Own business: open workshop (craft coworking). Opening a coworking center: non-standard business solutions

For Russia, coworking is a new phenomenon. These are specially equipped rooms for freelancers, business meetings. In the common area for work, everyone can find a comfortable place where they will not be distracted. The idea seems quite promising.

The first one was opened in the USA in 2005, and for Russia this phenomenon is new, but already appreciated. There was an opinion that mostly freelancers come to work in co-working spaces. This is not entirely true - a room for business meetings is required by businessmen who come from other cities and countries, you can often see lawyers, translators, even artists and writers here. Coworking is a common area for work, where everyone can find a comfortable place where they will not be distracted.

When studying American coworking spaces, it turned out that in some each workplace has a specific purpose, and the space is also divided into separate zones with signs “I work”, “I will be glad to communicate”, “I will not refuse help”. The practice of the most popular coworking centers that have implemented the "Office in the office" scheme is interesting. The room is divided by translucent partitions into segments, each of which has a desk with a chair and a small closet. If necessary, partitions and furniture can be easily dismantled and the space becomes shared. If a workplace tenant brings a new client to the coworking space, he is entitled to a discount, and this technique also works. Many coworking spaces allow casual visitors to work for free, regular visitors are asked to pay for a place.

Prospects for coworking in Russia

In our country, co-working spaces began to open not so long ago, users are only looking at this innovation, some perceive the offer to work outside the home and office with irony and bewilderment. The best evidence of the usefulness of the idea can be considered the demand for co-ownerships. Apparently, the need for equipped work areas “for hire” arose a long time ago, so people began to gather in them without much persuasion. Jobs for rent:

  • Consultants, lawyers and other professionals who working room required from time to time.
  • Small firms rent premises for offices.
  • It is more profitable for companies whose employees are located in different cities to periodically rent workplaces.
  • Beginning businessmen hold meetings in co-working spaces, as renting or buying an office in a large city is unreasonably expensive.

This will require investments, the amount of which depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, its location and condition. At favorable conditions investments will pay off in a year, but it is not worth postponing the organization of a business, since in the near future this idea will become relevant and competition will increase. The growing number of freelancers can predict the popularity of coworking spaces.

Workplaces, rooms for conferences, trainings and business meetings are rented by a variety of people and firms, but freelancers remain the main users. free schedule, independent planning and the lack of management control, many freelancers would like to combine with the attractive attributes of office life: the possibility of communication, exchange of experience, modern equipment. In short, co-working spaces are the perfect place for extroverted freelancers.

Where to look for a coworking space

Of course, it would be nice to settle in the business center of a metropolis with an abundance of businessmen, IT specialists, freelancers who constantly need places for negotiations, solving business issues, and solitary work. It is unlikely that startups can afford to rent or buy such premises, and there are always not enough free territories in the city center. Look for a conveniently located place near a transport interchange or metro station. It is good if there is a place for parking cars nearby, as many business people travel by personal transport.

Pay attention to the landscape outside the windows - it turns out that visitors to co-working spaces are not indifferent to beauty, and establishments overlooking the wasteland are visited less than those located near the park.

If you are planning to open a small coworking space with several rooms, decide which visitors you are targeting and design the interior taking into account the specifics. Naturally, artists and programmers put forward different requirements for the design of the room, as well as handmakers and sales agents. In a mini-center of several large rooms or in a separate building you can equip several different zones and attract visitors different professions and tastes.

Organizational matters

  1. Transfer an apartment from residential to or, or rent it.
  2. Make a plan for dividing the area into separate zones.
  3. Do office renovations.
  4. Purchase and install good office equipment.
  5. Allocate places for smoking rooms and recreation areas, install sofas, armchairs, hammocks for short breaks. Try to find an area for the installation of a sports simulator, small kitchen with cooler, coffee maker, refrigerator, toaster, microwave, dishes, etc.

Basic list of office equipment for coworking:

  • internet (wi-fi);
  • computers;
  • scanner;
  • Printer;
  • screen projector;
  • plasma panel;
  • magnetic board with markers.

Coworking spaces should be different in size, number of jobs, type of placement.

Try to attract organizers of seminars, trainings and educational courses to coworking. Firstly, the income from such events is always significant, and secondly, it will be a good advertising move: when advertising their training, etc., the organizers will definitely indicate the venue, that is, your address. Invite local media to hold conferences in your area, round tables, interviews in exchange for preferential rent of your jobs for freelancers, distributors and other employees. Do not be afraid at first to rent out your premises for minimum fee, your task is to gain fame and prove yourself from the best side.

The price of a workplace with a computer and a full set of office equipment should be different from the use of wi-fi and a table. Give your regular customers discount cards for pizza delivery or taxi discounts.


The success of any enterprise largely depends on the team. For co-working spaces, this rule is especially relevant - friendly staff, comfortable space and working conditions determine attendance and, as a result, your income. A person who works in a co-working space should be enthusiastic, hospitable, learnable and quick-thinking. It is important that employees are able to work in a team, be sociable and competent.

How beneficial is it?

Don't expect a quick payback. The purchase or lease of a large premises, equipment, repairs, interior design - all this is expensive and the payment for jobs will not be able to cover the costs of several months. Coworking should be perceived as an idea that will bring good profit in perspective. If you manage to attract many visitors, become popular and discussed, you will be visited for years, attracting more and more new visitors. It is worth taking on the organization of coworking if you have a specific goal, sufficient funds and a desire to work for a long time.

Like anti-cafes, co-working centers are still a relatively new and completely unexplored direction. At its core, this is also an open space for everyone. But it goes not to rest and have a good time, but to work. In fact, this is a public office where anyone who does not have their own office or special equipment can come and work. You can build a business at the work of a coworking center by charging rent from those who need space.

It should be noted that if earlier such services were used only to save on office rent, today the business has acquired a new meaning. Business people come here in order to acquire the necessary acquaintances, establish the necessary connections, create their own community. Therefore, today co-working centers are formed with their own theme, features that distinguish them from competitors.

Market analysis

Before embarking on the direct opening of a coworking center, you need to analyze the market in your region, where you plan to open and start a business. Find out if similar organizations operate in your city or area. If one such center is not enough for a city with a million inhabitants, then it is quite enough for a small town. In the latter case, it is better to abandon this idea and refocus on another business. If you are planning to work in big city, then if there are competitors, you should find your own peculiarity, focus on a narrow audience and, of course, be located in a different part of the city relative to competitors.

Center staff

Almost half of the center's success is its employees. For normal work, it is necessary to hire 4-5 people in the staff for different positions:

  • the administrator of the hall, who will follow the rules of order in the halls, communicate and serve customers;
  • an interior designer who will organize spaces for various thematic events;
  • technician who will monitor the serviceability technical equipment in the halls;
  • an event manager who will help organize various events in the halls;
  • marketer, whose responsibilities will include finding customers and promoting the coworking center in the service market.

You will also need the services of 5-20 volunteers, depending on the scope and focus of your center. You can hire friends, acquaintances, or students who need experience in this field. In the latter case, they can work for recommendations. Keep in mind that coworking is a business where the little things matter, so your team needs to be as efficient as possible.


Most the best place in the city for the location of a coworking center - this is the central part or a place near the metro. It is important that the floor plan provides for the possibility of designing several spacious areas. The ceilings of the building should be high, the windows should be large and preferably with an attractive view from the outside. Lighting should be as natural as possible, but artificial should not cause any complaints. Pay attention to the presence of a good ventilation system.

Business should not be opened in shopping or business centers, because the doors of your company must be open around the clock. This will allow you to organize more events that will increase the return on business. Moreover, the center can be organized on outdoors in the park area, providing the place with all necessary communications. But then the space must be provided with all the necessary infrastructure.

Pay attention to the areas near the building that can be equipped for parking or parking. You must provide for the possibility of parking for as many cars as the visitors of your center are offered. Moreover, there should be a fairly spacious entrance to the very center so that a car with overall equipment can unload. If you are planning a business for more than one year, keep in mind that over time, the number of cars your customers own, and even the residents of nearby houses, can at least double.

All this suggests that the choice of a place for a coworking center is one of decisive tasks that the business plan should solve at the start.

Next steps

It is desirable to acquire the selected premises in the property, and then transfer from the housing stock to non-residential. Only after that they start the reconstruction of the premises. After the repair, it is necessary to purchase expensive and high-quality office equipment and only after that acquire and arrange additional pleasant nuances, such as a recreation area, a sports area, a library, and so on.

The basic set of equipment consists of the following items:

  • flip chart;
  • plasma screen;
  • tables and chairs;
  • screen and multimedia projector;
  • printer and scanner;
  • wi-fi internet and more.

Characteristics of the premises

So, the premises of the coworking center should be divided into several zones:

  • kitchen;
  • recreation area,
  • working area;
  • smoking area;
  • latrines.

The most time-consuming part that a business plan should take into account is the repair of premises. To do this, you can hire interior designers who will think over the ergonomics and aesthetic part of the premises. How exactly to issue them depends on the direction of your business, your financial capabilities and imagination.

As already mentioned, in addition to working areas in the room, a kitchen should be provided. This should be a room with a separate entrance, where there are:

  • tables with chairs;
  • electric kettle;
  • microwave;
  • cooler;
  • hood.

But keep in mind that during the work of the center, the situation in the premises may change more than once. Firstly, it can be rebuilt for various events. Secondly, it will have to be adjusted to the needs of your target audience. Therefore, from the very first days of the work of the coworking center, you need to listen to the opinions and wishes of customers, as well as keep track of where they most often spend their time.

Behavior rules

Since there will be many gatherings in your space different people, should be developed special rules behavior in your center. This will help minimize all possible conflicts and prevent inconvenience.

Typically, these rules include:

  • keeping quiet;
  • rules of conduct in the kitchen;
  • rules of conduct in the workplace;
  • appropriate behavior in the meeting room.

The Code of Practice should be posted in a conspicuous place. There should also be an indication of what consequences will come for their violation. Usually prescribe cleaning of the premises, removal of garbage.

But for your part, you must also organize the opportunity to comply with these rules. For example, it is necessary to provide for the opportunity for customers to change their shoes, leave outerwear and not worry about its safety.

Business Orientation

The bigger your city, the more microcultures it has. You can start your own business if you focus on one of them. Then gradually expand, capturing an adjacent audience. Think about the needs of which audience you can most easily meet what your center can offer to them. For example, you can organize a space for the exchange of experience, or for gaining new knowledge, provide an opportunity to advertise and present your products, and so on. For each of the directions it is necessary to develop own program that will benefit customers.

This nuance is very important if you start from a small center with one or two work areas. But if you have a large hangar or a multi-room apartment, you can organize the space at the same time for various thematic groups: programmers, artists, needlework lovers and more.

Business promotion

The plan for promoting this type of service should be built primarily on the use of the Internet. Create your own website, which will be filled with information about the center as much as possible. Regularly post news and reports on events, talk about promotions and new opportunities. Also start pages on the main social networks, where you also drop reports, photos and videos about the events held. Be sure to include various webinars in your business plan.

The media should not be discounted as an advertising tool. They can submit both direct advertising and the same reports on the events held. If you constantly have interesting events and other meetings, media representatives themselves will be willing to cooperate as a reliable source of interesting information.

As an addition, you can use other promotional tools, such as promotions, distribution of flyers, and others.

List of services of the center

For effective work it is important to form a detailed and clear list of the center's services and their cost. The greatest return, according to entrepreneurs operating in this area, is provided by educational events or entertainment. Among them, it is most profitable to hold webinars, conferences, thematic lectures, weekend markets. They account for about half of the revenue. In the beginning, it is worth holding small, sometimes free events in order to study the interests of the audience. Then organize more in-depth programs. Or you can simply offer space for rent, without actually organizing events.

In any case, it is necessary, together with lawyers, to draw up a detailed contract for the provision of such services, as well as an application form for which the premises will be rented out.

Formation of the price list

Payment for the services of the center is for renting a room or workplace. In both cases, a flexible payment system should be provided. Usually they offer a per-minute payment system, which allows a person at first to understand how suitable this space is for him to work. The cost of rent in this case is 1.5-2 rubles. in an hour. Subscriptions are offered next. For example, for a month you can purchase a card for 8-12 thousand rubles. with a full reservation of the selected workplace.

Coworking is a space designed for the joint work of several people at once. Its dimensions can be different, it all depends on the type of activity that will take place in the room. Space equipped necessary equipment, comfortable furniture, all that is necessary for comfortable activity. Coworking center can become promising business in future.

Often freelancers and people who make money on cryptocurrency need a room, they are free, independent, and need common place work. In appearance, coworking can be compared to an ordinary office. There is also a well-equipped workplace, furniture for relaxation. But the main difference is independence. Here at the same time there can be completely unfamiliar people who are not connected by anything.

There are situations when a person simply does not have the opportunity to work at home, and renting an entire office for this is very irrational. Then the coworking center will become best solution, finish work on your project, and at the same time do it with the necessary comfort. It may become .

Coworking center: advantages and disadvantages

AT this place everything is as free as possible. A person is not assigned to his desktop, a constant change of scenery is beneficial. Also, the room is equipped with a special lounge, a conference room, and sometimes even gym. Everything is based on the fact that the person who paid the rent should get the maximum comfort from his work.

Coworking has become a good outlet for young entrepreneurs who don't yet have enough money to rent an entire office. After all, in addition to this, you need to think over its protection, cleaning, but here everything is much simpler. Good way save a decent amount.

Recently, many companies have resorted to coworking. But so that, finally understanding this concept, all its advantages and disadvantages should be considered. Advantages:

  1. The opportunity to make friends, or just chat with new people. And if representatives of various fields of activity gathered in the room, it will become good chance broaden your knowledge a little.
  2. In the course of work, you can easily identify real professionals who can be called in the future with your own project.
  3. Pleasant atmosphere, everything is created so that it is in the room, it becomes as comfortable as possible.
  4. Lack of control, each person feels free, it is much more pleasant to work when you understand that your actions are not strictly controlled. People often come here.
  5. Efficiency. People agreeing to rent understand that they are paying money for it, which means that it is in their interests to approach the project as responsibly as possible. Otherwise, you will have to renew the contract, and these are unforeseen expenses.

The coworking center has disadvantages:

  1. Waste of time. If a person works at home, he does not need to spend time on the road and back.
  2. Not reliability. Being in a team with strangers it is dangerous to leave your belongings unattended.
  3. Lots of distractions. There are many nearby various people that can be distracting, asking questions, and sometimes it's distracting. Also, the lack of silence, conversations, can seriously harm the work.

But even these shortcomings do not stop people, because every year the number of coworking centers increases all over the world.

Coworking as an idea for a business.

In this place you can meet people of different professions at the same time. It can be translators, designers, programmers, artists, musicians, and many others. All those people who want to retire and work away from their usual environment.

Due to their popularity, these centers have the opportunity to constantly improve. If initially it was an ordinary room equipped with necessary furniture, today everything is much bigger. There are coworking centers that have not only lounges and a conference room, but also workshops, gyms and even children's rooms, for those who have no one to leave their kids with. Conditions are becoming more comfortable and convenient every year. Coworking centers in Moscow are opening more and more often.

Many people use coworking not as a place to work, but as a business idea. After all, if it is so popular, the chance to get profit from it is huge. However, deciding on this idea, you need to carefully consider the following questions:

  1. Room selection. It is worth understanding how it will be, the profitability of the entire project depends. People around should want to come to this building, which means that it must fulfill following characteristics: be conveniently located, have good repair, enough free space and stick to the business atmosphere.
  2. Buy necessary equipment, everything that is required for comfortable work should be here.
  3. Recruitment, it is necessary to hire people who will guard and clean the premises.

Business center coworking will be profitable in big cities. As well as organized on their own. Coworking – interesting idea, both for organizing a business, and for people who temporarily need an office.

Coworking center plan

How much money do you need to open a coworking space? For this you can. Approximate calculations can be done like this:

  • rent of a large room - from 150,000 rubles;
  • repair and purchase of furniture - 300,000 rubles;
  • staff costs - an administrator and a cleaner, this is another 50-100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of computer equipment - 120-150 thousand rubles.

Initially, you will have to spend about 800,000 rubles, the net profit for the month will be 50-150 thousand rubles. If your business does not attract you, then you should study.

Coworking is a relatively young type of business that appeared in 2005. The first co-working center was opened by American freelancer Brad Newberg, who solved the classic problem for a freelancer: always work anywhere (at home or in a cafe) or work in own office(for which you need to pay good money). Brad combined the best of the two formats, and this is how the first coworking center appeared - something between a cafe, an office and a home. And within a few years, the idea spread around the world with overwhelming success. More recently, such a business appeared in Russia.

The service turned out to be quite in demand for small businesses and novice startups, especially in major cities(like Moscow and St. Petersburg), where renting an office is far from cheap, and a coworking center provides everything you need to do business for little money. Here you will find free wi-fi, a separate table and chair for work, the ability to print documents, a room for personal meetings with clients, a relaxation area, separate kitchen, advice on accounting and legal matters and much more.

Freelancers immediately felt the benefits of coworking: for a low fee, you get everything you need to work, as well as the most important thing that is missing in working at home - the environment. There is no temptation to go to sleep here, extra time spend in front of the TV. Everyone is busy here. Seeing how others work, there is a desire to work with more efficiency and efficiency. There is both communication and a team here - everything that is sorely lacking when working at home.

The services of such centers are often used by consulting agencies, providers, tourists, pharmaceutical representatives, web developers, tutors (for example, in foreign languages).

With proper organization, this service will be in constant demand. The following facts speak in favor of opening a coworking space:

  1. Growth in the number of small businesses in need of cheap rent
  2. The need for functional venues for meetings, seminars, trainings, presentations
  3. The growth in the number of freelancers, people who constantly work one-on-one with a computer, but also need to communicate.
  4. Promotion of small business
  5. State support. There are many examples of opening such a business with the financial support of local authorities.

Statistics show that such a business is in the development stage. Only 24 work in Moscow coworking center, in St. Petersburg - 9, in Yekaterinburg - 3. In other large cities, you can find no more than 1 - 2 such establishments. The niche is free. While free...

Organizational matters

Opening a coworking center should start with a search suitable premises. This task is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It is necessary to choose a roomy, but inexpensive room, with an area of ​​300 sq. m. It will be necessary to allocate space for the placement of work areas, separate rooms for seminars and trainings, a conference room, as well as for the kitchen, lounge, restroom and staff room.

An example of a room layout:

At the same time, you need to be ready for serious investments. Apart from cosmetic repairs and redevelopment of the premises, you will need to invest in the purchase of furniture, office equipment, media equipment, household appliances. A lot of money will be spent on the design and advertising of the center. Investments start from 1,000,000 rubles, you can’t count on less.

How much can you earn?

Modern co-working spaces make money by renting space to individuals, as well as by renting out meeting rooms and conference rooms. For example, in the co-working center "Free Swimming" (Moscow), renting space for a freelancer will cost 5900 rubles / month. This amount includes: work area, Internet, Wi-Fi, connection points (electricity), printing materials, kitchen , coffee, tea, seating area. For small businessmen (startups) rent costs 11900 rubles / month. and a fixed desktop is added to the list of services, office chair, personal boxes, meeting rooms. If you pay an additional 3000 rubles, then parking, legal and accounting consultations will be added to the services of the entrepreneur. One day for regular freelancing (work area, internet, kitchen, recreation area) will cost 400 rubles.

There is also such an interesting service as a virtual office, which costs 3900 rubles / month. The client is provided with a meeting room (10 hours, according to the reserve schedule), a postal address, receiving correspondence, calls and transferring information to the client. Inexpensive and most useful service for a small company.

The calculation for revenue is such that only thirty regular customers - freelancers will bring about 180,000 rubles to the institution. per month, only 10 small firms - another 119,000 rubles. It is worth counting on renting a conference room for seminars and trainings, which is another 30,000 rubles. to the organization's monthly income. Total - about 329,000 rubles. per month. The main share of funds from this amount will be spent on renting premises (~ 100,000 rubles), wages service personnel(~ 80 000 rubles), as well as food and expendable materials(tea, coffee, stationery ~ 40,000 rubles). As a result, the organizers of the case will earn up to 100,000 rubles.

"Underwater rocks"

Opinions about the profitability of coworking in Russia are divided. Some entrepreneurs believe that this is a profitable business, others - a complete failure. Both are right, as there are examples of both successful projects in this area and unsuccessful startups. Most of the mistakes in organizing such a business are related to the following:

  • Poor assessment of business prospects in a particular city. The demand for such a service in Moscow (where there is a shortage of cheap space) and in some provincial town will be completely different. There is no need to even try to open such a business in small and medium-sized cities: no one needs such a service there, and if it is needed, then only a few.
  • Gap in the process of starting a business. If you go through business forums, you can find such reviews about coworking as this one: “This idea did not work in our city, although the idea was interesting. Only craftsmen opened such a business. Somehow I decided to go to them and was horrified: a continuous row of tables measuring 50 * 50 cm, separated by 30 cm partitions, although the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allowed me to put large tables, ”says ATatam user from the biznet.ru forum. Somewhere they did not complete the design, somewhere they decided to save unjustifiably - all this affects the general opinion of customers. Customer opinion is the most important thing in any business.
  • Inexpensive, but at the same time roomy. High rent can ruin this business at the very beginning (premises in the city center cannot be cheap). A small area will not allow you to properly position the freelance room, conference room, meeting room, kitchen, etc. Therefore, you need to look for large areas(from 300 sq. m.), with low rent and good transport accessibility (the closer to the center, the better). Summing up, we can say that one of the most challenging tasks in coworking is to choose the right space.
  • How much can you earn
  • Regulatory framework
  • Business information support
        • Similar business ideas:

A relatively new type of business in the real estate market is a coworking center, as well as an anti-cafe. But if the latter option is usually used for relaxation, then people come to the coworking cafe in order to work in a relaxed atmosphere.
In simple words, the purpose of coworking is to create a comfortable environment and the possibility of social interaction. However, anticafe will help in negotiations or any other matter related to information exchange and freelancing.

More recently, such a center would have been inappropriate and unclaimed, but today everything has changed dramatically - the emergence of freelancers (people who work without a main place, remotely) contributes to the development of demand for office space in neutral territory. A freelancer may need a workplace away from home, where you can not only work, but also have plenty to chat with like-minded colleagues. And the coworking center in this case becomes a real lifeline that brings mutual benefits.

That is why the number of such establishments is growing rapidly, and the profitability of the business is over 100%. Naturally, it is worth working on the development of your coworking center, starting from the creation of a business plan, the design of the premises and advertising.

Competent organization of the project

The entrepreneur who strive to discover something new and promising it is necessary to study the situation of similar establishments in the city. For a small town, one such institution is enough, and if one already exists, it will be difficult to win the trust of visitors. In a densely populated area, it is much easier to open a coworking center. However, by connecting fantasy, you can organize successful business in any area. For example, by opening a center exclusively for programmers, writers or designers. Active visitors to the non-standard institution are also specialists who work on outsourcing.

Modern IT representatives are looking for non-standard and inexpensive solutions leases that allow you to work and communicate comfortably. A well-organized coworking center is able to offer them Better conditions for productive work.

Step-by-step action plan, opening an “eternal wallet” business

The feature of the coworking center is versatility, a favorable atmosphere for work and leisure. That is why it is necessary to optimize the space by dividing it into zones. The launch of a business project should begin with a marketing research, search for a suitable premises. As for it, there are many options - an equipped basement, a first floor, a converted trading floor, an industrial warehouse within the city. The main requirement is space, stylish design and creation comfortable conditions. Looking around the streets, you can find many options for implementing the idea.
The step-by-step plan for opening a coworking center looks like this:

  • business plan development;
  • search for premises;
  • design selection and repair work;
  • purchase of furniture, equipment;
  • creation of an Internet resource and an advertising company.

Important! Access to the coworking center should be around the clock - this significantly increases the number of visitors. Many creative individuals work at night and pay double the rate for it.

How much can you earn

The main income of the coworking center is payment for the time spent in the institution. You can set an hourly price tag, create a subscription for morning, afternoon, evening and night hours, rent zones, a hall, an office. The average profitability of a business is from 10 thousand per day. The maximum income of anti-cafe will start from 30 thousand or more per day. But these calculations are relative, and depend on the ability of the entrepreneur to make the right decisions, as well as the location of the business. The payback of the project comes in the first year of operation.

Almost every coworking space allows you to implement a rather interesting and profitable option - staff search. Thanks to the large flow of freelancers, by entering into agreements with firms responsible for recruiting, it is possible to select personnel on an almost industrial scale. Along the way, coworking can become a base for contractor IT projects, but in this case, advanced management skills will be required. Such add-ons can increase the profit of the center almost 3 times.

How much money is needed to start

The main items of expenses at the start are:

  • rent of premises - the cost is from 10-30 thousand rubles;
  • cosmetic repairs in a single design - 200 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of furniture, computers, Internet connection - 500 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of kitchen equipment - 100 thousand rubles.

AT current expenses it is worth including the purchase of coffee, monthly rent, the purchase of stationery, Internet fees, staff salaries, contingencies, advertising, website promotion - 200-250 thousand rubles.

Technology for opening a coworking center

The organization of a quiet space, divided into zones, makes the institution special. Visitors should be offered rooms for work, an office for negotiations, a hall for trainings and master classes. Also, you can’t do without the creation of a relax zone - a place where you can relax after doing work, calmly chat with like-minded people to quiet music and order lunch.

The technology of opening a coworking center is to create a place where people can work in a relaxed atmosphere, and, if they wish, communicate with other visitors.

Design - the number of visitors depends on it

For stylish and modern design young, creative designers who work "for themselves" should be attracted. An excellent solution to the problem can be a barter option: the designer creates a project, the entrepreneur provides him with a place to work. As the practice of European coworking centers shows - each institution has its own chip. Someone creates winter gardens, installs comfortable chairs for communication and work, someone prefers exquisite furniture and interior. Very often, a non-standard solution is able to attract an audience, but its creation costs relatively little. For example, a wall painted like a chalkboard will help hold a conference, business forum or lecture.

By connecting your imagination and giving free rein to your imagination, you can turn a coworking center into a place for creative people at little cost.

Non-standard approach in business, increase attendance

To some extent this business the idea is a social project, because it is designed for different visitors - artists and designers, young people working without being tied to a place, programmers, PR managers and journalists, women entrepreneurs. That is why it is important to create for everyone optimal conditions staying in an anti-cafe-coworking. It is much easier to do this by developing a project for specialists in one direction. The way out of the situation can be a quick reorientation of the institution. For example, on Monday the co-working center is a place for artists to gather, Tuesday is for programmers, and Wednesday is designers' day. With this approach, people will come more for communication than for work. But this does not mean that access to the hall will be closed for other professions, it is just that colleagues are gathered at a specific time.

Regulatory framework

Registration of individual entrepreneurship is suitable for opening a coworking center. Can be issued and legal entity but this will take more time and money. An institution is registered with the local tax office and government authorities. They issue appropriate permits for activities.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

In accordance with the updated all-Russian classifier when filling out the registration form, the OKVED code 68.2 "Rent and management of own or leased real estate" is indicated.

What documents are needed to open

When choosing organizational form Individual entrepreneurs provide a photocopy of the passport, an application and a receipt for payment of the state duty. Registration takes no more than 10 days and costs 800 rubles. If you plan to organize several centers, you should immediately register an LLC, supplementing the standard package of documents with a charter and a decision of all founders to organize this business.

Which taxation system to choose for registering a coworking center

The simplified taxation system is the best option for business. To apply it, you will need to write an application immediately after registering a business or in the process of work. The 6% rate allows you to pay tax on profits without documentary evidence of the company's expenses. In addition, the simplified tax system is distinguished by ease of accounting, availability and cost savings.
