What crafts are made from plastic bottles. Crafts from plastic bottles - creative ideas for garden and home design (100 photos)

Let's make new crafts for our garden from plastic bottles- placers of ideas are offered by lovers of this type of creativity.

Glade of daisies

Small neat flowers can be obtained from non-corrugated bottoms of plastic bottles. Often milk or yogurt is sold in such bottles. You may not even need to paint them - if there are no inscriptions on the bottom of the bottle. If they are still there, we will use acrylic or oil paint. The middle can be made traditionally - from the cork of an ordinary plastic bottle, painted in yellow. Perhaps someone will be able to attach a small toy to the flower ladybug. The clearing on which such "grow" will look spectacular.

Lilies of the valley from plastic cups

The simple manufacture of such bells does not require much time. Disposable plastic cups can be white or translucent. We hang them on a wire to flexible rods, the ends of which we stick into the ground.

Bells from halves of bottles

We make these large bells from halves of plastic bottles (from the side of the neck). They will make a luxurious bush, similar to the present garden plant- nettle bell. These plants are really large - they reach a height of 70-100 cm. By the way, official name bells - campanula. Sounds good, looks good too. Fastening flower heads is simple - on the bolt. To wooden lath we screw the bottle caps with bolts, after which we screw the painted bells made from bottle halves into them. We stick the rail into the ground - a campanula appeared in our garden!

Chrysanthemums from plastic bottles

Very graceful flowers with a mass of thin petals. Nothing complicated - the lower part of the bottles (about a third) is cut into strips, with a knife we ​​wrap the resulting petals up or down. To have more petals, you can insert 2-3 such blanks into one another. Chrysanthemums are best made from colored bottles - if you cut the painted ones, the paint may crack. And it is difficult to paint such thin petals separately. Although you can adapt - dip the flower heads completely in the paint.

Dandelions from plastic straws

We use straws for a cocktail. We cut one end of the tube, tousle the ends for fluffiness. With the second end we fasten the tube into some kind of ball - for example, wound from wire. To keep the tubes more secure, we additionally fix the tubes by wrapping the ball with insulating tape.

Ladybug from the bottom of the bottle

Orchid from plastic spoons

The hardest part of making this garden craft was attaching disposable plastic spoons to the flower head. It will be more convenient to burn holes in the spoons with a hot nail in order to thread the wire through them. You can also glue spoons to the base (some small circle made of wood or plywood).

From plastic bottles you can make a huge number of all kinds of crafts. They can be beautiful, useful, unusual, or all of the above.

A flight of fancy and a little ingenuity - all you need to make a good craft.

Such material as a plastic bottle is, perhaps, in every home, which means that everyone can make good crafts, so let's get started.

Craft from a plastic bottle. Butterfly.

You will need:

Clear plastic bottle (preferably light colored)

Butterfly stencil

Marker or outline for stained glass


Glue (preferably "Moment")

Paints on glass

Acrylic paints


1. Cut off a piece of a plastic bottle, place a butterfly stencil and circle it with a felt-tip pen.

2. Cut along the outline.

3. Color and decorate the butterfly.

4. Bend the wings of your plastic butterfly. This must be done so that the outline is on top.

6. Using paint on glass or acrylic paint, start painting the butterfly.

7. Using beads of different sizes, you can make a butterfly body, and antennae can be made from wire. Glue will help hold it all together.

8. You can decorate the butterfly with sparkles, rhinestones, beads, etc. on top.

Such a gift can be decorated with gift wrapping or placed on the refrigerator door.

Plastic bottles. DIY crafts. Turtle with candy.

You will need:

Plastic bottle

Velvet paper


Clusters from pills

White paper


Thick paper or cardboard

1. Cut off the bottom of the bottle - this part will be used as a shell.

2. Cooking a turtle stencil. Draw a silhouette on the cardboard and cut it out.

3. Use the stencil to draw the silhouette of the turtle onto the green velvet paper. Cut it out and glue it to the cardboard part.

4. Making plastic turtle eyes. Prepare a tablet cluster and peel off the foil backing. Next, you need to cut out 2 fragments for the peephole from the cluster.

5. Prepare white paper and make a backing out of it, and use black velvet paper to cut out moving eyes. Next, just glue the design.

6. We collect and glue all the details of the craft. Use glue to attach the turtle's eyes and mouth. Fill the bottom of the bottle with sweets and tape it to the turtle.

Craft from a plastic bottle (master class). Toy "Catch the ball".

You will need:


ping pong ball


1. Prepare flexi orange color and cut out flower petals from it.

2. Using glue or Double-sided tape, attach the petals and thread to the bottle.

3. ball for table tennis attach to the other end of the thread.

That's all - play trying to catch the ball in the flower.

How to make crafts from plastic bottles. Vane.

For those who want to know which way the wind blows.

You will need:

Plastic bottle (preferably "pot-bellied")


1. Prepare a clean bottle and use scissors to cut windows in it. It is desirable that they be roughly similar to the blades of a weather vane.

2. Attach the weather vane to suitable place- on the balcony. This can be done using an iron pole. Make a hole in the bottom of the bottle and put on its pole.

Now you will always know from which side the wind is blowing.

Crafts from plastic bottles for children. 3D glasses.

You will need:

Transparent plastic bottle

Unnecessary sunglasses

colored markers


1. From a plastic bottle, cut two parts as shown in the image.

2. Remove the glasses from the glasses and trace them on the cut part of the plastic bottle.

3. With a red marker, paint on both sides of the left glass.

4. Color the right glass with a marker in blue color on one side and green on the other.

5. Put the glasses back and enjoy 3D pictures.

Children's crafts from plastic bottles. Frog.

You will need:

2 plastic green bottles (volume 2 liters)

Scissors, knife

Tape centimeter

felt-tip pen

Needle and thread

acrylic paint


wine bottle cork

1. First you need to wrap plastic bottles with tape at a height of about 7 cm from the bottom. The higher you want to make the frog, the more you need to step back from the bottom, thereby making the box more spacious, but not very proportional. Next, use scissors to cut off the bottoms along the top of the tape.

2. Using measuring tape and a felt-tip pen, make marks for the future seam. You need to mark on both parts at a distance of 5-7 cm from the edge, while leaving 1 cm between the marks.

3. Make holes at the marks with an awl. Try poking the plastic through a tissue paper that has been folded in half so that the bottle doesn't slide around, preventing you from getting hurt. When the holes are made, remove the tape.

4. Prepare a zipper and wrap it around one of the parts of the future craft. Temporarily tape it to the body.

Sew the fastener with stitches along the holes made with an awl.

When you have sewn the zipper around, remove the tape. Next, tie and fasten the ends of the thread and cut off all excess.

Unzip the zipper and sew the other half in the same way.

5. Frog eyes can be made from wine bottle corks. You can paint the cork in green color. Once you've glued the eyes on your box frog, leave the glue to dry.

Crafts from a plastic bottle (photo). Bracelets.

Crafts from plastic bottles (photo). Cherry flower.

Crafts from plastic bottles (instruction). Casket.

Palm tree from plastic bottles. Option 1.

You will need:

Plastic bottles Brown(1.5-2 liters)

Green plastic bottles (the larger the bottle, the more lush the leaves)

Thick rod (for the base of the trunk)

Awl or drill


1. To make tree bark, you need to prepare brown plastic bottles and cut them into pieces 10-15 cm high.

3. To make palm leaves, you need to cut off the bottom of the green bottles. On one blank, you need to leave a hard neck with a lid, as it will play the role of a fastener.

4. Start cutting out the leaves - you need to do this so that about 5-7 cm are left to the edge.

5. Start collecting green blanks by putting them on the same blank with a neck. By screwing on the lid, you will fasten everything, and you will have a palm tree crown.

6. Now you need to make the connecting holes. Their diameter should match the diameter of the base rod. Such holes can be made with a drill or a hot awl. Make a hole so that the crown of the palm does not fall through.

7. We start collecting palm trees. When you have strengthened the rod, start putting blanks from brown plastic bottles on it. The design ends with a green crown.

notorious plastic container, which we are in such a hurry to get rid of, can be an excellent material for creating children's toys, useful household gizmos and decorations personal plot. Having shown a little imagination, having secured a strong belief in yourself, you can create such crafts and plastic bottles with your own hands, which in beauty and functionality will not be inferior to store ones. This article contains the most best ideas creating a plastic miracle with your own hands.

An elegant jar of plastic bottles with their own hands

  • What little things we just do not have at home! Full - full of various beads, buttons, ribbons, which strive to mix, crumble and get lost. This simple master class will tell you how to make a functional and very beautiful jar for storing various items.
  • To create it, we need, first of all, a plastic bottle of any size. It all depends on what jar you want. For assembly - PVA glue. For decor - corrugated cardboard. First, let's take care of the jar, cut off the lower part of it as long as we want, so that we get a container in height.
  • Now let's start making the cover. To do this, cut out two circles from cardboard, a couple of millimeters larger than the diameter of the cut bottle. We firmly glue them together.
  • We cut a strip about 2 cm thick and about 5 millimeters longer than the length of the corrugated circle. We make a bend on one side by 3 - 4 mm. We carefully glue our strip to the future cover with this bend, also do not forget to glue the ends of the strip with an overlap. Watch the amount of PVA applied to the cardboard, careless streaks will ruin the whole craft.
  • We have done the main parts, now you can proceed to the most interesting thing - decorating. We start with a ready-made cover. To do this, cut the cardboard into strips, 0.5 mm thick, twist them and glue the ends. One in the form of a circle, this will be the middle of our flower, and the remaining 5 in the form of oblong petals. First we glue our petals, and on them the center slightly curved outwards.
  • You can also additionally decorate the side of the lid with adhesive strips of different thicknesses and colors. Therefore, we decorate the bottom of the jar with the same principle. If the decor is a little too big, then it can also be thoroughly glued to the plastic. Our masterpiece is ready!

Box from a plastic bottle "princess - frog"

Another variation of making a cute and convenient little thing for storing trinkets. It is so easy to perform that it is a real find for beginner DIY craft lovers.

For the box we need the following materials and handy tools:

  • Two bottles of green plastic with a volume of 2 liters;
  • sharp scissors, good knife and a thin awl;
  • Construction tape, marker, green paint, brush, toy eyes, glue;
  • Threads and a needle for sewing;
  • Lightning, length equal to the length of the radius of the bottle;
  • 1 wine cork.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First of all, at a height of about 7 cm, we glue our bottles with tape and cut them off. Of course, you can make our box more spacious, but then the frog will turn out to be not proportionately large;
  2. We mark the puncture sites with a marker in order to sew the lock. Do not make them too rare, the seam will turn out to be rough and ugly;
  3. We arm ourselves with an awl and pierce our marks;
  4. Now you can remove the tape. We apply our zipper on the front side, fix it with a sticky strip and flash it. When one side is finished, we take on the second;
  5. Now we will make eyes for our crafts. For them we take wine cork, cut in half in width, cut off a little from the side in each part. This is necessary so that they stick better. We paint it green, decorate with pupils and thoroughly mount them with glue, and voila, our princess - the frog is ready!

Convenient and irreplaceable do-it-yourself plastic broom

This master class with photos will help you make a street broom.

All you need is:

  • 18 two-liter plastic bottles;
  • Shank, with a fitted diameter under the neck of the bottle;
  • Nails with a hammer, a knife and an awl;
  • Durable wire.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We take 17 bottles, cut off their bottoms and cut them into strips of half a centimeter, so that about 6 cm remains to the neck.
  2. We cut off the necks of 16 blanks and put them on the one that has it left.
  3. Now we take our 18th, whole bottle, cut off its neck by about 15 cm and put it on top of the resulting brush.
  4. In two places we make through holes through all the plastic layers, thread the wire into them and twist it.
  5. We put the resulting plastic brush on the handle and thoroughly fix it with nails. Congratulations, your durable and handy craft in the form of a plastic bottle broom is ready!

Do-it-yourself slippers from plastic bottles

To create such a cute and, importantly, convenient miracle, we need:

  • Threads, you can use silk for tying and hook;
  • The old sole from slippers, it can also be made from a rubber mat or a piece of dense linoleum;
  • Strips from a plastic bottle, their thickness should be 1.5 cm and length 30 cm;
  • Awl and scissors;
  • Beads and a transparent tube from a dropper.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We cut out the sole or take the finished one, make holes in it around the entire perimeter with an approximate step of 1 cm. Carefully tie it.
  2. Let's start processing our plastic strips. To do this, we make holes in the middle with a hole punch at the same distance. The edges are beautifully and symmetrically rounded. We combine them at a right angle and tie them according to the same principle as the soles.
  3. We connect the parts and tie them in a decorative way- "crayfish step."
  4. Now you need to firmly fasten the top and bottom of our slippers. To do this, we thread the thread into the bead and put on it a small piece from the dropper, see for yourself what size. Try on and choose the most comfortable option.
  5. Poke a hole in the sole between the big and index finger. Thread the resulting mount into the central hole of the upper and into the sole, secure it well, go through with glue to be sure. If you plan to wear them on the street, then you can stick more durable ones from old shoes on soft soles.
  6. Now decor. We decorate the slippers with beads, our cute craft masterpiece is ready for everyday and comfortable wear.

DIY plastic bottle flowers

Such a plastic flower garden can become not only a decoration home interior but also for the garden. Making roses is quite simple, and the materials for them are available to everyone.

To make roses from plastic bottles, we need:

  • Sharp scissors and sharpened awl;
  • Flexible not thin wire;
  • Bead;
  • Plastic bottles;
  • Paper template of four-petal flower.

Let's get to work:

  1. Wash and dry the bottle well.
  2. We attach a paper flower to the plastic, outline it and cut it out along the contour. For one rose, we need 5 - 6 of these things.
  3. We process the petals of each blank over an open fire.
  4. We pierce a hole in each flower with an awl. At the end of the wire we fix the bead and string all the blanks. We press them as tightly as possible to each other, our rosette is ready. To add color, the assembled craft can be painted with spray paint.

We bring to your attention a wonderful master class on making a flower pot from plastic bottles, which will easily enliven any interior.

For it we need:

  • 5 liter bottle. Preferably square, as it is more stable:
  • Scissors;
  • Cardboard, paints, markers and decorative eyes.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We take our bottle, on one side we make a suitable rectangular cutout from the bottom strip to the top fold.
  2. We cut out the ears from cardboard so that they can be inserted into the slots, and decorate.
  3. Now let's move on to the pig, paint it with paints, draw a patch and glue the eyes.
  4. The craft is ready, you can plant or put an already growing flower in it.

Chandelier - a ball of plastic bottles with your own hands

Do you want to make an original and unique chandelier? Easily!

For this you will need:

  • The bottles are equal in volume and color, the more bottles, the larger the ball will be;
  • Awl, scissors and fishing line.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Trim the bottoms to make petals.
  2. Poke two holes in each petal with a hot awl.
  3. Fasten them with a fishing line in the form of a football ball. The same fishing line ball can be mounted to a wire with a light bulb. Turn on the light and enjoy the original craft!

To make this amazing craft we will need:

  • Plastic bottles different colors and shades;
  • Thick and thin wire;
  • Soldering iron and scissors.

Let's get to work:

  1. Cut out the leaves different sizes and plastic molds. We take a soldering iron and run it along the edges of the leaves, from the heat they warp in different directions and become like real ones.
  2. We make two holes in each leaflet. We take a wire, 15 - 20 cm long and begin to string. We thread the wire in the shape of a figure eight into the holes, twist it and continue to string leaf after leaf until you form the desired branch.
  3. We form a spherical frame from a thick wire and attach our branches to it, starting from the bottom up. When everything is ready, the design can be attached to electrical wire using the same wire and mask with leaves.

Empty plastic bottles create a lot of inconvenience. You can’t throw them into the trash can, since just two thrown bottles instantly fill it. Many people wonder what can be made from plastic bottles and how they can be usefully used in the household. If you think and show a little imagination, it turns out that almost everything can be made from a plastic bottle, from a feeder to an original garden arbor.

Products for the home

Consider what useful household items can be made from a simple plastic bottle. One of these useful products is a cosmetic bag. To complete the bag, you will need two containers with a volume of 5 liters each.

And from the bottoms ordinary bottles for 1.5 and 2 liters, you can easily make coasters, photo.

original boxes

Various little things, for example, spools of thread, pencils, small toys will be perfectly stored in neat boxes made in a special style. A certain design will be given to them by the upper fabric part, which is sewn to the cut off bottle and tied in the form of a bag. Such a container is decorated to your liking: with children's stripes, bows, ribbons, beads, buttons, etc., photo. Stickers or cut-out figures are glued onto the plastic part. Children will love these boxes, they will love to collect their treasures in them, which will have a beneficial effect on cleanliness in the house.

mobile phone holder

From a plastic bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters, you can build a very useful holder for mobile phone. You will need it if there is no place near the outlet from which you can charge the phone this device. To build such a holder, a plastic container is cut so that a mobile phone can be placed in it in a vertical position, and a round hole is cut out for the junction of the plug and socket.

Plastic bag dispenser

If you are tired of plastic bags lying around the kitchen, a plastic bottle bag dispenser will help you to place them in one place. A 3 liter container is suitable for this. Her bottom and neck are cut off in a narrow place and attached upside down to the door. Bags can be folded into the upper wide opening, and it is convenient to get one bag from the lower narrow one.

Children's bracelets

Kids will love the fun bracelets made from plastic bottles, especially if you let them get involved in the making process too. A one and a half liter plastic container is wrapped in several places double sided tape and cut out even rings in the form of bracelets. Then they are removed protective film and multi-colored, suitable-sized patches of felt or other thick fabric. Beads, bows, buttons and other small accessories are sewn to this surface.

Original curtain

If you want to surprise your guests, you can assemble and hang a stylish curtain from the bottoms of plastic bottles in the room. Especially it will fit into the interior in high-tech or modern style. Of course, the longer and larger you want the curtain, the more bottles you will need to make it. For plastic containers with a volume of 1-1.5 liters, the bottom is cut out so that it resembles a flower. Closer to the edges, holes are made with a hot needle and a fishing line is pulled into them. Then they collect all the flowers on a fishing line in the form of a curtain. This decoration is usually hung in doorway or at the window. You can change the color of the curtain by choosing colored bottles, or use spray paint to decorate the product to your liking.

To produce a stunning effect, a hole is punched in the middle of each flower and a diode is inserted. Then the curtain can shine like a beautiful garland.

Flower pots

From the bottle you can make original flower pots. Some cut a hole in the side of the container, some cut it in half. In this case, the fantasy is limitless. And if you cut and decorate the bottles in a certain way, you get such masterpieces.

Products from plastic bottles for summer cottages

Of course, the most uses for empty plastic bottles are found in suburban area. They are used to construct irrigation devices, fences, decorations, interior details for country house and other useful things.


One of the most simple designs from a plastic bottle is a sprinkler. It is very easy to make: many holes are pierced in a plastic bottle with an awl or cuts are made with scissors. Then the finished sprinkler is added dropwise near the plants so that only the neck looks out of the ground. After that, water is poured into it, which, gradually seeping through, will irrigate the earth.

Also, for convenient watering, they actively use the watering bowl known from childhood, which is done by piercing the lid in several places.

Plastic lamps for giving

If in your country house there is not enough lamp or chandelier, you can easily make an original and interesting option from plastic bottles. For this, empty containers with a volume of 0.5 liters in the amount of 35-50 pieces are suitable. The upper parts of the bottles are cut so that petals are obtained, which are then straightened and attached desired shape, a photo.

Then the transparent flowers are painted in any color to taste with the help of spray paint. You can also decorate them in two or three colors. All products are attached to a wire ring with a wire and suspended from the ceiling with a rope.

There are options for other fixtures that frame and mask a simple light bulb. Most importantly, do not let the plastic elements touch the light bulb, otherwise they will melt and give a very bad smell. You can also use energy saving lamp which doesn't get very hot.

Garden fence

Many summer residents are wondering what can be made from bottles for a flower bed that would perform a certain function and at the same time look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. This option includes a fence of empty bottles. It is very easy to make, just stick plastic products into the ground along the entire border of the garden. Only first they should be filled with sand and closed with a lid. The advantages of such a fence are obvious: the earth is not washed out by showers, and they always look neat.

For the construction of this fence, you will need a lot of empty bottles, so it will take a long time to collect them. They must be the same size.

Decorative decorations for a summer cottage

You can make decorative flowers and butterflies from bottle plastic, they decorate a metal fence in the country, flower pots, hang on a tree, etc. Petals or butterfly wings are cut out with plastic scissors, and then the edges are melted so that they take the desired shape. When heated, the plastic takes the required form quite well. A thick wire is used to form the stem. Stamens are made of beads, the product is decorated different colors. It turns out very beautiful and original, photo.

If you want to spruce up your yard with large, eye-catching pieces, make a palm tree using green and brown plastic bottles. But first, they need to cut off the bottom. The barrel is made of a wooden or metal rod, on which brown bottles are strung upside down. Branches are obtained by stringing green bottles on curved rods. Do not forget to arrange the edges of green bottles in the form of leaves.

Various funny little animals at their summer cottage look very cute. Recently, they often decorate not only cottages, but also adjoining territories before high-rise buildings. With their cute appearance, they cheer up not only children, but also adults. What can be made from empty plastic bottles? The simplest is pigs. You just need to cut and bend the ears, attach the tail and color. But there are many crafts and more complex ones. Very often they make swans, hedgehogs, kittens and other characters. Here are some more examples of what can be made from plastic bottles, video.

bottle path

From the bottoms of plastic bottles, a very beautiful and useful path is obtained. Please note that they should be laid on loose sand so that the parts can be well stuffed with them. This will eliminate the possibility of their deformation in the process of walking. This track has a useful advantage - it does a great foot massage.

Household products for summer cottages from plastic containers

If you want to make something useful out of an empty plastic bottle, we have several options.

Wash basin

From just one empty bottle you can make a convenient outdoor washbasin. A plastic container with a closed lid and a cut off bottom is turned upside down and suspended from the base. Then fill the bottle with water. When the lid is slightly loosened, water will pour out. By the way, such a washbasin will be very relevant for a picnic. It takes up little space and can be hung from any tree.

Still, it’s better not to cut off the bottom of the washbasin to the end, but leave it as a lid that can be easily closed and opened. It is needed to protect the water from the ingress of leaves, insects and other debris.

Mosquito trap

To sit quietly in the evening in nature, you can not do without a mosquito trap. It is very easy to make it. Need to cut off the bottle upper part and push it into the other part with the neck down. To make insects more likely to fly into the trap, darken it with cloth or paper.

The bait is made from sugar-yeast syrup. A trap with such contents will attract not only mosquitoes, but also flies, wasps and bees. Don't forget to clean it periodically.

Tool boxes

To make drawers fit more rectangular bottles. One side of the bottles is marked with a marker and cut with scissors. Here are all the boxes ready. It is convenient to store various little things in them: nails, bolts, screws, dowels, nozzles and more.

Greenhouses, gazebos and other structures made of plastic bottles

Entrepreneurial people try to save money and come up with an excellent alternative from plastic bottles together with expensive greenhouses.

Summary: DIY crafts from plastic bottles for children. Crafts from plastic bottles to give. Crafts from plastic bottles for kindergarten, a photo. Flowers from plastic bottles. Craft ideas from plastic bottles.

What can be made from plastic bottles? In this article we will tell you what crafts from plastic bottles you can do with your children with your own hands. Plastic bottles - universal material for making crafts. We will tell you how to do:

Vases from plastic bottles

Crafts for giving from plastic bottles
- crafts for the garden from plastic bottles

1. Crafts from plastic bottles. Plastic bottle toys

Catamaran from plastic bottles

By connecting two plastic bottles together with electrical tape, you can make a toy catamaran for dolls.

Craft from a plastic bottle for children - a fountain

On a hot summer day, you can’t think of a better entertainment for children than playing with water on fresh air. From an ordinary plastic bottle, you can make an educational toy for experiments and games with water in the country or on the beach.

Make several holes in the bottle with a sharp object. In the photo below, the holes are made in the center of the bottle, but, in fact, it is better to place them at the bottom of the bottle. In this case, the maximum volume of water from the bottle will be used. Plug the holes with your palm and fill the bottle to the top with water. Screw on the lid. Remove your hand from the holes. Surprisingly, water does not pour out of the bottle through the holes.

Now slightly unscrew the cap and you will see how the water begins to pour out of the holes from the bottle. It is the air entering through the neck of the plastic bottle that displaces the water from the bottle.

This toy can be used as a washstand in the country.

Crafts from plastic bottles for children using papier mache technique.

Can be made from plastic bottles interesting crafts for children in papier mache technique. Boys will surely be interested in a homemade plane from a plastic bottle, and girls will be able to make a whole home zoo.

The principle of making toys from plastic bottles using the papier mache technique is as follows. First, the frame of the future craft is made from cut and whole bottles. Everything is held together with tape. Additional parts are cut out of cardboard and also attached with tape or tape.

After that, you need to tear or cut into small pieces of paper. It can be either ordinary paper for printers or special corrugated paper for children's crafts. Dilute PVA glue with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Then, dipping each piece in diluted glue, attach it to the bottle frame. Thus, cover your craft with 4-6 layers of paper.

Once the glue is dry, color and decorate your plastic bottle craft.

How to make a plane out of plastic bottles >>>>

From plastic bottles with their own hands. Cow >>>>

Children's crafts from plastic bottles. Tropical fish >>>>

Children's crafts from plastic bottles. Crocodile >>>>

And a few more links to master classes on making crafts from plastic bottles for children:

2. DIY plastic bottles. Vases from plastic bottles

The easiest way to make a vase out of a plastic bottle is to simply cut off the top and decorate it. At the same time, it is advisable to round off the edges of a home-made vase with the help of an iron. So it will be more beautiful and safer.

To round off the edges of a plastic bottle vase, place a sheet of paper on top of it and bring a hot iron (the paper is needed so that the plastic does not stick to the soleplate of the iron). The sharp edges of the bottle from the high temperature round off. Be careful - bring the iron for a short time and constantly check what is being done under the piece of paper. Link >>>>

We would like to invite you to creative craft vase. To make it, you will need several plastic bottles. You can use one large bottle (1.5 liters) and 4 small bottles (0.5 liters). To make a vase from plastic bottles, you will need plastic glue or a glue gun. For instructions on making a vase from bottles, see the link >>>>

You can make a cute felt case for a plastic bottle. Insert the bottle inside the case - a vase from a plastic bottle is ready!

A beautiful, "airy" vase from a plastic bottle can be made if you first hold the cut bottle over the fire to give it shape. Then make numerous holes in it with a soldering iron. Only food products it's still better not to store it in it!

And one more idea how to quickly and easily make a vase from a plastic bottle.

3. Crafts from plastic bottles photo. Flowers from plastic bottles

Making flowers from the most various materials Today it is one of the most popular types of crafts and needlework. From ordinary plastic bottles, you can make original artificial flowers with your own hands.

detailed wizard see the class on making flowers from plastic bottles at the link >>>> To make this craft from plastic bottles, in addition to plastic bottles of different colors, you will also need a candle and a glue gun. However, instead of a glue gun, you can just use glue. Attention! Be extremely careful when working with fire!

A separate instruction on how to make stems for flowers from plastic bottles can be found at the link >>>> To do this, you need to cut a plastic bottle in a spiral to get a narrow strip of plastic. Then twist it over the fire.

4. From plastic bottles with your own hands. Boxes and boxes made of plastic bottles

Take two bottoms from plastic bottles and glue a zipper between them glue gun or adhesive for plastics. The coin purse is ready!

The zipper can also be sewn to the bottles.

Decorate the box with a flower, also made from a plastic bottle. How to make flowers from plastic bottles, we told above.

From a plastic bottle, you can make a beautiful packaging box for a small gift for a loved one.

Moms or grandmothers who know how to crochet can make convenient and practical boxes from plastic bottles to store children's books.

Detailed instructions for the manufacture of this craft from plastic bottles, see the link >>>>
Link-2 >>>>

5. Crafts from plastic bottles master class. Decorations from plastic bottles

Who would have thought that you can make stylish decorations from plastic bottles! Bright, fashionable bracelets or delicate, airy necklaces.

Plastic bottle bracelets

Cut out a plastic ring of the thickness you need from the bottle. Wrap it with colored yarn or elastic fabric, glue it with lace or sew it with threads. Stylish, summer decoration is ready!

You can also buy inexpensive beads and wind them to a plastic ring with colored yarn.

For a detailed master class on making this craft from a plastic bottle, see the link >>>>

Above, we talked about how to make flower stems from a plastic bottle. These beautiful spirals can also be used to make jewelry from plastic bottles.

From a plastic bottle, following the same principle as flowers, you can make a beautiful necklace. Cut out the bottle various shapes petals and leaves. Hold them for a short time over the fire so that they take shape. Put them on the line.

And from the bottoms of plastic bottles you can make a stand for jewelry.

To make this craft from plastic bottles with your own hands, you will need, in addition to the bottles themselves, a threaded metal rod, as well as nuts and washers.

6. Plastic bottles crafts for giving. Crafts from plastic bottles to give

From bottom plastic bottles, beautiful decorative apples and pumpkins will turn out. To do this, cut off the bottoms of two bottles and paint them acrylic paint and then fasten them together. You can do without paint by putting corrugated paper cut into strips inside crafts from plastic bottles. Link >>>>

For the next crafts from plastic bottles for giving, you will need very a large number of bottles.

To make curtains from plastic bottles for a country house, you need to cut off the bottoms of the bottles and fasten them together with fishing line or silk thread. The bottoms of the bottles must be cut along the edge so that such flower-shaped blanks are obtained. The edges of such blanks can be earned a little sandpaper or singe over the fire so that there are no hooks on the cut.

With an awl heated over a fire, we pierce holes for threading fishing line or thread. We fix the position of the blanks on the thread with knots so that they do not bunch up. The work is painstaking and delicate, but such a curtain does not require financial costs.

Here's another one useful application plastic bottle in the household.

Useful craft from plastic bottles for giving - a homemade broom. Broom from plastic bottles - necessary thing in the private sector, especially during leaf fall.

7. Crafts from plastic bottles for kindergarten

Material prepared: Anna Ponomarenko

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