Table tennis for the elderly. Various sports sections are open for pensioners in the Republic of Uzbekistan Tennis for pensioners

The previous heading "Sport in the South Administrative District" was devoted to the topic of youth and extreme sports in the Southern District. Today we will talk about how older athletes keep themselves in shape.

Perhaps the biggest event for them will be the First Spartakiad of pensioners, which started in the capital on July 1. Its goal is to popularize physical culture and sports among the elderly. The organizers of the Olympics were the departments of physical culture and sports of Moscow, labor and social protection of the population and the metropolitan branch of the Union of Pensioners of Russia.

Competitions are held in six types: athletics (cross), swimming, table tennis, air rifle shooting (distance 10 m), darts, combined relay race. Men from 60 years of age and older are invited to participate in them, women from 55 years of age and older, who have a rank not higher than a candidate for a master of sports in the type of program declared for participation. All of them must have a medical clearance to compete.

The Spartakiad will be held in two stages:

- from July 1 to August 28 - holding competitions in the administrative districts of Moscow, determining the finalists;

- September 4 - final competitions within the framework of the city holiday "Sports Capital - 2016" (sports facilities of the State Budgetary Institution of High School "Moskvich").

Winners and prize-winners in each category will be awarded with medals, diplomas, memorable prizes. Additionally, participants and spectators will receive recognition in the following categories:

1. "The oldest participant in the competition among men";

4. "The most active fan among men";

5. "The most active fan among women."

"Live for Sport" explains how to spend your leisure time if you are retired.

In Japan, after retirement, people start a new life. In Russia, people often remain alone and think only about negative things. Active rest will help to overcome melancholy. A selection of places where people of the age are always welcome and will not be bored.

Pilates for those over 55

Pilates is a system of physical exercises that allows you to practice with any level of physical fitness. If you have never been fond of sports in your whole life, it's okay! Pilates is available for all ages.

The system includes exercises for all parts of the body. When performing exercises, the main concentration is on the respiratory rhythm.

Moscow has been running the Active Longevity program since February 2018. Within its framework, a Pilates group is open, aimed at people over 55 years old. You can get acquainted with the program at the link.

Qigong 50+

If you want to be imbued with Buddhist psychopractice and learn the mystery of Taoist monks, then hurry up to sign up for the Qigong Complex program. Qigong is a system of breathing and movement exercises.

In the center "EZO. Fitness” has developed a special program for men and women who have crossed the line of 50 years. As part of it, experienced instructors conduct therapeutic exercises, taking into account the individual characteristics of each client. In addition, already at the first lesson you will learn the technique of meditation "Standing with a Tree".


  • Joint activity with peers;
  • According to the organizers, getting rid of headaches;
  • Unique meditation techniques that you can apply yourself.
Table tennis is a kind of sports game. The meaning of the game is to throw a tennis ball with rackets over a table with a net. Here, as in any sports game, there are rules. The object of the game is to hit the opponent's ball. The game teaches coordination and requires a lot of concentration. The sport is quite universal and has no age limit. Therefore, table tennis schools are open to everyone.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in section Table tennis, ping-pong, tennis with free sections for adults in Moscow

This section presents free table tennis sections, tennis clubs and schools for adults. You can search for a suitable place for free table tennis lessons directly on the map or according to the list of sports organizations represented. You can choose a suitable sports section near your home and work. For each of the sports sections available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions for the subsequent free entry of men and women to table tennis in Moscow.

is not only a fun but also a healthy game. It has a positive effect on many body systems and gives a powerful psychotherapeutic effect.

physical benefit

1. Dexterity, speed of reaction. 120-170 km / h - a table tennis ball can develop such a speed, and the trajectory changes after each hit. The opponent has to make decisions almost every second and manage to make the right move. Professional table tennis players have the best coordination of movements, second only to tightrope walkers. It is no coincidence that boxers regularly play table tennis in order to develop a high reaction rate.

2. Training of the vestibular apparatus. Moving clearly and constantly following the ball, which changes direction and moves at incredible speed, is the best exercise for developing the vestibular apparatus. Table tennis is recommended for anyone who suffers from motion sickness in transport.

3. Good vision. One of the most useful exercises for the eyes is to alternately look at an object near you, and then at a distance. When playing ping-pong, a person constantly follows the ball with his eyes, which is either close or far. In this case, the ball also moves in different directions. Such training for the eyes helps maintain excellent vision, relieves fatigue after prolonged work with a computer. Ophthalmologists recommend table tennis lessons for both myopic and farsighted, as well as after eye surgery.

4. Healthy heart, endurance. The fast pace of the game and intense uniform load help strengthen the cardiovascular system, bring blood pressure back to normal. Blood circulation increases already in the second minute of training, so oxygen consumption also increases. This effect is given by different types of aerobic exercise, but only in table tennis the volume of oxygen consumption reaches such high rates (higher - only in water polo).

5. Development of large and fine motor skills. The game of table tennis hones the movements of the brushes to jewelry perfection. During one set, the player changes the position of the hand holding the racket several hundred and even thousands of times. Table tennis contributes to the formation of a neat calligraphic handwriting, helps in the development of artistic abilities. Table tennis is especially recommended for children who have difficulty reading and writing.

6. Muscle strengthening. When playing table tennis, the athlete keeps his legs in a half-bent position and is mainly on his toes - this helps to use the muscles of the legs especially effectively. And each blow is accompanied by a quick turn of the torso, sometimes even very sharp. It is this movement that develops the oblique abdominal muscles well and forms a beautiful press.

7. Slimming. In terms of energy costs, table tennis ranks 5th (located between tennis and breaststroke swimming). Aerobic exercise, a fast pace and the absence of long pauses helps to quickly lose extra pounds.

8. Flexibility. Table tennis develops and maintains high joint mobility. Involved wrist, elbow, shoulder and hip joints, spinal column. Flexibility helps the player react to the movement of the ball with lightning speed and respond with an accurate shot. And in life, flexibility makes it possible to maintain an active lifestyle until old age.

Psychotherapeutic benefits

1. Self-control. In table tennis, split seconds are everything. Therefore, even a fleeting irritation can lead to defeat. Table tennis players are able to control their emotions to such a level that in everyday life they rarely lose their temper.

2. High concentration of attention. The player constantly keeps in mind the overall picture of the match, and remembers the score, and sorts out possible techniques. However, at the same time, he still continuously watches the ball, not losing sight of it even for a split second. And the game goes at an incredible speed. The utmost concentration of attention is a necessary component of success in table tennis. Therefore, specialists who work in areas where people's lives are at stake (dispatchers, operators of dangerous equipment) are recommended to play table tennis regularly.

3. Development of analytical and operational thinking. A table tennis player must, like a chess player, think several moves ahead. But at the same time, in table tennis there are no pauses to reflect. In addition, in table tennis it is important to “catch” an opponent in time and outwit him. Solving such problems at a fast pace helps develop thinking, the game teaches you to predict.

4. Removal of chronic fatigue syndrome, treatment of stress. While playing table tennis, it is impossible to think about anything but the game itself. There is simply no room for all other thoughts. Once a set is completed, the problems don't seem to be that big, and it's not uncommon for the best solution to come along. Intense physical activity also helps to relieve tension, and the joy of victory lifts your spirits.

Table tennis is a game for those who care about their health.

Children's table tennis school

In the children's section of table tennis, we do not breed world or European champions. We teach the basics of table tennis, develop reaction, discipline, quick thinking, coordination ... In a word, all those directions that are inherent in table tennis!

Classes are held in the afternoon on weekdays for free.

Table tennis for pensioners

Table tennis is one of the most exciting, interesting and affordable sports games. It has practically no contraindications, and everyone can learn to play it, starting from any age. Enthusiastically hitting the ball, you will not only feel incomparable pleasure, but at the same time you will be able to strengthen your physical and mental health.

Classes are held in the morning on weekdays for free. Three times a week you can get advice from a professional trainer.
