How to make a palm tree from empty bottles. Do-it-yourself palm tree from plastic bottles in stages: we do it with a detailed master class for beginners and video tutorials

A handmade palm tree does not require maintenance, but at the same time it is an excellent interior decoration. The master class offers you the opportunity to create two versions of a palm tree - for the desktop and for the area around the house.

If you want to decorate your interior with exotic elements, then you can try to make a palm tree with your own hands using one of the techniques presented in this master class.

To create your own simple option palm trees you will need the following materials:

Wire, the thickness and diameter of which will depend solely on your desire for the future size of the tree;


Sheets of paper with adhesive side;

Any material for wrapping a palm tree, a simple pipe brush is used here;

Make several pieces of the desired length from the wire, their number should be about 8-10. The length of the wire is the height of your palm, so try to make it optimal for your desire. Attach a square of adhesive paper to one end of the wire, which will be palm leaves. Put future leaves on each wire.

Using scissors, give the squares the desired shape of the petals, in each of which make cuts that reach the wire.

Leaves for a palm tree should be connected to each other to get a tree as a result. Now you should take a strip of a brush of any color to give it realism, a brush will be the most suitable Brown. Take all the wires with leaves in your hand and connect them using winding from a brush. Having reached the desired height of the palm, you can cut off the excess from the brush. At the same time, leave one or two centimeters, this will later make the palm stable.

Install the palm, giving the leaves the desired shape.

Make a palm tree with your own hands big size to place it in the courtyard of the house, you can from simple plastic bottles.

To do this, you need to collect green and brown plastic bottles, take a couple of iron twigs and prepare a drill, as well as a knife and scissors.

First you need to make a trunk. From each bottle we cut off a bottom with a height of at least 20 cm. In this case, the edges should be cut into cloves and bent back for clarity. This will allow you to get the scaly structure of the palm trunk. Also, in each bottle blank, a hole should be drilled equal to the diameter of the iron rod, it will be the basis.

Now take the green bottles and cut them in half. Next, we cut the edges of each bottle in the shape of leaves. We leave the necks on one half, and drill holes for the twigs at the ends of the others.

The blanks are ready, it's time to start assembling the palm tree!

Attaching palm leaves is not as difficult as it might seem. It is necessary to take an elastic rod, hard enough, but not thick. We insert the cut green bottles one into one, throat to throat, and on the last bottle we leave a cork, which we drill and put on a rod, at the end the rod must be bent so that the leaves do not sleep.

Palm tree from plastic bottles is ready!

There is also a simpler option

For each of us, a palm tree is associated with the sea, the sun and great weather, so let's figure it out, how to make a palm tree with your own hands so that the summer mood is always with us. A piece of summer in an apartment or on a plot, what could be better? A little imagination and you can bring the most extraordinary ideas to life.

In order to make it easier for you and you have competent recommendations on crafts, we offer you how to make a palm tree with your own hands master classes. In these master classes, we will look at several ways to design tropical trees with your own hands. Let's start the first example with a palm tree. large sizes, which will decorate your interior, stand on a shelf or at computer desk creating a pleasant warm atmosphere.

When making a table tree, we will need wire, scissors, pliers, paint, material for wrapping the trunk, sheets of adhesive paper. We select the wire depending on the thickness and diameter of the future crafts. As for the material for the barrel, in our case we opted for a thin brush. If you decide to find out how to make a palm tree with your own hands (photo), then first you need to cut the wire (10 pieces of the same length), the length depends on the height of the tree.

Now we need adhesive paper. Cut out squares and glue to the edge of the wire. The procedure is repeated with all pieces of wire. With the help of scissors we turn the squares into palm leaves, do not forget about the cuts. We give the leaves a rounded shape, for this we slightly bend them. We connect all parts of the wire together and wrap it with a brush prepared earlier. The brush is good because it is fluffy and there is a wire inside it, thanks to which you can give it any desired shape. To make our efforts more realistic, it is better to choose material of realistic shades: brown for the trunk, green for the leaves.

Our craft is almost ready. It remains to straighten the ends of the wire on one side so that the palm tree is stable, and on the other hand, so that the leaves seem even more natural. Nuts or plasticine can be attached to the top of the palm tree. This will create the effect of coconuts. The work is over, now you can choose the desired place for her so that she decorates the interior of the house in a prominent position. Now you know, how to make a palm tree with your own hands (ideas). Try to create such beauty together with your child.

How to make a palm tree with your own hands (photo)

If you don't like a small palm tree, we can give you a few options on how to create a beauty in a more natural size. Very popular lately. Oddly enough, but bottles are an excellent material for the realization of fantasy. With their help, beautiful decorations are made for the house and for the garden plot.

For example, if you want to create, then it does not hurt to decorate the territory itself with beautiful palm trees, which are just as easy to make from plastic bottles. You can find many ideas on the Internet, but they are all similar to each other. The meaning of the craft is that you need to prepare a set of green and brown bottles in advance. Next, the brown bottles are cut and inserted into each other to create the effect of a realistic barrel. Leaves are cut out of green bottles and the ends are processed with the help of fire. Firstly, it will allow them to be made not so sharp. Secondly, the fire will bend the leaves, and they will become even more natural. Next, the trunk is buried in the ground, so much so that even with strong wind our beauty has remained unshakable. The leaves are connected to the top of the trunk and distributed evenly. Our palm tree is ready.

By doing, you can make another version of the "machinery", for example, using a wooden base, fabric, paint, an old umbrella for this. A timber can act as a wooden base, the main thing is that it be long and not very thick. It will act as a trunk. We skin it and dig it securely into the ground. We remove the handle from the old unnecessary umbrella, in our case only its knitting needles will be useful to us. We attach the knitting needles to our timber using a glue gun and other tools that you have available.

We need fabric to decorate the leaves. Therefore, we choose a dense green fabric, possibly impervious to moisture, if you want to install it outdoors. Cut out leaves and stripes from fabric. We sew the strips in the middle of the form so that there is space for the knitting needle in the middle. We stretch the knitting needles into each sheet and fasten glue gun. We paint the trunk with brown paint. The paint must be good quality so that after the first rain it does not peel off. Now you know, how to make a palm tree with your own hands (how to make), there will be nothing complicated. The main thing is desire and positive attitude. And faith in strength will give energy.

To decorate a summer cottage, it is better to try making plastic needlework. How to make a palm tree with your own hands from bottles, you are now aware, invite the child to participate in the process, he will be a great helper. Just imagine how pleased he will be to see his own creation, made together with you, and the site will become beautiful and unique.

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It is difficult to dispose of a lot of unnecessary plastic bottles that have accumulated in the country over the summer. But there is a simple way out of this situation. All empty containers can be turned into beautiful ones. garden decorations. One of these decorations is a do-it-yourself palm tree made from plastic bottles. step by step production and good mood will help to cope with the task in two counts.

Ways to use plastic

decomposition process plastic material lasts for 100 years. In order not to pollute environment, in any area, the export of plastic waste has been established. But there are some summer cottages from which no waste is collected. In this case, conscientious summer residents take out the bottles on their own. In order not to do extra work on export, in one evening you can make from plastic bottles palm. It is enough to collect all the multi-colored containers on the site. You can decorate with palm trees:

There are three ways to make a palm tree from bottles. Each of the ways will help to realize your creative fantasies and create a real work of art from plastic. This masterpiece will be a real decoration for any site.

Types of decorations for a summer cottage

There are many options for making an artificial palm tree.

Thereby, appearance tree can be anything.

Types of structures are:

  • With smooth trunks or in the form of petals. Sometimes a log is used as a base.
  • High and low.
  • With spreading smooth leaves or fringed.

Production of large palm trees

To make a large palm tree, you will need a lot of plastic bottles. They begin to collect them in advance, involving the whole family and relatives in the process. For work you will need the following materials:

  • Plastic bottles of various colors. A trunk is made from brown containers, leaves are made from green bottles.
  • A metal rod is used for the trunk, a thick wire is used for the leaves.
  • Wide tape, scissors and a sharp knife.

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You need to know that the more bottles are collected, the more magnificent the crown of the plant will turn out. To make the trunks and leaves look smoother and better, containers of the same size and diameter are used for manufacturing. Containers of other sizes should not be thrown away. Leaves are made from small bottles and inserted into the middle of the crown. In this place, a different amount of material will not be visible. But they cannot be used for the trunk. From narrow brown containers, trunks are constructed for other types of trees. Containers of different shades will make all crafts from plastic bottles brighter and richer. Palm step by step:

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Tree with unusual leaves

Except big tree, there is another way to make palm trees. It is a little more complicated, but it has a special originality. If you follow all the instructions step by step, then making a palm tree from bottles will not be difficult. The work process begins with the manufacture of the trunk:

All elements are strung on a metal bundle or cable and form a tree.

Bottle bottom construction

To make this palm tree, you will need 2 times more bottles. Because the whole structure consists of bottoms. Step by step work order:

If you additionally decorate the palm tree and the surrounding area with other crafts, then the site will look even more interesting. For example, from plastic bottles you can make monkeys, bees and pigs. Swans made from car tires look interesting.

With original crafts made from plastic bottles, you can easily decorate your site! Such material is quite durable and easy to process, thanks to which a wide variety of products are created.

For example, you can create a wonderful palm tree from plastic bottles with your own hands! Such an evergreen palm will all year round decorate your site or, for example, a playground.

This master class will help you make such a craft!

You will need materials and tools such as:

- plastic bottles brown shade and green;
- scissors;
- stationery knife;
- thick wire for the frame.

To begin with, it is worth deciding how high the palm tree will be. In this case, the palm tree will be approximately 1.5 meters high, and the second one will be 50 cm. For this, you need about 23-25 ​​bottles of brown shade per trunk and 15 bottles of green shade for the crown!

To create a barrel, brown bottles need to be cut in half as in the photo below.

We need bottles of different sizes, those that are larger to use at the base, and smaller ones, at the top of the trunk. Bottle caps must be removed. You will need both the top of the bottle and the bottom.

Then, the edges of the blanks are cut out in the form of petals, about 6 “petals” should be obtained.

After, they need to be bent.

It should turn out like this.

In the future, they will fold into each other. Since there is no hole for the wire at the bottom of the bottle, it must be made using a hot nail, a knife, or it can also be drilled. Having folded the blanks, you get a rather fluffy trunk of a palm tree.

After all the details on the palm tree trunk are ready, you need to start creating palm leaves!

Bottles can be used in different shades of green. You can also experiment with the volume of containers, for example, use two-liter containers at the base, and arrange smaller ones at the top. To do this, on green bottles you need to cut off the neck and bottom.

Then, cut the bottle into three pieces.

If you want wider leaves, you can cut it only into two parts. You will get such a preparation.

After, the strips need to be straightened in different directions.

This will give some splendor to the crown!

Now, the simplest and final stage in creating a palm tree from plastic containers remains!

After all the details are ready, you need to securely install a frame made of wire or other suitable material at the desired location on the site. And then, string on the frame all the received parts of the palm tree.

Using a large cork from a five-liter bottle, make a retainer on top to securely fasten the leaves. To do this, in the center of the cork, you need to make a hole, a slightly smaller diameter than the frame.

Then, after the crown is fully assembled, put it on the wire!

That's all, it turned out to be a very original palm tree that can be installed on the site or on the playground!

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

Such a craft will certainly decorate the area, as well as give positive mood for kids, including, like a plastic basket made by yourself!

In this article, we want to talk about how to successfully combine love for the tropics, creativity and unnecessary plastic bottles.

The palm tree is an undeniable symbol of summer and relaxation. But it’s expensive to go to live palm trees, and you want to get a piece of such a wonderful sunny mood. However, why buy a palm tree if you can make it yourself? Yes, and using items that are easy to find in any home - plastic bottles.

How to make a palm tree from plastic bottles in stages?

  • Let's start by cutting palm leaves. To do this, divide the plastic green bottle into two parts, the top one will come in handy.
  • Now strips are cut from this upper part. Treat the surface lengthwise. The shape of the bottle does not matter - any will do.

  • After cutting, the resulting bottles attached to the cable

IMPORTANT: The cable diameter must be between 12 and 14 millimeters.

  • And now you can start making the trunk. For them, plastic bottles with a capacity of about 2.5 liters of brown color are useful.

  • Along the bottles make cuts so that the stripes are wide

  • The bottom is removed

  • Prepare a sheet of metal, the thickness of which should be more than 0.5 centimeters. Two rods need to be welded to this sheet about 25 centimeters long. One of them should be at an angle of 90 degrees to the sheet, and the other under a smaller one.

  • Put metal tubes on the rods. The diameter is desirable within 20 millimeters. As for the height, it depends on what height of the palm you want to see.

  • At the ends of the rods, metal bushings must be welded. It is in them that palm leaves from bottles will be planted.

IMPORTANT: It is better to bend the wires on which improvised leaves are mounted.

  • As soon as the leaves were collected, you can proceed to the trunk

Diagram of a palm tree from plastic bottles

  • For clarity, you can see in the diagram how to form the trunk of the future tree from plastic bottles. Fix an iron rod in the ground, and then string bottles on it. Cut the bottom off the bottles

  • For green bottles intended for leaves, the bottom is also cut off. Further each of the bottles is cut into 3 or 4 pieces. Each part, in turn, is made in the form of a fringe.

  • As soon as a few green bottles are designed in the way indicated in the diagram, you can start assembling the crown

IMPORTANT: It is recommended to make cuts in the shape of crosses on the brown bottle - so the green bottles will be better attached. For better fastening you can also wire together composite crowns inside a brown bottle.

  • Now top with a crown attached to the trunk as shown in the diagram

How many plastic bottles do you need to make a palm tree?

There are plastic bottles in every home, but how many do you need for a palm tree? For trunk save 10-15 pieces of brown material, or even more.

Pay attention to displacement: so, for crafts from 15 bottles, it is recommended to purchase a two-liter material, but for smaller palm trees - bottles of 10 - you can stock up on one and a half liter bottles.

As for the leaves, then it is better to take larger bottles for them - palm leaves are quite long. On average, at least 7 bottles are needed for one palm tree.

How to make palm leaves from plastic bottles?

  • If you want to get wide leaves resembling a fan, cut off the bottom first. Then make cuts in the bottle so that three parts are formed. It is recommended to use not only green bottles, but also yellow ones - this way the palm tree will look more natural

IMPORTANT: Bring the incisions about half a finger to the neckline.

  • Each of the incisions is rounded and tapers towards the base in such a way as to resemble leaves
  • Now you need unfold all leaves outward
  • The leaves are cut in such a way that a fringe is obtained. Fringe is needed on both sides of each leaf. The middle, of course, should remain intact - 1.5 centimeters is enough. To create splendor, it is recommended to bend each clove according to the following principle - one down, the second evenly, and the third up

How to make a palm tree trunk from plastic bottles?

  • First of all, cut off about 1/3 of the bottle- namely the bottom
  • 8 petals are cut from the remaining bottle. You need to step back from the lid half a finger
  • Turn each segment inside out.

IMPORTANT: You can also use a cut-off third of the bottle to save material. However, you will have to make a hole in it for this. You can use a knife, pre-heated on the stove, for such purposes.

How to assemble a palm tree from plastic bottles?

As a stem, which will serve as a support for the palm tree, it is best to use metal-plastic pipe. Its diameter should be 20 millimeters. But there are no restrictions on the height.

  • Start assembly from the bottom. And for the bottom, select the largest details, for the top - the smallest. They are assembled using the glass-to-glass method.
  • The petals should turn at this time. in a checkerboard pattern
  • The bottom is best fixed with a double narrow adhesive tape- He connects very well. However, you can also use glue.
  • But 30 centimeters before the top of the stem, you need to finish collecting the trunk and start collecting foliage. And also use a checkerboard pattern
  • Once the build is complete, bury rebar 30 centimeters into the ground. In this case, 40 centimeters should remain on the surface. And put a ready-made pipe with a palm tree on this fitting

Options for palm trees from plastic bottles

Palm trees from plastic bottles can look different. But it's better to see once, so we bring to your attention a selection of photos with similar artificial trees.

Palm bonsai from plastic bottles

  • To make such a palm tree cut off the top and bottom of the bottle

  • From obtained green plastic material cut into small strips, and from them - leaves

IMPORTANT: The strips should be about a centimeter wide.

  • Each of the leaf pieces is necessary pierce

  • You should also prepare the wire for the branches- it should be from 0.2 to 0.5 millimeters in diameter

  • Now cut 30-50 centimeters of wire and fold it in half. Thread the first sheet and twist the ends 2 or 3 times - this is how it is fixed

  • The first rectangle is the top sheet. Place the rest on either side of it.

IMPORTANT: Retreat from each pair of leaves should be 3-4 millimeters, and then you need to twist the wire.

  • As soon as the weaving of the branch is completed, twist the ends. In general, for a palm tree, you need to stock up on 15 branches. Let the top ones contain the most a large number of leaves, and the lower ones are smaller

  • The palm tree will consist of two tiers. Branches should intertwine with each other, creating a common trunk

  • Now let's build the foundation.. A pot is not very suitable - it is best to fix the palm tree on the island. For its manufacture, a soap dish, a saucer, a vessel is useful - anything that has an oblong shape. capacity covered cling film, and then filled with liquid alabaster

  • Put the palm tree in a bowl and wait 10 minutes- during this time, hardening will occur. Then only take out the platform How to do big palm tree from plastic bottles?
    • First of all, stock up large quantity bottles. Cut them in half, and form teeth on the part of the cut.
    • Further in the ground a metal pin is attached. You can use a strong wire as an alternative

    IMPORTANT: Be sure to ensure that the pin is firmly attached to the ground.

    • bottle blanks put on a pin. It is advisable to go around them in order to create a natural effect.
    • From green bottles cut the leaves, after removing the bottom from the bottles
    • Connect all the elements into a common design. They can be fastened with bundles or welding.

    How to make a small palm tree from plastic bottles?

    For a similar little palm tree for the room need only 3 brown bottles and one for leaves with a capacity of 0.6 liters.

    • So, cut each of the brown bottles into 4 equal pieces. And on the cut of each of the parts cuts need to be made in the form of triangles in centimeter
    • Peel back those cuts
    • Now divide the green bottle into 3 parts, the largest of which will be the one with a neck - 9 centimeters
    • Collect the trunk from the part that consists of the bottom. Glue other components of the trunk into it

    As you can see, you can arrange your own tropics in any strip of our vast country, and at any time of the year. The material is very accessible, and a little time will be spent. In addition, such a palm tree is perfect for those who do not have time to take care of living plants.

    Video: Master class for making sprawling palm trees from bottles
