What is a residency at a medical university. Cancellation of internships - details of the reform of medical education

Internship and residency are words related to medicine, namely to medical education. If you don’t know any medical professionals, then it will be difficult to deal with these terms alone. But we, as always, will help!

So, an internship is an annual continuation of medical education at a medical institution. She is primary. Residency is a two-year study and is considered more complete. Both options allow in practice to effectively apply the knowledge already acquired by a medical student, and all the actions of an intern or residency student are performed under the supervision of experienced staff. However, often an internship alone is not enough to reach the desired heights in a medical career. And sometimes even for admission to residency, an internship is required. In general, the medical specialties to which residency is devoted, such as neurosurgery, are more complex than those to which interns practice. Perhaps these are all the differences between an internship and a residency. In any case, in our country, medical students study for quite a long time before they start treating people on their own, which is good news.

Findings site

  1. Internship lasts one year, residency - two years
  2. The internship is considered in most cases incomplete training, sometimes it cannot be counted towards promotion
  3. The list of specialties available for residency and internship may vary.

Author Prue (Prudence) Holliwel asked a question in Doctors, Clinics, Insurance

What is the difference between Residency and Internship? It seems like one garbage then .... and got the best answer

Answer from M@lchish - Kib@lchish.[guru]
An internship is a primary specialization. Residency is an in-depth study of a specialty. The advantages of residency over internship is an in-depth study of the specialty.
The difference here is that a resident is a person who studies for two years, and an intern studies for only one year.
The fact is that there are a number of specialties where you first need to go through an internship and only then enter the residency, and there are specialties where there is only residency.
The internship allows you to get basic knowledge, and then in a year to have the opportunity to work as a doctor.
In general, everyone strives to break into residency, there is an opinion that internship is for C students. Although, there are different opinions. The internship counts as medical experience. In my opinion, this is her only plus.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What is the difference between Residency and Internship? Looks like one piece of crap....

Answer from Or me[guru]
In fact, it hasn't really mattered in a long time. But no one has changed the budget orders-decrees-instructions since the furry year. So everyone who is not lazy is "dragging" with this crap.
Well, money, again. Our economy is semi-criminal, if not completely criminal.
Today there is more order, legality and law in commerce than in the public sector.
Residency is a pre-diploma practice (was) or advanced training. An internship is a working out in the direction (was), now it is an experience in any "priest of the world of a green specialist."

Internship and residency is the final stage of obtaining a medical education, crossed with active practice in medical institutions. How is an internship different from a residency? To answer the question, you will have to delve into the principles of training in medical universities.

What is residency and internship

Both options for postgraduate education have a pronounced practical orientation, differing markedly from each other. What is residency and internship in medicine?

Residency- postgraduate education, which is conducted for graduates of medical universities, universities and institutes. The main objective of the residency is to prepare specialists for work in state structures of the Ministry of Health or private practice.

Residency courses include:

    seminars, listening and passing tests on the course of lectures;

    clinical rounds of patients in city hospitals, work with case histories and epicrises;

    participation and presentation at thematic conferences within the framework of the chosen topic;

    work with patients under treatment.

For applicants obligatory full-time educationduration of2 of the year(sometimes can be extended up to 5 years). The number of budget places is determined by an annual document from the Ministry of Education, it is also possible to study on a paid basis. Such educational institutions operate on the basis of large universities or research institutes. Training is carried out according to an individual plan with highly qualified specialists (from a candidate of sciences and above).

Additional Benefits of Residency

We can distinguish the following differences between the residency and the abolished internship level:

    issuance of documents confirming the completion of postgraduate education;

    obtaining a certificate allowing independent practice;

    additional scholarship from the Ministry of Health, including in targeted areas;

    holidays corresponding in duration to medical leave;

    the possibility of early completion of studies in a year and a half (75% of the total duration of the program) subject to the fulfillment of the curriculum;

    the possibility of extending the period of study during pregnancy, illness or other emergency circumstances.

Admission procedure

The procedure for admission to residency training is described in the document - http://docs.cntd.ru/document/456065114

The entrance exam is conducted in the form of a test, the passage of which takes 60 minutes. The minimum number of points for passing the test is 70 out of 100. The test is organized by the selection committee, made up of residency teachers. The results become known the next day and must be posted both on the official website of the organization and on the information stand.

Upon admission, the results of specialist accreditation may be taken into account if they were held in the same year or a year earlier.

Internship and PhD

Internship called the first year after graduating from a medical school, during which the graduate is engaged in medical practice under the guidance of doctors. The difference between an internship and a residency is the lack of the ability to make decisions - a more experienced doctor is responsible for making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment. After a year, the intern is issued a certificate with a mark on the received specialty and he can begin to conduct a full-fledged practice. The internship depends on the specific hospital and the doctor supervising the young specialist.

Important! From January 1, 2018, the internship was canceled, and young doctors have the right to full-time work in polyclinics and outpatient clinics from the very first year.

In addition to these options, there is also a classic graduate school, which lasts three years and is needed for scientific activities, writing a dissertation.

How is an internship different from a residency?

The main difference between an internship and a residency on the part of a medical student lies in their future medical career. If a doctor wants to grow up to the head of a department or later move to an administrative position, he needs an intern's education. For ordinary professionals who want to start working immediately after graduating, an internship is more suitable. Now they can start practicing immediately, without spending several years on additional training.

Assistance in applying for an internship

Residents are distinguished by a more in-depth immersion in the specialty - two years of almost individual training under the guidance of outstanding specialists make themselves felt. They must go through a practice similar to interns, but the residents have to manage patients and report documented on the decisions made by the residents on their own. Of the pluses, one can indicate part-time work, lack of duty in the hospital, little responsibility to patients. Cons - the difficulty of entering the budget and the price of paid training in case of failure.

Interns plunged into hospital life from the first days, the lack of responsibility for making diagnoses and prescribing drugs did not free them from a difficult routine.

The total amount of classes in the classroom could not exceed 120 hours annually, the rest of the time was devoted to practice.

For comparison, this period is not limited for residents and is set by the program. Training in the internship was more general in subject matter, in contrast to the in-depth residency training.

Assistance in admission to residency

The completion of residency provides a significant competitive advantage when applying for a job - any hospital will first of all hire a specialist with additional education for an open vacancy than an ordinary intern graduate. Interns in the first years are expected to work in clinics as therapists and exhausting, conveyor work in city hospitals.


Residency - an additional two years of study after graduation. They enter it for a further career in the Ministry of Health or for the future, to become the head of the department in a few years. It provides in-depth education in the specialty and the opportunity to start working under the supervision of the best doctors in the city. The residency graduate receives permission to practice privately. The career benefits are offset by the difficulty of admission and training.

Internship - until 2018, a mandatory year of postgraduate practice for those who did not enroll in residency. About a month of lectures and a year of work in a hospital without the right to make decisions made it possible to become a full-fledged doctor for free, a year ahead of residents. At the same time, those who have completed an internship cannot open private clinics (important for dentists, psychologists, orthopedists) and hold leadership positions.

Internship and residency are words related to medicine, namely to medical education. What is the difference between internship and residency.

How is an internship different from a residency?

  • Internship lasts one year, residency - two years
  • The internship is considered in most cases incomplete training, sometimes it cannot be counted towards promotion
  • The list of specialties available for residency and internship may vary.

What is internship and order

Internship- this is the first year after graduating from a higher medical educational institution, that is, after 6 courses. During this year, the graduate is engaged in practical activities (in various areas of medicine) under the guidance of doctors, but does not have the right to make decisions independently, and is not responsible. At the end of the internship, a "Specialist Certificate" is issued - indicating the acquired specialty. After that, a person moves from the category of an intern doctor to the category of a doctor, and can work independently.

Residency- in-depth study, mastering a specific specialty for two years already. Other specialties pass, but in a much smaller volume.
A resident may not necessarily be trained on the basis of a medical institution. Training can take place at the department. But the main thing is a narrow focus! That is, they prepare a specialist with a capital letter in their field, in their specialty!
By the way, not everyone who wants to get into residency is required to pass an exam, pass a competition if there are more applicants than allocated places!

Residency is not mandatory, but it can give certain advantages when occupying a leadership position (head of a department, for example).

There is also a graduate school - it's 3 years, the goal is work and scientific activity, writing a dissertation.

Education at the university ends with the issuance of a state-recognized diploma to the graduate, indicating the level of officially received education and the receipt of a basic specialty (general medicine, medical and preventive care, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing). At this stage, his independent activity is limited. A graduate employed in a medical institution, in fact, never (in the interests of patients) immediately received the right to work independently with patients. Its leaders contributed to the development of clinical consistency under the guidance of an experienced curator and with the assistance of the team.

This obligatory period for the formation of a doctor’s independence after graduation was formalized by Order No. 286 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 19, 1994 “On Approval of the Regulations on the Procedure for Admission to Professional (Medical and Pharmaceutical) Activities”, which made a specialist certificate received by a doctor at the postgraduate stage, a pass to independent professional life.

Thus, the task of the second stage - postgraduate education - is the necessary completion of the training of a specialist.

Internship- this is the primary postgraduate training of graduates of higher medical and pharmaceutical educational institutions and medical faculties of state universities, aimed at the implementation of medical activities within the framework of qualified medical care.

The order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 210n dated April 23, 2009 “On the nomenclature of specialties for specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education in the healthcare sector of the Russian Federation” draws a line between internship training, which implies training in basic specialties, and residency, training in which essential for advanced training.

Residency- this is the primary postgraduate training of graduates of higher medical and pharmaceutical educational institutions and medical faculties of state universities, aimed at achieving the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to provide specialized medical care.

According to Article 18 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" adopted by the State Duma on July 19, 1996 and approved by the Federation Council on August 7, 1996, interns and residents become students of institutions of higher and postgraduate professional education. Their status in terms of receiving educational services is equated to the status of students of a higher educational institution of the corresponding form of education.

The purpose of internship training is to prepare graduates for the independent implementation of primary qualified non-specialized medical care, mainly in outpatient settings. Doctors who have completed their internship are allowed to work in practical healthcare.

The preparation process provides for such types of training as curation of patients and maintaining medical records under the supervision of the head, duty with a report at the morning conference, work in the diagnostic departments of a medical institution, the admissions department and the intensive care unit, lectures and seminars that can take up to 120 hours, performing a certain minimum of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, independent study of literature, visiting scientific societies, participation in medical conferences (demonstration of patients, review reports), participation in pathoanatomical studies of deceased patients, etc. Most of the time, interns should be engaged in practical activities under supervision teacher, mastering the basics of diagnostics, the necessary practical skills.

The training program provides for three levels of mastering the material and mastering practical skills: 1 - professional orientation on this issue; 2 - use of knowledge and skills under the guidance of a curator; 3 - the possibility of independent use of knowledge, skills and abilities in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The category of mandatory documents accompanying the training includes an internship training curriculum, a schedule of seminars, an intern's diary, which should reflect all stages of training

The basis for assessing the readiness of an internship graduate for independent work is an exam. Subject to passing the exam, the intern receives a certificate of completion of the internship and a certificate indicating the relevant specialty.

Differences in the implementation of types of postgraduate education are not only in terms: the duration of training in internship is 1 year, in residency 2 years. These types of training are focused on a common goal, but solve different problems. The main task of training doctors in residency is to prepare highly qualified specialists for independent work in healthcare institutions.

Residency training is carried out in accordance with the curricula, which are developed by departmental teams, taking into account standard programs. Training provides for independent supervision of patients, work in diagnostic units, mastering practical skills, participation in operations (for surgical specialties), participation in seminars. 25% of the time is recommended to be used for training in related disciplines in accordance with the tasks that the intern faces when mastering the specialty.

License series AA No. 003531,

registration number 3527 dated 06/03/2010 until 31.12.2015

Licensed specialties (internship):

Licensed specialties (residency):

anesthesiology and resuscitation,

anesthesiology and resuscitation



pediatric surgery,

pediatric surgery

infectious diseases,

infectious diseases

clinical laboratory diagnostics,

clinical laboratory diagnostics











obstetrics and gynecology,

obstetrics and gynecology,

Forensic-medical examination,

traumatology and orthopedics,

traumatology and orthopedics,











pathological anatomy,

pathological anatomy,

general practice dentistry,

general practice dentistry,

pharmaceutical Technology,

clinical pharmacology,

nursing management.


general hygiene,


management and economics of pharmacy,


pharmaceutical chemistry,

general medical practice (family medicine),


physiotherapy and sports medicine,



ultrasound diagnostics,


organization of healthcare and public health,

functional diagnostics,


thoracic surgery

surgical dentistry,

therapeutic dentistry,

orthopedic dentistry

pediatric dentistry,

cardiovascular surgery

Maxillofacial Surgery,


restorative medicine

allergology and immunology


The department of postgraduate education coordinates the training of interns and residents, which, in addition to direct admission of graduates, performs methodological and supervisory functions.
