Silent pump for water in the apartment. The nuances of water pumps to increase pressure

Perhaps the main parameter in a modern water supply system is the level of pressure. A comfortable level of water pressure in the pipes allows us to operate the entire system without any problems. If there are problems with this in the water supply, then they automatically affect its performance.

But what if there is not enough water pressure in the water supply? The answer is very simple. Install pressure pumps.

1 Features and purpose

As we all know, modern plumbing in an apartment or country house consists of several basic structures or elements. Perhaps the most important of them is the pipeline itself.

Through the pipeline, water flows to the taps, which can then be obtained in any place suitable for this. The pressure in the system is responsible for the free flow of water through the pipes. According to European standards, the pressure in the water supply system should be at least 4-5 atmospheres.

This is due to the necessary requirements that are provided by various additional plumbing fixtures. So, the washing machine will not be able to function if the water pressure in the system is not equal to 2 atmospheres. It just won't start.

Pressurized showers and a variety of whirlpool baths require even more serious conditions. They can already be operated normally if the water pressure in the water supply system is at least 4 atmospheres. Various devices for hydromassage are not limited to the declared characteristics.

As you can see, serious requirements are imposed on the conditions in a modern water supply system. And they don't always answer them. So, in an average apartment, the water pressure in the water supply system can be only 2.5-3 atmospheres. Good pressure also happens, but here it rather depends on the quality of the equipment that serves the apartment building.

In country houses, cottages and mansions, the situation is complicated by the fact that people have to deal with the creation of local water supply systems on their own. And not always one single pump is able to provide normal conditions in the water supply. Especially if the pipe laying scheme was planned erroneously or in violation of certain standards.

There are also extreme cases when the pressure level in the water supply system has not just fallen. It is simply not there, since the water does not reach the consumer. For example, if the riser is too long and the inlet booster pumps are not able to raise the water to a sufficient level.

2 Types and characteristics

As you can see, pressure boosting pumps have different designs and in this parameter they are very different from each other. To begin with, consider their main division according to the type of design and purpose. According to these parameters, they are divided into:

  • Circulation pumps to increase the pressure level;
  • Self-priming booster pump stations for water supply systems.

The first variety is a standard booster pump. It is called circulation because of its contribution to the circulation of fluid in the pipes. The device has, as a rule, small dimensions and is very compact. It is cut into a certain section of the pipeline, which increases the pressure level and the fluid circulation rate on it.

Initially, these pumps were conceived for the arrangement of supply systems hot water and heating. This is due to the serious length of the heating circuits, as well as their resistance at the nodal connections.

IN vivo the carrier simply cannot circulate normally in the water supply system, so a special pump is used to increase the pressure.

In a standard water supply, the situation is similar. It’s just that here the device is already used not so much for pumping hot liquid, but for stimulating general level water movement.

The circulator consists of a small motor that rotates the rotor part with an impeller. It is this small mechanism that is able to pump water into the chamber and significantly improve the performance of the entire pipeline.

The most popular pressure booster pumps are manufactured by Wilo. In particular, the Wilo TOP lines, Wilo Star-RS, Wilo Star, etc.

Now let's turn to the second type of booster pumps. This is a much more serious unit that cuts off the water supply system from external recharge.

If you need to choose a household pump to increase the pressure in the pipeline, then you should be guided by dry calculations and the specific characteristics of the equipment. To begin with, it is recommended to contact a specialist to assess the condition of your system.

As a last resort, measure the pressure yourself. This will help you select the optimum capacity water pumps. After all, there is no point in overpaying for too powerful equipment, which in your case simply cannot reach its potential.

A circulation sample to increase pressure is worth buying if you have water in the pipes, but its pressure is too weak. Moreover, to level the lack of 2-3 atmospheres, one sample is enough. In some cases, it is necessary to install two pumps. But this happens quite rarely.

Pump booster stations should be chosen if you don’t have tap water at all, but lower in level in the system (for example, from neighbors below, if you are a tenant apartment building) it exists.

In this case, the self-priming pump will pump fluid to your level, and the accumulator will completely close the system and give you the opportunity to control its condition yourself.

Of the popular manufacturers, it is better to buy Wilo or Grundfos pumps. Since Wilo and Grundfos have established themselves in the market with better side and tested by time.

2.2 Features and connection technology

Pumps for increasing the pressure in the water supply are mounted quite easily. As a rule, they are embedded at the entrance to the system so that the stimulation of fluid movement takes place as conveniently and efficiently as possible.

So, circulation models are cut into pipes in a certain area. All you need is to connect the device to the pipes, seal the connections and supply electricity. Then it remains to test the operation of the device in practice.

It is worth remembering that circulation models must be mounted in a single position. The correct position will be indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. If you install the device by mistake, it will either work poorly or refuse to start at all.

2.3 Installation of a pump to increase the pressure in the system (video)

Work of many kinds plumbing equipment and household appliances directly depends on the pressure in water supply network. If it is low, then given fact is a real problem, especially in high-rise buildings.

The only way out of this situation is to use a pump that increases the pressure in the water supply. Otherwise, living in such an apartment or house becomes extremely uncomfortable.

The rate of pressure in the water supply

The unit of this indicator is bar. Another name is atmospheric unit. Physically, this can be interpreted as the rise of water under such pressure to a height of 10 meters.

In networks settlements pressure according to the standards should be 4-4.5 atmospheres, which ensures the maintenance of high-rise buildings.

In accordance with the current standards given in SNiP 2, 0401-85, cold water in the system should be within 0.3-6.0 atmospheres, and hot - 0.3-4.5. But you need to understand that extreme values ​​\u200b\u200bare given in it and this does not mean at all that with such extreme values ​​\u200b\u200bthe water supply system will function normally. In such circumstances, pumps are used to increase the pressure of the water in the water supply.

excessive high pressure in the water supply network is no less dangerous than insufficient. So, if this indicator reaches a value of 6.5-7.5 atmospheres, extreme conditions for connections to work.

IN plastic pipelines, threaded connections and joints created by soldering begin to leak water, forming leaks. In such conditions, it is necessary to carry out installation only with welded metal fittings.

It should be noted that flowing artesian wells can give pressure up to 10 atmospheres and in such circumstances it is necessary to use pressure regulating apparatus.

Causes of low water pressure

The circumstances leading to a drop in pressure in the water supply network can be both objective, resulting from natural processes, and subjective, associated with design errors, calculations, equipment selection. They can be formulated as follows:

  1. Increased water abstraction associated with high seasonal consumption. This happens in the summer when private sector consumers spend a large number of water for garden irrigation.
  2. Faulty or underpowered pump at distribution station.
  3. Clogged pipes. In the case of using metal water pipes, this may be rust mixed with naturally occurring lime insoluble deposits.
  4. Leaks of water on gusts or leaks in the water supply. They are formed mainly at the joints of pipes or corrode their walls through and through. The only way to avoid such defects is to carry out periodic inspections and Maintenance strictly according to the developed schedule.
  5. Insufficient power electrical networks supplying the substation.

For the private sector, using individual water intake in the form of wells or boreholes, this becomes possible due to a gradual decrease in their flow rate as a result of silting of sources, clogging of filters.

The most unpleasant thing is that the factors that reduce the pressure in the water supply do not occur at one moment, their influence is significantly extended over time and is not noticeable. Obviously, constant control over the throughput of the pipeline is needed.

How does a booster pump work?

The most common signs of insufficient pressure in the water supply are low pressure from the tap or the inability to use two or more water points.

This becomes a reality already when the pressure drops closer to the minimum standard value.

If it is checked and established that the water pipes are in good condition, it is necessary to install pumping units to increase the atmosphere in the water supply network. For this, centrifugal devices driven by an electric motor are used.

Performing the same functions - maintaining water pressure in the water supply system - they may differ in the principle of operation:

  1. Devices permanent action- they work around the clock in a continuous mode, maintaining water pressure in the system. The disadvantage of this type is constant flow electricity and accelerated equipment wear. Such devices do an excellent job when turned on in manual mode during peak loads on the water supply, for example, while watering the garden.
  2. The pump is automatic, equipped with a flow sensor. Its inclusion is carried out in the presence of water movement through the pipe, which indicates the presence of flow in this moment time. This mode of operation is more economical than in the previous case. The cost of an automatic pump to increase the pressure in the water supply is somewhat higher, but this is offset by a more economical mode of operation.

A significant difference for such equipment is the method of cooling. In devices dry rotor the impeller is located in a separate chamber and is separated from the water flow by glands installed in the housing.

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Pumps wet rotor work directly in water, which has a positive effect on their durability, since the liquid is both a cooling agent and a lubricant for the bearings.

The main advantage of such devices is noiselessness in operation. This allows them to be installed indoors.

Pump power selection rules - technical characteristics, their meaning

The main factor influencing the choice of a device for supplying water and maintaining normal pressure in the system is the nature of the water intake point:

  1. The self-priming unit is used in conditions where the water intake point is located below the installation level of the unit. Structurally, they are designed in such a way that they are able to independently suck up water at a distance of up to 8 meters in depth.

The shorter the distance from the water to the pump, the more efficiently it takes water, so the installation site should be as close as possible to the source.

  1. Normally suction units are installed in the water supply system and maintain pressure in it, while the source of water intake, as a rule, is located above the unit itself. It can be an inlet pipe or a water storage tank.

Produced in a separate line circulation devices designed to provide accelerated circulation of the coolant in heating systems. They are equipped with a temperature sensor to automatically adjust the flow rate. The place of their installation is the return pipe of the heating circuit.

  1. Well pumping devices are used to supply water and maintain pressure from large tanks and wells. The design of such a device provides almost complete noiselessness during operation. Air suction is not allowed when the water level drops. It is guaranteed that this will not happen if the unit is equipped with a device for automatic shutdown at a critically low fluid level.
  2. Submersible borehole pumps are designed for installation in confined spaces, determined by the diameter of the water intake casing pipe. Therefore, their diameter is small, and the performance is high enough to meet all the needs of consumers.

How to choose a pump based on hydraulic characteristics

The main indicators when choosing are the following indicators:

  • Q- device performance, measured in cubic meters per unit of time - m 3 / hour;
  • H- head value - the height of the water column, measured in meters.

These two indicators determine the performance of the device. They are interdependent; when any of them changes, the second also changes accordingly.

  1. For country house for 4 people it is 1-2 cubic meters per hour.
  2. When using water for irrigation of the site - 2-3 cubic meters per hour.

The pressure indicator required for the water supply network can be determined with sufficient accuracy from the ratio:

H = H geo + (0.2 +L) + 10 (m), where:

H- pressure;

H geo;

L the total length of the discharge and suction pipes;

10 - the minimum value of the required pressure at the draw-off point.

Using the selected indicators and the calculation performed, you can select a device that meets the requirements of a particular water supply network.

The pressure of the selected pumping unit must ensure that it performs the following functions:

  1. Raising the water column from the suction point to the required height.
  2. Overcoming the hydraulic resistance of the pipeline, including the actual pipes, fittings, measuring instruments and control equipment.
  3. Obtaining the desired pressure at the end point of consumption. To do this, you need to lay a margin to the calculated result, adding another 10-12 meters.

The characteristic indicating the height of the pole is a passport parameter and is always indicated in the accompanying technical documentation.

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If the distance between the building and the water intake point is 25-28 meters, you should opt for a submersible pump instead of a self-priming one.

Selection of a booster pump based on technical specifications

Pumping stations household purpose are used for the organization of water supply of private buildings. Such units are capable of producing water intake from various sources - tanks, wells, well water intakes or natural reservoirs. Of the positive aspects of using such a device, the following can be noted:

  1. The systems maintain the same pressure in the piping, which allows the operation of various household appliances and plumbing equipment in the house.
  2. There is no need for regular monitoring of the station - the built-in automation ensures the operation of the device for a long time.

Household pumps are demanding on a sustainable power supply.

The main nodes of such a device are:

  • hydraulic accumulator;
  • surface or submersible pump;
  • relay for pressure control;
  • liquid return valve on the water intake;
  • power supply and adjustment device.

A hydraulic accumulator is a vessel in the form of a cylinder, divided inside by a flexible partition. In the production process, gas is pumped into one compartment at a set pressure.

Water enters the pipework through the accumulator, at this time pumping unit constantly pressurizes the liquid acting on the flexible insert. When the set value is reached, the membrane acts on the pressure control switch, pumping stops.

When one or more taps are opened, the pressure in the vessel decreases and water is pumped again by the pump.

It is this unit that is the main unit of the station and the operation of the entire installation largely depends on its characteristics.

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Pumps that increase the pressure in the water supply

As delivered, automatic stations are equipped with external pumps. They are installed on a metal base - a frame along with hydraulic accumulators and control units. A water intake pipe is connected to the inlet of the pump, which is immersed inside the casing, into the throat of a crinica or other water intake.

The standpipe system allows this device to be installed in wells with a narrow casing.

By design, the pumps are vortex or centrifugal action. The first create suction of water due to the rotation of the rotor with blades located directly in the housing.

They work almost silently, which determines their main use as a pump to increase the pressure in the water supply, built into the piping inside the house.

Such units are used in systems operating only at a positive liquid temperature. When defrosted, they simply become unusable.

Centrifugal pumps produce a lot of noise during operation, but they are able to pump water from deep aquifers. In addition, they are functional and negative temperatures, so they are installed either in separately located buildings, or in a borehole caisson.

Hydraulic accumulator device, characteristics

As mentioned above, the water supply to the house when using pumping stations is carried out indirectly through a hydraulic accumulator. Such a device equalizes the pressure in the system and protects it from hydraulic shocks when the pumping is turned on.

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An important indicator for a battery is its capacity. The larger it is, the less often the station pump turns on, which increases its service life and saves electricity.

Installation and connection of the booster station

Location of booster pressure device, always selectable closer to the water source. In the second case, you need to open and equip a special bunker - a caisson.

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The depth of such a container should be at least 2 meters. On the bottom, you need to make a water seal from clay, and overlay the walls with bricks or arrange a concrete wall.

It is also possible to install the pumping system in a separate room inside the house if a silent unit is used.

When installing a water intake in a well, you need to make a special shelf on its wall, on which the equipment is placed.

In houses with periodic visits (dachas), the equipment is usually dismantled for the winter and placed in storage in the house.

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Since the depth of the well often exceeds the capabilities of the suction pump (8-9) meters, a station with a submersible or ejector pump is used for them, which allow water intake at a well depth of up to 45 meters. But such equipment will cost a little more.

Popular Models

Currently one of the market leaders pumping equipment is the brand Gilex. Very democratic in price - from $ 100 - they are quite durable and reliable in operation.

The pumps are available in cast iron, polypropylene and stainless steel housings. The latter option is slightly more expensive, up to $350, which is offset by higher reliability. The volume of the battery is 24 liters.

The submersible pump option can cost up to $500 and reliably pumps water from depths of up to 32 meters at up to 1,200 liters per hour.

Popular in the market and swap stations Grundfos. They are produced in metal chrome-plated cases with hydraulic accumulators of 24 and 50 liters. Stations are almost silent in operation and are distinguished by enviable durability.

A significant drawback of the Grundfos supply policy is the lack of spare parts that are not supplied to our country. So, any malfunction of the equipment leads to the need for its complete replacement.

Prices at Grundfos station start at $250. These are low power units - from 850 watts with an external pump with a lift of 8 meters and a capacity of up to 3700 liters per hour.

Higher power equipment, up to 5000 liters with a 1.5 kW pump, already costs twice as much - about $ 500.

The Grundfos family with stainless steel cases starts at $450, and packages are available for $1,200. But they are equipped with many features: protection against overheating and idling, as well as water cooling.

Good feedback comes from consumers of plumbing equipment vilo. These are stations of higher power, designed for water supply of fairly large objects, while the control circuit has the ability to steplessly adjust all the main parameters.

Management is carried out through the active display using a programmable processor. The equipment is very solid and the cost of 1000-1300 dollars in this case is fully justified.

It should be noted that up to 4 surface pumps can be installed in a pumping station of this type.

The choice of booster pump in the water supply

It is impossible to create conditions for comfortable living in a country house without a reliable water supply device. In modern plumbing systems it is also impossible to do without a booster pressure pump in the water supply.

What you need to consider when selecting, taking into account the cost of electricity and to meet the need for clean water. Let's consider some points:

  1. The pump used in suburban water supply systems must provide not only the direct needs of residents, but also such as watering the garden and the site. And in the presence of a pool - its filling and functioning.
  2. For a small country house and in the presence of a nearby ground water, installation of a surface pump should be preferred. Its performance is sufficient for domestic and irrigation needs.
  3. Deep waters may require the use of an ejector pump. If there are no other options, you will have to take care of the caisson equipment, since such equipment produces a lot of noise.
  4. In a private water supply system, storage tank, which is often placed in the attic. At the same time, an automatic water refilling device and overflow control are extremely necessary, otherwise the house can be flooded.
  5. The ideal solution to the problem of water supply can be considered the installation of a pumping station with all the necessary adjustments.

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The pressure in the water supply when using a washing machine or hot tub must be at least 4 atmospheres.


The main characteristic of the normal functioning of water in the system is the presence of optimal pressure. However, it is not always possible to maintain good pressure, especially when there are various devices connected to the water supply system. There are several ways by which you can increase the water pressure. We will learn about their features and technology of execution further.

Water pressure in the water supply: the optimal value and reasons for the decrease

In order to determine the method of increasing the water in the water supply system, you should first find out the reason for the decrease in water pressure. Most often, the reasons for the decrease in water are:

  • the presence of leaks or accidents at the place of water transportation;
  • the presence of foreign deposits inside the pipes that interfere with the normal circulation of the liquid;
  • the presence of a faulty filter that purifies water;
  • valve problems.

If available in the house centralized water supply, quite often the water pressure decreases due to poor-quality work of the water transporter. For example, in order to save electricity, one or more pumps are turned off, which improve the pressure. In the presence of damage to pipes in certain sections of the pipeline, the water pressure also decreases.

Therefore, if you have a sharp drop in water pressure in the system, first of all ask your neighbors, they did not have such problems either. If the pressure has decreased not only in your area, then contact the water supplier in your area directly. The minimum water pressure in a one-story building should be one bar. This information is recorded in legal documentation and must be followed by all utilities.

Between the water supply system that comes to the house, install a pressure gauge with which you can control the water pressure in the system.

If the problem of reducing water in the system affected only you, then you need to check pumping station on its performance. Most often, the deep filter, which purifies the water before introducing it to the house, is clogged.

In addition, you should inspect the filters that provide fine cleaning, they connect household appliances to the water supply. Problems with these types of filters lead to improper operation of washing machines, boilers, pumps, etc.

If the filters are working properly, go around the house and check for different areas water supply pressure. It is possible that there is a leak inside the circuit. To determine this section, it is necessary to measure the pressure in different sections of the water supply and determine the lowest value. After the leak is repaired, the pressure should increase.

Pump that increases the pressure in the water supply: features of choice and installation

TO artificial ways pressure increase applies primarily to the installation of the pump. Individual pumping equipment is selected for each pressurized water supply system, the choice of which takes into account factors such as:

  • duration of the main system;
  • diameter of pipes of the water supply system;
  • number of floors in the house;
  • the amount of water consumed.

When choosing water pressure pumps, pay attention to their performance and power. These indicators are the main ones when buying this equipment. In addition, the pump must be made of high-strength materials that are not prone to corrosion.

There is an option to purchase a booster pump. These models are not recommended for installation in private homes with additional equipment that consumes water.

The cost of a pump to increase the water in the system depends on the throughput of the device. approximate price equipment ranges from $40 to $200. Some equipment is equipped with additional automated mechanisms, such as a flow sensor. With it, it is possible to automatically turn on the equipment when the taps are opened.

Thus, the level of energy consumption in the system is reduced. The cost of equipment is also determined by the degree of its protection from moisture and additional components that are present in the water. Pay attention to models with a high-quality filtration system. Aluminum, cast iron or stainless steel is used for the manufacture of the body part of the device.

We recommend purchasing equipment in a company store of one or another manufacturer. Buying goods directly, you will not only save money, but also receive a free warranty and additional Maintenance device.

Also, when choosing equipment for increasing water pressure, pay attention to the difference in models according to the control method:

  • devices with manual operation provide permanent job the device throughout the entire time, you need to monitor the turning on and off of the device yourself;
  • automatic pumping devices - the flow sensor of such a device regulates the on and off of the device, there is also protection against switching on in dry mode, the duration of operation of such a device is higher than that of hand pump, it also differs in economical power consumption, but it has a higher cost.

In relation to the type of cooling of the casing part of the pumping equipment, there are two types of pumps:

  • when choosing a pump with cooling using shaft blades, the sounds that are produced during the operation of the equipment are quite quiet, while the efficiency of the mechanism is at a high level;
  • when the pump is cooled with liquid, complete noiselessness of operation is ensured.

An important role when choosing a pump should be given to its size. If the room is small in size, then the installation of a huge device will be inappropriate. Some pumps are used only for hot and for cold water. Other devices are suitable for any type of water supply.

In general, when choosing equipment, decide on its following characteristics:

  • the purpose of the purchase of the pump;
  • the principle of operation of the equipment;
  • equipment characteristics, most often indicated in the instructions;
  • device size;
  • purchase amount;
  • availability of additional functions.

The main characteristics are the performance and pressure that the pump is able to create in the system. They determine the type of equipment purchased.

How to increase water pressure in a private house

The water pressure in the water supply system is determined by the amount household appliances using water. For example, if the house has a washing machine, a sink and a bathtub, then a pressure of two atmospheres is enough. However, if there is a swimming pool or a luxurious jacuzzi in the house, given value needs to be doubled.

In addition, the pressure in the system must be such as to supply water to several points of water intake at once. When showering and doing laundry, you should not experience the discomfort associated with a decrease in pressure.

If the site has a private water supply, that is, water is supplied from a well or from a well, then the pump power should be much higher than when water is supplied from a centralized water supply.

The performance of the pump should ensure that water is lifted from the well and delivered to the house. At the same time, the house must be provided with optimal water pressure in the system. These indicators directly depend on the amount of fluid consumed. The more water is consumed in the house, the higher the pump performance should be.

During the operation of a private water supply system, there are two options for water consumption:

1. The well is distinguished by the presence of a flow rate in which there is a weak pressure or it is completely absent. At the same time, it is possible to satisfy the water needs of two or three people in the family. Since the source is quickly emptied, there is a decrease in pressure. For these purposes, additional means of modernization are used.

2. The flow rate of the well exceeds the level of water consumption per average family. In the presence of a pump, the performance of which restrains the pressure, there is an excessive increase in pressure to six atmospheres. Thus, leaks and emergencies are formed.

When choosing pumping equipment for private wells, it is necessary to be guided by the well flow rate and water flow. We recommend choosing as a guide the daily water consumption in the summer.

Ways to increase the water pressure in the house

As methods that increase the pressure in the water supply, we single out the installation of two devices:

1. Tapping into the water supply under pump pressure - this operation is performed at the entrance of the general water supply to the house or apartment. Installing pumps in front of the points of water analysis significantly increases the pressure in the system. Compact pumps allow automatic or manual control of their operation. But, this method allows you to increase the pressure by a small amount of 1-1.5 atm.

2. To eliminate more serious problems with pressure, as well as for the organization of temporary independent water supply, it is recommended to install a pumping station. In this case, a storage tank is installed, in which water is accumulated in advance and fed into the system using pumping equipment.

A pumping station that has a hydraulic accumulator requires considerable investment, in addition, a lot of space must be prepared for its location. You will also need to spend money on the purchase of a storage tank, the size of which should be ten times the daily water consumption. However, in this case, you get a constant ideal pressure and water supply, even with occasional water cuts.

Stabilization of water supply pressure in a private house

Among the main ways to increase the pressure in the system, the installation of a pumping station or pump is distinguished. The first option is relevant if there is practically no pressure in the system.

The pumping station allows you to significantly increase the pressure in the system. An electric piston engine pumps air out of a water accumulator. Water from a well or water supply enters the formed vacuum space. Installation of such a station in high-rise building allows you to get a constant quality pressure. However, such stations are quite bulky and for their installation it is necessary to obtain special documents for permission to perform work.

If there is a minimum water pressure in the system, it is enough to install a conventional pump in the apartment. It is installed on a pipe that enters the interior of the apartment. Automatic equipment starts working when the water is turned on, while manual models mean that the pump is constantly turned on and off.

To connect the pump to the system, you will need a soldering iron, which is designed to connect pipes to each other. On the inlet pipe, the tap for supplying water to a certain apartment is blocked. Next, the pipe and the flow sensor are inserted. At the ends of the cut pipes, connecting fittings are installed, on which the pump is screwed together with the sensor. Plug in the pump and turn on the faucet.

Another option for increasing pressure is to install a pump directly in front of the water supply device. To do this, you must first study technical specifications device, while determining the maximum pressure for its operation.

Next, you need to purchase a centrifugal type pump, the performance of which is comparable to maximum pressure. Please note that centrifugal pumps are very similar to pumping equipment installed to circulate a heat carrier in heating systems. However, the principle of operation and performance are different.

In addition to the pump, you should purchase devices in the form of a ball valve and flexible wiring. Please note that the diameter of the hose must match the thread of the pumping equipment. You will also need a fum tape, with its help it is possible to seal the joints.

Work should begin by shutting off the tap for supplying water to an apartment or house. Next, the place of installation of the pump is determined, most often it is fixed on the wall using plastic dowels. In any case, before starting the installation of equipment, read its instructions.

On the wall, mark the fixing points of the pump and install it. A flow sensor is put on the pump, which controls the process of turning the device on and off. Next, threaded connections are mounted, do not forget to install rubber gaskets. They come with equipment. The inlet on the pump is connected to the water pipe.

After assembling the device, check its operation. Install the pump and turn on the water, if there are smudges, seal the connections with fum tape. Don't forget to ground the device. Check the operation of the device in automatic mode. Look at the pressure gauge to see what pressure is present in the water supply. The optimum pressure is 2-3 atmospheres.

A pump to increase water pressure is needed if available weak pressure in water supply networks to make the liquid supply stable. The water pressure booster pump is produced by many manufacturers, so the consumer is often faced with the task of choosing such a unit according to certain criteria that correspond to the specific conditions of the water supply network.

How to choose a pump?

A pressure booster pump, like any other technical device, has certain characteristics. The main ones are the minimum inlet pressure and the maximum value that the booster pump provides for the water supply. The standard pressure that water should have in pipeline household networks is 4 atmospheres. But in real conditions, this figure can reach 7 atmospheres, which is very bad for any plumbing and pipelines.

If the water in the pipes has less than 2 atmospheres, then not a single device such as a washing machine or a hot tub will work. The minimum value of this parameter for the operation of the entire water supply system is chosen within 2.3 atmospheres. Some pressure boosting pumps have values ​​in the passport expressed in meters of water column. When buying a unit, it must be taken into account that one atmosphere is equal to 10 meters of water column. For systems fire safety The standard is 3 atmospheres. According to all of the above, pressure boosting pumps should provide an outlet operating water pressure of 2 to 4 atmospheres with fluctuations in this parameter at the inlet from 1.5 to 2 bar.

Varieties of units for flow stabilization

Such a pump for increasing pressure is a flow apparatus, during the operation of which an additional force is created, which sharply increases the pressure of the liquid at the outlet. There are several types of a pump that increases the pressure of a liquid in a pipeline:

  1. Household pumps to create a flow of water in a private house or increase the water pressure in an apartment on a high floor.
  2. A garden pump that can raise water from a deep well and is used to water plants in a garden or vegetable garden.
  3. It is possible to install a pump to increase the water pressure in the country, if the central water supply is suitable for this area.

All types of pumps have two modes of operation:

  1. Manual control that allows continuous operation. At the same time, the person himself makes sure that the unit does not overheat, and, if necessary, turns it off.
  2. Automatic control is based on the use of a flow sensor, which turns on the pump only when the tap is opened at the consumer. This mode is more economical, and the equipment lasts much longer.
  3. The units are cooled by a fan impeller or by the flow of the pumped liquid.

For the consumer great importance has the weight of the unit and its dimensions, since the area allocated for the installation of the apparatus and the required strength of the base on which the apparatus is fixed depend on this.

The tie-in of the unit pipe to increase the water pressure in an apartment or a private house is made at the entrance to the building or premises. If the device is used for irrigation, it works in manual mode. Some manufacturers produce universal pumps that can function normally both in a cold water network and in a hot liquid pipeline.

Pumping stations

If the consumer sees that due to the low pressure with clean pipes, water does not reach him, then he can use a unit called a “pumping station”, which sharply increases the water pressure in the water supply. Usually these are suction modules that are equipped with a hydraulic accumulator. Many owners of private houses use such stations without the last device, but experts recommend installing even the smallest accumulator, since without it one cannot hope to create stable pressure in the system.

The pumping station includes a centrifugal unit capable of increasing the flow of water so that the module can pump it out of the deepest well or increase the fluid flow rate so that it reaches the last floor of a high-rise building with the required parameters.

In order to obtain a high-pressure liquid with flow instability, a hydraulic accumulator is installed in the station, which increases the pressure in the water supply. From its tank, the consumer receives water when the pressure switch turns off the centrifugal pump when the liquid supply from the central network stops.

What should the consumer consider when buying a pump?

When choosing, you need to focus on the following parameters:

  1. The pressure created by the unit and its throughput.
  2. Dimensions of the room or platform on which the pumping equipment should stand.
  3. The reliability of the manufacturer's pump, the device of which the buyer wants to purchase.
  4. The financial possibilities of the consumer himself.

Before you go to purchase the desired pump, you need to contact a specialist who will carry out the necessary calculations for the performance of the unit and the required pressure. By eye, such things are not solved. Most manufacturers of pumping equipment provide such services almost free of charge.

If a person only needs to increase the pressure in the pipeline by 1.5-2 bar, then many companies for this purpose produce compact pumping devices that cut directly into the water supply pipe.

If possible, instead of one large pumping station, you can purchase several small units of lesser power, which are usually turned on right in front of the liquid entry points and various household appliances, their work should be optimized as much as possible.

You can buy pumping units at construction markets, in various stores. It is better to go to special branded centers. There is a much wider choice, and it is possible to get free consultation according to the parameters of pumps and their installation, warranty service.

If the apartment has a sufficiently low water pressure, then you can purchase a boost pump for the apartment. Low pressure problems can cause inconvenience to residents, as well as adversely affect the operation of household appliances. Due to the low pressure, boilers, dishwashers and washing machine. If you are faced with a similar problem, then it makes sense to think about purchasing the described equipment.

Task definition and equipment selection

If you need a booster pump for an apartment, you first need to decide what the nature of the problem is. It can be low pressure, as well as its frequent drops. If there is no pressure at all on the last floors of a multi-storey building, then most likely you will have to purchase a station.

Key parameters when choosing equipment

Initially, it is necessary to determine the task that will be assigned to the pump. It can regulate, lower or increase the pressure. In the next step, you must determine what characteristics the device should have. You cannot select a device without information about the size of the service area. Thus, it is important to find out what are the dimensions of the room where the pump will be located.

Compact Solution

For an apartment, it can be used to slightly increase the pressure in the system. Such a need may arise when a pressure increase of 1.5 atmospheres is required. In this case, the installation of compact equipment will be quite enough. This device is installed directly in the water pipe. Such a unit is connected in front of the pipe fixing point, as well as near household appliances. The choice of device will depend on the need to increase the low pressure. If there is a need to raise water from the bottom up, then experts recommend choosing one equipped with a hydraulic accumulator.

Pump selection by operating modes

The booster pump for an apartment can operate in one of two modes. Depending on this, you can choose the model you need. Different variants Equipment is either manual or automatic. In order to prevent the occurrence of overheating during operation, if the pump involves manual control, there is a need to constantly monitor the indicators and turn off the equipment in a timely manner. If you do not follow these rules, then the unit may overheat, and subsequently completely fail. The booster pump for water in the apartment can also work in automatic mode. At the same time, the process is regulated by means of sensors in the ducts. The equipment is switched on at the moment when the water tap is open. If no water flows, the pump will be at rest. Experts advise choosing just such types of equipment, since it is much more convenient to use them compared to manual variety. The units are equipped with special protectors that exclude the possibility of turning on at the moment when the water is not flowing. This allows you to save money and guarantees the durability of the device.

Choosing a pump according to the cooling method

The booster pump for water in the apartment can be cooled in different ways. Among other methods, one can single out the motor impeller, which is the blades located on the shaft. They also cool the device. This mechanism, equipped with a dry rotor, allows the equipment to operate silently and contributes to an increase in efficiency. The pump, which increases the pressure in the water supply, can be cooled by the liquid that is pumped during operation. The mechanism, which is equipped with a wet rotor, creates almost no noise, especially when compared with the previous version.

When to choose a pumping station

Before you buy a pump that increases the pressure in the water supply, you need to ask if it is the low pressure that is the problem, and not the clogging of the pipe. The fact is that over the years, pipes from the inside are covered with plaque and mechanical particles that remain after filtration. Their volume increases, which causes a low bandwidth systems. If this is the reason, then no matter how modern and effective it is, it will not be able to solve the problem. In this case, it will be necessary to replace the entire plumbing system. However, if the problem is still low pressure, then you can prefer a pumping station that has a higher power compared to a conventional pump. With it, it will be possible to raise water even from the lowest tiers of the house. The station assumes the presence of a centrifugal design, which is connected to the accumulator relay. During operation, the liquid is pumped out of the system, entering the storage tank. This option is suitable in cases where an emergency shutdown of water occurs quite often. In this case, you can use the stored water. When the water is turned off, the pressure will decrease over time until it reaches a certain point. After the relay reaches a predetermined level, the relay will automatically operate and help turn on the pump. If you decide to purchase a pumping station, you will also have to think about how much volume it should have. The larger its capacity, the longer the pump will last and the less often it will turn on and off.

Why choose a water-cooled pump for an apartment

If you are considering booster water pumps, then you should consider which variety to choose for your home. Experts most often advise purchasing models that work by water cooling. This recommendation is due to the fact that a small pump will simply be fixed to water pipe, among other things, you can do such work yourself. An additional positive feature of such pumps is a wet rotor, which ensures silent operation. Therefore, it can be installed anywhere in the apartment without fear that the equipment will cause discomfort. The installation of a water-cooled booster pump is also recommended for the reason that it has a low cost. Therefore, if necessary, several such pumps can be installed in front of devices that cannot work without pressure. The design assumes the presence of smart automation that protects the device from dry running, this indicates that the equipment will turn off when water disappears in the pipe. If you will be installing a booster pump for water supply, then you can choose equipment that works by water cooling. Most often, such units have the ability to operate in one of two modes. Among them are automatic and manual. The master should only remember that such a device does not tolerate dirty water. Therefore, if the water in the pipes has foreign inclusions, then the pump will have to be cleaned periodically.

Carrying out installation work

Installation of a booster pump for water supply is carried out in several stages. It is not difficult to carry out such work, however, before starting manipulations, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the technology. The first step will be to markup in the place where it is supposed to be made installation work. Next, the master must turn off the water and open the mixer tap to eliminate excess pressure. Using it will be necessary to cut a piece of pipe, following the marks. Threads must be cut along the edges, and then threaded adapters are screwed in. The installation of a booster pump at the next stage involves the use of American fittings, which are supplied with the equipment. They will need to be connected with adapters.

Final works

The master will have to install the pump in the allotted place. Use a waterproof socket to connect the power cable. It is recommended to install the machine in 10 milliamps. These tips will help you get the job done right.
