed that even in the presence of competition and a large number pharmacy points in different cities of Russia, there are a number of undeniable advantages in organizing this type of business:

  • Fast payback of the project.
  • Constant high demand, as diseases are an integral part of modern society.
  • Broad target audience - all segments of the population suffer from various ailments (rich and poor, young and old, leading a calm or active lifestyle, etc.).
  • No special seasonality - income is secured all year round.
  • There are no restrictions on the choice of the location of the kiosk.

And indeed, whether it is a village, a small town or a metropolis, in almost every pharmacy there are always buyers who need this or that product. Even if there are several similar establishments on the same street, each of them has customers.

But in such a business industry there are also disadvantages, there are not many of them, but they are significant and can scare away some start-up entrepreneurs:

  1. Even opening a small pharmacy kiosk will require large initial investments.
  2. You will have to overcome a number of registration barriers and difficulties, obtain a license and always monitor the activities of the company so that all details meet high requirements and standards.

If you do not know where to start and are not sure that you will cope with the difficulties on your own, it is recommended to take advantage of acquiring a franchise. In this case, you will be provided ready business plan and step-by-step instructions, train staff, and provide everything necessary for implementation medicines.

Download free pharmacies as a sample.

Registration questions

The most difficult and lengthy process will be the registration of pharmacy activities in accordance with all the rules. To do this, you will have to go through a number of stages. First, register as an individual entrepreneur, LLC or JSC. Self-employment is only suitable if the pharmacy is not too large, the assortment includes only running OTC items, and in the future you have no desire to expand and create a network.

Otherwise, you must first register a legal entity. True, in this case, you will have to submit more paperwork and hire an accountant to maintain complex financial statements. The taxation system is chosen on a general basis (UTII). Be sure to indicate all possible OKVED codes, taking into account the proposed range of products:

  • 31 - retail trade in the field of pharmaceuticals;
  • 12 - sale of goods in non-specialized stores;
  • 32 - responsible for the sale of various medical and orthopedic products;
  • 33 - in the presence of cosmetic and perfume items.

Next, you will have to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, the fire inspection and the sanitary and epidemiological service. To do this, you first need to properly prepare the premises for sale and develop a program production control. Additional documents required:

  1. Copies of medical certificate educational institution employees, since only people with a special pharmaceutical higher education have the right to engage in such activities;
  2. Staff medical records.
  3. Contracts for the lease of premises, garbage disposal, disposal of waste containing mercury.
  4. A document confirming the regular cleaning of overalls, as well as disinfection and disinfestation of the building.

by the most difficult question for many aspiring entrepreneurs is licensing. To do this, you will need to submit the following papers:

  • specialist certificate from the manager or owner of the business;
  • copies of documents on the education of a pharmacist and pharmacists working in a pharmacy;
  • obtained permits from SES and SPI;
  • a document confirming the registration of the LLC;
  • long-term lease agreement;
  • drawn up BTI plan;
  • certificates for all commercial equipment in which medicines will be stored.

To clarify the list necessary papers You can check with the order of the Russian Federation No. 489. It will be possible to obtain a license only after paying the state fee for five years. After this period, you will have to go through the procedure again. Only after the issuance of all certificates and permits can one directly engage in the purchase of medicines, the opening of an institution and the receipt of income from the sale of goods.

Selection and preparation of premises

The most suitable for the location of the pharmacy different places:

  1. Crowded streets.
  2. Close to roads and trails.
  3. In sleeping areas on the first floors residential buildings.
  4. IN grocery store or mall.
  5. Close to offices and government institutions.
  6. On the territory of hospitals and clinics or in their immediate vicinity.
  7. At public transport stops.
  8. Stations, bus stations, airports, etc.

A lively flow of people promises the presence of random visitors. But if you locate a pharmacy in a residential area, then it will be much more convenient for residents to buy medicines near their homes. Due to the fact that medicines are required by almost all segments of the population, there are no particular difficulties in choosing a good building.

But it must necessarily comply with certain standards:

  • total area is at least 12 sq. m., but it can be more (preferably 36 sq. m.), if a wide range of goods is expected and its convenient display on the shelves.
  • Workplace the pharmacist must be completely fenced off from the shopping area with high glass.
  • In addition to the trading floor, you need to allocate space for a warehouse, a shower for staff, a bathroom and utility rooms.
  • Organize a convenient space for receiving and sorting goods.
  • It is obligatory to carry out high-quality systems of electricity, sewerage, plumbing, ventilation, heating.
  • Also take care of the presence of fire and security alarms.
  • SES will require the presence various devices, which register and control the parameters of the air (its temperature and humidity).
  • It is desirable to cover the floor with linoleum or ceramic tiles, you can additionally insulate, and use safe materials which are easy to wet clean.

What will be required?

Let's list the main set commercial equipment, which is needed to open a pharmacy kiosk:

  1. Open shelving and shelves for medicines.
  2. Closed transparent windows.
  3. Counter.
  4. Cash register.
  5. Medicine cabinets.
  6. Special floor standing refrigerators with glass door intended for pharmaceutical purposes.
  7. Medical freezer.
  8. Computer or laptop for staff and pharmacy management.
  9. Office furniture.
  10. Program for electronic accounting of goods and payments.

If you decide to open a place where various narcotic and psychotropic substances will be sold, then you will also need a burglary safe thermostat. It is important that all purchased equipment be certified and registered by the Ministry of Health of Russia, and also authorized for use specifically for pharmacy purposes.

When installing an alarm system, refrigerators, cash registers and software for work, you need to take care to conclude contracts with various service organizations for servicing this equipment and devices.


When selecting trading positions for sale in pharmacy kiosk must be guided by the following criteria:

  • Each medicine must be officially approved for sale in our country and have the appropriate certification.
  • Consider the list of medicines allowed for free sale (in a small point it is impossible to sell narcotic and psychotropic drugs, as well as those that are sold strictly according to medical prescriptions).
  • Arrange your assortment in such a way that you can offer customers the most different variants- cheap and expensive, novelties and well-known medicines to eliminate various problems and ailments.

It is good if, in addition to direct pharmacy products, related products will be presented on the shelves - vitamins, baby diapers, personal hygiene products, body care cosmetics, wipes, etc.

Be careful not to buy drugs with a very short expiration date, otherwise you may not have time to sell them. Also, at the first purchase, it is advisable to order trial items in a small amount (up to 10 pieces of each of them). And only with time, in the process of activity, it will be possible to better navigate which drugs to purchase in larger or smaller volumes.


To work in a pharmacy, you can not hire people without a pharmaceutical education. The only exceptions are the cleaning lady and the accountant. The staff must have pharmacists (one for each shift) and a pharmacist who is involved in compiling the assortment and the plan for purchasing goods. To hire suitable employees, you need to be guided by the following criteria:

  1. Russian citizenship.
  2. Pharmaceutical education with confirmed accreditation.
  3. Experience in this field of activity.
  4. Availability of health books.
  5. Once every five years, such specialists take refresher courses, as evidenced by the issued documents.

Please note that even the owner of such a business is required to have an appropriate specialized education in the field of pharmaceuticals. Otherwise, you will have to hire a person to perform the management function.

The advantage of opening such a kiosk is that even without additional efforts, but only due to a good location and a noticeable sign, it is possible to get a large flow of customers. You may not have to spend a lot on an advertising campaign. And yet, for rapid development, use modern strategies:

  • Announce the opening in the media.
  • Put up ads in transport, at bus stops, in crowded places.
  • Advertise online.
  • Develop a profitable discount system for regular customers.
  • Run periodic promotions.
  • Offer home delivery services.
  • Implement the ability to order the required medicine, even if it is not on the shelves.
  • Make sure your staff is attentive to your customers so that they come back when needed.
  • Periodically expand the range of goods, pay attention to what buyers are interested in.
  • Always offer new items that are actively advertised on TV.

The financial side of the issue

So, how much money will be needed to implement such a plan? Depending on the expected scale, form of activity, product range and other details, the final amount will also differ. The averages look like this:

Capital investment Cost, in rubles
1 Business registration 120 000
2 Rent of premises for the organizational period 80 000
3 Repair work 240 000
4 Purchase of equipment 900 000
5 First batch of goods 3 500 000
6 Advertising campaign 210 000
7 Other 350 000
Total: 5 400 000

But that is not all. After all, large sums will be constantly spent on the maintenance of a pharmacy.

On average, the profit of such institutions ranges from 850,000 rubles per month. As a result, it is possible to recoup all investments in 1.5-2 years and receive about 270 thousand rubles of net profit every month. But these figures can be higher if you carefully consider each step and responsibly approach the implementation of the project.

Video: what does it take to open a pharmacy?

In this article, we answer the following questions:

  • How to open a pharmacy store from scratch, how to prepare documents, choose equipment;
  • Is it possible to open a pharmacy without a pharmaceutical education, how then to register a company;
  • How much does it cost to open a pharmacy, and how much profit does it bring.

All pharmacy institutions in Russia are divided into three types: a pharmacy, a pharmacy kiosk and a point. You can read in detail the list of requirements and features of each type of work in the order of the Ministry of Health on the types of pharmacy organizations. Institutions of different types differ mainly in the list of drugs allowed for sale. For example, prescription drugs are only allowed to be sold in pharmacies. Also, in small points it is impossible to purchase poisonous and narcotic substances.

Important nuance- before you open a pharmacy from scratch, you will have to start directly with a general pharmacy organization. Kiosks and points are a kind of structural divisions that should belong to a pharmacy store. In practice, small kiosks pay off faster. But you can create them only after organizing a pharmacy.

Another classification of pharmacies - according to the type of permitted functions:

  1. Dealing only with the sale of drugs;
  2. Industrial pharmacy - manufacturing medicines;
  3. Manufacture of aseptic preparations.

Price policy

Pricing partly depends on the location of the store. It is advantageous to have one of the three types of institutions listed below in the city.

Discounter. An institution with a limited range of the most popular medicines and low prices.

It makes sense to place in busy places in residential areas, near roads, near the subway and bus stops - where there are many people every day.

An institution with an average assortment and related hygiene and cosmetic products. The most common type, equally well suited for the central areas of the city, and for bedrooms.

Large organizations with over 7,000 items and a wide range of related products. In such an institution, vacations are carried out through several counters, open display of products is allowed. This increases sales by 20-30%.

This one should be located in the city center so that it is convenient for buyers to get there in search of rare medicines. Most of the clients are patients of central hospitals, numerous passers-by.

To open a pharmacy in countryside, should focus on big choice drugs (often there are only one or two such establishments in the village) and low prices. The competition here is small, you should be placed in the busiest places.

Medicines should not be overcharged, norms allowed by the state - 10-40%.

Who can open a pharmacy

The pharmacy business implies the presence of higher (HPE) or secondary medical education (in the field of pharmaceuticals) not only from the pharmacist and salespeople, but also from the manager.

A medical education of a different profile is suitable if the employee has additional education that allows him to work at medical aid points and distribute medicinal substances at retail.

At the same time, the head of the company must have work experience of three to five years. In the presence of malware, it is enough three years, for secondary education requires five years of experience.

What to do if you have found suitable employees, but you do not belong to the medical field? Is it possible to open a pharmacy without education? In this case, it is worth hiring a specialist who meets all the requirements, who will take on the responsibilities of managing the company in accordance with the employment contract.

Business registration

Below is a step-by-step instruction on how to open a pharmacy and properly prepare the documents.

We register the business as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. For big company, planning to develop into a network, an LLC is better suited. This status gives more opportunities for the purchase of goods, the conclusion of contracts, increases the level of confidence in the company.

Suitable codes OKVED: 52.31- "Retail trade in pharmaceutical products", 52.12 – “Other retail sale in non-specialized stores”, and 52.32 – “Retail sale of medical goods and orthopedic products” and 52.33 - Retail trade in cosmetics and perfumery goods.

In addition, what other documents are needed to open a pharmacy:

  • Company charter;
  • Certificate of tax registration (obtaining TIN and KPP);
  • Document from Rospotrebnadzor on compliance sanitary standards and permission from Rospozharnadzor. Before that, it will be necessary to prepare the retail space for inspections (the corresponding order of the Ministry of Health is “On sanitary regime pharmacies");
  • Copies of certificates of education from staff, health books;
  • Production control program (you can order the development in a special company).

The most difficult thing is to get the conclusion of the SES. In addition to arranging the premises in accordance with all conditions, the following contracts will be needed: for disinfection and disinfestation, disposal of waste containing mercury, garbage disposal, dry cleaning of employees' overalls, regular medical examinations for employees, and cleaning of the ventilation system.

How to get a license

To open a pharmacy kiosk from scratch, in parallel with the search for premises, you need to obtain a pharmaceutical license for your activity from the Ministry of Health. The cost of the license itself (state duty) is about $100, and the services of private firms for its design - about $ 1,300.

What a pharmacy must provide for a license:

  1. A certificate of a specialist is required from the head of the institution;
  2. Photocopies of documents on medical education from all employees, except for the cleaner. Workers need labor and health books;
  3. Conclusions of SES and fire supervision;
  4. Certificate of registration of a legal entity;
  5. Document on the lease of premises for the store;
  6. BTI plan;
  7. Certificates for purchased equipment.

The entire list of permits and certificates is given in the order of the government of the Russian Federation No. 489. The license is issued for five years, after which it will have to be renewed.

Features of the location of the pharmacy

Ideal places where you can open a pharmacy are buildings on the first line (near roads and highways). The institution should be placed in a detached or in a residential building. It is more profitable to locate points and kiosks on the territory of hospitals and clinics, in large supermarkets. This will create a good demand for the most popular drugs among the flow of "casual" visitors: those who passed by, and did not come to you on purpose.

When opening an institution in the city center, it is important to maintain an adequate price level due to high competition. In a residential area, prices are allowed to rise slightly higher than those of competitors. Regular customers living nearby will visit the same establishment anyway for the sake of convenience.

Pharmacy store area

According to state standards, the minimum area of ​​a pharmacy is 65-70 square meters. For a kiosk and a point, there is enough space of 15-20 square meters. m. In our calculations, we focus on an institution with an area of ​​​​65 square meters. m in a residential area. Renting the premises will cost about $ 600 per month. Repair and preparation for inspections and launch of sales - in the region of $ 2000.

Features of the preparation of the premises

You can get acquainted with the list of requirements in the Industry standard developed by the government of the Russian Federation. What does it take to open a pharmacy?

  • In the building, in addition to the trading area, a wardrobe, service bathroom and shower should be placed;
  • Ancillary areas are required: for rest and lunch, reception, unpacking, sorting and storage of medicinal substances;
  • Equipping fire, light and sound, burglar alarms;
  • Availability of electricity, cold and hot water, heating, sewerage, ventilation;
  • In the room where the drugs will be located, devices are needed that record the parameters of the air (mainly temperature and humidity);
  • Floor covering - linoleum, ceramic tile. The floor must be insulated;
  • Ceilings and walls are covered with materials suitable for permanent wet cleaning with special disinfectant solutions. For walls, a high coefficient of light reflection is also important.

Equipment and furniture

Opening a small outlet should be with the following set of equipment:

  1. open shelving for medicines (7-8 pcs.), closed glass showcases (3-4 pcs.), counter - $ 800. Good and inexpensive manufacturers: Fabrik Art, Leomebel;
  2. Closed cabinets for storing medicines (5-6 pcs.) - $ 550. Diacoms, Doctor Mebel, Uzumcu, Alvi, Vernipoll;
  3. Pharmaceutical floor standing refrigerators co glass door for storing conventional drugs (2 pcs.) - $ 1100-1200. Pozis, Enisey, AKG, Sanyo;
  4. Medical freezer- 600-700 $. Pozis, VTS;
  5. Safe thermostat for the storage of psychotropic and narcotic substances (burglary resistance class - third) - $ 2000. Labex, Valberg;
  6. A computer– $500. Lenovo, ASUS;
  7. Office furniture for utility rooms (table, chairs) - $ 300. Stoross, Felix, Prism;
  8. Cash register- 150-250 $. Orion, Mercury, Elwes-MK;
  9. Program for electronic accounting – 1500 $.

This is the minimum set of what you need to open a pharmacy. The total cost of the equipment is about 8 thousand dollars.

Purchase of goods for sale

To receive good profit, it is necessary to purchase from 2500-3000 items of products. Each medicine is required in an amount of at least 50 pieces. In addition, place related products on the trading floor (wet wipes, contraceptives, creams, shampoos, baby food, diapers, herbal teas, dietary supplements, etc.) The initial purchase of products will require investments of $ 20,000.


You need to hire four people. This is a pharmacist manager, two sellers (for shift work), a cleaning lady. Accounting is outsourced. The most important figure is the pharmacist. This is an employee who forms the assortment of the store, controls the quality of work. The salary fund (together with the services of an accountant) will be $ 2500-3000 monthly.

Costs and profits

So, How much money do you need to open a pharmacy? Capital costs consist of the following items:

  • Registration, preparation of certificates and permits - approximately $ 1700-1900;
  • Payment of rent for three months in advance, repair and decoration - up to $ 4,000;
  • Purchase of furniture, equipment and medicines - $ 28,000;
  • Production of a signboard and pointers - $ 150-200.

The business will need to invest $ 34,000. Monthly expenses are in the region of $5,500. Monthly revenue - $ 7000-9000. Net profit - 1500-3500 $. By expanding the assortment and gaining popularity among regular visitors, the level of profit can be significantly increased.

Is it profitable to open a pharmacy?

Such a store offers highly sought-after goods, but faces serious competition. Store maintenance is expensive. It is most advantageous during the first two years of work to additionally organize pharmacy points and kiosks. They bring more profit with less investment. A small network of 2-3 institutions after payback will be able to generate income from $ 10,000 per month "net".

Another option is under the name of a promoted network. It is easier in terms of organizing a business, but less profitable than building it yourself from scratch.

In how to open your own pharmacy from scratch, the most difficult is obtaining permits and meeting the high requirements of the state for the premises and employees. Independence from the season, consistently good demand and opportunities for scaling make this a profitable and long-term project.

Doing business in rural areas has its own characteristics, since there are much fewer potential customers than in an urban environment. However, it would be wrong to consider the opening of a pharmacy in the village as a failed project in advance, because with a competent approach, you can extract the maximum benefits - at least the availability motivated employees and low rental costs.

How to open a pharmacy in the village so that it brings a stable income? What documents are required from the entrepreneur? What will you need to buy from equipment and technology? For these and other related questions rural business we will answer in this article.

Opening a pharmacy in the village: the beginning

The first thing to start with opening a pharmacy or kiosk in a rural area is to decide on the legal form. Since an individual entrepreneur is the most profitable option in terms of taxes and deductions, it is most reasonable to register as individual entrepreneur. However, this only makes sense if the individual entrepreneur has a diploma as a pharmacist or pharmacist. If there is no special education, you need to register as an LLC and hire a pharmacy manager with a pharmaceutical education and a specialist certificate.

You also need to decide on your own capabilities: if you don’t have any experience and knowledge, you can consider the franchise option. In this case, the franchisor will provide a full range of information assistance and assistance in the opening, up to the solemn ribbon cutting.

Deciding on the format of the pharmacy

Pharmacy, pharmacy or pharmacy kiosk - all these formats have significant differences.

Pharmacy - here you can engage in the implementation of any medicines prescription, provide the simplest medical services, rent goods of certain groups for rent, manufacture prescription drugs. This is the most expensive way to open a pharmacy business, but also the most promising. Perhaps, residents from all the surrounding villages will come to your pharmacy!

Pharmacy point - you can sell medicines without a prescription and by prescription, but you can not sell narcotic, psychotropic, potent and poisonous medicines. In general, this is the best way to do business in rural areas, requiring much less initial investment.

Pharmacy Kiosk - You can only sell over-the-counter drugs. Start-up capital minimal, but the opportunities for development are much less.

The hardest part is getting the documents.

To open your business, you will need to work hard collecting a package of documents. Let's consider them in more detail:

1. Registration legal entity or IP. We have already considered this point, you will need to select OKVED codes, for example:

52.31 - pharmaceutical products

52.32 - medical and orthopedic goods

52.33 - cosmetics and perfumes

2. Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for a pharmacy organization. To do this, you will need to provide a bunch of contracts: for garbage and solid waste removal, for pest control and rodent control, for washing clothes and medical examinations of employees, etc., as well as a lease agreement, BTI plan, property certificate and many other documents.

3. Obtaining a pharmacy license. To do this, you need to provide another package of documents, including the already received conclusion of the FEZ, as well as copies of: certificate of state registration of a legal entity; certificates of registration of the applicant with the tax authority; extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities; Charter; documents confirming the right to use the premises and equipment; documents of specialists confirming the presence of higher and secondary pharmaceutical education. It is also necessary to attach to the application documents confirming the qualifications of the employee (certificates), as well as copies work books. Full list requirements for obtaining a license here. If a pharmacy is opened in a rural area, the license is issued by the regional executive authority.

4. Permission from the fire department. Fortunately, to obtain it, you only need to call the fire department, and if everything is in order, the process of collecting and submitting documents can be considered completed.

Requirements for premises and equipment

A license can only be obtained if the premises and equipment of the pharmacy meet the requirements. There are no strict requirements for the area of ​​pharmacy premises, but the need for equipment must be taken into account following rooms: trading floor, material room, staff rooms, manager's office, another room for receiving goods and a utility room.

As for the equipment, it must be registered with the Ministry of Health of Russia, authorized for use in the prescribed manner and have a certificate of conformity.

Recall that one of the significant advantages of opening a pharmacy in a rural area is the low cost of rent!

pharmacy staff

As for the head of the pharmacy, we have already said that he must have a secondary pharmaceutical education and a staff of at least 5 years (or a higher pharmaceutical and at least 3 years of experience).

Pharmacists and pharmacists, also with experience and certificates of specialists, are directly involved in the sale of pharmacy products. If a pharmacy with an open display, you can hire a consultant, for him the presence of a special education is not necessary.

The staff is another advantage of opening a pharmacy in the village. Local residents are not spoiled by a bunch of offers from employers, and are more responsible in the performance of official duties.

What will we sell? Range features

Of course, you need to take into account the specifics of rural business, so you need to pay special attention to the development of the range. By the way, this is another advantage of the franchise - the presence of extensive experience allows the franchisor to correctly form an assortment policy for a particular pharmacy. It is necessary to organize the possibility of pre-ordering medicines as soon as possible, otherwise you risk losing your customer.

Find reliable suppliers and get from them profitable terms also not an easy task. The larger the volume, the greater the discount, and a rural pharmacy is unlikely to be able to afford such a powerful turnover as an urban one. Purchasing processes should be carefully controlled to ensure that products are "fresh" and products with long expiration dates are selected.

How much money is needed to open a pharmacy in the village

No one will be able to provide an exact cost formula for opening a pharmacy in a village, because everything depends on individual characteristics - the breadth and depth of the assortment, the cost of rent and equipment, wages, etc. On average, for the normal functioning of a pharmacy (so that there are no empty shelves ) will require at least 450,000 rubles.

Payback periods are also different - but it is quite possible to achieve it after a year of painstaking work. On average, the pharmacy business, adjusted for the countryside, pays off in two to three years.

Many potential investors are interested in: what does it take to open a pharmacy? Is it profitable? Firstly, the general favoring of the pharmaceutical market is important. Judging by macroeconomic data, a review of its dynamics in Russia indicates a growing demand from the population. For example, the drug market in January this year compared to January last year grew by 4.6% and amounted to 352.5 million drug packages. The drug market is structured and stabilized: specific gravity imported drugs in their price terms is 75%, and Russian-made - 25%. At the same time, imported pharmaceutical products, on average, cost 4.57 times more than their Russian counterparts.

This year, Russian manufacturers will have to comply with the requirements for the production of GMP medicines, which will be beyond the capabilities of outdated industries. Therefore, some shift in sales towards imports is possible.

Organizational form

This article is an attempt to reasonably answer the question: is it easy for an entrepreneur to open a pharmacy? The business plan governing such investments is given below.

To begin with, when opening any business, one should take into account its specifics. What are the features of the "pharmacy" entrepreneurial activity? Let's start with a typical private business organizational form. If the founder does not medical education, we are talking on the opening of an LLC, if there is one, then an individual entrepreneur.

The business itself - the sale of medicines in its "pure form", that is, without state regulation - is highly profitable. However, on the other hand, if the state in it "let go of the reins", then it will quickly turn into a primitive family business, unacceptably lowering the level of specialization and professionalism. At the same time, the risks of falsification of medicines will significantly increase for the population.

Rent is a stumbling block

Since this article explores how to open a pharmacy from scratch, let's start head-on, with the main price barrier, unattainable for most applicants. On 03/04/2003, by order of the Ministry of Health No. 80, the Russian industry standard for the pharmacy business OST 91500.05.0007-2003 deliberately set a high threshold bar for entrepreneurs to enter the pharmacy business.

The mechanism of high rent was used - the minimum area of ​​a pharmacy is 75 m 2 . State regulation is also carried out in this area through licensing. retail medicines and obtaining a pharmacy passport.

Those wishing to open a "pharmacy business" are strongly recommended to entrust control over the process of obtaining a license to a specialized organization. In this case, you will get what you want in one and a half to two months. If you try to "turn the process" yourself, you can lose six months.

Documentary formalities for opening a business

Documents for opening a pharmacy are determined by the Regulation of the Russian Federation on licensing No. 489 dated February 4, 2003: a special application, state registration, EDRPOU code, documents for premises, founding documents, tax registration, professional certificates for supervisors, pharmacists and pharmacists. You will have a chain of mandatory formalities from the Moscow and federal licensing commissions, the fire service, and the SES.

We also recall that the decision to open a pharmacy is approved by local authorities (Federal Law No. 86-FZ of June 22, 1998 “On Medicines”).

What kind of pharmacy structure do you choose?

Before you decide what you need to open a pharmacy, you should decide: what, in fact, the structure will be opened. We will discuss the classification of these institutions. Some pharmacies sell medicines “outright”, while others produce some medicines themselves. According to the sales area used for sale, pharmacies are classified as follows: pharmacy stores, pharmacies, pharmacy kiosks, pharmacy points.

The most profitable are the latter (minimum rent). However, they are opened only as part of a pharmacy chain with a head outlet - a pharmacy. Also, if you go into details, pharmacies and drugstores differ in the list of medicines and related services allowed for sale.

Therefore, an entrepreneur trying to open a pharmacy from scratch often opens a whole network, which additionally includes pharmacy points. Some entrepreneurs prefer a non-standard strategy: the pharmacy itself is opened on the outskirts (savings on rent), and pharmacy points in the center.

Room selection

The standard approach prefers the location of the pharmacy in a crowded place - in the center or in the most densely populated "sleeping areas". Often an entrepreneur, having bought a room, decides: redevelopment is what is needed to open a pharmacy (do not forget: the minimum area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pharmacy is 75 m 2).

With such a footage, as experience shows, it is rational to distribute the main and auxiliary premises of a pharmaceutical trading enterprise as follows: a trading floor, a place for storing and unpacking goods - 60 m 2, an administrative room - 13 m 2, a bathroom - 2 m 2.

Continuing to discuss where to open a pharmacy, we will formulate some basic requirements for its premises. This, of course, is centralized electricity and water supply, sewerage and ventilation.

The floor, walls and ceilings of this commercial pharmaceutical establishment must be covered with a material that allows sanitary and hygienic treatment. The floor must be covered with insulated linoleum.

The general parameters of a pharmacy are universal at the same time for an entrepreneur who decides how to open a pharmacy in the village.

Pharmacy equipment

The list of obligatory expenses of an entrepreneur includes equipment for fire and burglar alarms ($2–2.5 thousand).

Furniture is usually located along the walls, and a maximum of free space is left, there should be no “dead zones”. Pharmacy cabinets and bedside tables must be resistant to disinfection. Alternatively, they can be made of glass. Their approximate cost for a pharmacy is 5-8 thousand dollars, and for a pharmacy point - 2-3 thousand dollars.

Soon, mobile pharmacies will roam the endless expanses of our country: in Russia, they decided to develop off-site medicinal trade. According to the authors of the idea, this will make it possible to promptly supply medicines to residents of the Russian hinterland. Another proposal designed to make drug care more accessible is to return the right to sell medicines to feldsher-midwife stations.

Pharmacy points that once existed in large villages and villages have disappeared almost everywhere: it is unprofitable for businesses to maintain them, and it is unprofitable for the budget. “While drug trade in cities brings a good income, it is extremely difficult for pharmacies to work in rural areas, primarily because of limited demand,” David Melik-Guseinov, director of marketing research at Pharmexpert, told Our Version. “And in the context of the crisis, the process of extinction of rural pharmacies has only accelerated.”

According to Roszdravnadzor, now only 14% of the country's pharmacies fall to the share of the country's pharmacies, while 27% of Russians (about 39 million people) live and work in rural areas, and in 22 regions the rural population reaches 40%. So the villagers (and every fifth of them, by the way, has already left the working age) have to go to the district center for pills. “Often, residents of remote areas are forced to buy medicines 300–400 kilometers from home,” our interlocutor states. In addition, they often have problems getting drugs from the preferential list: upon arrival at the regional center, it is not always possible to immediately get both a prescription and medicine.

Roszdravnadzor sees a way out in the introduction of the “Pharmacy-car” system. This idea was recently voiced by the deputy head of the department, Elena Telnova. Here it is worth noting that we already have experience in the mobile sale of medicines. State-owned enterprises that delivered medications to remote settlements were organized at one time in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Leningrad and Astrakhan Regions, and in the Kuban. A similar experiment was carried out in Moscow. Here, the arguments of its organizers were different: to ensure the availability of drug care in a metropolis flooded with pharmacies, pharmacy points and stalls, no need. But trade from wheels will allow selling drugs cheaper, because such a pharmacy does not have to pay expensive rent and utilities.

In the capital, the experiment failed: buyers did not see cheaper medicines, but there were plenty of complaints about the quality of the goods sold. In places where mobile pharmacies are still operating in agreement with local authorities, it is estimated that this pleasure is very expensive. Nevertheless, experts welcome the initiative of health officials. “The decision is certainly the right one,” Mr. Melik-Guseinov is sure. - It is necessary to develop this system, although it will definitely be unprofitable, because it is almost impossible to make a business on this, so mobile pharmacies will most likely be state-owned. But do not leave people without drugs! In addition, this will partly solve the problem of supplying medicines to privileged categories of citizens. After all, patients suffering from rare diseases, such as hemophilia, multiple sclerosis, and others, live not only in cities where they dispense the drugs they need. And it’s very difficult for sick people to get them 100 miles away.”

But in the Confederation of Societies for the Protection of Consumer Rights, the idea of ​​​​exit medicinal trade is not enthusiastic. Buyer, arise conflict situation already after purchasing the medicine, it will not be easy to defend your rights if the pharmacy literally does not stand still. Yes and create in machines right conditions storage of drugs (and they are different for different drugs) is also very problematic. The Association of Foreign Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, in turn, reminds: it is mobile trade, along with virtual (via the Internet), that is most risky in terms of the possibility of running into counterfeit.

Monitoring mobile pharmacies is indeed difficult, if not impossible. It is no coincidence that the Ministry of Health and Social Development, where they are also concerned about the disgusting drug supply of fellow citizens living far from large settlements, pharmacies on wheels are treated without much enthusiasm. Here they believe that it is necessary to develop another, more safe way supply of villagers with pills - through feldsher-obstetric stations (FAPs) and offices of general practitioners.

This proposal, by the way, has already received approval at the very top. The other day, President Dmitry Medvedev, at a meeting with deputies of the municipal authorities of the Tula region, promised to change the rules for licensing rural FAPs (there are, according to various estimates, from 7 to 10 thousand in Russia) as soon as possible and return them the right to sell medicines and medical supplies . “It’s not the case when old people are chased for aspirin for 200 kilometers,” the head of state emphasized.
