Red elder: ornamental plant. Elderberry red: all about the correct use for healing

Elderberry is an unpretentious, rather beautiful deciduous shrub, whose homeland is Europe, North America, the Caucasus, Asia Minor. In the design of gardens and personal plots, it is still rare. More often it can be seen in neglected gardens, along ravines and wastelands, in suburban forests and forest belts, where it appears quite unexpectedly, being carried by birds.

This is what black elderberry looks like

Some consider elderberry a “weedy” plant, because they did not plant it and did not put any effort into growing it, others refer to ornamental species, appreciating the early green of its foliage, beautiful inflorescences, a spectacular array of red or black fruits, growth speed and great vitality.

About 40 species of elderberry are known, of which six grow in Russia. The greatest distribution and interest are three species and their garden forms. We offer you a description of black, red and Canadian elderberry.

Elder red, description

Elder red (carpal) is a shrub with branched thick shoots covered with large buds. Height up to 4 m, can grow in the form of a tree. Already in April, the shoots, dotted with numerous lentils, begin to shine from the rising juices, the buds swell and burst. From the inside, reddish leaves and grayish green inflorescences are shown. At this time, the carpal elderberry is decorative.

This is what a red elderberry looks like

The shrub blooms in May simultaneously with the appearance of leaves. Leaves pinnate with 5-7 leaflets, each 5-10 cm long and 2-4 cm wide, pointed at the apex and drawn into pointed up to 1 cm long, serrated along the edge, bright green above, glabrous, lighter below, along the veins sometimes pubescent.

Pictured is a red elderberry

The elderberry flowers are first light yellow, then fade, brighten, taking on a yellowish-white, sometimes creamy color. They are collected in terminal dense ovoid panicles 3-6 cm long and stand out slightly against the background of foliage. Flowering lasts about two weeks. Then green fruits are tied, and the shrub does not stand out against the background of the general summer greenery.

But by the end of July, the beauty of this type of elder returns again, fiery red fruits become visible. The branches bend under their weight. The fruits adorn the plant for 1-1.5 months, until they "harvest" the crop of birds, for which this is a tasty food. At this time, yellow leaves are already appearing inside the crown of the shrub. In autumn, after the first frost, the leaves fall off, without having time to completely change color.

Where does red elderberry grow

Elderberry reproduces well by seeds, which are carried everywhere by birds. It grows rapidly, forming abundant shoots at the root neck. In culture, it is used for single and group plantings, for decorating slopes. She is very resistant to climatic conditions but loves deep and loose fertile soils, responsive to fertilizers.

Large thickets of elderberry are found in pine forests, near cities where rooks nest. Here, the reaction of the plant to natural fertilizer in bird droppings. And the elderberry itself enriches the soil, since its leaves contain a significant amount of ash substances.

The photo shows red elderberry leaves

Elderberry has been known in culture since the end of the 16th century. During this time, many decorative forms were selected during seed propagation. Among them, the form of plumosa with unevenly toothed leaves is known, acquiring a purple color at the time of leaf fall. In the gardens there are bushes with deeply dissected leaves, the lobes of which resemble threads, this is a form of laciniata. There are forms with purple buds and pinkish flowers. Flavescens form is distinguished by yellow fruits.

Description of black elderberry

Black elder differs sharply from red. Shrub or tree with much larger compound leaves (up to 32 cm long). The kidneys are pointed. Blooms after full foliage. It is especially decorative during the flowering period, when it is completely covered with white umbellate inflorescences up to 20 cm in diameter. A distinctive feature of this species is that the leaves smell unpleasant when rubbed, but the flowers are fragrant. Blooms in late May-early June.

Pictured is black elderberry Sambucus nigra ‘Black Lace’

Shiny black fruits 5-8 mm in diameter with 3-4 seeds ripen in September and adorn the shrub for a long time even after the leaves have fallen. With the onset of winter, it is pecked by birds.

Unlike the red elderberry, whose berries are poisonous, the ripe fruits of its black relative are edible and even have medicinal value (diaphoretic, laxative and emetic).

Black Elderberry Black Lace

The black elder also grows quickly, but is more thermophilic than the red one. Handles heat well southern region. To the north it becomes more light-loving, where it often freezes over, but with the onset of spring it grows quickly. Demanding on the soil and contributes to its improvement.

The pulp of the fruit is tasty, sweetish-sour, used to make jam, compotes, jelly, etc.

Black elderberry has been cultivated since ancient times. It is ubiquitous in plantations of parks and suburban areas.

Pictured is Aurea

It has many decorative forms, differing in habit (short, weeping, pyramidal), in leaf color, dissection of their leaves and fruit color. So, the variegated form has white-variegated leaves; aurea - golden yellow and cherry red fruits; laciniata - correctly and symmetrically deeply dissected leaves; luteo-variegata - yellow-flecked leaves; pendula - stands out with hanging branches.

In the photo, black elderberry Pendula

Black elderberries are used in traditional medicine, but sometimes gardeners complain that despite the good, abundant flowering berries are not tied on the bushes. Most often this is due to improper cultivation of this shrub.

Planting and caring for elderberry

A black elderberry bush, planted alone, sometimes shows such oddities: some inflorescences form ovaries, others very little or no fruit set. But main reason not in the solitude of a bush, it can produce a crop, albeit a small one.

For plants to give more fruits, which means that they were better pollinated, you need to plant 2-3 bushes different forms: at a distance of 2-2.5 m from one another (black, racemose - wild, Siberian - used in folk medicine).

In some cases, elderberry does not set fruit due to malnutrition. This plant prefers fertile, moist soils and is responsive to fertilizers. AT landing pit make 7-8 kg of humus, 50 g of superphosphate, 40 g of potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate). After planting, the seedlings are watered, mulched, the aerial part is shortened to 25 cm. This dressing will last the plant for 2-3 years.

top dressing

Starting from the third year, in the spring they give nitrogen supplements (25-30 g of urea), treat with zircon (1 ampoule per 10 liters of water). In July, the plant is fed complex fertilizer(quoted). Treatment with zircon can be repeated after 15-20 days 3-4 times.

In the autumn, before the bushes go into winter, the near-trunk circle can be overlaid with a layer of humus 10 cm thick. You can lay a freshly cut mass of green manure.

Bush formation

Black elderberry is formed in the form of a bush with 10-12 branches of different ages, height 2-2.5 m. Branches older than 6 years are cut into a ring.

If the bush is thickened, prune it: remove old branches, add humus (bucket) under the bush, wood ash(0.5 liter jar), complex mineral fertilizers. Water it regularly: at least twice a month, and in hot, dry summers, once every 10 days. The greatest need for water is after flowering and during the filling of berries.

Black elder bears fruit on last year's branches. Therefore, this year it should grow new annual branches. To do this, in early spring, shorten the tops of the shoots by a bud directed outward, and the side branches by 2-3 buds.

Every year it is necessary to sanitary pruning: cut out dry, improperly growing shoots directed inside the crown of the bush.

Perhaps the weather interfered with pollination: strong wind, rain. Under such conditions, pollinating insects do not fly.

You can apply a natural stimulant of flowering and fruiting Bud. It contains gibberellic acids that promote fruit set.

Elder bushes are sprayed with it in the morning or in the evening in dry, calm weather. The leaves are moistened evenly.

To prepare a working solution, right amount the drug (10 g per 10 l of water) is dissolved in a small amount of water, mixed thoroughly, then topped up with water to 10 l, mixed again. It begins to act from the moment of treatment and continues for 1-3 months.

Canadian elderberry

Canadian elderberry is close to black elderberry. From North America, it has large pinnate leaves, flowers are yellowish-white, fragrant, small, collected in large (up to 30 cm in diameter) umbrellas. The fruits are spherical, dark purple, shiny, about 5 mm in diameter, edible. Shoots glabrous at first green, then dark purple, slightly ribbed, with numerous lenticels.

Canadian elderberry has many decorative garden forms with different dissection and color of leaves, with different fruits up to red. The most common form of acutifolia with strongly dissected leaves. It freezes annually, but blooms and bears fruit.

In culture, all types of elderberry are usually propagated by seeds, sowing them in the fall. For sowing in the spring, a long stratification (4 months) is required. 1000 pieces of red elderberry seeds weigh 2.5 g, and black - 3.3 g. Canadian elderberry forms root offspring. decorative forms elderberries, when grown from seeds, partially retain their characteristics mother plant. They can also be propagated by woody cuttings.

This is what Canadian elderberry looks like

Do you know that distinctive feature this shrub is not only the decorativeness of the plants themselves and its many forms?

Many gardeners have long noticed that there are no plant pests around the red elderberry, and they are trying to give this shrub a place on the site, propagating it with seeds, layering, and cuttings.

When growing elderberry, keep in mind that the inflorescences and bark contain valeric acid, which explains the love for it of cats that gnaw on the bark and often feast on the flowers of this beautiful and useful shrub.

photo of elderberry

The healing properties of which help to cope with many diseases. Possessing little toxicity, this plant requires strict adherence to all recommendations for use and dosages.


Red elderberry is a branched shrub or tree no more than five meters high with wrinkled brown bark, which on young branches has purple hue. The pinnate leaves consist of 5-7 oblong, pointed elliptical leaflets.

Flowers, collected in panicles sticking up, appear at the end of April. They consist of a cleft corolla and a calyx with 5 cloves. The color of the flowers is greenish at first, then becomes yellowish-white.

The tree acquires its decorative effect in July, when it is decorated with brushes of bright red shiny drupes. They contain three seeds and have a not very pleasant taste. The birds love them though. Pecking berries, they contribute thereby to the resettlement of seeds. Elderberry grows quite quickly, starting to bear fruit from the third year of life.

Thanks to their decorative features, as well as endurance and unpretentiousness, this plant is very often used for landscaping city streets and squares. But red elderberry is also highly valued in folk medicine. All parts of this plant have medicinal properties - bark, flowers, leaves and roots.

Chemical composition

Elderberry flowers contain a lot of vitamin C, tannin, essential oils, organic acids, tannins, mineral salts and resins. Many of the above components are also found in the bark of the plant, which, in addition to them, is also rich in phytosterol, ceryl alcohol and pectin substances. Elderberries contain amino acids, ascorbic acid, fatty oils and sambunigrin, which cause the toxicity of fruits.

Elderberry red. Beneficial features

Medicines based on this plant have long been used in folk medicine. The antipyretic, diaphoretic effect of elderberry helps with colds. A decoction of the roots is recommended for patients diabetes. With pustular skin diseases, hemorrhoids, burns and diaper rash, the use of flower infusions is very effective. A decoction made from elderberries can help with stomach ulcers, hepatitis, and normalizes metabolism.

Diuretic, decongestant, antihypoxic effect has elderberry red. The medicinal properties of fresh berries are used in gynecology, as well as for the treatment of rheumatism and gout. They also have the ability to cleanse the body of radionuclides.

Beware - Poison

Caution should be exercised when treating with the use of elderberry-based products. The content of a certain amount in this plant causes a decrease in enzyme activity, which can lead to tissue hypoxia (oxygen starvation). This is expressed in the appearance of shortness of breath and rapid breathing.

Against this background, the heart rate may slow down, increase arterial pressure resulting in complete cardiac arrest.

Unripe elderberries are especially poisonous. The use of infusions and decoctions from them can cause excessive intoxication, which can disrupt the processes of oxidation and reduction in body tissues, lead to a decrease in temperature and a general severe condition of a person for a long period.

Recognized by official medicine and less dangerous is Red, medicinal properties which, although no less attractive, must be used very carefully, with strict adherence to the technology of preparation.


FROM therapeutic purpose all parts of this plant are used. They are collected in different time. Flowers are harvested at the time of full bloom. They are laid out thin layer on a sheet of paper and placed in a well-ventilated shaded area. Dried flowers must be threshed or kneaded with hands, after which they are carefully sieved and the pedicels are removed.

The bark is harvested in the spring, during the period of sap flow. To remove it, make transverse cuts with a knife at a distance of about 30 cm and connect them with a longitudinal one. Bark from young trees is used.

Infusions and decoctions

These products are prepared only from dried raw materials, since the sambucinigrin glycoside contained in the plant disappears during drying. A decoction has a very effective effect; red elderberry retains its medicinal properties well in it. With foot fungus, it is prepared as follows: two tablespoons of flowers are placed in a glass of water, brought to a boil and kept on low heat for 10 minutes. After the broth has cooled, you need to add 500 ml to it. cold water. Dip your feet in this solution and hold for 20 minutes. Should not be wiped.

In a container of water (250 ml), add one spoonful of dried elderberry flowers and boil for 5 minutes. Cool, strain and use for treatment. This is an excellent remedy for inflammatory processes, you can use it for gargling with sore throat and cough. A decoction of the roots is effective in psoriasis.

With many diseases, infusions from this plant help due to the numerous medicinal properties of red elderberry. Recipes for their preparation are different and depend on the problem to be solved and the raw materials used.

As a period of colds, as well as rheumatism, bronchial asthma, an infusion prepared from two teaspoons of elder flowers filled with boiling water (1 cup) can help. Infuse for 15 minutes and take half a glass in the morning and evening.


AT different types red elderberry is used. The medicinal properties of tinctures prepared on the basis of bark, flowers or fruits help to get rid of many diseases. Several recipes are known:

  • Pour fresh berries three-quarters into three-liter jar and fill it to the top with water. Close the lid and put in a dark place. A month later, you can use the resulting tincture for compresses or lubrication of problem areas with osteochondrosis, arthritis, displacement of the vertebrae or heel spurs.
  • Pour 200 g of elderberry bark with one liter of dry white wine, leave to infuse for 2 days and drink 10 ml with dropsy.
  • Add alcohol (1:10) to elderberry flowers and insist in a dark place. After 10 days, strain the solution and take 30 drops in the morning and evening with colds, rheumatism and bronchial asthma.

The use of elderberry red

A tasty and healthy juice is prepared from the berries of this plant. It serves as a good prophylactic various diseases. The berries are scalded with boiling water, the juice is squeezed out of them, sugar is added and brought to a boil. Drink 50 ml per day. Also, marmalades and jams are made from elderberry fruits.


In order not to cause negative consequences from the use of this plant, you need to know what red elderberry has medicinal properties and contraindications. The latter is especially important given the toxicity of the fruit. Caution should be observed when taking elderberry remedies for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, children and pregnant women.

Elderberry red is not official medicinal plant, so you should not take risks and apply it to those who do not have experience in using such tools. It is better to trust proven medicines.

Red elderberry is a deciduous shrub with graceful leaves and bright red berries, which give the plant a special decorative effect. Berries are not edible, containing glycosides and flavonoids, are used in folk and traditional medicine. In addition, elderberry has insecticidal properties, and repels insects, protecting neighboring plants. Red elderberry berries attract birds, which also destroy garden pests.

Systematics and names of red elderberry

scientific name red or common elderberry - Sambucus racemosa, literally translated means elderberry racemose (branch) - this name is a synonym often used in scientific world. The scientific name of the plant was given by the outstanding scientist Carl Liney.

The red elderberry has a huge number of popular names:

  • sambuc (from the Latin name);
  • samvik;
  • squeaker;
  • Kalinka (from red berries and outward resemblance to viburnum, with which elderberry is not related);
  • buchkan;
  • collar;
  • elderberry;
  • wasteland;
  • buzok (coincides with one of the names of the lilac, with which the elder is not related);
  • worm (from the color of the berries "red" - red);
  • lantern;

Elder belongs to the Adox family (Adoxacea), but according to the new taxonomy, the elder was isolated in a separate monotypic family - Sambucaceae (Elder). In the old taxonomy, elderberry was attributed to the Zhymolostev family, some do it now, this is not considered a big mistake.

Elderberry in biocenoses

Common elderberry grows in mixed and deciduous forests, in clearings and edges. In communities with other shrubs and singly, it can form monospecific thickets. It occurs in the mountains, including on rocks, in mixed and coniferous forests within the shrub layer.

The homeland of the red elderberry is the southern and central part of Europe, but the plant has long gone beyond the limits of its natural range. At present, the shrub is found throughout Europe, up to Siberia, with the exception of the tundra and forest tundra.

Morphological characteristics

The life form of the red elderberry - tall shrub, or small tree, reaching 4 m. Branches of green and gray-brown color can be drooping, breeders took advantage of this feature, creating a number of weeping varieties and forms. The core of the branches and trunk consists of dead cells.

The root system is pivotal, but subsequently the shrub will grow many additional roots.

Leaves are compound, pinnate, with reticulate venation and serrate margin. The leaf arrangement is opposite.

Perianth actinomorphic, bisexual flowers with five fused petals. Small flowers, collected in complex racemose inflorescences, change their color. At the beginning of flowering, they are greenish, then they become yellowish or cream. This phenomenon is associated with pollinating insects, which have a specific color perception. For better perception by insects, the flowers have a strong smell. Blooms in May or June (depending on the place of cultivation).

Elderberry is a good honey plant that gives honey light color with a characteristic floral aroma.

The fruit is a drupe, not a berry, as "competent" sources mistakenly write. In a drupe, unlike a berry, there is one seed. The fruits ripen from August to September and are dispersed by birds. Thanks to ornithochory, the seeds are carried over long distances and the shrub quickly occupies new territories.

Note: the color of the fruit in the wild species is red, like in most varieties, but there are forms with yellow and orange fruits.

Note: Elderberry contains glycosides, flavonoids, tannins that repel pests, so the shrub can be planted near fruit trees.

Conditions for growing red elderberry

The elderberry can grow without needing special care, pruning and fertilizing. But in order to achieve the best growing results (abundance of fruits, beautiful shape crowns) it needs to be done. When pruning a bush, it is necessary to remove not only dried branches, but also partially cut healthy shoots up to 3-4 buds.


Elderberry red equally well grows on sunny places, and in partial shade. In very dark places, the plant blooms weakly, and variegated varieties lose their decorative effect.

Note: some varieties of elderberry that have yellow tint foliage, burn out in direct sun, becoming pale, they are planted in places with diffused light (for example, "Sutherland Gold"). But other varieties with yellow leaves, such as Plumosa Aurea, do not turn pale in the sun.


It is generally accepted that the red elderberry is a heat-loving shrub, since it comes from areas with relatively mild winters. But for a couple of hundred years, moving north, the bush acquired natural frost resistance: elderberry does not need to be covered for the winter.

The plant also easily tolerates heat, but does not like places blown by the wind.


When choosing a substrate, its density and acidity must be taken into account. For elderberry, medium-heavy soils, or light loams, fertile or with an average humus content are optimal. It is good when planting elderberry to add forest soil to the soil along with leaves, needles, twigs. Or add compost, evenly mixing it with the substrate.

Substrate acidity: pH 5.5-6.5 (slightly acid), but elderberry can grow on neutral soils (pH 7). The shrub does not tolerate very acidic soil, therefore, when planting in such soil, lime is added to it. This is done 2-4 weeks before planting, after lime is applied, the soil is dug up and watered. Two days later I dig again and water.

Humidity and watering

Even in a short dry period, red elderberry needs additional watering. In order for the soil under the shrub to dry out less, the substrate is mulched with manure or needles.


Fertilize the elderberry in the spring, using any of the complex potassium-nitrogen-phosphate fertilizers. organic fertilizers can be fed both in spring and in summer.

Use in landscape design

Elderberry is gaining popularity every year as a landscape gardening ornamental plant. It is used for compositions with other shrubs and trees; elderberry looks especially beautiful in the company of coniferous plants.

For solo plantings, varieties with dissected ("Laciniata"), or colored leaves ("Plumosa Aurea") are used.

Not high grades elderberry red, with creeping branches, suitable for single landings, flower beds and rockeries ("Tenuifolia").

it beautiful plant can be found everywhere - it is quite unpretentious, but always attractive.

It is also known that official medicine it does not use it in any way, but the folk one has found application.

Red elderberry is used in folk medicine

Let's talk about the medicinal properties and contraindications of red elderberry.

Understanding the types

All species reach a height of 3 to 10 meters. Elderberry is red and black, the difference grows in the European, southeastern part of Russia and the Crimea, Belarus, the Caucasus and Ukraine.

If you need to find where the red elderberry grows, we advise you to take a closer look at the places next to the bushes.

Red elder grows next to shrubs

Despite the fact that the plant is one, the species are radically different. There is a small secret of recognition: it can be done with confidence only in September, during the ripening period.

Meanwhile, knowing how black and red elderberry differ is extremely important:

  • First of all, the difference in properties. The black variety has been studied more and is more often recommended as a remedy. Questions about whether the elderberry is poisonous or not arise constantly. The answer is positive: yes, it is poisonous. And its official medicine does not use it at all, and folk medicine is less common than black;
  • In an effort to learn how to distinguish a black elderberry from a red one, it is worth taking a closer look at the flowers. In the first they are pale yellow, having a white tint, fragrant. The flowers of the red elderberry at the root are different - red, and also have a sharp bad smell. Anthers in the first case are yellow, in the second - red.


Having studied the description of red elderberry, we can conclude that its fruits can be harmful. Moreover, such that upon contact with the mucous membrane or wounds, you should immediately visit a doctor. It is also undesirable to take with unprotected hands.

The question of whether it is possible to eat red elderberry disappears by itself - by no means!

For treatment, only leaves, flowers and branches should be used. But they, by the way, are not suitable for everyone.
Suffering from diabetes, inflammation, located on the intestinal mucosa and pregnant women, it is worth looking for another way to get rid of their problems. However, there is also useful application poisonous plant.

Red elderberry should use leaves, flowers and branches

Use for foot problems

Alcohol based tincture this plant Great for helping with foot problems. For example, with a heel spur. It is convenient that you can store a similar tincture of elderberry red plumosa aurea for a long time - 3 years.

It takes three quarters to prepare. liter jar fill with fruits, and then fill the container to the top with alcohol. It is important for the bank to close as best as possible. She must insist for a month in some warm place. After the product is ready for use, you will need to rub it in or use it as a compress.

Application in cosmetology

The properties of red elderberry do not allow it to be used in its pure form as cosmetic product. But in the processed properly - it is quite possible. For example, to create a bleaching agent, you need to pour 2 cups of boiling water over 3 tbsp. l. dried flowers and let them brew.

After straining the tincture, it is quite possible to use it, then hiding it in the refrigerator.

For a refreshing effect, you can make a mask of elderberry flowers. They are poured with boiling water until gruel is formed. This gruel is applied in an even layer on gauze, after which it is left on the face for 20 minutes. Next, the product is washed off with warm water.

You can prepare a rejuvenating lotion according to the following recipe:

Use to fight cancer

Finding out how red elderberry is useful, many do not even suspect that it can be used to fight against cancerous tumors. To do this, place the ripened berries in a jar and sprinkle each layer with sugar.

It is worth counting so that the thickness of each layer is approximately 1 cm. For a month, you just need to insist the remedy, and after that it is important not to forget to drain the juice.

It is necessary to drink the tincture three times a day after eating a tablespoon. At the same time, before eating, you should not forget to pour yourself a glass of water. After each use, the product should be hidden in the refrigerator. True, with diabetes or chronic problems with the digestive organs, it is better to refrain from such therapy.

Application for menopause

If women are worried about disruptions in work of cardio-vascular system, hot flashes and irritable condition, you can turn to traditional medicine. For older men with disorders in the sexual sphere, it will also be useful to prepare a decoction of elderberry flowers. Especially if the pressure rises and heart pains are observed.
To do this, part of the flowers must be filled with vodka or alcohol at 40%. In a dark and cool place, the workpiece is kept for 2 weeks. The remedy is then worth straining and starting to take 25 or 30 drops about three times a day.
Despite the fact that the plant is most often used in decorative purposes and is known for its danger to our body, it can be used. It is only important to study beneficial features and contraindications of red elderberry.

This beautiful plant can be found everywhere - it is quite unpretentious, but always attractive.

It is also known that official medicine does not use it in any way, but folk medicine has found application.

Red elderberry is used in folk medicine

Let's talk about the medicinal properties and contraindications of red elderberry.

Understanding the types

All species reach a height of 3 to 10 meters. Elderberry is red and black, the difference grows in the European, southeastern part of Russia and the Crimea, Belarus, the Caucasus and Ukraine.

If you need to find where the red elderberry grows, we advise you to take a closer look at the places next to the bushes.

Red elder grows next to shrubs

Despite the fact that the plant is one, the species are radically different. There is a small secret of recognition: it can be done with confidence only in September, during the ripening period.

Meanwhile, knowing how black and red elderberry differ is extremely important:

  • First of all, the difference in properties. The black variety has been studied more and is more often recommended as a remedy. Questions about whether the elderberry is poisonous or not arise constantly. The answer is positive: yes, it is poisonous. And its official medicine does not use it at all, and folk medicine is less common than black;
  • In an effort to learn how to distinguish a black elderberry from a red one, it is worth taking a closer look at the flowers. In the first they are pale yellow, having a white tint, fragrant. The flowers of red elderberry at the root are different - red, and also have a sharp unpleasant odor. Anthers in the first case are yellow, in the second - red.


Having studied the description of red elderberry, we can conclude that its fruits can be harmful. Moreover, such that upon contact with the mucous membrane or wounds, you should immediately visit a doctor. It is also undesirable to take with unprotected hands.

The question of whether it is possible to eat red elderberry disappears by itself - by no means!

For treatment, only leaves, flowers and branches should be used. But they, by the way, are not suitable for everyone.
Suffering from diabetes, inflammation, located on the intestinal mucosa and pregnant women, it is worth looking for another way to get rid of their problems. However, there is also a beneficial use of a poisonous plant.

Red elderberry should use leaves, flowers and branches

Use for foot problems

Alcohol tincture based on this plant is great for problems associated with the feet. For example, with a heel spur. It is convenient that you can store a similar tincture of elderberry red plumosa aurea for a long time - 3 years.

To prepare it, you need to fill three-quarters of a liter jar with fruits, and then fill the container to the top with alcohol. It is important for the bank to close as best as possible. It should be infused for a month in some warm place. After the product is ready for use, you will need to rub it in or use it as a compress.

Application in cosmetology

The properties of red elderberry do not allow it to be used in its pure form as a cosmetic product. But in the processed properly - it is quite possible. For example, to create a bleaching agent, you need to pour 2 cups of boiling water over 3 tbsp. l. dried flowers and let them brew.

After straining the tincture, it is quite possible to use it, then hiding it in the refrigerator.

For a refreshing effect, you can make a mask of elderberry flowers. They are poured with boiling water until gruel is formed. This gruel is applied in an even layer on gauze, after which it is left on the face for 20 minutes. Next, the product is washed off with warm water.

You can prepare a rejuvenating lotion according to the following recipe:

Use to fight cancer

Finding out how red elderberry is useful, many do not even suspect that it can be used to fight cancerous tumors. To do this, place the ripened berries in a jar and sprinkle each layer with sugar.

It is worth counting so that the thickness of each layer is approximately 1 cm. For a month, you just need to insist the remedy, and after that it is important not to forget to drain the juice.

It is necessary to drink the tincture three times a day after eating a tablespoon. At the same time, before eating, you should not forget to pour yourself a glass of water. After each use, the product should be hidden in the refrigerator. True, with diabetes or chronic problems with the digestive organs, it is better to refrain from such therapy.

Application for menopause

If women are concerned about malfunctions in the cardiovascular system, hot flashes and an irritable condition, you can turn to traditional medicine. For older men with disorders in the sexual sphere, it will also be useful to prepare a decoction of elderberry flowers. Especially if the pressure rises and heart pains are observed.
To do this, part of the flowers must be filled with vodka or alcohol at 40%. In a dark and cool place, the workpiece is kept for 2 weeks. The remedy is then worth straining and starting to take 25 or 30 drops about three times a day.
Despite the fact that the plant is most often used for decorative purposes and is known for its danger to our body, it can be used. It is only important to study the beneficial properties and contraindications of red elderberry.
