How to make sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn oil is a universal remedy for the treatment of many diseases.

I am publishing the third article about sea buckthorn oil. This time it will be for those who want to make it at home on their own. I wrote about the healing properties of this most useful product and where to buy it, about how to take it correctly -.

In fact, the option with home-made sea buckthorn oil seems to me the most optimal. There are at least 3 reasons for this.

  1. Quality! You will be 100% sure that you have made a quality product, as you did it yourself, with your own hands.
  2. Cheapness! Real sea buckthorn oil cannot be cheap! If you see it for sale on the Internet or pharmacies at a low price, then most likely it was mercilessly diluted. Having learned how to make such oil yourself, you get it almost for free.
  3. Quantity! You can cook it as much as you want - for yourself, family and even friends as a gift. Buying, as I said, is an expensive pleasure. 100 ml cost about 600 rubles. If you want, you can even make money on this business!

What you need to make sea buckthorn oil

So, you got the idea of ​​making sea buckthorn oil and plan to provide them with all the numerous relatives .. Where to start and what is needed for this?

Not much is needed: your desire and raw materials. Well, everything is clear with desire, because it overflows, but what about raw materials?

Raw materials will either need to be bought, or if sea buckthorn grows in the garden, use your own berries. Do you still have sea buckthorn in your garden? Plant quickly!

There are many options for making sea buckthorn oil:

  • from juice
  • from berries
  • pomace
  • from bones

Each recipe has its pros and cons. One allows you to get the highest concentration of oil that you will not buy in any store, the second is easy to use, the third allows you to make oil at any time of the year, not just in season.

In general, decide for yourself which of the recipes you will stop at and which oil you will make, and it’s my job to tell you about them. So let's go! I'll start with the best, what allows you to get premium class sea buckthorn oil! This is what I recommend for my family.

Raw material preparation

In order to make high-quality oil, it is important to use the right (mature) raw materials, that is, berries. To do this, you need to know when sea buckthorn is harvested or what ripe berries look like (if you buy them).

There are different varieties and their ripening time will also be different. The earliest varieties ripen already at the end of August, and the later ones can ripen in October!

Usually, if sea buckthorn grows in the garden, the owner himself knows when the berries can already be harvested, but those who plan to buy it need to learn how to determine the ripeness of the berries visually, that is, by eye.

It's not that hard. Ripe sea buckthorn berries are usually orange in color, soft and fragrant in taste. Ask the seller to try some berries and you will immediately understand.

Real oil can only be obtained from ripe berries, do not forget about it! The final stage in the manufacture of sea buckthorn oil is the preparation of raw materials: the berries are sorted, sorted, cleaned of debris and washed. Then you can start manufacturing by choosing one of the recipes proposed in this article.

4 recipes for making sea buckthorn oil for all occasions

Recipe for making premium sea buckthorn oil

The concentration of this oil will be the highest, but it has both pros and cons.


  1. You get the oil of the highest concentration. It's just impossible to find something like this for sale.
  2. It's easy to make your own


  1. Minus only one. It takes a lot of raw materials and time to make! But this disadvantage is leveled if sea buckthorn grows in your sama and you do not experience a deficiency in berries and in time. If you buy berries, it turns out to be expensive.

Crafting Recipe:

Ripe sea buckthorn berries should be washed in warm water and passed through a juicer. The resulting juice is poured into a wide pan with a lid and cleaned in a dark place for a day. After a day, a thin oil film will appear on the surface of the juice. This is the best highly concentrated sea buckthorn oil! It must be carefully collected in a glass jar or bottle.

In order to collect at least 100 ml. oil, you will have to do the described steps several times. But the medicinal properties of this product will be the highest! Believe me, it's worth it!

Recipe for sea buckthorn oil from pomace

It is also a fairly simple recipe, which nevertheless allows you to get a product that is superior in quality to most pharmacy counterparts.


  1. Ease of manufacture


  1. It will take a lot of time to make, as the recipe implies a double approach.

Crafting Recipe:

Ripe sea buckthorn berries are washed and passed through a juicer, but we will not need juice, as in the first case, but the waste that remains after squeezing - cake. It is he who needs to be placed in a saucepan and poured with oil (ideally olive oil, but vegetable oil is also possible). Proportions: for 3 cups of cake - 0.5 liters of oil.

After that, the product must be filtered and the whole procedure repeated: the cake must be passed through a juicer and poured with oil obtained after the first time.

A little dreary, but such a double approach is justified by the fact that the output is a fairly high-quality product that is not inferior in medicinal properties to what pharmacies or online stores sell.

Whole sea buckthorn oil recipe

A rather laborious, in my opinion, recipe, but it has a big plus - you can use frozen berries, which means you can make butter at any time of the year


  1. The ability to cook oil whenever you like, even in winter, even in early spring, as you can use frozen sea buckthorn berries.


  1. The complexity of the process (although this is a moot point)


We take 0.5 kilograms of fresh or frozen sea buckthorn berries, rinse and place in the oven in a thin layer. Our task is to dry them, but not burn them, so we dry them carefully, at a minimum temperature, constantly stirring and controlling the drying process.

The berries are dried until they become firm. This can be determined visually or by mouth. After that, they need to be cooled and turned into powder with a coffee grinder.

After a week, you should have a product with a concentration of approximately 15%. You can increase it if you mix what you got from the first time with a new portion of dried, ground sea buckthorn.

Sea buckthorn seed oil recipe

The peculiarity of this oil is in color. It will not be yellow, but despite this, this oil is considered very valuable, since most of the useful substances are concentrated in the seeds of sea buckthorn.


  1. Very decent product quality
  2. Cooking at home


  1. The complexity of the process and the uncharacteristic color that misleads many
  2. Long production time (2 months)


Berries are passed through a juicer, we do not need juice, we take cake. The initial task is to separate the bones of sea buckthorn berries from the cake. To do this, the cake is dried in the oven at a low temperature, after laying parchment paper.

When the cake dries, it will be easy to separate the bones by simply rubbing the mixture in the palms.

The resulting bones are ground in a coffee grinder, put in a glass jar and poured with olive oil. The jar is not closed with a lid, but simply wrapped in newspaper and put away in a dark place for 2 months. Shake the jar every 2-3 days. After 2 months, the oil can be filtered and poured into a storage container. Ideally, this is a dark glass bottle. You can use bubbles from Corvalol or other pharmacy tinctures.


If possible, be sure to master at least one of the described recipes and cook sea buckthorn oil at home.

If you approach the matter responsibly, you can get a product that surpasses all analogues on sale in terms of its qualities.

Sea buckthorn oil is perfectly stored and can help you out when you forget to even think about it. A simple example is a burn.

All parents know how much trouble children cause and what it is like to treat them after they knock over a kettle or a pot of boiling water (God forbid, of course, but this happens very often). By the way, it helps a lot with burns and.

This is where you will remember that in your first aid kit such a wonderful remedy as sea buckthorn oil is waiting in the wings ...

Sea buckthorn oil is a high concentrate of vitamins and microelements contained in this berry. The use of sea buckthorn oil concerns many areas - this is cosmetology, medicine, and everyday life. And here make sea buckthorn oil- a biologically active product, not so simple.

Sea buckthorn oil is extracted from berries and seeds by repeated pressing. One of the first to obtain and describe in detail sea buckthorn oil was biochemist V. Ruchkin at the beginning of the 20th century. It was found that the oil from the berries (pulp) of sea buckthorn is orange-red in color, with a characteristic smell of sea buckthorn. While the oil obtained from the seeds is colorless. This is due to the fact that there is no carotene in sea buckthorn seeds, but linolenic acid is contained in a sufficiently high concentration.

To obtain sea buckthorn oil, only mature fruits are used, which are dried in the shade or oven at a minimum temperature. Technologically, in order to make sea buckthorn oil, the fruits are first squeezed, then driven under pressure, subjected to mixing with vegetable oil and diffusion.

At the end of this process, vegetable oil displaces sea buckthorn oil, resulting in a valuable vitamin product. The resulting sea buckthorn oil must comply with the established indicators and standards.

Of course, the whole process for obtaining oil is quite laborious, and is unlikely to be repeated at home. But there are simplified ways to get sea buckthorn oil at home. What will be needed for this? Sea buckthorn fruits, vegetable oil, patience and time.

How to make sea buckthorn oil?

To obtain oil, mature, dried fruits are used. Dry the fruits in a warm room (not in the sun!) Or in an oven at a temperature of 40-50. The impact on the berries of higher temperatures will lead to the destruction of the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn. The resulting oil is recommended to be stored in a tightly closed glass container in the refrigerator.

  • Sea buckthorn oil at home - method number 1.

To prepare sea buckthorn oil, in the simplest way, juice is squeezed out of dry sea buckthorn berries. Juice can be drunk. Good for health and beauty.

The mass of sea buckthorn pulp is dried naturally and poured with refined sunflower or in a ratio of 1:1. It is necessary that the oil slightly covers the fruits of sea buckthorn. The oil is infused at room temperature for 3 weeks, stirring occasionally.

At the end, the liquid part of the oil is drained. The resulting product is a mixture of sea buckthorn and selected vegetable oil, therefore, in home cosmetology, it is better to use olive oil rather than sunflower oil to prepare oil.

  • How to make sea buckthorn oil - method number 2.

A similar way to obtain sea buckthorn oil. Its advantage is less (in comparison with the first recipe) time costs. Similarly to the first recipe, dry sea buckthorn fruits are pressed and the juice is separated. The resulting mass (pulp) is poured with olive oil. The mixture is heated in a water bath to 50-55º. The oil is infused in a water bath at a temperature of 50º for a day, after which the oil is squeezed out and poured into a glass container.

  • Sea buckthorn oil at home - method number 3.

This method is a continuation of the previous one and allows make sea buckthorn oil higher
concentration and high quality.

To prepare it, mashed sea buckthorn fruits (separated from the juice) are poured not with vegetable oil, but with oil prepared in the second recipe! (prepared with a mixture of olive and sea buckthorn oil). Similarly, the oil is infused in a water bath at a temperature of 50-55º for 20-24 hours. Finally, the oil is squeezed out.

The product obtained in this way is superior in useful properties to the analogue of the second recipe. Repeating this procedure two or three times will result in high-quality sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn fruits are used new each time to obtain pulp.

  • Obtaining sea buckthorn oil - method number 4.

Dried sea buckthorn fruits are carefully ground (for example, in a coffee grinder). The resulting mass is poured with refined (sunflower or olive) oil. Vegetable oil is preheated to a temperature of 45-50º. The oil should completely cover the fruit. The resulting mass is infused at room temperature for 5-7 days. The mixture is stirred periodically.

In the process of "infusion" vegetable oil replaces sea buckthorn. After a week, the oil is filtered and allowed to stand for a few more days, after which it is filtered again. The resulting product contains about 5-10% pure sea buckthorn oil. Well, how to increase the concentration of the product, you probably already guess ...

  • How to cook sea buckthorn oil - method number 5.

The oil obtained in the 4th recipe is heated to a temperature of 45-50º and a new batch of crushed sea buckthorn fruits is poured into it. The oil is similarly infused for a week, squeezed and filtered. Sea buckthorn oil extracted in this way is more concentrated. Each repetition of this procedure increases the concentration of sea buckthorn oil by 1.5-2 times.

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Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil

Like other natural natural oils, sea buckthorn is considered a valuable product that is practically indispensable in many areas of life. The process of making sea buckthorn oil is difficult not only at home, but also in production.

Geographically, the birthplace of sea buckthorn is Siberia and Europe. In the West, this plant has been used traditionally in everyday life to create a hedge. In addition, juicy orange sea buckthorn berries are valued for their beneficial properties, which save from many ailments. How to make sea buckthorn oil has been known since ancient times. The power of sea buckthorn berries was known in Ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece. Sea buckthorn oil has healing, disinfecting properties. This miraculous remedy restores energy, stops bleeding, and heals severe burns.

Sea buckthorn oil has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic properties. It is used if there are severe problems with the gastrointestinal tract, with serious inflammation and skin injuries. Sea buckthorn oil will be indispensable for women who suffer from gynecological diseases, including sexual infections. This is a good tool for the prevention of problems with vision, gums, cardiovascular system, obesity, diabetes. It is prescribed after severe surgical interventions, to replenish vitamins and minerals, strengthen the immune system and prevent oncology.

Sea buckthorn oil is a storehouse of valuable substances and vitamins. It is shown not only to adults, but also to children, as well as the elderly, as a prophylactic and tonic.

Where is sea buckthorn oil used?

Cold-pressed sea buckthorn oil is most valued in cosmetology, despite the fact that it is used in medicine and everyday life. The berries of this plant contain a large number of substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, especially fading; dull and weak hair; stop brittle nails. Sea buckthorn oil copes with many cosmetic problems:

  • The oil improves microcirculation, has a positive effect on metabolism, gives the skin freshness, softens, nourishes, protects it from dryness, peeling, due to the high content of vitamin E and useful acids in the composition.
  • Sea buckthorn stops seborrhea, nourishes hair follicles, thereby preventing hair loss. The oil has a positive effect on the appearance of the hair - they become shiny and thick.
  • Increases the elasticity of the skin, fights wrinkles.
  • Stops the rapid aging of the skin.
  • Eliminates pigmentation, freckles, whitens well.
  • Relieves inflammation, sunburn, fights acne on the face.
  • Strengthens eyelashes, eyebrows, enhances their growth, especially in combination with castor and burdock oils.
  • Heals chapped lips.
  • Used for massage.

Sea buckthorn oil recipes at home

This wonderful product can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can learn how to prepare sea buckthorn oil yourself. There are a large number of tips, based on the recipe of which, you can prepare good quality oil. In order to do everything right, it is important to follow the basic rules for making sea buckthorn oil.

Method number 1

  • Gather as many fruits as you can and wash well. You do not need to wipe them dry, wait until the berries dry on their own.
  • Prepare a juicer or a special mortar. Squeeze the berries to make juice.
  • Pour the resulting liquid into a deep ceramic dish and let it brew for 24 hours. Cover the bowl to keep out small insects and dust particles.
  • After a day, a thin oily layer will appear on the surface of the wringing - this is sea buckthorn oil. It must be carefully removed and poured into a prepared container, for example, a jar or bottle that closes tightly.
  • Cooked butter should only be stored in the refrigerator!
  • The disadvantage of how to make sea buckthorn oil at home lies in the small amount of product that can be obtained during the pressing and collection process.

Method number 2

  • As in the previous recipe, the berries must be washed, dried and squeezed so that juice is obtained. Sea buckthorn juice can be drunk, it is very useful. For this method, you only need cake.
  • Dry the resulting cake in a natural way and fill it with refined olive or sunflower oil in the same proportion. The oil should cover the sea buckthorn mixture. Infuse it for three weeks, stirring occasionally.
  • At the end of the period, drain the resulting oil into another bowl. For this method, it is desirable to use a combination of olive oil and sea buckthorn pomace, if it is intended for hair and skin.

Method number 3

  • A faster way to get sea buckthorn oil than the previous ones. To implement it, take the fruits of sea buckthorn, wash, dry and rub to the state of cake, so that juice is obtained. You can drink it.
  • Transfer the cake to a deep saucepan, and pour olive oil in equal proportions.
  • Then, place the saucepan in a water bath, and simmer the mixture at a temperature of fifty degrees over moderate heat. Remove from heat and keep it overnight in a warm place.
  • After that, wring out the mass, pour the resulting oil into a jar.

Method number 4

How to make good quality sea buckthorn oil at home? This will take patience and time. Self-preparation of sea buckthorn oil has huge advantages: naturalness and economy.

  • Take the fruits, preferably half a liter jar. Wash and dry them, this is a must!
  • Then, squeeze the berries, do not pour out the juice, it contains a lot of valuable substances. For this recipe, all you need is a pulp. Put it on a flat plate and dry it naturally for several days. Can be placed on a window or shelf.
  • When the mixture becomes dry and loses moisture, grind it in a coffee grinder. After that, pour the mixture into a bowl or jar.
  • Heat the vegetable oil in a water bath and pour in the crushed cake. You need to insist the mixture for one month; strain, discard the gruel, and use the liquid, that is, oil, for its intended purpose. Store it in a cool, dark place.

Method number 5

The whole recipe for making sea buckthorn oil with your own hands is approximately the same. This method is not original, but still, it has its own differences. The recipe allows you to achieve a low concentration of sea buckthorn oil.

  • Grind already cooked and dried sea buckthorn fruits, as in method No. 4.
  • Pour the gruel from sea buckthorn fruits with olive / sunflower oil. It must be unrefined. The oil must be preheated to a temperature of forty-five degrees in a water bath.
  • The mixture must be infused for a week at room temperature.
  • After the oil has cooked, filter it and let it brew for another seven days. Then filtered again, then used.

Method number 6

  • Gather four glasses of sea buckthorn berries and prepare unrefined olive oil, take half a liter.
  • Sea buckthorn berries must first be frozen, store them in the refrigerator for five days, defrosting according to the scheme: freezer - refrigerator - room temperature.
  • After defrosting, wash and dry the berries, squeeze the juice out of them using a juicer.
  • Separate the cake and juice from each other in different containers and refrigerate for storage.
  • Dry the sea buckthorn cake, then select from it the seeds that were in the berries. Grind the pure mixture in a coffee grinder to the state of flour.
  • Next, pour the sea buckthorn juice, the resulting flour and butter into a large saucepan, mix everything. Boil the mixture in a water bath under a tightly closed lid for three hours.
  • After that, the pan must be removed from the bath and left for three days, without pouring the contents.
  • Sea buckthorn oil, prepared in this way, accumulates on the surface of the mass. It is removed with a spoon and poured into a bottle.
  • The mixture that remains should not be thrown away. Use it in a circle, extracting oil according to the above method.

How to prepare sea buckthorn oil?

I grow sea buckthorn, I cook compotes, jam from it, but I don’t know how to make butter. Please tell me the recipe.

Sea buckthorn oil can be obtained at home in several ways.

■ Grind fresh sea buckthorn berries in a meat grinder or food processor, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth and pour it into a ceramic or glass dish with a wide neck. After a day, carefully collect the oil that has floated to the surface with a wooden spoon. Pour the remaining cake in another container with cold boiled water in a ratio of 1:10. After 2-3 days, collect the oil from the surface of the settled mixture.

■ Crush the fruits, add water in a ratio of 1:10, add sugar, yeast (at the rate of 0.5 cups of sugar and 1 tbsp.

Three Proven Ways to Make Sea Buckthorn Oil

a spoonful of yeast per 1 liter of water) and incubate for 3 days at room temperature. When the oil floats to the surface, carefully scoop it up with a wooden spoon.

■ Squeeze juice from fresh berries. Dry the remaining peel and bones, chop, put in a thermos and pour olive (unrefined sunflower) oil heated to 60 ° C in a ratio of 1: 1. Lay in a cool place for 3 days. Squeeze out the mixture, filter and let it stand until the oil becomes completely transparent. After that, carefully separate (drain) it from the sediment. Store sea buckthorn oil in a top-filled jar with a stopper in a cool and dark place for no more than 2 years.

Sea buckthorn oil is effective in the treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds, burns, bedsores, frostbite, radiation damage to the skin. In these cases, the wound is washed with a solution of penicillin, after which oil is applied with a pipette and a bandage is applied. They are treated with boils, abscesses, ulcers, fistulas, as well as damage to the mucous membrane.

In case of gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, sea buckthorn oil is taken orally 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day before meals. But it should be remembered that the internal use of sea buckthorn oil is contraindicated in acute cholecystitis, pancreatitis and other diseases of the pancreas. It is not recommended to use it for people prone to upset stomach and intestines.

In radiation treatment of cancer of the esophagus, sea buckthorn oil is prescribed 0.5 teaspoon 2-3 times a day. After radiation therapy, the oil is taken for another 2-3 weeks.

Sea buckthorn oil and juice have an antimicrobial effect. They help well with tonsillitis, tonsillitis, etc. Pharyngitis, rhinitis and other diseases are quickly cured when the nasopharyngeal cavity is lubricated with oil.

In gynecology, sea buckthorn oil treats cervical erosion, inflammation of the vagina and uterus.

Traditional medicine also uses sea buckthorn seed oil, but it does not have such high healing properties as fruit oil. This is due to the fact that there are no carotenoids in the oil obtained from the seeds.

Getting seed oil at home is easy. To do this, the cake left after squeezing the juice from the fruit must still be crushed well, and then seed oil will be obtained.

natural home remedies

Treatment of urinary incontinence at home

Tags: sea buckthorn, folk recipes from sea buckthorn, traditional medicine, treatment with berries

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Sea buckthorn is useful, everyone knows it. But what is the use of sea buckthorn oil?

The conditions of our time involve snacking on the run, eating fast food and eating a huge amount of unhealthy food rich in various harmful substances. And it's good that there is such a wonderful tool as sea ​​buckthorn oil for:

For the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

For the prevention of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels;

For healing wounds and cuts;

With constipation, immunodeficiencies, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, hemorrhoids;

With a decrease in visual acuity;

To restore immunity after an illness.

Sea buckthorn oil will be extremely useful for other diseases.

How to cook sea buckthorn oil, useful properties. Application in cosmetology, beauty recipes

The whole list cannot be listed - it is enough to know that with moderate use of sea buckthorn oil (about 100 g per day), you can be sure of maintaining beauty and health for many years.

Sea buckthorn oil - how to make at home: is such a procedure possible?

On an industrial scale, oil from this berry is extracted through repeated pressing. For the first time, the production of this type of oil was described by the biochemist V. Ruchkin at the beginning of the 20th century. In the process of discovery and improvement of manufacturing technology, it was determined that the oil from the pulp of sea buckthorn berries has a pronounced orange tint. At the same time, the oil obtained from the seeds is colorless. Later it was found that this effect is associated with the absence of carotene in the seeds, which gives the corresponding color.

The implementation of the technological process for making butter consists in using only ripe fruits of sea buckthorn berries, which are dried in the shade or in an oven at a minimum temperature. Next, the berry is squeezed, then driven under pressure, and finally mixed with vegetable oil.

The process ends with the displacement of sea buckthorn oil by vegetable oil, as a result of which the product becomes especially valuable and nutritious. The resulting oil must comply with the regulated standards and indicators.

Since obtaining oil by the industrial method is quite difficult, citizens often wonder how to make sea buckthorn oil at home.

There are simplified methods for obtaining the product on your own and without the use of special equipment.

All that is required is:

Sea ​​buckthorn;

Vegetable oil;

A little patience.

Sea buckthorn oil - how to make at home from cake with the addition of vegetable oil

A fairly simple method of preparation, however, the quality of the final product will not suffer from this:

We sort out the berries and wash;

We dry the berry - for this we lay it out on paper or cardboard;

The resulting cake needs to be poured with vegetable oil - for 3 cups of sea buckthorn you will need about half a liter of vegetable oil;

We put the mixture in a dark room, protected from exposure to ultraviolet rays, for several days;

For greater benefit and concentration of nutrients, it is recommended to carry out the procedure again, that is:

o take sea buckthorn berries and squeeze juice out of them;

o Pour the cake with sea buckthorn oil, which has already been obtained.

Sea buckthorn oil - how to make at home without using vegetable oil

When looking for an answer to the question “Sea buckthorn oil - how to make it at home”, in addition to the previous method, you can use this, the simplest method, where vegetable oil is not even required:

We take sea buckthorn berries, carefully sort them out and rinse with water;

We dry the sea buckthorn in the oven - the temperature should be at a minimum, while making sure that the berries do not burn;

After the sea buckthorn has become hard and completely dry, you need to squeeze the juice;

After this period, oil will form on the surface, which can be collected with a spoon or pipette, and then poured into a pre-prepared glass container with a tight lid.

Sea buckthorn oil obtained by this method is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator.

The oil prepared according to this recipe is great for facial skin care, the only drawback is the small amount of product that can be obtained by this method.

Sea buckthorn oil - how to make at home using cake and seeds

This method of preparation is remarkable in that the product can be made even in the winter season, since the recipe involves the use of frozen sea buckthorn.

For manufacturing, we need vegetable oil (you can take olive oil):

We sort the berries, wash them under running water;

We dry the sea buckthorn, having previously laid it out on paper;

After that, they must be thawed - the defrosting process must be done gradually, first by moving the berry from the freezer to the refrigerator, and only then - to room temperature conditions;

After the end of the melting process, you should rinse the sea buckthorn again under running water and squeeze the juice with a juicer or a wooden mortar;

Put the juice in the refrigerator - we still need it;

Dry the cake, and after it is completely dry, separate the seeds from it and, using a coffee grinder, grind them to a state of flour;

Take a container with a volume of at least 2 liters;

Mix the resulting flour from the seeds with the cake, pour the juice into the mixture and add vegetable or olive oil;

Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly;

o take a large pot, put some kind of metal stand under the bottom (suitable, for example, a lid from a can);

o in a large saucepan we place a two-liter container with a workpiece and pour water into a large container.

We carry out boiling on low heat for about 3 hours;

After 3 hours, remove the container from the heat and put in a dark place for 3 days (storage should be at room temperature);

After 3 days, a layer of oil will form on the surface - it must be carefully removed with a spoon;

The procedure can be repeated 3-4 times.

Sea buckthorn oil - how to make at home using seeds

This type of oil, obtained from the seeds, is considered as the most valuable and useful. This method does not involve the use of whole berries - only the seeds are needed, which can be separated from the cake after squeezing the juice.

To make an extremely useful product, you will need:

Squeeze out the juice of sea buckthorn;

Dry the cake - for this it needs to be laid out on paper and put in a warm place;

The resulting sea buckthorn seeds are placed in a coffee grinder and ground to a state of flour;

Pour flour into a glass container and pour olive oil;

We wrap the neck of the jar with paper and put the container in a dark place for about 2 months;

During this time, the mixture must be shaken periodically;

After this period, the oil must be filtered and used for its intended purpose.

Please note that the finished oil will have a fairly light shade - this is due to the fact that sea buckthorn seeds do not contain carotene, which gives the orange color to the berry itself.

How to make sea buckthorn oil from berry juice yourself

This method of making sea buckthorn oil also does not require much effort. The product is extremely high quality and concentrated. But there is also a drawback - extremely little oil is obtained from the juice, and the procedure has to be repeated several times to extract the required amount.

The process looks like this:

We wash the berries under running water;

Squeezing juice with a juicer;

Pour the juice into a wide container and put in a dark room;

After 1 day, you can collect the oil that forms on the surface of the juice - it can be easily identified by its oily consistency;

The resulting mass must be poured into a glass container and put in the refrigerator, tightly closing the jar at the same time.

With such simple and ingenuous methods, you can get a useful product that will cope with any disease.

The main aspect is ease of implementation - every housewife in the house probably has vegetable oil and a glass container.

Obtaining sea buckthorn oil at home

Ways to make sea buckthorn oil with your own hands

  1. Method number 1

    a) juice is squeezed out of the berry and defended in a cold place. The oil will float to the surface and be skimmed off. The oil obtained in this way is considered to be of the highest quality.
    b) the cake remaining after squeezing the juice is additionally crushed, poured with vegetable oil, insisted and separated by ordinary pressing. This oil is lighter and it is valued much lower.
    c) juice is squeezed out of the berry, the remaining cake is dried, ground in a coffee grinder, poured with olive oil, infused for 2-3 weeks, then filtered and stored in a dark bottle.

  2. Method number 2

    Juice is squeezed out of sea buckthorn berries and allowed to stand in a cold place in a glass jar with a tightly closed lid. The sea buckthorn oil contained in the fruit floats to the surface when settling. It is removed and poured into a dark glass bottle. The oil obtained in this way is considered to be of the highest quality. 100 grams of berry mass remaining after squeezing the juice is poured with 500 ml of sunflower oil (odorless). Insist for a week, after which it is filtered, squeezed and poured into a dark glass bottle. Store in a dark cool place.

  3. Method number 3

    Grind the dried fruits. Place the resulting mass in a glass jar and pour refined vegetable oil, preheated to 45 - 50 degrees. The oil should cover the crushed fruits. Close the jar tightly with a lid and place it in a dark place for seven days, stirring the contents daily with a wooden spoon (metal is not allowed). After the expiration of this period, squeeze the oil and filter. The resulting oil will contain from 5 to 15% sea buckthorn oil.
    The resulting sea buckthorn oil can be significantly enriched. To do this, it is heated to 40-50 degrees and a fresh portion of crushed dry cake is poured with this oil. Having again carried out all the above operations, a 1.5-2 times more concentrated sea buckthorn oil is obtained. After several such enrichments, sea buckthorn oil can be obtained in a very high concentration, although there is no particular need for this.
    The cake remaining after pressing the oil can be re-filled with heated vegetable oil and, having done all the same operations, a weaker concentrate (1-2%) of sea buckthorn oil is obtained, suitable for external use.

  4. Method number 4

    Clean fresh fruits from debris, select good ones, rinse them and dry them. Then juice is squeezed out of the fruit. After a while, it delaminates into several layers. The upper, thick orange layer consists of oil, skin remnants, and pericarp cells. Carefully remove this layer with a spoon, place in a glass jar and pour the same volume of cold boiled water. Mix the contents of the jar. After a while, the oily mass will again gather on the surface, and the remnants of the skin will float in the water. Carefully remove the oil and pour water again, mix, let stand and remove the oily layer again. So repeat 3-4 times. After that, pour the oily mass with vegetable oil heated to 40 degrees and let it settle for 3-4 days. The oil formed on top is removed, and the remaining mixture is again filled with water, removing a new layer of oil, and so on several times. The resulting sea buckthorn oil must be defended several times, drained from the sediment, until it is cleared.

  5. Method number 5

    This is a more complicated, but very effective way to get sea buckthorn oil at home. Sort fresh berries, rinse and pass through a juicer so that very little juice is squeezed out. Pour the resulting juice into a glass jar and put for several days in a dark, cool place. Dry the cake left after squeezing the juice in the oven at a temperature of 40-60 degrees. After 4-5 days, the juice will separate into two layers. The upper layer is denser, which contains oil, and the lower one is liquid. The top layer is carefully removed and dried along with the cake. The jar of juice is again placed in a dark and cool place and after a while the top layer is again removed and dried. This operation is carried out again. Pass the dried cake through a meat grinder and part of it (about 500 g), place in an enamel pan and pour one liter of any vegetable oil. Put the pan in the oven and leave to languish for 1-1.5 hours at a temperature of 60 degrees. Next, squeeze the mass in a juicer. As a result, enriched oil will be obtained, which must be poured over the next fresh batch of cake and placed again in the oven for 1-1.5 hours. This operation must be repeated several times. As a result, the oil, repeatedly poured into new portions of cake, is enriched with sea buckthorn oil, acquiring a bright orange color and a characteristic smell.

  6. Method number 6

    Squeeze the juice from the berries, and dry the remaining pulp well in a shaded, dry, ventilated area. You can also dry it in the oven, but at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees. Then crush the pulp in a meat grinder with a fine mesh or in a coffee grinder. Place the crushed pulp in a glass jar and pour with refined olive oil, heated to a temperature of 50-60 degrees. From 0.5 to 1 kg of pulp is taken per kilogram of oil. Then you can use the "cold", very long technology. In this case, the mixture must be kept for ten days at room temperature in a shaded place. Then filter through cheesecloth and squeeze tightly. Pour a new portion of crushed pulp with the resulting sea buckthorn oil. After 10 days, filter the oil, squeeze and drain into a bottle. But it must be taken into account that sea buckthorn oil obtained by the "cold" method is of poor quality, lower concentration, more acidic, contaminated.

    Sea buckthorn oil recipes. Useful properties and application

    It is poorly preserved and, when taken orally, with gastric diseases, is worse tolerated.

  7. Method number 7

    Sea buckthorn oil does not have these shortcomings, which is obtained in a faster, “hot” way. Pour the dried crushed mass, as in the first case, into a glass jar and pour at the rate of: one kilogram of pulp for one kilogram of oil, put in an oven with a temperature of 60 degrees and stand for an hour and a half (the mixture can also be heated in a water bath ). After that, squeeze out the oil with a juicer. Then pour a fresh portion of pulp with the pressed and enriched oil, put in the oven for 1-1.5 hours at the same temperature, then squeeze and pour fresh pulp again. Do this three to six times. After the first pressing, do not throw away the pulp, but pour it over again with fresh oil, warm it up and squeeze it again, thus obtaining a second, no less saturated portion of sea buckthorn oil. And only then the pulp, in which there is almost no sea buckthorn oil left, is thrown away. Butter prepared using hot technology is stored for no more than 12 months.

    This method makes it possible to obtain sea buckthorn oil of extremely high concentration, thick, red-orange color, with a pleasant aroma of sea buckthorn. It must be filtered through a nylon cloth, poured into dark bottles, corked tightly and stored.

  8. Method number 8

    Rinse sea buckthorn berries, dry and squeeze the juice. Rinse the cake with the seeds and dry in a hot oven for 30-40 minutes. Every 10 minutes, you need to pull out the baking sheet and quickly mix everything. Then grind the seeds and cake in a coffee grinder, the finer the grinding, the better. Divide the resulting mass into three equal parts. In the manufacture of sea buckthorn oil, the proportions must be observed: for three faceted glasses of cake, you need 0.5 liters of unrefined oil. Fry a glass of cake in a pan for 2-3 minutes, leave and cover with a lid. At the same time, pour 0.5 liters of unrefined oil into an enameled bowl and heat, without boiling. Prepare a dry clean glass jar. Pour hot oil into it and pour in the roasted still warm cake. Shake well and put for 10 days in a dark cool place. And hide two glasses not fried, they will be needed later. On the 11th day, take out a jar of oil and strain it through a fine strainer. Discard the cake, take out the second portion of non-roasted cake and carry out the same operations with it as with the first portion. We heat the oil infused on the first portion of the cake, pour the second portion of the cake into it and hide it again for 10 days. Do the same procedures with the third portion of the cake. After 30 days, strain the oil and pour into a ceramic bottle, cork tightly and leave to stand for 10 days. Throw away the pulp.

A lazy way to get sea buckthorn oil

How to store

Sea buckthorn oil, made at home, should be stored at a temperature of at least +10 C, but ideally in the refrigerator.

The container where the oil is planned to be stored must be made of dark glass. The reason for the obligatory nature of this condition is that under the influence of light, the most valuable properties of this most useful oil change or disappear altogether. As a result, it spoils, becomes rancid and unfit for consumption.

The shelf life depends on the concentration of the oil, but in general it is undesirable to use sea buckthorn oil that has stood (even in the refrigerator) for more than a year.

Making sea buckthorn oil at home is, first of all, confidence in the purity and naturalness of the most valuable remedy, as well as a guarantee of its high quality.

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Quite widely used in folk medicine, sea buckthorn oil is an oil extract of physiologically active substances of the fruits of sea buckthorn. Factory-prepared sea buckthorn oil, thick red-orange in color, with a characteristic odor, is now very problematic to find in pharmacies. But in the bazaars and markets of this oil there is quite a lot, but as for its quality, it is on the conscience of the sellers. Therefore, it is better to cook it yourself at home, especially since the cooking technology is not complicated and accessible to everyone.

The use of sea buckthorn oil

☀ First of all, it is an excellent pain reliever. In addition, it helps to accelerate wound healing, due to which it is widely used in the treatment of burns and frostbite.

☀ For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers), sea buckthorn oil is used orally. With a stomach ulcer, 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals, and with a duodenal ulcer - a tablespoon. It is also used internally for diseases of the cardiovascular system, especially for coronary heart disease and hypertension.

☀ For diseases of the upper respiratory tract (sinusitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis), rinse your mouth with water, take a teaspoon of oil in your mouth and hold for several minutes.

Sea buckthorn oil is a universal remedy for the treatment of many diseases.

☀ For diseases of the joints (rheumatism, polyarthritis), lotions and compresses based on sea buckthorn should be done.

☀ Sea buckthorn oil is also known as a remedy that cleanses the body of radiation and salts of heavy metals, which is especially important in our time, when operating nuclear power plants are located in almost every region of our country.

☀ In addition to all of the above, sea buckthorn is also used for infectious diseases. Due to its bactericidal properties, it suppresses pathogens of such diseases as typhus, dysentery.

☀ She is able to cope with Escherichia coli and streptococci. Sea buckthorn oil should be taken in 4-5 tablespoons even after the disease, as it contains almost all the vitamins needed by a weakened body, which is especially true for patients who have undergone extensive operations.

But it should be remembered that sea buckthorn oil is contraindicated in patients with pancreatitis and cholelithiasis.

Preparing berries

To date, there are several ways to make oil from sea buckthorn, and each of them requires careful preparation of the berries, for which it is very important to comply with certain requirements during their collection and processing. So, the preparation of sea buckthorn oil at home is possible only if the berries are picked during the first frosts. This ensures the integrity of the fruit and the content in them of the greatest amount of nutrients.

Before processing, the collected berries should be washed well under running water and dried, spreading out in one layer on a horizontal surface covered with a clean cotton or linen towel.

The easiest recipe for sea buckthorn oil

Rinse fresh berries thoroughly and lay them out on paper or a towel to dry. Next, squeeze the juice from these fruits. For example, grind them in a mortar, then squeeze through cheesecloth, or use a juicer.

Then pour the squeezed juice into a glass clean container with a wide neck and put it in a dark place for a day. Oil will collect on the surface of this juice. It is lighter than juice and has a characteristic texture. Carefully collect the oil from the surface with a spoon or you can do it with a pipette, then pour it into a glass vial. Close it tightly with a lid and store in the refrigerator.

This method is not only simple, but also the most qualitative. The resulting oil can be used in small quantities for facial skin care.

How to cook sea buckthorn oil from pomace at home

Try to start making sea buckthorn oil in a simple way. Of course, its simplicity is relative. But on the other hand, you will get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe technology for home-made sea buckthorn oil and will be able to decide whether to do this in the future:

  1. Pass selected and clean sea buckthorn berries through a juicer. Separate the juice and use it at your discretion (for drinking or cooking).
  2. Transfer the remaining cake to a non-metallic dish (a large glass jar will do) and pour in fresh vegetable oil.
  3. Use unrefined sunflower or extra virgin olive oil at the rate of half a liter of oil for every 3 cups of sea buckthorn pomace.
  4. Cover the jar with a lid (tightness is not needed) and put it in a dark place. Leave at room or slightly cooler temperature for about a week (6-8 days).
  5. After this time, the pulp will have time to transfer microelements and vitamins to the oil. You can strain it from the cake and start using it, or you can still improve the quality of the oil.
  6. Again, squeeze the juice from about the same amount of fresh berries as the first time. Dispose of it at will, and fill the new cake with the already infused sea buckthorn and filtered oil.
  7. Repeat the infusion procedure, then squeeze the oil from the cake. Sea buckthorn oil is ready.

Sea buckthorn oil from fresh berries and olive oil

The other most common way to make your own sea buckthorn oil is a more economical option. Many will ask: why economical? And because, in addition to ripe sea buckthorn fruits, you will also need some refined vegetable oil, for example, olive oil, which is ideal as a caring agent if used in cosmetology.

So, let's begin:

  • Prepare about 500 grams of fresh sea buckthorn berries. Berries must be the first freshness.
  • Rinse the fruits several times under running water and place them on a baking sheet prepared in advance.
  • Send a baking sheet with sea buckthorn berries to the oven to dry. Keep an eye on them, stir often so they don't burn. After all, we need dried fruits to have a firm and dense texture.
  • Grind the cooled berries with a regular coffee grinder. The ground mixture should remind us of flour, only brown.
  • Pour this sea buckthorn flour with vegetable oil preheated to a temperature of 60 - 65 degrees, and in our case it is olive oil. It should completely cover all the fruits.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and send the resulting herbal mixture to a dark place for about 7 days.
  • In a week, sea buckthorn will enrich the olive oil with all the valuable substances and useful vitamins.

Very important: the place where the cooked sea buckthorn mixture will be located should be warm enough.

With this method of preparing sea buckthorn oil on your own, it must be borne in mind that the effect of such oil will decrease significantly, since its concentration is somewhere around 15%. But, and such oil is recommended to be used, both in treatment and in cosmetic areas.

Some people, in order to increase its effect, filter such oil through a dense cloth and mix again for several days with sea buckthorn flour.

The more you repeat these procedures, the more you will increase the concentration of the oil.

After you have received the finished butter, place it in the refrigerator. It is best if you pour it into a dark glass bottle, which must be tightly corked.

Sea buckthorn oil is a useful and natural product that will help to cope with many diseases. With its help, light burns and frostbite, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tonsillitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, and some female diseases are treated. You can prepare this universal medicine with your own hands.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home

What is useful sea buckthorn oil?

Agree, it would be difficult to find a person who has never used sea buckthorn oil. Or at least hear about it. Surely there are not many such people.

Sea buckthorn oil is obtained from sea buckthorn berries. Sea buckthorn fruits contain up to 5% oil, and some varieties with proper care accumulate up to 10% oil. Sea buckthorn oil obtained from fruits has a bright orange color, which is explained by the high content of carotenoids in it (approximately 300 mg per 100 g of fruits).

It is also used in dentistry.

Sea buckthorn oil has the ability to very effectively stimulate the processes of tissue regeneration, and in addition, it relieves inflammation and eliminates the feeling of pain. That is why sea buckthorn oil is so often used to treat bedsores, ulcers, burns and frostbite, to treat skin diseases. Sea buckthorn oil also helps to successfully fight against such diseases of internal organs as gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, colitis and hemorrhoids.

And due to the fact that sea buckthorn oil has a very strong bactericidal effect, it effectively suppresses the vital activity of various pathogenic microflora: streptococci, staphylococci, dysentery pathogens. Therefore, it is successfully used for the treatment of related diseases.

In addition, sea buckthorn oil is very useful for people who have recently suffered certain serious illnesses, as it contains a lot of biologically active substances that contribute to the speedy recovery of the body. By the way, do not forget about sea buckthorn and people who have undergone surgery - sea buckthorn oil heals wounds very effectively.

How is sea buckthorn oil made?

Depending on the type of vegetable raw materials, oil is obtained as follows. Fresh fruits are first placed in a press and juice is squeezed out of them. Since the juice contains a certain amount of impurities, it is passed through a filter. It goes on sale blended with sugar and pasteurized.

The pulp remaining after squeezing the juice is fed into a heated hydraulic press with the help of a screw. The hot push-up method is good in that it is possible to obtain a large amount of fatty oil, since the proteins coagulate and the oil is more easily released from the tissues and becomes more mobile.

The disadvantage of this method is that during hot pressing, some substances contained in the plant are destroyed, and a large amount of substances that are commonly referred to as concomitants get into the oil. This negatively affects the healing properties of the drug.

Therefore, sea buckthorn oil is also obtained using cold pressing. The oil yield is less, but its quality is much higher, it is preferable for medical use. In addition, the product practically does not require refining (purification), which is also a great advantage.

Fatty oils obtained by pressing, as a rule, contain a large amount of impurities, including fragments of tissues, cellular contents, mechanical impurities ... In order to purify the oil, it is passed through a special filter press. This process is called refining (cleaning).

If the oil has been skipped only once, it is called raw. It contains 2-3% of related substances, such as sterols, waxes and wax alcohols, coloring agents, proteins, vitamins, which, despite their low concentration, have a great influence on the oil.

How to cook and properly use sea buckthorn oil at home?

Therefore, refining is carried out depending on which substances are most preferred in the oil for its medical use.

In this case, refining is not just a process of removing mechanical impurities, but a complex process consisting of several stages of processing fats with the participation of various chemical agents, combined depending on which accompanying substances should be removed.

For completeness, we give a brief description of these processes, which are divided into three main groups: physical, chemical, and physicochemical. Physical cleaning methods include sedimentation, filtration and centrifugation. With the help of physical methods, mechanical suspensions and parts of colloidal dissolved substances that precipitate during oil storage are removed.

Chemical cleaning methods include sulfuric acid refining, hydration, alkaline refining, oxidation of coloring matter. Physico-chemical refining consists of adsorption refining and fat deodorization.

In addition to the pressing method, the oil is also produced using the extraction method. This is a fundamentally different method, the essence of which lies in the processing of vegetable raw materials with an extracting liquid, which is a low-boiling fraction of gasoline. This is a completely chemical method of obtaining a drug, the use of which in medicine is possible only after repeated chemical and physico-chemical refining.

As you have already understood from the above, you can produce sea buckthorn oil yourself, at home, it will be raw oil with a large number of related substances. Therefore, it is best to buy sea buckthorn juice and oil in a pharmacy, as they have a large amount of healing properties.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home?

Of course, the easiest way, if necessary, is to go to the nearest pharmacy for a vial of sea buckthorn oil.

However, this is not always possible. In addition, many people prefer to prepare medicines from medicinal plants on their own. So why not make your own sea buckthorn oil at home? Especially if there are sea buckthorn berries on hand.

So, what are the ways to make sea buckthorn oil at home?

We offer our readers a simple recipe for homemade sea buckthorn oil (which could be called "sea buckthorn oil in a hurry").

From juice:

Juice is squeezed out of sea buckthorn berries and put in a cool place in a glass container, with a closed lid, brew. When settling, sea buckthorn oil rises to the surface, the rest remains at the bottom of the jar. The oil is carefully removed and poured into another glass container made of dark glass. The oil produced in this way is of the highest quality, healing and useful.

The berry mass remaining after pressing can also be used for medicinal or other purposes, so it is poured with refined vegetable oil, based on 100 grams of berry mass 500 grams of oil and allowed to brew for a week. After filtering, squeezed out and also poured into a container of dark glass. Then put to be stored in a dark ventilated place.

From pomace:

  1. Sea buckthorn berries are sorted out, washed with cold boiled water and allowed to dry (spread out on a towel). Juice is squeezed out of sea buckthorn berries (by any means). Cake (what is left of the berries after squeezing the juice) is dried and crushed. The crushed cake is weighed and placed in a container (glass jar or enamel pan).
  2. Next, we need olive oil (proportion 2: 3 - 150 g of olive oil is taken per 100 g of crushed cake). The oil is slightly heated in a water bath to 40-50 degrees and the cake is poured into it in the selected container.
  3. The container with the resulting mixture of cake and oil is placed in a water bath (a large pot of water), heated to 40-50 degrees, mixed. Then they are removed from the fire and left for several hours - to infuse. Such heating should be done 6 times.
  4. Sea buckthorn oil (when infused) is filtered, the cake is squeezed. The resulting oil is bottled and the sediment is allowed to settle (approximately 2-3 days). Pure oil is carefully separated from the sediment by pouring into clean dark glass bottles. The bottles are tightly closed with lids and placed in the refrigerator for storage.

From dry berries:

Sea buckthorn berries, sorted and thoroughly washed, are dried in the oven at a low temperature. The berries should become firm and completely dry. But don't let them burn. The berries are ground with a coffee grinder (to get almost flour). Then pour in a little heated vegetable oil (so that it completely covers the “flour”). Use glass or ceramic dishes.

All ingredients are mixed, the dishes are covered with a lid and placed in a dark place. Infuse for about a week, stirring every day. The temperature should be room temperature, no higher and no lower. Next, the mixture is filtered through a fine sieve and again placed in a dark place. The oil should become transparent, and sediment must necessarily fall to the bottom of the dish.

Then the product is poured into another container, separating the precipitate, tightly covered with a lid. The resulting liquid will contain approximately 15% sea buckthorn oil. To obtain a more concentrated oil, you can repeat the above process again (or several times - then the content of sea buckthorn will become maximum). As you probably guessed, each time new crushed berries are poured with oil already infused with sea buckthorn.

Treatment with sea buckthorn oil has long been widely used in folk medicine. Today I will tell you how to make sea buckthorn oil yourself at home. It is not at all as difficult as it seems at first glance, but by making it yourself, you will be completely sure of its quality.

Recipe number 1.

This is the easiest way to make butter, but despite its lightness, you will get a good quality product.

Sort the berries, rinse several times in running water. Pass through the juicer. We will not need juice, so drink it, freshly squeezed is good for our health.
Pour the cake with ordinary vegetable oil. For 3 cups, take half a liter of oil. Let stand for several days (a week is enough) for the berries to transfer all their beneficial substances to the oil.
Strain the resulting oil from the cake and repeat the procedure again: Squeeze the juice in the juicer, drink it, and pour the fresh cake with the oil already infused in the first portion.
Such a tincture will receive a double portion of microelements and vitamins, and will be able to compete with natural sea buckthorn oil isolated from berries.

Recipe number 2.

After sorting the berries, rinse them well, then dry them in the oven at a low temperature. The berries should be firm and completely dry, but don't let them burn while drying.
Grind the berries in a coffee grinder to make almost flour and pour in a little warmed vegetable oil. Take either glassware or ceramic dishes. The oil should completely cover the sea buckthorn flour.
Stir the mixture, cover the container with a lid and place in a dark place for about a week. Stir the mixture daily. The temperature should be room temperature, no higher and no lower.
Strain the oil through a fine sieve and put it back in a dark place. The oil should become transparent, there should be a sediment at the bottom of the dish.
Pour the product into another jar, separating the sediment. Cover it tightly with a lid. This product will contain approximately 15% sea buckthorn oil. To get a more concentrated oil, repeat the entire cooking process again, but several times are possible - then the percentage of sea buckthorn will be maximum. But each time a new portion of oil cake must be poured with oil already infused with sea buckthorn.

Recipe number 3.

For 4 cups of fresh berries you will need half a liter of vegetable oil. You can also take olive oil. This method is good because such oil can be prepared at any time, even in winter, if you have run out of already cooked oil, since we will need frozen berries in cooking.

Sort the berries carefully, rinse, dry, laying them out on paper and place them in the freezer for 4-5 days. Then you need to defrost them very slowly, first put them from the freezer in the refrigerator, and then continue to defrost at room temperature.
After the berries have completely melted, squeeze the juice out of them with a juicer or in another way. Put the juice in the refrigerator for a while, it will still be useful to us, and dry the remaining cake. When it dries, separate the seeds from it and grind them in a coffee grinder.
Combine the crushed seeds with cake and put in a bowl with a volume of at least 2 liters. Pour in the juice and add vegetable oil. Mix well.
Take a large saucepan, put a small metal lid (or other support) on the bottom of it, put our two-liter saucepan in it and pour water into the first, larger one. Boil the mass in a water bath over low heat for about 3 hours.
Remove from the fire and place the container in a dark place for three days at room temperature. A layer of oil should form on the surface, which you carefully remove with a spoon and pour into a separate glass dish.
Let the remaining oil stand for another 3 days and again carefully collect the oil that forms on the surface. Repeat this process 3 to 4 more times. To make it easier to collect the oil, pour the remaining oil into a narrower container each time.

Recipe number 4.

This is also the easiest and least time-consuming way to get the product. Wash the berries, squeeze the juice, pour it into a wide bowl and put it in a dark place for a day. Then, with a spoon, collect the oil, which on the surface of the pan forms a film on top. You will recognize it, it will be an oily consistency. Pour it into a glass dish and store tightly closed in the refrigerator.

The oil obtained in this way is considered the highest quality, the highest concentration. The only disadvantage of this method is that the product is very small.

Sea buckthorn oil treatment:
In folk medicine, sea buckthorn oil is used both for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Here is just a small list of them.

Diseases of the digestive system. Improves the functioning of the pancreas, improves digestion, regulates the secretion of gastric juice, enhances intestinal motility. It has a wound-healing effect in cases of gastric and duodenal ulcers. It is indicated for gastritis, duodenitis, fatty degeneration of the liver, cholelithiasis.
Skin diseases. Being an excellent bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent, it improves the processes of healing, epithelization. It is used for dermatitis, acne, neurodermatitis, lichen, eczema, boils, burns, frostbite, cuts and cracks (for example, cracks in the heels, if you follow the link, you can find out other ways to treat them), other hard-healing wounds.
Vision. Reduces the risk of developing diseases of the mucous membrane of the eyes, cornea. Clouding of the lens is prevented, intraocular pressure decreases, and inflammatory processes pass. It is used for burns and eye injuries, conjunctivitis, trachoma, blepharitis. It is also used for the prevention of glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy.
Diseases of the oral cavity. It is used for the treatment of periodontal disease, pulpitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, for wound healing after removal.
Colds. Helps with tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, laryngitis.
The cardiovascular system. By regularly using sea buckthorn oil, you will lower cholesterol levels, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and your blood pressure will normalize. The same oil helps to prevent the occurrence of blood clots, atherosclerotic plaques.
Diabetes and obesity. With the help of oil, sugar levels are regulated and lipid metabolism improves.
Recuperation after operations and serious illnesses.
Immunity boost.
Avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis vitamins A and E.

My dear readers, share the recipes with your friends in the social. networks, let them also learn how to make sea buckthorn oil at home - this valuable product, in my opinion, should be in everyone's home. I suggest you watch an interesting video about the benefits of sea buckthorn, as well as how to choose and prepare it.
