Abandoned railway dream book. What is the dream of the railway, rails, train

Seen in a dream, it is interpreted as the direction of life. If the road is straight, then the life path will be exactly the same - without shying from side to side, without unnecessary "lyrical digressions" and painful questions "What to do?" and “Who is to blame?”.

Whether such a life will be interesting is another question. Some will find it too bland. Someone will be completely satisfied. But a dream is a dream, and there is no choice.

Railway rails seen in a dream - how given direction that you follow through life. There are no bumps and potholes, which means that the path to good luck and happiness is straight. But you can’t turn off this path either - the rails are iron.
If you dreamed rail tracks, but for some reason without a railway, get ready for a change. If you are already, and he is hardly picking up speed, then you will have serious worries about some kind of enterprise that should become the main source of your financial well-being.
Interference on the rails, which does not allow the train to move forward, warns the dreamer that a traitor has appeared in his environment, and he is doing destructive work against your business.
Concerning intimate sphere, then nothing good can be expected from the rails: the paths of lovers, most likely, will diverge.

Interpretation of sleep: “The “runaway” rails seen in a dream - for a quick trip, sleepers - the risk of being late where they are waiting for you” (“Summer Dream Book”).

A passenger train seen in a dream is preparing you for a trip in reality. Moreover, it will take place very soon if the train that you saw in a dream is fast.
A train in a dream is a signal for the sleeper that you need to be serious take care of business. Perhaps you have given yourself some indulgences, and now a swarm of envious people and ill-wishers are ready to "lay" you and, if possible, sit you down. The train is a kind of new round of your life. If the train haunted you from afar, then changes in your life will not happen very soon. Get ready for them. But if you see a train on the platform or sit inside and wait for departure, then changes are practically at your doorstep.
The train means your concern for family and friends. If you saw in a dream the entire train, including the locomotive, this means that there is no unanimity among your relatives, and you will have difficult communication with your relatives on some issues that are important to you for all.

The electric train seen in a dream promises you an interesting acquaintance with the prospect of changes in your personal life.

Interpretation of sleep: “We saw a train in a dream - wait for an interesting invitation that will open up new perspectives for you” (“Modern Dream Book”).

Don't like top shelves on trains? That's right. In a dream it is too not the best option. If you sleep and see yourself in a compartment, on the top shelf, it means that in reality you will be sent on a business trip with not the most pleasant assignment and with not the best companion, besides, you will spend money ineptly. But if companion will be nice to you, then the dream will mean that in real life you will find a person who can become your faithful companion and reliable support for many years.
And a few more interpretations of dreams about cars:

  • freight car - to a deterioration in financial well-being,
  • an empty car - to self-flagellation and loneliness,
  • overcrowded wagon - to slow down the progress of your affairs,
  • uncoupled wagon on rails - to the suspension of your business,
  • a large number of wagons - for a long life.

Interpretation of sleep: “We saw how you enter the car, which means you are returning to your usual life, the course of which was disrupted” (“Tsvetkov’s Dream Interpretation”).

A toy road is often dreamed of by those who in real life are busy with an unloved job and could not realize all their talents and capabilities. If you see yourself as a child with a train and wagons in your hands, it means that in reality you are dissatisfied with the current situation, but to change it - beyond your control. Dream interpreters believe that after such a dream, a person should postpone the decision of the most important matters for a while, so as not to be disappointed in their result.

Interpretation of sleep: “A toy road in a dream is a model of the structure of your consciousness” (“Psychoanalytic dream book).

Dream interpreters believe that a risky crossing of railway tracks means a certain revolutionary character in human behavior: he went against the flow breaks stereotypes. That's just a dream does not give an answer to the question, the success of all this will end or collapse.
If you run across the tracks dangerously close to a moving train, it means that tedious, hopeless work awaits you ahead, and this worries you.
If in a dream you used the passage through the railway tracks, then in reality you are a “knight at a crossroads”, you doubt everything before making any decision.

Interpretation of sleep: “Crossing railroad tracks means entering a period of anxiety and hard labor” (“Miller’s Dream Book”).

Walk the paths

If in a dream you are confidently walking straight along the railway tracks, great news awaits you and good performance at work.

Going towards the train means you are getting involved in a risky but promising enterprise.

You walk along the rails, but from time to time you slip on - it means that there are obstacles on the way to the intended goal and they must be overcome. But you do not give up, but, on the contrary, you get down to business even stronger and more recklessly.

Interpretation of sleep: “If you walked along the rails in a dream, then you will achieve happiness in life” (“Big Dream Book”).

This dream is mirror reflection happening in reality. Something very much worries you, oppresses you, failure follows failure. in which in a dreamshould not scare you: this dream only promises help that relatives and friends will offer you.
Some dream books consider a dream about a railway accident as the onset of health interruptions. Get out of trouble by going to the doctor.

Interpretation of sleep: “A railway accident seen in a dream calls for abandoning the planned grandiose plan so that it does not end in irreparable misfortune” (“Dream Interpretation of the 20th Century”).

Build a railroad

A creative dream (you are building a railway) is actually destructive and means that you are arranging for one of your enemies barriers to achieving their goals.
And another interpretation option: if in a dream you are building a railway, then in real life get ready to receive a very interesting, career-promising offer.

Interpretation of sleep: "Building a railway - to well-being" ("The latest dream book of G. Ivanov).

This dream means the approach of the "black bar" in your life. Obviously, you made some mistake, or the decision you made turned out to be wrong. Recognize that this is so, and it will be much easier for you to correct the situation.
In the interpretation of this dream, it is very important whether you were a direct participant in the events or watched the tragedy from the outside. If you were on the train, which means that you have to "step on the throat of your own song" and sacrifice some of your principles for the intended purpose. If you watched what was happening from the side, indifferently, it means that in real life you are ready to be cowardly in the name of the same great goal.

Interpretation of sleep: “A derailed train means that fortune will turn away from you in reality” (“Dream Interpretation Hasse”).

According to Freud

According to Freud's Dream Book, watching a train in a dream means a quick change of sexual partner.

Go from car to car - they are waiting for you fleeting novels.

If in a dream you entered the car, it means that after a period of searching, displeasure with yourself, you will return to your usual life. Get out of the car - get ready for changes in real life. Missing the train means that you had a great chance that you missed.

According to Vanga

"Wangi's Dream Interpretation" interprets the dreaming of a train as a symbol of longing. The dream book compares the train passing by you with changes in life that you are not happy about, moreover - upset and disappointed. And the longer the train, the longer this period of despondency and melancholy will last. But if there is no end in sight to the composition, this may portend a long life for a person who has just recovered from a serious illness.
If the sleeper in a dream acts as a train passenger, then the dream is considered. And here we must try to keep in memory all its details in order to interpret it more accurately.

From time immemorial, people believed that dreams carry a deep meaning. Many still believe that they are able to open the veil of the future, warn of trouble, and prepare us for various events. And why can a woman dream of a train and a railway in a dream? More on this later.

How to interpret such a dream

To the question of what the railway, station and train are dreaming of, the dream book has several answers. This can be interpreted like this:

  • in a person’s life, large-scale changes associated with the move are planned in the near future;
  • an unexpected long trip or journey ahead;
  • career changes are expected;
  • you need to change something in life;
  • man has to make a difficult choice.

If you dreamed that you were walking on rails, and the end and the edge were not visible, then this means that you are still very far from reaching your goal.

Watching trains moving along the railway - expect global changes in life. Their scale will depend on the number of trains and wagons.

Walking on the railroad? Know that you are excellent at doing business, which is why you are constantly pursued by success.

Obstacles while walking on the railroad in a dream (we are talking about stones, broken rails, sleepers, etc.) portend difficulties in real life. If in a dream you successfully stepped over them, then in life you will be able to cope with all the problems and failures.

How dreams are interpreted in different dream books

It would seem that there is nothing difficult in the interpretation of such a dream. But this is only at first glance. Almost all dream books offer their own options for the development of events and answer the question in different ways, why dream of a train and a railway in a dream?

Miller's dream book

Other interpretations

In which you saw yourself lying on the train on the top shelf, promises an unpleasant acquaintance, a waste of money.

A trip in a pleasant company portends an unexpected love affair, which has every chance of developing into marriage.

See how the paths cross? Soon you will have a difficult choice to make on your own.

Just looking at the railroad? Know that your enemies and competitors are not asleep and are trying to put a spoke in the wheel. Be careful when talking about your plans to people you don't know well.

Does a girl dream of iron tracks? This means that soon she will go to another city to visit old friends.

Did you see the big wall in the middle of the railroad tracks? Expect betrayal from those you trust.

If you cross the railway, then this is not a very good sign, promising exhausting work and anxiety.

Are you on rails? Fine! Expect great success in business.

We saw that the iron tracks were flooded with water, remember what it was like in a dream. If cloudy, then expect trouble, disappointment and serious problems. Was the water clear? This is a good sign that failure is only a temporary phenomenon that will only temper your spirit.

Did you see a wagon in a dream? Perfectly! Be sure: marriage will be stronger than steel.

Traveling by car - expect improvements in the material sphere. If you notice that there is not enough space in the car in which you are traveling, be sure that no one will be able to shake you, despite multiple attempts.

If a young girl saw in a dream that a train was passing near a dangerous embankment, then this is not good. The dream warns you not to commit rash acts. Ignoring this recommendation can lead to the fact that others will turn away from you and stop trusting.

We saw an electric train in a dream - stop pulling! You can be late, and no one will need your help. Do it quickly, and do not pay attention to the opinions of others. After all, it's impossible to please everyone.

If you dream of a railway, it means that you will soon find that your business needs special attention, as your enemies are trying to seize the initiative in it.

If a girl dreams of a railway, it means that she will go on a trip to visit her friends and have a wonderful time there.

To dream of a barrier on a railroad track means betrayal in your affairs.

Passing through the intersection of sleepers on the railway means a time of anxiety and exhausting work.

Walking on rails in a dream is a sign that you will achieve great happiness thanks to your skillful business management.

To dream of railroad tracks flooded with clean water means that misfortune will darken the joy of life for a while, but it will be reborn like a phoenix from the ashes.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation - Railway

The railway in a dream portends a profitable journey at someone else's expense. If in a dream you are driving along it, then pretty soon find out for yourself what exactly is an obstacle in your affairs, and resolutely begin to eliminate these obstacles.

The dream of a railway station suggests that in the coming days you will have to use public transport services.

For a young girl to see herself in a dream at a railway station means that she will happily go to her friends who are vacationing outside the city and have great fun with them there.

A railway crossing seen in a dream symbolizes your desire for a new goal, which will meet significant obstacles and difficulties. Walking on sleepers in a dream portends the intensification of your activities in a new direction, which will bring immediate success and high incomes.

The railway arrow means that at the moment you are standing at a crossroads in life, move the arrow - make the final choice.

Crossing the railroad tracks in front of a rapidly approaching train means the onset of an alarm streak in your life, full of painstaking but unprofitable work.

Passing over a railway bridge across a large, endless river in a dream means that a temporary decline in your affairs will be replaced by a sharp rise. Seeing yourself in a dream as a conductor of a railway car - in reality you will have to turn to your closest neighbors for a small service.

If you dream that you are riding a train through an absolutely hopeless railway tunnel, this means that soon you will be involved in an unusual enterprise that will turn into sad events or endless troubles for you. Walking in a dream along an underground railway crossing - you will never be able to unravel the mystery over which you have been racking your brains for a long time. Getting lost in such a transition means that you are embarking on a path that will not lead you to success, but move you away from it.

Interpretation of dreams from

The world of dreams is amazing and multifaceted, often at night, being in the kingdom of Morpheus, a person is transferred to an amazing place inhabited by mythical creatures, where even plants can talk. Some remain in the very real world. If such a boring, at first glance, dream is deposited in the memory, then it is a hint of fate. You should look into the dream books and find out what the railway is dreaming of.

The overall meaning of the image

The interpreters of dreams are unanimous - if you happen to see the railway, then you should prepare for changes in life. This may be a device for a new job, where there will be more chances to prove yourself, a trip in a good company, a new round in a relationship with a loved one. But possibly a negative meaning: separation, financial difficulties, even problems with the law. A more accurate value will help determine the subtleties and details of sleep.

However, the dream books explain: even if a black streak is coming now, you should not despair, sooner or later it will change to white, help the sleeping person become stronger, learn to make decisions, determine who is a friend, and who only pretends to be.

Miller's dream book

This interpreter is considered one of the most reliable for interpreting a dream, since it was compiled on the basis of a thorough analysis of a large number of dreams from different people. According to Miller, seeing a train, railway tracks is a symbol of change. At the same time, a trip in one of the cars is most often interpreted in the literal sense - you have to go on a trip. If the dreamer enjoyed relaxing on the top shelf in the compartment, he should be especially careful - there is a very high risk that the most important business will collapse.

Being inside a standing train that is not going to follow anywhere means that in the near future the life of the sleeping person will peacefully follow the beaten track, no changes are expected now.

This news will calm someone, while it will seem to others that a boring time is coming. In any case, it's time to take a break and relax a bit.

Commodity stock is a good sign, luck and success are expected in reality, communication with loved ones will bring only pleasant moments, and new acquaintances will help you make great friends and reliable business partners. For service employees, after such a dream, one should expect a profitable client to appear who will ensure the fulfillment of the sales plan and a good bonus.

The injury received in the car indicates that the sleeper is ready for any sacrifice for the sake of his loved one or family. Seeing railway tracks blocked by some kind of obstacle means waking up to experience the bitterness of betrayal of loved ones or friends.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

To find out what the railway and rails are dreaming of, you need to turn to authoritative sources. For example, the dream book of the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga explains this image as follows:

  • To see the road going into the distance, just to watch it - longing, sadness, loneliness await the dreamer ahead.
  • If at the same time the train is still moving, then you should prepare for the bitterness of disappointment. The longer the composition, the more pain and resentment a person will have to endure in the near future.
  • Get on the locomotive - get good news, perhaps - really go on a trip.

There is another interpretation of the dream - if the sleeper sees a road that goes far beyond his vision, then such a dream tells him that he will have a long life.

But such an image does not cross out all the previous meanings: life may be long, but not easy.

Interpretation according to various dream books

To figure out what to prepare for after such a dream, you need to look into the dream book. Railroad, rails, train are most often seen to change in life, but authoritative sources note their subtleties and nuances of interpretation:

Most interpreters agree on one thing - if the railway turned out to be a toy, then all the obstacles that stood in the way of the dreamer will be easily overcome for him, he will boldly and decisively move towards his goal, so victory is guaranteed.

Attention to detail

In order to understand in more detail what you should prepare for after you had a chance to see the railway in a dream, you should analyze the plot outline, remember what exactly happened, who else was present, in addition to the dreamer. Wherein many options are possible, which are explained in different ways by dream books:

An analysis of these details will help you figure out what to prepare for, so it must be approached with all responsibility.

Knowledge makes it possible to avoid the most unpleasant situations, reduce the harm they cause, mentally prepare for an unfavorable outcome. Even if the dream has a negative interpretation, you still need to thank for the hint that will allow you to survive the next blow of fate.

Attention, only TODAY!

To understand what the railway is dreaming of, you can turn to recent events. If in real life the dreamer has recently moved in this way, this may be the case, since the memories are still fresh. Otherwise, you need to look into the dream book. The railroad is often interpreted literally as an ambulance, but there are other variations.

  • Some dream books claim that the railway in a dream is a trip that a wealthy person will pay for. Most of all, this applies to the beautiful half of the population.
  • If there were rails in the dream, this warns against a situation whose sad end is unlikely to be prevented.
  • Why does a girl dream of a railway, it is most likely a meeting on the way with a person who will later become love or a husband. Also, the dream is interpreted by some dream books as a quick date.

Features and behavior on the railway

  • Walking on the railroad - to the improvement of business, career success and many different areas due to the sensitivity and inner qualities of the dreamer. Everything that he achieves in life is only his merit.
  • When asked why the railway in the water is dreaming, it is worth discarding the postulate that clean water is always a good harbinger in a dream. In this case, sleep means trouble that will drive you into depression. But after a while everything goes back to normal.
  • Dirty rails in a dream warn of betrayal, according to the dream book. A railroad that looks old and unattractive is a warning against deceit.
  • Run across the railway to the other side - to problems and troubles. Hard work awaits the dreamer, but its scope is silent.

Interpreted dreams by Miller

  • A well-known psychologist also has an answer to the question of why the railway is dreaming. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to his dream book. The railroad, according to Miller, symbolizes only the best changes. Walking along it - to good and unexpected news from afar. Getting off the rails to let a moving train pass is a sudden and very pleasant surprise.
  • To ride, according to the dream book, by rail means to successfully overcome all obstacles and hardships on the way to a cherished dream.
  • To dream of a train station where trains arrive means that soon the dreamer will face financial difficulties.
  • Running along the railway tracks is a great success in a new field of activity, which will not only bring incredible pleasure to the dreamer, but also significantly improve his financial well-being.
  • Why dream of running across the railway, right in front of a rushing train, is more of a negative than a harbinger of joy. This dream warns against problems and failures that will soon enter the life of the sleeper.

Landscapes and view from the window

  • Passing a huge river, traveling by train - to a sharp change from black to white, which promises to drag on for a long time and correct all the bad events of the past.
  • Considering the question of why the railway running through the tunnel is dreaming, you should pay attention to how dark and deep it was. The scarier, the more serious the problem that the sleeper will fall into. We are talking about a dubious proposal in real life, agreeing to which you will have to lose your conscience and morality.
  • Some dream books have come to the conclusion that the railway, which has several intersections in which it was possible to get lost, indicates that a certain problem will not be solved. You should stop worrying about her.


  • The car in a dream symbolizes the current state of the dreamer. A well-groomed, new car speaks of well-being. A wagon designed to carry cargo or a platform promises hard and low-paid work.
  • A wagon overloaded with goods or materials means that some obstacles await the dreamer on the way to the goal.