Death statistics from terrorism. Terrorism in Russia - Growing Dynamics

As the authors of the report write, "one of the main goals of the report is to study the trends in terrorism and promote a positive and applied discussion about countering terrorism." The institute's experts rely on data from the Global Terrorism Database (GTB), said to be one of the most respected organizations that has been tracking terrorist activity since the 1970s. Over the past 16 years, including 2001, when al-Qaeda terrorists attacked the towers of a shopping center in New York (it was the largest terrorist attack in the history of mankind, which claimed the lives of 2977 people), 2014 became the absolute record for the number of victims of terrorist attacks - 32,765 people.

Despite the general success in the fight against global terrorism in recent years, the activity of groups in countries (the OECD are democratic states with developed economies, mainly Europe and North America) has increased by 650% compared to 2014. Twenty-one of the 34 OECD countries have experienced at least one terrorist attack in the past year.

At the same time, a remarkable trend was revealed: about half of the terrorists who acted in OECD countries on behalf of, for example, ISIS had no direct connection with the leadership of the movement, that is, they acted on their own initiative.

In total, 67 terrorist attacks were committed in OECD countries over the past year. 313 people died.

The top of the ranking of the countries most exposed to the terrorist threat is quite expected: Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Syria and Yemen are states in a state of protracted civil war. They account for more than 70% of all terrorist attacks. It is noteworthy that Ukraine, which is in similar conditions, occupied the 11th place. This is probably due to the fact that the authors of the report equate the rebels in the east of the country with terrorists. Similarly, the Houthi rebels fighting in Yemen are considered terrorists.

Russia took 30th place. Below are countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and the United States. Since 2008, 98% of all terrorist attacks in America have been carried out by lone individuals. In total, the terrorists killed 156 people there.

“Russia is not far from Mali (25th position in the ranking: it is known that Islamist groups have been operating in Mali for several years, which are being fought, among other things, by the peacekeeping contingent. -, and this is ridiculous, - the director of programs of the European Center for Strategic Studies and Security (ESISC) Evgenia Gvozdeva is perplexed. “Such studies demonstrate the most important problem of modern indices: the approach to terrorism and the assessment of existing organizations is different in different countries. If you look at the list of organizations that are recognized as terrorist in the United States, then in addition to Al-Qaeda and others, there are absolutely fantastic animal rights groups there - they were included there for setting fire to ATMs. It is very difficult to talk about objective research, as each country has its own point of view.”

The expert also adds that in no other study has Ukraine been ranked so high in the ranking of countries prone to terrorism. This raises many questions, and the main one concerns the bias of such studies.

“Unfortunately, this is a common problem - to qualify an event as a terrorist attack or not, it is largely decided depending on the political setting. But the GTI was not kicked only by the lazy. It is clear why such indexes are created. To make certain decisions, countries need, among other things, quantitative data and statistics as a tool to substantiate their position,” Gvozdeva believes.

Researchers from also ranked the 20 most heinous terrorist attacks of 2015. The first four lines are occupied by terrorist attacks and massacres in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Nigeria. The authors of the report placed the explosion of a passenger liner over Sinai on the fifth line - on October 31, 2015, 224 people died, IS took responsibility for the explosion. On the 11th place of the event on October 8 last year in Starognatovka in eastern Ukraine, 143 people died during the clash between the Armed Forces of Ukraine and separatist forces.

It is curious that the authors consider the states of Central America and the Caribbean, the Baltic states and Southeast Asia to be the safest countries in terms of the terrorist threat. There, the terrorist influence index (GTI) is 0.

Over the past year, the authors of the report monitored the activities of 274 different terrorist groups around the world, but came to the conclusion that ISIS, "", as well as two other organizations banned in Russia, are responsible for 75% of all terrorist attacks.

Recognized as the most deadly organization. Its militants claimed responsibility for 6,141 murders in more than 250 cities around the world in 2015. Boko Haram is responsible for 5,478 killings, the Taliban for 4,502 killings, and al-Qaeda for 1,620 killings. In total, 29,376 people died at the hands of terrorists in 2015. Among other things, the authors of the report calculated the economic losses from the activities of terrorists. In 2015, terrorism caused $89.6 million worth of damage, which is 15% lower than in 2014 ($105.8 million).

The researchers also analyzed the composition of terrorist groups, primarily ISIS. It turned out that the foreigners fighting in the ranks of the IS are mostly educated people with low incomes.

At the same time, ISIS, despite the strengthening of the international antiterrorist coalition, in 2015 extended its influence to 28 countries. A year earlier, IS had affiliated groups in only 13 countries.

The most obvious trend is the spread of the ideas of terrorism not through direct contacts with radical groups, but through information interaction. The number of victims of terrorist attacks outside of Iraq and Nigeria increased from 15,309 to 17,476 over the past year, while the number of victims of terrorist organizations in these two countries decreased from 17,456 to 11,900 people.

Researchers note that terrorism is actively spreading around the world from initially local centers.

Gvozdeva also agrees with this thesis.

“Just recently, new editions of the digital editions of al-Qaeda and IS, respectively, came out. Both speak of the need for individual jihad. They tell, for example, how to use personal cars for terrorist attacks. Both al-Qaeda and ISIS are now increasingly turning to loners. This, however, does not mean that terrorist attacks like the one in Paris are impossible,” the expert says.

When studying statistical data, it should be noted that the survey data of law-abiding citizens of capable age show that the fear of responsibility for offenses for 20% of respondents is a factor that forms the correct behavior. Similar results were obtained in the course of our survey.

It should also be noted the importance of a psychological approach to the study of the behavior of a person carrying out law enforcement in the context of the fight against terrorism, which involves a separate study of stress and stressful situations (the need for accelerated processing of information, a perceived threat; lack of control over events).

According to the results of a survey of more than 200 leaders and other experienced employees of criminal police units, riot police, special forces who have the practice of participating in special operations, conducted by G. M. Istomina and A.D. Safronov, the absolute majority (93% of respondents) indicated inadequate well-being and behavior in such situations, which was expressed in excessive excitement, in fussiness and inattention to the orders of the leaders of the operation.

It is no coincidence that, according to the survey, 14% of respondents indicated one of the reasons for the unsatisfactory state of the fight against terrorism - the fear of using firearms, 18% pointed to the indecision of the heads of internal affairs bodies. An important role is assigned by respondents to such a reason as the unpreparedness of anti-terrorist units, as indicated by 17%.

The growth of terrorism in Russia, as well as in the CIS countries, is taking place against the backdrop of a general increase in the number of its manifestations in the world. For 12 years from 1968 to 1980, about 700 such actions became known, during which 3668 people were killed and 7474 were injured. The absolute figures characterizing the state of terrorist activity on the planet are as follows: if in 1980 there were 500 terrorist acts recorded in all countries, then five years later, in 1985, there were 800. There are no exact statistics for the mid-late 90s.

"Terrorism, - writes M. Boltunov, - has acquired the features of offensiveness, high technical equipment, is distinguished by sophistication and cruelty."

Characteristically, in 1998 only 32% of registered acts of terrorism were uncovered. While out of 153 cases initiated for terrorism, only 7 were completed and 102 (66%) were suspended for failure to identify or search for the perpetrator.

It is noteworthy that in 132 criminal cases initiated on the facts of terrorism, only 25 people were detained, and on 495 cases initiated on the facts of hostage-taking, 370 people were detained, while, in our opinion, to prepare an act of terrorism alone, it is difficult, and to carry out the capture of a hostage is generally problematic.

The survey results basically confirmed the correctness of our conclusions on the reasons for the growth of terrorism. Thus, among the reasons for the growth of terrorism in Russia, the respondents indicated:

  • 26% - deterioration of the socio-economic situation of the population;
  • 19% - increased confrontation between criminal groups;
  • 13% - stratification of the population according to property;
  • 8% - activities of national and religious extremist groups;
  • 8% - border position, proximity to the area where interethnic conflicts and wars take place;
  • 7% - an increase in the number of unemployed in the most diverse social groups;
  • 7% - the influx of migrants from neighboring countries;
  • 5% - the growth of national self-consciousness, the desire of ethnic groups for national isolation;
  • 4% - activities or influence of foreign terrorist groups;
  • 3% - factors of discrimination of certain national communities.

All these factors do not necessarily lead to terrorism, but in combination with each other and interaction with all kinds of conflicts, such as sectarian ones, in the absence of sufficient cooperation between law enforcement agencies and the regulatory framework governing the fight against terrorism, it becomes more likely. Among the reasons for the unsatisfactory state of the fight against terrorism in Russia, the main reason for 24% of respondents noted the lack of sufficient interaction between law enforcement agencies.

However, this group of reasons alone, which is of significant importance, cannot cause the growth of terrorism that is currently observed. Thus, acts of terrorism, in our opinion, can have terrorist forms and criminal motivation. This suggests that terrorism is based on the properties of human nature, which is confirmed by the statement of the Austrian scientist K. Lorenz that aggression cannot be excluded by relieving people of annoying situations.

Western researchers have developed a number of motivational typologies of terrorism, distinguishing two of their main types - personal and political-ideological.

It is also necessary to take into account the existence of various psychopathological deformations of the personality of terrorists, but it should be borne in mind that the motivational-value and ideological basis of political terrorism are the following factors: an inner conviction in the absolute, highest, and only truth and, as a consequence, fanaticism and the willingness to assert her by any means. This main motive for political terrorism is absent in all forms of criminal violence.

So, according to the typologies of terrorism motivations, they can be political and ideological (achieving certain goals in the political struggle or in the struggle for some idea); selfish (the desire to acquire material goods bypassing the existing order); emotional, psychopathological. And although they are most often intertwined, the main attention should be paid to the first, which can be of three main types: socio-political, national (separatist) and religious (fundamentalist).

The motivational basis of religious terrorism is the most solid and difficult to overcome, since it is associated with traditions and is expressed in the most extreme forms. D. Kapitatchik believes that "terrorism finds its most threatening expression in the context of the revival of Islamic fundamentalism." This is confirmed by the result of a survey of 26 Shiite terrorists. All respondents expressed their willingness to commit suicidal terrorist acts. Among the respondents, which is especially typical for today's radical youth, 71.42% of respondents under 19 expressed a desire to commit a terrorist act, in the older age group - only 34.37%, while at the age of 15-16 there is one hundred percent readiness to such acts. Although this is typical mainly for Eastern terrorism, such crimes are practically absent for Western countries. They are not typical even for separatist (Basque, Corsican, etc.) and national-religious terrorism, since in Christian culture there is a traditionally negative attitude towards suicide, which can be used in the fight against terrorism.

Knowledge of the peculiarities of the socio-psychological situation in Russia is of great importance for the fight against terrorism. Data similar to those indicated above were obtained as a result of a study conducted under the direction of A.A. Kozlov, at the Research Institute for Concrete Sociological Research of St. Petersburg University.

It is alarming that the percentage of those who expressed at least a speculative - at the level of pure intent - willingness to take part in certain violent actions turned out to be high: in self-defense units - from 40.2% among students to 58.4% cadets of military schools; in "terrorism" (the quotation marks indicate that we are dealing only with a verbal application for the commission of these actions) - from 5.9% among schoolchildren to 20.8% among cadets; in local wars (as "volunteers") from 6.3% among students to 30.2% among cadets; in street riots or pogroms - from 6.1% among vocational school students to 10.4% among cadets.

Sociologists conclude that potential "terrorists" gravitate more toward the ideal of a "carefree person" who is not bound by any serious responsibility (they are 1.5-3 times less oriented towards family and household arrangements, acquiring property) . These are people with a weakened sense of pity and the ability to forgive people, they are prone to "strike back" ("revenge, so that they remember forever" - this figure among them is 3.8-4.5 times higher than the average for the array). 48.9% of “terrorists”, 47.8% of “pogromists” and 37.1% of “volunteers” can commit an act punishable by law, with an average value of this indicator of 20%.

Consequently, the appearance among young people of "terrorists" (aggressive-extremist-minded people) is mainly a moral and ideological problem, and at the same time, most of them were brought up in normal, quite healthy families. The danger, in our opinion, lies in the fact that extremist-minded youth may be enough to create a "critical mass" and start a chain reaction in society.

4. Official statistics of terrorism in Russia and trends

The Russian statistics of the initiation of criminal cases and bringing to criminal liability for terrorism is very interesting (meaning only Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the main element of a terrorist crime, although their list is not exhausted by it). It is as follows: in 1997, 32 criminal cases were opened in Russia against 10 persons; in 1998, respectively, 21 cases against 7 suspects; in 1999 - 20 cases against 0 persons; in 2000 - 135 cases against 24 suspects; in 2001 - 327 cases against 40 persons; in 2002 - 360 cases against 65 persons; in 2003 - 561 cases against 63 persons; in 2004 - 265 cases against 43 persons; in 2005 - 203 cases against 68 persons (by the way, the annual report of the US State Department "National Reports on Terrorism" notes that worldwide in 2005 more than 11 thousand terrorist acts were committed, the victims of which were 14.6 thousand people; most of the terror was in Iraq); in 2006 - 112 cases against 117 persons, in 2007 - 48 cases against 43 persons. The dynamics of terrorist acts is as follows.

Thus, over the course of two years (1998 and 1999), Russia recorded a decrease in both the number of acts of terrorism and the number of persons held accountable for them. Over the next three years, official Russian statistics show an increase in both. Thus, the increase in the number of crimes in 2000 compared to 1999 was almost seven (!) times; in 2001, compared with the same 1999 - more than 16 times, compared with 2000 - more than twice; in 2002, compared to 1999, 18 times; compared to 2001, 1.1 times; in 2003 compared to the previous year - 1.6 times. In fact, terrorism has become more frequent than daily. The last four years - 2004-2007. - brought a significant decrease in the indicators of terrorist acts in statistics, with a simultaneous significant increase in the figures for bringing to justice (except for the last one, 2007). Obviously, this is a positive trend, which testifies to the emerging experience of countering terrorist acts and to establishing and bringing responsibility for terrorism carried out earlier.

These are official, so-called "police" statistics; it does not include the statistics of the FSB of Russia, which is not available even to scientists. It is precisely this that concerns, in the main, the largest Russian terrorist acts. Recall, for example, what kind of terrorist attacks were in the Russian Federation in the same 2004, which recorded an almost half decrease in official statistics: February - an explosion in the Moscow metro, August - explosions in two passenger planes that took off in one evening from Domodedovo airport (Moscow), September - the capture of a school in Beslan; and these are only the largest and bloodiest"

Thus, it should be stated that over the past eleven years, terrorism, according to statistics, has been characterized by various trends, both negative and positive (the trend towards a decrease in the number of acts), however, the growth of terrorism still prevailed over the decrease in its indicators (an avalanche in terms of the rapid growth of indicators was period from 1999 to 2003 inclusive). If we compare the figures for 1997, the first year of 1996, and the last statistically complete year - 2007, then the number of terrorist attacks increased by 150%, and the number of persons against whom these cases are initiated - by 430%. The numbers speak for themselves.

The upward trend is not the only negative trend of modern terrorism. One of its most terrible tendencies is the ever-increasing brutality of terrorism and terrorists. Terrorism denies and tramples on all human values, striking at places sacred to any normal person, the potential circle of victims, time. Let us recall the places where acts of terror were carried out in Russia: a crowded market, residential buildings, cemeteries, a hospital and a hospital, a national celebration, a fashionable musical, a subway train, a school, and so on. Criminals choose for their actions crowded objects that unite people in joy or sorrow. The cynicism of terrorist acts is growing. It is possible to predict - and this is a very scary, but quite possible forecast - that terror in Russia may affect orphanages or kindergartens, life support facilities (water pipelines, power systems), the most dangerous production facilities. Just as pessimistic and terrible is the global criminological forecast regarding terrorism. They talk about the expansion of its social, financial, national base, about the increase in its cruelty and aggressiveness, about the possible use by terrorists of weapons of mass destruction, among which radioactive weapons are considered the most terrible in terms of consequences.

Another obvious negative trend of contemporary terrorism in Russia is its acquisition of an international character.

L.Ya. Drapkin and Ya.M. Zlochenko concluded at the beginning of this century "about the creation of interconnected, widely ramified networks of international terrorism of various ideological, political, religious or nationalist orientations, often providing financial, technical, informational and personnel assistance to each other or even jointly carrying out individual acts of terror." Russian terrorism today is really involved in these networks.

Of course, modern terrorism also has other negative tendencies (connection with organized crime and corruption, etc.); they have been repeatedly analyzed in the criminological literature and are well known. Under these conditions, effective counteraction to terrorism, prevention of it, prevention of individual terrorist acts is the main task of all states and peoples, including Russia.

What requires further improvement of the regulatory framework, taking into account foreign experience in the legislative regulation of countering terrorism. 1.2 Delimitation of terrorism from related criminal law categories Considering the problem of terrorism as a criminal offense, one cannot help but dwell on the issues of delimitation of terrorism and related crimes. The most important...

Security. The situation in the Chechen Republic has clearly shown that it is very difficult to fight the terrorist threat and acts of international terrorism, arms smuggling, and banditry within the framework of the "old" criminal policy. The Russian Government, fulfilling domestic and international obligations to ensure national and international law and order, to suppress crime...

For example, terrorism (Art. 205), hijacking of an air or water transport vessel or train (Art. 211), etc. The proposed change in legislation will enhance the effectiveness of the criminal law fight against terrorism. References 1. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Adopted on December 12, 1993 by popular vote. // Russian newspaper. - 1993. - December 25. 2. ...

The doctrine of punishment in connection with prison science. Moscow: Dobrosvet-2000; Gorodets, 2000. 77. Efirov S.A. Terrorism: psychological roots and legal assessments. // State and law. 1995. No. 9. 78. Yakovets Yu. Interaction between the civilizations of the East and the West: the axial problem of the 21st century. // Security of Eurasia. 2001. No. 1. P.24. Practical materials: 79. Analytical materials of law enforcement ...

After the Beslan tragedy, the President of Russia declared September 3 the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Terrorism. On the anniversary of this mournful event, mourning rallies, minutes of silence, requiem concerts are held throughout the country, candles are lit in memory of the dead and 334 white balloons are launched into the sky - according to the number of victims of the terrorist attack. On this day, not only the victims of Beslan are remembered, but also all Russians who suffered at the hands of terrorists. People bring flowers to places of tragedy. In Moscow, mourning actions are held at the Monument to the Victims of Terrorism on Dubrovka.

School No. 1 in Beslan

  • RIA News

On September 1, 2004, in the North Ossetian city of Beslan, militants captured more than 1,100 students from school No. 1, their relatives and teachers. People were herded into the gym and kept there for three days without food or water. On September 2, after negotiations with the ex-president of the Republic of Ingushetia Ruslan Aushev, the bandits released 25 women and children. On September 3, shooting and explosions began in the building, the security services were forced to start an assault. Most of the hostages were released, 334 people died, including 186 children. Over 800 were wounded. The militants were destroyed, one survivor was sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment. Responsibility for the attack was claimed by the international terrorist Shamil Basayev (liquidated in 2006).

The terrorist attack on Dubrovka

  • RIA News

On October 23, 2002, a group of armed militants broke into the Theater Center on Dubrovka in Moscow. The musical "Nord-Ost" was on stage. The terrorists took more than 900 people hostage and mined the building. They declared themselves suicide bombers and demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya. On the morning of October 26, the special forces launched an assault, during which nerve gas was used. The leader of the militants, Movsar Barayev, and most of the terrorists were killed, three were detained. 130 hostages died. Shamil Basayev claimed responsibility for the attack.

aborted flight

  • RIA News

On August 24, 2004, two passenger planes crashed almost simultaneously. Both took off from Moscow Domodedovo Airport: Tu-154 of Siberia Airlines was heading to Sochi, Tu-134 of Volga-Aviaexpress Airlines - to Volgograd. The explosions on the sides of the liners occurred with a difference of a minute at 22:54 and 22:55. Explosive devices set off suicide bombers. All passengers and crew on both planes were killed. The number of victims is 89 people.

Explosions in the Moscow metro

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On February 6, 2004, a car was blown up on the Zamoskvoretskaya metro line between the Avtozavodskaya and Paveletskaya stations. The deadly device was detonated by a suicide bomber. As a result, 41 people were killed and about 250 were injured.

On March 29, 2010, two suicide bombers staged explosions at the Lubyanka and Park Kultury metro stations. 41 people died, more than 90 were injured. Doku Umarov (liquidated in 2013) claimed responsibility for the attack.

Two more terrorist attacks occurred in the immediate vicinity of metro stations. On August 8, 2000, an explosive device went off in an underground passage on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow: 13 people were killed and 118 were injured. On August 31, 2004, a suicide bomber blew herself up near the Rizhskaya metro station: 10 people were killed, 50 were injured.

Bloody September 1999

In September 1999, Russia was shocked by a whole series of terrorist attacks.

On September 4, in Dagestan's Buynaksk, next to a five-story building 3 on Levanevskogo Street, in which the families of servicemen of the 136th motorized rifle brigade of the Russian Ministry of Defense lived, a GAZ-52 truck was blown up. The car contained 2.7 thousand kilograms of aluminum powder and ammonium nitrate explosive. Two entrances were destroyed, 58 people were killed, 146 were injured. Six more people later died from their injuries.

On September 8, an explosion occurred in Moscow on Guryanov Street. An explosive device went off on the first floor of a 9-storey residential building 19. Two entrances were completely destroyed. 92 people died, 264 were injured.

  • RIA News

On September 13, an explosion occurred on Kashirskoye Highway in Moscow, in the basement of an 8-storey residential building. The power of the explosion is 300 kilograms of TNT. 124 people died, 9 were injured.

On September 16, in the city of Volgodonsk, Rostov Region, near a 9-storey building on Oktyabrskoye Shosse, a GAZ‑53 truck filled with explosives detonated. The power of the explosion was 1-1.5 thousand kilograms of TNT. As a result, the front part of two entrances collapsed, and a fire broke out on some floors. 19 people died, 310 were injured in total.

"Nevsky Express"

  • RIA News

The first attempt to blow up the Nevsky Express was made on August 13, 2007. Then an electric locomotive and 12 wagons derailed, about 60 people were injured. On November 27, 2009, the second terrorist attack took place - on the 285th kilometer of the Oktyabrskaya railway. The last three carriages have derailed. 28 people were killed, more than 90 were injured.


  • RIA News

On New Year's Eve two terrorist attacks took place in Volgograd.

On December 29, 2013, a suicide bomber tried to enter the building of the railway station, but was stopped by senior police sergeant Dmitry Makovkin. The terrorist set off an explosive device at the entrance to the inspection zone. 18 people were killed, 45 were injured. Dmitry Makovkin, who prevented the terrorist from entering the waiting room, was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. The next day, December 30, there was another terrorist attack - another suicide bomber blew up a bomb in the 15A trolleybus in the Dzerzhinsky district of the city. 16 people died, 25 were injured.

Waiting room in Domodedovo

  • RIA News

On January 24, 2011, a suicide bomber detonated an explosive device at Moscow Domodedovo Airport in the international arrivals hall. An explosion thundered through the crowd. 38 people died, 116 were injured.

Ilya Ogandzhanov

These heinous examples of senseless cruelty continue to horrify even years later. Terrorist acts cause damage, first of all, to the psychological state of people. While the country's economy recovers from the consequences of the terrorist attack within a few months, the feeling of insecurity among the civilian population does not disappear for years.

Our top ten today contains the most high-profile terrorist acts of the XXI century according to RBC.Rating.

10. Explosions in Qahtania (14.08.2007, Iraq)

The city of Qahtanya, inhabited by Yezidi Kurds belonging to a religious minority, was chosen as a target by terrorists who blew up 4 fuel trucks with explosives. At least 500 people were injured in the explosions.

9. Explosions in London (07/07/2005 and 07/21/2005, UK)

The first four explosions on the London Underground claimed the lives of 52 people, injuring about 700 more. The second series of attacks, fortunately, were without casualties. All surviving terrorists were brought to justice.

8. Terrorist act in Beslan (09/01/2004 - 09/03/2004, Russia)

One of the most brutal terrorist attacks in history. For more than two days, the terrorists held hostage about 1,100 people, mostly children. As a result of the attack, 334 people died, of which 186 were children. The only surviving terrorist was sentenced to life in prison.

7. A series of explosions in Iraq (24.06.2004, Iraq)

A series of explosions and attacks on police stations affected five cities in the country. More than 70 people died, dozens were seriously injured.

6. Attacks in Madrid (11.03.2004, Spain)

They took place 3 days before the parliamentary elections. As a result of four explosions in the cars of electric trains, 191 people were killed and 2,050 passengers were injured. It is noteworthy that the explosions took place exactly 911 days after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States.

5. Explosions in the Moscow metro (02/06/2004 and 03/29/2010, Russia)

In 2004, suicide bombers killed 41 people and injured 250. In 2010, two explosions claimed the lives of 41 people and injured 88 people. Doku Umarov claimed responsibility for the latest terrorist attack.

4. Terror attacks in Istanbul (11/15/2003 and 11/20/2003, Turkey)

The first suicide attack on car bombs killed 25 people, injuring more than 300. Five days later, a series of explosions killed 28 more people, 450 were injured. Responsibility for the attacks was claimed by Al-Qaeda, as well as the Islamist group of radicals, the Front of Islamic Conquerors of the Great East.

3. Terrorist attack on Dubrovka (“Nord-Ost”) (10/23/2002 - 10/26/2002, Russia)

A group of armed terrorists held 916 people for several days in the building of the Palace of Culture of OAO Moscow Bearing. As a result of the operation of the power structures, all the militants were eliminated. According to official statistics, 130 hostages died. Shamil Basayev claimed responsibility for the attack.

2. Terrorist attacks in Bali (12.10.2002, Indonesia)

The largest terrorist attack in the history of Indonesia claimed the lives of 202 people, 164 of whom were foreigners. The radical organization Jemaah Islamiya was found responsible for the three explosions. Three organizers were sentenced to death.

1. Terrorist act of September 11, 2001 (09/11/2001, USA)

Responsibility for the world's largest terrorist attack taken over by al-Qaeda. Nineteen terrorists, having hijacked four passenger airliners, carried out a suicide attack unprecedented in its scale of cruelty. Aircraft crashes, destruction of the World Trade Center towers and damage to the Pentagon building killed 2,974 people.
