Wasp nest how to remove it. How to destroy a hornet's nest? With the help of water

Unpleasant not only for their importunity, they are also dangerous. After all, their bite is painful, causing allergic skin reactions. And for allergy sufferers and babies, it can even carry life risk. They become especially aggressive at the end of summer - during the period of fruit harvesting, ripening and To avoid trouble, many prefer to destroy them. In the article we will offer several methods on how to get rid of wasps in the country.

The main reasons for the appearance of wasps in the country

The exact number of wasp species has not been calculated - there are many of them. They are varied in color, in addition to striped yellow-black, there are also blue, black. Their sizes are different - from 2.5 to 10 cm. The lifestyle of insects can be both single and family. They feed on nectar and juice. The larvae feed on small insects.

In order for the process of getting rid of wasps in the country to become successful, you should find out the reason why they equipped nests in this particular place. There may be several of them:

  • a settlement near a food source - a flower bed, an orchard;
  • natural migration;
  • location nearby of insects suitable for food for young offspring;
  • arrangement in old nests or places where their relatives also previously lived.
You need to know that, as a rule, insects build their nests in secluded places, so they can not always be detected. Most often they choose corners, attics, windows, walls, slates, rarely used utility rooms. In the house, these can be inaccessible places behind the air conditioner or behind the drainpipes. Insects can burrow in insulation materials, under wood floors, behind sheathing, and even in cement.

The family equips a large nest from improvised materials and from those that its members produce themselves. Single individuals build small nests - about 5-8 cm in diameter.

Tracking the habitat of insects is easy. It is necessary to put a tasty bait - a juicy fruit, a piece of fish or meat. When the wasps find it and begin to feed on it, they will often follow the same route: from food to housing. In this way, you can set the location of the nest equipment. To fight insects, it will be sufficient to detect not the nest itself (since it is not always possible to get close to it), but the entrance to the dwelling.

How to get rid of wasps in the house

There are several situations in which the question is relevant: how to withdraw wasps? The fight should begin if the wasps have formed nests in the corners located near the place of residence of a person and his frequent stay there:

  • directly in the house;
  • in the attic of the house;
  • on the balcony;
  • under the roof;
  • in and around utility rooms.

Did you know? Only females have a sting, males do not. Only the fertilized individual, which hibernates, survives the winter. Other insects die.

You need to understand that a wasp will never attack just like that, only in the case of self-defense and protection of its home. However, no one can say exactly at what point she decides that a person is threatening her nest. Often, the whole swarm flies out to protect.

You can fight them with the help of chemicals and folk remedies. There are also special services that help to cope with the misfortune by professional means (the cost of their services is from 1.5 thousand rubles for apartments and from 2.5 thousand rubles for summer cottages).

Measures to get rid of wasps include the following:

  • destruction of nests;
  • catching insects in traps;
  • extermination with the help of baits with poison.

Chemical protection

With the help of an insecticidal agent, you can get rid of wasps both on and in the apartment. The following drugs will help to cope with this task: "Tetrix", "Executioner", "Moskitol" and others. You can buy them in specialized stores. Prepare the working solution strictly according to the instructions.

For a positive effect, 200 ml of the solution is poured into a large plastic bag(you need to pick it up according to the size of the nest) and sharply put it on the nest. It is important to tighten the bag well and tie it with a rope, tape, etc., in order to completely block the flight of insects.

In this state, the nest should be two to three days. After that, remove the package, before tapping it with a stick. Polyethylene is removed only if no buzzing is heard.

If the nest is not available, then the drug should be injected into the entrance to the dwelling - insecticides are sold in aerosols (Raid, Dichlorvos Neo, Raptor, Kombat, etc.). Then the exit must be closed with a cloth soaked in insecticide. Do not open the hole for several days.

Another way to use insecticides is to make poison baits - a remedy (for example, Get, Delta Zone, Lambda Zone) is added to a sweet food or drink that is specially lured to wasps. Either sweetened beer is best suited for these purposes, and poison is also dripped onto watermelon (melon) peels. The container with the bait is put in a prominent place where insects can definitely notice it, and the “delicacy” is poured in a few days until all the wasps in the house are destroyed.

Important! The location of the poison bait must be inaccessible to children and pets..

For those who are going to conduct their own fight against insects, it will not be out of place to know that if any individual stings you during the nest destruction event, you cannot kill it - this will provoke the aggression of the whole swarm. The best way out in this situation is to leave, take the necessary measures for the bite (see below in the section "First aid for a bite") and return after a while, when the wasps calm down, to repeat the operation.

Folk remedies

The simplest and fast way destruction hornet's nest is the impact on him of fire - the dwelling is doused with combustible material, such as gasoline, and set on fire. This method is effective, but it is not always and not everywhere possible to apply it. For example, it is absolutely not suitable for those who are looking for options on how to get rid of wasps in wooden house. If the nest is equipped with wooden building or under a wooden roof, it is strictly forbidden to use it, as it can cause a fire.

Some spray gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel from a spray bottle into nests and entrances to dwellings. However, this is also best done away from wooden structures.

Another way - placing the nest in water. This method requires additional devices. For example, if the nest is located on the ceiling, then you can place it in a pot or bucket of water, pressing their edges tightly against the ceiling, and then substitute a stepladder or some furniture under them. A wasp dwelling should be in the water for at least 24 hours.

Important! Work on getting rid of wasps is recommended to be carried out at night, when all of them are in the nest and are inactive.

Specialty stores sell traps designed to catch wasps. It is also possible to make them yourself - you can find many videos on the Internet that talk about the technology. Make a trap out of plastic bottle thus:

  • remove the cover;
  • cut off the top (1/3);
  • a solution is poured into the lower part, which should lure the bees (fermented or fresh jam, beer with the addition of an insecticide);
  • the upper cut-off part is inserted into the lower neck down so that it fits snugly - according to the funnel principle;
  • hang on the wall, window, under the roof, etc.
Once every few days, the fluid should be renewed.

You can also buy at the store or make your own glue trap. Glue is applied to the cardboard sheet, for example, RaTrap, Alt, etc., and on top - a spoonful of jam or rotting fruit. Wasps, trying to eat, will stick to the cardboard and get bogged down.

Important! Whatever methods - chemical or folk - you decide to use, be sure to take care of personal safety measures: carry out work in tight clothes covering your arms and legs, in gloves and a beekeeper's mask (as an option - a hood with a mosquito net on your face).

Wasps in the country: prevention

To avoid mass settlements of wasps in the house and subsequently not think about how to get rid of them, it is necessary to resort to the following measures:

  • destroy already empty nests in autumn and spring until they are settled, since with a very high probability they will be occupied again in the new year. The trace from attaching the nest is subject to treatment with one of the means: potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, insecticide;
  • get rid of rotten fruits in time, prevent their storage;
  • eliminate cracks in the attic or in other rooms;
  • during the construction of a new house or during repairs, carry out preventive treatment with insecticides and seal all cracks and voids;
  • do not store unnecessary things in large quantities;
  • wash furniture regularly.

First aid for a bite

Wasp stings can lead to local (edema, redness, itching, urticaria) and general reactions (dizziness, confusion). In addition, there are people who have insecticidal allergies.

Question: In our country house wasps began to appear every spring. Everything would be fine, but soon we will have a grandson and we are afraid that wasps might bite him, my husband has a terrible allergy from a wasp sting, and if it was inherited by a grandson? How to be, how to deal with uninvited neighbors?

Answer: If you have settled wasps, then know that one day they will bite you. You need to get rid of such neighbors unequivocally, and if someone from your family is allergic to wasp stings, then definitely remove their nests and urgently.

If you knock down old wasp nests in your dachas late autumn or in winter in the hope of getting rid of insects, then this is a meaningless exercise and will not bring you any benefit. These are old nests, they have served their purpose and wasps do not hibernate in them. With a decrease in temperature, the onset of frosty days, all worker wasps and their larvae die. Founding females hide in various crevices during this cold season, and with the onset of spring they begin to build a new nest.

All questions on the destruction of wasps should be carried out in the spring. Carefully inspect all your buildings for suburban area, Special attention give attics and verandas. At this time, wasp nests are small in size - as a good Walnut if you find it, remove it immediately and burn it. The female will not find it upon her return and will fly away to look for another place to build a new nest. So you can get rid of unpleasant neighbors for the whole summer. There are also stubborn females who will not immediately fly away, but will try several more times to start building their house in your same place. But I think that you will convince her of this!

It also happens that your garden house is far from the city, then you yourself have to deal with wasps, I suggest the old proven method: we equip ourselves in a chemical protection suit or just in tight clothes, gloves and a face net, you can use mosquito. At night (better at 3-4 hours), when the wasps are sleeping, we take a long stick and a bucket of boiling water (full to the brim), put the bucket under the nest and knock it into boiling water. Urgently cover it with a dense material or a lid and cook the wasps until cooked!

You can destroy wasps with the help of dichlorvos. You need to do this at night, but you can try it during the day. You have to wear a respirator!! We take a can of dichlorvos, attach it to the tap hole of the nest and etch all the gas inside the house. This is only if the house is located in hard to reach place and there is no way to knock him down. Good luck.

Wasp nests are a frequent occurrence on balconies, in sheds, under sheds and in other places near people. In addition to the general troubles that wasps bring, their stings can be deadly for people who have allergic reactions to them. A hornet's nest seems harmless, but having one near a house where people live is unsafe. The reaction of wasps to a person who is not far from the nest is unpredictable. Sometimes insects try to protect it and behave aggressively. Near a hornet's nest, there is always the possibility that the wasps may pounce on a person for no reason. That is why many people have a question: how to get rid of a hornet's nest?

If a wasp nest appears inside or near your house, this is an unpleasant situation.

Where should you look for a hornet's nest?

To destroy the nest of these insects, it must first be found. If the apartment has a balcony, the wasp dwelling can be inside, under the ceiling or between the sheathing and the wall, outside under the windowsill, in drain pipes etc. In the summer cottage, housing wasps are found in trees, in thick grass, under the ceiling of a building, in a pile of old unnecessary things. In their home, wasps can settle under the roof or sheathing, in the attic, on the balcony, and similar places.

Most often, wasps build their nests in hard-to-reach places, which are quite difficult to find.. If you can not find their home, you need to monitor the movements of insects. To attract wasps, you can leave on open space a piece of meat or melon, they don’t mind eating such a treat, so they will flock to it. Having eaten, they will head to their nest, and if you carefully observe them, you can easily figure it out.

Destruction of wasps and their nests

There are many various ways, allowing you to remove the hornet's nest forever.


AT modern world there are special chemicals, which allow you to destroy wasps and their nests. When using such substances, care is required so as not to harm one's own health. Enraged wasps that can bite are also dangerous. Before using this or that drug against wasps, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with its effect. The most popular means today are:

Folk remedies

They are also widely used for the destruction of insects and their nests:

  • Coniferous smoke is humane way, thanks to which the wasps leave their nest after a while. The negative point of this procedure is that it is impossible to achieve a result at a time. In the place where the wasps settled, the stove is installed in such a way that the smoke coming out of it is directed towards the nest. You need to drown it with coniferous branches. After a few days, the insects themselves will leave their home.
  • The resin of the trees allows you to get rid of insects and their shelter in a few weeks. The red rope is stretched near the wasp house and carefully smeared with sticky resin from an apple or pear tree.

If wasp nests are located in close proximity to human dwellings, or from social institutions, they must be destroyed.

Other means

To remove a hornet's nest, use the following tools:

  • Mounting foam. This method is ideal in cases where the housing of insects is in a hard-to-reach place and has only one exit hole. It's being blown out mounting foam, without leaving a single gap, after which the hornet's nest is removed and disposed of.
  • Boiling water. If the wasps have built their housing in an accessible place, then they pour boiling water over it, and pour hot water into the inlet. This method is quite dangerous, as it can lead to aggression of surviving insects, and then attacks cannot be avoided by a person. The nest scalded with boiling water is buried in the ground.
  • With the help of a tight bag, you can effectively get rid of the nest of wasps. In this case, quick action is required. Throwing a bag over their house, seal it with tape at the base of the nest, and tear it off from the place where it is attached. Having tied the bag tightly, it must be burned immediately.
  • Killing insects with kerosene is no less effective than the above means. This tool is sprayed with a nest, because of which all insects die, and after a while you can safely clean their house.

Many are interested in the question: how to get rid of a hornet's nest if it is in an inaccessible place? It is not easy to do this, but it is possible. Wasps make their homes in the most various places: in pipes, genital crevices and other hard-to-reach places. In order not to break the floor or walls in which the wasps settled their dwelling, the insects are removed with the help of chemicals, then all the cracks that lead to the wasp nest are tightly sealed.

Often wasps build their nests where they were built before, so after the destruction they take preventive measures. The place where the nest was is cleaned and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide.


When embarking on measures aimed at the destruction of wasps and their nests, compliance with safety rules is mandatory. The bites of these insects cause discomfort, and numerous bites cause serious harm to health, and sometimes human life. People who are allergic to wasp stings may not even be aware of it.

Before destroying the nest, do not forget to put on protective clothing

Destroying the inhabited dwelling of wasps, they use clothes from thick fabric, which covers all parts of the body as much as possible. Well, if the clothes with a hood. Relevant and tight gloves made of rubber or leather. A mosquito net is used to protect the face. When using poisonous substances, it is better to use the old, unwanted clothes, which after the procedure is not a pity to throw it away.

Before proceeding with the destruction measures, they check if there are children nearby and pets, if any, send them away from home. The escape route from aggressive insects is thought out in advance, in case of unforeseen situations. It is best to notify the residents of nearby houses, ask them to close windows and doors and not go outside in the near future.

What to do if wasps appeared in an apartment building?

Having learned information on how to destroy a hornet's nest, each person can cope with the problem on their own. However, if the wasps have settled in a residential apartment, it is extremely difficult to get them out without harming yourself or other residents. In such cases, it is better to resort to the help of specialized services. Professionals, with the necessary preparations and protective clothing, can easily rid your home of a wasp nest. If this is not possible, then the following methods are used:

  • Do not immediately resort to poisonous chemicals. This is best done at night when the wasps are at rest. All residents leave the premises. If the housing is located on the ceiling, use the package. Having put it on the nest, the place of its fastening is disconnected and the package is tightly clamped. After that, an aerosol from wasps is launched into the package, then the package is thrown away, and the room is ventilated.
  • It happens that wasps enter the apartment from neighbors, moving through sewer holes or through windows. The access of insects to the apartment is prevented by installing mosquito nets and sewer grates, periodically spraying them with vinegar, citrus or peppermint oil.

If wasps are wound up on the loggia and balcony, then the methods of dealing with them are described above. All kinds of traps are also used against wasps in the apartment to lure, but this method is less effective.

The most popular wasp trap

Plastic bottle trap. The third part of the bottle from the side of the neck is cut off with a knife. A liquid that attracts insects is poured into the lower part: home brew, syrup, beer, etc. The cap is removed from the cut off part, turned upside down, and inserted into the bottom of the bottle. Wasps fall into such a trap with ease, but they cannot get out.

This method helps to get rid of a certain number of wasps, but in order for the insects not to disturb the guests, the complete destruction of their nest is required.

The appearance of wasps in the house or in the country is accompanied by a lot of worries and troubles for the people living there. In addition to being quite painful for a person, wasps can be carriers of diseases and infections.

Wasp nests begin to build in early spring, as a rule, choosing secluded places indoors for this. After that, the female lays eggs and already, a month later, one can observe the appearance of the first offspring of insects, the neighborhood with which becomes noticeable and brings anxiety.

Therefore, it is necessary to know how to deal with and protect yourself from wasps if a wasp nest is found in the house or in the country.

How to deal with wasps in the country, in the house?

Wasps choose human dwellings for building their nests, as there is always enough food there to attract their attention. Often you can find ordinary paper wasps, hornets in the house or in the country, sometimes there are earthen wasps.

As places for arranging their nests, wasps usually choose attics, balconies, cracks in the wall and other places where they will be protected from winds and rains.

Wasps must be fought and their nests must be disposed of, because in their neighborhood a person is always in danger of being attacked and getting stings, which are very painful. Wasps can contribute to crop damage, as they use ripening fruits for food. They can carry intestinal infections.

Protection against wasps in the country can be provided in a variety of ways, the most common of which are:

  • Removing wasps by completely destroying the nest;
  • Use of special traps;
  • Harassment with poisonous baits;
  • Access to specialized services.

If the wasps in the house are present in not in large numbers, you can use or sticky paper for flies. It is necessary to calculate all the advantages and disadvantages of each of the wasp control methods and choose the most suitable one.

Tired of pest control?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in the country house or in the apartment? They must be fought! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Mains powered, no recharging required
  • No addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​action of the device

How to find a hornet's nest?

When wasps appear in a residential area, you need to think about finding and destroying their nest. In order to find a hornet's nest, it must be remembered that for its construction wasps use places that are hard to reach for a person, hidden from prying eyes.

In the country, a hornet's nest can most often be found:

  1. In rarely used utility or household premises, for example, in sheds, toilets, attics;
  2. In niches under slate;
  3. On balconies, loggias;
  4. Among dense thickets of shrubs or hedges.

However, it is rather difficult to check all possible nest-building sites even if small size site. Therefore, you can use effective special methods aimed at tracking wasps.

The essence of this method is as follows: you need to put a piece of meat or fish in an open area, the smell of which will attract insects. Then all that remains is to watch the wasps carefully, as they will fly from the treat to the nest, making it easy to spot their nest.

In houses, on balconies, finding a hornet's nest is also not difficult. Long-term observations will certainly help to determine in which place the insects fly most often, therefore, their nest will be located there.

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How to get rid of a hornet's nest in the house?

There are several main methods used to get rid and destroy a hornet's nest in the house. So, how to get rid of a wasp nest in the house? It is necessary to consider the essence of each method in order to choose the most suitable one.


The use of water to get rid of a wasp nest is possible, when the nest is found in the ground or is under a canopy or in the attic. If earthen wasps are a source of concern, then it is necessary to find their "hole" in the ground, and then fill it with such an amount of water that it begins to flow out of it.

For this purpose it is recommended to use garden hose, since the volume of any limited container with water may not be enough to completely fill the "burrow". After the hole is filled with water, you need to cover it with a stone.

Sometimes this method may not have the desired effect due to water absorption into the soil or when the wasps react quickly and make new exit out of the hole. If the hornet's nest is under the roof of the house, then the use of water to destroy it is also possible, however, it is more difficult, this requires special training.

This method consists in filling a bucket with water and completely immersing the nest in it, pressing the edges of this bucket tightly to the ceiling. Support the bucket from below using a ladder or a board of appropriate height. Usually insects under water do not withstand longer than a day.

However, before using this method, you should make sure that the entire structure is stable and that there are no gaps between the bucket and the ceiling, as in this case the wasps can find a way out of the trap.


When a wasp nest is found in the ground, it is quite simple and effective ways for its destruction is the use of some petroleum product, for example, gasoline or diesel fuel. It is required to fill the nest with gasoline, moisten a rag in it and close the exit from the hole with it. This contributes to the death of wasps after a certain amount of time.

Also, one of the methods of dealing with wasps is burning the nest. To do this, you need to douse the object with gasoline and set it on fire. However, this method is only suitable for destroying nests located in the ground or on a stone surface in the absence of flammable objects nearby.


One of the most common means used to combat wasps is dichlorvos. With its help, the nest is processed, which must be repeated, since it is almost impossible to destroy all insects the first time.

The use of dichlorvos requires a number of precautions, such as:

  1. The destruction of the nest is carried out at night, when insects have little activity.
  2. Be sure to wear protective clothing that is tight enough, use thick gloves and a beekeeper's mask.

Thus, with the help of one cylinder of dichlorvos, you can relatively quickly get rid of a medium-sized wasp nest.

Special preparations

In addition to the methods of mechanical destruction of the nest, insecticidal preparations with a large spectrum of action are widely used.

Among them are the following funds from wasps in the country and at home:

  1. Karbofos, which is a fairly inexpensive and safe drug, often used to combat other insects.
  2. Insecticide preparations based on chlorpyrifos having a contact effect.
  3. Executioner- a tool with which you can effectively get rid of wasps and hornets;
  4. Tetrix is an professional tool, used for pest control, however, its acquisition can be quite difficult, especially in small quantities.

Before carrying out disinsection with insecticidal preparations, it is necessary to protect exposed areas of the body from the danger of bites. It is necessary to carry out disinfestation at night.

Call for special services

One of the least time-consuming ways to destroy a hornet's nest is to call a special pest control service, which is a team of professionals who have all the necessary tools at their disposal. protective equipment and special preparations. They provide fast and effective disposal from wasps.

What if the nest is not available?

The task of destroying a hornet's nest is in itself very difficult. If the nest is located in a place inaccessible to humans, then there are even fewer opportunities for its removal.

For this, it is recommended to try lure insects into pre-prepared special traps. As bait in such traps, it is better to use meat or fish. At the same time, one must not forget to change the bait and remove insects from the trap.

You can also try hanging a few red pods near the nest. hot pepper. There is an opinion that wasps can change locations themselves, as they do not like bitter.

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Ordered, followed instructions. Great results! We did not expect this! We harvested a wonderful crop this year, now we will always use only this tool. I recommend trying."

Rules for removing wasps in an apartment building

If the wasps settled in apartment building, then the destruction of their nests is carried out using the same methods that were used when there were wasps in the country.

However, there are a number of rules to follow:

  1. It is not recommended to use poisonous chemicals;
  2. The destruction of the nest should be carried out at night, while it is desirable that all residents of the apartment leave the premises for this time;
  3. To prevent wasps from moving into neighboring apartments, it is necessary to install mosquito nets and sewer grates and periodically treat them with vinegar, peppermint oil or citrus fruits;
  4. Be sure to notify all neighbors about the procedure for destroying the hornet's nest so that they can take precautions.

Precautionary measures

When destroying a hornet's nest on your own, you must take care of your own personal protection, since wasp stings in large numbers can lead to serious consequences for human health.

  1. Prepare thick clothing, a beekeeper's mask and thick gloves.
  2. The procedure for destroying the nest of wasps should be carried out at night, when all the wasps are in the nest and do not have much activity.
  3. If during the procedure a wasp or several wasps fly out, they cannot be killed, since when they die, special substances are released that excite relatives and create the danger of an attack by the entire swarm.
  4. If at the first attempt it is not possible to destroy the nest, and the wasps begin to fly out in large numbers, it is necessary to leave without making sudden movements and without succumbing to panic. Before the procedure, it is imperative to think over your retreat path in case of failure. After that, wait a few hours and try to repeat the procedure.


Wasps building their nests in residential buildings can cause a lot of anxiety to the people who live there. Therefore, it is necessary to destroy the hornet's nest on your own or with the help of special services. To do this, it is possible to use a variety of methods - from mechanical destruction to the use of special preparations.

To prevent the appearance of wasps in the house or in the country, you need to ensure that the mosquito nets installed on the doors and windows are in good condition. It is also recommended to regularly collect ripe and rotten fruits that have fallen from trees in garden plots, since they can attract wasps.

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to prevent the appearance of a hornet's nest in the house, then it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the rules and precautions before removing them.

With the onset of heat, wasps can be found, and following them, you will find a hornet's nest. You need to get rid of him. How to clean a hornet's nest: a few simple but effective ways.

Found a hornet's nest on the balcony, attic. It needs to be removed urgently, actions must be decisive. How to remove a hornet's nest? Let's consider several methods.

1. This method requires dexterity. Slow insect activity is observed mainly at dawn and at night. Therefore, it is at this time that we will act. Put a bag over the nest, tie it up well and take it as far from home as possible. The place where the nest hung, immediately wash with detergents and disinfect so that they do not return to their chosen place. If you run far, prepare dichlorvos. Spray the product into the bag, the more the better, the insects will die. Now you can safely throw away the nest.

2. If the nest is low, then we will fight with boiling water. We take a pan according to the size of the nest, pour water into it, taking into account the fact that some part of the nest will be displaced. Boil water. We gently bring a pot of boiling water from the bottom of the nest and raise it to the place to which it is attached. The method is extreme, you need to act carefully. Wasps die instantly.

3. At night, put a bag on the nest, wrap it with tape. Then the bag can be treated with chemicals and burned.

4. Nests that are in hard-to-reach places, fill with mounting foam.

5. Nests that are on outdoors, can be treated with gasoline. The insect does not tolerate the smell of petroleum products, so it dies.

After getting rid of the nest, be sure to process the place where it was, otherwise you will have to fight again.
