Swollen face from a bee sting what to do. Treatment of edema from bee and wasp stings with medicines and folk remedies

During the spring and summer period life cycle insects reach peak performance. Bees collect nectar, get food for themselves and perform the function of pollinating plants.

The little bee delights the child and is respected among adults. But everything changes when she leaves her stinger under human skin.

In carrying it out, she instinctively defends herself, dying in the process. The poison that gets under the skin along with the sting spreads in the blood. Depending on the reaction of the individual, the consequences are of a different nature. The presence of redness and slight swelling of the damaged area is considered normal.

After a few days, the swelling begins to shrink. It is accompanied by mild itching. skin. Allergic reactions may occur, up to the onset of anaphylactic shock.

Why might they sting?

The ignorant may mistakenly identify the sting of a bee and a wasp. First, wasps do not leave a sting and can sting many times. A worker bee can bite only once, leaves its "tool" and dies. Secondly, the nature of wasps is more aggressive than bees.

The risk of "buzzing wound" is increased in the following situations:

  • A sharp aroma of perfume, alcohol, spices. During outdoor recreation, in the village, visiting a beekeeper avoid excessive own "aromatization".
  • Wrong behavior in proximity with an interested bee: waving arms, screaming, trying to kill her. It would be rational to “freeze”, covering your head, or quietly hide in the room. No need to try to run! This increases the degree of its aggressiveness.
  • Being in the apiary near the beehives. A buzzing worker can even accidentally be nearby if a person abruptly falls into the trajectory of her departure from the "house". Beginning beekeepers should be dressed in long-brimmed clothes, a mask and high gloves. Be sure to be accompanied by a specialist.
  • Extraction of honey bees in the area. During this period, even the kindest of them turn into attacking aggressors. Knowing about the collection of honey from a neighbor in the country, it is better not to go outside for several days, follow the safety rules.
  • "Barefoot" walks in nature, in the village, especially if there is an apiary nearby. Aged or damaged honey miners no longer fly. Completing the life cycle, they crawl on the ground. You can accidentally step on your foot. There is a high risk of this situation for children. Increases strongly after the hives are inspected by a beekeeper or honey is pumped out.

Why remove the sting and how to remove it?

A small working bee has an individual defense mechanism. It includes the stinging "needle" and associated venom glands. In a calm state, the tip is hidden in her little body. When threatened, it pierces the enemy.

If the rival is another insect, then such a “duel will not be fatal for the honey-getter. During interaction with animals and humans, its small notches pierce the victim. The bee breaks out, leaving part of the glands at the opposite end of the "tool", dying in the process.

Removing the sting from the skin

The longer the "poisonous defense tool" is under the skin, the deeper it sticks, the more the amount of poison that enters directly into the blood increases. Troubles are also increased by the risk of inflammation of the bite site, due to the presence of a foreign body in the skin.

In order to minimize the negative consequences, it is important to quickly and accurately remove the “point”, disinfect the wound and provide first aid.

The sting has acquired a well-known look and functionality over the course of evolution. The "prehistoric" bees in its place had a tube through which they laid their eggs.

First aid medical measures

Most often, adults are aware of how their body reacts to a bee sting. With a child, the situation has an unknown outcome. In any case, the initial actions must be taken quickly. The degree of distribution of toxic substances through the blood of the victim depends on this.

  1. Get rid of the sting immediately. It is better to do this with sterile tweezers or clean, disinfected hands. It is important that no residue remains under the skin. Otherwise, and if dirt gets into the wound, inflammation is inevitable.
  2. Soak a clean cloth or gauze with ammonia or ethyl alcohol, vinegar, a solution of soda or potassium permanganate. Apply to the wound. Keep as long as possible, repetition is possible. It minimizes pain, disinfects and slows down the development of puffiness.
  3. Can wash the damaged area body soap ( better fit economic 72%) and apply ice.

How to treat and how to smear: medicines, ointments and gels

With severe itching of the bitten place on the skin, you can try to remove it. It is necessary to anoint with fenistil-gel, psilo-balm, hydrocortisone ointment. How much and how to smear, read the instructions. Important condition: you can not scratch the inflamed area!

Ointment fenistil gel
  • At risk of severe allergies, take an antihistamine. Some allergy sufferers carry a syringe and appropriate injection medication.
  • Abundant warm drink and bed rest.
  • Control body temperature. For chills without fever, take a sedative or anti-stress drug. If you have a fever, take an antipyretic.
  • Control pulse and blood pressure.
  • In case of a severe allergic reaction, urgently contact a doctor.
  • Artificial respiration and performing chest compressions if needed.

Bee sting in the head, neck, hand

Bite to the head or neck more dangerous than a bite in the arm or leg, for example. So, if an individual reacts normally to bee venom, then in this situation the degree of allergization increases.

Exacerbation of symptoms due to the presence a large number blood vessels, including large ones, lymph nodes, nerve endings and vital points. As a result of stinging in the neck or head, severe weakness, rapid heartbeat and breathing, the development of fever, urticaria, neuritis, convulsions and even Quincke's edema are possible.

The latter is fraught with upper respiratory tract and threatens with suffocation. For the same reason, it is dangerous to get a sting into the soft tissues of the tongue, especially for young children.

Seek immediate medical attention.

Getting bee venom in the eye

A bite in the eyelid, at first glance, does not threaten anything other than its swelling. The eye may swell. The result can be severe diseases of the eye apparatus, which cause loss of vision.

These include inflammation of the eyelids, mucous membranes, purulent inflammation of the eye tissues, cataracts and glaucoma.

Swelling of the eye when bitten

If such a dangerous situation arises, you can’t hesitate, use folk methods and hope that “it will pass by itself”.

Treatment and supervision by a professional ophthalmologist.

How to remove swelling and swelling

A bite to other parts of the body is not so dangerous, but the consequences are purely individual. In addition to the harm that bee stinging in the facial area entails, it also causes a number of cosmetic problems.

There is a strong swelling of the lips, nose, cheeks, chin, ear with a corresponding "wound". Trouble makes you postpone meetings and events. The situation with the female sex is especially painful.

On average, the tumor lasts 2-3 days. Its reduction entails an unpleasant itch, as in the healing of any other wound.

Helps with the timely use of an appropriate cold compress, alternate use of several local antipyretics (for example, alcohol lotions alternate with soda), ice, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory folk remedies (for example, herbal tea) reduces swelling and speeds up recovery.

If a bee has bitten a child

The danger of primary contact with a bee lies in the unknown reaction of the child's body and its helplessness. Most often, acute allergies are absent.

Going on vacation or outdoors, it is good to have a first aid kit with a children's antihistamine, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory ointment, ethyl or ammonia for compresses.

Consequences of a child bite

Also suitable lemon acid or a dissolved aspirin tablet. Good if available special remedy temporary protection against insect bites. However, in a situation with a child, it should be used extremely carefully, in small doses, avoiding application to the hands and face. Be sure to read the contraindications.

There are cases when allergization occurs very intensively. There is a possibility of shock
accompanied by a deterioration in breathing and pulse, pallor of the skin along with swelling, the appearance of cold sweat, loss of consciousness.

What to do and how to get rid of the consequences

When a shock occurs, the following actions are performed:

  1. Extract the sting, make a cold compress.
  2. If possible apply a tourniquet indicating the time of the action. The operation is performed to prevent the spread of toxic substances through the blood system.
  3. summon ambulance.
  4. Provide bed rest in compliance with the “feet above the head” rule, provide air access.
  5. If poison enters the oral cavity and mucous membranes - carefully rinse with water.
  6. damaged area shoot with adrenaline, dissolved in saline in a ratio of 1 to 10. When administering adrenaline intramuscularly, observe the permissible dosage of 0.1 ml / year, while not administering more than 0.5 ml at a time.

If it is known that the child is allergic, safety rules must be followed in an open area. It is necessary to have dim clothing that fits snugly and covers the body as much as possible, wear a hat, do not go barefoot, use it carefully protective agent, be extremely careful and attentive while playing and eating. For the purpose of warning dangerous situations special vaccinations are possible.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

Home remedies and medicines plant origin are excellent assistants in the implementation of primary and subsequent actions aimed at reducing swelling and inflammation.

However, it should not be limited to folk methods self-treatment. They are good for performing primary care or in the absence of increased allergization. The next step is to call the doctor.

Benefits of bee sting. How does it help?

A substance called bee venom has a certain benefit and is represented by the composition of a large number of elements:

  • proteins;
  • peptides;
  • amines;
  • lipids;
  • amino acids;
  • pheromones;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;
  • mineral components.

bee treatment

Some proteins (hyaluronidase and phospholipase), amines (histamine), peptides (melitin) influence the development of allergies. At the same time, these components, along with the rest, favorably affect the human body. Each of them has different properties.

What is the beneficial effect for a person

These include:

  • anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.
  • Sedative the effect.
  • Normalization blood pressure and improved heart function.
  • Stabilization hormonal background.
  • Increase in general protective functions organism.

Together with that constituent components functionally treat many diseases.

  • Thin the blood, reduce clotting, prevent blockage of blood vessels.
  • Improve resorption wounds, scars, adhesions.
  • Stabilize work kidneys.
  • Reduce symptoms with arthrosis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis.
  • Contribute to successful work nervous system.
  • Effective in the treatment of female and male ailments genitourinary system.
  • affect the fight against overweight.

Direction traditional medicine, studying and practicing treatment with the help of "sweet" insects is called "apitherapy".

When using this technique, it is important:

  • Have a medical certificate about the presence of allergies in principle, about the reaction to one-time and massive bee stings.
  • Contact only experienced professionals in this area and observe them.

Not only bee venom can be useful, but also allergenic. well known medicinal properties pollen, honey, honeycombs. As a result of their use, it is possible skin rash and deterioration of the respiratory system.

All processes resulting from the interaction of this industrious insect with humans are purely individual. You need to be informed about the dangers and the state of your health, take precautions and continue to love nature to the fullest.

Bee stings in the summer are not uncommon. For most people, they are completely harmless and go away on their own in a few days. All that needs to be done is to relieve swelling, reduce itching and pain at the sting site.

Help, moreover, urgent, is required if there is an allergy or several bees have bitten at once. And apply to medical institution needed as soon as possible.

In only a few people, a reaction to a bee or wasp sting can lead to more serious consequences and even death. In other cases, home remedies can be used to relieve swelling, swelling and itching.

Why do bees sting

Bees and humans have lived side by side for millions of years. Their bites are part of our lives. Everyone has been stung by a bee at least once in their life. Why do they do it?

Most bee species are beneficial to humans. After all, few people will refuse the fragrant product they produce - honey.

Bees are not aggressive creatures. Their sting is for defense, not attack. After all, after a bite, she dies. As a rule, they sting only:

In self-defense;

When there is a threat to her or the bee family;

If a person tries to destroy a hive or bee swarm.

In this case, you can get multiple bites.

It can bite if you accidentally press or crush it. The most common cause of a bite to the head is a situation where the bee is entangled in the hair and cannot get out. She is angry and stings.

A bite can be provoked by:

Sharp aroma;

Strong smell of sweat;

Sudden movements (for example, waving arms).

Consequences of a bee sting

Different people have a different reaction: from temporary pain and discomfort at the bite site to allergic. Moreover, for each sting, the same person may have different consequences.

An allergic reaction can be divided into:


mild allergic reaction

For most people, the symptoms of a bee sting are mild and resolve within a few hours. Appears:

Instant, sharp burning sensation, pain at the site of the bite;

Redness in the sting area;

A small white spot at the site of the sting;

Swelling around the sting area.

moderate allergic reaction

A mild allergic reaction includes:

Severe redness at the site of the bite;

Swelling that gradually increases over one or two days;

Moderate allergic reaction (usually resolves within five to ten days).

severe allergic reaction

A severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) is potentially life-threatening and requires urgent treatment. Anaphylaxis is possible in a small percentage of people. Signs:

skin reaction, including hives, itching, redness, or pale skin;

Labored breathing;

swelling of the throat and tongue;

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;

dizziness or fainting;

Loss of consciousness.

People with such a strong reaction, as a rule, and in next time may have exactly the same. In this case, you need to consult a doctor and take measures to avoid serious consequences.

In such people, with several bites, bee venom accumulates in the body. Very severe symptoms are observed, including:

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;



Weakness and loss of consciousness;


Temperature rise and fever.

Multiple bites require medical attention when stinging:

Old people;

People with heart or respiratory disease.

People who know they have allergies should always have access to adrenaline auto-injectors. Adrenaline is a drug that treats allergic reactions.

First aid

Bee venom contains proteins that affect skin cells and immune system causing pain and swelling around the sting site.

Biting, the bee pierces the skin with its sting containing poison. The faster you remove it, the weaker the reaction will be.

First aid for a bee sting consists of just a few simple steps.

Remove the stinger as soon as possible. You can do this with your nails or with tweezers. Doctors recommend using a regular plastic card. It is easily removed. When removed with tweezers or nails, more poison enters the body.

In many cases, the bee leaves a pouch of poison at the end of the stinger. When removed with tweezers or fingernails, it can be damaged.

Wash the bite site with soap and water. Apply a cold compress or ice pack to reduce swelling and pain.

With an average allergic reaction, to reduce redness, itching, swelling, lubricate the bite site with hydrocortisone ointment.

You can take an antihistamine for itching.

Raise the bite area. This will help reduce swelling. In fact, a bite can cause the bite site to almost double in size. This local swelling usually subsides within the first hours. Completely disappears in a few days.

Avoid scratching to avoid the risk of infection and contamination.

How to treat a bee sting at home

Swelling, swelling and itching are the most unpleasant consequences. There are many home remedies available to help reduce and alleviate the discomfort.

Essential oil of lavender

Lavender essential oil is very soothing and relieves discomfort. Can be used diluted or undiluted.

Moisten a cotton swab or disc and apply to the bite site. Try to do it directly in the place where the sting was.

Treat twice a day for stings and once the next day.

If there is a reaction to the oil, dilute it with any neutral vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:1.

Oil has similar properties. tea tree. Dilute with base and apply a few drops where the sting was.


Mud applications are good for primary pain immediately after a bite.

To do this, dilute a small amount of dirt (any) big amount water and apply to the bite site. After a while, rinse well with water.

Baking soda

Baking soda is a good home remedy for swelling and itching. It neutralizes bee venom.

Make a paste by adding a little water.

Apply to the bite site where the stinger was pulled out. Can be fixed with adhesive tape. Leave for 15 minutes. Repeat if necessary.

rhubarb juice

If a bee has bitten in the country and rhubarb grows on the site, its juice is a good home remedy. Pick a stalk of rhubarb and squeeze the juice directly onto the bite.

You can repeat the treatment as needed. Be aware that rhubarb can stain the skin. But it's not scary. Everything will be washed off.


Treat with a decoction of parsley or juice.

plantain leaves

Plantain leaves can be used along with parsley. If a bee stings in a park or forest, look for plantain nearby. He must be. Squeeze out the juice or mash the leaf. Apply to the bite site.

Yarrow and plantain

Make a compress from the decoction of these two plants. Relieves irritation, itching and reduces pain. Change it every two hours.


Onion juice will relieve itching, pain and swelling. Cut the head of the onion and attach the slice to the bite site. You can grind in a blender and apply mashed potatoes, fixing with a bandage.

Aspirin and activated charcoal

Crush a tablet of aspirin and activated charcoal. Dissolve in a glass of water. Moisten a cotton swab or disc and apply to the bite site. Activated carbon absorbs bee venom, and aspirin soothes pain and itching.

Aloe juice

Aloe juice is another good folk remedy to reduce pain and relieve itching. Tear off the leaf and cut it in half. Apply with a cut.


Relieves itching and pain. Apply a small amount to the affected area. Cover with a bandage and leave for up to an hour.

Apple vinegar

Vinegar neutralizes bee venom. Apply a bandage for at least 15 minutes.


It is believed that the alkaline environment of the paste neutralizes the poison. Helps only from bee stings, because. their venom is acidic. In wasps, it is alkaline. Just lubricate the affected area with a small amount of paste.

To relieve irritation, you can lubricate with olive oil, honey and or a dissolved tablet of validol.

Ammonia can help relieve itching and reduce swelling. But they need to treat the bite site no more than four times a day.

As you can see, home remedies that can relieve swelling and swelling, reduce itching, are enough.

This is what a bee sting looks like and swelling from a sting

Ointment for bee sting

Summer is the time for country trips, hikes and field trips. It is not always possible to avoid such a nuisance as a bee or wasp sting. At this time, they work hard, stocking up on nectar. Make an ointment that will come to the rescue in case of bites.

For this you need:

2-3 teaspoons beeswax

1 tablespoon coconut oil

4 drops essential oil lavender

0.5 teaspoon honey

Melt the wax along with the coconut oil and remove from the heat.

Add honey. Once the mixture has cooled down a bit, add the lavender oil. Mix and pour into a jar with a lid.

Take it always with you, recovering for a walk in the park or in the forest.


As mentioned above, bees are not aggressive insects. We ourselves provoke its attack. No repellents will help to avoid stinging. You just need to follow simple precautions and safety measures.

Avoid strong fragrances, including hairspray, scented soaps, lotions, body oils, and perfumes.

Bees love sweet smells. He attracts them. Put a hat or other head covering on your head.

Don't wear clothes bright colors, especially large floral patterns.

Be careful with food. Sweet sodas and other drinks attract bees and wasps.

These insects are attracted by the smell of a spot of jam, marmalade, jam.

Do not wear loose, loose clothing when going for a walk. A bee can fly under clothes.

If you know that you are going to a place where there is a possibility of a large concentration and flight of bees, wear long trousers and walk in shoes. If you accidentally step on a bee in shoes, you will not feel its aggression against you.

Cover trash bins outside your home. Remove fallen fruits in a timely manner so that they do not attract them.

When there is a possibility that a bee may fly into the house through the window, hang a net.

If this nevertheless happened, you do not need to wave your hands or a towel, expelling the insect through open window. Most likely it will fly at you, and not out the window.

Wait until the bee sits quietly on the glass and remove it with a towel. In no case should you take it by the wings with your hands. The bite in this case is guaranteed. They have very fast reactions.

When driving, close the windows so that they do not accidentally fly into the passenger compartment.

What to do if a bee starts flying near you

Don't move. Stop and freeze for a minute until the bee flies away. Waving arms, other sudden movements provoke a bite.

You can gently blow on the bee so that it flies away from you.

Being next to the hive, you do not need to talk loudly, shout, wave your arms.

If, nevertheless, the bee has bitten, quickly remove the sting. In addition to bee venom, she releases pheromones, thereby signaling to her relatives "Danger is nearby." This does not mean that the whole swarm will rush at you, but there is a chance of being bitten by several at once.

How to remove edema after a bee sting is a question that requires careful consideration, since at least once in a lifetime it concerns absolutely any person. The symptoms of a bite are very unpleasant, especially for young children, so it is important to be able to provide first aid to the victim, and in case of an allergic reaction, consult a doctor immediately.

Features of bee and wasp stings

The attacks of these insects are often confused, but meanwhile they have different mechanisms effects and effects on the body.

The sting of the bee has notches on the surface. During the attack, the insect immerses the sting into the upper layers of the skin and can no longer pull it back. As a result, the "tool" of the bee is separated from the body and remains in the skin, and the insect itself dies. The sting is the "tool" with which the poison is injected. Its toxic effect causes unpleasant symptoms that characterize the bite. Bee venom contains toxins, causing a reaction similar to the action of an acid. This is important, as it determines the choice of a method for neutralizing the poison.

The “tool” of the wasp is smooth and sharp, so it does not separate after a bite. The wasp may sting more than once if any aggression prompts it to do so. Unlike bee venom, wasp venom provokes an alkaline reaction, leading to:

    damage to the walls of skin cells;

    violation of neuroregulation;

    destruction of mast cells and the release of large amounts of histamine.

In addition, the pain from a wasp sting is more pronounced than from a bee attack.

Bite symptoms

It is not difficult to determine that a person was stung by a bee or wasp.

First, you need to carefully examine the wound. If a sting remains in it, this indicates a bee attack. After a wasp sting, a pinpoint wound can be seen on the skin as if from an injection.

Secondly , the bite site turns red, itchy and painful. Moreover, the pain is growing pulsating in nature.

Thirdly, around the wound gradually pronounced edema develops, which has a fairly wide localization area. If an insect has stung a limb, then swelling can spread to its entire area, disrupting full functionality. Edema can last from several hours to 2-3 days.

Other clinical manifestations are possible:

    the appearance of a rash;

    body hyperthermia;

    dizziness, weakness;

    nausea, vomiting.

These symptoms are indicative of non-specific reaction of the body to a bee or wasp sting - allergies. The clinical picture in this case consists of manifestations of a moderate or severe degree of intoxication. In the latter case, signs of anaphylaxis are observed:

    edema oral cavity, larynx;

    pain in the abdomen, chest;

    pallor of the skin;

    labored breathing;

    heart rhythm disturbances;

If an insect has stung in the face (eyes, mouth) or neck, then in this case the edema will be the most pronounced and dangerous, since it can provoke severe complications (, suffocation). These symptoms require immediate medical attention.

First aid

How to help a person who has suffered from an insect bite, and how to remove swelling?

    If it is clear that the victim has been stung by a bee, the sting should be removed from the wound using disinfected tweezers or a needle. You should not try to squeeze out the sting or pick at the bite site, since such actions can lead to an even greater spread of edema or infection of the wound.

    The bite site is treated with soapy water or ammonia, hydrogen peroxide. This will disinfect the wound, remove redness of the skin.

    To eliminate swelling and pain, a cold compress is applied to the affected area. You can use ice or a suitable container of cold water.

    It is advisable to move as little as possible and drink plenty of fluids. It can be sweet tea, fruit drinks, Regidron solution or ordinary drinking water. Plentiful drink helps to remove toxins from the body.

As a rule, these actions are enough to cope with the unpleasant consequences of a bite of stinging insects. Of course, this is true if the victim does not have allergic reactions. Otherwise, the above measures will not be enough.

If an insect has stung a child, then the answer to the question of how to remove the edema should be unambiguous for his parents. In no case do not panic, calm the baby and carry out all of the above actions. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the child, especially in the first hours after the bite. At the slightest sign of an allergy or a deterioration in general well-being, it is necessary to call an ambulance. urgent health care it will also be needed if there were several bites, since the amount of injected toxins can be life-threatening.

Wasp sting allergy treatment

An allergic reaction to a bee or wasp sting has a rather acute and soon manifested symptomatology. In this case, you need to act quickly to slow down the spread of toxins as much as possible and neutralize their effect on the body.

    To the injured give an antihistamine, the overwhelming development of the allergic process. It can be:

    • suprastin;


    • diphenihydramine;


    The drugs are taken in the dosage and frequency prescribed by the doctor. Children are shown medications like Erius, Eden, Claritin, Kestin.

    In addition to antiallergic medicines, how to relieve swelling from a wasp sting will help special ointments and gels:

    • fenistil;






    These drugs also have an antihistamine effect, relieve redness and swelling, and relieve itching.

    It is possible to use hormonal drugs, for example, Fluorocort or Diprosalik, but possible side effects must be taken into account.

    It is also advisable to appoint adsorbent drugs:

    • enterosgel;

    • activated carbon.

    These drugs bind toxins and quickly remove them from the blood, thereby cleansing the body of poison.

    In case of severe manifestations of allergies help the victim:

    • Cordiamin, which normalizes breathing;

      demidrol, which restores the normal functioning of the heart and relieves pain;

      adrenaline, which suppresses the development of an allergic reaction.

The victim is urgently hospitalized and provided with all necessary assistance in a hospital setting.

Folk methods and means

Many are interested in the question of how to relieve swelling after a bee sting without resorting to drug therapy. In the absence of allergies, traditional medicine remedies and methods can really help to quickly and effectively deal with the effects of a bite. If there is an allergic reaction, then the indicated therapy is used as an auxiliary therapeutic measure.

    In the absence of antiseptic preparations, the wound is treated with aspirin powder obtained by crushing the tablet. The salicylic acid contained in the drug has good antimicrobial properties.

    A good way to relieve swelling is to apply a gruel of salt and water to the affected area.

    The drug based on parsley has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect that relieves redness and itching, and relieves pain. Fresh leaves are rubbed into a gruel, a swab is moistened in it and bandaged to the affected area. The compress is kept for 3 hours, then it is replaced with a new one.

    Plantain has an effective wound healing and tonic effect. The leaves of the plant are applied in the form of a compress and bandaged. Due to its ubiquity, this “green doctor” is always at hand, which sometimes turns out to be very useful if a bee has stung outside the city, but there are no medicines with you.

    Onions are also great for relieving swelling from a bite. In addition to bactericidal, it has a sorbing property, neutralizing the effect of the poison.

    To relieve swelling in children, lotions from strong tea or calendula decoction are used. Keep 30-40 minutes.

    Mint helps with itching. The bandage is moistened with crushed leaf juice and fixed for 1-2 hours.

    Remedies based on tansy, St. John's wort, wormwood, dandelion, thyme, Kalanchoe will also help with swelling and itching. Only fresh plants and flowers are suitable.

    Lemon will help neutralize wasp venom. A freshly cut slice is applied to the bitten place. The fruit can be replaced with a solution of table or apple cider vinegar. It is used for lotions.

    Apples, garlic, tomatoes, potatoes help in the fight against puffiness. The latter is rubbed on a grater, collected and squeezed out the juice. A swab is soaked in it and applied to the affected area. Keep 30-40 minutes.

    With severe swelling that persists for more than a day, use sea ​​buckthorn oil, which lubricates the swollen place. Due to the powerful wound-healing effect, the edema disappears within 24 hours.


Of course, a person cannot foresee all cases in which a bee or wasp can sting him. Getting out of the city to the river or into the forest, he least of all thinks about possible dangers. Meanwhile, it is worth knowing that bees and wasps never attack just like that. This happens if:

    encroachment on their territory (hive, nests) is carried out;

    sudden movements are made near them (attempts to drive away with hands);

    prey is selected (fruits, sweets, etc.);

    is affected by aromatic stimuli (perfumes, household chemicals, cosmetics).

Being in nature, you should not consider bee hives or wasp nests, especially attracting children to this. To protect against insects, you can use special repellents that repel them. Insects are attracted not only by strong aromas, but also by bright colors. It is worth considering this when choosing clothes.

If the wasp and the bee are in close proximity or sit down, for example, on the hand, you can’t brush it off sharply or try to kill it. In this case, the insect will react aggressively and release a sting. It is better to try not to move or move slowly until the “guest” flies away.

Being near a bee hive or hornet's nest you can not make sudden movements, run away. You should stop and slowly leave, then the insects will remain calm.

Alcohol increases vascular permeability, which can become very dangerous factor by a bee or wasp sting. The reaction in this case will be more transient and severe.

It should be remembered that wrong actions can provoke insects to a mass attack and then there will be many bites. Wasp venom can kill a person if its amount in the blood is too high (more than 100 bites) and its action is not neutralized in time. Therefore, being in nature, care should be taken to ensure that uninvited guests do not interfere with rest, provided that no one disturbs them.

Bee stings are not uncommon, especially when the insects are active. That is why you need to know what to do in this situation, how not to get confused and not panic, but quickly take the necessary measures to eliminate the sting. What means should be used to prevent severe swelling, relieve itching.

  1. Earthen - build their hives underground and have a thick cover on the body. They live in sandy areas, as a rule, in large columns, do not bite.
  2. Carpathian - perfectly tolerate frosts, do not stop their activities in winter time. Have small size, they sting in the most extreme cases.
  3. Buckfast - resistant to various diseases that occur in bees, do not bite, but do not tolerate low temperatures.
  4. Forest (wild) - frost-resistant and multiply rapidly. They can sting strongly, have excellent resistance to various adverse conditions. They live in the forest zone.
  5. Dwarf - very small insects that can easily get into any house through a miniature hole. Despite this, they can withstand considerable weight. Concentrate their hives in the ground. If handled incorrectly, they can bite.
  6. Tigers are very large insects that can sting more than once. They are the largest representatives among all other species.
  7. Domestic - the most common individuals. They breed very quickly and live near houses. They often bite, after which a severe allergy occurs.
  8. Carpenter bees - arrange their nests in trees, most often in dry wood or roofs of houses. Outwardly, they look more like flies than representatives of their own species. Under certain conditions, they can sting.

Classification of bees: earthen, carpenter bee, domestic and other species - photo gallery

The earthen bee does not separate the young from itself
The Carpathian bee seals its honey dry
The Buckfast bee is a hybrid Forest (wild bee) - aggressive look The dwarf bee is the smallest representative Domestic bee - lives close to humans A carpenter bee is hard to tell apart from a fly. The tiger bee is the largest

Benefits of bee venom

The beneficial properties of bee venom have been known for a long time. With the help of this natural remedy many pathologies are treated, which is explained by the large number of useful components included in its composition:

  1. Apamin - regulates the work of the central nervous system.
  2. Hyaluronidase - promotes wound healing and eliminates adhesive processes.
  3. Phospholipase - prevents the formation of blood clots.

If there is no acute allergic reaction to bee venom, then the benefits are undoubted, and the effects of the bite can be eliminated very quickly.

Harm and consequences of bee stings for children, adults, pregnant and lactating women: in what cases does anaphylactic shock develop, is death possible

With increased sensitivity, sometimes even anaphylactic shock occurs, which is provoked by a large amount of histamine contained in the poison, and this, in turn, can be fatal.

When a bee stings, the sting mostly remains, as it has small spikes that get stuck in the skin. For a child, it is dangerous to accidentally get an insect into the mouth. If a bee stings the tongue or larynx, then this can provoke an overlap of the respiratory tract, resulting in a fatal outcome. Children are especially susceptible to insect venom, as it contains a significant amount of allergens that can cause severe swelling.

Contrary to popular belief, a bee sting does not bring any additional danger during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. The only thing that can aggravate the process is the aforementioned poison allergy. Otherwise, there are no negative consequences for a pregnant woman.

A bite in the neck, face, head, eyes, ear, nose, eyebrow, lips, cheeks, legs and arms: what dose of poison is lethal

A bee sting is especially strong and painful in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thin and sensitive skin of the eyelids and lips. In this case, significant edema may develop, requiring long-term treatment.

When bitten in the face: nose, cheek and eyebrow will appear strong pain and redness. The same will happen when exposed to the area of ​​the neck, ear, head, chest, as well as the upper and lower extremities.

The most dangerous place is the eyeball. If a bee accidentally stings in this area, then there may be serious problems vision and unbearable pain. Puffiness in this case will spread to the entire face and will take a very long time.

The lethal dose of bee venom for humans is about 0.2 g. This is about 500 small and 250 large individuals.

Symptoms: itching, swelling, bump at the site of the bite, abdominal pain, inflammation of the lymph nodes, allergic reaction, temperature and others

When a bee stings, acute symptoms occur, characterized by swelling, pain and redness. If there is no allergic reaction to the poison, then pretty soon such signs disappear. In this case, no special treatment is often prescribed. However, if there is an allergy to bee venom, the following symptoms may occur:

In rare cases, an acute allergic reaction occurs in the form of anaphylactic shock, as a result of which breathing can stop. This condition is potentially fatal.

How long can the tumor last

On the second day after the bite, with high-quality treatment, the size of the tumor decreases, the swelling becomes less, pain is eliminated. However, if there is a severe allergic reaction, the symptoms may persist for up to a week.

First aid for a person with a bee sting: how to remove the sting, how to treat the skin and what to apply to the wound to get rid of swelling, relieve itching

When a bee stings, first of all, you need not to get confused and take all measures in order to reduce pain and prevent consequences. For this you need:

  1. Wash your hands and use tweezers to carefully remove the sting from the wound. In no case should you squeeze it out, otherwise the poison may spread, which will lead to even more inflammation. If tweezers are not at hand, then you can remove the sting with the help of nails, picking it up with its tips.
  2. The second step is disinfection. For this, it is undesirable to use alcohol-containing products. As an antiseptic, a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide is best suited. To disinfect the wound, moisten gauze or a cotton pad in one of the listed liquids and apply to the place where the sting was. After 15-20 minutes, the compress can be removed.
  3. To reduce pain, it is recommended to apply a small piece of ice wrapped in a cloth. This will reduce not only pain, but also swelling. It is better to apply ice several times a day for a couple of minutes.

First aid for severe allergies: urgent action

A bee can cause particular harm to a person who is allergic to stings. In this case, immediately call emergency care. Prior to her arrival:

  • remove the sting;
  • treat the wound with an antiseptic and make a cold compress;
  • give a double dose of an antihistamine.

Necessary first aid supplies for a bee sting - photo gallery

It is best to get the sting with tweezers Hydrogen peroxide will help disinfect the wound It is necessary to use a weak solution of potassium permanganate To eliminate edema, the ice must first be wrapped in a cloth.

Drugs to prevent edema and eliminate symptoms: how to anoint the bite site, which pills to take orally, how to remove allergens from the body

  1. In order to reduce swelling and pain, you should use antihistamines in the form of drops, tablets. It is advisable to take allergy remedies immediately after a bite. It can be one tablet of Suprastin, Zodak or Cetrin. And one more time you need to take the remedy before bedtime.
  2. 2-3 hours after taking an antihistamine, you can drink activated charcoal, which is able to remove excess allergens from the body (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight).
  3. The bite site should be lubricated 2 times a day with antihistamine gels, which can quickly reduce swelling, acting locally. It is recommended to use Gistan, Fenistil.
  4. With significant inflammation, treatment with glucocorticosteroids is indicated. In such cases, Dexamethasone is prescribed in the form of injections or Sinaflan in the form of an ointment for external use. These drugs are used 2 times a day. They help relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
  5. You can prepare a compress of activated charcoal and aspirin, which will perfectly cope with inflammation:
    • you need to take one tablet of the listed funds;
    • grind and dissolve in half a glass of water;
    • moisten a cotton pad in the resulting mixture and apply to the bite site for 5 minutes. Such a compress can be done for several days in a row.

If the bite fell on the eye area, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Antihistamine tablets and ointments: Zodak, Suprastin, Cetrin, Dexamethasone, activated charcoal - photo gallery

Suprastin has a pronounced sedative and antiallergic effect. Zodak quickly relieves itching and the severity of edema without having a sedative effect Cetrin - the latest generation drug for allergies Gistan acts locally and is applied to the affected area Dexamethasone is indicated for severe inflammation Activated charcoal removes excess allergens

Alternative treatment that will help reduce symptoms: compresses from aloe, parsley, use of badyagi

  1. To speed up recovery and quickly eliminate the inflammatory process, a leaf of aloe, previously washed and cut along the length, can be applied to the bite site. It should be kept on the wound for no more than 10 minutes. It is necessary to do the procedure 3 times a day.
  2. Parsley leaves also have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. It must first be poured with boiling water, crushed and applied to the causal zone for 10-25 minutes 2 times a day.
  3. At the stage of healing, you can use badyaga. Powder diluted with water has a locally irritating effect, so it should not be used immediately after a bite, as this can only aggravate the situation by increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflammation.

Important conditions: is it possible to swim, drink alcohol

Accept hot bath undesirable within 3 days after the removal of the sting, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, but warm shower won't do any harm.

Bites should not be scratched. It is also necessary to give up alcohol, since when it is used, the poison in the body will spread faster.

How not to get bitten

There are several simple rules to help prevent a bee attack:

  • if the insect flew too close, you should not drive it away with your hands. You need to stand still and not twitch until the bee flies away;
  • try not to be afraid, since these insects, according to some scientists, feel when adrenaline is produced;
  • do not wear bright clothes that can attract bees, who are used to identifying flowers in this way;
  • avoid smelly deodorants and perfumes that attract insects;
  • do not walk barefoot on the grass.

To prevent an incident, you need to remain calm and not panic at the sight of a bee. After all, these insects never attack first.

Most important rule- this is under no circumstances to wave a rolled-up newspaper or a fly swatter at a bee if it has flown into the room. You just need to open all the windows and wait for the insect to fly away.

What to do if a bee stung - video

Currently, there are many species of bees that do not always perceive a collision with a person peacefully. When an insect has bitten, the danger of the incident should not be overestimated, especially if there is no allergy to bee venom. With the help of simple measures, unpleasant manifestations can be eliminated within a short time.

Humans and insects are part of nature and naturally we live in close interaction. Therefore, a bee sting at least once in a person's life is inevitable. A bitten person has a number of questions that need to be answered. What to do immediately after a bite? How to remove swelling of a bee sting? Let's figure it out.

What should be done immediately after a bee sting?

The first thing to do is get rid of the sting of the bee. In no case should you pull out the sting with your fingers. This will only exacerbate the situation. A vial of poison enters the stinging apparatus of a bee, and by pulling out the sting we will definitely press on the vial and thereby increase the amount of poison in the human body.
For example, women can use a nail file, gently pressing the side of the nail file on the bite site and gently release the sting. If something like this was not at hand, then you can carefully use your fingernail thumb perform a similar operation. It will not be possible to completely pull out the sting, since the sting has notches, but the amount of poison received during the bite will decrease significantly.

How to relieve swelling and pain?

The painful condition can be alleviated by wiping the site of the bee sting with a piece of gauze dipped in ammonia or potassium permanganate. To ease the general condition, you can drink warm water or tea.

Folk remedies for bee stings

To relieve the swelling and pain after a bee sting, there are folk remedies that you can use.

Activated charcoal and aspirin for pain and swelling

Activated charcoal and one aspirin tablet are dissolved in a glass of water. Activated charcoal is an excellent adsorbent, and aspirin is an anesthetic. Just slightly wet a piece of cotton wool and apply to the bite site.

A decoction of plantain and parsley for pain and swelling

Parsley is good for relieving pain and reducing swelling. Parsley is chopped, poured with boiling water. After the broth settles, chopped parsley is applied to the bite site.
The leaves of plantain and parsley are crushed, a decoction is made. The resulting slurry is applied to a plantain leaf and applied to the bite site. Possessing bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, pain is quickly relieved, and the swelling disappears.

Removing swelling and pain with onion juice

Onions are also used to relieve pain and swelling after a bee sting. Mostly onion juice is used. The bactericidal properties of onion juice and its ability to cause burning at the bite site helps to reduce the feeling of pain and quick withdrawal puffiness.

Aloe leaf or juice for puffiness

Aloe, aloe juice famous plant has been used since ancient times as a remedy for the treatment skin diseases. You can use both the leaves themselves and an aqueous solution of aloe juice diluted with water. Compress or aloe leaf, first you need to remove the skin, attach to the site of the bee sting. Puffiness decreases, pain disappears.

Allergy to bee sting

A person with increased allergenic sensitivity tolerates a bee sting much harder. Severe pain is felt, the swelling can reach large sizes. A rash, fever, fainting, loss of consciousness may appear throughout the body.
A person who has an increased allergenic sensitivity to bee venom needs to drink antihistamines: diphenhydramine, suprastin, tavigil, etc. The best remedy, in my opinion, is diphenhydramine. It weakens the allergic reaction, calms well and reduces the load on the circulatory system.
With a strong allergic reaction, a change in the frequency of breathing, a decrease in pressure, it is necessary to drink 30 drops of Corvalol or Cordiamin. Provide warmth and comfort.
In especially severe cases, it is necessary to carry out artificial respiration, indirect heart massage. Until the arrival of the ambulance, the victim must be under observation.

Why do bees sting?

The attack of bees on a person often comes from a person's ignorance of the habitat and the behavior of bees in various situations.
Circumstances under which bees bite:

  • you crushed a bee that accidentally landed on you;
  • a pungent smell emanating from a person (the smell of sweat, perfume, alcohol, etc.);
  • a person or an animal enters a zone of intense flight of bees for a bribe;
  • a person or animal is in close proximity to the nest of bees.

Bees attack unexpectedly and sting in unprotected places. The smell of poison causes the reaction of neighboring bees and they all rush to the person or animal. The poison enters the human body. The reaction to the poison is pain in the bite area, redness, swelling.
The reaction of the human body to bee venom is not unambiguous and depends on individual features organism. Healthy man experiences slight pain in the bite area.
As a rule, pain and swelling at the site of bee stinging disappears after 2-4 days.
The bee bites by means of a stinging apparatus, which consists of a reservoir (vesicle) with poison and a sting with notches. The length of the sting is about 2 mm. After a bite (introduction of a sting into the body of the victim), the bee dies. The sting gets stuck in the human body. The bee flies away, and part of the abdomen, with a stinging apparatus, remains in the body of the victim. 0.3 - 0.8 mg of poison enters the human body. The lethal dose of bee venom for humans is 2 g. That is 500-1000 bites.
