Rake monster. Georgia is attacked by the mythical monster "rake"

In March 2014, in the vicinity of Birobidzhan, local activists of the Stalkers movement discovered the creature Reik. This is evidenced by two videos posted on the Internet. In the first video, Rake is screaming, and in the second, the guys are almost face to face with him. A more precise location of the creature is the abandoned workshops of the Dalselmash plant.

I must say that this is not the first appearance of Reik in public. At the moment, several evidence of a meeting with this creature has accumulated. We will talk about them below, but for now let's talk about who Rake is. So let's get started.


The Rake, or Rake Man, is an extremely thin humanoid-type creature with sharp, long claws, which is how it got its nickname. Information about him is rather scarce, as it is believed that the authorities deliberately hide everything and destroy any documents with the mention of his name. Like the Thin Man, Reik is a popular character in scary stories. For many people, the names of these creatures are synonymous. Actually it is not.

Who is the Thin Man?

To avoid confusion, let's talk a little about this creature. Witnesses describe him as wearing a black funeral suit. He is very thin and can stretch his torso and limbs to incredible lengths. He is also able to grow tentacles from his back, becoming like Dr. Octavius ​​from the Spider-Man painting.

As you can see, the Thin Man and the Rake are two completely different beings that should not be confused. Now let's move on to describing the evidence of the meeting with Reik.


In the summer of 2003, a series of mysterious events occurred in the northeastern United States associated with a mysterious humanoid creature. At first they were interested in the local press. Newspapers were full of headlines: "Reik - a creature from space or a man?", "Attack of a humanoid on a man", etc. But then everything suddenly died down. For unknown reasons, most of the online and printed descriptions of the creature were destroyed.

Initially, people saw him in the suburbs of New York. When confronted with this creature, witnesses experienced a variety of emotions. For some, Reik caused indescribable horror and fear, while for others - childish curiosity. And although the printed versions of their stories are no longer available, the memory of them is still alive thanks to some participants in those events.

In 2006, they began looking for evidence of the existence of the Reik. They managed to collect about two dozen documents (from the 12th century to the present day) from four continents. The stories were very similar. Below are some excerpts from their book, which is scheduled for release soon.

1691. Logbook entry

“He came to me in a dream. I felt his gaze with my whole body. He took everything. Now we need to go to England. We will never return here again. So asked Reik - a creature from the other world.

1880 Diary entry

“It was the greatest horror of my life. He comes as soon as I fall asleep. He has black and Rake - a creature that simply pierces with its gaze. He has a slimy, wet hand. He tells me… (hereinafter illegible text)”.

1964 suicide note

“Before I die, I want to soften the pain that I will cause with this act. Please don't blame anyone but Rake for this. I felt his presence for the first time as soon as I woke up. This is the one I've ever seen. His eyes and voice are terrible. From fear, I can't. Suddenly he will come again. I'm afraid I might not wake up. Farewell".

This note was found in a wooden box. Also there were a couple of empty envelopes and a short letter:

“Dear Linnie, I prayed a lot that Rake wouldn't come to you. The creature has spoken your name."

Certificate 2006

“Three years ago my family and I went on a trip back home very tired, we put the children to bed and immediately went to bed.

I woke up around 4 am, straightened the sheet and accidentally woke my husband. Turning to me, he sharply pulled his legs up to him. And he did it so fast that I almost fell out of bed. It's good that he managed to catch me.

After half a second, I understood the reason for his strange reaction. At our feet was something that looked like either a hairless dog or a naked person. Of course, I knew that there were strange creatures in the world, but I did not think to face one of them live. His position was very unnatural, as if after a car accident. For some reason, I wasn't scared at all. On the contrary, I was worried about his condition. At that moment it seemed to me that it needed our help.

In the blink of an eye, the creature crawled up to my husband and began to look into his eyes. All this went on for about half a minute. Then it touched his knee and ran out into the corridor towards the nursery.

I screamed and ran after me to protect my children. Once in the hallway, I noticed him crouching along the wall about six meters away from me. I will never forget this The creature's body was covered in blood. I turned on the light in the nursery and saw my injured daughter Clara. While my husband and I tried to help her, the creature ran down the stairs. Our daughter's last words were, "His name is Rake."

The husband picked up his daughter in his arms and carried her to the car to take her to the hospital. But on the way the car fell into the lake. He also died. In our small town, the news spread pretty quickly. The police wanted to help us, and the press showed a remarkable interest in us. However, my story was never published, and local television did not react at all.

My son and I could not return home. And we spent the next few months in a hotel not far from my parents' house. But in order to find answers, I decided to return. With great difficulty, I managed to find a man from a neighboring town with whom the same story happened. We met and discussed our misfortunes. He knew two other people who had seen Reik.

We spent about two years looking at sites that described unusual creatures, trying to find references to the Reik. But there was no detailed history or description of the consequences of his activities in any source. Only in some diary, three whole pages were devoted to the creature.

Sometimes there were cases when Reik appeared to one person several times. He even spoke to someone, as in the case of my daughter. It made me wonder if the creature has visited us before.

Every night I sleep with the voice recorder on, and in the morning I listen to the recordings. In addition to my tossing and turning in my sleep, I hear nothing. But one day, a piercing voice rang through the headphones, Reik's voice. I'm very scared. I would not wish even an enemy that strange creatures like Reik appear in his life.

Since he took everything that was dear to me, I have not seen him, but, judging by the recording, he was in my room. And now I feel fear every day. I'm afraid to wake up and feel his piercing gaze on me.

A group of cryptids called the Reiki have gained popularity far beyond cryptozoological circles, but who are they really?

The name "rake" comes from the English word "rake" (rake). The creatures got such a nickname for the extremely long and sharp claws on the fingers, resembling blades.
There are at least three types of rake:

  • Forest;
  • Sewer;
  • "Dover's Demons".

However, based on the trend of finding representatives of this subspecies, the variety "Dover's Demons" is considered incomplete.

Common physiological features in cryptids are similar: hairless skin, flattened nose, hypertrophied skull, large and watery eyes, sharp fangs and claws, posture of a primate.

Forest slats are found in remote areas of dense woodlands. They are agile, but not aggressive and, judging by the evidence, make contact easily. Presumably they can speak.

Their habits and appearance resemble chimpanzees.

It is their Indians who call "", considering the hominid an evil spirit.

Sewer rails have a grayer, duller skin. Often they have a tail, the muzzle is more elongated, there is no nose as such.

Also, like forest slats, they move on all fours, resting their body weight on their front paws, which can be seen in modern gorillas.

Sewer rails outwardly resemble ghouls, carrion eaters. It is possible that cryptids have common roots, since the description of subspecies is largely similar.

"Dover's Demons" is the name of a separate type of rake that has chosen places around the city of the same name in Massachusetts, USA.

They are distinguished by a significantly large head, huge eyes, peach or beige skin, as well as several other details, including a huge throat pouch like a howler monkey.

In 1977, when the creatures were first spotted, some journalists even speculated that the city was facing a new subspecies of monkeys that had previously lived in a separate area but had been disturbed by production.

Today, no one knows exactly how these creatures should be classified.

Some ufologists insist on the extraterrestrial origin of rakes, while cryptozoologists believe that they are the heirs of feral people raised by wild beasts.

Locals say that this is a tall, thin creature with a painted face, making strange sounds... First, it knocks on the windows to be let into the house, and if they do not open it, it starts to break the window.

It is not possible to catch it... It disappears...

“... One or several men dressed in black are walking along Kumys. They frighten the population, enter houses at night, wake people up and grimace in front of them, make strange sounds, and if they cannot enter the house, they scratch doors and windows ... Residents faint from fear, children have lost sleep ... "

“... Residents of the neighboring village are also complaining about this... Presumably, there are several of them ("ghosts" ─ ed. note), and they are scattered... A patrol is chasing them, but to no avail (they are extremely fast, smart and dexterous). I don’t know who I should tag in this post, but you can tighten the measures?! It's so smart that I doubt it's crazy. Until there are victims, maybe you will wake up?!!! ... »

— said in the message.

Mir TV journalist Mikhail Robakidze and cameraman Khvicha Samadashvili went to Kumys last week to prepare a story about the "ghost". Near the store, at the entrance to the village, they were met by several young guys who assured that the ghost visits Kumis every day.

On the eve of him, it turns out, they chased about 200 man, but without success ... The creature, as they say, ran across the road on all fours and disappeared in the direction of the lake.

“... Some say that it is long-haired, others claim that its hair is thrown back, and for others it is completely bald. Someone proves that it is red-haired with a wrinkled face, there are those who believe that this is a former commando, hired by the owner of the Kumys lake to intimidate the inhabitants, in order to then take possession of their lands. Although, in this case, it is not clear why this creature visited neighboring villages ... "

Robakidze said.

The film crew of the TV company, after talking with the local population, went up to the cemetery, which rises above the village.

“... We wanted to capture on camera that the village is empty, and people don’t even turn on the lights out of fear. At this time, we noticed someone in the bushes, but we do not know who it was, because when we called to him, he disappeared. He was wearing sportswear and was about 180 centimeters, moved quickly even in the bushes ... "

the journalist told us.

According to him, there is an opinion that the "ghost" is a paranormal creature rake, which, according to the Kumys, was brought from Lugar's laboratory. Villagers found it similar to a rake after watching footage of Bigfoot on the internet.

“...According to Wikipedia, the rake is Bigfoot, the existence of which has not been scientifically confirmed. It is a cross between a Neanderthal primate, a species whose evolution has been interrupted. IN 1957 In the same year, a special commission was created at the USSR Academy of Sciences, the purpose of which was to study the rake. Scientists were even sent on an expedition, but the results of their research are classified ... "

Robakidze noted. According to the journalist, local residents are afraid of a strange creature and require the police to install night vision cameras to capture the "ghost" and then detain him.

“... The villagers say that if the existence of the "ghost" is not confirmed by the video footage, it turns out that they are crazy, and the policemen are normal. Law enforcement officers make one circle in the evenings and return back. In addition, the police say that there is also no reason to detain this creature, because it did not commit a crime ... "

Robakidze said.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, law enforcement officers did not disregard a single message about the "Kumys ghost" and even opened a case - under article 160 Criminal Code, which implies a violation of the inviolability of housing or other property.

“... The investigation began on the basis of the appearance of scratches in the house of a local resident of Kumys, and all reports are checked very carefully. The file includes all the facts that the population associates with this unidentified object. At this stage, something significant has not yet manifested ... "

- said the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The situation is further complicated by the fact that all witnesses describe the "ghost" in different ways, the Ministry of Internal Affairs noted.

“... There are mutually exclusive messages, and when there is nothing concrete, it is difficult to do anything. Whether this is a ghost or something else, no one knows yet, it did not cause physical damage to anyone, and the houses were not seriously damaged ... "

- noted in the press service.

The police are also on duty at night, and they say that they have not noticed the “Kumiss ghost” yet.

And local residents are convinced that the police themselves are afraid and try not to go outside again.

The popular hero of scary stories. His name can be translated as "rake", but, most likely, he is called that because of his extreme thinness, perhaps the name "Skeletina" could be a good Russian analogue. This is a very strange humanoid creature, it is believed that there is almost no information about him, since the authorities traditionally hide everything and destroy documents. Rake was seen in rural New York, with strange emotions seized by witnesses - from panic fear and physical discomfort to pure curiosity and childish playfulness. However, such a meeting still did not end with anything good for people.

(Log in to clean up the page.)


All that a group of enthusiasts managed to find in this case in a year is about two dozen documents from the 12th century to the present day, mostly letters. Completely creepypasta in English - on the site creepypasta.com, below is a summary.

In one suicide letter, a certain person complains that he is forced to commit suicide, because he alone cannot bear the visible and invisible presence of Reik in his life. In another diary entry, an unnamed Spaniard complains about the extreme horror he experienced and the inability to sleep, because. closing his eyes, he immediately sees a black monster, his Rake clearly drove him crazy. The next entry is from the logbook, writes a sailor who, on a journey, came across a strange creature and decided that he had to hurry back to England. And finally, a long story about how Rake broke into the bedroom of a married couple at 4 in the morning, then entered the nursery and injured their daughter, who died after only saying "It's Rake." The girl's father died when his car fell into the lake that night on the way to the hospital, and the mother has been looking for information about him ever since.

Fan art

Many impressionable creative minds have been mortified by these chilling stories, judging by the existence of a huge number of hand-drawn images of Rake on the fuckyeahtherake single-dark blog and on deviantart.

1880 Diary entry.

“It was the greatest horror of my life. He comes as soon as I fall asleep. He has black and empty eyes. Rake is a creature that simply pierces with its gaze. He has a slimy, wet hand. He tells me… (hereinafter illegible text)”.

1964 Death note.

Before I die, I want to ease the pain that I will cause by this act. Please don't blame anyone but Rake for this. I felt his presence for the first time as soon as I woke up. This is the strangest creature I have ever seen. His eyes and voice are terrible. I can't sleep for fear. Suddenly he will come again. I'm afraid I might not wake up. Farewell". This note was found in a wooden box. Also there were a couple of empty envelopes and a short letter: “Dear Linnie, I prayed a lot that Rake would not come to you. The creature has spoken your name."

Certificate 2006.

“Three years ago my family and I went to Niagara Falls. When we got home very tired, we put the children to bed and immediately went to bed. I woke up around 4 am, straightened the sheet and accidentally woke my husband. Turning to me, he sharply pulled his legs up to him. And he did it so fast that I almost fell out of bed. It's good that he managed to catch me. After half a second, I understood the reason for his strange reaction. At our feet was something that looked like either a hairless dog or a naked person. Of course, I knew that there were strange creatures in the world, but I did not think to face one of them live. His position was very unnatural, as if after a car accident. For some reason, I wasn't scared at all. On the contrary, I was worried about his condition. At that moment it seemed to me that it needed our help. In the blink of an eye, the creature crawled up to my husband and began to look into his eyes. All this went on for about half a minute. Then it touched his knee and ran out into the corridor towards the nursery. I screamed and ran after me to protect my children. Once in the hallway, I noticed him crouching along the wall about six meters away from me. I will never forget that piercing look. The creature's body was covered in blood. I turned on the light in the nursery and saw my injured daughter Clara. While my husband and I tried to help her, the creature ran down the stairs. Our daughter's last words were, "His name is Rake." The husband picked up his daughter in his arms and carried her to the car to take her to the hospital. But on the way the car fell into the lake. He also died. In our small town, the news spread pretty quickly. The police wanted to help us, and the press showed a remarkable interest in us. However, my story was never published, and local television did not react at all. My son and I could not return home. And we spent the next few months in a hotel not far from my parents' house. But in order to find answers, I decided to return. With great difficulty, I managed to find a man from a neighboring town with whom the same story happened. We met and discussed our misfortunes. He knew two other people who had seen Reik. We spent about two years looking at sites that described unusual creatures, trying to find references to the Reik. But there was no detailed history or description of the consequences of his activities in any source. Only in some diary, three whole pages were devoted to the creature. Sometimes there were cases when Reik appeared to one person several times. He even spoke to someone, as in the case of my daughter. It made me wonder if the creature has visited us before. Every night I sleep with the voice recorder on, and in the morning I listen to the recordings. In addition to my tossing and turning in my sleep, I hear nothing. But one day, a piercing voice rang through the headphones, Reik's voice. I'm very scared. I would not wish even an enemy that strange creatures like Reik appear in his life. Since he took everything that was dear to me, I have not seen him, but, judging by the recording, he was in my room. And now I feel fear every day. I'm afraid to wake up and feel his piercing gaze on me.
