The most significant professional achievements for a resume. How to describe professional achievements in a resume? Real examples for different professions

One of the most controversial sections of a job applicant's profile is personal results. On the one hand, it largely affects the impression of the applicant. On the other hand, they are the most difficult to paint. It is very important to choose the right example: your achievements in the resume must fully meet the expectations of the recruiter. But even this is not enough. It is important to formulate them correctly.

What to write

Not everyone can correctly distinguish between duties and achievements in a resume: examples suggest that it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “did” and “did”. What would be a job achievement template for an accountant resume:

  1. "Passed tax audits."
  2. "Successfully passed tax audits for 4 reporting periods in a row."

In the first case, the employee simply did what the job description prescribes. In the second, he achieved certain results, which distinguishes him from other representatives of the profession.

Let's compare these concepts with functions. This is an even broader concept. So an example of an achievement for a resume is a double instantiation.

Table. Examples - responsibilities, functions, achievements in a resume




Teach informatics for the use of ICT technologies in everyday life

Prepare students for the exam in computer science

Prepared 10 students who scored 100 points on the exam in computer science in the 2017-18 academic year

Sales Manager

Interact with clients

Attract customers through cold calls

Attracted 43 clients through cold calls per month


Provide medical care in the field of surgical dentistry

Perform tooth extraction

Successfully performed the removal of "eights" without complications in 11 patients in a month


Create websites

Develop plugins for online stores

Developed an online payment plugin for an online store website, which increased the average order receipt by 15,000 rubles.

How to write

Consider examples of what achievements can be indicated in a resume, and most importantly, how to formulate them. Here are 5 golden rules:

  1. The focus is on the benefits for that employer. Are you applying for the position of an architect? You should not describe your successes at the McDonald's checkout. You need to show your results as the desired professional. Here is an example of what achievements to include in a resume: received an award in an industry competition, brought his company to n-th place in the ranking for 2017.
  2. Specificity is an indicator of reliability. Describe what specific results you have achieved and for how long. Not "increased sales", but "increased sales by 33% in two months."
  3. Brevity is a job seeker's best friend. Choose the most important and don't get carried away with the details. They distract from the result.
  4. For each duty - according to the result. You will determine a sufficient number of points according to the duties listed above. Show that you strive for the maximum in everything.
  5. Verbs are everything. Let's give an example: successes and achievements in a resume, expressed in short participles, are mentally transferred to someone else. “An innovative project management system has been introduced” - and who introduced it? "Introduced the system" - it's clear, it was you.

You can tell a story about how you excelled in your last job and make the recruiter bored. Or you can attract his attention with bright facts and show your candidacy as the most suitable one. And do it based on the same information.

What won't attract a recruiter

It is better to clear your story of such facts:

  1. Not related to vacancies. When you indicate professional achievements in a resume, examples for a manager are important only for an applicant for a similar position.
  2. Lack of results. Not worse does not mean better.
  3. Personal growth. The recruiter is not interested in the fact that at your last job you finally mastered the computer or learned how to communicate with clients.

I welcome you to the blog site. Professional achievements for a resume play a particularly important role. Thanks to these characteristics, a potential employer will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of your work, and decide whether you are suitable for work in his enterprise.

A completely different question is how to describe an example of your achievements in a resume in such a way as not to get rejected? Examples of real characteristics will be discussed in detail below.

What are “professional achievements” and why write about them?

Professional achievements are your successes and merits that you have achieved and that you have received throughout your work in a particular field of activity. It is quite logical that such characteristics cannot be the same for all professions, therefore, each applicant applying for a specific position must be able to indicate only that information about himself as a specialist that will be useful. Only correctly presented data on personal achievements in the resume will interest the employee of the personnel department and the company's management.

Why write about professional achievements?

Why include examples of personal accomplishments on your resume? There are several important reasons for this.

  1. The characteristics of yourself as a professional described by you will help the head of the company to understand how successful you are in your profession. You not only work and perform your job duties brilliantly - you lead the enterprise to prosperity and leadership among many competitors. Every boss will want to see such an employee within the walls of his company.
  2. An example of your achievements in the resume significantly increases the pride of a potential employer. Every boss wants his firm to make a profit at minimal cost, so that old customers stay and new ones keep coming. It is physically impossible for one person to cope with everything on his own, especially if he runs a large company. Therefore, he needs a real pro, and this is you!
  3. An example of personal achievements of the resume characterizes you as a purposeful and responsible employee. Simple indications of your personal qualities, such as "purposeful", "obligatory", "responsible" - this is just a set of empty words that, in fact, do not prove anything. But if you give a specific example of your successes and achievements in your resume, your candidacy will certainly be of interest to the company's administration.
  4. If you indicate examples of your professional achievements in your resume, the manager will be able to understand how positive the dynamics of your career growth is. It is by this criterion that the boss will evaluate your diligence, professionalism, readiness for further self-development. This will be a good chance for you to get not only the desired position with a high salary, but also to be able to count on a promotion over time.

As you can see, by giving a sample of achievements in work for a resume, you can draw attention to your candidacy, and significantly "overtake" other applicants for the desired position.

Basic description rules

An example of achievements in work in a resume must be able to present correctly. To do this, follow 3 basic rules.

  1. Let's get more specific. Do not describe the basic principles and methods of your work. When giving examples, indicate your most significant professional achievements. Do it as follows: “increased the percentage of sales by ...%”, “accelerated the task completion time by ... minutes / hours / days”, “trained ... employees”, etc. And it doesn’t matter at all in what units you measure your achievements - the main thing is provide clear numbers. If this is problematic, try to clearly but concisely outline the essence of the work done.
  2. Tie your main professional achievements to a specific place of work. As a rule, in the summary, potential employees indicate 2 - 3 companies where they worked before, and give a short list of their merits.
  3. Prove that you are qualified for the position you are applying for. If you have previously worked as an economist, look for a job according to this criterion. Do not apply for the position of chief accountant with skills and experience in the field in which you worked before. A sample of your achievements as an economist in a resume for the position of chief accountant will be more than inappropriate. Most likely, you will immediately receive a refusal from the head of the company.

Question. So, what examples of accomplishments can you put on your resume? It all depends on which position you are applying for. If this is a managerial position, take care to describe your characteristics from a manager's point of view. If we are talking about an ordinary ordinary employee, stick to this line, without deviating anywhere from it.

Examples of personal achievements for different professions

What achievements to write in the resume? Examples for different professions are given below.


An accountant is a very responsible and difficult position that requires accuracy, responsibility, and pragmatism. Therefore, the professional characteristics of this specialist should be at the highest level.

Examples of professional achievements in a resume for an accountant are as follows:

  • automation of accounting calculations and the subsequent reduction in the staff of economists;
  • successful completion of 10 (or more) tax audits;
  • full update of the company's software;
  • creation of 3 - 5 publications for accounting journals or newspapers;
  • there is a certificate or diploma confirming the qualification of "Chief Accountant", etc.

Another good example of what achievements can be listed on an accountant's resume is the number of successfully completed external audits. If you have such an experience, be sure to write about it in your characteristics.


What to write in the achievements in the resume of the teacher? An example is described below:

  • availability of an honorary diploma for labor merits in pedagogical activity;
  • successful implementation of 10 open lessons;
  • participation in 7 district, regional, all-Russian conferences on pedagogy;
  • organizing and conducting various training circles.

Also a good example of achievements at work is the holding of conferences or webinars for the exchange of pedagogical experience.


Of course, here professional achievements will directly depend on the medical field in which the person works and the degree of his qualification. For each area of ​​medicine, there are some of their own, special, nuances that are important to indicate in the description if you want to get a new job.

So, let's look at the achievements that can be indicated in the resume, using the example of an ENT doctor:

  • performed 50 successful operations on ENT organs;
  • wrote and published 200 articles for magazines and newspapers "Health";
  • created and defended the scientific work "Innovative methods of treatment of scleroma", for which he received the degree of associate professor of medical sciences;
  • during the last 5 years trained 45 interns;
  • held 8 webinars on otorhinolaryngology;
  • participated in 15 conferences, 3 of which are international.

Note. It is very good if you indicate in your resume the invention of a new medical device, device, device. Moreover, it must be not only developed by you, but also patented. You, in turn, must have confirmation of the licensing of your development. However, it is only necessary to indicate this in the resume if such an achievement actually takes place in your medical practice!

Sales Manager

If you are applying for the position of a sales manager, then indicate your achievements in your resume as follows:

  • increased sales by 30%;
  • attracted 50 new partners/clients over the past six months;
  • trained 15 new employees per year;
  • over the past 3 years, organized 35 promotions and discount programs, thanks to which he attracted 200 new regular customers.

Examples can be cited innumerable. But one thing you must clearly remember: only the truth, and no distortion of facts! Remember that the head of the firm may at any moment demand proof that you are really successful in your field of activity, and if you embellish information about yourself a little, your deception will be quickly exposed.


Leaders can be conditionally divided into 2 groups: small and large caliber. The first category includes administrators, supervisors, the same managers, etc. The second group can include directors, general directors, presidents of firms, etc.

Consider examples of professional achievements in a resume for a manager, taking the position of director of the logistics department as a basis:

  • over the past 2 years, has developed 5 schemes of new routes for fast delivery of cargo from ... to ...;
  • automated the inventory system, thanks to the faster implementation of this process (it used to take 5 hours, now it takes 1-2 hours);
  • completely updated the software, thanks to which it was possible to increase the speed of selection from ... to ... lines per hour.

So, we gave real examples of professional achievements from the resumes of applicants. Of course, you should not copy everything in your characterization. The previously described samples will only help you navigate how to correctly fill in the column with professional achievements in your "business card". Everything else is in your hands, so do not miss the opportunity to get the job of your dreams by writing a resume correctly and competently!

The “Achievements” column confuses many applicants. What is an achievement, how to correctly write them down in a resume, and then present them at an interview?

“Expanding the customer base”, “monthly implementation of the plan”, “overcoming work difficulties” - such theses are often filled in the “Achievements” column in the resume of applicants. But if you look at it, all of the above successes are, in fact, work responsibilities. Vera Ignatkina, Managing Partner of the AimToAction Career Development Center, says that candidates often confuse the concepts of “achievement” and “duty”.

For example, applicants write such phrases among the main results of work: “Implementation of telephone sales, work with potential clients” or “Good performance of job duties, no complaints from management.” This is not true. If the employee did not fulfill his job duties, he would soon be dismissed at the initiative of the employer after observing the procedure defined by law (clause 3, clause 5, part 1, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). So it is not an achievement.

So what are the achievements? What, according to experts, includes this concept?

According to Anna Kuraeva, a leading recruitment consultant at the Recruitment Agency of Unique Specialists, applicants themselves determine what is an achievement for them: as such, they can be both professional success (implemented projects and tasks, receiving awards and diplomas, rapid career growth), and and personal (strong family, children, hobbies) or public (participation in social events, promotions). For HRs, first of all, the professional success of the candidate is important, but, unfortunately, many applicants do not describe them in their resume.

Irina Zotova, Deputy General Director of the consulting group "Steps", considers it an achievement that goes beyond the scope of a specialist's duties: these are the moments where the applicant took the initiative, which allowed the company to reach another level, or brought it additional income, etc. This may be an independent study of some programs, their further implementation and application, creative proposals, the most striking projects, awards, titles that the specialist was awarded.

Achievements are the actions of applicants, completed or implemented projects that have led to an increase in the financial performance of the company (department) or to any other positive change in the work of the company (department). For example:
- increase in market share (from 25% to 34%) due to an aggressive advertising campaign in 2009;
- increase in coverage of the territory - development of the branch network (from 5 to 21 cities) in 2005–2007;
- keeping the company afloat during the crisis;
- winning a tender for 5 million rubles, etc.

Correctly formulating your achievements is half the battle. You also need to correctly fill out this item in the resume. Otherwise, the ill-fated graph may turn out to be a fly in the ointment and spoil the impression of a perfectly composed self-presentation.

Anna Kuraeva advises not to forget that a resume is a document that forms the first impression of an HR specialist about an applicant: “The more clearly and understandably you state your professional skills, knowledge and experience in a resume, the more chances you have for success.

Ideally, after describing the responsibilities at each job, briefly indicate the main achievements. So the HR will be able to more accurately assess the level of your professionalism and experience. For example, if you are looking for a job as an accountant and indicate in the resume in the “Achievements” column the transfer of the company from the “1C: 7” program to “1C: 8”, then it is important to show the scale of the company. After all, it is one thing to implement such a project in a small enterprise, and another thing in a large company with a staff of 30–40 accountants.”

The list of nuances that should be considered when describing achievements:
- The results of achievements (i.e., numerical parameters) must be indicated as a percentage (by 5%, from 10 to 13%, etc.), or the words "in ... times" must be used, without indicating absolute numbers , - in this case it is impossible to determine them, but the percentages will show the degree of your performance.
- Be sure to indicate the period in which these successes were achieved. As a rule, this is either a year or a couple of years, if the introduction of something was of a long-term nature and it was not immediately possible to evaluate the result.
- Achievements must be justified and reasonable. For example, you write that you “recaptured 50% of the market from competitors”, but this result could not have been due to your efforts, but simply because the competitor went bankrupt and all its customers became yours.
- In the summary it is worth indicating 3-5 achievements, depending on the position you hold.
- If there is nothing to write in the “Achievements” column (or you are a young specialist or a student), then it is better not to write anything at all than to indicate false information - it is very easy to check the authenticity.

Any employee knows the situation when it is necessary to provide information about their professional performance, for example, annual certification. What is the best way to do this? We are trying to adapt the Life Balance Wheel coaching tool for this task.

In my consulting practice over the past two years, the most frequently asked question was: “How to formulate my professional achievements?”

When does such a need arise?

  • In a job search situation for writing a resume, for an interview with a potential employer.
  • Within the company, when there is a transition from one career stage to another.
  • In preparation for the annual / quarterly certification.
  • etc.

Indeed, what is the best way to do this? I thought about it and started experimenting with different options.

The practical application of all variations on the theme of “what is best” brushed aside one method after another. As a result, the option using the favorite coaching tool “Wheel of balance” showed its viability. I am sure that the community audience is familiar with it, so I will not describe it, and you can read a lot of useful information about this wheel on the Internet. Let's get down to practice.

So, take a sheet of paper, a pen and draw a circle. Divide it into 6-10 equal parts (or as many parts as you want). We sign each area of ​​the circle, for example, as in my drawing. These are areas of activity in which your achievements can be found.

Next, we formulate what each area of ​​your circle means. Why is it important? The fact is that on the one hand, all definitions can be found in any textbook or Wikipedia. On the other hand, each company may have its own individual characteristics. And also your professional skills can only be yours.

For example, if you work within the company and are preparing for certification, then the area "Working with clients" - may have the following definition according to the information that the company puts into this concept - it is easy to explain by phone the features of working with the service provided by the company, show restraint in conversation with a conflicting client.

And in another company, "Working with clients" is the formation of a complete package of documents for the transaction, entering information into CRM, timely provision of changes to clients on the transaction, and correspondence through electronic document management.

If you are compiling a resume for yourself, then there may be such an option - "Working with clients" - these are my unique opportunities to understand the needs of the client, combine script work with a "live" conversation, building long-term relationships with him.

A similar algorithm of work will be with other names of the circle areas. As an example, a couple more definitions from the work of my clients:

  • "Leadership" - difficult situations in which I took responsibility for the decision made while working on the project, brought the work to the result.
  • "Communication" - my skills in negotiating with difficult people, with colleagues of different positions, with leaders of different levels of government, etc.

Now, we write how many and what achievements you have in each professional area.

For example, "Performance" - your effective actions that led to the planned result.

Example: “Proposed to analyze the ROI indicator in order to obtain data on the effectiveness of invested funds in training sales managers. The results of the data showed a direct correlation between the increase in sales volume and the new acquired skills in training.

“Savings” - as a result of your work, the company saved the budget and received financial benefits.

Example: “I found new suppliers of such and such services or equipment, with lower prices, but without loss of product quality, entered into an agreement, and the company saved 30% of its usual budget for these costs.”

"Profit" - the staff of the department as a result of your innovations increased sales compared to previous months.

Example: “I analyzed the motivation system for sales managers over the past 3 years, approved a new motivation system from the CEO, implemented it, and as a result, revenue was increased by 40% in the first month after the introduction of innovations, then by 30% monthly.”

The principle, I think, is clear. Here it is important to first formulate what you understand as "work with clients", "leadership", "innovation", etc., that is, to decipher each area of ​​the circle. And then write down your specific achievements.

You have two sheets of paper in front of you.

  • The first sheet is a drawing with a circle of achievements.
  • The second sheet is a list of your accomplishments in each area.

We take the first sheet with a circle, and divide each area of ​​​​the circle into 10 equal parts. We have a scale from 0 to 10.

  • 0 - in the center of the circle.
  • 10 - on the outer line of the circle.

We look at the second sheet - our list of achievements. We count our achievements in each area and mark a point equal to the number of achievements in a particular area. Complete the circle of your achievements in this way. Look at this impressive list, these are your results for today, you have something to be proud of!

The data obtained can be used in accordance with the situation - for a resume, for certification, for an interview, etc.

Other ways to work with the Circle of Your Achievements for the future:

  • Pay attention to which areas have more achievements, and which ones have less. You may be able to better understand your strengths and weaknesses in your profession or career.
  • Mark the areas in which you would like to get more achievements. Write down three simple steps to achieve this. Take this plan to work and execute it.
  • Plan your success in an area where you have not yet received results, this will be your development zone.

This tool in my practice is used so far only six months. During this time, it has never let me down. Everyone who tried it in their work noted two main points:

  1. I managed to structure my professional results, to understand the situation “here and now”.
  2. Set goals for the future, i.e. identify growth areas.

Irina Lebedeva

The whole set of ups and downs of a successful person reflects such a concept as “professional achievements”. They most fully and capaciously reflect the results achieved by him in a particular job. They show the employer what the candidate for the position is capable of. But it can be difficult for an applicant to reflect his main professional achievement in a resume. It is often the main criterion for compliance with a particular position, so everyone needs to know the basic rules.

Professional achievements can become the main criterion for eligibility for a position

Concept definition

The best answer can be given if we compare this word with the concept of purpose. They show what results a person expects, that is, they are turned to the future. In order to achieve the goals, they should be described in detail in the form of specific tasks, which should be comparable with the abilities of the person, the resources available to him and the realities of life. After a certain time has passed, we can say whether the planned has been achieved. Achievements in the work are turned to the past and show the results obtained. They can be expressed in specific numbers and indicators.

Relationship between responsibilities and achievements

Responsibilities - a set of actions that must be performed in a particular position. The main ones are fixed in the employment contract and job description, they require strict implementation. Otherwise, appropriate sanctions will be applied. If you did well in your previous position, this does not make you better than other candidates for the position. And if you have gone beyond the outlined circle of your powers, then this will already be considered your achievements in work. They are expressed in qualitative and quantitative indicators, which are of decisive importance for a manager looking for a new specialist.


Achievements are divided into personal and professional. They are of great importance in life, determining its vector and success. Personal and professional achievements in the resume are required to be indicated.

  • conquering a mountain peak;
  • victory in a sports marathon;
  • winning an art competition.

They are an example of the implementation of certain of your personal qualities, some of which may be of interest to a potential employer in relation to work.

Personal achievements can have a sporting character

Professional success

Professional achievements - those that show the implementation of the goals and objectives set in the professional field by you or your manager. They may be a consequence of the manifestation of a set of qualities necessary for work. This means a lot not only for you, but also for the manager.

Your achievements mainly affect the improvement of the situation in which you work, or a group of people who are directed by the activities with which you have to deal.

They can change, this shows that the specialist is growing, his competence is increasing, he is making a breakthrough in his career.

Achievements in professional activity, which depend on a particular employee, can be illustrated by the following examples:

  • company's profit in rubles/dollars;
  • percentage increase;
  • increase in the number of concluded contracts;
  • increase in the number of attracted customers.

A professional achievement is considered to be an increase in the company's profits.


Personal and professional achievements are closely linked. They can play a major role in hiring, if properly described in the resume.

  • they are the result of efforts for the benefit of the company (letters, thanks, diplomas);
  • this is a methodology developed by you personally, important discoveries made that have benefited a certain or indefinite circle of people (cured from diseases, made qualitative changes in the lives of other people);
  • this is a title, an academic degree, with the help of which it was possible to achieve the best results in work.

Potentially significant personal professional achievements can be considered their knowledge, skills, experience, which theoretically can affect the situation of other people for the better, i.e. their theoretical value is tangible.

A diploma is an important personal achievement for work

Description of success in resume

The most important stages in applying for a job are the interview and writing a resume. The main factor determining the likelihood of being invited to an interview is a well-written resume. For the interviewing manager, it is important what your achievements will change the position of the organization for the better. Any applicant should be able to answer this requirement.

You can describe your professional achievements in a resume in different ways, but personal ones must also be mentioned. You yourself need to decide which of them are the main ones and deserve the attention of a potential leader, and which ones are not.

The main requirement: they should not conflict with each other and with information about personal qualities, experience, skills and abilities.

Common Mistakes

  • no specifics, a lot of introductory phrases and words from which it is not clear what you mean;
  • a lot of unnecessary data that do not carry a semantic load, divert attention from the main thing;
  • contains information that is not related to the purpose of the resume, for example: an applicant for the position of administrator reports that he has a musical education;
  • many specific terms and clericalisms;
  • boring tone, copying dozens of similar resumes, behind which there is no individuality.

Style orientation

  • resume should be written in the language of business, so that the employer sees in you a serious person, aimed at solving important problems;
  • there should be no negative wording showing a decrease in indicators, a similar example is filing complaints with certain authorities at the previous place of work, the best thing is to omit this fact;
  • try to avoid nouns and verbs in the passive form.

Mandatory to indicate

Indicate not only the result obtained, but also its absence. Examples include the prevention of divorces, accidents, deprivation of parental rights, abandonment of children. Such results are common in the social sphere.

They must be indicated in relation to each place of work, this will allow you to objectively assess your abilities. You should not attribute to yourself achievements that did not exist or that were not reflected in further activities. Deception can be revealed if the manager asks for confirmation or you cannot cope with the tasks that he sets for you.

Your personal qualities must be indicated reasonably: do not overpraise yourself, this will not give the proper effect in the workplace.

Moderation is key when writing a resume.

Lack of success

It can be difficult if it turns out that there is nothing to write about in the resume. This problem is faced by people applying for low-skilled positions that involve routine duties. They can be advised to focus on the smooth performance of the necessary functions.

Section for writing

If there is no separate space for professional achievements in the resume form, then you can enter them in the section on duties and functions, or expand the section on personal qualities.

You can attach copies of diplomas, certificates, letters of thanks to your resume. A cover letter is required.

Examples in professions

Each area of ​​activity implies its own results, which may differ significantly from each other, be opposite.

Representatives of a particular specialty often find it difficult to answer this question, so their guarantee for successful employment is reduced.

The difference will be traced between retail and wholesale trade. A wholesaler may indicate the following:

  • sales growth;
  • sales team management;
  • the expansion of the customer base;
  • attraction of new suppliers;
  • development of a new system of sale and purchase.

Increasing sales is a professional achievement of a salesperson


The main tasks of the secretary are to ensure the smooth functioning of the office, to help the manager, to be ready to answer any of his questions. What is the achievement here? In addition to ensuring the smooth operation of the company, you can specify:

  • obtaining certificates proving professional development;
  • development of a system that simplifies certain processes in the company;
  • participation in the development of corporate ideas.

Young specialist

It is problematic for them to describe the results, it is possible to focus the attention of the future employer on professional goals and the steps taken for this (training in courses, private lessons, improving skills). It is necessary to indicate information about the internship, practice, victory in olympiads, competitions during study.
