The concept of an automated place (AWP) of a specialist. The main types of support for AWS

The increasing pace of informatization of society increases the importance of computer technology in management processes. Using the capabilities of modern computing technology to automate the information processing process will increase labor productivity, improve the efficiency of working with documents and speed up the exchange of management information.

At present, the concept of distributed automated control systems aimed at local processing of information has become widespread. This allows you to organize the division of labor of management personnel and automate the performance of their functions. To implement this idea, it is necessary to create automated workstations based on personal electronic computers (PCs) for each level of management and each subject area.

Automated workstation (AWS) - a complex of computer technology and software, located directly at the employee's workplace and designed to automate his work within the specialty.

Automated workplaces must be created strictly in accordance with their intended functional purpose. However, the general principles for creatingworkstationremain unchanged, they include:




· efficiency.

The principle of consistency means the following: an automated workplace should be a system of interconnected components. At the same time, the structureworkstationmust clearly correspond to the functions for which this workstation is created.

The principle of flexibility is of great importance in the creation of modern and efficient workstations. This principle means the possibility of adaptationworkstationto the proposed modernization of both software and hardware. At present, when the rate of obsolescence of software and hardware is constantly growing, compliance with this principle is becoming one of the most important conditions for creatingworkstation.

To ensure the principle of flexibility in real working workstations, all subsystems of a singleworkstationare made in the form of separate, easily replaceable modules. To avoid incompatibility problems when replacing, all elements must be standardized.

The principle of sustainability is of great importance. It consists in fulfilling theworkstationfunctions, regardless of the influence of both internal and external factors. In the event of failures, the performance of the system should be quickly restored, the malfunctions of individual elements should be easily eliminated.

The principle of efficiency implies that the costs of creating and operating a system should not exceed the economic benefits from its implementation. In addition, when creatingworkstationit must be borne in mind that its effectiveness will be largely determined by the correct distribution of functions and workload between the worker and the machine means of information processing, the core of which is a PC. Only if these conditions are metworkstationbecomes a means of increasing not only labor productivity and management efficiency, but also the social comfort of specialists.

Practical experience of useworkstationas one of the elements of the Distributed Control Systems allows us to highlight the following requirements for an efficient and fully functioning workstation:

· timely satisfaction of the information needs of the user;

· minimum response time to user requests;

· adaptation to the level of user training and the specifics of the functions performed by him;

· the ability to quickly train the user in the basic methods of work;

· reliability and ease of maintenance;

· friendly interface;

· the ability to work as part of a computer network.

Consider the structure of the workstation and the relationship between its components.

As shown in the diagram,workstationconsists of hardware and software of computer technology, as well as the necessary methodological documentation that allows the user to effectively interact with these tools.

Automated workstation (AWP) — a complex of computer equipment and software, located directly at the workplace of an employee and designed to automate the work of an employee within his specialty.

The ARM includes:hardware, software, as well as information support and methodological documentation.

The software is divided into system-wide and functional. The functional software includes text editors, spreadsheet editors, DBMS, email programs, etc.

Integrated office software packages are widely used. A typical example is Microsoft Office.

The composition of the AWS of specific specialists is determined depending on their job responsibilities and the functions they perform.

Currently, there is a huge selection of different software products that meet almost all the requirements imposed on it by representatives of various professions. However, there are situations when there is a need for some other programs. In such cases, special workstations for professional purposes are developed.

When creating such programs, it is necessary to take into account such points as:

  • tasks to be solved;
  • interaction with other specialists;
  • professional habits and inclinations of the employee;
  • development of not only FPO, but also special technical means (mouse, network, automatic dialing of telephone numbers, etc.).

The creation of efficient professional workstations allows to increase the productivity of specialists and reduce the number of staff. This increases the speed of information processing and its reliability, which is necessary for effective planning and management.

For the effective use of the AWP complex, it is necessary, first of all, to clearly define for which particular specialists (managers, economists, statisticians, accountants) automated workplaces will be created. The composition and number of workstations depend on the profile of the organization, its structure, scale and other parameters.

In practice, the development of specific workstations most often represents the automation of the most typical functions performed by an employee at a given workplace. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the employee's workstation should draw up only those programs that are really necessary for the specialist to work. An excessive amount of software in the workplace takes up PC resources and can distract an employee from performing their duties.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to clearly define the information needs of each specialist - the intended user of the workstation. Generally speaking, each user must formulate such needs independently. The optimal implementation of the system being created is possible only if users can define their goals and indicate the nature of the information they need to achieve these goals. In addition, such an approach to solving the problem of creating automated workplace software eliminates the psychological barrier in the relationship between man and machine. In this case, the user himself determines the operations that he constantly performs, and clearly knows which programs were installed for their automated execution.

However, in practice, it is not always easy for employees of an organization to clearly define their needs for the information necessary for their work. In this case, you can get information about the operations performed by the employee and the data used for this in two different ways: by asking the employee a direct question or by obtaining such information indirectly.

In the first case, employees draw up special certificates in writing containing:

  • a list of their main responsibilities;
  • specific types of information required to fulfill the above responsibilities.

The information needs are determined by the employee based on the composition of the main duties and the decisions made in the process of their implementation.

In a different approach, responsibilities and information needs are obtained indirectly. The developer of the workstation asks employees - users of future workstations - to describe what happens in the process of performing their job duties. After that, the developer must formulate specific questions that need to be answered, assuming that the workstation is already functioning. This approach also allows the employee to gain a greater understanding of their activities and, in particular, the process of making complex decisions.

The result of applying any of the above approaches should be a clearly articulated list of functions performed by the employee and his information needs. The next step towards the creation of an automated workplace is the definition of those functions of the published list that can be automated, and the choice of programs with which this can be done.

An employee of any specialty using the AWP can perform the following operations:

  • enter written information from the keyboard and visually control this process using a monitor;
  • edit data;
  • move, copy, delete information;
  • display information on the screen, printer, record it on magnetic media;
  • transfer data from one computer to another using magnetic media;
  • exchange data via communication channels within the local area network or the Internet;
  • collect and store data;
  • search and collect the necessary information, update the data;
  • receive information from databases;
  • protect information.

Let's determine the composition of the software required to create standard workstations. Recall that the composition of specific workstations largely depends on the specific organization and job duties performed by employees.

Workstation of the head

Let's consider the main approaches to completing the manager's workstation. Under the head we will understand not only the head of the organization, but also his deputies, chief accountant, chief engineer, heads of structural divisions of the enterprise, i.e., managers of various levels. For these categories of employees, the functions performed by them are largely similar, so the composition of the functional AWP Software will be approximately the same.

Most often, the manager needs information in connection with the implementation of the management process. The nature of information needs depends mainly on two factors: the personal qualities of the manager (knowledge of information systems, management style, understanding of information needs) and the organizational structure of management within which decisions are made.

The higher the competence of the manager in the field of information systems, the more complex and precise his information needs will be. A realistic understanding of the possibilities and costs involved puts him in a much better position to help develop an effective system.

The manager's technical background, leadership style, and decision-making ability all influence the nature and amount of information they require. Some managers prefer to make decisions based on detailed information, while others prefer to make decisions based on more general information, while using personal consultations with subordinates.

Own representations of the manager about the needs for information are also of great importance on the composition of the AWP software. Leaders often vacillate between wanting to know only the data they need or wanting to know all the information. Many managers do not realize what information they need. There are several points of view of managers regarding their responsibilities regarding the dissemination of information to their subordinates. A manager who is unable or unwilling to distribute authority usually seeks to withhold information.

The problems of management information support depend on the scale of the enterprise and the complexity of its organizational structure. Larger enterprises with more complex organizational structures require more formal information systems, and information needs become more critical to operations.

At each level of management, different types of information are needed and, as a rule, in different forms. At the planning level, a one-time message, conclusions, or a single request is required. At the scheduling management level, a deviation report, conclusions, and various periodic evaluation reports are required. At the level of operational control, a formal report on established procedures is necessary, a daily report on the implementation of the operation to ensure operational control of activities.

The more complex the structure of an organization, the easier it is to identify information needs. Where rights and responsibilities are clearly defined, relationships are understood, and decision-making areas are limited, information needs are easier to identify.

The responsibilities of the leader include:

  • making managerial decisions within their range of responsibilities;
  • analysis and generalization of the information necessary for making these decisions;
  • determination of the necessary actions for the implementation of the decisions made and the determination of the circle of persons who must ensure their implementation;
  • formulating tasks for specific employees involved in the process of implementing a management decision, and bringing these tasks to them;
  • control over the execution of tasks.

Obviously, most modern workstations cannot take on the function of making managerial decisions, but they can significantly facilitate and speed up the performance of this function by the manager.

It is advisable to include at least the following software tools in the functional software of the manager's workstation:

  • word processor;
  • spreadsheet processor;
  • personal information system (organizer);
  • DBMS (to work with databases on all aspects of the organization's activities, to obtain the necessary archival and operational information);
  • applied expert system (if necessary);
  • Web browser;
  • email program.

When developing the workstations of specialists, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the nature of their duties. The information needs of ordinary employees, as well as those of the managerial apparatus, depend on such factors as the personal qualities of the employee and the structure of the organization. With regard to personal qualities, knowledge of information systems and technologies, as well as an understanding of the need for information, is important.

In the field of the structure of the organization, the profile of its activities plays a significant role. For example, although in a large industrial enterprise and in a small trading firm the functions of the accounting department are essentially the same, the specific tasks performed by the accounting staff, as well as the types of documents that they have to work with, can be very different. Therefore, the correct selection and configuration of software products for the work of a particular organization is extremely important.

Consider the composition of the software workstations of the most common specialties. The following programs constitute the minimum set of software tools for the average specialist.

The activities of management employees are currently focused on the use of advanced information technologies.

The organization and implementation of management functions requires a radical change in both the management technology itself and the technical means of information processing, among which personal computers (PCs) occupy the main place. They are increasingly turning from systems of automatic processing of input information into a means of accumulating the experience of managerial workers, analyzing, evaluating and developing the most effective economic decisions.

The trend towards increased decentralization of management entails distributed processing of information with the decentralization of the use of computer technology and the improvement of the organization of user workplaces.

Automated workplace- a set of information, software and technical resources that provides the end user with data processing and automation of management functions in a specific subject area.

The creation of an automated workplace assumes that the main operations for the accumulation, storage and processing of information are assigned to computers, and the user performs some of the manual operations and operations that require a creative approach when preparing management decisions. Personal equipment is used by the user to control production and economic activities, change the values ​​of individual parameters in the course of solving a problem, as well as enter initial data into an automated information system to solve current problems and analyze control functions.

AWP as a tool for rationalization and intensification of management activities is created to ensure the performance of a certain group of functions. The simplest function of the workstation is information and reference services. Although this function is inherent in any workstation to one degree or another, the features of its implementation significantly depend on the user category.

Workstations have a problem-professional orientation to a specific subject area. Professional workstations are the main tool for communication between a person and computer systems, playing the role of autonomous workplaces. Workstations perform decentralized simultaneous processing of information at the workplaces of performers as part of a distributed database. At the same time, they have access through the system device and communication channels to the PC and database of other users, thus ensuring the joint functioning of the PC in the process of collective processing.

Workstation created on the basis of personal computers (PC) is the simplest and most common version of an automated workplace for employees in the field of organizational management. Such a workstation is considered as a system that, in an interactive mode of operation, provides a specific employee (user) with all types of support exclusively for the entire session of work. This corresponds to the approach to designing such a component of the workstation as internal information support, according to which the information fund on magnetic media of a particular workstation should be at the exclusive disposal of the user of the workstation. The user himself performs all the functional duties of converting information.

The creation of a PC-based workstation provides:

Simplicity, convenience and user friendliness;

Ease of adaptation to specific user functions;

Compact placement and low requirements for operating conditions;

High reliability and survivability;

Relatively simple maintenance organization. An effective mode of operation of the workstation is its functioning within the local area network as a workstation. This option is especially appropriate when it is required to “distribute” information and computing resources among several users.

A more complex form is an workstation using a PC as an intelligent terminal, as well as with remote access to the resources of the central (main) computer or an external network. In this case, several PCs are connected via communication channels to the main computer, while each PC can also work as an independent terminal device.

In the most complex systems, workstations can be connected through special equipment not only to the resources of the main computer of the network, but also to various information services and general-purpose systems (news services, national information retrieval systems, databases and knowledge, library systems, etc. ).

The capabilities of the created workstations largely depend on the technical and operational characteristics of the computers on which they are based. In this regard, at the design stage of an automated workplace, requirements are clearly formulated for the basic parameters of technical means for processing and issuing information, a set of component modules, network interfaces, ergonomic parameters of devices, etc.

A prerequisite for the functioning of the workstation is technical support. Information processing tools - computers of different capacities and types - form the basis of the technical support of computer networks. A characteristic feature of the practical use of technical means in organizational and economic management at present is the transition to decentralized and network processing based on a PC.

If a PC is used as an workstation of a small local area network, on which all the information necessary for work is centrally stored, the amount of information processed is small. The speed of work is determined not by the speed of the computer, but by the speed of the dialogue between the operator and the machine. It follows from this that in this case a PC with low speed and a minimum amount of RAM is quite acceptable.

In another case, if the computer is intended for the regular preparation of voluminous documents and uses large amounts of information for this, it is necessary to install powerful machines with a large amount of external and internal memory.

The information content of the automated workplace in determining the range of users and clarifying the essence of the tasks they solve is carried out by the information support of the automated workplace. In the field of organizational management, users can be roughly divided into three categories: managers, management staff and support staff. Developed workstations for different categories of users differ in the types of data presentation. For example, service personnel usually deal with the internal data of the organization, solve repetitive tasks, and use, as a rule, structured information. Managers require both internal and external data to achieve management goals or make decisions.

The use of workstations should not disrupt the rhythm of work familiar to the user. Workstations concentrate the user's attention on the logical structure of the tasks being solved, and not on the characteristics of the software system that implements them. However, if the action specified by the system is not performed, the user must know the reason, and information about this must be displayed on the screen.

Mathematical support of the automated workplace is a set of algorithms that provide the formation of the resulting information. Mathematical software serves as the basis for the development of a complex of applied programs.

As part of the AWP software, two main types of software can be distinguished, differing in functions: general (system) and special (applied). General software includes a set of programs that automate the development of programs and organize an economical computing process on a PC, regardless of the tasks being solved. Special software is a set of programs for solving specific user problems.

As operating systems for workstations created on the basis of 16-bit PCs, MS DOC is usually used, on the basis of 32-bit ones - OS / 2 and UNIX.

The main applications of the application software packages that are part of the special software of the AWP are word processing, tabular data processing, database management, computer and business graphics, the organization of human-machine dialogue, communication support and networking.

Multifunctional integrated packages that implement several information processing functions, such as tabular, graphical, database management, text processing within one software environment, are effective in AWS.

Integrated packages are user-friendly. They have a single interface, do not require docking of the software tools included in them, and have a fairly high speed of solving problems.

The linguistic support of the workstation includes the languages ​​of communication with the user, query languages, information retrieval languages, intermediary languages ​​in networks. The language tools of the automated workplace provide an unambiguous semantic correspondence between the actions of the user and the hardware in the form of a PC. At the same time, AWP languages ​​should be user-oriented, including professionally-oriented.

ARM languages ​​are based on pre-defined terms, descriptions of ways to establish new terms, lists of rules on the basis of which the user can build formal structures that correspond to his information needs. For example, in some workstations, data and constructions are presented in the form of tables, in others - in the form of special operators.

ARM language tools can be divided according to the types of dialogue. Dialogue support tools define the language constructs that the user needs to know. Several types of dialogue can be implemented in one workstation: computer-initiated, by filling in templates, using menus, and hybrid.

The organizational support of the workstation includes a set of documents regulating the activities of specialists when using a computer or another type of terminal at the workplace and defining the functions and tasks of each specialist.

The specialist performs the following operations on the workstation:

Entering information from documents using the keyboard (with visual control on the display screen);

Entering data into a PC from magnetic media from other workstations;

Reception of data in the form of messages via communication channels from other workstations in the conditions of functioning of local area networks;

Data editing and manipulation;

Accumulation and storage of data;

Finding, updating and protecting data;

Output to the screen, printing, magnetic media of the result information, as well as various reference and instructive messages to the user;

Formation and transmission of data to other workstations in the form of files on magnetic media or via communication channels in computer networks;

Obtain operational information on request.

The methodological support of the automated workplace consists of guidelines, recommendations and provisions for the implementation, operation and evaluation of the effectiveness of their functioning. It also includes machine-organized reference information about the workstation as a whole and its individual functions, training tools for working on the workstation, and demonstration examples.

Ergonomic provision of workstations is a set of measures that provide the most comfortable conditions for the use of workstations by specialists. This involves the choice of special furniture for the placement of workstation equipment, the organization of filing cabinets for storing documentation and magnetic media.

Legal support of the automated workplace is a system of legal documents that define the rights and obligations of specialists in the conditions of the functioning of the automated workplace. These documents are strictly linked to a set of developments that regulate the procedure for storing and protecting information, the rules for data revision, ensuring the legal authenticity of operations performed on the workstation, etc.

The effective functioning of an automated information system and workstations is based on the integrated use of modern technical and software tools for processing information in conjunction with modern organizational forms of equipment placement.

The choice of organizational forms of using software and hardware means should be carried out taking into account their dispersal by levels of the control hierarchy in accordance with the organizational structure of the automated object. In this case, the main principle of choice is the collective service of users, which corresponds to the structure of the automated object.

Taking into account the modern functional structure of territorial government bodies, the set of software and hardware tools should form at least a three-level global data processing system with a developed set of peripheral tools at each level (Fig. 2.5).

Rice. 2.5. Schematic diagram of the multilevel organization of software and hardware tools of a local area network (LAN)

The first level is the central computing system of a territorial or corporate body, including one or more powerful computers or mainframes. Its main function is general, economic and financial control, information service for management employees.

The second level is the computing systems of enterprises (associations), organizations and firms, which include mainframes, powerful PCs, provide data processing and management within a structural unit.

The third level is PC-based locally distributed computer networks serving the production sites of the lower level. Each site is equipped with its own PC, which provides a set of works on primary accounting, accounting for needs and distribution of resources. In principle, it can be a workstation that performs functional computational procedures within a certain subject area.

At the same time, at each level of the management hierarchy, there are three ways of organizing technical means: centralized, decentralized and hierarchically distributed. The first method assumes that all data processing work, starting with data collection and registration, is carried out in one processing center; the second provides for the preliminary processing of information, which does not require the creation of very large data arrays, on the peripheral equipment of the remote user of the lower levels of the automated object; in the third method, the processing technology is optimally distributed over the system control levels.

Task one. 3

1. The concept of an automated place (AWP) of a specialist. The main types of support for automated workplaces. ARM classification. Types of tasks solved on the workstation .. 3

2. Types of computer networks and features of information technologies based on them. The possibilities of the Internet and the characteristics of its services. 6

Task two. 16

List of used sources. eighteen

Task one

The concept of an automated place (AWP) of a specialist. The main types of support for automated workplaces. ARM classification. Types of tasks solved on the workstation

An automated workplace (AWS), or, in foreign terminology, a “workstation” (work-station), is a place of a user-specialist of a particular profession, equipped with the means necessary to automate the performance of certain functions.

Such means, as a rule, is a PC, supplemented as necessary with other auxiliary electronic devices, namely disk drives, printers, optical readers or bar code readers, graphics devices, interfaces with other workstations and with local area networks, etc. .d.

The most widely used workstations in the world are based on professional PCs with the IBM PC architecture.

Workstation is a specialized system, a set of hardware and software focused on a specific specialist - an administrator, economist, engineer, designer, designer, architect, designer, doctor, organizer, researcher, librarian, museum worker and many others.

At the same time, a number of general requirements can be presented to the workstation of any “profession”, which must be ensured during its creation, namely:

Direct availability of information processing facilities;

Ability to work in a dialog (interactive) mode;

Fulfillment of the basic requirements of ergonomics: rational distribution of functions between the operator, the elements of the AWP complex and the environment, the creation of comfortable working conditions, the convenience of the AWP designs, taking into account the psychological factors of the human operator, the attractiveness of the shapes and colors of the AWP elements, etc .;

Sufficiently high performance and reliability of a PC operating in the AWP system;

Software adequate to the nature of the tasks to be solved;

Maximum degree of automation of routine processes;

Optimal conditions for self-service of specialists as operators of workstations;

Other factors that ensure maximum comfort and satisfaction of the specialist using the workstation as a working tool.

In the most complex systems, workstations can be connected through special equipment not only to the resources of the main computer of the network, but also to various information services and general-purpose systems (news services, national information retrieval systems, databases and knowledge, library systems, etc. ).

Many well-known workstations can be classified based on the following generalized features:

Functional sphere of use (scientific activity, design, production and technological processes, organizational management);

Type of computer used (micro-, mini-, macrocomputer);

Operating mode (individual, group, network);

User qualifications (professional and non-professional).

Within each of the selected groups of workstations, a more detailed classification can be carried out.

For example, organizational management workstations can be divided into workstations of heads of organizations and departments, planners, logistics workers, accountants, etc. Conventionally, all these workstations can be called an economist's workstation.

The conceptual difference between a PC-based workstation is that an open PC architecture is functionally, physically and ergonomically configured for a specific user (personal workstation) or a group of users (group workstation).

Business workstations bring the user closer to the possibilities of modern computer science and computer technology and create conditions for working without an intermediary - a professional programmer. This provides both autonomous work and the ability to communicate with other users within organizational structures (taking into account the characteristics of these structures).

The parametric series of business workstations makes it possible to create a unified technical, organizational and methodological basis for computerization of management. Initially, information technology is localized within the limits of a personal or group workstation, and later (when the workstation is combined by means of communication), the workstations of a sector, department, institution are created and a collective technology is formed. This achieves the flexibility of the entire structure and the possibility of increasing information capacity.

Three classes of typical workstations can be distinguished:

workstation of the manager;

workstation of a specialist;

Workstation of technical and support staff.

A number of classification features can also be used as the basis for the classification of AWS. Taking into account the areas of application, it is possible to classify the workstation according to the functional feature:

1. AWP of administrative and managerial personnel;

2. Workstation of a designer of radio-electronic equipment, automated control systems, etc.

3. Workstation of a specialist in the field of economics, mathematics, physics, etc.

4. Workstation for production and technological purposes.

An important classification feature of the workstation is the mode of its operation, according to which single, group and network modes of operation are distinguished.

One of the approaches to the classification of workstations is their systematization by types of tasks to be solved. The following groups of workstations are possible:

1. To solve information and computing problems;

2. To solve the problems of preparing and entering data;

3. To solve information and reference problems;

4. To solve accounting problems;

5. To solve the problems of statistical data processing,

6. For solving problems of analytical calculations.

Reasonable attribution of workstations to a certain group will contribute to a deeper and more thorough analysis, the possibility of a comparative assessment of various similar workstations in order to select the most preferable.

The tasks solved on the workstation can be conditionally divided into informational and computational. Information tasks include coding, classification, collection, structural organization, correction, storage, search and issuance of information. Often, information tasks include simple computational and logical procedures of an arithmetic and textual nature and relationships (connections). Information tasks are, as a rule, the most time-consuming and occupy most of the working time of specialists. Computing problems are both formalizable and not completely formalizable. Formalized problems are solved on the basis of formal algorithms and are divided into two groups: direct counting problems and problems based on mathematical models. Direct counting problems are solved using simple algorithms. More complex tasks require the use of different mathematical models. Recently, much attention has been paid to the development of means for solving problems that are not completely formalizable, called semantic ones. Such problems arise very often in the course of operational management of economic objects, especially when making decisions in conditions of incomplete information.

The increasing pace of informatization of society contributes to the increasing role of computer technology in management processes. The possibilities of modern computer technology for automating the information processing process can increase labor productivity, improve the efficiency of working with documents and speed up the exchange of management information.

At present, the concept of distributed automated control systems aimed at local information processing has become widespread. This allows you to organize the division of labor of management personnel and automate the performance of their functions. To implement this idea, it is necessary to create automated workstations based on personal computers for each level of management and each subject area.

Automated workplace(AWP) is a complex of computer equipment and software, located directly at the employee's workplace and designed to automate his work within the specialty.

Automated workplaces must be created strictly in accordance with their intended functional purpose. but general principles for creating workstations remain unchanged:

  • consistency;
  • flexibility;
  • stability;
  • efficiency.

Under the principle of consistency the following is understood: an automated workplace should be a system of interconnected components. At the same time, the structure of the workstation must clearly correspond to the functions for which this workstation is created.

Principle of Flexibility is of great importance in creating modern and efficient workstations. This principle means the possibility of adapting the workstation to the proposed modernization of both software and hardware. At present, when the rate of obsolescence of software and hardware is constantly growing, compliance with this principle is becoming one of the most important conditions for creating workstations.

To ensure the principle of flexibility in real working automated workplaces, all subsystems of a single workstation are implemented as separate, easily replaceable modules. To avoid incompatibility problems when replacing, all elements must be standardized.

Of great importance sustainability principle. It consists in performing the functions inherent in the workstation, regardless of the impact of both internal and external factors. In the event of failures, the performance of the system should be quickly restored, the malfunctions of individual elements should be easily eliminated.

The Principle of Efficiency implies that the costs of creating and operating the system should not exceed the economic benefits from its implementation. In addition, when creating an automated workplace, it should be taken into account that its effectiveness will be largely determined by the correct distribution of functions and workload between the employee and the machine tools for processing information, the core of which is a personal computer. Only if these conditions are met, the workstation becomes a means of increasing not only labor productivity and management efficiency, but also the social comfort of specialists.

The practical experience of using AWS as one of the elements of distributed control systems allows us to highlight the following requirements for an efficient and fully functioning workstation:

  • timely satisfaction of the information needs of the user;
  • minimum response time to user requests;
  • adaptation to the level of user training and the specifics of the functions performed by him;
  • the ability to quickly train the user in the basic methods of work;
  • reliability and ease of maintenance;
  • friendly interface;
  • the ability to work as part of a computer network.

Consider the structure of the workstation and the relationship between its components. Usually, the workstation consists of hardware and software of computer technology, as well as the necessary methodological documentation that allows the user to effectively interact with these tools.

Information support means constant information support for each individual workstation. The functioning of modern workstations is impossible without the supply of timely, reliable and high-quality information.

Methodical documentation is a set of documents relating to the operation of this workstation and, as a rule, includes input and output documents, instruction cards, job descriptions, etc.

The creation of a well-thought-out, easy-to-learn set of methodological documentation is especially important when a system of automated workstations is being introduced in an organization for the first time. In this case, it is necessary to explain in detail to employees the procedure for working with new equipment for them, as well as all the positive aspects of its use.

If necessary, attendance of advanced training courses on working with computer equipment should be organized for employees. It is necessary to do everything possible so that when introducing modern information processing technologies in an organization, employees do not consider the emerging technical means as an obstacle to their normal work, but understand all the benefits and all the advantages of their use.

Currently, there is a huge selection of different software products that meet almost all the requirements imposed on them by representatives of various professions. However, there are situations when there is a need for some other programs. In such cases, special workstations for professional purposes are developed. When creating such programs, it is necessary to take into account such points as:

  • tasks to be solved;
  • interaction with other specialists;
  • professional habits and inclinations of the employee;
  • development of not only functional software (FPO), but also special technical means (mouse, network, automatic dialing of telephone numbers, etc.).

The creation of efficient professional workstations allows to increase the productivity of specialists and reduce the number of staff. This increases the speed of information processing and its reliability, which is necessary for effective planning and management.

For the effective use of the AWP complex, it is necessary, first of all, to clearly define for which particular specialists (managers, economists, statisticians, accountants) automated workplaces will be created. The composition and number of workstations depend on the profile of the organization, its structure, scale and other parameters.

In practice, the development of specific workstations most often represents the automation of the most typical functions performed by an employee at a given workplace. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the employee's workstation should draw up only those programs that are really necessary for the specialist to work. An excessive amount of software in the workplace takes up PC resources and can distract an employee from performing their duties.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to clearly define the information needs of each specialist - the intended user of the workstation. Generally speaking, each user must formulate such needs independently. The optimal implementation of the system being created is possible only if users can define their goals and indicate the nature of the information they need to achieve these goals. In addition, such an approach to solving the problem of creating automated workplace software eliminates the psychological barrier in the relationship between man and machine. In this case, the user himself determines the operations that he constantly performs, and clearly knows which programs were installed for their automated execution.

However, in practice, it is not always easy for employees of an organization to clearly define their needs for the information necessary for their work. In this case, you can get information about the operations performed by the employee and the data used for this in two different ways: by asking the employee a direct question or by obtaining information indirectly.

In the first case, employees draw up special certificates in writing containing:

  • a list of their main responsibilities;
  • specific information necessary to fulfill the above responsibilities.

The information needs are determined by the employee based on the composition of the main duties and the decisions made in the process of their implementation.

In a different approach, responsibilities and information needs are obtained indirectly. The developer of the workstation asks employees - users of future workstations - to describe what happens in the process of performing their job duties. After that, the developer must formulate specific questions that need to be answered, assuming that the workstation is already functioning. This approach also allows the employee to gain a greater understanding of their activities and, in particular, the process of making complex decisions.

The result of applying any of the above approaches should be a clearly articulated list of functions performed by the employee and his information needs. The next steps towards the creation of an automated workplace are the definition of those functions from this list that can be automated, and the choice of programs with which this can be done.

An employee of any specialty using the AWP can perform the following operations:

  • enter written information from the keyboard and visually control this process using a monitor;
  • edit data;
  • move, copy, delete information;
  • display information on the screen, printer, record it on media;
  • transfer data from one PC to others using storage media;
  • exchange data via communication channels within the local area network or the Internet;
  • collect and store data;
  • search and collect the necessary information, update data;
  • receive information from databases;
  • protect information.

Let's determine the composition of the software required to create standard workstations. Recall that the composition of specific workstations largely depends on the specific organization and job duties performed by employees.

Let's consider the main approaches to completing the manager's workstation. Under the head we mean not only the head of the organization, but also his deputies, chief accountant, chief engineer, heads of structural divisions of the enterprise, i.e. managers at various levels. For these categories of employees, the functions performed by them are largely similar, so the composition of the functional software of the workstation will be approximately the same.

Most often, the manager needs information in connection with the implementation of the management process. The nature of information needs depends mainly on two factors: the personal qualities of the manager (knowledge of information systems, management style, understanding of information needs) and the organizational structure of management within which decisions are made.

The higher the competence of the manager in the field of information systems, the more complex and precise his information needs will be. A realistic understanding of the possibilities and costs involved puts him in a much better position to help develop an effective system.

The manager's technical background, leadership style, and decision-making ability all influence the nature and amount of information they require. Some managers prefer to make decisions based on detailed information, while others prefer to make decisions based on more general information, while using personal consultations with subordinates.

Own representations of the manager about the needs for information are also of great importance on the composition of the AWP software. Leaders often vacillate between wanting to know only the data they need or wanting to know all the information. Many managers do not realize what information they need.

There are several points of view of managers regarding their responsibilities regarding the dissemination of information to their subordinates. A manager who is unable or unwilling to distribute authority usually seeks to withhold information.

The problems of management information support depend on the scale of the enterprise and the complexity of its organizational structure. Larger enterprises with more complex organizational structures require more formal information systems, and information needs become even more important to operations.

At each level of management, different types of information are needed and, as a rule, in different forms. At the planning level, a one-time message, conclusions, or a single request is required; at the scheduling management level, reporting of deviations, findings, and various reports of periodic evaluations. At the level of operational control, a formal communication of established procedures and a daily communication of the implementation of the operation are necessary to ensure operational control of activities.

The more complex the structure of an organization, the easier it is to identify information needs. Where rights and responsibilities are clearly defined, relationships are understood, and decision-making areas are limited, information needs are easier to identify. The responsibilities of the leader include:

  • making managerial decisions within their range of responsibilities;
  • analysis and generalization of the information necessary for making these decisions;
  • determination of the necessary actions for the implementation of the decisions made and the determination of the circle of persons who must ensure their implementation;
  • formulating tasks for specific employees involved in the process of implementing a management decision, and bringing these tasks to them;
  • control over the execution of tasks.

Obviously, most modern workstations cannot take on the function of making managerial decisions, but they can significantly facilitate and speed up the performance of this function by the manager. It is advisable to include at least the following software tools in the functional software of the manager's workstation:

  • word processor;
  • spreadsheet processor;
  • DBMS (for working with databases on all aspects of the organization's activities, as well as for obtaining the necessary archival and operational information);
  • applied expert system (if necessary);
  • web browser;
  • email program.

When developing the workstations of specialists, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the nature of their duties. The information needs of ordinary employees, as well as those of the managerial apparatus, depend on such factors as the personal qualities of the employee and the structure of the organization. With regard to personal qualities, knowledge of information systems and technologies, as well as an understanding of the need for information, is of great importance.

In the field of the structure of the organization, the profile of its activities plays a significant role. For example, although in a large industrial enterprise and in a small trading firm the functions of the accounting department are essentially the same, the specific tasks performed by the accounting staff, as well as the types of documents that they have to work with, can be very different. Therefore, the correct selection and configuration of software products for the work of a particular organization is extremely important.

Consider the composition of the software workstations of the most common specialties. The following programs constitute the minimum set of software tools for the average specialist.

The current stage of the economic development of society has a significant impact on the composition and content of the functions performed by an accountant. It requires not only knowledge of traditional accounting, but also the ability to work with securities, justify investments of funds, have an objective idea of ​​the economic and financial condition of the organization, etc. The use of modern computer technologies can be of great help in this.

The use of computer technology allows you to automate many of the functions performed by an accountant. The main functions of accounting are:

  • accounting:
    • - cash in the central cash desk and on the settlement account (accounts) of the organization in banks;
    • - Settlements with personnel for remuneration of employees;
    • – commodity transactions (for trade organizations);
    • - materials and fixed assets available in the organization (of greater importance for industrial enterprises);
    • – taxation;
  • maintenance:
  • – Settlements with supplier enterprises, customers, subcontractors, etc.;
  • - consolidated financial statements.

This list of accounting functions is far from complete, it gives only a general idea of ​​the minimum range of tasks that the accountant's workstation software should provide. A separate range of tasks is to provide information links between accounting and external organizations. This means that it is necessary to organize the timely receipt of regulatory and methodological materials by accounting staff, as well as the transfer of consolidated reporting to relevant external organizations. Such organizations include higher authorities and administrations, tax inspectorates, statistical bodies, etc.

It is desirable to organize machine-to-machine exchange of information with banks within the "client-bank" system. This service is offered by the bank that services the settlement account of this organization. It consists in providing the ability to manage this account directly from the office of the organization. Programs of the "client-bank" system allow implementing many useful functions: creating payment orders and sending them to the bank via modem, receiving statements from the current account, etc. To ensure the protection of transmitted data, it is mandatory to use special information security tools (encryption, electronic signature) . Using such a system has many positive aspects. It allows you to save time, speed up customer service (due to prompt receipt of information about the receipt of funds to the account). Also, the use of this technology eliminates the need for employees to constantly travel to the bank to make payments.

Thus, the functional software of the accountant's workstation should include the following programs:

  • word processor;
  • financial and economic information processing system;
  • personal information system (organizer);
  • DBMS;
  • email program;
  • programs that implement the "client-bank" technology.

On the modern Russian market of computer programs there are a large number of complexes for the automation of accounting. The main difference between software products is their focus on a large, medium or small enterprise. The programs are also available in local and network versions. Network options are somewhat more complicated and more expensive. They require special equipment, operating systems, etc. In addition, an organization needs a staff of qualified specialists to maintain the network. However, network options are convenient in that they include functions for computer processing of management information of the entire organization.

For small organizations, it is convenient to use the so-called mini-accounting packages. They are designed to automate the work of a small staff of accounting staff who do not have a pronounced specialization in specific areas of accounting.

These packages are designed for inexperienced users, they are easy to learn and work with. The main features provided by such programs include the formation of a number of primary accounting documents, keeping a journal of business transactions, compiling consolidated financial statements, etc. The most famous such software products are "1C: Accounting", "Turbo-Accountant", etc.

For larger small and medium-sized businesses, it is advisable to use packages such as "Integrated Accounting System". These packages allow you to conduct automated accounting for some areas offline with their subsequent integration into a single consolidated reporting. Software products of this type, which have received the greatest distribution, are a logical continuation of the development of mini-accounting packages. Packages such as "Sail", "Compech+", "Bambi+" and others are of good quality.

For organizations of medium and large businesses, packages such as "Comprehensive accounting system" are best suited. The main feature of such software products is their modular construction. In addition, each module is responsible for performing the functions of a specific area of ​​accounting. All modules are interconnected, which makes it possible to compile consolidated reporting documents. Typically, such complexes include the following modules: "posting - general ledger - balance", accounting for wages, accounting for fixed assets, accounting for fixed assets, finished products, accounting for production costs, analysis of the financial condition of the organization, etc. Such systems allow connect new modules and thus expand the complex and its functionality. In this case, it is necessary to observe the condition of interconnectedness of all components of the system. This is best achieved by purchasing separate software products (modules) from the same company.

In the market of accounting programs, packages such as "Complex accounting system" of such firms as "Infosoft", "Intellect-service", "Omega", etc. have proven themselves well.

The organization of automated workplaces for a manager and an accountant is the most developed direction in the development and implementation of computer technologies in the process of enterprise management. However, the functions of other specialists can also be performed more efficiently with the introduction of computer technology. Let's consider some of them.

Workstation of a specialist in personnel. The main functions of the Human Resources Specialist include the following:

  • determination of the personnel of the organization, drawing up the staffing table;
  • selection and placement of personnel;
  • current work with personnel;
  • storage of information about the employees of the enterprise (personal data, information about promotion, rewards and punishments, hours worked, etc.).

To solve these problems, the AWP of a personnel specialist should include the following software tools:

  • word processor;
  • DBMS;
  • e-mail program;
  • applied expert system for the selection and placement of personnel.

Secretary's workstation

The main functions of the secretary are:

  • providing the head with operational information about the activities of the enterprise;
  • keeping a calendar of business meetings, meetings, etc.;
  • ensuring communications between managers of various levels;
  • preparation of necessary documents.

To perform these functions, the following set of programs is required:

  • word processor;
  • spreadsheet processor;
  • DBMS;
  • web browser;
  • e-mail program;
  • document management system.

Workstation of a lawyer

The main functions of a lawyer are:

  • preparation of templates for the main documents of the organization (samples of contracts, external reports, certificates transferred to third parties, etc.);
  • legal support of transactions.

The composition of the corresponding workstation includes:

  • word processor;
  • personal information system (organizer);
  • DBMS;
  • web browser;
  • e-mail program;
  • specialized reference and legal systems ("Garant", "ConsultantPlus", etc.).

In addition, the automated control system may include a workstation of a sales department employee, a warehouse employee's workstation, a security officer's workstation, a marketer's workstation, a cashier's workstation, etc. (depending on the field of activity of the organization).

For each of these specialists, the corresponding software packages that make up the automated workplace are also developed.

When creating a complex of automated workplaces in an organization, it is necessary to ensure mutual exchange of information between them. This is necessary due to the fact that many tasks require the participation of various specialists in their solution and fixing data in various reporting documents.

So, for example, when accounting for the consumption of materials, it is necessary to use automated workstations of various specialists: the workstation of a warehouse worker, the workstation of an accountant for material accounting, the workstation of the marketing department, the workstation of an employee of the financial department, and, finally, the workstation of accounting for summary accounting.

When calculating the wages of employees, the corresponding workstation of the accounting department exchanges information with the workstation of an employee of the personnel department.

Thus, the introduction of automated workplaces in an organization should be carried out inseparably from the entire process of informatization of the organization and as part of the creation of an integrated automated management system for this organization.

It should be noted that at the moment there are a large number of companies offering ready-made automated workplaces of individual specialists or workstation complexes. In the event that the set of functions they offer meets the needs of a particular organization, then the use of these software packages will be the best solution. Otherwise, it is necessary to attract specialists to develop specialized software systems.
