What countries had communism. Where Communist Parties Still Retain Political Influence

communist ideology- a system of ideas, values ​​and ideals that expresses the worldview of the working class and its vanguard - the communist party. The communist ideology equips the international communist movement with a clear program for the revolutionary reorganization of the world.



Unlike previous ideologies, the outlook of the proletariat is by no means reduced to the defense of narrow class interests. It reveals a broad panorama of history, determines the place of each class in the social struggle, reveals the objective laws of social development rooted in the mode of production, develops a materialist view of history. That is why the ideology of the proletariat is of a scientific nature, acts as a means of social orientation of the masses.

The scientific character of the communist ideology is closely connected with its revolutionary partisanship. In contrast to bourgeois ideology, which hides its exploitative character under the guise of objectivism, communist ideology openly proclaims its partisanship. This peculiarity of it does not contradict scientific nature, but, on the contrary, implies a consistent and deep knowledge of the objective laws of the social process. The scientific ideology of the proletariat opposes the bourgeois ideology. She is active and offensive. Consistently expressing the aspirations and aspirations of the broad masses of the people, communist ideology is a powerful weapon for the revolutionary transformation of the world, the establishment of the ideals of justice, freedom and equality, the brotherhood of people and nations.

Another feature of the communist ideology is its creative nature. Its strength is in constant development, enrichment with new experience. As V. I. Lenin repeatedly emphasized, revolutionary theory is not a petrified dogma, but a living, creative doctrine that draws its strength from social practice. Communism can be built only on the basis of a scientific understanding of the past, a deep analysis of the present and foreseeing the future.

The role of ideology increases sharply and acquires qualitatively new features in comparison with capitalism. The cognitive role of communist ideology is growing extraordinarily, and its functions such as integration, mobilization, and orientation are deepening and developing. This also applies to economic construction, which is carried out on a planned, conscious basis, and where the definition of goals, the comparative significance of social values, acquires exceptional significance. This applies equally to the political regulation of social development, where the leadership of the party, the creativity of the masses, and other subjective factors acquire unprecedented significance. These factors increase as socialist society advances towards communism.

Communism (from Latin Communis - general, universal) as a socio-historical category has three meanings:

· an ideal society based on the common ownership of material resources by all its members, complete social equality of people;

· socio-political movement, leading the struggle to achieve such a society. The core of this movement is the communist parties;

· a theory explaining the possibility and necessity, ways and means of building a communist society.

The communist (Marxist-Leninist) ideology arose in the middle of the 19th century on the basis of a critical revision of the achievements of German classical philosophy (Hegel, Feuerbach), political economy (Smith, Ricardo), and utopian socialism (Saint-Simon, Fourier, Owen). Marxism emerged as a proletarian ideology. The main thing in it is the substantiation of the role of the working class as the "gravedigger of capitalism" and the creator of a classless communist society. The main goal of Marxist ideology is not only to correctly explain the world, but also to transform it in a revolutionary way. At its core, Marxism-Leninism is a revolutionary theory.

In contrast to the then dominant classical liberalism, Marxism formulated the doctrine of building a just society in which the exploitation of man by man would be put an end to once and for all. It will overcome all types of social alienation of a person from power, property and the results of labor. Such a society was called communist. Marxism became the worldview of the proletariat, which emerged as a result of the industrial revolution that took place. Marxism was a radical ideology that focused on revolutionary methods of building a new society. The predominance of revolutionary, violent methods of transforming social reality stemmed from the content of the Marxist concept of social development. The irreconcilability of the social interests of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie and, consequently, the fierce class struggle were due to the then existing concentration of private property in the hands of the bourgeois class. The revolutionary transition from capitalism to socialism must consist primarily in the expropriation of private property and its transfer into the hands of those who, through their labor, create all the wealth of society.

The theoretical formulation of communism belongs to K. Marx and F. Engels. The fundamental principles of "classical" communism, developed by K. Marx, are the following:

· the transition to a communist social formation in a revolutionary way, not excluding violent measures;

• rejection of the reformist way of transition;

· demolition of the bourgeois state machine;

· Destruction of bourgeois democracy;

• replacement of these institutions with a system of dictatorship of the proletariat;

· stake on ideological monism, denial of ideological pluralism;

· the creation of a rigidly organized political party as the only leading force in the struggle for communism.

· the main driving force of social progress is the proletariat as a class deprived of the means of production.

The class struggle, brought to the socialist revolution, is recognized as the locomotive of history.

Communist society is characterized by the presence of a new man, who disdained material calculation and profit, focused on moral incentives for work, which can be described by the formulas:

· work for the common good is at the same time work for the benefit of one's own and descendants;

Personality is formed in labor;

· Labor is a way of self-expression, self-realization of a person, etc.

The Communist Party was recognized as the most important mechanism for integrating various elements of the social structure. In order to more fully realize this function of the party, it was supposed to turn it into a power structure, merging with the state, which, under its leadership, was to be gradually replaced by a system of public self-government.

The socio-philosophical, economic and political ideas and attitudes developed by Marx and Engels have been revised and revised more than once, so it is not surprising that, with all its outward unity, Marxism is a multifaceted and complex course of political and philosophical thought. Within its framework, one can find many national and ideological differences and shades.

Marxism, in social democracy, as noted above, first of all, K. Kautsky underwent a significant revision on right. The same, but now left happened in the communist movement. V.I. became the theorist and practitioner of the world communist movement. Lenin, who directed his efforts towards concretization and toughening of the revolutionary principles laid down in Marxism. That is why this new trend was called Marxism-Leninism, or simply Leninism, which in turn formed the basis of the left-totalitarian Bolshevik theory of society and the state.

If Marx and Engels argued that the socialist revolution would occur initially in the most economically developed countries, then Lenin came to the conclusion that it was possible to win it in relatively backward industrial-agrarian countries, which included Russia. No less important is the fact that, unlike Marx and Engels, according to whom the socialist revolution will succeed only if it occurs simultaneously in a group of the most developed countries of Europe, Lenin substantiated the idea of ​​the possibility of its victory in one, separately taken country. .

But it's not just about that. Lenin and his associates revised and supplemented the teachings of their predecessors to such a large extent that, evaluating Leninism, it is legitimate to speak, in fact, of a new political-philosophical, or ideological-political trend, in many respects, in its basic principles, significantly different from classical Marxism.

History provides us with many examples of how the same ideas in different historical conditions could serve to justify completely different interests and goals. Moreover, on the basis of the same set of data, it is possible to build different, often incompatible philosophical and ideological and political constructions. Often, it is not just any idea taken in itself that becomes more important, but how it is interpreted, in what and in whose interests it is used.

IN AND. Lenin rightly spoke of three well-known sources of Marxism. In the same way, Leninism itself, in addition to Marxism, which was subjected to a significant revision, drew ideas from a number of other sources. The Jacobinism of the period of the Great French Revolution, Blanquism with its theory of conspiracy and conspiracy, Narodnaya Volya and Nechaevism with its terror, and some ideas of Russian revolutionary democrats apparently left a significant imprint on the spirit of Leninism.

In addition to the above-mentioned adjustments that were made to the original guidelines of Marxism, V.I. Lenin, as an outstanding political figure and ideologist, creatively rethought all these ideas, strictly orienting them towards the goals of seizing and retaining state power. From this point of view it basic contribution was extreme politicization and ideologization Marxism emasculation of its scientific content and potential reduction to several dogmas, serving entirely to substantiate and advance the revolution.

IN AND. Lenin, being a brilliant tactician, developing the revolutionary tradition of Marxism, developed the doctrine of the stages of the socialist revolution, the destruction of the “bourgeois state machine”, the “dictatorship of the proletariat”, the party of the “new type”, leading society to the “heights of communism”. He added to the teachings of Marx:

The theory of imperialism

· the concept of socialist and national liberation revolutions in a new era;

The doctrine of a new type of party;

The use of soviets as a form of the dictatorship of the proletariat;

the development of a "new economic policy";

· the concept of peaceful coexistence, etc. .

At the same time, he developed ways and means, strategies and tactics for capturing and retaining state power. Lenin translated into practice the theory of the socialist revolution, the theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat, democratic centralism and the socialist state. He owns the authorship of the creation of concentration camps - a new form of isolation of opponents of the regime, as well as a machine for large-scale state terror, etc. All these components made Leninism one of the variants of the totalitarian model of the reorganization of society.

The absolute collapse of the policy of “war communism” in Soviet Russia was a practical illustration of the real inhumane totalitarian potential of the idea of ​​communism in modern conditions, the impossibility of building it with at least some civilized methods. As a self-designation, the concept of "communist" has been and remains inherent in both a significant number of political parties - the ruling (PRC, etc.) and opposition (Russia, etc.), and extremist groups (leftist terrorist groups in Western Europe, Latin America, etc.). ). A wide range of conceptual modifications, which allows the idea of ​​communism to serve as a pretentious, self-sufficient and (to some extent) historically respectable form of proclaiming a certain ideological commitment, is due to a number of its characteristics. So, in the theoretical developments of Marx and Engels, the term "communism" acted both as a hypothetical state of society, as a certain social ideal (Marx), and as a movement that destroys the modern organization of society; and as "not a doctrine, but a movement", which relies "not on principles, but on facts" (Engels).

Subsequently, Leninist fundamentalism served as the basis for the emergence of the Stalinist regime, whose theorists, having put forward the idea of ​​intensifying the class struggle as socialist construction progressed, created an ideological basis for ensuring social transformations (socialization of production, industrialization of the national economy, collectivization of the countryside, etc.) by means of terror and genocide of the civilian population.

The communist idea came to Russia from the West and, as it turned out, landed on the fertile soil of Orthodoxy, collectivism and sovereignty. In essence, her postulates, as many social scientists believe, were outwardly similar to the canons of Orthodoxy, only she expressed them in a socio-political and purely secular form. With the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, religion was replaced by the ideology of Marxism-Leninism, God - by a socialist state, paradise - by a bright future. This is partly why the communist idea has existed for quite a long time and with a massive effect. However, the absolutely unrealistic ultimate goal and, in particular, the forms and means of achieving this goal, the degeneration of the party-ideological elite doomed it to failure in this historical period of time.

In the first half of the XX century. between the social democracy and the communist movement there were significant disagreements about the methods of social transformation of society (reformist or revolutionary). This was reflected in the simultaneous existence of the Communist and Socialist Internationals. After the dissolution of the Comintern and the collapse of "state socialism" in the USSR and a number of Eastern European countries, the positions of many communist parties have changed. Taking into account the transformation of the modern world, they began to modernize their programs, use some traditional social democratic concepts and approaches, creatively applying them to peculiar conditions. respective countries, market economy.

In the 20th century, Marxism-Leninism has become one of the most influential political and ideological movements in the world. Dozens of communist parties were active on all continents. The material support of world communism was the Soviet Union with its economic and military might. After the Second World War, the construction of socialist states on the basis of Marxist-Leninist theory began in a third part of the world. It is impossible to doubt the fact that this ideology had a great number of convinced supporters and followers, and even now there are many of them. Its fundamental ideas were collectivism, social justice, democracy, etc., permeated with genuine humanism.

Marxist-Leninist ideology in the twentieth century. implemented in various national models. In post-war China, it was transformed into another applied variety of socialism - Maoism(named after the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, Mao Zedong). Rejecting the “general laws” of socialist construction sacred to Marxists, Mao took as a basis the Stalinist idea of ​​the need to fight against external and internal enemies, coloring it with the theory of “guerrilla struggle”, which made Maoism very popular in a number of countries in Indochina, Africa and Latin America. At the same time, the peasantry, called upon to "re-educate" the intelligentsia and other sections of the population in a revolutionary spirit, became the main historical force in the movement towards socialism. It is clear that these paths towards a "bright future" were paid for by the massive sacrifices of the Chinese population, especially during the "cultural revolution".

The original model of communist ideology was implemented by I.B. Tito, in the former Yugoslavia, who sought to strengthen the socialist system without the presence of foreign troops (as was the case in Eastern Europe). The country focused on peaceful coexistence with capitalist states, its leadership recognized the existence of internal conflicts and contradictions of socialist construction, the need to fight the main internal enemy - the bureaucracy, and focused on establishing market relations and limiting the role of the communist party.

In other former socialist countries, Marxism-Leninism, being a state ideology, was turned into a kind of state religion, the only possible worldview. The communist ideology was taken out of criticism, and its provisions became the criteria for evaluating all other ideological systems in the world. All this created conditions for its internal stagnation. On its basis both the false cult ideology and the totalitarian type of thinking prospered wildly. In such a distorted form, the ideology was rejected by the majority of peoples, because it reflected the interests of the partocratic elite that had just begun to decompose.

In the last quarter of the XX century. began a deep crisis and the collapse of the Marxist-Leninist ideology, primarily in the former socialist countries. The reasons that caused this crisis will be the subject of scientific reflection for a long time to come. After all, with the collapse of the ideology under consideration, there was a collapse of the hopes of millions of people for the possibility of building a society of goodness and justice.

This crisis developed gradually, as the communist ideology was dogmatized by the efforts of numerous ideologists, poorly adapted to the changing conditions of life, which, on the contrary, was strenuously sought to be adjusted to the ideology. Therefore, between the developing, changing social life and the dogmatizing ideology, an abyss arose and began to deepen.

In the public mind, socialism began to be identified with the image of the command-bureaucratic social system that was formed in the countries of "real socialism", which cannot be recognized as an ideal post-capitalist social system. With the establishment of glasnost, pluralism of opinions, and a multi-party system, the old ideology, devoid of vitality, began to self-destruct. With its collapse, an ideological vacuum has formed in our society, a time of troubles has begun.

From the second half of the 1980s. the influence of communist ideology, the authority of the USSR on the course of world development began to noticeably decline. Today, communism as an ideology and as a social movement is being criticized, incl. and from those who recently professed this ideology and were an active participant in the activities of the communist parties. A number of researchers believe that communism as a social doctrine has left the historical arena. Such a categorical judgment is hardly true. Yes, communism as a social ideal turned out to be untenable, utopian on contemporary stage of human history. Therefore, the traditional communist movement, aimed at achieving this social ideal, is now losing its meaning.

At the same time, in modern conditions, communism as an ideological and political doctrine continues to exist and influence the minds of many people. Moreover, in a number of countries, including the CIS, there are carriers of this doctrine - the communist parties. They have their factions in parliaments, representatives in local authorities. And in some countries, the communist parties are still ruling

In addition, in recent years, the communist ideology has begun to revive, which is caused by a number of main reasons:

· major failures have suffered many reforms that have caused negative consequences in society;

· the deepening gap in the incomes of the poorest and richest strata of Russian society;

· the successes of China, led by the Communist Party;

· the adventuristic aggressive policy of the United States, which previously personified the ideals of justice and progress in the eyes of many inhabitants of the planet.

Taking into account the changes in the modern world, many communist parties began to modernize their programs, and in some cases use some social democratic concepts and approaches, creatively apply new theoretical developments to the peculiar conditions of their countries.

The Italian communists, for example, set themselves the task of radically updating the communist concept, in which it is necessary to respond to the process of capitalist modernization that has unfolded throughout the world and has come to be known as the "globalization of the economy." This process leads to negative consequences in society, despite the success in the economy.

The French communists believe that it is necessary to make the idea of ​​communism alive and attractive again. The identification of communism with the experience of the USSR and the countries of Eastern Europe, from their point of view, is untenable. The idea of ​​communism existed before the Soviet experience, and the failure of this experience is not evidence of the fallacy of the very idea of ​​communism as a just society without oppression and exploitation. They believe that in a modern democratic society, differences between the ruling class and working people, as well as oppression and exploitation in new forms, persist.

Regardless of the potential details, the content of the concept of "communism" of the XXI century. can express:

· the denial of any forms of organization of the institution of property in society, except for total and all-consuming ("public property", it is also "public" in the socialist version);

· polemical opposition to the institution of private property in its market incarnation in the context of the idea of ​​"even greater pluralism", "even greater social justice", etc.;

· focus on replacing traditional models of social wealth distribution (according to the position achieved by an individual or their corporation in the hierarchy of factors "capital - labor - knowledge - abilities - cult potential of public worship", etc.) with a system of volitional distribution decisions;

· replacement of the traditional ruling elite with an elite formed in a qualitatively different way, etc. In the most radical forms (the practice of Bolshevism and the Pol Pot clique in Cambodia), the implementation of the unifying, equalizing programs of communism effectively resulted in the elimination of not only the multistructural and pluralistic model of property distribution, but also in the guise of associated procedures for the implementation of large-scale genocide according to the criteria of property status, social origin and status.

In general, communism, as a rule, appears in a number of guises:

· as an ideology of marginal strata of society, status and property outsiders;

· as a kind of social nihilism, which opposes to the traditional system of values ​​a set of beliefs about an "ideal society" in the future "this world" world;

· as a kind of secular religion in the guise of a science-like ideology of "scientific communism".

The revival of the communist ideology in the new conditions is a complex matter, requiring a long time. Simple resuscitation is impossible, even if someone would like to. The renewal of ideology can only take place on the path of rapprochement with modern social democracy. The split between the left and right wings of the Russian Social Democracy took place at the Second Congress in 1903. It is possible that a Unity Congress could be held in the future. But this is impossible while the Communist Party is headed by G.A. Zyuganov, who directs the main efforts to criticize the policy pursued by V.V. Putin, and not to put forward their own concept of the country's development.

In general, the history of the XX century. along with the general humanistic content of the slogans socialists It also revealed the organic flaws of this ideology, which ultimately prevented its implementation in the modern world. Thus, for the industrial stage of the development of society, the negative attitude of socialists to the economic inequality of individuals, to competition and the principles of unequal remuneration for work, due to differences in abilities, education and other characteristics of individuals, turned out to be unacceptable. Wishing to correct the "injustice" of society, the socialists tried to replace them with mechanisms of non-labor distribution of income, political regulation of economic processes, recognized the need for the state to consciously establish the principles and norms of social equality. Therefore, in the ideology of socialism, according to A.I. Solovyov, the state has always risen above the individual, conscious management - above the evolutionary course of the development of society, politics - above the economy.

Communism (from Latin communis - general) as a socio-political ideology and socio-political movement is based on the belief that power and property should be in the hands of society, and all benefits are common property, and people's lives should be built on the basis of principles of collectivism, social equality and social justice.

The idea of ​​communism has a long history and common roots with socialism. She expressed the bright and noble dream of mankind for a just and perfect social system, one of the versions of the social ideal of achieving universal equality of people on the basis of an abundance of material and spiritual goods.

Social equality and justice are the basic values ​​of socialism liberalism conservatism communist socialist

The idea of ​​communism is deeply rooted in European history. The first Christians of the "catacomb" era adhered to ideas that were communist in nature. They preached and practiced communal property, regarding private interest as contrary to the spirit of their teaching. These attitudes were quite widespread in medieval monasteries and numerous sectarian movements, whose adherents believed that property and earthly concerns were incompatible with serving God. In the Middle Ages, there were many small communist communities with collective property, where material wealth was distributed evenly among all members of society, which more closely united and tied believers to a monastery or community.

Another option for substantiating the communist ideal was the concept of utopian socialism, which appeared in the 16th century. in the works of T. More "Utopia" and T. Campanella "City of the Sun". They reflected the spontaneous protest and dream of the exploited sections of the period of primitive accumulation of capital and believed that public ownership would create conditions for fair distribution, equality, the well-being of all people and the absence of exploitation.

A new stage in the development of socialist and communist ideas begins after the French Revolution, during the period of rapid development of industrial capital. In the first half of the XIX century. The greatest contribution to the development of the concepts of utopian socialism was made by the Frenchmen Henri Saint-Simon (1760-1825), Charles Fourier (1772-1837) and the Englishman Robert Owen (1771-1858). In their works, the terms "socialism" and "communism" themselves appear, which denoted a social structure based on the denial of private property and the affirmation of the community of property.

The theorists of utopian socialism formulated the basic principles for organizing a future just society: from each according to his ability, each ability according to his deeds; comprehensive and harmonious development of personality; elimination of differences between town and country; diversity and change of physical and spiritual labor; free development of each as a condition for the free development of all. Communist ideology as a conceptually formed system of ideas and ideas, expressing the interests and ideals of the working masses, was developed in the middle of the 19th century. the founders of Marxism Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895). Marxists considered communism as a natural result of the development of society, the operation of objective historical laws and the practical revolutionary activity of people, as the highest social formation, inevitably and naturally-historically with necessity advancing after capitalism.

Communism in the Marxist understanding is not an ideal model of a just society, but a real, natural result of the progress of civilization, an inevitable stage in the development of society following capitalism. As Marx and Engels wrote in The German Ideology: "For us communism is not a state to be established, not an ideal to which reality must conform. We call communism the real movement which destroys the present state." In the "Manifesto of the Communist Party" they contrasted their view of communism with other socialist and communist positions - feudal socialism, petty-bourgeois socialism, German socialism, etc. They saw the essence of the communist idea in the fact that "in place of the old bourgeois society with its classes and class opposites comes an association in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.

As historical practice has shown, the "vulnerabilities" of the communist ideology turned out to be: underestimation of the socio-cultural factors of social development; absolutization of consciousness and activity of the working class and underestimation of the historical role of other categories of workers; underestimation of the potential of the evolutionary dynamics of capitalism; intolerance to dissent; interpretation of bourgeois democracy only as a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, etc.

Recently, the term "communism" most often means either the outcome of the historical development of mankind, predicted by Marxist thinkers, or real life under the domination of the Communist Party. To comprehend the experience of Eastern Europe today, the concept of post-communism is sometimes used, which characterizes the state and movement of societies in those countries that have relatively recently moved away from the former socialist foundations and forms of social life.

It should be emphasized that communism is still one of the world's ideologies today. "The failure of the socialist experiment does not mean the death of communist ideas. They will be alive as long as a person is alive, because they are based on the desire for equality and social justice. It is no coincidence that the social democratic branch of the left teaching is so honored in the Old World today. the country lived through almost the entire twentieth century.With this ideology, great victories were won - over poverty, illiteracy and Nazism.With it, we were the first in the world to pave the way to space.

Are such principles from our former communist ideology as collectivism, patriotism, social justice not suitable for sovereign Belarus? The high prestige of education, socially useful work without the expectation of material reward, forms of moral encouragement of people and much more, what has become a part of our life? All this should organically enter the ideological foundation of modern Belarusian society."

Until a few decades ago, the world communist movement was a powerful force that the leading states of the world, including the United States, had to reckon with. Even under the conditions of the "crusade against communism", the communist parties remained the vanguard of the left.

Today the situation has changed dramatically. With the exception of China and a number of Asian countries, as well as Cuba, the influence of the communist parties is almost imperceptible.

In a number of European countries, not only communist parties are banned, but also communist symbols. In the European Union, statements are increasingly heard that equate communism with fascism and national socialism, blaming the communists for fomenting the Second World War.
Countries, the former USSR and the Eastern bloc, where communist ideology is prohibited...

Lustration. All high-ranking civil servants, members of the ruling Labor Party until 1991, as well as persons who collaborated with the secret police, were forbidden to be elected or to hold leadership positions in state bodies until 2002 (laws of 1995).
Communist Party ban. Prohibition of fascist, Marxist-Leninist and racist parties (1992 law).

Lustration. Criminal liability without a statute of limitations for persons who committed "betrayal of the Motherland" in December 1944 - May 1990, up to life imprisonment (1992 law). In 1994, the Constitutional Court declared this law unconstitutional. The second stage of lustration (until 2001) was reduced to the disclosure of information about the cooperation of citizens with state security agencies. In 2005, Parliament opened wide access to secret documents about intelligence agents.
Symbol prohibition. Communist and Nazi symbols have been banned since 1993. Individuals who use symbols of totalitarianism to disturb civil peace or display them in public are fined.

Lustration. Prohibition to hold high positions in the state for persons who served in the KGB or held senior positions in the CPSU (2010 law). A lustration commission has been set up to eradicate communist symbols in Georgia, including in the names of streets and squares, as well as the elimination of monuments praising the totalitarian past. Former employees of the secret services of the Soviet Union, as well as former officials of the Communist Party and the Komsomol, will not be able to work in the executive authorities and in the judiciary (2011 law).
Symbol prohibition. Prohibited communist and Nazi ideology, as well as the use of Soviet and fascist symbols in public places (law 2011).

Lustration. All candidates for parliamentary deputies are required to indicate in writing whether or not they have connections with the Soviet or other secret services (1992 law). The prohibition to be elected to persons who were members of the Communist Party and a number of organizations friendly to it after January 13, 1991, as well as employees and agents of the KGB (1995 law).
Symbol prohibition. Since 1991, Soviet and Nazi symbols have been banned at public events. The ban does not apply to entertainment, festive, commemorative and sporting events.

Lustration. A law was adopted on checking the mandates of deputies suspected of knowingly collaborating with the special services of the USSR or other states.
Symbol prohibition. The use of Soviet and Nazi symbols, anthems, uniforms and images of the leaders of the National Socialists of Germany and the leaders of the CPSU at public meetings has been prohibited since 2008.
Communist Party ban. Since 1992, the Communist Party has been banned on the territory of the country; in fact, it operates underground.

Lustration. All those wishing to enter the civil service (ministers, judges, deputies, senators) and candidates for parliamentary elections, who had previously collaborated with the communist secret services, had to repent publicly and receive forgiveness. If such information was concealed, the applicant was deprived of the right to hold public office for a 10-year period (1997 law).
Symbol prohibition. Criminal liability (fines, imprisonment for up to two years) for the possession, distribution or sale of things or records that contain communist symbols, since 2009. Their use for artistic, educational purposes, as well as collecting is allowed. An article of the Criminal Code prohibits Nazi symbols and the display of symbols of "other totalitarian regimes".

Czech Republic
Lustration. The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia is called a "criminal and reprehensible organization." Personnel officers and secret agents of special services, members of the party apparatus of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, "politically in charge" of state security, were deprived of the right to hold responsible positions in state bodies for 5 years if a special commission could prove their guilt (1993 law).
Symbol prohibition. Communist symbols are prohibited. But the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia remains one of the country's leading political forces.

Lustration. The Law on extrajudicial mass repressions in Soviet Estonia in the 1940–1950s was adopted, according to which the prosecutor's office was instructed to consider the issue of initiating criminal cases and bringing to justice those guilty of massacres and other crimes against humanity.
Symbol prohibition. Ban on the use of Nazi and Soviet symbols in public places since 2007

Communist Party ban. The Communist Party of Turkmenistan (KPT) has existed illegally since 1992. In 2002, after a series of protests by the opposition, the leader of the CPT, Rakhimov, was accused of participating in the plotting of an assassination attempt on President Niyazov and sentenced to 25 years in prison. According to unconfirmed information, in December 2006 he was killed in prison along with several of his associates.

Communist Party ban. The Communist Party of Uzbekistan, founded in 1994, exists on an illegal basis.

The ban on the use of communist symbols for political purposes and the promotion of totalitarian ideology was in effect from July 12, 2012, but on June 5, 2013, the Constitutional Court overturned this ban as contrary to the Constitution.

Since May 21, 2015, “public denial of the criminal nature of the communist and national-socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes”, as well as the public use and propaganda of their symbols, has been prohibited. It is prohibited to produce, distribute and publicly use the symbols of the communist regime (including souvenirs), public performance of the anthems of the USSR, the Ukrainian SSR, other Union Soviet republics or their fragments. For a primary offense, the punishment is restriction or imprisonment up to 5 years with possible confiscation of property, for a repeated offense or its commission by an organized group of persons or with the use of the media - imprisonment from 5 to 10 years with possible confiscation of property.
-- Germany
According to paragraph 86a of the German Penal Code, it is forbidden to distribute or publicly use in a meeting or in correspondence, the production, the use for commercial purposes within the country or abroad of symbols or materials containing the symbols of a party that has been declared illegal and contrary to the Constitution by the Federal Constitutional Court, which since 1956 is the Communist Party of Germany.
Such symbols include, in particular, flags, symbols, uniforms, slogans and forms of greeting, while symbols that look similar enough in appearance to be confused with symbols of prohibited organizations are considered equivalent. For such actions, a person can be prosecuted and sentenced to imprisonment for up to three years or a fine.

The Communist Party and the public display of its symbols are banned.

Communism is a revolutionary, economic and social theory. Founded by K. Marx (1818 - 1883) and F. Engels (1820 - 1895) in the 40s. 19th century Subsequently developed by G.V. Plekhanov (1856 - 1918), V.I. Lenin (1870 -1924) and other followers.

The communist ideology was formed on the basis of Marxism. In contrast to the then dominant classical liberalism, Marxism formulated the doctrine of building a just society in which the exploitation of man by man would be put an end to. It will overcome all types of social alienation of a person from power, property and the results of labor. Such a society was called communist. Marxism became the worldview of the proletariat, which emerged as a result of the industrial revolution that took place. Marxism was a radical ideology that focused on revolutionary (violent) methods of building a new society.

Communist society is characterized by the presence of a new man, who disdained material calculation and profit, focused on moral incentives to work: work for the common good is at the same time work for the good of one's own and descendants; personality is formed in labor; Labor is a way of self-expression, self-realization of a person.

Key provisions related to the political sphere: at a certain stage of their development, the productive forces come into conflict with the existing economy and the political organization of society, as a result of which the era of social revolutions begins. As a result, new political and economic relations are established, corresponding to the achieved level of development of the productive forces. Hence - the successive modes of production (slave-owning, feudal and capitalist) mean the steady movement of mankind along the path of progress. However, the ruling classes, using their economic and political power, exploit most of the population, appropriating surplus products (profit) for their own benefit. The class struggle continues, waged by the exploited masses for the just distribution of property and political power; analysis and criticism of societies preceding capitalism, especially bourgeois society; disclosure of the role of productive forces and production relations as determining the content of the political and ideological superstructure.

With the victory of the October Revolution (1917) in Russia, the ideas of communism were tried to be realized by the Russian Bolsheviks. In the beginning - in the form of a policy of military communism. The transition to NEP essentially meant the rejection of the theory of communism in favor of social democracy. Then this refusal manifested itself in the establishment and strengthening of the state system (socialism) and ended with the restructuring of M.S. Gorbachev. Ultimately, the ineffectiveness of the communist theory was revealed, as a result of which its collapse followed.

Communism as a socio-political ideology and socio-political movement is based on the belief that power and property should be in the hands of society, and all benefits are common property, and people's lives should be built on the basis of principles of collectivism, social equality and social justice.

Representatives of communism proposed considering communism as a natural result of the development of society, the operation of objective historical laws and the practical revolutionary activity of people, as the highest social formation, inevitably and naturally-historically with necessity advancing after capitalism. An important essential characteristic of communism is the disappearance of the state and state power. The ideal of communist ideology is a society in which all members are socially equal and in which, consequently, there are no classes of workers and bourgeoisie, poor and rich.

Political ideologies in post-Soviet Belarus, Crystallization of ideological preferences.


The concept of "ideology"

Ideology is a system of views in which people's attitudes to reality and to each other, social problems and ways to solve them are recognized and evaluated, the goals and means (programs) of the social activities of state entities and public associations to maintain the status quo or transform social relations into according to the interests and needs of the bearers of this ideology.

Ideological representations (political, economic, legal, ethical, aesthetic, philosophical, religious or atheistic) play the role of a "guide" of their carriers through life, determine approaches to understanding and evaluating the environment, form attitudes to various life phenomena, aspirations and behavioral reactions.

As the participation of the masses in political life expanded, the role and scope of journalism in the sphere of ideology increased.
