What makes your feet swollen. Swelling of the legs: causes and treatment, what to do at home

Legs swell. Many of the women first encounter such a problem during pregnancy, but the problem does not always go away with the birth of a child - there are frequent cases when it remains for many years. Basically, the ankles and feet swell, because fluid accumulates in these tissues - it is easy to determine if you press your finger on the swollen area, then remove it, and the depression will remain for some time. The legs swell especially strongly in the heat, and this has its own physiological explanation. However, swelling of the legs can also indicate a number of diseases.

Causes of swelling of the legs

The causes of swelling of the legs can be a variety of diseases, including diseases of the veins, such as varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis. In these cases, intracapillary pressure rises, the outflow of blood from the ankles is disturbed. As a result, swelling develops on the sore leg, it is often accompanied by pain and even redness of the skin.

Another cause of leg swelling is heart failure. As a result of violations of the heart, a lot of fluid accumulates in the tissues of the legs.

They also call a number of serious diseases in which the legs can swell. These are lung diseases, and bronchial asthma, and disorders in the work of the heart, and stagnation of blood, and increased venous pressure, as well as, of course, diseases of the kidneys and liver. In the latter case, the fluid first accumulates in the abdomen - this phenomenon is called ascites, and after that the edema passes to the legs.

What to do if the legs begin to swell?

Of course, the first thing to do is to consult a doctor. It is important to find out why the fluid accumulates in the tissues. If this is due to certain diseases, then it is necessary to consider and begin treatment of the underlying disease.

You will be assigned an examination not only of the legs, but also of the heart, lungs, kidneys and liver, you will need to pass tests to determine the protein and others. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe you diuretics, that is, diuretic drugs. You can take diuretics only on the recommendation of a doctor and strictly in accordance with the regimen developed by the doctor.

In no case should you take diuretics on your own, because, along with their action, diuretics also have many side effects that may be incompatible with a number of your diseases. So, for example, by flushing potassium out of the body, diuretics cause damage to your heart, the normal functioning of which depends on the content of potassium in the body. And even with a healthy heart, while taking diuretics, it is important to introduce potassium-rich foods into your diet - zucchini, watermelons, pumpkins, apricots and dried apricots, raisins, and milk.

Often the cause of swelling of the legs is an injury to the ankle joint - the leg swells during a fracture, but it can also swell severely if the ligaments are torn or sprained. If the bones of the ankle joint are broken, then the leg will swell even less than, for example, when sprained. But with this nature of edema, a black-and-blue spot often occurs, indicating a hematoma, hemorrhage.

In this case, it is necessary to apply ice to the leg, ensuring its immobility - if there is no fracture, then you can do without gypsum. It is important to immediately consult a doctor so that he establishes the presence or absence of a fracture. The injured leg must be kept elevated.

You can take some steps on your own to reduce fluid retention. The first thing to do is to reduce the amount of salt consumed, because it retains fluid in the body. You can follow a salt-free diet, as well as reduce the amount of fluid consumed.

To reduce swelling, it is recommended to lie down so that the legs are above the heart, that is, put one or two pillows under them. Give up golf and stockings with elastic bands, try not to stand or sit for a long time, and if you still have to stand or sit for a long time, then from time to time you need to move your toes, giving work to the muscles.

There are special stockings that, due to their elasticity, reduce leg swelling.

Traditional medicine methods

Traditional medicine offers several recipes to reduce leg swelling. So, it is recommended to take warm baths in the evenings, in which an infusion of medicinal herbs is added - horsetail, chamomile and sage. A mixture of medicinal herbs (100 g) is poured with a liter of boiling water. Then you need to boil for a quarter of an hour over low heat and leave to infuse for forty-five minutes.

Then the infusion should be filtered, diluted with water, adding another three to four liters, and added to foot baths. It happens that the legs not only swell, but also literally burn from tight shoes, fatigue, overexertion. In this case, you can’t imagine a better remedy than a foot bath with the addition of black elderberry flowers.

Ice is often applied to tired and swollen legs, but ice can also be made on the basis of herbal infusions, and then a double effect will be achieved. For infusion, you can take chamomile, cornflower, yarrow, sage.

With swelling of the legs, be sure to do a foot massage daily. To do this, take a dry hard towel and rub your feet with it, starting from the fingers, moving up. Massaging the foot, make every effort. For massage use special brushes. After the massage, the legs should be lubricated with oil or a special cream.

It helps well not only from puffiness, but also from fatigue and burning, a mixture of salt and olive oil, which is rubbed on the feet. In the same way, you can rub your feet with a mixture of lemon juice and vegetable oil in half.

Wheat bran is used in compresses to soften rough skin on the legs. For such compresses, bran is diluted with warm milk and mixed into a gruel. The mixture is applied to the feet and left until it dries. After the compress, the legs are washed with warm water, and then smeared with cream.

The listed methods are not suitable in cases where swelling of the legs occurs due to thrombophlebitis or diseases of the veins of the legs, since with such diagnoses it is not recommended to steam the legs and rub them.

You can ignore swelling in the ankles or under the eyes only if the day before you were addicted to pickles and watching melodramas or just drank a lot of water before going to bed. In all other cases, you need to establish the cause of their appearance.

Edema is an accumulation of fluid in the tissues, which we notice due to an increase in the volume of certain areas of our body. If there is a violation of the outflow of lymph or blood from one or another part of the body, blockage of blood vessels, a delay in the excretion of sodium or water from the body, the circulation of the fluid is disturbed and edema develops.

By the way, lymph has its own vascular network: it begins with small lymphatic capillaries in the tissues, is filtered through the lymph nodes, and only after that it flows into the large veins of the circulatory system. The heart does not pump lymph: it moves through the vessels due to the contraction of the muscles of the body and the work of muscle cells in the walls of the vessels themselves. The direction of its movement - strictly from the periphery to the center - is maintained thanks to special valves that block its reverse flow.

Why do swelling appear

Mild swelling is not always a sign of a serious illness, it can also be caused by some lifestyle or dietary features:

If you spend your entire working day sitting or standing;
- wear tight shoes that interfere with blood circulation;
- consume excess salt in food;
- experience PMS (fluctuations in the level of sex hormones are to blame for swelling);
- have gained weight;

In this case, the edema is slightly pronounced, located on the legs and disappear after a short warm-up or rest with legs raised up. If there is no clear reason for the appearance of edema, they are very noticeable and do not go away, most likely they are associated with serious diseases.

Edema as a sign of illness

Edema can indicate disorders in the work of the heart, kidneys or lungs, venous insufficiency or hormonal disorders, in the end - about the general exhaustion of the body. Sometimes they are associated with medication: hormonal contraceptives, heart medications, or steroid hormones.

We analyze the most commoncauses of edema and tell you how to recognize them:

1. Heart disease

If the work of the heart does not allow efficient pumping of blood throughout the body, heart failure develops, in which fluid is retained mainly in the legs or in the abdomen. Edema gradually increases in the evening and almost disappears during the night: when we lie down, the heart does not have to drive blood to the height of our height, and the outflow from the veins of the lower extremities is much easier. Other symptoms of heart failure are weakness, shortness of breath, and palpitations.

2. Kidney disease

Violation of filtration in the kidneys leads to a slowdown in the excretion of fluid from the body: more and more remains to circulate through the bloodstream. Gradually, this fluid penetrates the tissues - renal edema looks like evenly distributed and loose deposits on the hands, fingers and legs. In the morning, swelling on the face is especially pronounced: it becomes puffy, pale, swelling occurs under the eyes and on the eyelids. Other symptoms of kidney disease are weakness, thirst, urination problems, and shortness of breath.

3. Insufficiency of the veins of the lower extremities

If the special valves of the veins cease to close tightly and allow some of the blood to flow back, not all of the blood returns to the heart and accumulates in the lower legs. Sometimes this can be seen by varicose veins located subcutaneously. Other symptoms of deficiency are discoloration of the skin (redness or bluish tint), pain or itching, and a rash or sores in the lower legs.

4. Diseases of the lymphatic system

Lymphedema is swelling caused by blockage of the outflow in the lymphatic system. The system consists of lymph nodes and vessels connecting them. Lymph nodes are the ones that guard the infection and swell when we get sick - at this time, active immune cells trap foreign bacteria and destroy viruses, concentrating in large numbers in one of the nodes. Lymph washes the tissues of the body to filter the products of their metabolism, then it again enters the bloodstream through the lymphatic capillaries. If the outflow through the lymphatic system is disturbed, edema occurs. They differ from others in a gradual increase, arching pain and discomfort.

To understand the cause of edema, necessary see a therapist. The doctor will ask you to take a biochemical blood test, undergo an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys, a chest x-ray, and an examination of the vessels of the lower extremities. This will help to assess the work of the heart, kidneys and liver, to identify possible vascular diseases.

It can be difficult to understand whether the legs are swollen - experts call this condition "hidden edema." A common test to detect them is to assess whether the skin retains pronounced marks from the elastic bands of socks, tight-fitting clothing, or after finger pressure.

How to get rid of edema

The main thing is to deal with the therapy of the underlying disease, if one has been identified. In addition to treatment or if you are healthy, try using recommendations for the prevention of edema:

Add Movement

With a sedentary lifestyle, add a mandatory warm-up to your daily routine; to train your heart, do cyclic sports - swimming, running, walking. Change uncomfortable shoes or let your feet rest several times a day by taking off your shoes and raising your feet higher.

Maintain optimal weight

Try to get rid of excess weight: this is a heavy burden on the cardiovascular system. Large volumes of tissues require increased blood circulation, which the heart sometimes cannot cope with.

Limit the amount of salt

According to WHO recommendations , the daily amount of salt consumed should not exceed 1 teaspoon (5 grams). Therefore, add less salt to food and do not consume excessive amounts of marinades and sauces, remove processed foods from the diet - bacon, ham, cheese - and part of bakery products. We do not even notice how much salt is hidden there.

Contact a specialist

If you can’t cope with swelling, seek help from a therapist - the doctor will tell you the necessary drugs or recommend compression underwear.

Be careful: taking diuretic drugs on your own to get rid of excess fluid is quite dangerous - they can damage the kidneys or cause dehydration. Compression underwear should also be worn only on the advice of a doctor: this method helps with insufficiency of lymphatic and venous vessels, stimulating the tone of their walls and increasing outflow from the lower extremities. If the edema is caused by peripheral arterial disease or is accompanied by ulceration, it is dangerous to wear such underwear.

Do not attribute swelling to the weather, fatigue or heredity - seek the help of a therapist. He will help you determine the cause and, if necessary, refer you to a specialist.

Many women are familiar with the problem when the legs look great in the morning, and in the evening there is a feeling of discomfort, fatigue in the legs and a swollen, unattractive appearance. Such symptoms can be harbingers of serious diseases. Therefore, noticing that the legs have changed their appearance, rather climb why the legs of women swell and decide what to do.

A light, relaxed gait is one of the main signs of a woman's youth. But almost every lady knows the feeling when at the end of the working day it hurts to take a step in your favorite shoes. It used to be that the problem of swelling of the legs is typical for mature women even after 50 years old, but now more and more young women are facing it.

In a healthy body, the processes are self-regulating, and the fluid is excreted on its own, without forming edema. Having identified the cause of swelling of the legs, it will be possible to determine the method of treatment. In some cases, no treatment is needed.

Fluid build-up in the legs and therefore swelling can be caused by being in a static position for a long time, such as an airplane flight, a long car or bus ride. In such cases, swelling will disappear after rest, treatment is not needed.

If swelling occurs periodically and persists for a long time, this is a signal to see a doctor.

Causes of swelling of the lower extremities in women

  • Heart diseases. Edema associated with heart disease occurs in the evening and disappears after sleep. They are usually symmetrical, extending to the ankles, lower legs and parts of the thigh. The skin in the place of edema is pale, tense and cold. Edema may be accompanied by pain in the hypochondrium on the right, muscle weakness and shortness of breath. With such symptoms, it is urgent to visit a cardiologist.
  • Diseases of the kidneys. In diseases of the kidneys, swelling of the legs is accompanied by swelling on the face, back pain, discoloration of urine. If these symptoms are detected, a visit to the nephrologist should not be postponed.
  • Violation of the lymphatic outflow. Edema in violation of the lymphatic outflow or lymphedema extends to the ankle joint and lower leg, sometimes the knee is affected. Dense edema appears in the evening and does not disappear. As a rule, one leg swells, after a while the other swells, but the swelling is less pronounced on it. In this case, only treatment by a phlebologist will help.
  • Venous outflow disorders. In this case, the edema is loose, often soft, appears at the site of the elastic band of socks and stockings. Permanent swelling and vascular "asterisks" on the legs indicate the development of varicose veins. Competent treatment prescribed by a phlebologist can prevent the progression of the disease.
  • PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Swelling of the feet and legs is possible in the second half of the menstrual cycle. They are caused by hormonal imbalance. As a rule, such edema is insignificant and disappears after the completion of critical days. If swelling causes concern, you should make an appointment with a gynecologist-endocrinologist.
  • Pregnancy. Edema in late pregnancy is not uncommon. They appear on the feet and lower legs, then can move higher. It is much more serious when edema is accompanied by an increase in the protein content in the urine and arterial hypertension. Then they indicate pathology of the kidneys in pregnant women (nephropathy). The process of determining the diagnosis and prescribing treatment should be monitored by a gynecologist.

What to do with swelling of the legs?

When starting treatment, you need to understand that edema is one of the symptoms of the disease. It will be possible to completely solve the problem only by applying complex therapy developed and prescribed by a doctor. Medicine has developed a large number of methods for the treatment and prevention of diseases that provoke swelling of the legs.

  1. Venotonics. Gels and ointments that improve blood flow and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Often they include sodium heparin. By activating tissue metabolism and improving microcirculation, the products eliminate fluid stagnation. Venotiki relieve swelling and fatigue caused by long trips and high temperatures, so they should be in the first aid kit if you have a flight or vacation in hot places.
  2. Compression jersey. Do not neglect such a significant means of treating and preventing leg diseases as compression stockings, which are divided into preventive and therapeutic. Socks and tights will do. For the use of preventive compression underwear, a doctor's consultation is not required. It is allowed to be used by healthy people who have to spend a lot of time sitting or standing. Medical jersey is prescribed only by a doctor who will consult the patient and select an individual product that matches the parameters of the leg. To avoid negative consequences, purchase any type of compression underwear only at a pharmacy.
  3. Diuretic drugs, herbal preparations. Use these funds carefully and under the supervision of a physician. Some diuretics work quickly, but remove potassium from the body, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart. Of the side effects of some, a sharp rise in blood pressure should be noted. The best effect of diuretics is achieved at night, so they are used before bedtime and can provoke insomnia. You can not constantly use herbal preparations, it can be addictive and dehydrate the body.
  4. Lymphatic drainage massage. The procedure is gaining more and more popularity, since in addition to healing it also has a beauty effect. Another name for lymphatic drainage is foot pressure therapy. During a hardware massage, the lymph flow is normalized, the fluid balance is restored, excess adipose tissue is removed. After it, swelling disappears and fatigue in the legs is relieved. Despite the advantages, there are several contraindications: the second half of pregnancy, the onset of menstruation, diabetes, skin diseases, malignant tumors and kidney failure.
  5. Physical activity. An active lifestyle will help you avoid many foot problems. Running, walking, skating and skiing, cycling will help prevent swelling. The best sport for getting rid of puffiness is water aerobics. In addition to excellent physical activity during movement, water acts on the skin, exerting pressure and preventing the expansion of blood vessels, thereby preventing swelling.

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Folk remedies for swelling of the lower extremities in women

In addition to the therapy prescribed by the doctor, you can use anti-edema remedies from traditional medicine.

  • Infusion of white birch leaves. Pour 1-2 cups of chopped birch leaves with 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for a day. Drink 0.5 cups no more than 5 times a day.
  • Fresh vegetable drink. It will take 0.5 cups of carrot juice, the same amount of freshly squeezed cucumber juice and one medium lemon. Mix everything and divide the drink into three parts. Drink 3 times a day adding the same part of warm boiled water.
  • Rubbing with garlic water. In 0.5 liters of hot water, add the head of garlic, mashed to a gruel. Boil and leave to infuse. The feet are rinsed with a warm decoction, and the garlic mass is rubbed into the calves and soles.
  • Oil compress. Olive oil and camphor oil are mixed in equal amounts. With massaging movements, the composition is rubbed into the skin of the legs from the fingers to the knee joints. Wrap your legs with cotton cloth, then with a woolen scarf or scarf. The best effect is achieved if the compress is left overnight. Repeat the procedure for 30 days.
  • cabbage compress. Pre-rumpled white cabbage leaves are applied to the feet and ankles. The compress is fixed with a bandage or gauze and left overnight.

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Why do legs swell during pregnancy

Swelling of the legs in pregnant women is a common phenomenon. However, it is first necessary to understand whether it is really edema or just the pregnant woman has recovered. The presence of edema is claimed if the usual shoes become small, more than 300 grams of weight is added per week. If the swelling is not caused by heart or kidney disease, then it usually appears after the fourth week of pregnancy. This period is characterized by swelling of the face, hands.

It should not be considered a pathology. Sodium accumulates in the body of a pregnant woman, retaining water, which leads to edema. The situation worsens the heat, the use of fried and salty foods. Such edema does not pose a danger to the health of a woman. It is enough for a pregnant woman to rest, reduce the intake of salty foods, take diuretic tea, and swelling will decrease.

If the edema becomes too massive, the woman gains weight more than normal and the swelling does not decrease at rest, we have to talk about complications that require the supervision of doctors.

Why do legs swell in women after 50 years

Edema is the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues. Legs can swell even in young, healthy people, but this problem becomes more acute with age. If edema is repeated for a long time, venous nodules, darkening, spider veins appear on the lower leg, these are harbingers of varicose veins.

Now this disease is “getting younger” and occurs in women after 30 years and even younger, but with age, the likelihood of its development is higher. With special attention to the problems of veins and blood vessels, women after 50 years of age should be treated. The vessels become weaker, the process of outflow of venous blood is disrupted, therefore any changes with the legs at this age are a reason to consult a phlebologist.

Causes of swelling of the legs in the heat

To understand the causes of swelling of the legs, remember the school anatomy course. The heart drives blood to the lower extremities, and it returns back thanks to the valves that are in the veins and push the blood to the heart. This is the essence of peripheral circulation. When the ambient temperature is high, the circulatory system tries to prevent the body from overheating. The blood vessels of the legs expand, preventing overheating of the legs. Because of this, a full outflow of blood does not occur, and therefore swelling of the legs appears in the heat.

In addition, in the heat, profuse sweating. With sweat, the body loses the salts needed by the veins. It is salts that “pull” blood from the tissues, and the lack of a sufficient amount of them provokes swelling of the legs. As a rule, after sleep and rest, they pass. Baths with salt, dry mustard, pine needles extract will help to cope with swelling in the heat.

Despite the variety of methods for treating leg edema, the best way to avoid trouble is prevention at home. Controlling excess weight, reducing salt intake, avoiding fatty, sugary foods and alcohol, taking vitamins B, C, E, comfortable shoes, an active lifestyle - these simple activities will minimize the likelihood of edema.

Edema is not a disease, then why do the legs swell? This is a physiological reaction and a manifestation of various pathological conditions. The most common causes of swollen ankles and lower legs are circulatory disorders. Often the legs swell in pregnant women, overweight people, and injuries. At the initial stages, mainly aesthetic problems arise.

If nothing is done, then swollen lower limbs create more and more obstacles in daily activities. Diseases that are characterized by persistent swelling are serious and require drug therapy. Consider the most common causes and treatments.

Physiological edema is more easily tolerated when in the heat, after a long standing, there is a feeling of heaviness in the ankles. The legs swell more strongly in the evening and at night. The toes and upper part of the foot swell, pain, tingling and fullness in the calves appear. After rest, the condition returns to normal.
The ankles and lower legs swell in 20% of the population due to pathologies of the venous or lymphatic systems. With swelling of the legs of various origins, specific symptoms may differ. Manifestations also depend on the load on the lower extremities, time of day, stage of the disease.
What is swelling of the legs, what symptoms accompany this condition:

  1. Fluid is retained in the tissues of the lower extremities.
  2. There is heaviness, stiffness in the ankles.
  3. There is a feeling of tension, pain in the legs.
  4. At the end of the day or at night, cramps in the calf muscles may begin.

How to determine why the legs begin to swell? It is necessary to pay attention to the combination of signs. You should be wary if the ankles and lower legs remain swollen after rest, the skin becomes thinner, acquires a blue tint. Many people know how dangerous any swelling of the legs is. The combination with sudden shortness of breath, chest pain, palpitations is characteristic of a blood clot in the vessels of the lungs.

Why do legs swell

The causes of swelling of the lower extremities are varied. These can be vascular and heart diseases, in which blood or lymphatic fluid accumulates, presses on the vascular walls. In these cases, the legs swell because the molecules leave the vessel in the surrounding tissue. Some diseases lead to an increase in the permeability of the walls of the veins, the accumulation of water in the body.

Persistent swelling in the legs, their causes and treatment are best discussed with the therapist. The specialist will pay attention to the fact that the ankles and lower legs swell strongly on only one limb. If necessary, the therapist will refer to the phlebologist. With bilateral swelling, they also turn to a cardiologist.

Under what diseases and conditions do the lower limbs swell:

  • thrombophlebitis, CVI, varicose veins;
  • protein deficiency (hypoproteinemia);
  • kidney failure;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • allergic reactions;
  • heart disease;
  • diabetes;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • lymphedema;
  • injury.

A possible reason why the legs began to swell is the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space, due to impaired lymphatic drainage. This happens with malformations of the lymphatic vessels, bacterial, fungal or viral infections.

Depending on the cause, various types of leg edema are characterized as cardiac, venous, allergic, medicinal, etc. The protein variety is a sign of malnutrition, alcohol abuse. Various parts of the body swell with cirrhosis, since the liver plays an important role in metabolism. Other causative factors: hypovitaminosis, mineral deficiency.

Swollen feet after eating due to protein malabsorption due to chronic inflammatory bowel disease or gluten intolerance. If the level of albumin decreases, then the fluid accumulates between the cells in the tissues.

In diabetes, the lower extremities often swell, hence the name “diabetic foot”. This is a typical symptom of persistently high blood sugar and vascular damage. Taking modern drugs and controlling glucose levels can avoid amputation of fingers or the entire foot.

Wearing shoes with high heels is accompanied by the appearance of edema of the feet and legs. The fingers are compressed, the veins are overloaded, muscle contractions increase, the load on the bones increases. Not only the lower limbs swell, but the joints are also erased.

Thyroid disorders

A severe manifestation of an endocrine disorder is thyroid myxedema. There is swelling of the legs, face, arms and legs. The skin becomes pale and dry, with pressure on the swollen area, the dents do not remain.

The primary reason that the legs swell is inflammation, tumor or other pathology of the thyroid gland. As a result, the production of hormones that affect metabolic processes, digestion, the functions of the nervous, cardiovascular and other organ systems is reduced. Initial symptoms include slow heart rate, constipation, hair loss, and weight loss.

Medical swelling of the legs

Water retention in the tissues of the foot and ankle is a side effect of medication. If one or both legs are swollen, then drugs that change the concentration of proteins and minerals in the body may be the cause. Some drugs disrupt the water-salt balance, making it difficult to remove fluid from the tissues.

The limbs may swell when taking the following medications:

  • drugs for the treatment of hypertension: diuretics, calcium channel blockers;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs or NSAIDs);
  • hormonal drugs, estrogen-containing contraceptives;
  • corticosteroids (glucocorticoids, corticosteroids);
  • antidiabetic agents.
  • antidepressants.

Diuretics are diuretics that stimulate the excretion of salt and water by the kidneys. Often there are swelling of the legs with an independent change in dosages. Then, instead of removing the liquid, the reverse process occurs.

Rheumatism and rheumatic heart disease

With rheumatism, dryness of the skin, coldness and blueness of the extremities are noted. The joints of the legs swell more strongly in the morning with a combination of cardiac insufficiency with the development of nephrotic syndrome. Medication does not help relieve symptoms.

It is important not only to know why, but also to observe how the legs swell in the morning with rheumatism. Usually the ankles or knees are affected symmetrically, the lymph nodes are enlarged. Characteristic signs are "wandering" pain in the joints of the legs in the ankles and knees, fever.

Rheumocarditis - damage to the heart muscle as a result of infection with group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. This is the main causative agent of angina in adults and children over 3 years old. Heart disease can cause various parts of the body to swell.


Phlebitis - inflammation of superficial veins. A more accurate name for the disease is thrombophlebitis. The inflammatory process develops in the wall of the vein, a blood clot may form (not necessarily). The lower extremities swell, sensitivity to touch appears, hardening along the affected vessel.

Phlebitis develops as a result of improper blood sampling or the installation of a catheter for the introduction of solutions, with injuries and insect bites. More often, the legs swell down due to inflammation of the vein, if there is already a varicose vein. There are many other reasons, for example, an increased tendency to coagulate and slow blood flow, a hereditary predisposition to thrombosis.

Other platelets continue to settle around the blood clot. The lumen of the vein is blocked, blood is diverted through other vessels, which creates increased pressure. Among the consequences of this process are varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI).

Leg swelling due to heart failure

Edema of cardiac origin is distinguished by a number of features. The skin becomes thinner, becomes dense, "varnished". Severe swelling of the feet and ankles, heaviness in the legs appear in hot weather. Weakness is felt, the heartbeat quickens, shortness of breath appears at rest. After pressing on the edematous part of the foot, a deep dent remains, the skin is slowly restored.

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, heart failure, the right atrium does not create a full suction force. Initially, thickening of the feet and ankles is observed only in the evening, shoes become tight. Then the pressure in the vessels rises, blood stagnation occurs, the lower limbs swell more strongly. Fluid also accumulates in the lower abdomen.

Changes in blood circulation lead to heart rhythm disturbance, loss of sensation and numbness of the extremities. Pathological processes usually develop imperceptibly for a person for a long time. Characteristic symptoms appear even when there is a serious illness.

Venous insufficiency

In the body, fluids are located inside the cells, in the intercellular spaces and in the vessels. With venous disorders, blood stagnates in the limbs. Additional portions of the liquid penetrate into the surrounding tissues.

Under what interrelated conditions and diseases of the veins do the legs swell:

  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • phlebitis.

Chronic insufficiency is often preceded by thrombosis of superficial veins, sometimes blood circulation in the arteries is disturbed. Swelling of the legs below, in the foot, and lower legs in men with dysfunction of the venous valves. This is noticeable by the dents from the gum of the socks on the skin. Vascular cobwebs and nets of red, blue or purple color appear.

The cause of swollen legs in the ankles in women is also CVI. Risk factors are hormonal changes, pregnancy, overweight, muscle weakness.

Increase the risk of venous disease:

  • hereditary predisposition to varicose veins;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • age over 50;
  • sedentary work;
  • pregnancy.

With the further development of CVI, edema persists in the daytime, pain and itching join. The skin often takes on a reddish color with a blue-violet tint. The tissues can become inflamed, ulcers appear in the ankles and shins.

Liver disease

The initial stages of hepatitis, fatty degeneration and cirrhosis are asymptomatic. There are no pain receptors in the liver, it is able to function while maintaining only 20% of hepatocytes.

Why do the legs swell if the liver is affected? The organ cleans the blood coming through the portal vein. When the parenchyma is replaced by connective tissue, stagnation occurs, pressure in the venous system increases, blood flow in the lower extremities worsens.

Why can the legs and abdomen swell below? A diseased liver is unable to produce proteins, enzymes and hormones necessary for normal metabolism. Reduced binding and excretion of water. More fluid accumulates in the lower extremities and abdominal cavity.


Swelling of the legs below in the area of ​​​​the foot and lower leg with pathologies of the endocrine glands, hormonal and metabolic disorders. Common endocrinopathies are manifested by an increase in individual parts of the body and internal organs, muscle weakness and fatigue. A rare hormonal disease - Cushing's syndrome - is also accompanied by swelling of the lower extremities.

Diabetes contributes to the development of thrombosis and swelling of the soles of the feet, which is the cause of the death of leg tissues and requires surgical treatment. High blood sugar is dangerous for capillaries and larger vessels. Blood pressure rises, atherosclerosis increases. Edema is also caused by diabetes-related kidney disease.

Renal pathology

There are several reasons why legs swell in the morning: glomerulonephritis, diabetic nephropathy, urinary tract infections. With these kidney diseases, metabolism is disturbed, the water-salt balance, hormonal levels, and blood pressure change.

Minor swellings of the feet appear as an early symptom, later they spread to the thigh. Lower back pain, hypertension are added. Permanent swelling in the legs occurs as a result of fluid accumulation in chronic renal failure.

Metabolic diseases such as gout can cause kidney pathology. Various factors eventually lead to nephrotic syndrome, which causes persistent swelling of the face and legs and requires long-term treatment.


If the legs are swollen after sunburn and sunburn, then the cause is chemical and physical irritation of the vascular walls. The defensive reaction is that more fluid from the veins is released into the surrounding tissues.

Tissues swell due to damage to the venous and / or lymphatic vessels during operations, injuries. The tumor increases with increased load on the lower limbs after sprains, dislocations, fractures. The appearance of thickening can be caused by severe pathologies that require surgical intervention.

Can the legs swell with a hernia of the spine and vertebrae? Symptoms depend on which department is affected. Pathologies of the lumbar spine affect the vessels of the lower extremities to the greatest extent.

allergic reactions

Exposure to a chemical or other irritant is the reason why the legs, hands, lips or eyelids are swollen sharply. An increase in the size of individual organs manifests acute angioedema (Quincke). The skin remains pale or reddens, itching occurs.

If a child has swollen feet, then the cause may be immediate-type allergic reactions to drugs, insect bites, food, pollen and plant sap. What causes spots and blisters on the legs, why does angioedema occur in adults? The most prone to such reactions are people with a hereditary predisposition to allergies.

The development of acute respiratory failure occurs more often with edema on the face, compared with swelling of the legs or arms. If the patient is not helped, then this condition can lead to death.

Varicose disease

Significantly more often the legs swell in the foot area with varicose veins in women. At first, the deterioration of the condition of the veins is almost not felt. By the evening heaviness and swelling of the ankles appear. Muscle pain increases with prolonged sitting or standing, walking. "Knots" protrude under the skin of the legs.

Varicose veins become a natural result of a decrease in the elasticity of the venous wall. At the same time, the valves inside the vessel are deformed. Usually these processes increase in middle and old age. At risk are patients with endocrine disorders, overweight.

There is a "zero" stage of varicose veins or phlebopathy. This is "varicose veins without varicose veins". Bluish veins are not visible, but heaviness and pain are already felt at the end of the day. An objective examination also does not reveal pathology in the vascular wall.

The cause of the progression of varicose veins, when edema appears, dense blue knots on the legs, is the process of tissue aging throughout life. Congenital predisposition to this disease is less common.


Chronic disease is caused by metabolic disorders. There is an increased breakdown of proteins against the background of a decrease in the ability of the kidneys to excrete uric acid. Crystals are deposited in the tissues, numbness of the legs is felt, swelling occurs.


Do you get swollen toes, back of the foot, ankle on one or both feet when you sit on a long ride? This is how disorders in the lymphatic system manifest themselves. In primary lymphedema, swelling in the legs is the result of excessive accumulation and difficulty in the outflow of lymph from the vessels. Without treatment, the tumor increases from the periphery to the center, the limb becomes shapeless.

Treatment Methods

If the legs swell for a long period of time, then the patient needs to visit a doctor and carefully follow the recommendations of a specialist. Varicose veins will require the use of some medications and procedures, allergies or gout - others. The doctor will explain how to remove swelling in the legs, how to avoid complications.

All directions are important: pathogenetic therapy, elimination of the most severe consequences and alleviation of the symptoms of the disease. Treatment of diseases in which the legs swell should always be based on getting rid of the causes.

The doctor conducts an initial examination, a thorough history taking. Blood tests, ultrasound are prescribed, less often - computer and magnetic resonance imaging. An allergy test will identify possible causes of an unusual reaction. Some signs indicate that limbs swell due to oncology. Then a tissue sample is taken.


Various medicinal substances for swelling of the legs in vascular diseases are contained in ointments, gels and solutions for application to the skin. In more serious cases, oral tablets are prescribed. If the lower limbs swell and hurt, then apply anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments.

Complex therapy of varicose veins:

  • compression products (knee socks, stockings);
  • microcirculation correctors;
  • angioprotectors;
  • phlebotonics.

External remedies are most effective when the lower limbs are just beginning to swell in the early stages of the disease. Medicines normalize the tone of the veins, reduce their permeability and fragility. Thanks to the use of venotonic drugs (phlebotonics), heaviness in the feet, arching pains in the legs disappear.

You can quickly eliminate pain and minor swelling with the help of ointments and gels Lyoton 1000, Troxevasin, Trombless and others with a similar mechanism of action. The method of application is very simple - apply the product and rub into the skin over the affected veins.

What medicines and dietary supplements for oral administration should be taken if the limbs swell with varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency:

  • Phlebodia 600, Flebofa, Venarus, Detralex;
  • Troxerutin, Troxevasin, Ginkor forte;
  • Askorutin, Venoruton;
  • Venoplant, Aescusan;
  • Capillary.

The medicine for swelling of the legs is taken orally to reduce capillary permeability, improve venous circulation. The effect appears within 1-2 months.

The diuretic Veroshpiron helps with edema caused by heart failure, hypertension, cirrhosis of the liver, lack of magnesium and potassium. The active ingredient is spironolactone. When a doctor prescribes Veroshpiron for swelling of the legs, how to take the pills should be clarified immediately. Dosages for various diseases differ significantly.


Drugs in this group are prescribed only for medical reasons. Diuretics for swelling of the legs increase the excretion of fluid through the kidneys. Diuretics bind water and salts, improve drainage, and reduce swelling.

The short period of action of the drugs Lazex and Furosemide, they are prescribed in emergency situations. Prolonged diuretic effect of Hypothiazid. Verospiron and Aldactone are considered the least harmful to the body. Diuretics provide temporary relief and are used for a limited time.

Treatment at home

Ointments help if the feet and legs swell, and do not have a harmful effect on the internal organs. Such funds are most often used at home. Swelling of the legs, which has arisen against the background of an injury or varicose veins, is treated with Troxevasin gel. Analogues: Troxerutin and Troxevenol.

Means with heparin prevent stagnation of venous blood in the vessels and the formation of blood clots. These are Dolobene and Heparin ointments, Lyoton cream for swelling of the legs.

How to treat swelling of the legs with inflammation of the vessels and rheumatism? You can apply ointments with ibuprofen, diclofenac, nimesulide (Ketoprofen, Diclak-gel). In the evening, a light massage is done to help improve the outflow of blood and lymph.

Antihistamine tablets and syrups, medicated liquids, a solution for intravenous administration help with swelling of the legs of allergic origin. Also, antiallergic treatment is prescribed in cases where the legs not only swell, but also peel and crack.

Decoctions and infusions of plants for oral administration:

  • infusion of lingonberry leaves, bearberry;
  • fruit drink from cranberries and lingonberries;
  • carrot juice;
  • green tea;

Honey is added to ready-made infusions, which binds excess liquid. Diuretic fees contain parsley, calendula, mountain ash. Folk remedies are often powerless against the cause of the disease, so they supplement drug therapy.

Simple anti-puffiness exercises

The alpha and omega for maintaining health is reasonable physical activity. The simplest exercises for swelling in the legs: changing the position of the body and limbs, walking, walking during lunch breaks and in the evening.

Enhance the effect of treating swelling of the legs by rotating or moving up and down the fingers and feet, transferring the weight of the body from toe to heel and vice versa. Keeps blood vessels in good shape is another effective exercise - stretching the feet (can be performed while sitting and lying down).

Prevention of swelling of the legs

You should always take precautions that will allow you to keep the elasticity of the vessels longer. In order not to develop swelling of the legs, it is necessary to avoid narrow shoes, tight clothing. Direct sunlight, overheating and hypothermia, alcohol can also cause limbs to swell.

If the legs swell, which doctor should I contact? Make an appointment with a therapist, phlebologist, dermatologist. Further consultations of other specialists may be required. It is better to entrust the choice of medicines and procedures to the doctor. Only a doctor will be able to determine the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

If the swelling of the legs is not running, then the prognosis is good. Treatment is usually long, so persistence and patience are required. Those who have swollen legs should use ointments that improve the condition of the vessels. It is equally important to get rid of the cause against which edema develops. It is better if the treatment of the disease is complex, combining medications, exercises, water procedures and folk recipes.

Swelling of the legs is short-term, after physical overload of the body, and permanent, as a symptom of pathological conditions. The reasons why the legs swell depend on the gender and age of the patient, heredity, and a history of internal chronic diseases.

Against the backdrop of fatigue

Every adult, regardless of gender, has had cases of swelling of the feet, ankles at the end of the working day. The main reason for such local edema is an intense and prolonged load on the lower extremities.

The condition is caused by a short-term violation of blood circulation, microcirculation, weak outflow of lymph. A characteristic feature is the asymmetry of soft tissue changes, which is not affected by gravity.

Edema as a result of a long stay in a forced position is called orthostatic. They develop due to such circumstances:

    being in an upright position for several hours (when performing certain types of work ─ at the machine, behind the counter, at a construction site);

    long walking without regular physical training (especially in squeezing shoes not intended for sports);

    incorrect position of the limbs, which disrupts blood circulation and promotes swelling (foot to foot);

    a long trip in transport in a static (stationary) position ─ in a bus, car, plane.

Regular physical inactivity leads to systematic swelling of the lower extremities in the evening, pain in the joints. In the morning, a person experiences heaviness in the legs, does not feel rested. In women, discomfort is enhanced by shoes with heels, a high platform, and narrow socks.

Orthostatic edema can be easily eliminated after reviewing the regime of work and rest, adjusting the daily routine. No specific treatment is required.

Symptom of kidney disease

Swelling of the legs always makes doctors suspect kidney disease, as this is one of the main signs of pathology. There are also severe diseases of the excretory system, in which this symptom is absent - wrinkled kidneys, sublimate necrosis (acute toxic damage to the organ, accompanied by uremia - poisoning of the whole body with metabolic products).

The degree of soft tissue enlargement depends on the diagnosis. This may be an imperceptible process at the initial stage or severe swelling with difficulty in the functions of the lower limb. A massive accumulation of fluid is recorded in amyloidosis (a metabolic disorder with protein-polysaccharide deposits in the renal parenchyma and impaired filtration function), lipoid nephrosis (a rare pathology characterized by degeneration of the organ).

Acute glomerulonephritis (glomerular filtration disorder) causes slight swelling of the extremities. They appear suddenly, a person discovers them when he wakes up in the morning. In the chronic form, edema is most often absent, and appears only during an exacerbation.

Nephrosis (inflammation of the kidney of various etiologies) is accompanied by increased swelling after physical exertion ─ walking, walking, light running.

Nephrotic edema is softer to the touch. When pressed, a hole in the skin is formed faster and deeper, straightens slowly.

Other diseases in which swelling of the limbs due to nephrotic syndrome is observed:

    diabetic glomerulosclerosis ─ severe damage to the glomerular, tubular, circulatory system of the kidney due to a violation of carbohydrate metabolism;

    lupus erythematosus ─ systemic connective tissue pathology, which leads to thickening of the glomerular membrane, accumulation of fibrin;

    serum sickness ─ immune response to treatment with sera of animal origin, causes glomerulonephritis;

    rheumatoid polyarthritis ─ an autoimmune pathology that contributes to the development of deformity and limited mobility of the joints, nephropathy, nephritis, amyloidosis manifest in parallel;

    lymphogranulomatosis is a malignant lymphoma in which kidney damage occurs infrequently, only in the case of cancer metastasis to the intra-abdominal lymph nodes.

Cardiac edema in the elderly

Puffiness as a result of cardiovascular pathology is diagnosed mainly in the elderly. The main causes are heart disease in the stage of decompensation. Visible swelling develops with a long chronic course of pathology.

Important! In the early stages of the development of heart failure, edema on the skin is not visually determined. Fluid retention in the body is limited to an increase in internal organs. But, in the absence of external changes, patients gain weight.

The location of cardiac edema is directly affected by gravity. Therefore, they are formed in the legs ─ the part of the body that is lowest to the ground (feet, ankles, lower leg). The formation of a pathological symptom is facilitated by increased pressure in the venous system of the extremities and blood stasis. As the severity increases, edema spreads to the thighs.

If an elderly person sleeps on their side, then under the influence of gravity, water accumulates on the underlying side of the body and the leg. At the beginning of the chronicity of the disease, swelling of the feet appears only in the evening, and by morning it disappears without a trace.

How to distinguish renal edema from cardiac

The skin of the legs with kidney pathology is always pale, with heart failure it is purple or with a bluish tint.

In diseases of the urinary system, swelling of the face, hands, and then the lower extremities first appears. This distinctive feature is revealed in glomerulonephritis and is almost absent in nephrosis. With cardiac diseases, the legs swell first.

Puffiness from the heart appears in the evening and disappears by morning, from the kidneys, on the contrary, occurs immediately after sleep, and disappears in the process of physical activity.

Swollen skin with kidney diseases during pressure is softer and more elastic, with heart pathology it is less mobile.

In clinical practice, mixed edema is often diagnosed in elderly and senile patients. The syndrome combines several diseases at once.

Pathology, as a result of which swelling of the lower extremities is formed:

    cardiosclerosis ─ scarring of the myocardium;

    decompensated cor pulmonale;

Violation of the functionality of the venous system

There are two main diseases in which the legs swell ─ acute deep vein thrombosis and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI).

Severe swelling of the limb is the main symptom of acute thrombosis. It develops suddenly with a complete satisfactory state of health of a person. Only one leg is affected.

The swelling rapidly increases, and the limb increases in volume within a few hours or days. The entire shin is involved in the pathological process, then the thigh. The patient experiences severe arching pains deep in the muscles.

Important! In acute vein thrombosis, the foot never swells, and the leg as a whole visually retains its anatomical shape. This is due to the fact that it is not fiber that increases, but skeletal muscles.

The dynamics of edema in the acute form is not observed for many months. Only after the formation of a chronic process (insufficiency of the veins) does the swelling gradually subside.

Swelling in CVI differs depending on the etiology ─ post-thrombophlebic and varicose.

Edema after thrombosis can persist for a year, and rarely disappears without a trace. Visually, in terms of volume, the diseased leg differs significantly from the healthy one.

Swelling of the legs due to varicose veins or trophic disorders is formed only with improperly selected therapy or neglect of the pathological process. It develops 10-12 years after the appearance of the first varicose veins.

Puffiness is usually moderate, the degree of its severity depends on the time of day. An increase in the area of ​​the ankle and lower leg is observed after dinner and disappears during the night's rest.

Varicose edema is accompanied by such clinical signs:

    fast fatigue of the legs;

    heaviness when walking;

    soreness in the calf muscles;

    after pressure with a finger on the swollen skin, the depression does not remain.


In men, swelling of the legs can develop against the background of diseases of the organs of the reproductive system. In women, this is a common symptom that accompanies pregnancy.

In men

One of the reasons for the development of edema of the lower extremities is prostate cancer. They are more common in men over 65 years of age. At the stage of metastasis, such a clinical sign as swelling of the lower leg and feet appears. This is due to a violation of the outflow of lymph and the accumulation of interstitial fluid.

Also, swelling of the legs occurs with Bechterew's disease (chronic pathology of the joints of the sacral spine) and gout (accumulation of uric acid salts in the tissues, manifested in the form of acute arthritis with constant relapses). These diseases are three times more common in men than in women.

Sometimes edema develops after long-term treatment with testosterone-based hormonal drugs, as well as in athletes taking androgenic steroids. In case of violation of the application patterns and non-compliance with the drinking regime, the water balance is disturbed, and the fluid is retained in the body. As a result, swelling appears on the legs.

Among women

According to WHO statistics, 72% of women during pregnancy experience swelling of the lower extremities.

A common reason why is phlebopathy.

This is a complex of functional disorders of the venous system, provoked by a decrease in the tone of the vascular walls. It manifests itself from the 23-25th week of pregnancy and is a consequence of such factors:

    muscular and vascular hypodynamia;

    slow venous blood flow;

    compression of large veins;

    rapid growth of the uterus;

    an increase in BCC (the amount of blood in the entire vascular system of the body).

Both limbs swell at once, changes in volume are symmetrical. More often, the swelling is localized at the bottom of the lower leg, while there is no pain. Women feel discomfort, heaviness in the legs. Edema disappears after a night or daytime rest, with the horizontal placement of the legs.

Lymphatic edema of the lower extremities

Another reason why edema occurs is a violation of the physiological throughput of the lymphatic vessels of the legs. This condition makes it difficult to diagnose in the early stages of the disease. Therefore, patients seek help when the pathological process is neglected.

Lymphedema is a severe swelling of soft tissues. The hallmark symptom is swelling on the back of the foot that looks like a pillow. Leading in the diagnosis of the disease is Stemmer's sign ─ the inability to fold the skin of the 2nd toe into a fold on the back side. In other diseases that are accompanied by edema, this symptom does not occur.

The soft tissues of half of the lower leg also swell. Hip edema is rare. The skin of the diseased limb is pale, after indentation there is a deformation in the form of a small depression. In the chronic course of the disease, the epidermis thickens due to the development of fibrosis (growth of connective fibers).

Lymphedema is either primary or secondary. These forms differ significantly from each other.

Primary or congenital pathology in 80% of cases is diagnosed in women. The disease begins to progress after 35 years. This is facilitated by provocative factors:


    mechanical injury;

    minor damage to the upper layers of the skin.

Puffiness grows very slowly, over the years. In this case, very rarely, as a concomitant disease, there is varicose veins.

Secondary lymphedema develops after injuries, against the background of erysipelas, malignant neoplasms, with damage to the lymphatic ducts. Puffiness occurs almost immediately after the manifestation of these factors and is growing rapidly. The skin of the legs is pale, pink or red. In patients with erysipelas, varicose veins are often found, which is complicated by an acute infectious disease.

Pathologies of large joints

Swelling of the legs against the background of arthritis differs in the specificity of the clinical picture. The limb swells only at the site of the inflamed joint and does not spread in other directions.

The progression of swelling begins simultaneously with other signs ─ pain, which increases with flexion, limitation of the range of motion. The initial symptom preceding the edema is stiffness of the joint in the morning after sleep, disappears within half an hour when walking.

In the process of treatment and relief of the inflammatory process, the swelling subsides, and reappears with relapses of arthritis.

With gonarthrosis (deformity of the knee joint with damage to hyaline cartilage), swelling covers the supra-ankle region and lower leg. Massive edema of the subcutaneous tissue develops in the knee area due to compression of the medial lymphatic ducts.

Medical treatment

Like the causes, the treatment for leg swelling depends on its origin. Principles of therapy:

    elimination of the factor causing pathology;

    stop pathogenetic changes in soft tissues;

    relief of associated clinical manifestations.

Diuretics are prescribed for patients with cardiac and renal edema. The choice of drugs depends on the form of the disease ─ acute or chronic.

If swelling occurs in a short period of time and is growing rapidly, loop diuretics are prescribed. These drugs act quickly, the therapeutic effect lasts no more than 6 hours. They are taken orally, in short courses for diseases of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system. Names of drugs: Furosemide, Torasemide, ethacrynic acid, Bumetanide, Lasix.

Patients with chronic edema are prescribed thiazide diuretics. They remove fluid at the cellular level, penetrate the hematogenous barrier, dilate blood vessels, and reduce pressure. Such medicines for swelling of the legs are taken in long courses, for several months. Indications - cardiac edema. Drugs: Indapamide, Hydrochlorothiazide, Hypothiazide, Cyclomethiazide.

Angioprotective agents help to get rid of edema associated with chronic venous insufficiency. They stabilize the state of capillaries, eliminate swelling, inflammation and congestion in the veins, reduce the permeability of blood vessels and tissues.


    Aescusan is an alcoholic solution for oral administration, a natural remedy based on horse chestnut seeds. Take 20 drops before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-3 months.

    Detralex ─ film-coated tablets based on chemicals. Drink 1 tab. 2 times a day or 2 tab. once.

    Troxevasin is a chemical preparation in the form of capsules for oral administration. Take 1 capsule 2 times a day, the duration of therapy is 3-4 weeks.


To quickly remove orthostatic edema that has arisen due to fatigue and overload of the legs, venotonics for topical use help ─ creams, ointments, gels. They restore the tone of the vascular walls, restore their elasticity. Effectively eliminate puffiness, relieve inflammation, prevent increased blood clotting and the formation of blood clots. After a course of treatment, the veins become stronger, fragility and permeability are stopped, and the exit of plasma from the vascular bed into soft tissues stops.

Pharmacological agents for application to the skin of the feet:

    Lyoton is a transparent viscous gel, rubbed with careful movements 1-3 times a day.

    Troxevasin is a light brown or yellow gel, gently rubbed into the skin of the legs 2 times a day, until the drug is completely absorbed.

    Venoruton is a transparent homogeneous gel, rubbed with light movements in the morning and evening.

    Venitan is a light brown cream containing dark particles. Apply to the area of ​​swelling 2-3 times a day.

    Venorm is a brown cream with the smell of herbs, rubbed with gentle massage movements up to 4 times a day.

    Antistax is a grape flavored gel that absorbs quickly. Use in the morning and evening.

    Heparin ointment is a white homogeneous substance with a yellow tint. Apply to the skin with care, light massage movements 2-3 times a day.

Lymphatic drainage massage

The physiological outflow of lymph promptly removes fluid from the tissues. When it is violated, water accumulates in the intercellular space and puffiness is formed. That is why lymphatic drainage massage is indicated for patients with leg swelling caused by chronic diseases due to difficult working conditions and prolonged stay on their feet.

The procedure is contraindicated in acute vein thrombosis, glomerulonephritis, malignant neoplasms, pregnancy.

Using compression stockings

In order to prevent and prevent recurrence of leg edema, patients are recommended to wear compression underwear ─ socks, stockings, tights.

The therapeutic effect of products is based on a certain pressure on the venous wall and uniform maintenance of muscle mass. The compression load is increased downwards of the limb. This stabilizes the venous outflow, prevents stagnation of blood in the legs. Underwear does not allow the formation of blood clots, relieves fatigue, heaviness in the legs, swelling, pain.

Compression knitwear helps to more effectively treat and eliminate edema associated with varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency. Medical underwear is indicated for pregnant women, people with an inactive lifestyle.

Traditional medicine recipes

In the absence of acute inflammatory processes and tumors of internal organs in the body, it is possible to eliminate swelling of the legs at home with folk remedies. How and how to relieve swelling depends on the diagnosis, the age of the patient.

Folk recipes are used to prepare decoctions and infusions, foot baths, compresses and lotions.

Recipe number 1. Take 2 tbsp. l. flax seeds, pour 0.5 l of boiling water and leave on a steam bath for 15 minutes. Then insist 1 hour. Strain, take orally 100 ml 4 times a day. To improve the taste, you can add lemon and honey. The therapeutic course is 2-3 weeks.

Recipe number 2. Mix freshly squeezed carrot and cucumber juice 100 ml each, add the juice of a medium lemon. Mix thoroughly, drink 3 times a day, diluting with water in a ratio of 1:1. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Recipe number 3. Chop the horsetail herb. Pour 1 tbsp. l. raw materials 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Strain, take 2 tbsp. l. every 4 hours. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

For foot baths, compresses, decoctions of herbs with decongestant, analgesic and relaxing effects are used - chamomile, currant and birch leaves, nettle, dandelion, hawthorn, calendula.
