How to paste wallpaper on osb plate. How to glue wallpaper on osb plate

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

In apartments and private houses during repair work Increasingly, OSB is being used. This material is gradually replacing the usual sheets of chipboard and fiberboard from construction. But many ordinary people face problems when it comes time to glue wallpaper on the OSB board. How to do it right?

Types and characteristics of OSB boards

This material consists of several layers of sawdust and shavings, pressed and bonded together. special composition consisting of glue, paraffin and various resins. Such impregnation not only turns wood waste into a single whole, but also serves reliable protection from moisture. After pressure treatment, the sheet gets a beautiful glossy surface.

In terms of its characteristics, such as strength, deformation resistance or rigidity, it is superior to plywood, hardboard, chipboard and drywall. Builders are attracted by the ease of processing of these panels, their ability to hold various fasteners well. They are compatible with all types finishing works: puttying, painting, wallpapering, varnishing, tile installation.

On sale there are 4 types of plates from OSB-1 to OSB-4. The higher the number, the higher the strength of the sheet. Three and four have increased moisture resistance.

Important! When finishing inside residential premises, it is necessary to pay attention to the environmental friendliness of the material. OSB boards must be labeled "ECO". Allowed class environmental safety E0 or E1, but the material of the latter type should not come into contact with air, therefore, it needs a mandatory rough finish.

All other types of OSB boards can only be used for outdoor work, as they are capable of releasing compounds harmful to the human body.

What happens if you just stick wallpaper on an OSB surface?

Such an experiment can have negative consequences:

  • Oriented strand board only at first glance seems to be even. After drying on thin wallpaper, all the irregularities and roughness of the surface will definitely appear. Interpanel seams will also appear, as well as attachment points with self-tapping screws.
  • Under the influence of temperature, stains from the released synthetic resins and paraffin will appear on the wallpaper over time.
  • Impregnation of the OSB board impairs adhesion, so the glue or primer will slide off its surface.
  • Wallpaper glue can cause swelling of the material, so it is necessary to create a barrier against its penetration into the panel.

When can I get by with minimal processing?

As already mentioned, it is impossible to glue wallpaper on plates marked E1 without creating a protective layer. For OSB class E0, the following options are possible:

  1. Dense and large-relief vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, as well as fiberglass and glass wallpaper, can be glued to the slab without leveling the surface, a primer and sealing joints are enough. For light-colored sheets, it is recommended to additionally cover the plate with white insulating paint.
  2. Liquid wallpaper, due to the ability to hide irregularities, can also be applied to a primed slab with pre-treated joints.
  3. Smooth or thin wallpapers are glued only on a slab lined with plaster or putty.

Conclusion: for some types of wallpaper, provided that the plate belongs to class E0, in preparation for gluing, you can limit yourself to sealing joints and priming, omitting several laborious steps.

Surface preparation

The formation of the desired base for wallpaper includes the following steps:

  • Grinding and leveling of plates.
  • Primary primer.
  • Processing of panel joints and recesses at attachment points.
  • Installation of fiberglass reinforcing mesh.
  • Applying a layer of plaster or putty.
  • Secondary primer of the leveled surface.

Sanding OSB boards

The purpose of this operation is not only to level the surface of the panels, but also to remove upper layer impregnation, which makes it difficult to apply a primer composition.

Grinding is performed using fine-grained sandpaper manually or using a grinding machine.

Ground application

This stage allows:

  • Create a waterproofing layer that will prevent the boards from swelling when in contact with the wallpaper paste.
  • Eliminate the slightest irregularities remaining on the OSB surface after grinding.
  • To improve the adhesion of the material, initially low due to the properties of synthetic resins and paraffin.
  • Eliminate the possibility of stains from impregnation on the wallpaper in the future.

The primary primer is carried out in two or three layers. It is recommended to coat the panels with an acrylic or latex based mortar.

Important! The primer should have antifungal and water-repellent properties.

Joint sealing

Particular attention should be paid to the processing of joints and the sealing of the heads of self-tapping screws. These shortcomings will definitely appear after wallpapering.

You can level the joints of the sheets using polyurethane foam or plastic putty on wood with the obligatory use of sickle tape.

Hardware heads in the absence of silicone-based sealant cover oil paint. It won't let rust show up.

Installation of fiberglass mesh

Professionals advise not to be limited to mounting the sickle on the seams, but to cover the entire area with fiberglass reinforcing mesh. It will improve the quality of adhesion of plaster or putty to the surface.

The installation of the grid is carried out from the slope with the approach to the adjacent wall. Fiberglass is fastened with a stapler after 10-15 cm, for reliability, you can use glue at the same time.

Plaster and putty

Depending on the curvature of the walls, both of these alignment methods or only the last one are used.

For application to OSB, compositions intended for wood with high elasticity are chosen: nitro putties, as well as acrylic-based or oil-adhesive solutions.

Leveling mixtures are applied until all surface imperfections are eliminated, and after hardening they are rubbed with fine sandpaper or .

The application of plaster or putty is not necessary if liquid wallpaper, fiberglass or thick wallpaper with a textured pattern is used.

secondary primer

Re-applying the primer not only improves the adhesion of the wallpaper to the puttied surface, but also protects the latter from the penetration of moisture from the adhesive. They proceed to this stage after the putty has completely dried.


The procedure is no different from the standard one: cutting pieces desired length taking into account the adjustment of the pattern and gluing in accordance with the recommendations of the adhesive and wallpaper manufacturers. It is useful to consider some nuances:

  • The gluing scheme must be chosen so that the joints between wallpaper fragments do not fall on the seams between the OSB boards.
  • As a rule, glue is applied to the wall and to the fragment to be mounted. For each type of wallpaper you need to wait certain time before attaching them to the wall. In some cases, so that the glue from the wrong side does not dry out ahead of time, the masters advise to fold the glued strip in half, bending its top and bottom to the center.
  • On the wall, each fragment is carefully leveled with a roller or soft cloth to eliminate air bubbles.

After gluing, it is required to ensure a constant temperature in the room for a day and take care of the absence of drafts.

The process of gluing different types of wallpaper is described in detail in the following articles:

How to glue wallpaper on plywood and chipboard?

Plywood and chipboard are prepared for wallpapering in the same way as OSB. The only difference is that these sheet materials have a smooth, even surface, so they do not need to be pre-sanded.

Preparation for wallpapering fiberboard (hardboard)

With fiberboard, everything is more difficult due to the high hygroscopicity of the material. It cannot be primed. deep penetration, without putty, seams will be visible through the finish.

There are 3 options for preparing hardboard for wallpapering.

Method number 1:

  1. The surface is covered with white alkyd paint or primer on a similar basis in 2 layers. This will create a moisture-proof barrier, increase adhesion.
  2. When gluing canvases, PVA is added to the wallpaper glue at the rate of 50 ml per 1 liter.

This method is only suitable for dense embossed wallpaper through which the seams will not show through.

Method number 2:

  1. The hardboard is primed with undiluted PVA glue.
  2. Fiberglass or fiberglass mesh is glued to the surface with the help of PVA.
  3. Fiberboard is puttied with a plaster composition. The layer thickness is about 1 mm.
  4. Putty plates are polished.
  5. A deep penetration primer is applied.
  6. Wallpaper is glued in the usual way.

The only drawback of the method is the one-sided protection of fiberboard from moisture. At high humidity sheet material may deform.

Method number 3 includes the following steps:

  1. Impregnation of hardboard with hot drying oil even before installation, which will make the fiberboard moisture resistant.
  2. Treatment with a primer with quartz sand - "Concrete-contact", - making a smooth surface rough.
  3. Slab putty thin layer. Fiberglass mesh in this case is optional.
  4. Coated with acrylic primer.
  5. Wallpaper pasting.

Summing up

We found out that it is possible to glue wallpaper on OSB, chipboard, fiberboard and plywood, but only after pre-training. The first three materials are processed in a similar way, more capricious hardboard requires a special approach. When preparing OSB boards, it is important to take into account the environmental class. You can see the whole process better if you watch the video below.

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Very often for interior decoration and even when building frame structures, OSB slabs are used. This material is very good at warming and giving an even structure to the wall, when installing partitions and similar types of work. But after the installation work is done OSB boards you need to do the finishing to bring them to a presentable appearance.

In this article we will look at how to finish OSB using wallpaper. In order for the work to go smoothly, and the result to please, you need to familiarize yourself with and adhere to certain rules. Here you can not do without special materials which are used in the processing of wooden structures.

Do wallpaper glue on OSB

Wallpaper material can be of different types, used both for painting and having a structure decorative plaster. But all of them are demanding on the basis. It is precisely the carefully prepared and correctly executed gluing technology that gives a high-quality result. So, the surface should be hard, even, dry and smooth. Surface OSB sheets is rough and has many dents, chips and tubercles. The presence of seams at the joints of the sheets also complicates the process. You can't stick wallpaper on it with high quality. Of course, you can do the very laborious work of leveling the surface with grinder. Coat several times with a primer, and different types. But all this not only requires time and large material costs. Because the most the best option is leveling with putty.

Choosing materials and tools

For the convenience of performing the work, it is necessary to prepare the tools in advance. We will need the following for surface preparation:

  • for applying plaster you need a spatula;
  • to clean the applied layer of plaster - sandpaper or a special grid for grinding;
  • brushes and roller for applying primer and glue;
  • dry rag.

Materials for work:

The process of sticking wallpaper, which is familiar to us, is not suitable in this case. Here are a few factors of the need to comply with a special technology for wallpapering on OSB:

  • since the slab consists of 90% wooden components, it has high performance liquid absorption, so it is impossible to simply apply glue to the plate;
  • since the wood absorbs liquid, and the glue contains water, the process of applying the glue can lead to swelling.

To avoid all these unpleasant facts, you should carefully prepare the surface for wallpapering.

Surface preparation

There are several ways to prepare tiles for wallpapering. Let's consider in detail the most common of them. Very detailed instructions presented in the video:

Putty method

Then, using a spatula, apply the mixture to the surface according to the principle from the bottom up. We equalize using the rule.

Important! If you decide to skip the process of applying the plaster, which is strongly not recommended, you must repeat the priming operation several more times.

Paper base for wallpaper

Wallpaper will hold up well paper basis applied to the sheets.

So that when wallpapering does not occur unnecessary difficulties, and the canvases themselves are securely glued to the surface of the OSB boards, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements when performing finishing work.

The first step is to answer the main question: "Is it possible to glue wallpaper on an OSB board without putty?". Non-professionals in the field of construction often glue canvases directly to the slabs, but this is wrong. The OSB surface is not perfectly flat - some chips stick out, while others are pressed deeper than others. These irregularities will negatively affect the quality of gluing the surface with wallpaper (especially in the corners and joints). In addition, on thin paper wallpapers, irregularities will be very noticeable. Therefore, at first the plates will have to be sanded, primed and only then pasted over with wallpaper. But when it becomes necessary to re-paste the wallpaper, it will be very problematic to tear them off the plates.

In order not to create unnecessary difficulties for yourself, it is recommended to follow the proven algorithm OSB finishes plates.

OSB preparation for pasting

Putty - a universal basis for any fine finish. Of course, puttying will take much longer, but on the other hand, a high-quality base will remain for decades, and in the case of, for example, wallpapering, they can be easily removed and applied to any other coating, without additional repair work.

  1. Primer. To reduce the moisture absorption of the OSB board and improve adhesion, it is necessary to cover the surface with a primer at least 2-3 times.
  2. Sealing joints. For this, it is better to use special polymer mixtures with fiberglass developed for OSB, but their cost is quite high. In order to save money, you can get by with the starting putty. Having tightly smeared all the joints, you can immediately proceed to the next step.
  3. Fixing sickle. The grid is fixed on the entire surface of the walls. Inner and outer corners, the mesh should wrap tightly. You can fix the sickle with a construction stapler, with an interval of 100-150 mm. After that, plaster corners are attached to the corners with brackets.
  4. Puttying. Everything is standard here - first, a layer of starting putty is applied, hiding the sickle, and after it dries, the finishing putty. You can read more about this stage in the article "".
  5. After the putty has completely dried, the wall must be primed again.

Everything, the preparatory stage is over, you can proceed directly to the decoration with wallpaper.


Because preparatory work made it possible to obtain ordinary universal walls, the wallpapering process will be standard.

OSB boards are increasingly used for the construction of warm and durable private houses. Wide use they also received during the interior cladding of the premises, as well as the construction interior partitions. But since this material is still quite new to us, few imagine how it will behave when finished. And most a large number of Questions arise when you want to paste wallpaper.

Ordinary oriented strand boards used for interior cladding easily absorb moisture and swell noticeably. Deep penetration primers and wallpaper glue have the same effect on them. This means that the OSB will first need to be prepared and their absorbency reduced, otherwise the wallpaper will not stick.

Interpanel seams will also require attention - they should be filled with sealant or plaster intended for wooden surfaces. Due to the large area of ​​particle boards, their thermal expansion can be quite noticeable. Inside a heated residential building, this rarely happens, but there are also force majeure circumstances. So that the seams do not suffer from this, it is better to choose plastic fillers - based on acrylic.

After applying the composition, it is necessary to suspend all work with OSB panels until the seams are completely dry, otherwise, when shrinking, they can provoke deformations of the glued wallpaper. The remaining traces of plaster on the OSB are cleaned and sanded with sandpaper.

As an option, you can use sickle tape or strips of fiberglass to reinforce the seams before subsequent puttying of the entire wall surface. In this case, filling the gaps is not required.

Finish alignment

Let's make a reservation right away: it is useless to glue wallpaper directly on OSB. Firstly, the board has very poor adhesion to adhesives. Secondly, paraffin and resins can provoke the appearance of unaesthetic stains on light finish after some time. It will be possible to avoid these problems with the help of several thick layers of white primer, if the wallpaper is glued sufficiently dense, with a non-staining pattern. The main requirement for the soil is the creation of a waterproof film that will protect the OSB from swelling upon contact with the adhesive.

There is a special insulating solution for staining OSB - Aqua-Deck E.L.F. brand Pufas (about 650 rubles / l). It is a water soluble paint suitable for internal works, but requires compliance with safety precautions when applied. After it, even very thin wallpapers can be glued to the walls, but the surface of the plates will still retain its texture, which will be visible under the sheets. Therefore, it is better to do everything for sure and putty the OSB.

Work order:

1. Sanding OSB to wood with sandpaper or a special machine will remove protruding wood fibers and outer layer resins. In addition, sanding will prevent the primer from rolling under the brush.

2. Application of an acrylate or acrylic primer, which will allow the leveling compound to adhere firmly to the OSB. You can attach a paint mesh to the OSB with a construction stapler - it holds the plaster well and prevents cracking.

3. Actually puttying. This will require a special nitro putty on wood or a white oil-glue mixture. It is recommended to apply glyptal varnish under the putty - it will provide good moisture protection to the panels. But you need to choose a colorless composition.

4. It is better to apply putty with a thick enough layer so that large chips of the OSB board are completely hidden under it. If there is little experience, it is worth using a long plastering rule to obtain a uniform coating.

Upon completion of the work, they begin to grind the resulting surface with a flat float with fine-grained sandpaper or a hard sponge. After sanding, the walls are cleaned of dust with a brush.

An excellent tool for puttying OSB is Semin Fibrelastic (France). This polymer putty with fibers is designed for deformable and moving substrates, it is flexible enough and can be used in any premises. True, it will not be possible to find it in every building market, and it costs a lot - 1.5 kg of the finished mixture will cost from 610 to 650 rubles. But if it is used only for sealing interpanel joints without reinforcement, the costs will be negligible.

How to paste wallpaper?

Some craftsmen advise gluing white paper or cheap single-layer overlap wallpaper on OSB and only after that proceed to finishing. But with the high-quality preparation of the walls, which will have to be done in any case, the intermediate paper layer will not play a big role, but will only complicate the finishing work on the OSB - after all, you will have to glue the wallpaper twice in the same room.

After leveling with plaster or putty, there are practically no questions about how to properly glue the wallpaper. All subsequent wall finishing operations are standard:

1. Dissolve the adhesive mixture in water, according to the manufacturer's instructions. Glue should be chosen, focusing on the type of wallpaper.

2. Cut each roll into strips of the appropriate length to fit the pattern if the pattern requires it.

3. Cover with a continuous layer of glue the wrong side of the prepared sheet and that part of the wall on which it will need to be glued. While you are processing the wall, it is better to fold the segment in half (top and bottom - to the center) so as not to dry out.

4. Raise the segment by top corners and attach to the junction of the ceiling and wall. To make it easier to glue, you can use a plumb line and beat off the vertical "guides" for the first strip. All subsequent ones will lie flat, but the plumb line will help control each sheet in order to eliminate the error in time and paste the wallpaper evenly.

5. Smooth the sheet with a soft rag or a clean roller, gluing it from top to bottom and from the middle to the edges of the segment, expelling air bubbles.


In the case when you need to stick wallpaper on OSB, you will have to take into account many nuances, because non-compliance with the technology will not only lead to deformation of the wallpaper - they will generally disappear.

1. It is worthwhile to determine in advance whether the joints between the sheets of wallpaper will fall on the tile joints. If there is such a risk, it is better to move the strips slightly when gluing.

2. After the putty has dried, it will be useful to prime the walls again and let it dry - usually 24 hours is enough for this. The composition will fill the smallest pores of the surface and provide strong adhesion to the wallpaper. As a primer, you can use diluted to liquid state glue (in the ratio 1:2).

3. It is necessary to withstand the wallpaper after applying the glue for no more than 10 minutes, for single-layer paper products this period is three times less, but with them it’s just better not to risk it at all and glue it on the wall right away.

4. To ensure that the seams between the wallpaper do not separate, strips of thin paper 5 cm wide must be glued under the edges of adjacent sheets. This precaution is not needed if vinyl or other waterproof products are used.

5. In the corners, the first element must be glued with an overlap on the adjacent surface of 1 cm, the second - close to the wall.

At the end of the work, the room is left closed for a day so that there are no drafts or temperature changes. It is optimal to keep the room at about 23 ° C heat.

When performing repair or finishing work, such material as OSB board or, in other words, oriented strand board, is widely used. Using given material, you can hide defects on the surfaces of the walls. In addition, OSB board is an excellent heat-insulating element. However, the original appearance of such plates requires additional processing. Good material wallpaper will be used to decorate the walls. The technology of applying wallpaper on walls decorated with OSB boards requires taking into account some features decorative materials.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

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Pasting wallpaper on chipboard

First of all, let's try to figure out what constitutes such a material - OSB plate. The name comes from English - from the phrase oriented strand board. The composition of such a material includes wood chips, resins, artificial wax and boric acid. All these components are glued together in several layers in an industrial way.
TO strengths OSB boards include:

  • Thermal insulation. The material has a low thermal conductivity, which allows the use of OSB board as a heat-insulating element.
  • Simplicity. In order to work with the material, you do not need to have special knowledge.

  • Profitability. The slab is made from the waste of the woodworking industry, which allows you to significantly save on the price.
  • Reliability. The material is able to withstand significant mechanical loads without significant consequences.
  • Moisture resistance. Moisture resistance is due to the fact that the composition of the board includes various resins that reduce the risk of water damage to the material.

However, when talking about oriented strand board, its negative aspects should also be taken into account. The main claim is made to the appearance of the material. Some homeowners and designers use particle board when creating original interior premises. However, this is a rather bold step, which not every apartment owner can decide on. Therefore, it is worth remembering such a universal decorative coating like wallpaper.

Preparatory work

Wallpapering on oriented strand board is not overly complicated, but before the final stage, serious preliminary preparation will be required.
Consider step by step preparation particle board for wallpapering:

Attention! If you refuse to perform puttying and plastering work and plan to immediately decorate the wall with wallpaper, prime the OSB board with a solution white color. This option will allow you to mask the pattern of chips that appears on the surface.

We glue wallpaper on the surface of the plate

Some finishers recommend initially sticking white paper or cheap paper on the surface of the slab. paper wallpaper, and only then go to final stage finishing works. However, if the preparatory work was done with high quality, then sticking an additional layer of wallpaper will only take your time and resources.
Fixing wallpaper on walls treated with plaster or putty mixtures, is performed in accordance with the usual algorithm of actions:

  • We prepare strips of wallpaper of the desired length. In this case, do not forget about the drawings and patterns applied to the wallpaper.
  • The wrong side of the prepared strip of wallpaper is completely covered with the prepared adhesive mixture. After that, the section of the wall on which it is planned to glue the wallpaper is processed in a similar way. At the time of processing the plate, the wallpaper should be bent twice: this is done so that the glue does not dry out.

Before applying wallpaper on oriented strand board, consider some features of such a base. Otherwise, there is a chance that you will have to deal with wallpapering again.

Important! After completing the finishing work associated with wallpapering, the room is checked for drafts and left locked for twenty-four hours. If the work was carried out in a private house, try to avoid sudden changes in temperature. In this case, 23 degrees above zero are considered optimal.


The application of such decorative materials as wallpaper on the surface of OSB boards practically does not differ from similar wall decoration works made of other materials. The preparatory process becomes the most time-consuming and time-consuming. However, it should not be abandoned, even if visually the plates have no complaints. During the operation of an unprepared wall on the wallpaper, oil stains and the appearance of small cavities and other defects are possible.

In other words, for a wall covered with OSB boards and decorated with wallpaper to please the owners with their appearance, to preparatory stage you need to be treated with utmost attention and in no case should you refuse puttying work.
