The main threats to the security of Russia. Natural and artificial threats


By discipline: Political science

Topic: The main threats to Russia's security





Safety Russian Federation- this is a state of protection of the vital interests of its citizens, society and the state from internal and external threats.

By security threats we mean potential threats to political, social, economic, military, environmental and other, including spiritual and intellectual values ​​of the nation and the State. Security threats are closely linked to the national interests of the country, including outside its territory. In each specific case, their liquidation requires special forms and methods of activity of the State: the use of appropriate special bodies, forces and means of the state.

The main security objects are:

personality - its rights and freedoms; society - its material and spiritual values;

state - its constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity

The threat to the security of the Russian Federation is a combination of conditions and factors that endanger the vital interests of the individual, society and the state.

The real and potential threat to security objects, emanating from internal and external sources, determines the content of activities to ensure internal and external security, depending on the spheres of life of society and the state, which are targeted by security threats. they can be conditionally divided into political (threats to the existing constitutional order), economic, military, informational, man-made, environmental and others.

threat security economic russia

1. Threats to security: external, internal, cross-border

Today, there are several types of threats to the national security of the Russian Federation: external, internal and cross-border. External threats include the deployment of groupings of armed forces and assets near the borders of the Russian Federation and its allies, territorial claims against the Russian Federation, threats of secession of certain territories from the Russian Federation; interference in the internal affairs of R.F. from foreign countries; build-up of groupings of troops, leading to a violation of the existing balance of forces near the borders of the Russian Federation; armed provocations, including attacks on Russian military installations located on the territory foreign countries, as well as on objects and structures on the State Border of the Russian Federation and the borders of its allies, actions that impede Russia's access to strategically important transport communications; discrimination, non-observance of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation in some foreign states

The main external threats to national security are:

.a decrease in the role of Russia in the world economy due to the targeted actions of individual states and interstate associations, such as the UN, the OSCE;

2.economic and political influence on the processes taking place in the world economy;

.strengthening the scope and influence of international military and political associations, including NATO;

.emerging trends towards the deployment of military forces of foreign states near the borders of Russia;

.the worldwide proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;

.the weakening of the processes of integration and the establishment of economic ties between Russia and the CIS countries;

.creation of conditions for the formation and emergence of military armed conflicts near the state borders of Russia and the CIS countries;

.territorial expansion in relation to Russia, for example, from Japan and China;

.international terrorism;

.weakening of Russia's position in the field of information and telecommunications. This is manifested in the reduction of Russia's influence on international information flows and the development by a number of states of information expansion technologies that can be applied to Russia;

.a sharp decrease in the military and defense potential of the country, which does not allow it, if necessary, to repel a military attack, which is associated with a systemic crisis in the country's defense complex.

.the activation of the activities of foreign organizations engaged in intelligence and the collection of strategic information on the territory of Russia;

Experts refer to internal threats as follows: attempts to forcibly change the constitutional order and violate the territorial integrity of Russia; planning, preparation and implementation of actions to disrupt and disrupt the functioning of public authorities and administration, attacks on state, economic and military facilities, life support facilities and information infrastructure; creation, equipping, training and activities of illegal armed formations; illegal distribution of weapons, ammunition and explosives on the territory of the Russian Federation; large-scale organized crime activities that threaten political stability in some regions of the Russian Federation. Activities of separatist and radical religious national movements.

The main internal threats to the national economic security are:

1.strengthening the degree of differentiation of living standards and incomes of the population. The formation of a small group of the wealthy population (oligarchs) and a large part of the poor population creates a situation of social tension in society, which can ultimately lead to serious socio-economic shocks;

2.deformation of the sectoral structure of the national economy. The orientation of the economy towards the extraction of minerals creates serious structural shifts;

.strengthening the uneven economic development of the regions. A sharp difference in the level of socio-economic development of the regions destroys the existing ties between them and hinders inter-regional integration;

.criminalization of Russian society. In society, the tendencies to receive unearned income through direct robbery and seizure of property have sharply increased, which negatively affects the overall stability and stability of the national economy. Great importance has a total penetration of criminal structures into the state apparatus and industry and the emerging trend of merging between them;

.a sharp decline in the scientific and technical potential of Russia. The basis of economic growth - scientific and technical potential - has been practically lost over the past decade, due to a reduction in investment in priority scientific and technical studies and development, the mass exodus of leading scientists from the country, the destruction of knowledge-intensive industries, the strengthening of scientific and technical dependence;

.strengthening isolation and striving for independence of the subjects of the Federation. Russia has significant territories that function within the framework of a federal structure;

.increased interethnic and interethnic tension, which creates real conditions for the emergence of internal conflicts on ethnic grounds;

.widespread violation of the single legal space, leading to legal nihilism and non-compliance with the law;

.decline in the physical health of the population, leading to degradation due to the crisis of the health care system;

.demographic crisis associated with a steady trend of prevalence of general mortality of the population over the birth rate.

Taken together, internal threats to national security are closely intertwined and interrelated.

The environmental situation in the world is characterized by negative trends. Her characteristic features are exhaustion natural resources, periodic occurrence of extensive zones of ecological disasters and catastrophes, degradation of renewable natural resources. Most countries are characterized by the use of environmentally imperfect technologies in industry, agriculture, energy, and transport. A real threat to Russia's interests is the tendency to use its territory for the disposal of hazardous waste from the chemical and nuclear industries of the developed countries of Europe.

Growing negative trends in the global social sphere. There is an increase specific gravity sick, disabled, people suffering from hunger and malnutrition, consumption poor quality water. The proportion of illiterate and unemployed remains high (according to the official unemployment rate, Russia is still among the most prosperous countries, ranking approximately 7th in the world). However, according to the classification of the International Labor Organization in Russia, there are more than 5 million unemployed. Approximately the same number work part-time or are on forced leave, the level of material support of the population is declining. Migration processes are expanding to alarming proportions. Indicators of physical and mental development of people are deteriorating.

The threat to the physical health of the nation is manifested in the crisis state of health care systems and social protection of the population. There is widespread alcoholization of the population. The consumption of recorded and unrecorded alcohol per capita in terms of pure alcohol is from 11 to 14 liters, while the situation is assessed as dangerous at an indicator of 8 liters

Cross-border threats are manifested in the following:

Creation, equipment and training on the territory of other states of armed formations and groups for the purpose of their transfer for operations on the territory of Russia;

The activities of subversive separatist, national or religious extremist groups supported from abroad, aimed at undermining the constitutional order of Russia, creating a threat to its territorial integrity and the security of its citizens. Cross-border crime, including smuggling and other illegal activities on an alarming scale;

Drug trafficking activities that create a threat of drug penetration into the territory of Russia or the use of its territory for the transit of drugs to other countries;

Activities of international terrorist organizations.

Terrorism, having a very complex content, affects the national security of the country at all its levels - interstate, state, international, national, class and group. In addition, domestic and international terrorism violates the nation's ability to self-preservation, self-reproduction and self-development.

Domestic and international terrorism carry a similar threat. In general, the border between these types of terrorism is so shaky (according to most scientists, Act of terrorism committed in Russia are manifestations of precisely international terrorism), that a clear separation of threats from them, as the author sees it, is very difficult.

Terrorism poses a threat to the interests of the country in the social sphere, which are to ensure high level the life of the people. destroying the economic and political system life of society, terrorism hinders the attainment of society's highest value, which is its own well-being.

Terrorism violates the main inalienable right of every person - the right to life. The result of two Chechen wars and the activities of all pro - and anti-Russian administrations - a full-scale humanitarian catastrophe. Over the 12 years of the anti-terrorist war in the Chechen Republic, the total losses amounted to about 45 thousand people. Over half a million residents of Chechnya and adjacent territories were forced to leave their homes

The process of identifying sources of dangers and threats requires a clear understanding of their general and specific characteristics. Sources of danger to the security of the state are in various spheres of society. It seems that the most significant of them are hidden in the spheres of political relations of the state, classes, social groups of society; economic relations; spiritual and ideological, ethno-national and religious, as well as in the environmental and information security spheres, etc.

2. Threats to national economic security

Economic threats are contained in economic relations, in economic categories- changes in exchange rates, interest rates, prices, violations of obligations under contracts, etc. The objects of economic threats are the economies of entire countries, regions, industries, individual economic systems, enterprises, population groups, families, more precisely - family budgets(households - according to Western terminology) as economic systems of the lower hierarchical level. Thus, economic threats are threats to economic systems generated by economic relations and phenomena. However, the root causes of economic threats usually lie not in the economy itself, but in other areas.

In the economic sphere, the threats are complex in nature and are primarily due to a significant reduction in the gross domestic product, a decrease in investment, innovation activity and scientific and technical potential, the stagnation of the agricultural sector, an imbalance in the banking system, an increase in public debt, a tendency to predominate in export deliveries of fuel, raw materials and energy components, and in imports - food and consumer goods, including basic necessities. The weakening of the scientific, technical and technological potential of the country, the reduction of research on strategically important directions scientific and technological development, the outflow of specialists and intellectual property abroad threaten Russia with the loss of leading positions in the world, the degradation of knowledge-intensive industries, increased external technological dependence and undermining the defense capability of Russia

Disorganization of the national economy - up to its bankruptcy (as a result of targeted and large-scale speculation in the market valuable papers or a massive presentation of payment requests that the Russian Federation, as a debtor country, will not be able to fulfill, followed by the seizure of foreign property and the freezing of bank accounts, etc. negative consequences).

Economic blockade, or "soft embargo" (in the form of intense, targeted competition).

food vulnerability. Russia runs the risk of crossing the "red" line in food imports: the critical level for the country's food independence is about 30%, while in a number of industrial areas the share of foreign food is up to 60%. Adjacent to this scenario is the problem of biological degradation of the population as a result of a consistent deterioration in the structure of nutrition and the quality of consumer products.

There is not only a possibility of the Russian economy degrading to the level of a natural resource enclave of the world economy, but also a possible prospect of a gradual withdrawal of the country from the world resource trade.

The threat of criminalization of society is the loss by the state of control over the economic and financial activities.

According to some estimates, criminal groups in one form or another control 20-30% of commercial and banking structures. A manifestation of this threat is large-scale corruption in all echelons of power.

3. Principles for ensuring the security of the Russian Federation

The main principles of security are:


maintaining a balance of vital interests of the individual, society and the state;

mutual responsibility of the individual, society and the state to ensure security;

integration with international systems security.

Observance of the rights and freedoms of citizens while ensuring the security of the Russian Federation

When ensuring the security of the Russian Federation, restrictions on the rights and freedoms of citizens are not allowed, except in cases expressly provided for by law.

Citizens, public and other organizations and associations have the right to receive clarifications regarding the restriction of their rights and freedoms from security agencies. At their request, such explanations are given in writing within the time limits established by law.

Officials who have exceeded their powers in the process of ensuring security are liable in accordance with the law

4. Basic functions of the security system

The security system is formed by legislative, executive and judiciary, state, public and other organizations and associations, citizens participating in ensuring security in accordance with the law, as well as legislation regulating relations in the field of security.

The main functions of the security system are:

identification and forecasting of internal and external threats to the vital interests of security facilities, implementation of a set of operational and long-term measures to prevent and neutralize them;

creation and maintenance in readiness of forces and means of ensuring security;

management of forces and means of ensuring security in everyday conditions and in emergency situations;

implementation of a system of measures to restore the normal functioning of facilities without

dangers in the regions affected by the emergency;

participation in security measures outside the Russian Federation in accordance with international treaties and agreements concluded or recognized by the Russian Federation

Forces and means of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation

Forces and means of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation are created and developed in accordance with the decisions of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of Russia, short-term and long-term federal security programs.

The security forces include:

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal security agencies, internal affairs agencies, foreign intelligence, security of legislative, executive, judicial authorities and their highest officials, tax service;

aftermath services emergencies, formation civil defense Ministry of Emergency Situations;

border troops of the FPS, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

bodies ensuring the safe conduct of work in industry, energy, transport and agriculture;

communications and information security services, customs, environmental authorities, public health authorities and other government security authorities


Ensuring national security on sufficient level shows the need for constant monitoring of external and internal threats, and therefore their list is constantly changing depending on specific political, social, legal and economic conditions.

AT modern conditions both domestic and foreign policy successes of countries are determined not only by their military and economic power, but also by successes in establishing actual control over the main information and cultural processes. Backlog in the area information technologies becomes a serious global security threat. because it creates real opportunities exploit the intellectual potential of other countries for their own purposes, disseminate and implement their ideological values, their culture and language, hinder the spiritual and cultural development of the rest of the world, transform and even undermine its spiritual and moral foundations. Instead of "hot" wars, methods of information warfare have been increasingly used to achieve their political goals.

The system of international security created after the end of World War II did not initially provide for measures to counter such threats, therefore one of the main tasks facing humanity is to erect a strong barrier to such dangerous phenomena.


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natural and artificial threats

The development of new information technologies and general computerization have led to the fact that information security is not only becoming mandatory, it is also one of the characteristics of IS. There is a rather extensive class of information processing systems in the development of which the security factor plays a primary role (for example, banking information systems).

Under IP security refers to the protection of the system from accidental or intentional interference in the normal process of its functioning, from attempts to steal (unauthorized receipt) of information, modification or physical destruction of its components. In other words, this is the ability to counteract various disturbing influences on the IS.

Under the threat of information security refers to events or actions that can lead to corruption, unauthorized use, or even destruction of the information resources of the managed system, as well as software and hardware.

Information security threats are divided into two main types - these are natural and artificial threats.. Let's dwell on natural threats and try to identify the main ones. . To natural threats fires, floods, hurricanes, lightning strikes and other natural disasters and phenomena that do not depend on man. The most common among these threats are fires. To ensure the security of information, necessary condition is the equipment of the premises in which the elements of the system (digital data carriers, servers, archives, etc.) are located, fire sensors, the appointment of those responsible for fire safety and the availability of fire extinguishing equipment. Compliance with all these rules will minimize the risk of loss of information from a fire.

If premises with valuable information carriers are located in close proximity to water bodies, then they are subject to the threat of information loss due to flooding. The only thing that can be done in this situation is to exclude the storage of information media on the first floors of the building, which are prone to flooding.

One more natural threat are lightning. Very often when lightning strikes fail network cards, electrical substations and other devices. Especially significant losses, when network equipment fails, are borne by large organizations and enterprises, such as banks. To avoid such problems, the mains connection cables must be shielded (shielded mains cable is resistant to electromagnetic interference) and the cable shield must be earthed. To prevent lightning from entering electrical substations, a grounded lightning rod should be installed, and computers and servers should be equipped with uninterruptible power supplies.

The next type of threat is artificial threats, which in turn divided into unintentional and deliberate threats. Unintentional Threats- these are actions that people commit through negligence, ignorance, inattention or out of curiosity. This type of threat includes the installation of software products that are not included in the list of necessary for work, and subsequently can cause system instability and loss of information. This also includes other "experiments" that were not malicious intent, and the people who performed them were not aware of the consequences. Unfortunately, this type of threat is very difficult to control, not only is the staff qualified, it is necessary that each person is aware of the risk that arises from his unauthorized actions.

Deliberate Threats- Threats associated with malicious intent of intentional physical destruction, subsequently failure of the system. Deliberate threats include internal and external attacks. Contrary to popular belief, large companies suffer multi-million dollar losses, often not from hacker attacks, but through the fault of their own own employees. Modern history knows a lot of examples of deliberate internal threats to information - these are the tricks of competing organizations that introduce or recruit agents for the subsequent disorganization of a competitor, the revenge of employees who are dissatisfied salary or status in the company and so on. In order to minimize the risk of such cases, it is necessary that each employee of the organization corresponds to the so-called “trustworthiness status”.

To external intentional threats include threats of hacker attacks. If the information system is connected to the global Internet, then to prevent hacker attacks, it is necessary to use a firewall (the so-called firewall), which can be either built into the equipment or implemented in software.

A person who tries to disrupt the operation of an information system or gain unauthorized access to information is usually called a hacker, and sometimes a “software pirate” (hacker).

In their illegal actions aimed at mastering other people's secrets, crackers seek to find such sources of confidential information that would give them the most reliable information in the maximum volume with minimal cost to receive it. With the help of various tricks and a variety of techniques and means, ways and approaches to such sources are selected. In this case, the source of information means a material object that has certain information that is of particular interest to attackers or competitors.

The main threats to the security of information and the normal functioning of the IS include:

Leakage of confidential information;

Information compromise;

Unauthorized use of information resources;

Erroneous use of information resources;

Unauthorized exchange of information between subscribers;

Refusal of information;

Violation of information service;

Illegal use privileges.

Leakage of confidential information- this is an uncontrolled release of confidential information outside the IP or the circle of persons to whom it was entrusted in the service or became known in the course of work. This leak may be due to:

Disclosure of confidential information;

Leaving information through various, mainly technical, channels;

Unauthorized access to confidential information in various ways.

Disclosure of information by its owner or possessor is the intentional or careless actions of officials and users to whom the relevant information was duly entrusted in the service or work, which led to familiarization with it of persons who were not admitted to this information.

Uncontrolled care of confidential information via visual-optical, acoustic, electromagnetic and other channels is possible.

Unauthorized access- this is an unlawful deliberate possession of confidential information by a person who does not have the right to access protected information.

The most common ways of unauthorized access to information are:

Interception of electronic radiation;

The use of listening devices (bookmarks);

Remote photography;

Interception of acoustic emissions and restoration of the text of the printer;

Copying media overcoming protection measures

Disguise as a registered user;

Disguise under system requests;

Using software traps;

Exploiting the shortcomings of programming languages ​​and operating systems;

Illegal connection to equipment and communication lines of specially designed hardware that provides access to information;

Malicious disabling of protection mechanisms;

Decryption special programs encrypted: information;

information infections.

The listed ways of unauthorized access require sufficiently large technical knowledge and related hardware or software developments on the part of the cracker. For example, technical leak channels are used - these are physical paths from the source of confidential information to the attacker, through which it is possible to obtain protected information. The reason for the occurrence of leakage channels is the design and technological imperfections of the circuit solutions or the operational wear of the elements. All this allows crackers to create operating on certain physical principles converters that form the channel of information transfer inherent in these principles - the channel of leakage.

However, there are quite primitive ways of unauthorized access:

Theft of information carriers and documentary waste;

Proactive collaboration;

Declining to cooperate on the part of the burglar;



Observation and other ways.

Any methods of leaking confidential information can lead to significant material and moral damage both for the organization where the IS operates and for its users.

There is and is constantly being developed a huge variety of malicious programs, the purpose of which is to corrupt information in the database and computer software. Big number varieties of these programs does not allow the development of permanent and reliable remedies against them.

Today, there are several types of threats to the national security of the Russian Federation: external, internal and cross-border. External threats include the deployment of groupings of armed forces and assets near the borders of the Russian Federation and its allies, territorial claims against the Russian Federation, threats of secession of certain territories from the Russian Federation; interference in the internal affairs of R.F. from foreign countries; build-up of groupings of troops, leading to a violation of the existing balance of forces near the borders of the Russian Federation; armed provocations, including attacks on Russian military installations located on the territory of foreign states, as well as on objects and structures on the State Border of the Russian Federation and the borders of its allies; actions that impede Russia's access to strategically important transport communications; discrimination, non-observance of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation in some foreign states

The main external threats to national security are:

  • · reduction of the role of Russia in the world economy due to targeted actions of individual states and interstate associations, such as the UN, OSCE;
  • · reduction of economic and political influence on the processes taking place in the world economy;
  • · Strengthening the scope and influence of international military and political associations, including NATO;
  • · emerging trends towards the deployment of military forces of foreign states near the borders of Russia;
  • · ubiquitous distribution in the world of weapons of mass destruction;
  • · the weakening of the processes of integration and the establishment of economic ties between Russia and the CIS countries;
  • · creating conditions for the formation and emergence of military armed conflicts near the state borders of Russia and the CIS countries;
  • · territorial expansion in relation to Russia, for example, from Japan and China;
  • international terrorism;
  • · weakening of Russia's position in the field of information and telecommunications. This is manifested in the reduction of Russia's influence on international information flows and the development by a number of states of information expansion technologies that can be applied to Russia;
  • · a sharp decrease in the military and defense potential of the country, which does not allow it to repel a military attack, if necessary, which is associated with a systemic crisis in the country's defense complex.
  • · intensifying the activities of foreign organizations engaged in intelligence and collection of strategic information on the territory of Russia;

Experts refer to internal threats as follows: attempts to forcibly change the constitutional order and violate the territorial integrity of Russia; planning, preparation and implementation of actions to disrupt and disrupt the functioning of public authorities and administration, attacks on state, economic and military facilities, life support facilities and information infrastructure; creation, equipping, training and activities of illegal armed formations; illegal distribution of weapons, ammunition and explosives on the territory of the Russian Federation; large-scale organized crime activities that threaten political stability in some regions of the Russian Federation. Activities of separatist and radical religious national movements.

The main internal threats to national economic security are:

  • · Strengthening the degree of differentiation of living standards and incomes of the population. The formation of a small group of the wealthy population (oligarchs) and a large part of the poor population creates a situation of social tension in society, which can ultimately lead to serious socio-economic shocks;
  • · Deformation of the sectoral structure of the national economy. The orientation of the economy towards the extraction of minerals creates serious structural shifts;
  • · Increased uneven economic development of the regions. A sharp difference in the level of socio-economic development of the regions destroys the existing ties between them and hinders inter-regional integration;
  • · Criminalization of the Russian society. In society, the tendencies to receive unearned income through direct robbery and seizure of property have sharply increased, which negatively affects the overall stability and stability of the national economy. Of great importance is the total penetration of criminal structures into the state apparatus and industry and the emerging trend of merging between them;
  • · A sharp decline in the scientific and technical potential of Russia. The basis of economic growth - scientific and technical potential - has been practically lost over the past decade, due to a reduction in investment in priority scientific and technical research and development, the mass exodus of leading scientists from the country, the destruction of knowledge-intensive industries, and the strengthening of scientific and technical dependence;
  • · Strengthening the isolation and desire for independence of the subjects of the Federation. Russia has significant territories that function within the framework of a federal structure;
  • · Increased interethnic and interethnic tension, which creates real conditions for the emergence of internal conflicts on ethnic grounds;
  • · Widespread violation of the single legal space, leading to legal nihilism and non-compliance with the law;
  • · Decreased physical health of the population, leading to degradation due to the crisis of the health care system;
  • · Demographic crisis associated with a steady trend of prevalence of general mortality over the birth rate.

Taken together, internal threats to national security are closely intertwined and interrelated.

The environmental situation in the world is characterized by negative trends. Its characteristic features are the depletion of natural resources, the periodic occurrence of extensive zones of environmental disasters and catastrophes, and the degradation of renewable natural resources. Most countries are characterized by the use of environmentally imperfect technologies in industry, agriculture, energy, and transport. A real threat to Russia's interests is the tendency to use its territory for the disposal of hazardous waste from the chemical and nuclear industries of the developed countries of Europe.

There are growing negative trends in the global social sphere. There is an increase in the proportion of patients, the disabled, people suffering from hunger and malnutrition, the use of poor-quality water. The proportion of illiterate and unemployed remains high (according to the official unemployment rate, Russia is still among the most prosperous countries, ranking approximately 7th in the world). However, according to the classification of the International Labor Organization in Russia, there are more than 5 million unemployed. Approximately the same number work part-time or are on forced leave, the level of material support of the population is declining. Migration processes are expanding to alarming proportions. Indicators of physical and mental development of people are deteriorating.

The threat to the physical health of the nation is manifested in the crisis state of health care systems and social protection of the population. There is widespread alcoholization of the population. The consumption of recorded and unrecorded alcohol per capita in terms of pure alcohol is from 11 to 14 liters, then the situation is assessed as dangerous at an indicator of 8 liters.

Cross-border threats are manifested in the following:

  • · Creation, equipment and training on the territory of other states of armed formations and groups for the purpose of their transfer for operations on the territory of Russia;
  • · The activities of subversive separatist, national or religious extremist groups supported from abroad, aimed at undermining the constitutional order of Russia, creating a threat to its territorial integrity and the security of its citizens. Cross-border crime, including smuggling and other illegal activities on an alarming scale;
  • · Drug trafficking activities that create a threat of drug penetration into the territory of Russia or the use of its territory for the transit of drugs to other countries;

National, including basic, interests may be affected by various threats.

In today's international environment, there is three types of threats to Russia: 1) external, 2) internal and 3) cross-border, the neutralization of which is, to one degree or another, a function of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Main external threats:

1. the build-up of force groupings near the borders of the Russian Federation or the borders of its allies, leading to a violation of the existing balance of forces;

2. interference in the internal affairs of the Russian Federation by foreign states or organizations supported by foreign states;

3. the presence near the borders of the Russian Federation or the borders of its allies of centers of armed conflicts that threaten their security;

4. territorial claims against the Russian Federation, the threat of political or forceful rejection of certain territories from the Russian Federation;

5. implementation by states or socio-political structures of programs for the creation of WMD;

6. demo military force near the borders of the Russian Federation, conducting exercises with provocative goals;

7. instability, weakness state institutions in border countries;

8. expansion of military blocs and alliances to the detriment of the military security of the Russian Federation and its allies;

9. activities of international Islamic radical groups, strengthening the positions of Islamic extremism near Russian borders;

10. the introduction of foreign troops (without the consent of the Russian Federation and the UN Security Council) on the territory of neighboring and friendly states of the Russian Federation;

11. armed provocations, attacks on military installations of the Russian Federation located on the territory of foreign states;

12. actions hindering Russia's access to strategically important transport communications;

13. discrimination, suppression of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation in foreign countries;

14. distribution of dual-use technologies and components for the manufacture of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction.

Main internal threats:

1. attempts to forcefully change the constitutional order;

2. planning, preparation and implementation of actions to disrupt and disrupt the functioning of public authorities and administration, attacks on state, national economic, military facilities, life support facilities and information infrastructure;

3. activities of illegal armed groups;

4. illegal distribution (trafficking) on ​​the territory of the Russian Federation of weapons, ammunition, explosives, etc.;

5. large-scale activities of organized crime, threatening political stability on the scale of the subject of the Russian Federation;

6. activities of separatist and radical religious-nationalist movements in the Russian Federation.

Cross-border threats combine the features of internal and external threats. Being in the form of manifestation internal, in essence(by sources of stimulation, possible participants, possible participants) are external. There is a trend towards an increase in the importance of cross-border threats to the security of the Russian Federation. Main cross-border threats:

1. creating, training and equipping armed formations on the territory of other states for the purpose of their deployment for operations on the territory of the Russian Federation and the territory of its allies;

2. support from abroad for subversive separatist, national and religious extremist groups intended to undermine the constitutional order, creating a threat to the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation and the security of its citizens;

3. international terrorism, if its activities affect the security of the Russian Federation;

4. conducting information actions hostile to the Russian Federation;

5. cross-border crime, including smuggling and other illegal activities on a scale that threatens the military-political security of the Russian Federation or the stability of the territory of the allies of the Russian Federation;

6. drug trafficking activities, transportation of drugs to the territory or use of the territory of the Russian Federation as a transit territory for the transportation of drugs to other countries.

Threats to the national security of the Russian Federation include:

1. Terrorist threat. Local conflicts, often on ethnic grounds, inter-confessional confrontation, which are artificially pumped up and imposed on the world by extremists of various stripes, remain a significant fuel for terrorists, a source of their weapons and a field of activity.

2. Threat of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). If such weapons fall into the hands of terrorists, the consequences can be simply catastrophic. Nuclear weapons are now possessed by 9 states of the world (Russia, USA, England, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, North Korea). 8 more states are close to its creation.

3 . The threat is arms race, reaching a new technological level, threatening the emergence of a whole arsenal of new destabilizing weapons. US military spending in 2006 exceeded Russia's military spending by 23 times.

4. The absence of a guarantee not to withdraw weapons, including nuclear ones, into space. The launch of intercontinental ballistic missiles with non-nuclear warheads may provoke an inadequate response from the nuclear powers, including a retaliatory strike using strategic nuclear forces. The situation with the development of ballistic missiles in North Korea, Iran.

5 . Threat of bloc thinking stereotype. For example, in order to protect themselves allegedly from Russia, the Baltic countries, Georgia and a number of other countries of the former Warsaw Pact have entered or have a desire to enter the NATO bloc. The composition of the NATO bloc: 1949 - 12 states; 1982 - 16 states; 1999 - 19 states; 2004 - 26 states.

6. Threats in the economic sphere:

− reduction of knowledge-intensive industries;

− decrease in investment and innovation activity;

− destruction of the scientific and technical potential of the country;

− increase in the export of foreign exchange reserves outside Russia, strategically important species raw materials, outflow of qualified personnel and intellectual property;%

− increase in the share of the fuel and raw materials sector in industry;

− formation of an economic model based on the export of fuel and raw materials and the import of equipment, food and consumer goods, i.e., there is an increase in the country's dependence on foreign manufacturers of high-tech equipment, there is a technological dependence of the Russian Federation on Western countries and undermining the defense potential of the state.

7. Threats in the social sphere:

− increase in the proportion of the population living below the poverty line;

- the stratification of society into a narrow circle of the rich and the predominant mass of low-income citizens.

8. Threat to the physical health of the nation manifests itself in the crisis state of health care systems and social protection of the population, in the growth of alcohol and drug consumption. serious problem is the demographic situation in the country: in a number of regions of the Russian Federation, mortality exceeds the birth rate, and people's health is deteriorating.

9. Threat of depletion of natural resources and deterioration of the ecological situation. This threat is especially great due to the predominant development of the fuel and energy industries, the underdevelopment of the legislative framework for environmental protection measures, and the lack of use of environmentally friendly technologies. There is a growing tendency to use the territory of Russia as a place of disposal of hazardous materials and substances, placement on Russian territory harmful industries.

10. Increasing the likelihood of man-made disasters. The share of man-made emergencies in the total amount in our country is 91.8%.

11. Threats in the international sphere manifest themselves through the attempts of some states to counteract the strengthening of Russia as one of the centers of the emerging multipolar world. This is manifested in actions aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, as well as in territorial claims.

12. Threats in the military sphere. The importance of military force in the system of international relations has not diminished in recent times. The military-political situation does not rule out the possibility of major armed conflicts arising near Russia's borders, affecting the security interests of the Russian Federation.

13. Appeared new threatmaritime piracy.
