What documents are needed to open a barbecue. Barbecue cooking technology

Dreaming of a successful business project? To do this, it is not necessary to open the 202nd Japanese restaurant in Moscow. The experience of KLEN experts proves that you can win the love of visitors not only with exotic, but also with classics. Barbecue rightfully belongs to it.

Barbecue houses, due to the specifics of cooking meat on coals, used to work only as summer cafes. Professional heating equipment, presented in the catalog of the KlenMarket.RU online store, will allow barbecue houses to work all year round- without financial losses.

What equipment to buy for a barbecue?

The list of equipment depends on the type of establishment. The business plan of the barbecue necessarily includes equipment for the heat treatment of meat - a barbecue and an electric barbecue.

Depending on the menu list thermal equipment can be added:

  • Grill surface (Amitek, Lotus, Ergo, Abat).
  • gas or electric stove(Lotus, Abat).
  • Grill (Atesy, Arris, Ergo, Gastrorag).
  • Deep fryer (Convito, Gastrorag, Amitek, etc.).

For storage and preparation of products, the KlenMarket.RU range offers:

  • Refrigerator Polair, Premier or Ariada. For vegetables, sauces, marinated meat.
  • Chest freezers Frostor and Italfrost. For pork, beef, lamb and chicken.
  • Washing bathtubs from Cryspi, Techno-TT and Hicold
  • Production and cutting tables. For product handling and placement technological equipment, inventory, kitchen utensils.

KLEN experts will select the necessary equipment, as well as tell you how to open a barbecue from scratch.

The owners of barbecue "KLEN" offers

  • Free process design when ordering equipment.
  • Ready-made solutions for favorable price from 71 580 rub.
  • Cash and non-cash payment, lending
  • Services of own service center.

Kebabs are in great demand, especially from late spring to early autumn. People like to spend time in cozy cafes eating delicious meals from meat cooked on the grill or grill.

  • payment of registration and permit documents;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • repair and arrangement of the premises;
  • purchase of uniforms for staff.

In total, spending is usually do not exceed 300,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses include:

Average monthly cost will be about 100,000 rubles.

Procurement of products is carried out as needed - daily(especially during the "hot" season) or weekly.

Every day a barbecue can cook 45 to 50 kg barbecue, what is 150-170 servings- this is the norm for sale per day in the warm season.

But, it should be borne in mind that from October to April, attendance is significantly reduced. With a serving cost of 150 rubles or more, you can earn 1,000,000 rubles per year by selling barbecue, additional dishes from the menu and drinks.

Based on such data, the profitability of the barbecue is 21%, and the catering company will pay off in 2 years.

Market analysis and competitiveness

Barbecue is not a unique catering enterprise, competition in this business area is high. To be successful, you need to highlight strengths new business that will attract potential customers.

by the most simple ways to attract the attention of customers is:

  • advertising barbecue in the media, the Internet, on bulletin boards;
  • carrying out promotions and discounts (this is especially true when opening and during the cold season, when the client flow is minimal).

In order for the guests, having once visited the barbecue, to return again and recommend it to their friends, it is necessary to organize high-quality service, create a pleasant atmosphere inside the cafe and on its territory, and cook exceptionally delicious dishes for visitors.

Permits for barbecue

The first step in opening a barbecue is the tax registration of the enterprise. If you open one or two catering establishments, then it is advisable, for this you will need to submit to the tax office:

  • passport and its photocopy;
  • statement;

comes with a number of challenges, including:

  • the need to contribute the authorized capital;
  • registration
  • the need to hire an accountant and others.

After registering an IP, you need to choose the form of taxation and notify the tax office of your decision. For such a business area, it is recommended because the basis for calculating contributions is formed from the difference between income received and expenses.

For official work barbecue are needed and:

  1. SES conclusion. Document confirming compliance sanitary standards premises, transport, places of storage and preparation of products, is issued for a period of up to 5 years. After this time, a re-examination will be required. The cost of the service is determined by the company representing it.
  2. Medical books for each employee. Passing an annual medical examination is mandatory for every person working in the field Catering.
  3. Permission from Rospotrebnadzor to place your barbecue in a specific place.

Where to open a barbecue?

A place for a barbecue should be selected taking into account the specifics of the institution. To provide a barbecue with customers, the place must have a large traffic, for this, the following are suitable:

  • busy highways where many truckers, summer residents and tourists pass (here you should take care of a parking place so that both trucks and cars can stop);
  • near railway stations (there are a lot of people who want a quick and tasty snack before the road);
  • near shopping centers (customers tired of shopping are happy to relax in barbecue houses);
  • in country residences.

The correct location of the barbecue in conjunction with affordable prices for tasty food will make the company visited and profitable.

Barbecue Equipment

For the full functioning of the barbecue will require the purchase of equipment:

  • brazier;
  • skewer;
  • refrigerator for storing meat and other products;
  • a counter for issuing orders to guests;
  • chairs and tables by quantity seats and for staff;
  • oven and microwave;
  • tableware.

The room also needs to be equipped with running water and a sanitary room. For a barbecue, the use of dry closets is allowed, since most of these establishments are located away from communications.

The interior of the institution plays an important role in equipping the barbecue - if the guests are pleased to be inside the premises, then the likelihood of their repeated return increases.


The most important thing when recruiting staff is to choose a chef who knows how to cook shish kebab at the highest level.

It is important that the person invited to the position has the appropriate education, work experience and communicative character are desirable. Other employees should also have these characteristics, then you will be able to create a friendly team.

To work in a barbecue you need:

  • waitress;
  • cleaning woman;
  • dishwasher;
  • security guard.

You can organize the work of the barbecue in the form family business when each of the family members combines certain positions. For instance:

  • the owner is responsible for the purchase of products, works as a cook;
  • the owner's wife washes the dishes, cleans the hall and other rooms;
  • the son acts as a guard;
  • daughter is a waitress.

Features of the organization of the work of a public catering enterprise

As it is clear from the name of the institution, The main dish served to guests is shish kebab. Although it has one name, it can be prepared from a variety of products, and therefore it is worth taking care of compiling the most varied menu.

Barbecue can be prepared from:

  • pork;
  • birds;
  • seafood;
  • beef;
  • bread with cheese;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit or marshmallows - for dessert.

The number of options for preparing barbecue marinade further increases the possible range. And if the chef is a fan of a certain type of marinating and barbecue, then such a dish can be declared as a signature dish, served only in your barbecue.

Additional dishes on the menu consistently bring up to 35% of the total profit. Carbonated drinks, salads, cuts, desserts, juices, greens, coffee, sauces, greens - all this will delight guests and increase the profit of the establishment.

For barbecue, traditionally adult visitors buy alcoholic products - wines, beer, cognac, cocktails. You should order alcohol only from official suppliers who provide certification documents for imported products.

You can also buy the main product for dishes (meat) only from official suppliers and manufacturers. The most profitable is the conclusion of a contract for the supply of meat in a certain amount with a novice farmer who raises livestock and poultry on his own.

The most important thing is that any product must comply with veterinary, sanitary standards and ready-made like the guests.

Complexities and features of the barbecue business

Even at the stage of preparing a barbecue for opening, many entrepreneurs are faced with the impossibility of obtaining all permits in a short time. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about it, so you'll just have to wait.

Be prepared for the fact that the institution will regularly visit various inspections and conduct checks in it, so always keep all documents and certificates in order.

It is important to have cash, as unforeseen circumstances may arise due to untimely delivery of products. Then you have to urgently order and pay for goods from another manufacturer (supplier).

In this article, we will look at what needs to be done in order to open a barbecue.

To begin with, let's figure out what a barbecue is. This is a compact specialized cafe, where grilled meat dishes (shish kebab) serve as the basis for the menu. This type of business is attractive because the costs at all stages of opening and subsequent maintenance are minimal.

How to open a barbecue

Consider the detailed step by step instructions about how to open a barbecue, what you need for this.


The first step in opening a barbecue will be the registration of the enterprise with the tax office. Regardless of which form of ownership you choose, enter the code 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes” in the list of OKVED codes, since barbecue houses fall into this category.

If you plan to open a barbecue one - a maximum of two, then it is advisable to issue an IP. In this case, you will save yourself from paperwork, because for registration you only need an application and a passport with a copy. In addition, with an individual entrepreneur you will need to pay only 800 rubles of state duty. For example, for an LLC it is 4 thousand rubles, and the list of documents for opening an LLC is much longer.

Next, you need to decide on the form of taxation and report your business to the tax office. This step is very important, because if you do not do it on time, you will pay taxes under the OSNO system, which is not beneficial for snack bars and barbecues. Most rational option there will be a simplified form of taxation with 15%, since the tax base it is created from the difference between income and expenses. For example, if you choose 6%, then the barbecue can work at a loss, because at 6%, expenses are not taken into account, and tax is paid only from the amount of income.

Barbecue space and equipment

The barbecue brings the greatest income when it works as a summer cafe. On the territory reserved for the barbecue, a tent is installed, under which a barbecue, tables and equipment are concentrated. Often to attract more more visitors to the brazier are taken out into the street. Such establishments are found everywhere, especially along busy highways and roads. One way or another, the place for the future opening barbecue should be easily accessible. For example, a good option would be to install a barbecue in the market or on the outskirts of the city.

We must not forget about the toilet. Of course, you can install a bio-booth, which is often purchased together with other entrepreneurs whose points are nearby. But the booth is not cheap, so at first it is best to rent it, which in the end will cost you 2-3 thousand rubles. along with service.

Summarize. To open your own barbecue, you will need a barbecue and skewers. In order for marinated meat to always be fresh, you will need a refrigerator and a refrigerator. Divide working room from the main hall will help the distribution stand. It is also necessary to purchase comfortable tables and chairs for visitors, but if the kebab is cooked to go, then you can do without them.

Documents for opening a barbecue

Of course, to open a barbecue, it is not enough just to open an LLC or an individual entrepreneur. In order to work legally, you must also issue permits:

  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. Its other name is a hygiene certificate, which is issued for a period of 1 to 5 years. It should be issued in Rospotrebnadzor. With an individual entrepreneur, the document is issued free of charge, and no later than within 60 days from the date of application. However, if you want to contact an intermediary company that produces expert opinion, you still have to pay.
  • Placement Permit. Issued by Rospotrebnadzor. Thanks to this document, the barbecue can be placed in a certain place.
  • Medical book. Absolutely, an employee of any public catering enterprise, including the barbecue that you decide to open, must have a medical book, since their work is related to the production, disposal or supply of food. It is mandatory for each employee to take tests (there are 2 in total). The cost of a medical book and passing tests today starts from 600 rubles, but this is only if the employee himself submits them to the SES. Another option is to call experts to the barbecue area, but it is more expensive.

Cooking process

No production is complete without raw materials. For cooking kebabs, you will need meat, spices and seasonings, as well as coal. Meat is best purchased from one supplier - it is ideal to find it from among the farmers. As a result, the price will be 20-30% lower than the wholesale price, and you will be sure that a sufficient amount of meat is stored at the outlet every day. And in order to protect yourself from unpleasant surprises, conclude an agreement with the supplier.

The second, no less important question is how to marinate meat correctly. Of course, if you buy already soaked meat, you will save yourself from extra hassle, but you can decently save on the marinade. It's good if you can order marinating meat from any canteen, but this process is not super complicated. You can pickle yourself, but only if the workshop will follow this process.

We hope that this information about how to open a barbecue and what you need to open it will help you start your own business.

Today, the so-called small business is widespread all over the world, including in Russia. This is a fairly broad concept. One of the most profitable areas in it is trading. Small restaurants, cafes bring huge income to their owners, especially in summer period. Among such a large class of establishments special place are occupied by barbecues. They can also be attributed to the cafe. For many years, kebab houses have been favorite establishments among lovers of delicious food. In addition, kebab is very nutritious.

Barbecue houses are extremely in demand in Russia and start-up entrepreneurs may be interested in the question of how to open a kebab house.

The advantage of their construction is that they do not require large expenditures on equipment, as well as skills and abilities in organizing such a business, unlike restaurants.

In addition, the entrance to such establishments is always free and does not depend on the well-being of a person and his appearance. Barbecue houses are indispensable for truckers. Some of these establishments are located right on the central highways, which is very convenient for passing drivers. You can eat at the barbecue quickly and inexpensively.

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Required documents and permits

The business plan of the institution is quite simple. It includes the choice of a place for the construction of a cafe, registration with the tax office (IFTS), collection binding documents, payment of state duties and taxes, purchase of equipment and other means, arrangement of the establishment, organization of the supply of raw materials, recruitment of personnel, establishment of a cafe operating mode and, of course, determination of prices for finished products. So, the first step is to determine the location of the barbecue. It is very advisable to build it right on the central highway so that passing drivers can periodically look there. After all, the track is also a busy point. Good location and close to bus station or major shopping center. The important thing here is that the place should be lively, that is, passable. It is desirable that it be the center of the city, and not the outskirts.

The second stage is the collection of documentation. A novice entrepreneur must first register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The latter option will be more complex and expensive. In the first option, you will need a passport, a receipt for payment of a state duty in the amount of 800 rubles, and an application. When registering as an LLC, the amount will be 4,000 rubles, and the list of documents will be completely different. Among other things, a novice businessman is required to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor to carry out entrepreneurial activity. For this, certificates for products are provided to the relevant authorities. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service draws up a conclusion based on the results of a study of finished products and the enterprise itself, and issues a permit for the construction of a barbecue house and its further activities. It is issued for a period of 1-5 years and is issued up to 60 days free of charge.

During the examination, Rospotrebnadzor determines the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the cafe, namely: the availability of individual medical books for the staff, the availability sanitary unit in the building, cooking technique and storage conditions for raw materials and finished products, and much more. If everything is normal, then such an institution is considered favorable.

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Purchase of equipment and inventory

It does not matter where the cafe is being built, on the highway or in the city center, you need to equip it with all the necessary equipment. First, you can not do without skewers and barbecues. You will need an oven, a microwave oven, refrigeration equipment for storing marinated meat, tables and chairs, a showcase for products, a distribution rack. The cost of all this will be 100-150 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the cafe. If you plan to equip a takeaway barbecue, then tables and chairs may not be needed at all. This way you can save some money.

Very important point is the organization of the process of preparation and sale. The most important thing here is to find a permanent supplier of meat. It can be a private entrepreneur (farmer) or commercial network. The first option is the most promising and profitable. It is better to buy meat not soaked, but marinated, as it will cost much less. The assortment of dishes is an important part of the catering business.

You can start making pork or beef barbecue, and then introduce other types of meat (lamb, ribs, poultry, fish). If at the same time there will be enough buyers, then you can subsequently make something a signature dish. In addition to barbecue, it is recommended to sell other snacks, such as pastries. Drinks also play an important role.

If the institution is located on the highway, then you can equip it in the form of a tent, and in the summer, cook barbecue right on the street in front of customers. You can arrange a barbecue to take away, which is very convenient.

Barbecue - a small specialized cafe, the menu of which is dominated by grilled meat (shish kebab). The main attraction of this business is minimum expenses necessary for its organization, which is especially important at the initial stage.


Stage 1: Registration procedures

Naturally, the organization of the enterprise involves registration with the tax authority. It doesn’t matter what form of ownership is eventually chosen, in the list of OKVED codes you need to indicate 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes”. A barbecue also fits the description of this category.

It is optimal to issue an IP, especially if it is supposed to open 1-2 points. Here, firstly, there is less red tape with documents - basically a passport with a copy and an application for registration are required. For an LLC, the list is much longer. Secondly, the pleasure will cost only 800 rubles. - that's how much you have to pay as a state duty. For an LLC, the amount is 4 thousand rubles. True, it will take 2 days longer to wait for a decision, but this is hardly so important.

Immediately you need to choose the form of taxation, and notify the tax office of your decision. If this is not done in a timely manner, then OSNO is activated by default, a mode that is unprofitable for small catering establishments. Among the remaining forms of taxation, preference should be given to a simplified 15%. In this case, the tax base will be the difference between income and expenses. If you choose 6%, you can stay in the red. The fact is that at 6%, expenses are in principle not taken into account, and only income is taxed.

Stage 2: Required Documents

When opening a barbecue, it is not enough to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you must also take care of permits . To work legally, you must prepare the following.

  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, otherwise called a hygiene certificate - is issued at Rospotrebnadzor for a period of 1 to 5 years based on the results of an examination of products and the place of production. For individual entrepreneurs issued free of charge (gosuslugi.ru) for up to 60 days. Naturally, you will have to pay for mediation. Also, research is carried out for money, on the basis of which an expert opinion is issued. How much you will have to spend in the end is determined by the contract with the company providing such a service.
  • Placement Permit must also be obtained from Rospotrebnadzor. It confirms that a barbecue can be equipped in a particular place.
  • Medical books are issued for each employee of the catering enterprise, which is directly related to the production, supply of raw materials, waste disposal. And they should come first. The cost of the main tests, which must be affixed without fail (there are only 2 of them), together with the form of the book, starts from 600 rubles - this is if the employees hand them over to the SES on their own. Calling experts to the barbecue area will cost more.

All processing costs necessary documentation in accounting, it is advisable to attribute to expenses of future periods.

Stage 3: Selection of premises and equipment

Barbecue most often works in the format summer cafe: on the land plot a tent is set up under which all production is organized. Sometimes the barbecue is put outside. Such establishments are also common along the roadway. In any case, the main requirement for a place for a barbecue is that it must be passable. The best option- close to markets or on the outskirts of locality.

It is also necessary to provide a toilet. You can get by with a bio-booth, which, by the way, is the cheapest to buy by sharing with other entrepreneurs. And the first time is best to rent. Some firms rent for 2-3 thousand rubles. along with service.

Initially you will need:

  • barbecue and skewers - nowhere without it;
  • refrigerator - it is necessary for storing marinated meat;
  • rack-distribution - it separates production room from the main hall;
  • tables and chairs - but you can do without them if you are preparing a takeaway barbecue.

Stage 4: Organization of the production process

In addition to equipment, you will need raw materials, which, in fact, will be prepared in a barbecue, as well as coal. Where is the best place to buy meat? The best thing is to find a supplier from among the farmers who will provide you with a sufficient amount of meat. It is necessary to conclude an agreement with him.

How and where to pickle raw materials? If you buy already soaked meat, it will be more expensive, you can save a lot on the marinade. For its manufacture, it is better to contract some canteen, for example, to perform these works. But you can pickle on your own, but under the control of the workshop.

When setting prices, it should be borne in mind that during frying, the weight of meat decreases. You also need to think about related products - drinks, dishes, pastries.

Stage 5: Calculation of economic feasibility

In conclusion, an approximate calculation economic efficiency Events. Since seasonal fluctuations for this type of activity are noticeable, it is reasonable to break the year into 2 parts: May-September, October-April.

So, the initial parameters:

  • base - the opening of a new enterprise;
  • opening hours - from 10:00 to 22:00;
  • total area- 100 sq. m;
  • number of tables - 7 pcs. places - 28;
  • approximate cost of equipment (dishes, stove, grill, refrigerator, microwave oven, oven, coffee machine, cash register etc.) - 100 thousand rubles;
  • other one-time expenses (furniture made of cheap materials, redecorating, dishes, overalls) - 160 thousand rubles;
  • utilities - 3 thousand / month;
  • the number of employees is 6 people (cashiers, cooks, cleaners), not counting the administrative staff and the technologist, the average salary is 15 thousand rubles / month. with personal income tax.

Fixed costs:

  • on the wages- 90 thousand rubles / month + UST (35%) - 31.5 thousand rubles;
  • for rent - 50 thousand rubles / month.

1 shish kebab can fry 50 kg in a 12-hour working day on 2 barbecues raw meat yields approximately 170 servings. For a barbecue with 7 tables, this is quite adequate performance during the peak season of trade - from April to September. In other months, the figure is half as much. Taking into account the average cost of barbecue 150 rubles. per portion revenue per month 990 thousand rubles. (30% for the purchase of related products - drinks, etc.). Costs per day for meat and marinade - 240 thousand rubles. + expenses for finished products - 208 thousand rubles.

Taking into account seasonality in the projection for the year, it turns out:

  • trade turnover - 11,880 thousand rubles;
  • gross income(value added) - 6,504 thousand rubles;
  • net profit - 1,935 thousand rubles (peak) + 552 thousand rubles. (decline), total - 2,487 thousand rubles;
  • profitability of the enterprise - 21%;
  • payback period - 2 years.

Thus, a barbecue is a worthwhile enterprise, because it can be organized with minimal cost and pay back in a couple of years.
