How much does it cost to open a pharmacy from scratch: features of doing business. How to open a pharmacy or kiosk from scratch

What will be popular in any crisis? Three things: food, alcohol and drugs. The pharmacy always makes a profit. This is due to several factors: the constantly deteriorating environment, the decline in the quality of products, the unwillingness of people to take care of their health. Therefore, the pharmacy business is considered one of the most promising and profitable.

A little information

Many entrepreneurs believe that it is very difficult to “get into” the pharmacy business. Actually it is not. In this article, we will analyze in detail how to open a pharmacy from scratch, what documents you will need to obtain and how to arrange everything correctly without having a specialized education.

Opening a pharmacy from scratch is not such a difficult task as it seems

First of all, consider what pharmacies are. It could be:

  1. A small pharmacy in or near a medical facility.
  2. A full-fledged pharmacy kiosk (shop).
  3. A pharmacy that sells ready-made medicines.
  4. Manufacturing pharmacy.
  5. A pharmacy that has the right to engage in the production of various aseptic drugs.

If you have no experience, then you should stop at options 1-3, i.e. classic pharmacy stores selling ready-made medicinal preparations, etc.

Document set

let's consider what documents are needed to open a pharmacy, selling finished products. You will need:

  1. Issue a license for the right to retail sales of medicines.
  2. Obtain permission to open from the fire department.
  3. Obtain permission to open a sanitary and epidemiological station, as well as issue a sanitary passport for the premises in it.

In principle, these are all the necessary documents for opening - as you can see, there are not very many of them. Registration of a full package of documents takes about 40-50 days.

Note:A license can only be obtained by an entrepreneur with a specialized medical education. You can bypass this rule by opening an LLC.

Trade in pharmacy stores is usually carried out in a closed system (drugs are stored behind the counter). In some cases, it is beneficial to organize the so-called supermarket trade - customers themselves take the necessary goods, paying for them at the checkout. In this simple way, you can increase sales by 20-25%. But this method only works in places with high traffic and an appropriate security system. In classical establishments, it is better to conduct closed trade.

Pharmacy-supermarket brings 20% more profit

How to get a license

Any pharmacy implies that the entrepreneur has a specialized education. But open a pharmacy without pharmaceutical education nevertheless it is possible. The way out will be the formation of an LLC instead of an individual entrepreneur. You, as a business owner, become the founder of an LLC, and a person with the necessary diploma and knowledge is appointed as the head of the pharmacy. Based on this, you are freely issued a license, and you get the full right to distribute profits from sales and control the fate of the enterprise, as an individual entrepreneur.

Room selection

Where is the best place to open a pharmacy? Many aspiring entrepreneurs choose crowded places in the center or on the ground floors of hypermarkets. Actually this is not the best solution. Most often, drugs are bought at the pharmacy closest to the house. Moreover, even if prices in it are 10-15% higher than in the central one, few people will spend time on a trip.

From this we can draw a simple conclusion - pharmacies are best located in residential areas or in the center of the private sector. The area of ​​the store should be about 70 meters. It houses not only a counter with display cases, but also a place for storing drugs, a room for staff, a utility unit, an office for an accountant and a manager.

Room decoration is usually made with durable, easy-to-wash antibacterial materials. Usually the floor is covered with ceramic tiles or homogeneous linoleum, tiles or high-quality plastic are also used for walls.

Note:the room must be cleaned several times a day and disinfected. This applies not only to the trading floor, but also to the warehouse of medicines.

Also, the store must have high-quality ventilation, fire alarms, air parameters monitoring sensors, and burglar alarms.

Which is better - to buy a premises for a pharmacy or to rent it? The question is ambiguous. Buying a good property can cost a lot. In addition, you will need to spend a lot of money on furnishing the premises and purchasing equipment. Therefore, the best option is to rent a room for a long period (at least a year) with a monthly payment.

Competent specialists and a wide range are the key to guaranteed profit


Now let's talk about equipment and What does it take to open a pharmacy? sale of finished medicines. You will have to purchase:

  1. Cash registers in the required quantity (for each cash register).
  2. Temperature controlled refrigeration units.
  3. Counters and transparent showcases.
  4. Shelving.
  5. Lockable cabinets with drawers.
  6. Computers with appropriate software.
  7. Safes, which are necessary for the storage of narcotic drugs.
  8. Tables and chairs for utility rooms, racks for storage in a warehouse.


To open a pharmacy store, you need specific staff. The pharmacy manager must have a proven pharmaceutical education. Also, the manager must have at least five years of work experience in the specialty.

Pharmacological education and experience must be present with sellers. Every 5 years, all employees take refresher courses to improve their level of knowledge. The seller must understand what he is selling, since up to 80% of buyers come without a prescription and the pharmacist has to sell medicines based on symptoms.

Where to get goods?

Our step by step instructions on opening a pharmacy comes to its logical conclusion - the last we will consider the question of where to get the goods. Usually there are no difficulties with this - in each city there are several distributors from different companies. Never get hung up on one - work with several suppliers. This will allow you to maximize the range and reduce prices due to competition.

Note:often large distributors offer good discounts on large volumes. Therefore, small single pharmacies form purchasing cooperatives, which allows them to stay afloat.

To open, you will need not only racks and showcases, but also refrigeration equipment, safes, cabinets and cash registers

If you do not want to cooperate with others, then your purchase prices will not be the most profitable and low. Therefore, think about how to reduce the final cost of medicines and attract customers. It is easy to do this - provide additional services. For example, free blood pressure measurement, competent consultations, expansion of the range due to cosmetics and nutritional supplements.


We come to the main question - what is the price open a pharmacy kiosk and how much you can earn on it. The average cost of opening varies between 1.5-2 million rubles. This amount includes absolutely everything: obtaining documents and a license, renting and repairing premises, purchasing equipment, furniture, drugs, an advertising campaign and a payroll for the first time.

The profitability of opening depends on several factors: location, rental cost, purchase prices, and the presence of competitors.

The markup on medicines is 30%, on related products - 50%. While ensuring a constant flow of visitors (and it is in most cases), all investments made pay off in a maximum of 2 years. Detailed pharmacy business plan you can find on the Internet and adjust it to fit your conditions.

At first glance, the profitability is not the best - there are many more interesting projects that pay off much faster. But a pharmacy is a guarantee of a constant income and an almost risk-free business. The profitability of the business increases with each new point opened - two pharmacies pay off in 12-15 months, three or more in 9-12. This is due to lower prices for bulk purchases, as well as cost optimization. In general, a pharmacy is a profitable, stable and white business that will always be in demand. It can be both a family affair and a start to opening your own network.

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and processing of personal data

1. General Provisions

1.1. This agreement on confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is accepted freely and of its own free will, applies to all information that Insales Rus LLC and / or its affiliates, including all persons belonging to the same group with LLC "Insales Rus" (including "EKAM service" LLC) may receive about the User while using any of the sites, services, services, computer programs, products or services of "Insales Rus" LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Services") and in during the execution of Insales Rus LLC of any agreements and contracts with the User. The User's consent to the Agreement, expressed by him in the framework of relations with one of the listed persons, applies to all other listed persons.

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4.Other provisions

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4.3. The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Agreement and the relationship between the User and Insales arising in connection with the application of the Agreement.

4.3. The User has the right to send all suggestions or questions regarding this Agreement to the Insales User Support Service or to the postal address: 107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, pp. 11-12 BC "Stendhal" LLC "Insales Rus".

Publication date: 01.12.2016

Full name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

Insales Rus LLC

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

125319, Moscow, st. Academician Ilyushin, 4, building 1, office 11

Mailing address:

107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, building 11-12, BC "Stendhal"

TIN: 7714843760 KPP: 771401001

Bank details:

If the length of the list of normative documents for opening a pharmacy terrifies you, and you do not want to waste time and effort on the necessary routine, contact the SES-DOK service. Highly qualified specialists, together with a sanitary doctor, will prepare a package of documents for the SES pharmacy in a short time and taking into account all the standards established by Rospotrebnadzor.

We provide services for the preparation of documents for a pharmacy:

  • preparation of documents: filling in gaps, filling in missing ones, analysis of documentation in general
  • assistance in obtaining a sanitary passport for opening, permission to locate a pharmacy
  • support of the organization in the process of passing scheduled and unscheduled inspections of the SES, consultations for personnel and managers on passing the inspection
  • carrying out sanitary measures (disinfestation, etc.) with the conclusion of a contract

Opening a pharmacy in Moscow- an interesting and difficult enterprise in terms of preparation. You can register as an LLC or as an individual entrepreneur (in the second case, you must have a pharmaceutical education).

The main issues when opening a pharmacy are: selection of premises according to the type of pharmacy (there is an established list of rooms that should be), equipment, staff selection, etc.

But the very first question is a package of SES documents for a pharmacy.

Types of pharmacies:

  • industrial pharmacy (with the manufacture of medicines)
  • a pharmacy where only drugs are sold
  • pharmacy kiosk
  • Pharmacy

Usually they open a pharmacy first, then, perhaps, kiosks and points as subdivisions.

What documents are needed to open a pharmacy

In any case, you must first prepare sanitary documents for a pharmacy. Most of them are needed immediately, and some documents can be drawn up in the process of work.

Sanitary documents are needed:

  • opening a pharmacy
  • checks of Rospotrebnadzor (SES) according to the schedule
  • unscheduled inspections of SES

Shortcomings in the documentation of the pharmacy point can cause the imposition of penalties and other obstacles to activity. Carefully study the list of documents below for opening a pharmacy and try to enlist the help of a specialist in collecting papers.

What you need to open a pharmacy from scratch and how to do it

Pharmacy license, pharmaceutical license

A pharmaceutical license (aka a pharmacy license) is necessary for entrepreneurs who plan to organize the sale of medical products. Trade can be carried out both wholesale and retail. This area of ​​activity must be subject to licensing without fail in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation No. 416.

Types of pharmacies

A license is required for the operation of a pharmacy, pharmacy kiosk, pharmacy, pharmacy base.

The cost of a pharmacy license (pharmaceutical license):

Not urgent (60 days) - from 25,000 rubles

Urgent (21 days) - from 120,000 rubles

A pharmacy is an integral institution related to the healthcare system that provides the population and medical institutions (as well as any other organizations) with medicines and preparations.

A pharmacy kiosk is a small branch of a pharmacy that retails ready-made medicines that can be sold without a prescription.

Pharmacy point - a small subdivision of a pharmacy located on the basis of medical or preventive institutions.

A pharmacy, pharmacy kiosk or point receives licenses that indicate the exact address (at which they will operate), the full name, serial number of the license and the date the corresponding entry was made in the register.

Pharmacy License Documents

To obtain a license, you will need constituent documents and documents that confirm the right to use the premises for the purposes of the entrepreneur.

The founding documents include:

– Charter and memorandum of association of the company;

— minutes of the founders' meeting on the appointment of the general director;

– a copy of the civil passport of the general director or owner of the company;

— Certificate of state registration;

- Certificate of changes (if any);

- extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

— Certificate of registration with the tax authority;

- an order to appoint a chief accountant and a pharmacy manager;

All documents, except protocol and a copy of the passport, must be notarized.

Documents that will confirm the right to use the premises for a pharmacy:

- lease or sublease agreement;

- act of acceptance and transfer;

– Certificate of state registration of property rights;

— plan from BTI.

All of the above documents must indicate the number and purpose of the rooms, all of them must be notarized.

In addition, it is necessary to provide a full description of the facility that receives a license: type of lighting, availability and method of heating, characteristics of the floor and ceiling, the presence of refrigerators, special cabinets, shelving, metering and measurement devices, and a scheme of a pharmacy organization.

The conclusion of the State Fire Supervision and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service will also be required. In some cases, an optional copy of the contract with the security company may be required.

All pharmacy employees must have diplomas or certificates - these documents are also notarized and submitted to the licensing authority along with their work books.

The license for a pharmacy point is issued for an indefinite period by Roszdravnadzor, which also monitors and supervises the activities of pharmacies and compliance with established rules and requirements.


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How to open your own pharmacy step by step

How to open a pharmacy from scratch? Step-by-step instruction

In order to open a pharmacy is not difficult. Now pharmacies are in great demand, everyone takes care of their health and therefore the demand for medicines is great. But do not relax too much, opening a pharmacy is half the battle, you still need to be able to keep this business. In no case should you isolate yourself, the main thing here is to have good partners, and even better to be friends with an official. If this is neglected, then your pharmacy will not withstand numerous checks and will simply be closed. The best option is to join a network of pharmacies, as it is a proven experience and will give you more confidence that your business will stand up to all difficulties.

Pharmacy or pharmaceutical business- This is one of the most profitable businesses. The origins of the pharmacy go back to ancient times. At the moment there are many pharmacies. The pharmacy is estimated to be one of the most visited places. In addition, people trust products from a pharmacy more than from a simple kiosk.

Many businessmen, when buying a pharmacy, refer to big profits, and this is true. This business pays off very quickly and brings big profits. Many of them, having no medical education, buy pharmacies as a safety net in case their main activity fails.

But do not relax - if you have good connections, your success is not 100% guaranteed. There are several reasons: maybe the hype for your products will decrease; weather; poisoning with drugs purchased from you is not excluded; competition; the assortment will not be in demand, etc. But all this can be avoided. The main thing is to apply the necessary means, such as advertising, a cumulative discount system, the right assortment, work schedule (it depends on the location of the pharmacy), etc.

In order to open a pharmacy, you need to have about 160 thousand dollars with you. Moreover, if you want to buy a ready-made pharmacy business, then you may notice that the price may be too high.

A complete list of documents for opening and operating a pharmacy

This happens only because the owners only want to recoup all their investments in this business. But if you do not have such an amount, you can buy a pharmacy kiosk. You will need about 25 thousand dollars for this. Of course, you can open a pharmacy from scratch. But here you cannot be 100% sure of success. Let's say you choose a bad location and your business doesn't pay off, and a premise converted into a pharmacy may not be suitable for buyers of your property. But everything can turn out not so bad, the main thing is that you make the right choice.

Choose a location for a pharmacy can be of any size, the whole point of choosing a room lies in its location. If your goal is to achieve high performance, then you should look for a place with a favorable location. One of the good options for crowded places is public transport stops, near markets, shopping centers, in the city center. A good option for locating a pharmacy is in a residential area. However, your choice must be reasonable, the pharmacy must be located in a convenient place for all people (it can be an apartment converted into a retail space) - on the side of the roadway. If you choose a location deep in the courtyards, then you will have to rely on buyers only of these houses. A big advantage of pharmacies located in a residential area is the low cost of taxable.

It takes a lot of effort to open a pharmacy. It is one thing to buy premises, all kinds of equipment, purchase drugs and put it all in order, but there is still one very important point - to open a pharmacy, you will need to prepare some documents, without which your pharmacy will not be able to function:

- submit an application for a license to be issued to you: indicating your place of residence, the place where the pharmacy will be located and an indication of the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour activity;

- provide a copy of the certificate, which will indicate the registration of your license with the tax office;

- a document that confirms the fact of payment of the license fee, which will later be considered by the licensing authority;

- you must have a certificate that confirms your professional training (pharmacist);

- a document stating that you are allowed to use the premises for pharmaceutical activities;

- copies of documents confirming the receipt of the appropriate education from the employees you hired;

- a document on the sanitary - epidemiological conclusion of your premises.

In a pharmacy, as in any other store, glazed shelves are needed to display medicines, and to store them, you need lockers, a metal safe, a refrigerator, an ECCA, a computer, a cash register, etc.

Conclusion: By calculating all the costs, you can realistically assess whether or not you can create and at the same time be able to stay in this business. Of course, everything is not as simple as one would like to believe. There are many different obstacles in the preparation of the paperwork required for the operation of your pharmacy, the search for premises, and its internal content.

Another important factor- This is the location of the pharmacy, which also greatly affects the profit. Do not forget about the competition, which will not keep you waiting. Even if there is no competing pharmacy near yours, this does not mean that it will not appear. You must always know ahead of time. If there are still competing pharmacies nearby, it will be more expedient for you to extend the working day. Try to properly store medicines - otherwise, buyers may suffer, which will not make you more popular among them. Through advertising, you can also make your pharmacy more popular. Because advertising is the best way to tell about yourself. And in no case do not forget about sanitary standards, the check will not keep you waiting.

For people interested in the pharmacy business, the topic of pharmacy profitability is interesting. How profitable is the pharmacy as a business unit.

Positive points

The pharmacy assortment, in its bulk, can be attributed to goods with a quick turnover. Only food is sold faster.

The next point is the purchase of goods. In the grocery store, this figure is close to one hundred percent. That is, almost every person who enters the store buys something. In a pharmacy, usually 8 out of 10 people buy. If everything is in order with the assortment and there are no failures, then 9 out of 10. This is a very good indicator. For example, in household appliances stores, 25% is considered a good indicator, that is, out of 100 people, 25 make a purchase.

The markup in a pharmacy depends on the region and the competitive environment, as well as the location of the pharmacy (the markup is highest in shopping centers). But 30% can be taken as an average, it will be close to the truth. Given the speed of turnover of goods and the coefficient of purchase, this is a good indicator.

The goods are usually given with a delay. Moreover, it can be about a month, or even more. This means that you will need to invest less money. Only work with the assortment needs to be adjusted and monitor the turnover of the inventory. The software will help you with this.

That is, it turns out that this is a profitable business, provided that you find a good place for a pharmacy.


They also ask: how much can a pharmacy give a net profit? There is no specific number here. If we proceed from the fact that the pharmacy is not unprofitable, then for a sleeping bag 80-100 thousand rubles a month is normal. In shopping centers 300 - 400 rubles will be good indicators. And so, there are pharmacies with a profit of more than 700 thousand. But this is in traffic malls.

For a newcomer to this market, a real option is a pharmacy in a residential area. With such profit margins, just one pharmacy is not a very interesting option if you are not the owner of the premises.

To have a more substantial income, you need, albeit a small, pharmacy network. Then you will be able to receive goods from suppliers at a lower price and have fewer employees, since in which case they can be transferred from another pharmacy.


There are certain difficulties in this business as opposed to a regular store.

To open a pharmacy, you need to obtain a license, and this delays the opening time. With a high rental rate, the costs can be very substantial. For example, four or five months of licensing such a point in a shopping center with a rent of 200 thousand can cost a million rubles of investment costs.

The next step is the staff. You need a manager with a higher education and a managerial certificate, otherwise you won't get a license. And most importantly, pharmacists or pharmacists will be needed for work. While simply finding a good seller is a real problem these days, the search is also narrowed down by the requirement to have a pharmaceutical education.

This is especially difficult in regions where there are no relevant educational institutions. I even know examples where they could not open a pharmacy due to lack of employees.

For these reasons, the average salary of such specialists is higher than that of ordinary sellers. And this is an additional burden on the business.

You can rent out your premises, but you won’t be able to significantly increase the rates, since at a price higher than the market there will be problems finding tenants. If you have your own enterprise, then you do not need to bear the cost of rent, and as the business is promoted, the increase in profits will be more significant than with an increase in the rental rate.

Of the minuses, this business will need to be dealt with and controlled, and rent provides passive income.

Pharmacy business is one of the most profitable areas of business development.

It is second only to businesses related to the sale of food, alcohol and tobacco.

People are constantly visiting grocery stores and pharmacies.

If the consumption of products provides us with an influx of vitality, then the goods purchased at the pharmacy can save our lives.

Every year the turnover in pharmacies is growing. This is due not only to the poor health of the population, but also to the constant advertising policy that insists that we cannot live without some kind of bioadditives, without a certain set of vitamins, etc.

Therefore, a pharmacy is a great way to organize your business. The main thing is to know a number of features of doing this business. What does it take to open a pharmacy? The article will consider possible ways to organize the sale of medicines and provide approximate calculations.

Features of the pharmacy business

First you need to decide on the choice of the type and format of the pharmacy.

These can be standard pharmacy kiosks, small drugstores or pharmacy supermarkets.

Sometimes entrepreneurs make mistakes in choosing the type and format of a pharmacy, and the influx of customers and profits depend on this. Let's figure it out!


There are four main formats: premium, family, local and medical pharmacy.

  1. Premium the pharmacy is located in the city center, it is characterized by the presence in the assortment of not only popular medicines and goods for the family. Here you can also find unique expensive products that are made by premium manufacturers. It is taken into account that buyers will be wealthy customers working in the area, therefore, prices in such pharmacies are higher. This is due not only to the possibility of obtaining a high income, but also to the prices for renting premises.
  2. Family Pharmacy is the most common format of pharmacies. In such a pharmacy you can find the most popular products and medicines that will suit everyone. However, the availability of unique drugs that are needed in special cases is very rare.
  3. Hospital or Medical the pharmacy is located in or near the hospital. In such a pharmacy, you can find unique medicines that can only be obtained by prescription. Depending on the location of the pharmacy in relation to the hospital, the assortment may vary.
  4. Territorial or local pharmacy located in residential areas, has a standard set of medicines and essential medicines. The main buyers are people living in houses adjacent to the pharmacy.

Now you can choose the right pharmacy format depending on the part of the city.

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You also need to determine the type of pharmacy.

Traditional new type
  • Pharmacy.
  • Pharmacy.
  • Pharmacy kiosk.
  • Pharmmarket.
  • Delivery of medicines: pickup, online pharmacy.

The new type of pharmacies is distinguished by the presence of not only a counter with medicines, but also the presence of open shelves with products. According to recent estimates, profits in such pharmacies can be up to 40% higher compared to others, and sales can increase up to 30%.

Such indicators can be achieved provided that the pharmacy is located in a crowded place and the permeability of people per day reaches up to 10 thousand people. But, despite this, open shelves with goods bring their benefits, and even with a low level of traffic, the profit is higher than in a regular pharmacy.

Standard pharmacy format with showcases for cosmetics and baby food

This is due to the fact that people can independently read the instructions for a medicine, medical device, etc., consult with the seller and make a purchase. Most people prefer to calmly choose a product, rather than talk to the seller about the qualities of the product, knowing that there is a line of indignant buyers behind them.

This type of pharmacy is the most common in European countries and in the United States. In our country, this type of sales is only developing, do not miss the opportunity to break into the lead.

It is better to open a pharmacy in September, since the autumn and winter periods are the most profitable for making a profit, and summer is the time for losses.

How to open an online pharmacy

One of the ways to sell your products is an online store.

Everyone has their own benefits: entrepreneurs do not spend money on renting premises, paying utility bills and wages, and buyers can freely shop while sitting on the couch, and then receive the goods by delivery.

When organizing an online pharmacy, you should create a website where all medicines will be presented. A great idea would be to implement round-the-clock online counseling.

This option of selling medicines is quite profitable. But still, you need to think about a representative office in the city, since not everything can be ordered via the Internet and wait one or two days for delivery.

How to open a pharmacy without pharmaceutical education

The presence of a medical education is a big plus, but its absence is not critical. You can hire a good specialist who would understand the product range, could check the quality of goods, etc.

At this time, you will be able to deal with the economic side of business development: find new suppliers, conclude deals, carry out organizational activities and calculate indicators.

Network pharmacy A5

Another way to open a pharmacy without having a pharmaceutical education is to open a franchise pharmacy. This is a great way to start your business. The franchisor will help you set up your business and you will receive a full set of development instructions.

How to open a pharmacy: step by step instructions

So, you have decided to open a pharmacy - where to start? Having decided on the type and format of the pharmacy, you need to take the first step in organizing your business - register the company. After that, you need to obtain a license for your activities, in this case, the sale of medicines.

This process takes a lot of time, so do not delay and immediately go get this document. In parallel with this, search for premises, suppliers and purchase an assortment.

The documents

To obtain a license for the right to carry out pharmaceutical activities, it is necessary to submit the following documents to the licensing authority:

  • An application indicating the basic data of the enterprise (legal form, legal address of the enterprise, etc.) and also indicate the list of works that you are going to carry out.
  • Copies of constituent documents.
  • Confirmation of payment of the license fee.
  • Copies of documents confirming that employees have a pharmaceutical education, etc.

You will also need to obtain a lease agreement, go through all the instances and obtain permission to open a pharmacy.


The premises of a pharmacy may have a different area (the figures given are averaged):

  • Farmmarket - 100 m 2.
  • Pharmacy (standard store) - 50m 2.
  • Pharmacy (located in medical institutions) - not less than 18 m 2.
  • Pharmacy kiosk (created at enterprises, or organized as a point of sale of medicines without a doctor's prescription) - at least 8 m 2.

All this depends on your financial capabilities. Premises rent is from 30% to 50% of the total cost.

Depending on the format of the pharmacy, the cost of rent depends: for a premium pharmacy, a square meter of rent can reach $1,000 (it all depends on the city), but when opening a small territorial pharmacy, these figures can reach $300 per square meter.

It must be taken into account that the leased area should consist of both a trading floor and rooms for staff and a small warehouse. The ideal ratio of the trading floor to other rooms is 80% to 20%.

Now let's talk about location. This key factor greatly influences your bottom line.

The best place to open a pharmacy is a place with a large crowd of people: a transport stop, shopping centers or markets.

The territory of the hospital is also well suited, but, unfortunately, such places have long been bought out, and it is rather difficult to open a pharmacy on the territory of the hospital.

Buying a property is an expensive process. It is better to sign a lease for five years. This is the optimal period for the development of an enterprise engaged in the sale of pharmacological preparations.

The room must have a temperature and humidity sensor, as well as a security and fire alarm.


In this area, you can not hire people who would not have a professional education.

Sellers are responsible for the sale of medicines, and their mistake can lead to death.

When selecting staff, make sure the qualifications of the workers. If people without experience come to work, then there must be a senior sales assistant in the pharmacy who can tell something to young specialists.


The range depends on the form of the pharmacy. But it is best to focus on the standard set of medicines, which is typical for family pharmacies. If cosmetics are sold in a pharmacy, this will only be a plus. It is women who make up the majority of buyers. Do not forget about specialized departments.

The main problem of small pharmacies is the constant control over the availability of goods. If the pharmacy has more than 5 thousand items, it is impossible to keep everything in mind and it is necessary to install special programs to account for them.

Business plan

A business plan is the main document that will display not only the goals and mission of the enterprise, but also calculations regarding its development.

You must state the real state of affairs: how many assets you own, what competitors you have, your initial costs and the strategic development of the company.

Based on these indicators, the bank and investment companies will be able to give you the missing amount of money for development.


As with any business, selling pharmaceutical products has its risks.

Risks in the pharmaceutical business are associated with:

  • State regulation of this sector (restrictive acts or changes in the legislative framework).
  • A change in the dollar exchange rate, which entails an increase in product prices.
  • The emergence of new competing firms.
  • A ban on the import of any product.
  • Change in taxation (most often associated with imported products).

All this can affect the development of your business, but not always significantly.

Approximate calculations

This section will provide approximate calculations for opening a small family format pharmacy.

So, how much does it cost to open a pharmacy from scratch:

  • Rent - from 4,000 dollars.
  • Repair - from $ 15,000.
  • Equipment - from $ 2,000.
  • Software - from $ 2,000.
  • Additional costs - from $ 3,000.
  • Outdoor signs and advertising - from $5,000.

The total amount is $31,000. It did not take into account the cost of purchasing products, the purchase of computers and various furniture. One can only assume that the initial investment could be around $60,000.

The payback period for a pharmacy is on average 2-3 years, but with a successful location of the pharmacy and the absence of obvious competitors, you can get the first profit in a year. On average, drug mark-ups are up to 30%. When taking into account expenses, you can get up to 10% profit from total revenue per month, and this is a very worthy indicator.

Given all the features of this area, you can easily earn your first million.

If you do not have enough money to open an outlet, you can choose the option of a thrift store, because in this case you do not need to invest in goods. and useful tips, read on.

You will find step-by-step instructions for opening a beer store in the article.
