I want to open a pancake shop where to start. How to open your own pancake shop from scratch according to a ready-made business plan with calculations

Delicious and mouth-watering pancakes have always been in consumer demand in various types of catering establishments. Thanks to such popularity among the population, Russian pancakes have become an excellent alternative to Western fast food. And today, despite the large number of outlets offering pancakes to customers, even a beginner in this business has every chance to start implementing his own project and achieve entrepreneurial success with it.

We will tell you how to open your own pancake shop in this review.

How to make money making pancakes

The ready-to-eat food business is one of the oldest ways to make money. Delicious food is a commodity that is always in demand. It can be sold from stalls, in small shops (kiosks), as well as in catering establishments.

In order for prepared meals to sell well, they must be fresh, tasty, appetizing and safe.

If from this point of view we consider the question of what is needed to open a pancake shop, then the answer is obvious:

  • equipment that will make it possible to prepare fresh products in front of customers;
  • thoughtful recipe and menu;
  • reliable suppliers of products and semi-finished products;
  • competent marketing, designed for the average consumer;
  • qualified personnel.

And it's all. There are no special requirements for the format of a potentially successful pancake house. It can be like a mini-kiosk, where one or another pancake-based dish is prepared in the presence of a customer, or a full-fledged cafe with a special pancake menu.

Entrepreneurs who are interested in how to open a pancake shop from scratch, with a small budget at their disposal, can first try out the “pancake business” on small orders and without purchasing expensive equipment.

The mini-format can be implemented like this:

  • establish the production of a small number of pancakes with different fillings (you can cook at home);
  • carry out packaging in several pieces and distribute ready-made meals in crowded places (near office centers, train stations, markets, etc.).

Having made a minimum investment, an entrepreneur will be able to raise money for the purchase of equipment for a pancake shop in a few months of active work. In addition, practical experience in this area will give an understanding of what product is in demand. This experience can be used as the basis for the marketing promotion of your own product on the market.

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Material and technical base for pancake

When there is money to open a pancake shop, and it remains only to decide where to start, we suggest that you immediately start looking for a place and suppliers. The success of the future enterprise will largely depend on the successful location of the pancake shop, as well as on how high-quality products are used for cooking.

Suitable conditions for installing a mini pancake machine on wheels:

  • away from the roadway;
  • near crowded places in the morning and lunch hours;
  • the presence of a nearby square or alleys with benches.

Favorable places for the location of a pancake cafe:

  • near active business centers or modern large playgrounds;
  • near educational institutions, state and municipal institutions;
  • near public transport stations.

Room area - from 40 to 60 sq.m.

Important! Pancake shops located in residential areas are not popular with customers, since during the evening hours the main visitors of catering establishments choose a completely different menu.

Equipment for mini pancake:

  • pancake maker (electric oven for two burners);
  • planetary mixer;
  • Desktop;
  • washing;
  • cooling counter;
  • freezer chest;
  • meat grinder
  • electric kettle and coffee machine;
  • kitchenware.

This is the basic set of equipment.

After obtaining the status of an entrepreneur and a taxpayer, you can purchase equipment, enter into lease agreements for premises and hire staff.

When the production base is ready and the staff is fully staffed, you should apply to state inspections for permits to conduct business in the field of catering. It is necessary to submit requests for the issuance of permits to the SES, Rospozhnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor.

In order to avoid problems with regulatory authorities at the stage of opening a pancake shop, it is necessary to request a consultation on the requirements for such facilities even at the stage of creating a catering facility.

Also, in each locality, under the municipalities, there is a service to support small and medium-sized businesses, where you can get detailed information about what documents are needed to open a pancake shop.

How quickly will the costs pay off

The initial cost of a mini pancake shop in the format of a cafe on wheels or a kiosk will be about 600 thousand rubles. For the opening of a pancake cafe in the implementation of the business plan, it is necessary to lay at least 1.2 million rubles.

Monthly costs for a mini-cafe are:

  • 120 thousand rubles. - staff salaries;
  • 80 thousand rubles – maintenance of equipment and mandatory payments (including taxes);
  • 80 thousand rubles - purchase of products;
  • 10 thousand rubles - advertising.

In total, about 290 thousand rubles will be needed to maintain a pancake house per month.

With an average check of 250 rubles, a pancake shop can earn up to 15,000 rubles in an 8-hour shift. With a good commodity-money turnover, the cafe will pay off in 1-1.5 years.

The relatively quick payback and, at the same time, the constant relevance of opening a pancake shop deserve to be considered this business idea when choosing a type of activity for an entrepreneur. In addition, successful cafes have a good prospect of developing into a franchise network, and this is a completely different level of income.

The history of the development of the "pancake business" on the example of one of the largest Russian fast food brands in the following video:

What dishes of Russian national cuisine can you name right away? I think that more than half of the first will call pancakes. And they will be absolutely right, because pancakes, along with kvass and okroshka, are considered primordial Russian dishes. Despite the "dominance" of foreign dishes, Russian cuisine is finally beginning to enjoy wide popularity among its own people, and therefore the question: how to open a pancake from scratch becomes extremely relevant for novice businessmen.

Perhaps, it’s impossible to count how many fast food outlets are open in Russia, selling dishes of various cuisines of the world: oriental - shawarma, chebureks, samsa; western - pizza, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, sandwiches, and other "derivatives" of McDonald's. All this, of course, is very tasty (often to the detriment of the quality and usefulness of food) and inexpensive. Many businessmen acquire franchises of foreign fast food enterprises, open cafes with an "oriental slant", completely forgetting that our country has long had its own traditional, and no less tasty (and more healthy) food.

Pies with any filling, kulebyaki, pies, and, of course, pancakes. Russian pancakes were very popular in the old days, and it seems that people's interest in national cuisine is starting to revive. Therefore, everyone who is just starting to think about what kind of business he should organize, or how to expand an existing business, should think about how to open a pancake shop.

By the way, foreigners who come to Russia are more likely to visit pancake shops, rather than McDonald's, which are abroad, have already quite often begun to be attacked by various interested organizations because of the negative quality of food sold in McDonald's. Pancakes, as fast food companies, have a huge potential for development, and I think that soon (especially in the light of recent political events) they will begin to create great "inconvenience" for their foreign competitors. Moreover, the bill went literally for months: whoever manages to be the first will last longer in this business.

Registering and registering your business

What package of necessary documents will be needed in order to open a pancake shop from scratch, you can read in the publication "How to open a children's cafe", the set of permits is practically the same.

Looking for a place to open a pancake shop

An option for opening a pancake shop could be the idea of ​​an auto cafe, but this will create certain difficulties in attracting regular customers and in communicating with the sanitary and epidemiological service. The most practical choice is a stationary room.

I think that it is not even worth talking about the fact that the opened pancake shop should be located in a busy crowded place. This may be a large intersection, the lower floors of the first line of houses in the business district of the city, a room in a shopping and entertainment center, or next to such buildings, near educational institutions, at railway stations, bus stops, or near metro stations.

It is good if there is a park or square nearby. This will have a good effect on the summer income of your pancake, however, it is simply impossible to take into account all the criteria, so it will be great if at least two or three of these factors coincide.

Factors to consider when looking for a suitable location include:

  • Availability good ventilation, plumbing, sanitary facility, or the possibility of its equipment.
  • The room must have several rooms for the kitchen, food storage warehouse, staff room, visitor hall.
  • Presence near your pancake store competitive outlets, not necessarily your profile, but just fast food outlets.

By the way, the space for the kitchen can be significantly reduced if you purchase special pancake machines for making pancakes, which will facilitate human labor and minimize it.

After the premises that meet all the necessary requirements are found, it is necessary to carry out appropriate repairs and decoration in it. The interior decoration should correspond to the specifics of the institution, be “in tune” with the spirit of a real Russian pancake house. Its attendance largely depends on the attractiveness of the establishment, so this point of your plan for how to open a pancake from scratch should be given close attention.

We compose the menu

How many types of pancakes can you list without thinking? Try it and then test yourself with me: sweet and salty, fresh and yeasty, custard and buckwheat, thick pancakes and thin pancakes. What about the filling? Meat, fish, cottage cheese, honey, condensed milk, fruits, berries, mushrooms, caviar - everything from which you can make stuffing for pancakes is simply tired of listing. In addition, you can come up with your own toppings and surprise your visitors with the unusual taste of a traditional dish.

In addition to pancakes, of course, you can organize the production of other Russian dishes. I am sure that all the dishes that I have already listed above will diverge perfectly: pie, pies, pies, pancakes. You can enter the menu and the famous okroshka.

Although pancakes should be eaten hot, they should be sold "to take away". That is, purchase special plastic containers, plates, napkins, etc. Of course, there should also be drinks “in the theme of the institution”: Russian kvass, jelly, sbiten, herbal teas, fruit drinks, etc., also with the possibility of taking them out of the pancake room.

We buy the necessary equipment

In addition to kitchen appliances and equipment, you will need furniture and interior items for the hall. It is also necessary to equip places where visitors could hang their outerwear. Here everything is limited only by your imagination. The room can be furnished with traditional tables and chairs, you can buy high tables, or make long stands around the perimeter and in the center of the hall, or equip something else.

In addition to the already mentioned pancake machines, you definitely need equipment for the “manual” production of pancakes:

  • electric stove (or even several),
  • pans,
  • pots,
  • ovens,
  • and other equipment designed not only for baking pancakes, but also for preparing other dishes from the range offered.

Recruiting staff

The final number of employees will depend on the area of ​​the pancake shop and its attendance. But even at the initial stage, when your establishment has not yet gained momentum, you will need at least two cooks and two waiters, a cleaning lady, and a dishwasher.

The duties of an accountant, manager, and administrator can be handled independently. However, if financial opportunities allow, then experienced specialists can be hired for these positions. Staff working directly with visitors should be sociable, friendly, with an attractive appearance. By the way, all employees of the pancake shop can be dressed in a uniform, again corresponding to the theme of the establishment.

We advertise our establishment

If you are determined to open a pancake shop and are sure that the upcoming difficulties will not stop you, then it is better to start an advertising campaign long before the opening of your institution. It could be something like this: “Traditional Russian pancakes. Opening of a pancake shop soon” with the obligatory indication of the location of your food point.

A truly beloved, national dish of Russian cuisine is fragrant pancakes. The taste of pancakes is reminiscent of childhood with its carelessness. Surely everyone has tried pancakes, many cook them according to a family recipe and use them with their favorite toppings. The variety of recipes and toppings is impressive. Sweet pancakes with strawberry jam, cottage cheese, honey, hearty with meat, original with caviar. Each person can choose the filling for pancakes to their liking and enjoy this amazing dish.

We draw up a business plan for a pancake

Is it profitable to open a pancake shop?

It is worth talking about the profitability of the project only after studying in detail the competition in the region, the demand for a service or product, and the complexity of implementing a business idea. As for the pancake, such establishments are quite popular, low cost and high taste attract customers. The fragrant smell of pancakes beckons and involuntarily makes you visit the institution in order to enjoy delicious hot pancakes with your favorite toppings.

Competition. In the field of public catering, the competition is quite serious, as these establishments are in great demand and bring a stable income to their owners. But still worth a try. Despite the competition, there are not so many decent establishments with good cuisine in the city, so there are always chances to earn the trust of visitors.

How much does it cost to open a pancake shop?

The question of how much it costs and what you need to open a pancake shop is asked by many. It is impossible to name the exact amount of expenses for opening a pancake shop. It all depends on the region, equipment prices, rental costs and many other important factors that significantly affect the cost of opening a catering establishment.

How to open a pancake shop from scratch?

Any of us is well aware that opening an institution requires a certain amount of money, which will be spent on renting a room, purchasing equipment, and an advertising campaign. In addition, you need to make a lot of physical effort in order to succeed in business.

If you don’t have the money to open a business, then you should turn to investors. Investors are people who invest their money in the promotion of profitable projects. If you are lucky enough to find such a person, you can count on opening a pancake shop from scratch. To attract the attention of an investor, you need to draw up a competent business plan that can interest a person to invest a certain amount of money in your project.

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The format of the pancake and its location

First of all, you need to decide on the format of the institution. There are two options: opening a stationary pancake shop or a mobile one.

How to open a pancake shop on wheels?

A mobile tent is an economical business option that is more suitable for beginners. In this case, you can move from place to place, thereby choosing the best location for your tent. You need to open a pancake kiosk in a crowded part of the city with high traffic. It is also desirable that there are no competitors nearby.

Opening of a stationary cafe-pancake shop. In this case, you will need to initially correctly choose the location for your future establishment, because your profit will depend on it. To open a pancake cafe, of course, you need to have a large amount of money. Renting premises, buying equipment, maintenance personnel - all this requires financial resources.

Room rental. The cost of rent will depend on the area of ​​the city, in the center, of course, it will be much more expensive to open a cafe than in a residential area of ​​the city. Therefore, in this case, focus on your financial capabilities.

Business registration

In order to start an activity, it is necessary to register with the local government and the tax service as an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company.

The next step is to obtain permission from the local administration to install or open a retail outlet. Also, you can not do without checking and conclusions from the sanitary and fire service.

If you are poorly versed in legal intricacies, then it is best to entrust this issue to an experienced, qualified lawyer who will complete the entire package of documents in a short time.

Pancake equipment

Buying equipment is the most expensive part, but it’s not worth saving at this stage. The taste and general appearance of the dishes will depend on the quality of the equipment.

List of necessary equipment for pancake:

  1. Refrigerator for food storage;
  2. Several crepes for baking pancakes;
  3. Dough mixer;
  4. Counter for storing ready meals;
  5. Kitchen utensils (knife, spatulas, kitchen board, etc.);
  6. Cafe furniture (tables, chairs);
  7. Crockery (plates, cups, cutlery).

Hired staff to work in a pancake cafe

If you plan to open a stationary pancake shop, then you need to hire the required number of employees to serve visitors. First of all, you will need a professional chef. You will also need cook assistants, waiters, a bartender, a cleaning lady.

The success of your business will directly depend on the well-coordinated work of employees. Therefore, be very responsible in the selection of personnel. For the position of cook, invite a person with experience and good reviews. Waiters must be attentive, competent, responsible, always take into account the wishes of customers.

Attracting customers to the pancake shop

A well-designed advertising concept to attract customers will allow you to get the desired result in a short time. It is logical that people need to be informed about the newly opened institution. How to do it? With the help of advertising that needs to be placed around the city. A very effective way is to distribute leaflets with the address of the opened institution.

Promotions and discounts. A variety of promotional offers always attract people's attention. At the initial stage and in the future, carry out such activities. This will allow you to get more customers, and therefore more profit.

There can be many ideas for a business, you need to choose carefully, each business has its pros and cons, but if we talk about minimal risk, high profitability and regular customers, then this is a culinary business.

Of course, the culinary options for your future business have no limits, but you should still focus on your favorite dishes of Russian cuisine, one of which is pancakes. How to open a pancake shop, what is required for this, the size of the initial investment, and we will consider all the main points further.

Preparing for the opening

Business is a serious and very responsible business, at the first stages of its construction, you should study as many materials as possible, explore the market and the past experience of entrepreneurs. So, the main stages of preparation for opening a pancake shop.

Analyze the competitive environment. This includes everything you can learn about competitors, that is, how other pancakes in your city (if any) are developing, where they are located, what prices, what assortment, how successful and attended, and how customers respond to them.

Choose direction. After collecting all the available information, based on it, you must decide on the direction for your own pancake. It can be a small cafe or snack bar, or maybe a kiosk.

Consider assortment. To do this, while there is time, you need to find as many new and delicious recipes for baking as possible. All possible options with pancakes will do, there are no many recipes, even if you don’t use the entire menu of dishes at the first stages of the business, you will need them to expand your business in the future.

Make a business plan. Many entrepreneurs do without business plans, but working on a plan is easier and more efficient. The experience of many businessmen recommends taking the time to plan all expenses, income, tax transfers and payback periods.

Find a suitable place. It is not difficult to look for a room, but it will not be easy to find a convenient, passable and inexpensive place to rent, it is better to look at all the suitable options in advance and negotiate with the tenant.

How to open a pancake shop from scratch

So, when the preparation on the main issue, how to open a pancake shop, is over, you should proceed to the implementation of the business plan.

  • To start any business activity, you need to register with the local tax authorities as an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • After that, work with documents is not ready, because pancake, like any other form of public catering, must meet all the requirements of the SES and the fire department;
  • Next comes the rental of the previously looked after premises, it must be roomy at least 40 sq.m.

Now you can start purchasing the necessary equipment.


Approximate data:

  • Initial costs - from 800,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 2-2.5 years.
  • 20 seats, area - 50 m².
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we have compiled a detailed business plan for a pancake shop with calculations and talk about how to open a pancake shop.

For calculations, let's take a pancake house project in a "restaurant courtyard" with an area of ​​50 m² for 20 seats.

Market prospects and relevance of investments

If you decide to open your own business right now, be prepared to spend twice as much of your own time and effort. The crisis dictates its own rules and does not forgive rash steps. It is possible and even necessary to become the owner of a food business in the current economic environment, but you will have to think carefully about choosing a format. The simple formula “opening a restaurant” will no longer work. It's too costly and risky.

A pancake house is a great alternative to a classic restaurant or cafe. Its opening requires 2-3 times less funds; it is a fashionable single-product project with a national dish today.

Format value

Healthy fast food. Pancakes are considered as fast food based on a healthy diet.

National cuisine. It is attractive to both local residents and tourists, as part of Russian culture.

Service speed. Cooking time for a portion of pancakes with filling, a drink and an additional dish (salad or dessert) is an average of 10 minutes.

Affordable price. The average bill for a visitor in a pancake shop is 200-350 rubles.

Large audience coverage. At the expense of the guests of the city, visitors with children (the same fast food, but without harmful dishes), students (inexpensive and satisfying), the working population (at lunchtime).

Convenient location. Pancake shops are opened in crowded places - shopping centers, the city center, "restaurant courtyards" or sleeping areas, where some residents have a lot of free time (grandmothers with grandchildren, young mothers on maternity leave).

Market Perspective

The catering market is currently at the stage of active development. Despite the fact that people in general began to spend less on eating out, the core of the target audience has already been formed. Now it is part of our culture. A full lunch, a light tasty dinner or a nice weekend breakfast, along with snacks between work or shopping, give the market growth prospects.

In Russia, the number of restaurants, bars, cafes is inferior to European and American ones. The market is weakly saturated. According to Rosstat, in the USA there is one food outlet for every 150 people, in Europe for 300 people, and in our country for 930 people.

For the next two years, the five most popular cuisines have been formed - European, Russian, Italian, Japanese, Caucasian. The popularity of Russian cuisine is also supported by large-scale events held in our country:

  • Olympics in Sochi
  • Formula 1 Grand Prix in Sochi
  • FIFA World Cup 2018 in Moscow, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Saransk, Rostov-on-Don, Sochi, Yekaterinburg.

Where to begin? Format selection

Pancake can exist in different versions - from expensive to budget:

Restaurant of Russian cuisine. Initial expenses - at least 3,000,000 rubles. In the menu, in addition to pancakes, a large selection of national dishes, including delicacies: caviar, "royal" varieties of fish, game, exotic meats (venison, bear meat, elk).

Pancake cafe. It costs about 1,500,000 rubles. The emphasis is on pancakes, but other traditional or pseudo-traditional dishes are added to the assortment: cereals, salads, soups, snacks.

Street kiosk or food truck. At the initial stage, it will cost 2,000,000 rubles. considering the car. The food truck is a market trend, but it will have to face certain difficulties. Firstly, there is a difficulty in obtaining a business permit - the status of a mobile cafe is not enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation, at present street retail facilities are placed on the basis of an auction. Secondly, it is necessary to think over engineering communications, provide the facility with water supply, and the staff with a bathroom. Thirdly, for street food there is a “principle of one hand”. That is, the dish must be prepared and packaged so that it can be held with one hand, eaten on the go or sitting, but without the use of cutlery. With pancakes, this is not always possible.

Fast food at the food court. Costs - about 900,000 rubles. The menu includes more than 20 types of pancakes with different fillings, soft and hot drinks, desserts and several salads.

Franchise or own brand

This is a fundamental choice for beginners. Either you join an already well-known federal network, or you start a business from scratch, building your brand and finding your buyer.

Franchise Benefits

  • minimum risks - the business model has already been worked out;
  • a well-known brand - it is not necessary to acquaint consumers with it, less time and money are spent on promotion;
  • advertising and marketing support from the franchisor;
  • training at the expense of the franchisor;
  • well-established scheme of work with suppliers;
  • ready merchandising;
  • unified design of the outlet without the cost of developing a design project and corporate identity.

Franchise cons

  • constant deductions for the use of the brand;
  • it is impossible to realize your ideas;
  • strict adherence to the company's policy without taking into account changes in the local market;
  • restriction on the sale of a business;
  • at the end of the contract, the franchisee leaves the business.

To create your brand, there are two ways to choose from.

  • They look for the ideal room and develop a concept for it;
  • First, they work out the concept, and then they look for a room.


It is a document that reflects all the stages of opening an institution. This is a step-by-step guide that answers the following questions:

  • Where is your establishment located?
  • What is the target audience?
  • What are its competitors and how close are they?
  • What to offer the client?
  • How to select staff?
  • Which promotion method to choose?

The classic concept looks like this:

Market positioning

  • Unique selling proposition
  • Difference from competitors
  • Creation legend
  • Naming

The target audience

  • Client characteristic
  • Needs and values
  • Purpose of visit

Unique selling proposition

  • Detachment from competitors
  • Menu development
  • Advantages and disadvantages of your project


  • Evaluation of the selected place
  • Search and analysis of premises
  • Equipment
  • Design

Estimated quality of food and service

  • Supplier selection
  • Raw material quality control
  • Food production technology
  • Customer Service Form

Management structure, staffing

  • Recruitment
  • Studying programs
  • Management structure, incentive programs, system of fines


  • Opening announcement
  • Presence in the information environment
  • PR and advertising programs
  • Communication with the target audience before and after the opening

Development prospects

  • Project promotion programs
  • Opportunity to grow your business to a network
  • Introduction of new and additional services

A well-designed concept helps to avoid mistakes and unnecessary actions, saves you time and money.

How much does it cost to open a pancake shop

A business plan is your project in numbers. With it, you calculate the costs, predict the payback and profitability of the business.

Let's calculate the initial expenses for opening a pancake shop

1. Development of the concept and business plan

It is extremely difficult to compile both documents independently and in detail. Therefore, we delegate authority and turn to professionals. Restaurant consultants will conduct marketing research and develop a concept and business plan based on it. Marketing research and concept - 80,000 rubles, business plan - 60,000 rubles.

Total - 140,000 rubles.

2. Room

You can rent a place at the food court, convert a separate room into a pancake house in a residential building, office or shopping center.

The cost of a place in the food court depends on the traffic and the status of the shopping center. The highest rates are at the centers a la "Mega" and "Atrium" - here the price reaches 1,000,000 rubles per month for 70 m². On average, you will have to pay at least 300,000 rubles for a place.

As for a separate room, the numbers are also different. In the Moscow region they ask for 10,000 rubles. per m², and in the center of the capital - 100,000 rubles.

The decoration of the premises is divided into three classes: cosmetic - from 1,500 per m², capital - from 7,000, VIP - from 15,000.

Total for finishing in average figures - 150,000 rubles. And the monthly rent is 200-300,000 rubles.

3. Design

Includes the development of an architectural, technological and engineering project.

An engineering project involves drawing up a plan for the placement of communications - water supply and sewerage, ventilation and air conditioning, power supply.

A complete project for 50 m² costs 85,000 rubles.

But you can also order a partial design. For example, only ventilation and air conditioning, if the rest of the work was done before you.

Technological design is the selection of equipment for business tasks, the scheme of placement and linking to engineering networks. The technology project can be obtained free of charge. For example, when ordering complex equipment in the company " MAPLE».

4. Equipment

For the production and serving of pancakes, as well as other items on the menu, you will need:


  • Dough mixer PIZZA GROUP for kneading yeast dough - 76,672 rubles.
  • Crepe maker ERGO two-burner (2 pcs.) - 43,400 rubles.
  • Mixer KITCHEN - 60 990 rubles.
  • Vegetable cutter ROBOT COUPE - 63 878 rubles.
  • Four-burner electric stove - 40,500 rubles.
  • Gaggia Titanium coffee machine - 61,200 rubles.
  • Boiler "Convito" - 5 950 rubles.
  • Bar mixer (for milkshakes) QUAMAR - 15 334 rubles.
  • ERGO juicer - 10 360 rubles.
  • Ice generator "Convito" - 43 680 rubles.
  • Production table (2 pcs.) - 8 088 rubles.
  • Three-section washing bath - 13,948 rubles.
  • Exhaust umbrella - 9 846 rubles.


  • Pancake stick (2 pcs.) - 90 rubles.
  • Pancake spatula (2 pcs.) - 88 rubles
  • Silicone confectionery brush (2 pcs.) - 254 rubles.
  • Silicone culinary spatula - 203 rubles.
  • Culinary bamboo angular spatula - 59 rubles.
  • Utility knife Chef Luxstahl (2 pcs.) - 1016 rubles.
  • Sieve 220 mm with a plastic handle - 269 rubles.
  • Corolla 280 mm - 214 rubles.

Crockery and cutlery (30 pcs.)

  • Small plate with margins "Sam & Squito" 160 mm - 2 940 rubles.
  • Small plate with margins "Sam & Squito" 215 mm - 6 000 rubles.
  • Dish with margins "Sam&Squito" 350x280 mm - 13 860 rubles.
  • Table fork Luxstahl - 3 750 rubles.
  • Table knife Luxstahl - 4 110 rubles.
  • Teaspoon Luxstahl - 1 590 rubles.
  • Highball glass 222 ml - 1 320 rubles.
  • Tea couple 220 ml - 5 250 rubles.
  • Coffee couple 120 ml - 3 780 rubles.
  • Table tray made of polypropylene - 2550 rubles.
  • White paper napkin 250x250 mm (400 pcs.) - 1 320 rubles.

Furniture (20 seats)

  • Underframe round (chrome) - the price is calculated on order
  • Tabletop "19 Beech Light" - 73 440 rubles.
  • Chair "Cafe" with a hard seat - 85,400 rubles.

Total equipment - 661,349 rubles.

5. Design and corporate identity

The design project of a pancake house consists of: project development, 3D visualization, selection of materials and decor, architectural supervision. Cost - from 1200 per m² for an object with an area of ​​50 m².

Total - 60,000 rubles.

Corporate identity is the difference between your establishment and hundreds of others. As part of the work on the style, they come up with a logo, corporate color and font, create a Logobook - a guide to using the logo.

The cost of the basic package is 50,000 rubles.


Let's move from financial tasks to legal ones. To open a pancake shop, you must select the form of ownership: or. If you are starting with a single project and do not plan to sell alcoholic beverages, we recommend.

IP advantages

  1. State duty at registration - 800 rubles.
  2. Simple registration procedure
  3. The charter, authorized capital, seal and current account are not required (but if you need to accept payment by bank transfer, then you need to)
  4. The maximum fine for an administrative offense is 50,000 rubles.
  5. It is not necessary to observe cash discipline and monitor the cash limit
  6. No need to account for the equipment used for business activities
  7. You can manage funds in your current account

Cons of IP

  1. Registered for one person only
  2. Responsibility for obligations with all your property even after closing
  3. An individual entrepreneur remains a responsible person and is obliged to sign primary documents even after signing a power of attorney
  4. Cannot be sold or reissued
  5. It is forbidden to produce and sell alcoholic products

To register an IP, you must: in the Federal Tax Service and pay insurance premiums.

The contribution amount is calculated as follows:

  • If the employee's salary is less than 711,000 rubles. per year, then you pay 30% of the salary. This is 22% to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), 2.9% to the Social Insurance Fund, 5.1% to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
  • If the salary is more than 711,000 rubles per year, then 10% of the excess is paid to the Pension Fund.
  • The contribution to the Social Insurance Fund against industrial accidents and occupational diseases is 0.2% for catering.
  • Personal Income Tax (PIT) - 13%


Features of PSN

  • The average number of employees for the tax period is not more than 15 people
  • It is forbidden to sell alcohol
  • The area of ​​the visitor service hall - no more than 50 m²
  • No bookkeeping or tax reporting required
  • The amount of the patent is fixed


General rules

  • Create a staffing and work schedule
  • Select control scheme
  • Write job responsibilities
  • Draw up and conclude contracts
  • Conduct training: at the workplace, safety and fire safety
  • Provide employees with uniforms, work equipment, food


  • Director - 70,000 rubles.
  • Accountant - 50,000 rubles.
  • Forwarding driver - 30,000 rubles.
  • Universal cook - 35,000 rubles
  • Administrator - 40,000 rubles.
  • Cashier - 30,000 rubles.
  • Cleaners and dishwashers - 15,000 rubles.

Profitability and payback

For a pancake, as for any fast food, are characteristic:

  • Low competitive prices
  • Markup 150–250%
  • High permeability
  • The average check is 200–350 rubles.

The maximum payback period for this format is 2-2.5 years. If during this time the institution has not paid off, diagnostics are carried out in order to identify problems. They could be: staff theft, bad location, not meeting customer expectations, unpopular concept.

To enter the market correctly and exist successfully on it, contact HoReCa professionals for support. Company " MAPLE» has been opening and equipping catering establishments throughout Russia for 20 years. More than 1200 successful projects are a good guarantee of a successful start.

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:
