How to paint a water tank in the country. How to decorate a barrel in the country and transform the site

Containers in the country are needed to collect rainwater, heat it for irrigation. They can be metal, wood or plastic. Barrels do not always look beautiful, decorating can be a great way out. Thus, they can perform not only a practical, but also an aesthetic function.

If you decorate the containers, they will harmoniously fit into the landscape design of the cottage, they will bring an original touch to the space. Such beauty will not cost much, but you will see how the suburban area will be transformed.

For work you will need:

  • Enamel based on alkyd varnish in several colors;
  • Primer;
  • Paint cans;
  • Cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Tassels of different diameters.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. You need to choose a color, color, pattern, composition that will decorate the barrel. The paint that will be used during work depends on the material from which the container is made: for the street, you need to choose a resistant coating. The primer will protect the barrel from corrosion, the enamel on this basis will last longer.
  2. If you are not a professional artist, then it is better to work with stencils, practice how to draw paint on brushes correctly, because streaks can ruin the drawing. Paint in spray cans is not as resistant, but if you work with stencils, then using them is very convenient.
  3. First coat the vessel with a primer, let it dry, then paint with the base color. Drawings, small details are drawn last.

If it is important for you that the water warms up better in a barrel (for example, for irrigation or a summer shower), then paint it dark. You can disguise the barrel as the color of the house. This is, of course, the simplest solution, but still the first step to creating an organized space on the site.

If you have a lot of metal barrels, you can make an original composition out of them. Pour the earth into the containers, if they are so large that it is completely laborious to fill them up, then simply place the vessels with the soil in the upper part. Their diameter should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the barrel so that it can fit tightly inside. Fill the basin (pot) with earth, plant petunias in it. If there are two barrels, then you can make a loving couple out of them. Paint one blue, draw cartoon eyes, a tie, and make a girl in a pink dress with a white collar out of the other. For beauty, petunias can also be red and blue. Umbrellas can be stuck in a basket of flowers.

It is not necessary to plant flowers in barrels, cheerfully decorated containers with funny faces, even filled with water, will look advantageous.

Bright metal vessels can be placed directly on the site, light-loving plants can be planted in them, which, thus, will become closer to the sun.

  1. A wooden barrel can be installed without decor: a tree with metal rims looks stylish in itself. Place a human figurine in a container or make an impromptu pond with water lilies and aquatic plants.
  2. Plastic barrels lose to both wooden and metal ones, so special attention should be paid to their decor. If you have artist friends, then let them come up with an avant-garde or classic floral design. This task is within the power of graffiti lovers.
  3. You can make a country well out of a wooden container by simply attaching a bucket to it on a chain.

How can you color a barrel?

If the color, shape of the container suits you, you can simply surround it with pots and flowerpots. Small barrels can play the role of tables, chairs, legs for benches on the site.

There can be no flaws in the design of a garden plot or just a country house, everything should be fine, so the topic for today's article was chosen as the task, how to decorate a barrel, which is used in the country for household needs. After decorating it, it will become not only a useful item, but also a real highlight of your own landscape design.

How to decorate a water barrel

Barrels, which are often considered as quality, can be used not only for storing water, but it is with water tanks that there are special difficulties, especially if they are metal. Over time, from constant contact with water, the material may rust, become covered with lime, in general, lose its presentable appearance. But in that how to decorate a water barrel, there is absolutely nothing complicated, it is even surprising that not all homeowners have armed themselves with brushes, paints and aerosols.

The stencil technique is also interesting, when the paint is applied not with a brush, but with a sponge or an aerosol can. Moreover, as stencils, you can use both printed and cut out of paper or plastic according to your own sketches, as well as plants, flowers, picturesque twigs. Here is an example, how to decorate a garden barrel, photo which is located above, shows an example of an unusually beautiful decoration with images of flowers and leaves.

In addition to the methods described above, how to decorate barrels in the country, photo which you have already seen above, there are others, no less interesting, for those who like not only to draw or paint. For example, there are excellent techniques for stained glass appliqué, you can use glass of different colors to either make an independent pattern, or make certain details of the pattern especially beautiful, for example, the middle of flowers.

You can solve the problem no less elegantly, how to decorate a barrel in the garden using hemp or jute rope. To do this, the surface of the container is smeared with glue and wrapped tightly with this rope. No gaps, straight lines. The finished craft is additionally opened with varnish so that the humidity, which is always present here, as in decoration, does not spoil such an environmentally friendly and fashionable coating.

Beautiful dachas are not only well-groomed beds and flowers, but also the absence of cluttered back streets or rusty water barrels that irritate the eye.

If you spend a lot of energy on arranging your summer cottage, then even such trifles as garden barrels should look attractive.

Take a look at your garden barrel, which looks like it's been serving you for years. You have no desire to hide it in a dark corner so that it rarely catches your eye? And let's better try to give the barrel an attractive look, so that it becomes an interesting element of our beautiful garden.

We will paint the barrel with acrylic paints. Whoever wants can put a simple funny drawing on it, who can make a complex painting. Well, and who does not know how to draw at all can use stencil painting.

To begin with, the barrel must be cleaned of rust and old paint. We do this with a special brush for metal and it is very desirable with the help of an appropriate power tool. this work is hard, dusty and dirty. After cleaning, cover the barrel with a primer for metal. To be honest, modern primers do not require pre-cleaning of rust. So why did we try so hard, you ask? A cleaned barrel will have a smoother surface and the final result will be much better.

We paint the barrel in the main color with a roller. When the paint dries, apply the drawing with chalk. It is important that the pattern is large enough - in proportion to the size of the barrel. It is better that small parts do not fall on the bulges on the surface of the barrel.

Another useful trick when painting barrels is to trace the outlines of the finished drawing with a thin brush with dark paint. Do not forget to add small details to a larger drawing with the same brush.

Since the tastes of all summer residents are different, someone will be pleased with a bolder and brighter drawing, and for someone it will be enough just to re-paint the barrel in an inconspicuous green color. But if you add even a couple of simple elements to your garden barrel, then it will become clearly more fun.

Beautiful dachas delight us not only with luxurious country houses and amazingly beautiful landscape design, but also with masterful attention to all the little things, such as simple garden barrels.

Absolutely on every summer cottage you can see several old water tanks, mostly barrels. These containers are used for watering plants, as well as as a reserve, if suddenly the water is turned off at the site.
Painted barrels in the country
Whatever the appearance of the barrels (mostly rusty tanks) does not spoil the landscape design of the site, they can be beautifully decorated with paints.
The painted barrel can be installed anywhere: in the garden on the lawn, between the beds of vegetables, in the front garden, on the porch of the cottage, etc.
This idea is popular due to the fact that it requires almost no effort and money.
Now we will consider the technology for decorating plastic and metal barrels in the country.
How to paint barrels in the country?
First you need to choose the right barrels. Large 200-liter barrels look the most beautiful, because. on them you can make drawings of any complexity.
To paint a barrel with your own hands you will need:
Empty clean water barrels
Metal brush and sandpaper
Water-repellent paints in various colors
simple pencil
Working with a plastic barrel is much easier, because. before painting, it only needs to be thoroughly washed and dried.
When making a metal barrel, first you need to completely remove all rust. To do this, it is recommended to use a metal brush or sandpaper. Once all rust has been removed, it is recommended to clean the surface of the barrel with a rag soaked in alcohol. This event will degrease the surface before painting.
After preparing the barrel for painting, you need to think over the drawing. It all depends on your imagination. The most advantageous look barrels, which depict the following drawings:
Fairy tale characters
AnimalsPeople (for example, a boy with a girl)
Having created a sketch of a drawing on paper, you need to transfer it to the barrel. To do this, first the barrel is painted in one color (completely). Next, with the help of a brush, the contours of the drawing are drawn, which are subsequently painted with a suitable paint.
In order to paint the barrel beautifully and at the same time involve the whole family in the work, it is recommended to first paint the container in one color and wait until the paint dries. Further, using paints of different colors, you can leave prints of the hands of each family member on the barrel. Such an idea will make the barrel creative and will become a memory for the whole family.

Barrel with family prints
After the barrel is completely dry, install it in a suitable place in the country and enjoy the updated landscaping.
I would also like to note that the barrel can be additionally decorated with flowers. To do this, it is necessary to pour fertile soil inside the container and plant suitable plants.

Painted water barrel with flowers
Another tip - make the background of the pattern on the barrels different. For example, paint one barrel red and the other green. The contrast of shades will make the composition of the barrels more attractive.
Photo of painted barrels in the country
In order for you to clearly see this idea for the garden, we bring to your attention a photo of painted barrels in the country:

Blue painted barrel

The idea of ​​using a painted barrel

Beautiful water barrel

Simple design of a water barrel

Barrel design in pop art style

Drawing of a bunny on a barrel

Beautiful barrels in the garden

Do-it-yourself barrel coloring

Green barrel in the country

Painted barrel with climbing plants

In this article, we will learn how to decorate a water barrel in the country. Consider original ideas for decorating a water storage tank. We will analyze the materials for registration. Let's talk about the features of use.

Most modern dachas bear little resemblance to those modest garden plots that were so recently. Many owners are convinced that every detail in the garden should be not only useful, but also beautiful. At first glance, it would seem. Well, what can you do with an ordinary water barrel, except to push it away out of sight. Not always a distant place can be convenient for watering. Often there are situations when it is better to place the container in plain sight. With a little imagination and skill, you can transform a barrel into a stylish garden element.

Resourceful craftsmen offer many decor options. Here are some of them:

  • With drawing skills, you can easily turn the tank into fairy-tale characters for the delight of children and adults.
At first glance, it is difficult to guess that this is an ordinary barrel.
  • Tanks can be of different sizes, for example, a small tank.

Instead of a huge tank in the garden, a ladybug appeared on a flower.
  • Those for whom painting is not available can use ready-made or homemade stencils.

With one stencil, you can draw many identical elements.
  • Do not be upset if you failed to cut the stencil, you can successfully use the material at hand.

As a stencil, you can use beautiful large leaves, and apply the paint with a spray can.
  • You can decorate the tank not only with paint.

A wicker rim for a barrel will decorate a country garden in the style of "Country".

Master class on decorating water tanks in the garden

Recently, painting barrels has become a common activity. To paint the container you need e so much. Read also the article: → "". An old barrel is perfect as the main object. For work you need:

  • Coarse and fine-grained sandpaper;
  • Degreaser, for example, white spirit;
  • Primer;
  • Paints;
  • Brushes.

An example of step-by-step work with an old barrel:

Step 4 Mark the drawing with a pencil. Color it in.

In order for the paint to lay down well and not crack, the surface must first be primed.
In conclusion, the barrel is finally painted.

For artistic painting, you can use not only metal barrels, plastic ones are also suitable. These are easier to work with. They do not need to be pre-cleaned and primed, just wash and dry thoroughly. It is important to choose the right colors for different textures.

Tip number 1. Pay attention! The water barrel can only be painted with moisture-resistant outdoor paint.

Materials for design, features of use

Before decorating the barrel, you need to be sure to get rid of rust. Cleaning rust with sandpaper is a painstaking and long task. To facilitate the work will help special anti-corrosion agents. The outside can be treated with chemicals that are used in car care, for example, "Caesar" or "B - 52". But these are aggressive substances that are dangerous for humans when they get into food or into irrigation water. That is why they can only be used outside. It is better to clean the inner surface of the barrel from rust with citric acid. The work is done like this:

  • Pour into a barrel rain water, about which they say "soft". This is important for a good result, because a small amount of salt improves the chemical reaction.
  • AT add citric acid to water dissolved in warm water. Concentration in relation to the total volume 1:10 . That is, 200 g of citric acid is needed for 200 liters of water.

The solution is kept until the rust is completely dissolved, but not less than a day.

After such cleaning, even drinking water can be drawn into the barrel.

When the rust is removed, you can start painting.

Before applying decorative paint, the surface must be coated with a primer. For this purpose, use metal coatings for outdoor use.

Priming should not be neglected. This layer provides:

  • Better adhesion (sticking) of the base paint.
  • Smoothens the machined surface, reducing porosity
  • Increases moisture resistance, which protects against corrosion.
  • Extends barrel life.

These qualities are important for a container in which water will be permanently stored. In addition, the primer reduces the consumption of decorative paint.

When choosing a protective base, you need to decide in which category the product belongs.

Name Properties
Converters Substances that convert iron oxide into another compound, that is, they do not allow rust. Since it is based on phosphoric acid - a poisonous drug, it can only be used for the outer surface, which does not come into contact with water.
protectors Contains tiny metal particles. After hardening, they form the thinnest metal film. If it does not contain other harmful substances in the base, then it is universal in use and safe for water storage.
passivators Slow down chemical attack and protect against mechanical damage.
insulators They form a special protective membrane that reliably resists moisture.
Two-component Contain various combinations of the previously listed substances.

When purchasing a primer, you need to consider that it must be combined with decorative paint. Often manufacturers offer guaranteed compatible materials. But if the coatings are bought separately, then the paint is selected under the ground, and not vice versa, which happens much more often.

Commonly used brands

Name Application Price
GF-021 Universal primer for metal and wood surfaces. from 240 rub. for 2.2 kg
AK-0209 Suitable for any metal surface. From 285 rub. per 1 kg
Kompozit GF-021 white Suitable for organic and water-soluble paints From 450 rub. for 2.8 kg
Zebra GF-021 white With increased anti-corrosion protection From 400 rub. for 2.8 kg

On the photo primer:

The primer is a passivator used to protect against moisture.

Tip number 2. When choosing a primer and paint for a barrel, you need to make sure that the coatings are safe for humans and plants and will not cause harm in the future.

How to remove rust and old paint

Often, barrels that have been used before are chosen for painting. They need to be properly prepared for painting:

  • Remove rust;
  • clean the surface;
  • Degrease.

Modern substances successfully cope with these problems. On sale are such tools that easily eliminate even the most inveterate rust.

  1. « Docker Steel» — dissolves rust and turns into a protective film. Contains phosphoric acid, so only the outer surface of the barrel can be cleaned. It costs from 1000 rubles. for 5 kg.
  2. « Zintec» - state of the art tool for cold galvanizing of metal surfaces. It costs from 600 rubles / kg.

Chemical cleaning of metal from rust also removes old paint.

When all excess is removed, the surface must be degreased before priming. The following means are used:

  • Acetone;
  • White Spirit;
  • Petrol;
  • Alcohol;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Universal cleaners, for example, "Super 75 - 32".

The choice of paint for outdoor use, taking into account seasonal use

If you have to deal with repair materials infrequently, then it is not surprising to get confused in the vast sea of ​​​​the range of paints offered for metal. Therefore, you need to decide in advance which coating is suitable for your barrel. Read also the article: → "". It is desirable to take into account the following characteristics:

  1. Appointment for outdoor work;
  2. Method of application, not all paints are designed to be applied with a brush;
  3. Primer compatible;
  4. Substance consumption per 1 m 2;
  5. Complete drying time
  6. Safety in further operation;
  7. Type of paint.

According to the chemical composition and how the paint behaves during operation, it is customary to divide into the following types:

  1. Oily- on a natural basis the most inexpensive.
  • safe to use but not durable.
  • Lose color quickly.
  • unstable to temperature changes, therefore, for the winter, a barrel painted with such paint is better to hide in a warm room.
  1. Alkyd- give the effect of "galvanizing". The negative side is low fire hazard. Barrels coated with this composition are best kept in the shade.
  2. Acrylic- they let air through, so they say about them "breathe". They do not seal the surface, which gives resistance to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes, withstand up to + 110 0 .

Pricing is important. But when choosing between “cheaper” and “more reliable”, it is worth remembering that more economical paint is short-lived. You will most likely have to paint the barrel every year, while more expensive compounds can provide coverage for several years.

Making stencils for drawing

When all the main work has been done, you can start creating. Even if artistic abilities leave much to be desired, you can paint the barrel using a stencil.

Typically, the creation of a template is performed in this sequence.

  • On a dense sheet, for example, whatman paper or thick cardboard, the contours of the figure of the desired size are applied.

If it’s problematic to draw on your own, you can enlarge the silhouette you like with the help of a copier. There are many ready-made figurines offered on the Internet.

If the pattern is complex, the stencil provides for internal jumpers that connect the parts. For garden forms, you should not make too small and intricate ornaments, they will not be visible from afar.
  • Cut out the desired shape along the contour;
  • Attach the stencil to the barrel with adhesive tape;
  • Apply paint.

The ornament on the stencil is transferred using a foam rubber sponge or a spray gun.

How to decorate a water barrel in the country: questions and answers

Question #1. Which barrel to choose for water in the country?

Answer: The following containers are suitable for water:

  • metal;
  • Wooden;
  • Plastic.

Question number 2. Do I need to derust a metal barrel before painting?

Answer: Definitely! Rust that will spread and get into the water for irrigation in the form of iron oxide, which is harmful to plants. Moreover, proper preparation for painting increases the life of the tank.

Question number 3. Which design on the barrel is the most original and modern?

"Exclusively" the barrel can be painted in the salon of automotive airbrushing, since the technology for processing and painting metal surfaces is the same for the barrel with the car.

Serious mistakes when decorating a water barrel in the country

  1. No primer for painting.

Often gardeners save on priming, they say, “and so it will do”! As a result, you can get an undesired result:

  • The paint lays unevenly on the surface, so you have to cover it in several layers. Instead of saving, there is an additional expense.
  • The service life of paint without a primer is much shorter than with a pre-coat. This means that you will have to paint every year.
  1. Painting the barrel inside and out with the same paints.

This combination is possible if the paint is safe for humans and plants. More often for outdoor work, a different, less expensive paint is used.
