What is included in Europe which states. foreign europe

- part of the Eurasian continent, washed by two oceans at once - the Arctic, as well as the Atlantic.

The territory of the EU is approximately 10 million square meters, and its population is approximately 10% of the total population of the planet, which is approximately 740 million people.

General information

How many parts in Europe:

  1. Northern Europe;
  2. Southern Europe;
  3. Eastern Europe;
  4. Central Europe.

Depending on the opinions available, European countries can be assigned to one part of it or to another.

The highest point in Europe is Mount Elbrus, which reaches a height of 5642 m, and the lowest point is the Caspian Sea, which at the moment is approximately 27 m high.

The main territory is dominated by flat terrain, and only 17% of all of Europe is mountains. The climate of most of Europe is temperate, but there are glaciers in the north of the territory, and desert in the Caspian lowland.

Europe is the region with the greatest cultural diversity despite its small territory.

Eastern Europe

The European part of Eurasia, located within the borders of Central and Eastern Europe, is commonly referred to as Eastern Europe. This territory is home to a larger number of people than in other European regions, and occupies about 2/3 of Europe.

The bulk of the population is represented by people of Slavic appearance. Due to political actions, the territory is constantly changing.

So, in Soviet times, the countries of the USSR were included in Eastern Europe, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union, some countries separated and began to be considered foreign.

The climate here is drier and less warm. However, the soils of this part of Europe are much more fertile than the soils of Western Europe. Eastern Europe has the largest amount of chernozem soils in the world.

Eastern Europe is the closest in spirit and territory to Russia part of the Old World. The flight by plane will not take more than two hours. You can even go on vacation to the nearest countries while driving your own car.

The familiar climate and native language will be a pleasant bonus for those who decide to spend their holidays in Eastern Europe.

Western Europe is the territory in which all the Western countries of Europe are located. Usually, this includes countries that are connected by cultural and geographical principles, and which were able to avoid Soviet influence during the Cold War.

The climate in Western Europe is mostly temperate, with mild winters and warm summers.

Western Europe is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Urbanization here is at the level of 80%. The largest agglomerations here are London and Paris.

Western Europe is considered the most popular for tourism. About 65% of tourists flock here. In this area you can see everything from sandy beaches to mountain landscapes. The mosaic of landscapes is striking in its beauty.

A large flow of tourists has led to the formation of special tourist zones that specialize in providing tourist services to guests.

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Everyone will be able to accurately indicate on the map where Europe is located. However, it is not so easy to set clear boundaries.

The geographical boundaries of Europe on the northern, western and southern sides are the coastline of the seas of the Arctic Ocean, as well as the Atlantic Ocean. These are the Baltic, Northern, Irish, Mediterranean, Black, Marmara and Azov seas.

The eastern border is usually drawn along the slope of the Ural Mountains to the Caspian Sea. Some sources also include the territory of the Caucasus in Europe.

List of countries in Europe

The number of European countries is quite extensive.

Listed in alphabetical order, the list would look like this:

  • Austria;
  • Albania;
  • Andorra
  • Belarus;
  • Belgium;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Bosnia
  • Vatican;
  • Great Britain;
  • Hungary
  • Germany;
  • Holland;
  • Greece;
  • Georgia
  • Denmark
  • Ireland;
  • Spain;
  • Italy;
  • Iceland
  • Latvia;
  • Lithuania;
  • Liechtenstein;
  • Luxembourg
  • Macedonia;
  • Malta;
  • Moldova;
  • Monaco
  • Norway
  • Poland;
  • Portugal
  • Russia;
  • Romania
  • San Morino;
  • Serbia;
  • Slovakia;
  • Slovenia
  • Ukraine
  • Finland;
  • France
  • Croatia
  • Montenegro;
  • Czech
  • Switzerland;
  • Sweden
  • Estonia.

This is a complete list of states that are European.

Number of European countries

The number of states that make up Europe today is 44. But based on the political and economic situations that are taking place in the world, it cannot be argued that this list will not change.

You can take as an example the Soviet Union, which at one time broke up into 15 independent states, while the GDR and the FRG, for example, on the contrary, united into a single whole, and today are called Germany.

Nowadays, a difficult political situation is taking place in Spain, where the Catalan part of it is trying to stand out as an independent state from Spain, and be called Catalonia.

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National symbols

The national symbols of the countries are their flags and coats of arms. As a rule, animalistic symbols are included in the basis of coats of arms. The image of a horse symbolizes speed, movement.

All European countries are familiar with the myths about the god of the sun, who moved in his carriage, which was drawn by horses. But, for example, an elephant expresses reliability and strength. It is his image that can be found on the coat of arms of the city of Coventry in the UK.

The state symbols of England is the oldest of all European countries. The coat of arms, which is now official in Great Britain, originated in the 19th century.

The coat of arms of England looks like a shield, in the upper left and lower right corners of which there are three gold-colored leopards on a red background, in the upper right - a fiery lion, located on a background of gold - the Scottish coat of arms, and, finally, in the lower left - a harp of gold on the blue field - Irish symbols.

This shield is held by a golden lion with a crown in its mane and a snow-white unicorn.

The symbolism of the Scandinavian countries reveals the history of the countries of the European North. The coat of arms of Denmark has been formed over several centuries. It is a shield, on top of which there is a crown, and inside the shield, four blue leopards are arranged in a row from top to bottom.

The flag of Denmark is divided by a red and white cross, in the center of which is its coat of arms.

Until the 13th century, the state emblem of Sweden depicted three leopards in crowns standing one behind the other on the field, which very much resembled the coat of arms of Denmark.

Only at the beginning of the XIV century a coat of arms appeared depicting three golden crowns, which later became state symbols.

The original emblem of Iceland was presented in the form of a white falcon, but in 1944 a new symbolism was chosen: a shield held by a bull, a dragon, an eagle and an old man.

The main symbol of Albania is a black eagle with two heads, which is the Albanian coat of arms.

The symbol of Bulgaria is a golden lion, located on a red shield, which is a symbol of masculinity.

The Polish coat of arms looks like a white eagle, whose head is decorated with a gilded crown.

The symbol of Serbia was created during the unification of the lands of Serbia. It depicts a boar's head, which was pierced by an arrow.

Macedonia became independent only in the second half of the 20th century, therefore, until this period, the symbolism was represented only by territorial symbols. Now the coat of arms of Macedonia flaunts a golden crowned lion.

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Population and area of ​​countries

The main giant by all criteria among European countries is Russia. Its area is approximately equal to 17 million square meters, which is almost equal to the area of ​​South America, and the population is about 146 million.

However, the entry of Russia into Europe is considered controversial, because most of it is located in Asia, and only about 22% - in Europe.

The next in the list of the largest countries in Europe is Ukraine. It occupies an area of ​​almost 604 thousand square meters. The population of Ukraine is about 42 million people.

France, Spain, Sweden, Germany, Finland, Norway, Poland and Italy present a list of the 10 largest European countries. However, in terms of the number of inhabitants of these countries, after Russia is Germany, the number of inhabitants of which is about 81 million people.

The population of France is in third place in terms of number. There are about 66 million people within its borders.

The largest cities in Europe are London, with its population of 7 million people, Berlin - 3.5 million people, followed by Madrid, Rome, Kyiv and Paris with a population of 3 million.

Which countries are in the European Union?

The Union of Europe was organized during the collapse of the USSR. The EU is united together for economic reasons and political views of the state. Most of these countries use one type of currency - the euro.

The Union is an international entity that includes the signs of a country and the signs of the international community, but in fact they are neither one nor the other.

In some cases, decisions are made by supranational institutions, and in others through negotiations between countries that are members of the European Union.

At the very beginning of its inception, the European Union included only six countries - Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and France. To date, thanks to the connection to the agreement, the number of countries within the European Union has increased to twenty-eight.

States give up their sovereignty, in return receive protection in various institutions of the union, which act for the common interests of all participants.

The Lisbon Treaty included rules for leaving the European Union. For the entire period of action, only Greenland left the European Union - in the late 1900s.

At the moment, five countries claim the opportunity to leave the Union. These are Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey and Montenegro.

List of EU countries:

  1. Austria;
  2. Belgium;
  3. Bulgaria;
  4. Hungary;
  5. Great Britain;
  6. Greece;
  7. Germany;
  8. Denmark;
  9. Italy;
  10. Ireland;
  11. Spain;
  12. Republic of Cyprus;
  13. Luxembourg;
  14. Latvia;
  15. Lithuania;
  16. Malta;
  17. Netherlands;
  18. Portugal;
  19. Poland;
  20. Romania;
  21. Slovenia;
  22. Slovakia;
  23. France;
  24. Finland;
  25. Croatia;
  26. Czech;
  27. Sweden;
  28. Estonia.

Liechtenstein, the Norwegian and Swiss states have not agreed to become members of the European Union, but partly take part in the implementation of joint economic activities.

The population of the European Union as of 2009 exceeded five hundred million people.

Throughout the land of the European Union, people equally use twenty-four languages. But, as a rule, the most popular languages ​​in the European Union are English, German, and also French.

As for religious views, according to polls, about 18% of the population are atheists, 27% are not sure of their views, and 52% confidently believe in the existence of God.

Europe- part of the world, which together with Asia forms the continent of Eurasia. The area is about 10 million sq. km. The population is 732 million people. It is washed by the Atlantic and Arctic oceans and their seas. The area of ​​the islands is about 730 thousand sq. km. The peninsulas account for about 1/4 of the territory of Europe (Kola, Scandinavian, Pyrenean, Apennine, Balkan, etc.).

The average height is about 300 m, the maximum is 5642 m (Elbrus). The highest mountain in Western Europe is Mont Blanc (4807 m). Plains prevail (large - East European, Central European, Middle and Lower Danube, Paris basin), mountains occupy about 17% of the territory (the main ones are the Alps, Carpathians, Pyrenees, Apennines, Ural Mountains, Scandinavian mountains, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula). There are active volcanoes in Iceland and the Mediterranean.

In most of the territory, the climate is temperate (in the west - oceanic, in the east - continental, with snowy and frosty winters), in the northern islands - subarctic and arctic, in southern Europe - Mediterranean. On the islands of the Arctic, in Iceland, the Scandinavian mountains, the Alps - glaciation (area over 116 thousand km2). Main rivers: Volga, Danube, Ural, Dnieper, Don, Pechora, Kama, Oka, Belaya, Dniester, Rhine, Elbe, Vistula, Tahoe, Loire, Danube, Oder. Large lakes: Ladoga, Onega, Peipus, Venern, Balaton, Geneva.

On the islands of the Arctic and along the coast of the Arctic Ocean - arctic deserts and tundras, to the south - forest-tundras, taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests, forest-steppes, steppes, subtropical Mediterranean forests and shrubs; in the southeast - semi-deserts.

There are (in whole or in part) 50 states in Europe. These are Austria, Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vatican, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, part of Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation (approx. 2/3 of Europe), Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, part of Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic , Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia, Yugoslavia (including Serbia and Montenegro).

It should be borne in mind that since the Caucasian ridge and the Black Sea straits are traditionally considered the geographical borders of Europe and Asia, the inclusion of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Cyprus in the list of European countries is based primarily on political, economic and cultural considerations and is not unambiguous.

Europe is usually divided into Northern and Southern, Western and Eastern, as well as Central. This division is rather arbitrary, especially since not only purely geographical, but also political factors come into play here. Some countries, depending on the "point of view", may be assigned to different groups of states.

In Soviet times, the division of Europe into East and West often had a political connotation - Eastern Europe included the GDR, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Albania, Yugoslavia and the USSR - socialist countries, or, as they were also called, "countries of people's democracy". All other states belonged to Western Europe. At the same time, Spain, Portugal, the south of France, Italy, Malta, Cyprus, Greece and Turkey were also called Southern Europe, and Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland - Northern Europe.

Thus, at present, after the collapse of the USSR, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the countries of the former Yugoslavia, Romania, Hungary, Austria, and sometimes the Baltic countries are included in Central Europe. To Eastern Europe - part of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova. To Western Europe - Great Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, etc. In some sources, the old division is preserved.

Europe is the smallest and at the same time the most “closed” part of the world in the world. Its nearest neighbor is Asia, and together they form the largest continent, Eurasia. But today the focus is on foreign Europe.

General information

There are different approaches to dividing Europe into regions. Until the end of the 80s of the last century, in history and geography, the term "Western Europe" was understood as a set of independent European states that, after the end of the Second World War, continued capitalist development. There were 32 of them, and the countries of the socialist camp - Eastern Europe - served as a counterweight to them. In 1991, after the collapse of the USSR and the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), a new concept of "Foreign Europe" appeared.

It unites 40 countries located on the territory of Europe, except for those that are part of the CIS.

Geographical position of Foreign Europe

Speaking about the physical and geographical position of Foreign Europe, it should be said that it occupies a fairly compact territory on a global scale: its total area is 5.4 million square meters. km. The island of Svalbard is the extreme point in the north, and the island of Crete is in the south. The length of the region from north to south is 5000 km, and from west to east - 3000 km. Foreign Europe is washed on three sides by the waters of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans and their seas. The coastline is very indented. Most of the territory is dominated by plains, and only about 17% is occupied by mountains. Among them, the main ones are the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Apennines, the Carpathians, the mountains on the Balkan and Scandinavian peninsulas. This region is dominated by four climatic zones, which gradually replace each other from north to south:

  • arctic (Arctic islands of Europe): the maritime arctic climate “rules” here with very frosty winters and cold summers;
  • subarctic (Iceland and north coast of mainland Europe): characterized by the predominance of the maritime subarctic climate type with cold, sometimes mild winters and cool summers with strong westerly winds;
  • moderate (British Isles, most of mainland Europe): two types of climate are distinguished here - temperate marine and temperate continental.
  • subtropical (southern Mediterranean part of Europe): typical for these latitudes, the type of climate is Mediterranean with warm winters and dry, hot summers.

Rice. 1 Regions of Foreign Europe

Regional division

Geographically, Foreign Europe is divided into four regions according to the cardinal points: Northern, Southern, Western and Eastern. However, recently, in addition to Northern, Southern and Western Europe, new terms have appeared in the everyday life of geographers - Central-Eastern and Eastern Europe. The latter just includes Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and Russia - countries that are members of the CIS. How many states, and to which regions of Foreign Europe are "credited", is summarized in the following table:

Northern Europe

Southern Europe

Western Europe

Central Eastern Europe




San Marino






Great Britain







Serbia and Montenegro



Rice. 2 Modern leaders of the G7 countries

Economic development

Overseas Europe is one of the most economically developed regions in the world. Both in political terms and in the sectoral and territorial structure of the economy of the region, there is diversity and richness. If foreign Europe is presented in the form of a large four-story apartment building, then the countries with economies in transition will be at the bottom: Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia. On the second and third - developed countries with market economies: Spain, Greece, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and others. However, their level of economic and social development has not yet reached the high level of leaders, which include the "neighbors" from the top floor - Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy. They account for about 70% of the total GDP. They are also members of the "Group of Seven" or "Big Seven" - an association of seven leading economically developed countries (USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan.

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The leaders of these states gather annually to discuss not only the problems of foreign Europe, but the pressing issues facing humanity: political, military (universal security, terrorism, causes of aggravation of local conflicts), social (protection of human rights, support and conditions for cooperation with developing countries) , environmental (global warming, climate change) and economic (science and finance, market regulation, imports and exports).


Among the many features of Europe abroad, it is worth noting one important thing - the presence of the "Central Axis of Development". This term refers to the Western European part with a length of 1600 km, which, in fact, is the center, the core of the Old World with the largest concentration of population (300 people per 1 km2) and the main sectors of the economy. The conditional boundary of the "axis" originates from Manchester, then "rushes" through Hamburg, Venice, Marseilles and returns to Hamburg again, forming a banana-shaped loop. It covers a large section of Europe, including the following parts: the regions of Great Britain, the western lands of Germany, the north and south of France, Switzerland and the north of Italy.

If you look at the map of Europe, you can see that on the territory of the "Central Axis of Development" there are "world centers" - London and Paris, each of which houses about thirty headquarters of the largest corporations. In addition, it is the place where more than half of the entire industrial potential of Europe is concentrated: coal and metallurgical enterprises, general engineering, automotive, chemical industry enterprises, the latest high-tech industries, port industrial complexes and much more.

Rice. 3 Europe's “central axis of development”

What have we learned?

Features of foreign Europe - under the gun of our attention. After considering this topic in geography for grades 10 and 11, we come to the following conclusion: a relatively small area on a vast continent is one of the most successful, developed in terms of the quality of life of the population, the structure of production, the scale of economic activity and the level of technological development. Many factors contributed to this: geographical location, favorable natural conditions, the small size of countries and their close proximity, and much more.

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Union) have grown significantly in number in recent decades. Until the summer of 2011, this union was called Western European. The list of European countries is extensive, but not all countries from this list are included in the European Union.

Background and creation of the European Union

Today this community is very similar to the deceased USSR, and it was formed in 1948 as a counterbalance to the "eastern monster". The named reason for the creation of a new entity is to prevent Germany from reviving as an independent unified state, to prevent the revival of fascism after the end of the war.

A separate conversation could take place on the position of Germany in the bosom of the European Union: it is a locomotive that pulls almost the entire economy of the community. Of course, there are differences with the Soviet Union in the European Union.

Similarities and differences

There is no single currency. But the federal structure has common legislation, it is possible to use a common cash desk, a single central bank and customs space. Management is also akin to a planned economy, the board is command-administrative.

For example, at the top, all limits on sown areas for agricultural crops are approved. This applies to every country in the European Union. The list of results is truly depressing.

Greeks in the sultry and fertile south buy Dutch vegetables and are not allowed to trade in the European Union with the original Greek product - olive oil. The Czech Republic also stopped growing vegetables, but it grows rapeseed, the oil from which is even added to diesel fuel. There is almost no good oil in the Czech Republic now. But in this way profitability among agricultural producers increases.

Foreign policy

This is solved more successfully than the economic problems. The list of European countries that have developed a single and coherent foreign policy with an almost complete absence of disagreements can be omitted, since Brussels unanimously decides who to pardon and who to execute.

Recent years, however, show some slippage, the global economic crisis has made governments less courageous and friendly. Still: the loss of eastern markets due to sanctions against Russia may well lead the least prosperous owners to complete economic degradation.

Legislation and executive bodies

Here the most similarities with the Soviet Union are: only the parliament has a multi-party basis, but everything else is present: the European Commission as an executive body is headed by the chairman, and the European Council consists of the heads of EU member states. The European Parliament oversees the law (with its own President), together with the Council of the European Union.

Here you have the Politburo with the Central Committee of the CPSU, and the party congresses with the Supreme Soviet, and the General Secretary is present, and even the chairman of the presidium! But there is no constitution yet.

Borders between countries are conditional, customs points are abolished, free movement of all citizens within the community. But labor markets are regulated by strict regulations and require permission from the authorities for employment. This is practiced by all countries of the European Community. The list of amenities and inconveniences of life in modern Europe is endless.

The list of European countries is constantly changing. At the moment, Europe has 44 states. Not only the quantity changes, but also the names. Metamorphoses of recent times: the Soviet Union, during the collapse, gave Europe Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. Yugoslavia in the same circumstances replenished the continent with Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. But the GDR and the FRG became a single Germany.

This process has not stopped. Boil not only the list of unpleasant consequences of the global crisis is extensive and eloquent. Separatism is strong in Catalonia and in the area where the Basques live (this is in Spain), in Scotland and northern Ireland (this is Great Britain), Flanders is worried in Belgium. They are trying in every possible way to recognize Kosovo as a separate state (this is Serbia). The borders of European countries, if you put next to the maps of recent years, have become unrecognizable. Therefore, it is quite reasonable to consider the list of European countries with capitals temporary.


Republic. 8.5 million population. The capital city of Austria is Vienna. The official language is German.


Republic. Population 2.830 million. The capital of Albania is Tirana. The official language is Albanian.


Principality. Dwarf European state. 700 thousand people of the population. The main city is Andorra la Vella. The official language is Catalan, but in fact it is replaced by Spanish and French.


Republic of Belarus. 9.5 million people. The capital city of Belarus - Minsk. The official languages ​​are Russian and Belarusian.


Kingdom. 11.2 million people. The capital of Belgium is Brussels. The official languages ​​are Dutch, German, French.


Republic. 7.2 million people. The capital city of Bulgaria is Sofia. The administrative language is Bulgarian.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Confederation, federation, republic. The population is 3.7 million. The capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina is Sarajevo. State Serbian and Croatian.


Absolute monarchy, theocracy. A dwarf enclave state associated with Italy. City within a city, 832 people. Latin, Italian.

Great Britain

The United Kingdom, which includes Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Parliamentary monarchy. 63.4 million people. The main city of Great Britain is London. English.


Parliamentary republic. Population 9.85 million. - Budapest. The official language is Hungarian.


Federal Republic. Population 80 million. The main city of Germany is Berlin. The administrative language is German.


Republic. Population 11.3 million. The capital city of Greece is Athens. The official language is Greek.


Kingdom. 5.7 million people. The capital city of Denmark is Copenhagen. The official language is Danish.


Republic. Population 4.6 million. The capital of Ireland is Dublin. State and English.


Parliamentary republic. 322 thousand people. The main city of Iceland is Reykjavik. The official language is Icelandic.


Kingdom. The population is 47.3 million. The capital of Spain is Madrid. The official language is Spanish.


Republic. 60.8 million people. All roads in Italy lead to Rome. The official language is Italian.


Republic. Population 1.9 million. The capital of Latvia is Riga. The state language is Latvian.


Republic. 2.9 million people. The main city of Lithuania is Vilnius. The state language is Lithuanian.


Principality. A dwarf state associated with Switzerland. The population is 37 thousand. The capital of Liechtenstein is Vaduz. The official language is German.


Grand Duchy. 550 thousand people. The capital of Luxembourg is Luxembourg. The official language is Luxembourgish, French, German.


Republic. Population 2 million. The capital of Macedonia is Skopje. The state language is Macedonian.


Republic. The population is 452 thousand. The main city of Malta is Valletta. The official languages ​​are Maltese and English.


Republic. The capital is Chisinau. 3.5 million people. The administrative language is Moldovan.


Principality. A dwarf state associated with France. 37.8 thousand people. The official language is French.


Kingdom. The population is 16.8 million. The capital of the Netherlands is Amsterdam. The official languages ​​are West Frisian and Dutch.


Kingdom. Population 5.1 million people. The main city of Norway is Oslo. The official languages ​​are Norwegian and Sami.


Republic. Population 38.3 million. The capital city of Poland is Warsaw. The official language is Polish.


Republic. 10.7 million people. The capital of Portugal is Lisbon. The official languages ​​are Portuguese and Mirandese.


Federation. The population is 146.3 million. The capital city of Russia - Moscow. National language - Russian.


Parliamentary republic. unitary state. 19 million people. The capital of Romania is Bucharest. Administrative

San Marino

Radiant Republic. The population is 32 thousand. The capital of San Marino is San Marino. The official language is Italian.


Republic. 7.2 million people. The main one is Belgrade. The official language is Serbian.


Republic. 5.4 million people. The capital city of Slovakia is Bratislava. The state language is Slovak.


Republic. Population 2 million. The capital city of Slovenia is Ljubljana. The official language is Slovenian.


A unitary state plus a parliamentary-presidential republic. The population is 42 million. The main city of Ukraine is Kyiv. The state language is Ukrainian.


Republic. 5.5 million people. The capital of Finland is Helsinki. State and Swedish.


Republic. Population 66.2 million. The main city of France is Paris. The official language is French.


Republic. Population 4.2 million. The capital is Zagreb. The official language is Croatian.


Republic. 622 thousand people. The capital city of Montenegro is Podgorica. The state language is Montenegrin.


Republic. Population 10.5 million. The capital city of the Czech Republic is Prague. The official language is Czech.


Confederation. 8 million people. The capital of Switzerland is Bern. Official languages ​​German, French, Italian, Swiss.


Kingdom. Population 9.7 million. The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. The official language is Swedish.


Republic. 1.3 million people. The capital of Estonia is Tallinn. The official language is Estonian.

To date, the list of European countries is just that.

short info

Europe is one of the smallest continents on earth. About 40,000 years ago in Europe, modern humans supplanted the Neanderthals, and European civilization has since begun. According to ancient Greek mythology, Europe was the daughter of the Phoenician king Agenor and Telefassa, who was kidnapped by Zeus. Subsequently, Europa became the wife of Zeus.

Geography of Europe

Europe is washed by the waters of the Arctic Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, as well as the Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas. The eastern border of Europe runs along the Ural Mountains.

The continent of Europe includes numerous islands, peninsulas and archipelagos. The coastline of continental Europe covers 38,000 kilometers. The total area of ​​Europe is 9.938 million square meters. km (this is 2% of the Earth's territory). Europe is part of the Eurasian Peninsula.

The climate in most of Europe is temperate, in southern Europe it is Mediterranean and even partially subtropical with warm, humid winters and hot summers. On the Svalbard archipelago, which geographically also belongs to Europe, the climate is subarctic and arctic.

The longest river in Europe is the Volga (3645 km), which flows through Russia. The list of the largest European rivers also includes: the Danube (2960 km), the Dnieper (2201 km), the Don (1870 km), the Kama (1805 km), the Dniester (1352 km), the Rhine (1233 km), the Elbe (1165 km) , Ural (2428 km), Vistula (1047 km), Tahoe (1038 km), Loire (1012 km), Oder (854 km) and Neman (937 km).

In Europe, there are several very large, and also very beautiful, lakes. Among them are Lake Ladoga, Peipsi and Onega in Russia, Lake Vänern in Sweden, Lake Balaton in Hungary and Lake Geneva in Switzerland and France.

Approximately 17% of the territory of Europe is occupied by mountains - the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Apennines, the Carpathians, the Balkans, the Caucasus, the Urals and the Scandinavian mountains. The highest mountain of this continent is Elbrus (Russia), its height is 5642 meters.

European population

At the moment, the population of Europe already exceeds 842 million people. This is about 13% of the total population of the Earth. Most Europeans live in Eastern Europe.

Almost the entire population of Europe belongs to the Caucasoid race, which is divided into several smaller races:

Atlanto-Baltic race (Great Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia, Iceland, northern Germany, the Netherlands, Estonia and Latvia);
- Central European race (central regions of Western Europe, most of the territory of Eastern Europe, Ukraine and the European part of Russia);
- Balkan-Caucasian race (Albania, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, northern Greece, Bulgaria, southern Austria and northern Italy);
- Indo-Mediterranean race (Spain, Italy, France, southern Greece, Cyprus and Malta);
- White Sea-Baltic race (northern territories of Russia, Lithuania and partly Latvia).

Countries of Europe

At the moment, there are 56 countries in Europe (of which 6 countries are the so-called unrecognized republics). The largest European country is Russia (its territory occupies 17,098,242 sq. km), and the smallest is the Vatican (0.44 sq. km). By the way, more than 291 million people now live in Russia.

Regions of Europe

Sometimes Europe is divided into 5 regions (Western, Eastern, Northern, Southern and Central), which in turn are divided into seven geographical sub-regions:

Scandinavia (Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark);
- British Isles (Great Britain and Ireland);
- Western Europe (France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Monaco);
- Southern Europe (Portugal, Spain, Andorra, Italy, Malta, San Marino and the Vatican);
- Central Europe (Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary);
- South-Eastern Europe (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and the European part of Turkey);
- Eastern Europe (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan).

Many cities in Europe were founded before our era. Now the most densely populated city in Europe is Istanbul, the former capital of Turkey, which is home to more than 12.2 million people.

Other major cities in Europe are Moscow, London, St. Petersburg, Berlin, Madrid, Rome, Kyiv, Paris, Bucharest and Budapest. However, some European cities that play a significant political and cultural role in the world have relatively few inhabitants. These cities include Athens, Oslo, Brussels, Copenhagen and Geneva.
