Fire certification and its types. Get a fire certificate for products

Our accredited center "NPO POZHTSENTR" (Moscow) provides services: issue a fire certificate for products. Such a document is necessary for effective and free trade goods, such as those that are not flammable.

The fire certificate confirms that the goods (products, structures) are safe and comply with all standards. Before obtaining such a certificate, a protocol is drawn up, issued after experiments in a highly specialized laboratory. For such an event, specialists select samples on which all the necessary tests are carried out.

It should be noted that for each group of goods there are established requirements and features of testing. All this is described in the technical regulations and GOSTs for each specific product.

In addition to goods subject to mandatory certification, there are products for which a fire certificate is optional. However, at the request of the customer, a voluntary fire certificate can be obtained. At the same time, obtaining a voluntary certificate is no different from obtaining a mandatory certificate.

Customers often want to make a product safety document in order to obtain certain benefits. Also, such a fire certificate is required in order to later obtain a certificate of conformity.

Documents required: issue a fire certificate for products

In order to obtain a fire certificate, you must provide certain documents. It should be borne in mind that the list of documents may not be the same. It depends on each specific product group. The following must be submitted:

  • specifications for structures (goods);
  • founding documents;
  • other technical documentation.

The process of obtaining a fire certificate and testing

After required documents filed, the specialist selects samples that are sent to the testing center. The results are recorded in the protocol, which is needed for the decision on obtaining permission. The cost of work is individual.

In Moscow, you can always get a certificate from us fire safety, the price of which is acceptable and affordable. The issuance of such a document occurs within the agreed time without unnecessary expectations.

The fire safety certificate is a document that proves the conformity of the equipment established standards given in the law "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements". It entered into force in May 2009.

There is a mandatory and fire safety. In addition, you can confirm compliance with the help of the declaration institute. Let's consider this question in more detail.

general information

The document in question is necessary to ensure the safety of life, health and property of people. The law defines the main provisions on fire protection, as well as the procedure for obtaining the relevant certificates.

So, they are issued according to certain schemes, consisting of a set of operations with conditions for execution. Based on the results, a decision is made to issue permits.

Declaration is carried out by sellers or suppliers who are registered in Russia. This serves as a guarantee of product conformity. necessary requirements when fire safety is implemented. The document is drawn up when the applicant provides a test report in laboratory conditions, an expert's assessment based on evidence of safe production and the final product.

Mandatory certification

Mandatory certification is provided to objects general purpose and fire engineering specified in the aforementioned law, as well as in other legal acts federal significance, which contains requirements regarding certain types products.

Such goods include those that can affect the safety of people and their property. However, manufacturers and importers of other products have the right to draw up a document of their own free will.

List of goods

Appropriate requirements apply to both domestic and imported products. Uniform rules have been introduced for all goods. The fire certificate is authorized to issue authorized body, which received the appropriate accreditation for these actions.

Items that are required to undergo this procedure include:

  • fire safety equipment;
  • materials and equipment for construction, finishing works, evacuation, for railway transport and subway;
  • structures for construction;
  • electrical appliances and devices;
  • heat generating devices.

Voluntary certification

If a legislative acts there is no mandatory order, the initiator of the procedure is always the applicant. It can be either a manufacturer or a supplier or seller of products.

The fire safety certificate in this case confirms compliance established requirements for individual industries or state standards. The object here can be those qualities that are not among the mandatory ones. Such a fire certificate helps to speed up the sale of goods, especially in those areas where competition is highest.


Certification is determined by a special service and the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation (Rostekhregulirovanie). To issue a certificate, they collect the necessary package of documents and take samples so that they can be tested in special laboratories.

For different groups goods require different documents. The procedure is always carried out in accordance with the Technical Regulations. But there are universal documents that are always prepared:

  • constituent documents of the manufacturer (and / or seller, supplier);
  • complete for products, including conditions and other information (description, passport, drawings, etc.).

The following certification schemes are used, which are necessary for a document where fire safety is confirmed: 2, 3s, 4s, 5s. And for a limited batch, 6s and 7s are selected.

Features of documentation in different cases

If a fire safety certificate is required for serial production, then the following are required:

  • details of the applicant and manufacturer;
  • sample for testing;
  • technical conditions;
  • questionnaire.

When issuing a permit for a party, you need:

  • details of the manufacturer or applicant;
  • a catalog with a description of the units of goods;
  • a copy of the supply agreement;
  • sample.

If a fire safety certificate is issued for a domestic product, then provide:

  • expert opinions on previous tests;
  • a document of ownership or a lease agreement for an area for production;
  • technical documentation, conditions registered in accordance with the law;
  • certificate of registration;
  • applicant's application.

Receipt of document

After the certification body has received the necessary package of documents, samples of goods are selected. Depending on the scheme according to which the procedure is carried out, production may also be subject to verification.

All results are recorded by experts. Samples are sent to a special laboratory. There they are tested to ensure fire safety. Based on the results, a protocol is drawn up. It is this document that is the main one for obtaining permits. On its basis, a decision is made to issue the document or to refuse to issue it.

For each type of product, the cost of the procedure is calculated individually. At the same time, the customer can focus on approximate price, which he will have to pay, depending on the activities carried out. These include:

  • preparation for the procedure;
  • testing;
  • examination production process(if this condition exists according to the scheme);
  • registration and issuance of a certificate.

The most expensive of all are trials. And the cost here is based on the type of product. At the same time, the following properties are reflected in the protocol:

  • release of toxic substances from products during combustion;
  • type of fire spread;
  • combustibility class;
  • flammability;
  • fire spread rate;
  • required oxygen for the product;
  • other characteristics.

If a fire safety certificate of conformity is obtained for a single product or a specific batch, the production is not checked. This will not be required even when the manufacturer has a document of the international standard ISO 9001. Such a certificate will greatly facilitate other procedures, as well as help in various business situations. Therefore, many manufacturers prefer it and purchase it.

When receiving a fire safety certificate for PVC, for example, or any other product, the applicant, as a rule, wants to have a document with test results. This information, of course, is reflected in the permit document. But also a protocol is issued based on the results of work in the laboratory.

The timing of the entire procedure depends on the type of product and the complexity of the work. It is the tests in the laboratory that can stretch in time, if the conditions of their conduct require it. So, the whole process can take only two weeks. But in some cases, it stretches for six months. The validity period of the document is from one to five years. However, if it is issued for a single product, then the period is not indicated at all.

Normative base

In addition to the above federal law"TR on fire safety requirements", this activity is regulated by a number of other regulatory legal acts. These include:

  • law "On fire safety";
  • Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on approval of the regulation on certification;
  • Government Decree on the approval of products that are subject to mandatory certification according to TR.

Thus, no matter what a fire safety certificate is needed for (for linoleum, various building materials or equipment), and regardless of whether domestic or imported products are being examined, the procedure for carrying out the procedure will be the same. At the same time for different types products may vary tests and the period of their implementation. The applicant must prepare for this in advance.

Fire certificate or as this document is officially called - fire safety certificate, is a document that confirms the compliance of products with established safety requirements. The basis for issuing a fire safety certificate in Russia is a test report for type samples. Each type of product has its own requirements and certification test methods. They are described in the relevant GOSTs and Specifications for one product or another.

The list of goods that are subject to mandatory examination in the field of fire safety is contained in Technical regulation on fire safety requirements. This list shows that not all manufactured products require a fire certificate. However, at the initiative of the customer, it can be issued voluntary certificate fire safety - the process of obtaining a fire certificate does not differ from the mandatory one. Typically, a security document is issued in order to obtain competitive advantage, including before participation in various tenders.

Fire certificate price

The cost of work for each type of product is purely individual. It consists of the following components:
1. Preparation for examination;
2.Sample test;
3. Verification of production (if it is provided for by the registration scheme);
4. The process of registration and issuance of the document.
The most expensive component, as a rule, is the testing itself, and not the safety review procedure itself. The type of product and the complexity of its testing method determine the specific cost of this procedure. During the testing process, products are examined for compliance with a number of requirements. The test report reflects the degree of conformity and other characteristics of the products. Including:

Emission of toxic substances per unit mass of products during combustion;
- Flame propagation group;
- Flammability group;
- Flammability group
- Linear speed of flame propagation
- Oxygen consumption per unit mass of the product during combustion, etc.

In the case of performing a safety review of a single product or batch, a production check is not required. In addition, verification of production is not required, if the manufacturer has a certificate of conformity with the requirements ISO 9001. It should be noted that the presence of this certificate in Russia facilitates a number of other situations. Therefore, many manufacturing companies pay special attention to its production.

List of documents for certification

The timing of the work depends on the specific type of product, the need to check the production, the complexity of the test. The duration of paperwork depends on the specifics of conducting fire tests in a particular case. In the case of obtaining a certificate for a single product, its validity period is not indicated, and the certificate is valid for the life of this product.

Fire certification services from EXPIKO specialists

By obtaining a mandatory fire certificate, you can guarantee that the products do not contain defects in terms of fire safety. Carrying out this kind of certification is fixed in the Technical Regulations “on fire safety requirements”. In addition to mandatory certification in accordance with fire regulations, there is, as well as in similar cases, voluntary certification. In the case of rules voluntary certification the norms are determined by the applicant himself - that is, the organization confirming its internal standards.

All activities, rules, oversight functions, as well as regulation in the field of accreditation in accordance with the law Russian Federation assigned to the Ministry Emergencies(Ministry of Emergency Situations). The Ministry of Emergency Situations indirectly or directly influences the issuance of all fire safety certificates. Any certification body that performs work on the issuance of relevant permits must obtain accreditation from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

Goals of mandatory fire certification

  • Protection of consumers from flammable, low-quality products;
  • Conformity mandatory requirements the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Control over the circulation of flammable goods on the territory of the customs union;
  • As in the case of other voluntary certificates, improving their position in the markets through additional confirmation of quality.

For certification of foreign-made products, the rule applies that the Applicant can only be a legal entity registered in the territory Customs Union. This legal entity through the contract, the manufacturer transfers the rights to perform the function of the applicant. At the same time, it is obvious that the Applicant bears all responsibility for the fire safety of products, if any deviations from the confirmed quality are revealed by the authorized bodies.

Not all products require mandatory certification in accordance with the Technical Regulations. Groups of goods for which mandatory certification is necessary:

  • Fire retardants and building materials;
  • Gases, liquids and solid materials;
  • Finished designs;
  • Cable production.

More accurate information about products subject to mandatory certification can be found here (List of products subject to mandatory fire safety certification). To do this, you need to know the product TN VED code and name. Within the framework of mandatory fire certification, as well as voluntary fire certification, similar principles apply, as with other certification schemes - the document is drawn up either for a serial batch or “under a contract”.

There are four certification schemes, of which three are the main ones and one is essentially additional - schemes, 3A, 3,5,7. At the same time, under scheme No. 7, a certificate is issued only for a period identical to the expiration date of the goods. Scheme No. 5 allows you to issue a certificate for 5 years, and Scheme 3A only for three years.

You can determine which certification scheme is preferable to apply after receiving the complete package required documents for the certification process. The package of documents differs both from the scheme and from whether the manufacturer is foreign or domestic.

The cost of fire certification services

The cost of services for issuing fire safety certificates always consists of two components:

  • Sample testing
  • Issuance of a certificate of conformity

The cost of sample testing is always influenced by factors such as the indicators for which tests are carried out, the form in which samples are provided, and so on. The date of issuance of the document affects the cost of the certificate. A fire certificate can be issued for a maximum validity period of 3 years. Further product testing is required.

If there is a need to communicate directly with a foreign manufacturer, the cost of work also increases, since international specialists are involved in the work.

Experts of the EXPIKO company will carry out the whole range of works to obtain mandatory and voluntary fire certificates, test reports and, if necessary, letters of refusal for your products!

Fire safety certification in its structure is close to GOST certification. Mandatory fire certification of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is carried out in two forms - in the form of a fire safety certificate and in the form of a fire safety declaration. Lists of products subject to execution of a particular document are established in

Fire safety certification activities are regulated at the level Federal Legislation. Main regulations fire certification are:

The fire safety compliance certificate is most often issued for a period of 1 or 3 years (depending on the product), or is issued for a batch of goods. According to the law, the validity of a fire certificate cannot exceed 5 years.

Mandatory fire certification of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is provided for the names of products that are listed in the Government Decree of March 17, 2009 N 241 “ON APPROVAL OF THE LIST OF PRODUCTS WHICH ARE FOR PLACEMENT UNDER CUSTOM REGIMES, PROVIDING THE POSSIBILITY OF DISPOSAL OR USE ON THIS PRODUCT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, IS SUBJECT TO MANDATORY CONFIRMATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FEDERAL LAW "TECHNICAL REGULATIONS ON FIRE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS". Mandatory fire certification has been introduced for those products that may be potentially dangerous in terms of fire safety.

It is necessary to obtain a fire safety certificate (fire certificate) from a fire certification body before issuing other permits, such as a certificate of conformity. For a number of products, in addition to the fire safety certificate, a certificate is issued in parallel.

For products that are not subject to mandatory fire certification by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a voluntary fire safety certificate (voluntary fire certificate) or a letter of refusal for fire certification by the Ministry of Emergency Situations can be issued. These documents can also be issued by the fire certification body.

Voluntary fire certification is a guarantee that products are safe and meet fire safety requirements, especially building materials and electrical equipment.

Fire Safety Declaration

Declaration of fire safety - compulsory procedure, during which the declarant certifies in writing to the fire authorities that the object complies with the requirements normative documents in the field of fire safety.

Declaration of fire safety is mandatory for the following types of objects:

  • objects of urban planning activities, in respect of which it is planned to carry out state expertise project documentation
  • building class functional fire hazard F1.1 (Buildings of preschool educational institutions, buildings of Specialized Nursing Homes and Disabled People (not apartments), hospital buildings, buildings of dormitory buildings of boarding schools and children's institutions)

The fire safety declaration must be registered in the register of fire declarations and sent to the authorities responsible for fire safety. The fire safety declaration form is filled in by the developer of the above objects or their owner (tenant). The fire declaration describes the characteristics of the object and its compliance with the requirements technical regulation fire safety, standards and other regulatory documents.

The fire safety declaration is also issued for certain types of products and goods, the list of which is indicated in

So, it is mandatory to issue a fire safety declaration for fire fittings, fire tools, fire engines (cars), finishing and facing materials, heat and sound insulating materials, floor coverings, etc.

The cost of a fire safety declaration depends on the footage of the building and its general condition, and if we are talking about the fire safety declaration for the goods, the cost of the declaration will depend on the type of product and the number of objects specified in the fire safety declaration.
