Thermal points: device, work, scheme, equipment. The device of the thermal heating unit

Correct functioning of the equipment heating point determines the efficiency of using both the heat supplied to the consumer and the coolant itself. The heating point is a legal boundary, which implies the need to equip it with a set of control and measuring instruments that allow determining the mutual responsibility of the parties. Schemes and equipment of heat points must be determined in accordance with not only technical characteristics local systems heat consumption, but also necessarily with the characteristics of the external heating network, its mode of operation and the heat source.

Section 2 discusses connection schemes for all three main types of local systems. They were considered separately, i.e., it was considered that they were connected, as it were, to a common collector, the coolant pressure in which is constant and does not depend on the flow rate. The total flow rate of the coolant in the collector in this case is equal to the sum of the flow rates in the branches.

However, heat points are not connected to the heat source collector, but to the heat network, and in this case, a change in the coolant flow in one of the systems will inevitably affect the coolant flow in the other.

Fig.4.35. Heat carrier flow charts:

a - when consumers are connected directly to the heat source collector; b - when connecting consumers to the heating network

On fig. 4.35 graphically shows the change in coolant flow rates in both cases: in the diagram of fig. 4.35 a heating and hot water supply systems are connected to the heat source collectors separately, in the diagram of fig. 4.35, b, the same systems (and with the same calculated flow rate of the coolant) are connected to an external heating network with significant pressure losses. If in the first case the total flow rate of the coolant grows synchronously with the flow rate for hot water supply (modes I, II, III), then in the second, although there is an increase in the flow rate of the coolant, the flow rate for heating is automatically reduced, as a result of which the total flow rate of the coolant (in this example) is when applying the scheme of Fig. 4.35, b 80% of the flow rate when applying the scheme of fig. 4.35 a. The degree of reduction in water flow determines the ratio of available pressures: the larger the ratio, the greater the reduction in total flow.

Trunk heating network are calculated for the average daily heat load, which significantly reduces their diameters, and, consequently, the cost of funds and metal. When using increased water temperature charts in networks, it is also possible to further reduce the estimated water consumption in the heating network and calculate its diameters only for the heating load and supply ventilation.

The maximum hot water supply can be covered by hot water accumulators or by using the storage capacity of heated buildings. Since the use of batteries inevitably causes additional capital and operating costs, their use is still limited. Nevertheless, in some cases, the use of large batteries in networks and at group heating points (GTPs) can be effective.

When using the storage capacity of heated buildings, there are fluctuations in air temperature in rooms (apartments). It is necessary that these fluctuations do not exceed the permissible limit, which can be taken, for example, +0.5°C. The temperature regime of the premises is determined by a number of factors and therefore it is difficult to calculate. The most reliable in this case is the experimental method. In conditions middle lane RF long-term operation shows the possibility of using this method of maximum coverage for the vast majority of operated residential buildings.

The actual use of the storage capacity of heated (mainly residential) buildings began with the appearance of the first hot water heaters in heating networks. Thus, the adjustment of the heat point at parallel circuit the inclusion of hot water heaters (Fig. 4.36) was carried out in such a way that during the hours of maximum water intake, some part of the network water was not supplied to the heating system. Thermal points operate on the same principle with open water intake. Both with open and closed heat supply systems, the greatest decrease in consumption in the heating system takes place at a network water temperature of 70 °C (60 °C) and the smallest (zero) at 150 °C.

Rice. 4.36. Scheme of a heating point of a residential building with a parallel connection of a hot water heater:

1 - hot water heater; 2 - elevator; 3 4 - circulation pump; 5 - temperature controller from the sensor outdoor temperature air

The possibility of organized and pre-calculated use of the storage capacity of residential buildings is implemented in the scheme of a heating point with the so-called upstream hot water heater (Fig. 4.37).

Rice. 4.37. Scheme of a heating point of a residential building with an upstream hot water heater:

1 - heater; 2 - elevator; 3 - water temperature controller; 4 - flow regulator; 5 - circulation pump

The advantage of the upstream scheme is the possibility of operation of the heating point of a residential building (with heating schedule in the heating network) on constant expense coolant during the entire heating season, which makes the hydraulic regime of the heating network stable.

In the absence of automatic control in heating points, the stability of the hydraulic regime was a convincing argument in favor of using a two-stage sequential scheme for switching on hot water heaters. The possibilities of using this scheme (Fig. 4.38) in comparison with the upstream one increase due to covering a certain share of the hot water supply load by using the heat of the return water. However, the use of this scheme is mainly associated with the introduction of the so-called increased temperature schedule in thermal networks, with the help of which an approximate constancy of coolant flow rates at a thermal (for example, for a residential building) point can be achieved.

Rice. 4.38. Scheme of a heating point of a residential building with a two-stage serial connection of hot water heaters:

1,2 - 3 - elevator; 4 - water temperature controller; 5 - flow regulator; 6 - jumper for switching to mixed circuit; 7 - circulation pump; 8 - mixing pump

Both in the scheme with a pre-heater and in the two-stage scheme with the sequential connection of heaters, there is a close relationship between the release of heat for heating and hot water supply, and priority is usually given to the second.

More versatile in this respect is the two-stage mixed scheme (Fig. 4.39), which can be used both with normal and increased heating schedules and for all consumers, regardless of the ratio of hot water and heating loads. A mandatory element of both schemes are mixing pumps.

Rice. 4.39. Scheme of a heating point of a residential building with a two-stage mixed inclusion of hot water heaters:

1,2 - heaters of the first and second stages; 3 - elevator; 4 - water temperature controller; 5 - circulation pump; 6 - mixing pump; 7 - temperature controller

The minimum temperature of the supplied water in a heat network with a mixed heat load is about 70 °C, which requires limiting the supply of coolant for heating during periods of high outdoor temperatures. In the conditions of the central zone of the Russian Federation, these periods are quite long (up to 1000 hours or more) and the excess heat consumption for heating (in relation to the annual one) can reach up to 3% or more because of this. As modern systems heating systems are quite sensitive to changes in the temperature-hydraulic regime, then in order to eliminate excess heat consumption and comply with normal sanitary conditions in heated premises, it is necessary to supplement all the mentioned schemes of heat points with devices for controlling the temperature of the water entering the heating systems by installing a mixing pump, which is usually used in group heat points. In local heating points in the absence of silent pumps as an intermediate solution, an elevator with an adjustable nozzle can also be used. In this case, it should be taken into account that such a solution is unacceptable for a two-stage sequential scheme. The need to install mixing pumps is eliminated when heating systems are connected through heaters, since in this case their role is played by circulation pumps that ensure a constant flow of water in the heating network.

When designing schemes for heating points in residential areas with a closed heat supply system, the main issue is the choice of a scheme for connecting hot water heaters. The chosen scheme determines settlement costs coolant, control mode, etc.

The choice of the connection scheme is primarily determined by the accepted temperature regime of the heating network. When the heat network is operating according to the heating schedule, the choice of connection scheme should be made on the basis of a technical and economic calculation - by comparing parallel and mixed schemes.

A mixed scheme can provide more low temperature return water from the heat point as a whole compared to the parallel one, which, in addition to reducing the estimated water consumption for the heat network, ensures more economical electricity generation at the CHPP. Based on this, in the practice of designing for heat supply from a CHP (as well as in the joint operation of boiler houses with a CHP), preference is given to a mixed scheme for the heating temperature curve. With short heating networks from boiler houses (and therefore relatively cheap), the results of a technical and economic comparison may be different, i.e., in favor of using a simpler scheme.

With an increased temperature schedule in closed heat supply systems, the connection scheme can be mixed or sequential two-stage.

A comparison made by various organizations on examples of automation of central heating points shows that both schemes are approximately equally economical under normal operation of a heat supply source.

A small advantage of the sequential scheme is the possibility of working without a mixing pump for 75% of the duration of the heating season, which previously gave some justification to abandon the pumps; with a mixed circuit, the pump must work all season.

The advantage of a mixed scheme is the possibility of complete automatic shutdown heating systems, which cannot be obtained in a sequential circuit, since water from the second stage heater enters the heating system. Both of these circumstances are not decisive. An important indicator of schemes is their work in critical situations.

Such situations can be a decrease in the temperature of the water in the CHPP against the schedule (for example, due to a temporary lack of fuel) or damage to one of the sections of the main heating network in the presence of reserving jumpers.

In the first case, circuits can react in approximately the same way, in the second - in different ways. There is a possibility of 100% redundancy of consumers up to t n = -15 °С without increasing the diameters of heat mains and jumpers between them. To do this, when the heat carrier supply to the CHP is reduced, the temperature of the supplied water simultaneously increases accordingly. Automated mixed circuits (with the obligatory presence of mixing pumps) will react to this by reducing the flow of network water, which will ensure the restoration of the normal hydraulic regime throughout the entire network. Such compensation of one parameter by another is also useful in other cases, since it allows, within certain limits, to carry out, for example, repair work on heating mains heating season, as well as to localize known inconsistencies in the temperature of the supplied water to consumers located at different distances from the CHPP.

If the automation of regulation of circuits with sequential switching on of hot water heaters provides for the constancy of the coolant flow from the heating network, the possibility of compensating the coolant flow by its temperature in this case is excluded. It is not necessary to prove the whole expediency (in design, installation and especially in operation) of using a uniform connection scheme. From this point of view, a two-stage mixed scheme has an undoubted advantage, which can be used regardless of the temperature schedule in the heating network and the ratio of hot water supply and heating loads.

Rice. 4.40. Scheme of the heating point of a residential building at open system heat supply:

1 - regulator (mixer) of water temperature; 2 - elevator; 3 - check valve; 4 - throttle washer

Connection schemes for residential buildings with an open heat supply system are much simpler than those described (Fig. 4.40). Economical and reliable operation of such points can be ensured only if there is a reliable operation of the automatic water temperature controller; manual switching of consumers to the supply or return line does not provide the required water temperature. In addition, the hot water supply system, connected to the supply line and disconnected from the return line, operates under the pressure of the supply heat pipe. The above considerations on the choice of schemes of heat points equally apply both to local heat points (LHP) in buildings and to group ones that can provide heat supply to entire microdistricts.

The greater the power of the heat source and the radius of action of heat networks, the more fundamentally the MTP schemes should become, since absolute pressures increase, the hydraulic regime becomes more complicated, and transport delay begins to affect. So, in MTP schemes, it becomes necessary to use pumps, protective equipment and complex automatic control equipment. All this not only increases the cost of the construction of ITPs, but also complicates their maintenance. The most rational way to simplify the MTP schemes is the construction of group heating points (in the form of GTP), in which additional complex equipment and devices should be placed. This method is most applicable in residential areas where the characteristics of heating and hot water supply systems and, therefore, MTP schemes are of the same type.

Scheme of work of ITP built on simple principle water flow from pipes to heaters of the supply system hot water as well as the heating system. By return pipeline water is coming for reuse. Cold water is supplied to the system through a system of pumps, and water is also distributed in the system into two streams. The first flow leaves the apartment, the second is directed to the circulation circuit of the hot water supply system for heating and subsequent distribution of hot water and heating.

ITP schemes: differences and features of individual heat points

An individual substation for a hot water supply system usually has a chimney, which is:

  1. single stage,
  2. Parallel
  3. Independent.

In ITP for heating system can be used independent circuit , only a plate heat exchanger is used that can withstand the full load. The pump, usually double in this case, has the function of compensating for pressure losses, and the heating system is fed from the return pipeline. This type of ITP has a heat energy meter. This scheme equipped with two plate heat exchangers, each of which is designed for a fifty percent load. In order to compensate for pressure losses in this circuit, several pumps can be used. The hot water supply system is fed by the supply system cold water. ITP for heating system and hot water supply system assembled according to independent scheme. In this ITP scheme only one plate heat exchanger is used with the heat exchanger. It is designed for all 100% load. Several pumps are used to compensate for pressure losses.

For hot water system an independent two-stage system is used, in which two heat exchangers are involved. The constant feeding of the heating system is carried out with the help of a return pipeline of the thermal seven, and make-up pumps are also involved in this system. DHW in this scheme is fed from a pipeline with cold water.

The principle of operation of the ITP of an apartment building

ITP scheme apartment building It is based on the fact that heat should be transferred through it as efficiently as possible. Therefore, according to this ITP equipment diagram should be placed in such a way as to avoid heat loss as much as possible and at the same time effectively distribute energy throughout all the premises of an apartment building. At the same time, in each apartment, the water temperature must be at a certain level and the water must flow with the necessary pressure. By adjusting the set temperature and controlling the pressure, each apartment in an apartment building receives thermal energy in accordance with its distribution among consumers in the ITP with the help of special equipment. Due to the fact that this equipment works automatically and automatically controls all processes, the possibility of emergency situations when using ITP is minimized. The heated area of ​​​​an apartment building, as well as the configuration of the internal heating network - these are the facts that are primarily taken into account when maintenance of ITP and UUTE , as well as the development of heat energy metering units.

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Homeowners know what proportion of utility bills is the cost of providing heat. Heating, hot water- something on which a comfortable existence depends, especially in the cold season. However, not everyone knows that these costs can be significantly reduced, for which it is necessary to switch to the use of individual heating points (ITPs).

Disadvantages of central heating

The traditional scheme of centralized heating works like this: from the central boiler house, the coolant flows through the mains to the centralized heating unit, where it is distributed through intra-quarter pipelines to consumers (buildings and houses). The temperature and pressure of the coolant is controlled centrally, in the central boiler room, with uniform values ​​for all buildings.

In this case, heat losses are possible on the route, when the same amount of coolant is transferred to buildings located at different distances from the boiler house. In addition, the architecture of the microdistrict is usually buildings of various heights and designs. Therefore, the same parameters of the coolant at the outlet of the boiler room do not mean the same input parameters of the coolant in each building.

The use of ITP became possible due to changes in the heat supply regulation scheme. ITP principle is based on the fact that heat regulation is carried out directly at the inlet of the coolant into the building, exclusively and individually for it. To do this, heating equipment is located in an automated individual heat point - in the basement of the building, on the ground floor or in a separate building.

The principle of operation of the ITP

An individual heating point is a set of equipment with which the accounting and distribution of thermal energy and heat carrier in the heating system of a particular consumer (building) is carried out. ITP is connected to the distribution mains of the city's heat and water supply network.

The operation of the ITP is based on the principle of autonomy: depending on the outside temperature, the equipment changes the temperature of the coolant in accordance with the calculated values ​​and supplies it to the heating system of the house. The consumer is no longer dependent on the length of highways and intra-quarter pipelines. But heat retention is completely dependent on the consumer and depends on the technical condition of the building and methods for saving heat.

Individual heat points have the following advantages:

  • regardless of the length of the heating mains, it is possible to provide the same heating parameters for all consumers,
  • the ability to provide an individual mode of operation (for example, for medical institutions),
  • there is no problem of heat losses on the heating main, instead, heat losses depend on the provision of home insulation by the homeowner.

ITP includes hot and cold water supply systems, as well as heating and ventilation systems. Structurally, ITP is a complex of devices: collectors, pipelines, pumps, various heat exchangers, regulators and sensors. This is a complex system, requiring adjustment, mandatory preventive maintenance and maintenance, while technical condition ITP directly affects the heat consumption. ITP controls such coolant parameters as pressure, temperature and flow. These parameters can be controlled by the dispatcher, in addition, the data is transmitted to the heating network dispatching service for recording and monitoring.

In addition to directly distributing heat, ITP helps to take into account and optimize consumption costs. Comfortable conditions with economical use of energy resources - this is the main advantage of using ITP.

District heating has a number of obvious advantages, as well as disadvantages. The main negative feature centralized systems- the extreme bulkiness of the system and the inability to adjust the parameters of the system for a specific house. Not to mention that the design engineering systems of this scale is an extremely time-consuming process and does not always allow achieving the specified efficiency parameters.

What do individual heat points provide?

To overcome negative characteristics central heating individual heat points (ITP) are used. Their main advantages compared to centralized systems:

  • Reduced accidents through reduced system scale and increased serviceability.
  • Reducing the cost of thermal insulation and other materials.
  • Reducing the cost of construction and maintenance of pipelines.
  • Almost 2 times reduced heat loss during transportation to the consumer.
  • The ability to adjust the heat supply depending on the wishes of consumers.
  • The introduction of automatic means of controlling the coolant makes it possible to reduce energy costs by 15-20%, while maintaining the specified system parameters.
  • A more transparent payment mechanism, without any averages, fees for maintaining kilometers of pipelines and obsolete equipment.

Types of ITP

The design of IPT engineering systems is carried out based on the maximum capacity of the equipment. The same criterion serves as the basis for the basic classification of ITP:

  • small - up to 40 kW;
  • medium - up to 50 kW;
  • large - up to 2 MW.

The first two types are used in private homes and small commercial facilities (offices, shops). The third type of ITP is used for apartment buildings and large industrial facilities.

How does an ITP work?

A typical ITP includes the following key elements:

  • connection to the water supply network;
  • connection to the heating network;
  • energy consumption accounting system;
  • point of control and coordination of heat supply and consumption systems;
  • system of distribution of resources by consumers;
  • ventilation and hot water supply systems;
  • independent power supply systems (for heating and ventilation).

The principle of operation of the ITP is quite simple. Item Accept cold water from the normal city water supply. In the future, it is divided into 2 streams: one goes immediately to consumers, the second is heated. The second stream is a closed circuit, which is the heating system. With the help of pumps, the coolant circulates from the IHS to consumers, and vice versa.

During this movement, heat is undoubtedly lost, so the coolant is constantly heated. In addition, central heating systems can also be used, but only as an additional make-up during periods of peak loads.

ITPs can also provide hot water supply, as well as ventilation control.

Thus, ITP provides high-quality preparation of the coolant and control of its parameters. With the help of ITP, the distribution of the heat carrier among consumers is rationalized and the overall efficiency of the heat supply system is increased. ITP also allows you to organize accounting for the consumption of the coolant "in fact", and not according to the calculated values ​​​​of management companies.

Individual is a whole complex of devices located in a separate room, including elements thermal equipment. It provides connection to the heating network of these installations, their transformation, control of heat consumption modes, operability, distribution by types of heat carrier consumption and regulation of its parameters.

Heating point individual

A thermal installation that deals with or of its individual parts is an individual heating point, or abbreviated ITP. It is designed to provide hot water, ventilation and heat residential buildings, objects of housing and communal services, as well as industrial complexes.

For its operation, it will be necessary to connect to the water and heat system, as well as the power supply necessary to activate the circulation pumping equipment.

A small individual heating point can be used in a single-family house or a small building connected directly to the centralized heating network. Such equipment is designed for space heating and water heating.

A large individual heating point is engaged in the maintenance of large or multi-apartment buildings. Its power ranges from 50 kW to 2 MW.

Main tasks

The individual heat point provides the following tasks:

  • Accounting for heat and coolant consumption.
  • Protection of the heat supply system from an emergency increase in the parameters of the coolant.
  • Shutdown of the heat consumption system.
  • Uniform distribution of the coolant throughout the heat consumption system.
  • Adjustment and control of parameters of the circulating liquid.
  • Converting the type of coolant.


  • High economy.
  • Long-term operation of an individual heating point has shown that modern equipment of this type, unlike other manual processes, consumes 30% less
  • Operating costs are reduced by about 40-60%.
  • Choice optimal mode heat consumption and precise adjustment will reduce the loss of thermal energy by up to 15%.
  • Silent operation.
  • Compactness.
  • The overall dimensions of modern heat points are directly related to the heat load. With compact placement, an individual heating point with a load of up to 2 Gcal / h occupies an area of ​​25-30 m 2.
  • Possibility of location this device in the basement of small-sized premises (both in existing and newly built buildings).
  • The work process is fully automated.
  • Highly qualified personnel are not required to service this thermal equipment.
  • ITP (individual heating point) provides indoor comfort and guarantees effective energy saving.
  • The ability to set the mode, focusing on the time of day, the use of the weekend and holiday, as well as carrying out weather compensation.
  • Individual production depending on the requirements of the customer.

Thermal energy accounting

The basis of energy saving measures is the metering device. This accounting is required to perform calculations for the amount of consumed thermal energy between the heat supply company and the subscriber. After all, very often the calculated consumption is much higher than the actual one due to the fact that when calculating the load, heat energy suppliers overestimate their values, referring to additional expenses. Such situations will be avoided by installing metering devices.

Appointment of metering devices

  • Ensuring fair financial settlements between consumers and suppliers of energy resources.
  • Documentation of heating system parameters such as pressure, temperature and flow rate.
  • Control for rational use power systems.
  • Control over the hydraulic and thermal regime of the heat consumption and heat supply system.

The classic scheme of the meter

  • Thermal energy counter.
  • Pressure gauge.
  • Thermometer.
  • Thermal converter in the return and supply pipeline.
  • Primary flow converter.
  • Mesh-magnetic filter.


  • Connecting a reader and then taking readings.
  • Analysis of errors and finding out the reasons for their occurrence.
  • Checking the integrity of seals.
  • Analysis of results.
  • Checking technological indicators, as well as comparing the readings of thermometers on the supply and return pipelines.
  • Adding oil to the sleeves, cleaning the filters, checking the ground contacts.
  • Removal of dirt and dust.
  • Recommendations for the proper operation of internal heating networks.

Heating substation scheme

The classic ITP scheme includes the following nodes:

  • Entering the heating network.
  • Metering device.
  • Connecting the ventilation system.
  • Heating system connection.
  • Hot water connection.
  • Coordination of pressures between heat consumption and heat supply systems.
  • Make-up of heating and ventilation systems connected according to an independent scheme.

When developing a project for a heating point, the obligatory nodes are:

  • Metering device.
  • Pressure matching.
  • Entering the heating network.

Completion with other nodes, as well as their number is selected depending on the design solution.

Consumption systems

The standard scheme of an individual heat point can have the following systems for providing thermal energy to consumers:

  • Heating.
  • Hot water supply.
  • Heating and hot water supply.
  • Heating and ventilation.

ITP for heating

ITP (individual heating point) - an independent scheme, with the installation of a plate heat exchanger, which is designed for 100% load. Installation of the double pump compensating losses of level of pressure is provided. The heating system is fed from the return pipeline of the heating networks.

This heating point can be additionally equipped with a hot water supply unit, a metering device, as well as other necessary blocks and nodes.

ITP for hot water supply

ITP (individual heating point) - an independent, parallel and single-stage scheme. The package includes two plate-type heat exchangers, each of them is designed for 50% of the load. There is also a group of pumps designed to compensate for pressure drops.

Additionally, the heating point can be equipped with a heating system unit, a metering device and other necessary units and assemblies.

ITP for heating and hot water

In this case, the operation of an individual heating point (ITP) is organized according to an independent scheme. For the heating system, a plate heat exchanger is provided, which is designed for 100% load. The hot water supply scheme is independent, two-stage, with two plate-type heat exchangers. In order to compensate for the decrease in the pressure level, a group of pumps is provided.

The heating system is fed with the help of appropriate pumping equipment from the return pipeline of heating networks. The hot water supply is fed from the cold water supply system.

In addition, ITP (individual heating point) is equipped with a metering device.

ITP for heating, hot water supply and ventilation

The connection of the thermal installation is carried out according to an independent scheme. For heating and ventilation system a plate heat exchanger is used, designed for 100% load. The hot water supply scheme is independent, parallel, single-stage, with two plate heat exchangers, each designed for 50% of the load. The pressure drop is compensated by a group of pumps.

The heating system is fed from the return pipe of the heating networks. The hot water supply is fed from the cold water supply system.

Additionally, an individual heating point in apartment building can be equipped with a meter.

Principle of operation

The scheme of the heat point directly depends on the characteristics of the source supplying energy to the ITP, as well as on the characteristics of the consumers it serves. The most common for this thermal installation is closed system hot water supply with connection of the heating system according to an independent scheme.

An individual heating point has the following principle of operation:

  • Through the supply pipeline, the coolant enters the ITP, gives off heat to the heaters of the heating and hot water supply systems, and also enters the ventilation system.
  • Then the coolant is sent to the return pipeline and flows back through the main network for reuse to a heat generating company.
  • A certain amount of coolant can be consumed by consumers. To make up for losses at the heat source, CHPPs and boiler houses are provided with make-up systems, which use the water treatment systems of these enterprises as a heat source.
  • Incoming in thermal plant tap water flows through the pumping equipment of the cold water supply system. Then some of its volume is delivered to consumers, the other is heated in the first stage hot water heater, after which it is sent to the hot water circulation circuit.
  • Water in the circulation circuit by means of circulation pumping equipment for hot water supply moves in a circle from the heat point to consumers and back. At the same time, as necessary, consumers take water from the circuit.
  • As the fluid circulates around the circuit, it gradually releases its own heat. To maintain the temperature of the coolant at an optimal level, it is regularly heated in the second stage of the hot water heater.
  • The heating system is also a closed circuit, along which the coolant moves with the help of circulation pumps from the heat point to consumers and back.
  • During operation, leakage of coolant from the heating circuit may occur. Compensation for losses is carried out by the ITP make-up system, which uses primary heating networks as a heat source.

Admission to operation

In order to prepare an individual heating point in a house for admission to operation, it is necessary to submit the following list of documents to Energonadzor:

  • Operating specifications for connection and a certificate of their implementation from the energy supply organization.
  • Project documentation with all necessary approvals.
  • The act of responsibility of the parties for the operation and separation of the balance sheet, drawn up by the consumer and representatives of the energy supply organization.
  • The act of readiness for permanent or temporary operation of the subscriber branch of the heating point.
  • ITP passport with brief description heating systems.
  • Certificate of readiness for operation of the heat energy meter.
  • Certificate of conclusion of an agreement with an energy supply organization for heat supply.
  • The act of acceptance of the work performed (indicating the license number and the date of its issue) between the consumer and the installation organization.
  • faces for safe operation and working condition thermal installations and heating networks.
  • List of operational and operational-repair responsible persons for the maintenance of heating networks and thermal installations.
  • A copy of the welder's certificate.
  • Certificates for used electrodes and pipelines.
  • Acts for hidden works, executive scheme thermal point indicating the numbering of the fittings, as well as the scheme of pipelines and valves.
  • Act for flushing and pressure testing of systems (heating networks, heating system and hot water system).
  • Officials and safety precautions.
  • Operating Instructions.
  • Certificate of admission to the operation of networks and installations.
  • Log book for instrumentation, issuance of work permits, operational, accounting for defects identified during the inspection of installations and networks, testing knowledge, as well as briefings.
  • Outfit from heating networks for connection.

Safety precautions and operation

The personnel serving the heating point must have the appropriate qualifications, and the responsible persons should also be familiarized with the operating rules, which are stipulated in This is a mandatory principle of an individual heating point approved for operation.

It is forbidden to put the pumping equipment into operation when the shutoff valves at the inlet and in the absence of water in the system.

During operation it is necessary:

  • Monitor the pressure readings on the pressure gauges installed on the supply and return pipelines.
  • Observe the absence of extraneous noise, and also prevent excessive vibration.
  • Control the heating of the electric motor.

Do not use excessive force when manually operating the valve, and do not disassemble the regulators if there is pressure in the system.

Before starting the heating point, it is necessary to flush the heat consumption system and pipelines.
