How much money does your scrap metal collection point bring. What are the prices for scrap metal? What documents are needed to open

When opening a business, you should not strive for big money, but to serve for the benefit of people. You can combine the right with the profitable by opening a project for receiving waste, for example, scrap metal. How to open a scrap metal collection point?

Business plan with calculations financial side the opening and content of such a project, recommendations on the successful organization of a business from experienced entrepreneurs, as well as an approximate analysis of this direction will help you become the owner of a truly profitable business project.

What is this business?

In order to understand well what exactly is needed to create a successful enterprise, you will first have to consider the collection of scrap metal and scrap metal itself as normal. promising business. It is obvious that this material surrounds us literally everywhere, polluting our environment. But a similar amount of free raw materials cannot be used a good entrepreneur!

This also suggests that the waste collection business cannot go bankrupt, because the material will always come. It is also noteworthy that this business has no seasonality and is not tied to the country's economy. Great prospects can open up even for a beginner in business who does not have a special education in this area.

The project does not require significant initial investments, but without a competent approach to organization, good will not work. It is important to independently study the market in your region, analyzing the mistakes and successes of competitors. It is also better to decide from the very beginning which business at the reception of which particular type of scrap metal you will open.

Experienced entrepreneurs suggest that non-ferrous metal is much more profitable and profitable, but black metal does not require a lot of paperwork, expensive legalization of the project and compliance with a bunch of requirements.

We prepare the necessary documents

To open own business on scrap metal, you must first issue it officially. Depending on how large-scale the project you are going to do, you need to choose the organizational and legal form: for small project- IP, for a network of points and maintenance of the project by several people - LLC.

The most important part of the paperwork is obtaining a license from the executive body in your region.

This license allows you to legally:

  1. Collect scrap metal.
  2. Keep it in stock.
  3. Recycle collected materials.
  4. Sell ​​scrap metal.

The problem is that, even after collecting the necessary documents, you will most likely not be able to obtain licenses, and without it, activity is simply impossible. That is why it is worth doing it in the first place.

Choosing a platform for work

To organize a scrap metal collection point, you will have to find a suitable site. By this moment, the entrepreneur is already obliged to decide on the specialization of the enterprise, and based on this, you need to look for a room.

To receive black metal scrap, you need to find a really large area of ​​​​about 200 squares, while a non-ferrous metal will fit perfectly in a small hangar or even classic garage. Some entrepreneurs combine both types of scrap at once, so you can provide a separate place for future expansion of the project.

Remember that you are not allowed to locate your reception in the city center, because according to the requirements, the noise from the activities of the enterprise should not interfere with people, especially in residential buildings. In addition, to reduce the price of rent, it is worthwhile to settle down on the outskirts in an industrial zone or even outside the city.

If the rented site already has overhead cranes, then you will save a lot on their purchase. Remember that the owner must comply with some requirements regarding the site, the main of which is the presence of a hard surface on the floor, such as concrete or asphalt.

We buy equipment for work

Remember that you are going to open a business at the collection and, what is important, further preparation scrap metal for subsequent sale. It is for this that it is necessary not only to organize a warehouse for storing material, but also to purchase equipment for working with it. In addition, some machines should help in the work of acceptance. Here standard list, which every such enterprise should have:

  • floor scales;
  • hanging scales;
  • a special magnet that determines the composition of the metal;
  • press machine;
  • loading device;
  • scissors cutting metal raw materials.

Of course, on initial stage you can do without a loader, using the workforce of loaders, as well as without a press, not bringing the result to the end, but in the future similar devices necessary for any successful enterprise in this direction. Speaking of scales, it's better to choose electronic models with higher weighing accuracy.

Also, one should not forget about buying a truck for transporting raw materials and further selling finished product. You may be able to hire a driver with your car, which will be more profitable. Otherwise, the collection can be carried out by concluding an agreement with a trucking company.

Recruiting staff

It is quite obvious that opening a scrap metal collection point will also require hiring some employees. Basically you will need the following jobs:

  1. Metal material receiver, preferably a few people.
  2. Packer of incoming raw materials different types materials, preferably an experienced 2nd category.
  3. Presser of scrap metal of the 1st category.
  4. Caretaker at the warehouse of raw materials and finished products.
  5. Driver with own truck.
  6. Accountant.

Remember that many entrepreneurs who open such enterprises have a problem with the theft of raw materials among employees. It is important to find conscientious workers who are distinguished by honesty and diligence. It is important that the employer pays enough money so that the employee does not want to steal (about $250). The owner should check the operation of the scales daily so that the receiver does not have the opportunity to wind them up.

Setting the price of scrap metal

To really do profitable business When it comes to scrap metal, there are many factors to consider. After complete organization it is important for the enterprise to decide what price will be set per kilo of raw materials. It is important to solve this in view of the great competition in the market and your specific financial capabilities.

At the beginning of work, you can choose the optimal amount of five cents per kilo, further selling to wholesalers for 15 cents. Try to take into account the costs of the enterprise, including transport, so as not to work in decline. For this, a business plan is needed in the first place.

You can also purchase raw materials directly from some organizations, which leave, for example, old failed office equipment. Citizens often donate old refrigerators to receivers, washing machines And gas stoves. When buying raw materials in bulk, try to set the cost for the total weight.

We organize the sale of scrap metal

It is better to look for clients at the first stages after receiving all permits. Usually organizations are interested in such materials, but sometimes private traders also buy it. Realize that at the first stages, the sale of collected and processed scrap metal as a business will not be profitable enough, because there are quite a few customers. It is worth focusing on the sale of your products in two main ways:

  • Having entered into cooperation with specific end users - most often these are metallurgical plants and enterprises. In order to successfully sell scrap metal to such organizations, try not only to contact as many as possible more enterprises to find the most beneficial cooperation. It is important to offer consumers scrap on terms that are attractive to them, but not forgetting about their own benefit. Naturally, your scrap metal collection point has the right to work not only with local factories, but also in other regions with the expansion of the project.
  • Being engaged in the resale of raw materials to other collection points is a fairly simple way that offers a stable sale of materials. Unfortunately, by reselling raw materials, you get very little money, so this method is not very profitable and is more suitable as an addition to the previous one. Remember that it also requires a license.

Video: how to open a scrap metal collection point?

Calculate the profitability of a business

To determine how profitable the project is on how to open a scrap metal collection point, it is worth evaluating its profitability by calculating the costs of opening and maintaining, as well as income from product sales.

It is quite obvious that each enterprise will have its own level of profitability, but we will consider average indicators using the example of a small black scrap collection point in a large Russian city:

Expense line Amount of expenses, thousand rubles
1 Rent a large hangar of 150 squares 30
2 Purchase production equipment 50
3 Fare 50
4 Salary of all employees 35
5 Registration of documentation and obtaining a license 70
6 Project Marketing 20
7 Additional expenses 30
Total: 285

Start-up costs, as mentioned above, are really small, which will allow you to quickly get started and successfully develop your business. The approximate amounts of net profit for the first months in the described case are equal to 15-25 thousand rubles for one trip of the truck. The more cooperation with organizations, the higher this amount will be.

The enterprise pays off in about six months, while the first annual revenue will amount to about 600-750 thousand rubles. If colored scrap is added to the black scrap, the income figures will increase significantly, but the costs will also have to be significant.

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Removal, processing and disposal of waste from 1 to 5 hazard class

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Waste collection in Russia is as necessary as in most other countries. This business, will not only bring material benefits, but also contribute to the preservation of the environment and ecology. It is much easier, and most importantly, cheaper to use already used materials than to buy new raw materials for production at a high price.


Collection points for the collection and sorting of recyclable materials greatly simplify the system for the disposal of many types of waste, but only in highly developed countries. With us, however, things are different. It is difficult for people to overcome their stereotypes. Our people either throw everything into one bin or leave rubbish in nature conservation areas altogether.

Due to the amount of waste, the collection point for recyclable waste is very profitable business in our country. This activity is much more profitable than opening a hairdresser, advertising agency or other type of small business. The collection and sorting of recyclable materials gives a "second life" to a large number of used materials.

The collection of secondary raw materials and its further use has its advantages:

  1. Savings on the extraction of new natural resources.
  2. Protection of the environment from possible pollution.
  3. Reducing the use of natural materials.

Collection of recycled materials as a business decides an important role to solve environmental issues and is a source of income for the entrepreneur.

After primary use, such types of raw materials as:

  • Cardboard.
  • Paper.
  • Scrap metal.
  • Glass.
  • Rubber.
  • polymeric materials.
  • Textile.

If we consider the collection of secondary raw materials as a business, then we can reduce imports from abroad and ensure the progressive development of the domestic economy. Waste sorting helps to save the environment.

Entrepreneurial entrepreneurs have long been engaged in the separate collection of waste. They earn money by transporting the collected raw materials to waste processing plants. Handing over unwanted commodities to a sorting station contributes to rational use resources and minimizes the energy consumption of manufacturing enterprises.

The collection of recyclables as a business benefits the entrepreneur, the environment and the person who rents specific view recyclables. The collection points have prices for each type of waste. You can profitably hand over garbage and get a certain amount for it, it is certainly not big, but the main thing is to save the environment!


Interested in the idea, the entrepreneur wonders how to open a recycling center?

Naturally, one cannot do without registration as a business entity. Then comes registration with the tax authority at the place of registration. The next step is to obtain a single tax payer certificate.

The procedure for registering individual entrepreneurship

To open a reception point, you must have the following documents:

  1. The passport.
  2. An identification number.
  3. Statement.
  4. Compiled list of leading business areas.
  5. Constituent documents of the newly formed company.
  6. Bank account (if necessary).

With a detailed business plan, you can take part in the competition for a grant from local municipal authorities.

Such entrepreneurs are beneficial to the state, since the volume of waste is growing every year, and the authorities of our country cannot yet offer reasonable proposals to solve this problem. If you win the competition for the received grant, you can purchase the necessary equipment, for example, a press, it will be useful for working with all types of raw materials.

For business

  • Next, you need to acquire storage space. Its dimensions depend on the type and volume of the received material. The size of the population is important. For a warehouse, you can rent a garage for small amounts of work, or a warehouse.
  • Purchase of transport - a truck. Its presence is necessary to carry out the transportation of recyclable materials to larger collection points.
  • Assign a specific price for the accepted material.
  • Building a base of regular customers.
  • Sorting of raw materials: metal, paper, plastic and glass.
  • Purchase of the necessary equipment, scales and a press will be required to start.

Work Permit

Since most types of accepted recyclables belong to the 4th hazard class, it is necessary to obtain a special permit from the Rostekhnadzor service to open a collection point.

The scrap metal collection point is a profitable business that requires minimal cash investment to open. This segment of small business is practically not affected by the economic crisis, which makes it one of the most reliable ways investment. With the proper distribution of the budget, a profitable enterprise can be opened independently.

Business features

The main feature of organizing a scrap metal business is in demand. Products on which it depends are included in the list of materials that pollute the environment. Therefore, there are rarely problems with the search for raw materials for processing.

Having your own scrap metal collection point has a number of advantages:

  • there is no need to look for suppliers - people bring the material themselves;
  • the volume of products received does not depend on seasonal conditions;
  • the collection of metal is practically not connected with the state economy.

This type of business is well suited for people who do not have entrepreneurial experience. But without competent success from the implementation of the idea is minimal.

How to write a business plan on your own - will tell.

The basic plan for opening a scrap metal collection point includes the following steps:

  • and distribution of funds;
  • preparation of documents and business registration;
  • choice of taxation system;
  • choosing a location for placing a metal receiving point;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • development of a scheme for the sale of products and settlements with customers;
  • and employment of employees.

Before proceeding with the implementation of a business plan, it is necessary to carefully study the intended market and competitors. An analysis of the activities of similar enterprises that have not achieved success in this area will help to avoid basic mistakes.

Documents and registration of a business for receiving metal

To open a scrap metal collection point, you need to obtain an organizational and legal form. More profitable option– status ( individual entrepreneur). (Organization with limited liability) is recommended if you plan to jointly own a business, or open several points. You can find out more about the difference between IP and LLC.

Registering a scrap metal collection point is a prerequisite for doing business. In the absence of it, the activity is recognized as illegal, and prosecuted by law.

The license is issued by the regional executive body. Within the territory of major cities it's usually easier to get. This document allows you to work on:

  • collection of metal;
  • storage of products in a warehouse;
  • scrap metal processing;
  • resale of collected scrap.

To obtain a license, you must provide a package of documents, including:

  • the passport;
  • equipment documentation;
  • a certificate of the relevant qualifications of employees;
  • receipt of payment of the license fee.

Granting a license to open a ferrous metal collection point is faster. Non-ferrous metal provides for a larger net profit. But the registration of an enterprise for the collection of these products requires more time and money.

In accordance with current legislation, the collection of scrap metal is prohibited even if there is required documents if no license has been issued. The purchase of products is possible if its owner has presented identification documents.

Taxation system

Owners of a scrap metal collection point can use the patent system if they have the status of an individual entrepreneur. Its use is allowed if the business is based on the processing of products. Resale of metal in its original state is not possible.

When opening a metal collection point, it is recommended to use a simplified special mode. Its main advantage lies in the direct relationship of the amount of tax on income. If there is a small profit, the tax rate is 6%. If available stable income in large volume the tax rate increases.

BASIC ( General system taxation) in this case is less profitable, since it involves separate tax and accounting. ( Simplified system taxation) also includes a mandatory Accounting, but its delivery is required no more than once a year.

Business Startup Costs

To open a metal collection point, you need start-up capital in the amount of 300,000 rubles. This amount is relevant for settlements with a population of 15,000 or more. From it you will need to spend:

  • 30,000 rubles - for renting a room;
  • 50,000 rubles - for the purchase of production equipment;
  • 70,000 rubles - for paperwork and registration of the enterprise;
  • 20,000 rubles - for the organization and implementation of a marketing program;
  • 50,000 rubles - as insurance capital.

Monthly for the maintenance of the business it is necessary to allocate:

  • 50,000 rubles - to pay for transportation costs;
  • 60,000 rubles - for salaries of employees;
  • 30,000 rubles - to extend the lease of the premises.

The amount of expenses varies depending on what types of work are performed at the enterprise, and what equipment is used for this.

Location of the scrap metal collection point

The location does not play a significant role for the scrap metal collection point. More an important factor is the number of people living in the locality. How bigger city, the higher the profit. Accordingly, in villages and villages, the income is lower.

Most profitable solution– opening of a metal collection point in an industrial city . At in large numbers factories and enterprises demand for products increases.

When choosing a room for a scrap metal collection point, you should focus on industrial areas or places near factories. Firstly, it will simplify the marketing of products. Secondly, it will help to avoid complaints from local residents about the noise generated by the enterprise. Thirdly, renting a room in an industrial zone costs less than in other places.

The minimum area of ​​​​the premises for the metal receiving point is 25 square meters. To organize an enterprise, two conditions are sufficient: the availability of heating and electricity.

If a small architectural form, requires a number of additional documents and permits from government authorities, so this option is not recommended.

Necessary equipment

The basic list of devices used to work with the material consists of:

  • mounted and floor scales;
  • magnets for studying the composition of products;
  • press;
  • loading device;
  • gas cutting tool for metal.

At the initial stage, in order to save money, work without a press is allowed. Instead of a loading device, you can hire movers.

Additionally, a truck will be required to transport the material. In some cases, it is more profitable to use the services transport companies, depending on how often transportation will be carried out.

What are the prices for scrap metal?

The price of the metal depends on locality. First you need to study the pricing policy of competitors. The more profitable the payment for the material, the more customers will pay attention to the new metal collection point.

The average price is:

  • from 6 to 8 rubles per 1 kg of ferrous metal (depending on quality);
  • from 240 to 260 rubles per 1 kg of copper;
  • from 160 to 180 rubles per 1 kg of brass;
  • from 50 to 70 rubles per 1 kg of aluminum;
  • from 45 to 55 rubles per 1 kg of lead;
  • from 115 to 125 rubles per 1 kg of titanium;
  • from 125 to 135 rubles per 1 kg of bronze;
  • from 45 to 50 rubles per 1 kg of stainless steel.

The margin for the sale of products can be up to 100%. Ferrous metal is recommended to be sold at a price three times higher than the purchase price.

How to organize the sale of scrap metal and settlements with customers?

The client base is compiled after the registration of the enterprise and obtaining a license. It includes two categories of consumers: large organizations and individuals. The main profit can be ensured by concluding agreements with metallurgical plants.

When compiling a customer base, you should contact all possible enterprises. Scrap metal collection points are allowed to work with organizations located in other regions.

Another option is to resell products to other scrap metal collection points. This method is reliable, but has a significant drawback - minimum size arrived.

In the presence of positive feedback, good reputation, competent marketing program, required amount get customers faster.

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Additionally, a watchman should be hired to guard the collected material. To increase profits, you can organize round-the-clock work of the enterprise. But for this, the staff will need to be increased to four people.

Employee salary

The dismantler is engaged in complex work in physical and technological terms, so his salary should be appropriate. Depending on the work schedule, it ranges from 15,000 rubles.

The salary of the receiver is formed as a percentage of the profit. This method is used because a person in this position is unattended, and can freely perform fraud. If he knows that the profitability of the business and the size of his own wages, the risk of manipulation when receiving metal is minimized. Within two weeks, the receiver can earn up to 20,000 rubles.

The watchman receives a fixed salary for the region, depending on what responsibility is assigned to him. The current salary of a watchman is from 9,000 to 18,000 rubles.

Profitability and profit

At the initial stage, the company is unprofitable. With normal development, for one run of a car loaded with metal, you can get from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles. Middle period payback of the enterprise is up to 6 months.

For the first year of work with standard business development, you can earn from 600,000 to 750,000 rubles. This amount is relevant when working with ferrous metal. Revenue can be increased depending on the volume of non-ferrous metal supplied.

A scrap metal collection point is a profitable enterprise with a competent approach. But for its implementation, a mandatory license and experience in this field is required. In the absence of one of the points, the likelihood of business success is minimized.

Given that, according to experts, Russians throw away over 100 million tons of paper a year, and waste paper is accepted from $50 per ton, there is no doubt that this business is profitable. But still, let's give specific figures: according to experts, the profitability of the waste paper collection business is from 30 to 50%: - you must admit, there is something to think about.

This business is especially attractive because you can start it elementarily - using your garage as a temporary warehouse. A big plus is that this business is not particularly tied to location, which means there is no need to spend money on special warehouses(at least in the beginning). You also need to get a small truck or trailer. In fact, this will be the main start-up capital.

As a rule, you will not need full-time staff at the initial stage - it is enough to notify the maximum number of acquaintances and strangers working in organizations throwing away a lot of paper on how much you pay per ton.

Everyone determines the specific amount of payment on their own, not forgetting, however, that your competitors are also trying to motivate these same people. Ideally, you should notify as many people as possible related to government agencies, schools, office centers and printing houses about their offer. If you manage to establish a fairly extensive network of paper suppliers, you will be provided with uninterrupted supplies of waste paper for a long time, since this business has practically no seasonality.

However, even if you have regular suppliers, constantly inform others about your services. Experienced waste paper collectors recommend making and putting on the sides of the machine information about the reception of garbage and distributing Business Cards anyone who might be potentially useful in the future.

Do not forget about the students. And although the times of Timurovites are long gone, there will always be teenagers who want to earn extra money - and this, by the way, is a very powerful workforce. Among other things, schoolchildren can easily interview neighbors on the street and bring the collected newspapers in a wheelbarrow directly to the collection point.

So that you do not have to set a time and go around all the areas where you have independent "partners" to collect the waste paper found, it is worth organizing stationary points in each district of the city. These points can logically be, again, the garages of your most “large” assistants. Of course, in this case, you will have to slightly increase the purchase price at this point. On the other hand, you do not invest in the rent of the premises and the salary of the inspector.

And of course, it is necessary to notify the residents of the area about the availability of a reception point. Usually, it is enough to put a few pointers for this, and your “intelligence network” will complete the rest.

Well, self-paid accepted waste paper owes not per ton, but per kilogram (from 50 kopecks per kilogram).

At this stage, you can no longer do without investing in weighing equipment. But by that time you will already have a constant profit, part of which you will invest in expanding the network of collection points.

As in any business, a novice entrepreneur will have to make the main efforts at the very beginning. And if he copes with the initial stage of creating an agent network and developing a permanent clientele among commercial enterprises and government agencies, then his future in this business will be the most rosy. Because no matter how the situation in the economy develops, no matter how acute economic crisis in our bureaucratic state, paper waste has always been and will always be. This means that the business of collecting waste paper is almost eternal.
