How to make a simple band sawmill with your own hands - instructions, drawings and materials. DIY do-it-yourself sawmill

The popularity of wood in private construction remains high even with the advent of the newest building materials. In many ways, this is facilitated by its reasonable cost, availability and ease of processing. Despite the fact that today you can easily buy a suitable board, beam or rail, the issue of self-cutting logs is of interest to every economical owner. And this is natural, because the cost of purchasing industrial wood cannot be compared with the cost of edged lumber. Of course, running your own sawmill for the sake of fixing a fence or repairing a roof is not practical. If we are talking about starting construction on an empty site, then your own sawmill will be very helpful. And you can save on its purchase if you build the unit with your own hands.

The device and principle of operation of the band sawmill

A modern band sawmill is a real automated complex

A band sawmill is called a universal machine that performs longitudinal sawing logs in order to obtain standard lumber - boards, beams, sleepers, gun carriages. Structurally, the unit consists of four main components: a band saw and its drive, a mechanism for moving the saw frame, a device for adjusting the height of the working blade and a clamping device for attaching round timber. The sawmill is powered by an electric motor or an internal combustion engine. Regardless of the power unit used, its power must provide long work equipment without overload. For a non-professional machine, an asynchronous electric machine with a power of 5 kW or a gasoline (diesel) installation of 6 - 8 liters will be quite enough. With. During the operation of the machine, the torque is transmitted to the impellers (pulleys) with the installed “endless” saw band up to 60 mm wide. Since the saw blade heats up and sags during operation, a hydraulic or spring-type tensioning mechanism is used.

Saw frame device

The longitudinal movement of the frame with the installed drive mechanism is carried out along rails mounted on a solid concrete base. To do this, hardened steel rollers are mounted in the lower part of the unit body, the ease of rotation of which is ensured by closed-type ball bearings. The maximum length of the processed timber depends on the length of the rail guides.

The thickness of the wood layer cut from the log is determined by the height saw blade above the floor level and is regulated by a special unit, which includes a pair of threaded gear and its drive mechanism. Due to the simultaneous rotation of two screws located along the edges of the carriage, it moves along the vertical guides and the saw is not warped.

With the help of a band-type sawmill, material of any thickness can be obtained with minimal sawdust losses.

The displacement of the log during the operation of the unit is prevented by a clamping device, which is assembled from a guide in the form of a round pipe and bushings with hooks installed on it with a large gap. The misalignment of the movable unit with the installed "claws" leads to jamming of the device, which ensures the immobility of the round timber during processing. To better imagine the operation of this device, carefully examine the illustration presented.

Jig operation

The principle of operation of the sawmill unit is extremely simple. The log intended for sawing is placed in a bed between the rail guides. Then it is fixed with hooks, which are wedged with several hammer blows at the edges of the movable nodes. Carriage with band saw is brought to the end of the round timber, after which the height of the working canvas is set. After turning on the machine, the operator smoothly moves the saw frame along the rail, due to which the board is gradually cut to the desired thickness. After reaching the other edge of the log, the cut lumber is laid aside, the saw is raised and the unit returns to its original position.

In some sources, it is proposed to repeat the design of units in which the saw carriage is installed motionless, and the cut is carried out by moving the log laid on a movable platform. Maybe such a scheme has the right to exist, but it must be borne in mind that its implementation will require rails of twice the length.

The machine described above is a simple sawmill. If we talk about modern equipment, it almost completely eliminates manual labor. All operations, including the movement of the saw frame and the adjustment of the height of the band, are performed automatically, on command from the control panel.

Video: Features of the band sawmill

What you need to build a sawmill

For those who consider building their own sawmill a simple matter, we’ll say right away that it’s not easy to create a high-quality, workable unit. And it's not even that you can't do without certain financial costs - as a rule, the budget of a home-made sawmill easily fits into the amount of 30 - 40 thousand rubles. Assembling a unit capable of producing high-quality lumber will require solving problems related to stability of operation, ensuring the strength of components and parts, setting up and adjusting mechanisms, making devices for sharpening a band saw and setting its teeth, etc. Are you afraid of difficulties? Then check out what materials and tools will be required for the job.

As rail guides, you can use steel corners with a shelf width of at least 50 mm, a channel or an I-beam. The main requirement for rails is their rectilinear geometry. It must be borne in mind that any shortcoming of our miniature " railway”will affect the quality of the cut, since the tape blade will copy each bump, transferring it to the surface of the board. That's why the best option there will be T, H or U-shaped rolled metal. Unfortunately, the corners are most subject to distortion during manufacture and transportation. The most ideal case would be to use factory rails, for example, from narrow-gauge transport, which, with some luck, can be found at scrap metal collection points.

Rollers that provide longitudinal movement of the sawmill can be machined to lathe and temper. In some cases, conventional ball bearings may be used.

Excellent rollers are obtained from linear guides based on ball bearings, which can be found commercially. This solution cannot be called the cheapest, however, there is no doubt about the reliability and durability of such a node.

Actually, the frame, saw carriage and bed for laying logs are made of square and rectangular shaped pipes. It is best to use rolled metal with a maximum wall thickness. This will provide the equipment with the necessary strength, since the operation of the machine is associated with variable dynamic loads.

For the mechanism for adjusting the height of the carriage (traverse), you will need guides made of steel pipes with sliders and two long screws with nuts. For this purpose, you can use parts from decommissioned screw-cutting lathes (unlikely, but what the hell is not joking), mechanical presses, or threaded rods from a construction store (the most affordable, but least preferred option). You can also order the manufacture of parts from a turner - anyway, it is unlikely that you can do without contacting a specialist. In addition, a chain drive will be required, which is often borrowed from the gas distribution mechanism of automobile engines. Alternatively, you can use a bicycle chain and sprockets.

Pulleys from old domestic harvesters of the Kolos, Niva brands and other agricultural machinery are best suited as impellers for the belt web. By the way, shafts and rolling bearing housings can also be taken from there. Please note that the diameter of the guides must be at least 30 cm (optimally 50 cm), otherwise excessive mechanical stress will lead to cracks at the base of the saw teeth.

In the design of the band saw drive, you can use pulleys from decommissioned domestic agricultural machinery

There are designs of home-made installations with guide pulleys in the form of wheels from cars. For skeptics, we note that such a handicraft solution has a lot of advantages, ranging from the possibility of using assembled hubs and ending with the fact that fine adjustment of the web tension during operation can be carried out by inflating tires.

You can buy a band saw new or used. It is best to have several blades in stock, which, as they get dull, can be changed to sharp ones.

As for the tool that will be needed in the process of work, every self-respecting owner should have it. In particular, you will need:

  • welding machine;
  • "Bulgarian", or, in professional terms, an angle grinder;
  • drilling machine or electric drill;
  • a set of drills for concrete and metal;
  • set of locksmith clamps;
  • set of wrenches;
  • a hammer;
  • pliers;
  • fasteners (bolts, nuts, washers of various sizes);
  • measuring tool (ruler, caliper, tape measure);
  • level (best laser type).

Do not forget that you will need to prepare a solid, even base, so be prepared for concrete work- make a supply of sand, gravel and cement, prepare a concrete mixer, rammers, formwork and a long rule.

Preparatory activities

At the preparation stage, choose optimal design, do necessary calculations and develop drawings. After that, materials and tools are prepared and a place is arranged for the installation of a sawmill.

Design work, drawings

The construction of a sawmill begins with the selection of a production site. It has been empirically established that this will require a plot of at least 3x6 m in size. In any case, planning the length working area, must be taken into account maximum size processed forest. It is best if the unit is installed indoors or under a large canopy. In this case, it will be possible to work in any weather.

Then determine the number of corners (channels, I-beams) and shaped pipes required for the manufacture of rail guides, bed and saw frame. The distance between the rails is calculated by adding gaps of at least 0.3 - 0.4 m on each side to the maximum diameter of the log. In addition, it is necessary to take into account transverse amplifiers, which are installed between the rails every 0.8 - 1 m. Support elements for timber can be mounted on the same amplifiers, raising the bed to a height of at least 0.2 m above the level of the guides.

Scheme of the sawmill Drawing of the saw carriage Drawing of the rail guides

Depending on the design, they draw up drawings of the units that will need to be machined on a lathe - rollers, screws, shafts, bearing housings, pulleys, etc. The design of a home-made sawmill is taken based on financial capabilities, the availability of materials and individual components, so the exact design of the unit everyone does it on their own. However, we provide diagrams and drawings of the sawmill and its individual components as an example. They can be used in your own developments.

Tensioner drawing Roller drawing Complete impeller

Foundation preparation

A properly made foundation will ensure the stability of the linear characteristics of the equipment during operation.

Since building your own sawmill is a serious matter, you need to approach it responsibly. Perhaps in the future the equipment will become not only a good help in the economy, but also a source of additional income. Such important factors, as the durability and reliability of the sawmill, the convenience of work and the quality of the resulting lumber largely depend on how strong and even the base it has.

The construction of the base plate is no different from the arrangement of a shallow floating or simple strip foundation. A lot has been written about it, so there is no need to dwell on the construction process in detail. We only recall that a pillow of sand and gravel is required, the thickness of the base is made at least 10 - 15 cm, and its strength is provided by an armored belt made of steel bar with a diameter of at least 10 mm. In this case, significant variable loads will not lead to cracks or subsidence of the concrete slab.

Instructions for making a sawmill with your own hands

As a working project, we will take a design with wheels from passenger car. Since the correctness and reliability of the saw unit depends on each element, we will consider in detail the manufacturing process of each unit, the nuances of assembling and setting up the equipment.

Rail guides

Laying rail guides

When using corners measuring 50x50 mm as rails, they are not laid on one of the shelves, but orienting the rib angle upwards. This will reduce wear on parts and provide increased structural rigidity. If rolled metal with a shelf of 100 mm is taken for the guides, then such a corner can be installed in any position. It must be said that the most successful option is rails made of an I-beam or a channel, since they have increased rigidity even without being “embroidered” with the help of transverse elements. By the way, they use square profile at least 25 mm wide. The parts of the rail track are interconnected by means of electric welding. When installing spacers, a pipe with a diameter of half an inch is welded with devices installed on it for fixing logs (“claws”).

Fulfilling welding work, it is necessary to ensure that the workpiece does not “lead”, which often happens when parts overheat. Most often, such troubles occur with corners and other thin rolled metal, so in this case it is better to use semi-automatic welding operating in a carbon dioxide environment.

If it is not possible to ensure the straightness of the rails during welding, then the installation of transverse elements is performed threaded connection. To concrete base guides are fixed with anchor bolts.

Simultaneously with the installation of the rails, a bed for laying timber is equipped. To do this, vertical H-shaped racks are attached to the "sleepers" with a minimum height of rods of 10 cm and protrusions to prevent the round timber from rolling off at least 5 cm in size.

The bed for laying lumber can have any configuration

The nearest 3 - 4 crossbars are installed at a shorter distance - no more than 0.5 m. Thanks to this solution, in the future it will be possible to work not only with long lengths, but also with short workpieces.

As rollers, you can use both parts turned on a lathe and ordinary ball bearings. In the first case, a hole is necessarily provided for the installation of the rotation unit, and the wheels themselves are hardened. The second option involves the installation of one enlarged and two or three identical bearings on the axle. Of course, the parts are selected with the same internal size, and the shaft is machined with a thrust shoulder on one side and a thread for attaching the rollers on the other.

Wide rollers are good because any metal-roll can be used as a rail, including channels and I-beams

saw frame

The manufacture of the saw frame begins with vertical guides, which will require two pieces. It is best to make racks and sliders from steel pipes, selected with a minimum gap. After that, a rectangular carriage frame is made, to the sides of which the upper and lower sliders are welded. Since impellers will be mounted on the lower cross member, it must be made of a rigid square pipe or channel.

Fitting guides and sliders

The body of the sawmill is not something complicated, since it is a pair of vertical and horizontal elements connected at right angles. A strong frame is obtained from a square steel profile with a width of at least 50 mm. Smaller rectangular rolled metal can be used as spacers.

Bed welding

The use of profile pipes will provide rigidity to the structure. If corners are used as structural materials, then the places of their connections are additionally reinforced with steel braces with a thickness of at least 2 mm.

Rollers are installed in the lower part of the frame, having previously determined the distance between their resistant walls. It must match the width of the rail guides.

Saw frame complete with guides and carriage

Carriage lifting mechanism. Photo gallery

The vertical movement of the carriage is provided by a paired screw mechanism with a manual drive and a chain drive. The nuts are welded to the lower bushings (sliders), and the thrust part of the screw is mounted to the upper crossbar of the saw frame. The screws will rotate easily if the correct bearings are used as supports.

Saw carriage lifting mechanism drive assembly with drive and tensioner Upper lifting mechanism assembly The lifting mechanism nut is welded to the carriage sleeve On the upper crossbar, the screw is installed in the bearing

To lifting mechanism worked without distortions, sprockets of the same size are installed on the shafts. After mounting the chain, it is tensioned with a roller or fluoroplastic cracker. The flexible transmission drive is provided by gears of different sizes, one of which is rigidly connected to one of the screws, and the other is mounted on a separate shaft. The use of an oversized drive sprocket will allow you to quickly move the carriage along the guides. The locking mechanism can be made from a spring-loaded pin, which, after adjustment, is installed between the chain rollers and the fixed brackets. After assembly, the drive is equipped with a comfortable handle.


Making a hub adjustment unit

For pulleys, wheels and axle shafts are taken from a rear-wheel drive car. To fix them on the lower cross member of the carriage, you will need bearing assemblies. It is best to order these parts from a turner - in this case, it will be possible to make them adjustable, which will allow you to shift the axes of the impellers to the sides. The fact is that during operation, the band saw heats up and lengthens. If it is not pulled up in time, then it can fly off our “pulleys”. If you spread them a couple of degrees away from the longitudinal axis, then this danger can be eliminated.

Mounting the hubs on the saw carriage

Adjusting nodes are pipe sections, one of which is installed in the other with a gap of up to 5 mm. The inner clutch is also a housing for the axle shaft bearings, and its centering is provided by screws mounted on the outer collet.

Installation of the power unit and elements of the main drive

One wheel is mounted motionless on the carriage, supplying the shank of its axle shaft with a pulley. The other is mounted on a movable assembly, which will pre-tension the saw blade. The pulleys are not installed horizontally, but with an offset of 2 - 4 mm in the vertical plane. Alignment of the band saw in level is due to the displacement of the support unit cutting blade. This structural element can be made of three ball bearings, like the rollers of a saw frame.

Mounting the band saw support unit. You can clearly see the mechanism of its adjustment

After assembling and installing all the nodes on the unit, the power plant is mounted. The rotation from the engine to the drive wheel is transmitted by means of a V-belt transmission. Depending on the motor used, the belt tension is done using a spring-loaded roller, if an internal combustion engine is used, or by shifting the frame with an electric motor installed. In addition, a protective casing is made, which does not allow sawdust to scatter in all directions. At the last stage, a container with a lubricating-washing fluid (coolant) is installed, the tube from which is connected to one of the cutting units.

A small hydraulic jack can be used in the saw blade tensioner

After assembling the unit and checking the tightening of all bolted connections, a band saw is installed on the impellers, after tensioning which a trial run of the sawmill is carried out. If the test switching on is successful, then the engine is turned off and after the saw has completely stopped on the bed, the log is laid and fixed. The saw lifting mechanism regulates the thickness of the first board, after which a test cut is made. The installation is turned off and inspected, a conclusion is made about the operability of the sawmill.

Video: Band sawmill made at home

Thanks to my varied hobbies, I write on different topics, but the most beloved are engineering, technology and construction. Perhaps because I know many nuances in these areas, not only theoretically, as a result of studying at a technical university and graduate school, but also from the practical side, since I try to do everything with my own hands.

People who live outside the city often want to purchase a sawmill. With the help of a similar design, you can get timber and boards at an affordable price. It should be understood that wood is the main material for construction, so you can earn money with the help of a sawmill.

The sawmill is used for sawing trees for their further use in construction.

How to make a sawmill with your own hands

If it was decided to install a frame sawmill, then you will need to buy it or do it yourself. In this case, everything will depend on how many cubic meters of wood are planned to be processed. To make the right decision, you should read existing varieties saws and learn more about their characteristics.

The device of a collapsible sawmill.

Elements that will be needed in order to make a homemade sawmill:

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Varieties of sawmills

Consider the existing types of sawmills, in which the frame is the base. Ordinary factory frame structure is an expensive equipment that has a high performance. In the yard of an ordinary farmer, it makes no sense to install a structure of this type. If it was decided to install such a device, then it is best to purchase a finished model. The cost of such structures is 500,000 rubles. and more.

Today there is a large number of various equipment for sawing wood. However, most designs are not suitable for small household territory. Such structures can process several thousand cubic meters per day. For small areas, these types of sawmills are suitable: tape, disk and tire.

by the most profitable option is a band sawmill. It will produce the minimum amount of waste. In addition, such a device is unpretentious to weather conditions. However, this is quite difficult to do. It is recommended to use it for processing wood with a diameter of up to 7 cm.

In most cases, circular sawmills are used. The main advantages of this cutting technology are the following: simplicity of design, reliability and wide functionality. Disadvantages include high cost good quality and a large amount of waste generated when compared with a band sawmill design. It should be noted that at home the amount of sawdust does not matter, since small volumes of sawing are implied.

Tire small design is a sawmill, which is most often used by novice craftsmen. Such a technology can give excellent results of wood processing if good quality wood is available. This design is the easiest to create with your own hands.

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How to make a sawmill yourself: a sequence of actions

First of all, you need to draw up a plan for the construction of a sawmill. If you plan to use the structure for the purpose of making money, it is recommended to purchase a ready-made sawmill.

Do-it-yourself creation makes sense only if such a device will be operated intermittently.

You can also make the design yourself if there is at least a small amount of materials that will be needed (engine, metal profile, etc.).

The characteristics of a home-made sawmill will not be as high as those of a finished structure. If you need to make, for example, a floor board, then you can use and.

First of all, you need to determine your needs:

  1. Performance. How many cubic meters of wood are planned to be processed daily.
  2. Planned thickness and length of lumber.
  3. Place of installation (stationary or need to move the structure).
  4. Energy type ( Electric Energy or petrol).

Based on these characteristics, it will be necessary to select the materials and type of saw frame device. Such a construction is arranged as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to make a base, bed and frame. Regardless of what type of sawmill is planned to be produced, the frame must be reliable. The quality of the cut and the safety of the users of the device depend on these indicators. The overall length will be determined by the length of the logs to be sawn. In order to make guides, you can use a corner, a pipe and other materials. Thickness sheet metal determined based on the planned weight of the round timber. For a carriage with a saw, you can use metal with a thickness of 3-4 mm, the structure can easily withstand the weight of the engine and fittings for sawing.
  2. Engine. In this case, everything will depend on financial capabilities. If there is a three-phase electric motor with a power of 3 kW or more, then it is recommended to install it. If there is an amateur chainsaw, then it will be possible to adjust the carriage for it. An electric chain saw must not be used, as its engine is not intended for this type of work. A household chainsaw cannot be used either, as they have little power. The latest designs quickly fail under significant loads.
  3. Structure for fixing logs. Similar device it is recommended to make it stationary, its height should be small. The thickness of the metal depends on the weight of the logs to be cut, so everything will depend on personal needs. The easiest way to work with hardwoods.
  4. Tire or disk. The length of such elements is 45-50 cm. Today, you can find special types of tires on sale, as well as chains with a small cut thickness. If you use such elements, you can significantly reduce the amount of waste. The chain will also need to be purchased special, the angle of its sharpening should be equal to 10 °.

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Do-it-yourself sawmill: an example of manufacturing

As an example, a sawmill with a disk will be considered. The carriage is located at the top of the structure. First of all, you will need to decide on the guides, which should use a metal corner of 5 cm, the length of the rail should be 5 m. The sawmill will be stationary. With a gap of 15 cm, you need to drill holes in the corner and concrete. The structure can be fixed to the floor with dowels.

A device for fixing logs is made from a profile in the shape of the letter P. In this case, you can also use a channel, the extreme parts of which are welded to a metal corner. In order to fix the log, it is necessary to make holes in the profile for the fasteners. The maximum thickness of the logs is approximately 40 cm, therefore, distances of 10, 15 and 20 cm must be measured from the central part of the profile. At these distances, it will be necessary to make holes for the stops. To make a reliable connection, you will need to install a moving device for fixing with teeth on the profiles. It can be made from a piece of metal sheet 4 mm thick. With the help of a grinder, you will need to cut a small number of teeth. It is worth noting that two teeth are enough for the log to be securely fixed and unable to move. Next, you need to drill holes in the profile and the device for fixing. With the help of cotter pins, you can easily dismantle and mount the fixing device.

After the frame is made, you can proceed to the production of the carriage. In this case, a three-phase motor with a power of 3 kW is used, so you need to make robust design. The height of the carriage will be 1.1-1.2 m. You will need to mark a corner of 40 mm, which has a thickness of 4 mm. In this case, you can use the profile.

The device must be cut into several elements. The carriage will have a welded structure, therefore all elements should be connected. At the ends of the corners of the carriage, you will need to drill holes for the wheels. On the this stage carriage frame is ready.

If we calculate what components it consists of final cost lumber - the price of wood + processing + transportation to the destination - it becomes clear what you can save on. Wood blanks (board, timber, slats) are one of the most used samples in the field of construction and repair.

Given the simplicity of working with a tree, it makes sense to deal with its "dissolution" directly on the site. It is enough just to make a sawmill. This article will acquaint you with typical drawings, the procedure for making its tape modification with your own hands, and some design features.

The expediency of such a decision will become even more obvious if you look at the prices for factory sawmills on the websites. They are available for sale, but the cost of the installations is such that most of us are unlikely to want to purchase any model for household use. Depending on the series (in rubles): "Kedr" - from 138,000 to 194,000, "Taiga" - from 116,890 to 172,400. And these are still relatively inexpensive samples. Only mini-machines are cheaper (about 94,000), but they are unlikely to satisfy all the needs of the owner of a private house in woodworking.

There are several modifications of this type of equipment. But if we are talking about assembling a sawmill with your own hands, then the choice is small - an option with a fixed position of the saw and a movable bed (trolley) on which the workpiece is located. It is she who moves in the process of woodworking along special guides (rails). Everything else is improvements, "services" that facilitate the work of staff and ensure product quality. For example, a mobile saw.

Here are some easy-to-make models of homemade band sawmills.

Design features

The dimensions of the sawmill are determined depending on its location. Plots (adjoining, country or other) differ in layout, so choose optimal dimensions The owner will have to install it himself. All drawings that are available (special literature, the Internet) can only serve as “guidelines” - in terms of the ratio of individual parts, their linear parameters, and so on. With your own hands, the sawmill is made in a way that is more convenient to work in a particular place and with a certain type of raw material. Basically, such equipment is used for dissolving logs and trimming boards.

What to consider when designing a sawmill

The design of this type of installation is good in that it can be constantly refined and improved, more precisely “customizing” its characteristics and capabilities to the growing needs of the owner. For example, if it was originally planned for the dissolution of logs into boards, then it is quite possible that after a while the question of organizing own production timber.

It is assembled according to a block-modular scheme, and in the absence of practical experience in the manufacture of complex mechanisms, it is advisable to start with the simplest options. Subsequently, it will be easy to equip a manual band sawmill with automation elements (cutting thickness control, saw feed, programmer, etc.). That is why further - general instructions for drawing up band sawmill drawings and assembling. The author strongly recommends that you follow the sequence and install the first installation in your life according to a simplified scheme.

There are many modifications of band sawmills. The first question is in what plane is it supposed to cut? This determines the location of the working tool. Second - will the products of the same type be manufactured or will it be necessary to use the sawmill as a universal device? For example, not only for dissolving timber into boards, but also for cutting logs into separate segments. All this is taken into account in advance. It is desirable that the frame on which the working saw is attached can be reinstalled.

Logs that bloom on a band sawmill are characterized by significant weight. During operation, its frame is also subjected to dynamic loads. The main attention is the stability of the band saw equipment. This is both the quality of the cut and the safety of the attendants.

Craft band sawmill- that's half the battle. Its competent operation requires certain skills in setting up. The main "pitfall" is the wiring and sharpening of the saw. This issue should be studied in detail!

Preparatory activities

Location selection

If there is suitable premises, then it should be taken into account that effective area should not be less than 18 "squares". This is enough to dissolve even large logs on a band sawmill.

In the private sector, rarely anyone can allocate an empty building or at least a compartment for installation. As a rule, woodworking has to be done on the street. It is unlikely that the neighbors in adjacent areas will applaud the sawdust and small chips flying in the wind. Yes, and your own territory will quickly become littered. Conclusion - after assembling the band sawmill, you will immediately have to deal with the construction of a solid type fence. For example, from polycarbonate sheets or plywood.

In addition, you will have to decide in advance where the storage of finished lumber will be organized. Therefore, next to the sawmill there should be at least a small, but free piece of land.

This is what should be taken into account when choosing a workplace for equipment.

Choice of materials and components

Engine. Materials.

Tools and equipment

Briefly here, without welding machine not enough. With regard to the sawmill, bolted connections should not be practiced. Over time, one way or another, but they will loosen up, and doing daily monitoring of the condition and tightening is not the best prospect.

Sawmill drawings

Below are drawings of a simple band sawmill, which you can easily adapt to your conditions and needs, observing the proportions and principles of operation:

Features of the assembly of the band sawmill

The algorithm of actions is quite simple. Difficulty - in the manufacture (with adjustment in size) of the components.

support platform

A trolley with lumber will move along it. Plus, a frame is attached to the rails, on which the working tool is located. The main requirements are the reliability of such a support and alignment in a horizontal plane. On what to fix it - a specially equipped foundation (for example, columnar) or on racks dug into the ground - is decided on the spot.


Its purpose has already been mentioned. In order for the log to be in a fixed position during sawing, the mobile frame should be equipped with a “clamp”, which will firmly press the workpiece to the frame and prevent it from moving. Accordingly, the trolley must have wheels to ensure its mobility.

saw frame

Difficulty - in providing the possibility of changing the position cutting tool. If there is no regulation mechanism, then all products will turn out to be calibrated (of the same standard size, although the same). There are several engineering solutions, so this issue will have to be dealt with separately. It is pointless to give something specific, without knowing what modification of the sawmill is in question.

The general manufacturing procedure and features of work are noted in the article. The author recommends that you first decide for what purposes it is supposed to assemble a band sawmill. And only then look for the best option. You can simply copy the available drawings and assemble the installation of other sizes with your own hands, observing scaling. Or take a specific scheme as a basis, modifying (modifying) it for your own needs.

Good luck in designing a band sawmill!

Information on how to make a sawmill with your own hands will be of interest to those who like to work with wood, those who are going to build a house or any other wooden object on their own.

Owning such a tool, you can provide yourself with a small additional income by completing simple orders and sawing wooden objects.

Of course, a self-made sawmill is less convenient and functional than a finished one that you can buy in a store. But usually professional tool it costs expensive.

Therefore, it makes sense to try to assemble the sawmill yourself, using the photos and videos from this article for this.

A self-made sawmill can be a band saw, a disc saw, or a chainsaw. The first type is more common among lovers of independent creations.

It is used in cases where it is required to obtain boards, bars or half-bars from logs. With its help, shallow processing of wood is also carried out.

In addition, a do-it-yourself band sawmill, with skillful use, will be able to provide the following indicators:

  • excellent quality wood surface;
  • fairly good accuracy when working;
  • minimum amount of waste;
  • high performance;
  • increased energy efficiency;
  • and it is less complicated to manufacture (no special foundation is required in the base).

It is clear that she has good benefits in comparison with competitive models, and if you make a choice in its favor, then you should carefully approach the manufacturing process of a band sawmill.

Where should work begin?

From the whole variety of models, you should make for yourself one whose drawings will be clear and simple to you. They should be carefully studied, understood, and only then begin to collect.

Otherwise, there is a great risk that time, nerves and money will be spent, and the result will be zero.

Drawings for creating a band sawmill and an independent process for its manufacture are two things that cannot be separated.

In our article, we give an example ready-made calculations, which you can use exactly or make your own adjustments. For detailed information attached video on the topic.

Common Mistakes

Haste is known to be good in certain situations, and the process of creating a sawmill with your own hands does not apply to them. In this case, inattention and haste will do a disservice.

Frequently made mistakes end up Negative influence on the quality of the work that our mini chain sawmill will perform.

The most common mistake is the use of low quality materials. And no matter what kind of sawmill you will have in the future, chain, tire or chainsaw, it still will not last long.

Homemade sawmill. Plan-scheme 1. View of the sawmill from the end: 1 - a pulley for starting the engine (if a three-phase engine is connected to a single-phase network); 2 - engine; 3 - pulley; 4 - shaft; 5 - housing with bearing; 6 - base; 7 - flywheel; 8 - finger; 9 - connecting rod; 10 - saw; 11 - screw M14x2; 12 - roller; 13 - guide corner; 14 - rack; 15 - steering wheel; 16 - sleeve; 17 - asterisk; 18 - nut М14х2; 19 - locknut; 20 is an asterisk.

You can not save on the materials that are used in the work. The mechanisms of any sawmill weigh a lot, and the processed logs are not light, and the installation must withstand all this.

Thus, a low-quality unit fails very quickly, unable to withstand the weight. The sawmill can not only bend, but also completely fall apart.

But the money for its manufacture has already been spent.

Phased construction of a band sawmill

In order to make a sawmill with your own hands, you will need the appropriate material, moreover, High Quality. The photo shows the tool that we will make.

To do this, it is necessary to prepare a considerable number of pipes, half an inch in diameter and more. Several pulleys made for grain harvesters will also be needed.

Homemade sawmill. Plan-scheme 2. View from the front side: 1 - rack; 2 - roller; 3 - plate; 4 - screw; 5 - chain; 6 - guide bracket; 7 - movable comb; 8 - screw; 9 - fixed comb; 10 - remote control.

They may be new, or they may be used, but then they must be in excellent condition.

It is impossible to make a sawmill without rails, which are most often made from 50 mm corners.

So that the wheels do not quickly become unusable when driving, the corner with its edge should only be directed upwards.

Sleepers are made from a profile of various diameters. Between them, a pipe must be welded, measuring 2.5 by 2.5 cm.

Small protrusions are made between the profile pipes and sleepers, into which bolts are subsequently installed for adjustment.

Bridges are placed on them, assembled into a structure at a distance of half a meter, but no less. They will serve to install the logs to be processed.

Pulleys are also installed here, one of which should regulate the size of the finished material, usually it is attached on the right side.

That is, it must move and stretch with the help of a spring. The left pulley must also be fixed, but it can also move, taking into account the size of the band sawmill.

Both pulleys are placed parallel to each other.

The final stage - it is necessary to make a frame frame, on which the entire chain structure is installed. For its manufacture, a channel is used, as in the photo.

How to make a sawmill out of a chainsaw

Another type of sawmill that you can assemble with your own hands is a chainsaw sawmill or a tire sawmill.

A few photos and videos will complement our instructions and consider in detail all the remaining questions.

For the manufacture of a mini sawmill from a chainsaw, two eight-meter channels are required, the height of which can vary from 140 mm to 180 mm. They will be the basis of the design.

In addition, you will need:

  • corners, 50 by 100 mm in size;
  • 2 rails;
  • ties (the number depends on the holes);
  • bolts and studs.

The rails must always be turned upside down.

Along the entire length of the base, at a distance of approximately 1 - 1.5 meters from each other, it is necessary to drill holes, their diameter should be at least 14 mm, but not more than 16 mm.

Couplers are inserted into them, the length of which is 25 centimeters. They can be cut from the remains of a 3 to 4 pipe intended for water supply.

Racks are made from metal squares prepared in advance, on which the prepared base is attached.

Without them, not a single tire chain sawmill from a chainsaw simply exists. It should be noted that all elements of the foundation of the future sawmill must be strictly straight.

No corner structure is provided. Welded braces will give it additional rigidity, it will stand confidently and firmly.

A movable trolley is installed on the created structure. Its basis will be a steel plate, the length of which is 600 mm, and the thickness is 4-6 cm.

A corner, 40x40 mm in size, must be welded to it from below, after which all this should be installed on bearings or rollers.

Two of the same corners are attached at the top, and now the chainsaw itself is attached to them, for example, the Ural, which will work like a chain tire mini sawmill.

To prevent the logs from moving freely during work, it is necessary to make a clamp for them, which will fix the material being processed in one position.

This design can be made from pipes and movable hoses. If it is supposed to work with very heavy logs, then they set slopes and thus facilitate the work.

The most difficult thing that can be encountered when a tire chain sawmill is made from a chainsaw is the creation of a mechanism that will regulate the thickness of the workpiece.

It is best to use a simple method, which consists in vertically installing jacks of any type capable of providing an extremely rigid fixation along the edges of the frame.

The thickness will vary by adjusting these jacks. An example of how a tire chain sawmill using a chainsaw is arranged is shown in the photo.

How to make a sawmill from a circular saw

Another tool that you can do yourself and which is quite popular is the sawmill. This is an indispensable thing during the construction of wooden premises.

Its use significantly facilitates the workflow, saving a lot of time and effort. Thus, the question of how a do-it-yourself sawmill is made gets into many heads.

Types of sawmills

With the help of a sawmill, you can get any kind of lumber.

The main part - a circular saw - is fixed in such a way that it can cut in two directions and, in addition, rotates 90 degrees.

It is these features that make it possible to classify disc sawmills into the following types:

  1. Horizontal - the process of work is carried out with the help of a saw carriage, which moves along the log in two directions. Such a sawmill is dismantled, its productivity is high, and there is a minimum of waste;
  2. Corner - with one disk or two. Single disk works both vertically and horizontally in two directions. The angle sawmill, in which the disks are placed opposite each other horizontally and vertically, in other words, orthogonally, works with high productivity.

Process of creation

It is not difficult to make a sawmill from a circular saw if you have not only a simple desire, but also certain knowledge and skills.

To begin with, you should carefully study the drawings and diagrams that you can see in the photo. One of the simplest designs is an ordinary table with a shaft and a saw placed on it.

The part of the saw that cuts the wood rises above the surface.

The base of any circular sawmill, whether it is angular or horizontal, is made of metal or wooden goats, fastened together with ordinary boards.

The top of the table is covered with a sheet of steel 200 mm wide and 4 mm thick. Instead of a sheet, plates connected to each other by jumpers and screws can be used.

For the manufacture of discs, it is better to use a sheet of steel or duralumin. The disc diameter must be no more than 500 mm, and the number of teeth can be only 2 or 3.

It is the latter that are the key to high-quality sawing in the future. In addition, the design of the guide is also important. The easiest way is to cut a U-shaped saddle from boards or logs.

A saw and an engine are attached to it. Thus, the angled circular saw is assembled.
By following all the recommendations given in the article, you can easily make any sawmill yourself.

Modern sawmill production and private buildings require a disc or band sawmill with a margin of productivity and high technical specifications. Many advantages of these machines allow us to state with confidence that circular sawmills are the most good decision for all woodworking industries, regardless of the scale of production and the range of products.

The purpose of the sawmill

Wood is one of the most popular building materials. High strength and unique structure allow the use of wood in the construction of buildings, external and interior decoration premises. The scope and quality of this natural material depends largely on the woodworking equipment used.

A popular way of processing wood is sawing the material with the help of frame, band and circular saws. The disk design, for example, allows high-quality and fast roundwood to produce edged and unedged sawn timber, such as timber, boards and slats.

Disc machines can be used to sequentially process wood after sawing with a band saw and creating material from logs. Such equipment is characterized by a high level of productivity, because longitudinal edging, end sawing and division stand out among the design possibilities.

In the construction of wooden houses and in carpentry workshops, a circular sawmill is simply irreplaceable. It can significantly speed up and simplify the entire workflow, while saving a lot of time and effort. Without such equipment, the longitudinal cut of a large beam will take the owner more than one hour, but thanks to the sawmill, it will happen in a matter of minutes.

The design of the sawmill

A circular sawmill is a hardware machine that performs longitudinal sawing of trees and works thanks to an electric motor. Looking at the drawings of the sawmill, it becomes clear that the main structural elements are two engines, circular saws, movable operator's cabin, rail track and carriages.

The elementary design is a table on which a shaft with a disk is installed, its cutting part rotates above the plane. Such a simple design is suitable mainly for domestic use, and industrial production needs more sophisticated equipment equipped with discs that can change the sawing angle.

The main working element is a circular saw, which is usually installed on the machine spindle shaft or on the motor shaft. Each of the circular saws is driven by a separate engine, and their power does not always match. According to the device, circular sawmills are single- and multi-saw.

The metal frame of the sawmill is made from strong metal pipes and fastened by welding. For the carriage as guides, it is best to choose the highest quality rails without external defects, otherwise the carriage wheels will jump off or get stuck.

The carriage itself is assembled from metal parts. Rollers or wheels must fit perfectly under the rails. It should also be remembered that the frame itself, where the rollers are attached, must fit the distance between the rails very accurately. Only then will the movement of the carriage be free and smooth.

To equip the drive of a circular saw, it is customary to use any gasoline engine. It is desirable that the motor be more powerful, because it will have to work on two saws. In order to avoid overheating of the drive, it is recommended to exclude the chain drive from the design and replace it with a reliable analogue, so it will be possible to extend the life of the machine and secure it.

The principle of operation of a sawmill

The machine can work in industrial premises or logging conditions, i.e. inside and outside the building. The cut itself is made along a horizontal line by hand. Processing with a circular sawmill allows you to achieve a flat surface of cut wood. In addition, after watching a video about a sawmill, you will understand that the machine does not act up even in severe frost.

The main feature of the circular angle sawmill is the ability to cut in two directions at the same time: across and along the log. This is possible due to the peculiar arrangement of the saws - mutually perpendicular. Such a machine is suitable for working with any type of wood. The circular sawmill is capable of cutting logs with a diameter of more than 70 millimeters. The thickness of the cut in this case can be as little as 1 millimeter.

The transverse and longitudinal sawing of logs on such sawmills is carried out simultaneously while moving along the rail guides of the portal with saws. The movement of the portal for sawmills and carriages occurs with the help of an electric wire. The speed of the portal is regulated in steps, by means of a chain transmission.

The circular sawmill does not require installation on a special platform or foundation. The main thing is that the sawmill should be reliably protected from the effects of precipitation. It is also very convenient to use an electronic ruler when working with a sawmill, which allows you to adjust the cutting parameters in automatic mode.

Classification of sawmills

The circular sawmill is designed for sawing into all types of round timber - edged and unedged boards, bars and beams. The cut is made with a circular saw that has a diameter of 500-600 millimeters and is securely fixed on the shaft of the spindle assembly, with the possibility of cutting in two directions and turning 90 degrees. Thus, circular rotary sawmills are divided according to the type of work.

Horizontal sawmill

One of the types of machines is a horizontal sawmill, which is quite common in the field of woodworking. Such a device has a collapsible design, thanks to which it can be easily transported to logging sites. When working on such a sawmill, there is a minimum of waste.

Sawing is done by a saw carriage running along the logs in both directions. The main advantage is that there is no idling. The sawmill uses circular saws with a diameter of more than 550 millimeters, made of steel with victorious teeth. Sawing due to such discs is very accurate, without the formation of wave-like depressions.

The operation of a horizontal sawmill does not require high qualifications, the machine is controlled by means of a remote control installed on the sawmill itself. With the help of such sawmills, materials such as edged and unedged boards, beams and slats are made. The productivity of these machines is very high.

Angular sawmill

The second type of sawmill is the angle sawmill. Sawing logs is done by the angular principle of sawing. There are two types of angle sawmills - with one and two discs. Look at the photo of circular sawmills: a single-disk sawmill unit feeds in two positions - vertical and horizontal, sawing does not idle and is performed in both directions.

The double-blade angle sawmill works by feeding the saw blades orthogonally. Disks are placed horizontally and vertically to each other. Double-disk angle-type sawmill shows high productivity of products even from one log. At large facilities, entire industrial sawmill complexes are installed, which perform the functions of sawing, cutting wood for lining or other material.

Manufacturing of a sawmill

When choosing woodworking equipment, you should remember that the price of a sawmill is quite high. Therefore, the acquisition of such a machine is often not affordable. This is especially true for young enterprises that are engaged in timber processing, and private craftsmen. But there is a way out of this situation, you can make a sawmill with your own hands. This approach allows you to save a lot of money and gain experience in working with woodworking equipment.

Today, it will be possible to make a home-made sawmill if there is a desire and minor skills in working with such equipment. You will need construction goats, boards and metal plates, fasteners (screws, nuts, screws), tools for working with metal and wood, as well as an electric motor.

At the beginning of work, familiarize yourself with the design of the sawmill and recognize it distinctive features. As a working element of a circular sawmill, a circular toothed saw is installed on the machine spindle. There is an option to mount the saw on the motor shaft. At the sawmill, sawlog processing includes dividing and edging unedged boards, as well as sawing blanks to the desired dimensions.

You can preview the ready-made diagrams of a homemade sawmill and create your own mechanism drawing based on your needs. The simplest design of a sawmill is a table, under which a shaft with a saw is placed. Its cutting part rises above the surface of the table. The saw shaft is rotated by a motor through a belt-type transmission.

To make the base of the sawmill (table or bed), you can use ordinary wooden or metal goats, while tying them together with pieces of board. Attach a table to a similar base from above, which is made of steel plates that are about 200 millimeters wide and about 4 millimeters thick. The plates are connected with screws and jumpers between each other.

Sawmill discs are best made from steel or duralumin sheet, the thickness of which reaches 3 millimeters. In this case, the diameter of the disk should be within 500 millimeters. When creating a sawmill for cutting wood, the saw should have only 2-3 teeth. And such a disc will easily work with most breeds.

The main guarantee of high-quality work of a disk sawmill is the manufacture of cutting teeth. The main requirements that apply to them are careful balancing and the correct cutting angle. Workpieces from which the teeth are easiest to cut are a broken drill or a carbide insert. The cutting angle of the teeth should be 30 degrees. The back angles should be at least 15 degrees. It should be remembered that if the cutters are poorly balanced, they will rub against the walls of the cut.

The cutting tool is attached to the table from below in such a way that the saw blade is clearly in the middle of the gap that is formed between the plates. Fasten the saw to the plane of the table through the holes made previously in the plates and the base plate. The holes made in the plate on the front side are countersunk and assembled with screws that have a countersunk head.

In addition, when creating a sawmill with your own hands, the design of the guide is important. by the most simple option is a U-shaped saddle, which is formed from boards in the shape of a log, which is freed from branches and roughly processed with a planer. An engine with a saw is attached to the saddle. The motor power should be clarified: it should reach up to 2 kW.

The assembled table must be screwed to the frame with screws, and an insert with a slot is inserted into the gap between the plates to locate the saw blade. The thrust bar is fastened to the table with clamps when the saw is working. Subject to the above recommendations, a hand-made sawmill will delight you with the quality of its work.

Circular sawmill service

Working with sawmills requires a certain skill. However, service this machine does not cause big problems. To accommodate the operator, who cuts logs at the sawmill, a special cabin is provided. During sawing, the cabin moves simultaneously with the sawmill, so workers must constantly monitor the progress of the machine.

It should be borne in mind the fact that when working with a sawmill for safety reasons, a strong attachment of the device to the base is required, which should not be neglected in any case. Remember that in view of the design features on such sawmills, there is no idle reverse motion - in other words, when moving in the opposite direction of the portal, the log is also cut.

Now you have concluded for yourself which is better: buy ready-made woodworking equipment or ask how to make a sawmill with your own hands. Undoubtedly, a home-made sawmill is much cheaper than purchased in a specialized store.
