Evening primrose (primrose): planting and care, growing in the garden. Queen of the Evening Garden - "Night Candle" or Oenothera Flower

This perennial flower, which is known by its middle names, namely: "night primrose" or "evening candle". The plant deserved such names due to its golden color of buds and abundant flowering in the evenings.

Did you know?The genus Oenothera includes big number annual, biennial and perennial herbs.

Caring for a golden miracle is not very difficult, and we will prove this to you in this article.

The main types of evening primrose

There are about 150 types of evening primrose, which are in demand among florists. Especially gardeners adore several types of plants: Fragrant, Large-flowered, Shrub, Missouri and Quadrangular.


This evening primrose loves shade very much. So the landing site should be in the shade, or there should be a small canopy nearby to shade the plant. Evening primrose fragrant grows up to 1 m in height and harmonizes perfectly with other flowers due to its growth. Evening primrose flowers are yellow and large. This species is special in that it can leave its buds open all day.


Evening primrose is also called biennial. It is one of the popular species in donkey culture and grows up to 2 meters. The flowers are bright yellow with a pleasant aroma, which is especially felt in the evenings or at night.

Did you know? It is called aspen, most likely because evening primrose leaves look like donkey ears.


This plant differs from other types of evening primrose in that it grows up to 90 cm in height and has strong, well-branched stems with yellow branches. It is the flowers that make the evening primrose attractive, especially in autumn, when the leaves of the plant turn blood red.

This variety is native to southern North America. This is a perennial herbaceous plant that reaches up to 40 cm in height. This is undersized variety evening primrose has large single flowers that reach up to 10 cm in diameter. The flowers are shaped like cups. Evening primrose Missouri is unusual in that it blooms all summer until frost. The aroma is delicate and gives citrus notes.

This plant is native to eastern North America. Evening primrose quadrangular grows up to 70 cm in length and has yellow thyroid inflorescences about 45 cm in size. These frost-resistant plants reproduce by dividing the bush. The flowering time of evening primrose tetrahedral is from June to August.

Features of planting and breeding evening primrose

Planting evening primrose will not be difficult for florists, as well as caring for the plant. It is from the seeds that the life of the plant begins. The main thing is to choose the right place for planting evening primrose seeds. We will talk about this in the following sections.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Enotera is very fond of sunny places so if your plot is in south side, then the seeds are planted directly in open ground. Growing evening primrose from seeds is not very easy, as the plant requires certain conditions.

Evening primrose seeds are collected until the end of September, but if the gardener for some reason did not do this, then the ants will simply scatter them throughout the site.

Important!Evening primrose does not tolerate stagnant moisture, so the best place for planting there will be loam and sandy loam soil.

Immediately before planting the seeds, the soil must be fertilized with potassium-phosphorus top dressing and humus. The site for planting is dug one shovel deep and watered abundantly. Seeds are sown to a depth of 3 cm and covered with soil.

Planting evening primrose for seedlings

Evening primrose can be immediately planted in open ground, but some gardeners germinate seeds for seedlings initially. This has a certain plus, since the flowering of the plant occurs in the first year after planting.

To do this, florists plant seeds in pots of peat in February. Cover the pot with foil until the first shoots appear. Then the film must be removed and watered sparingly until the plant has 5-6 leaves. Such seedlings dive into open ground no earlier than May. The depth of the pits for planting should be at least 50 cm. The distance between seedlings of evening primrose should be 60 cm. After planting, the soil is moistened.

Did you know?Evening primrose is one of the plants that can turn ordinary summer evening into a fairy tale

The division of the bush

Growing this plant is not limited to seeds. You can use a method such as dividing the evening primrose bush. In May or early September, the bushes are divided into divisions and transplanted to a new place. Mainly choose creeping roots, which have a growth point.

You can repot throughout the season, even during flowering. Plants are tenacious and can retain their appearance without water and soil for several days. After transplantation, the roots take root well and grow quickly.

Important!Do not transplant the plant during the hot periods of summer, as evening primrose can dry out.

The combination of evening primrose with other plants

Since evening primrose has very strong roots that develop quickly, flowers can cause inconvenience to some plants if planted at an insufficient distance.

Evening primroses look beautiful and harmonious in group plantings. high grades look great in the background, and below you can place bells or daylilies.

If you have low varieties of evening primrose, you can plant them on alpine slides with lobelia.

How to care for evening primrose on the site

After planting evening primrose, you need to provide the plant with proper care.

Evening primrose does not like constant stagnation of water at the roots, which leads to decay and death of the flower. The flower is watered during the hot and dry periods of summer, as at this time the earth dries up a lot. Young plants require abundant and frequent watering.

In the first year, evening primrose does not require fertilizer, since a nutrient substrate has already been added to the soil before planting. In the following years of life, the plant must be fertilized with compost. During active flowering and growth, potassium sulfate and wood ash are added to the top dressing.

Also, the soil under the plant should be constantly loosened. This saturates the earth with oxygen. It is also important to remove weeds, as they can stop the growth of the plant.

Did you know?Evening primrose oil improves the well-being of women on critical days, helps to maintain a figure, and reduces the deposition of fat in tissues.

Autumn procedures and evening primrose shelter for the winter

Pruning evening primrose is carried out once, in the fall, since all the aerial parts of the flower are cut off at the soil level.

The plant is frost-resistant and does not need strong shelter for the winter. After you trim the evening primrose, it will be enough to mulch the ground with a layer up to 5 cm in height. Peat or compost is used as protection. In the first year, young plants are covered with spruce branches. Evening primrose winters without problems and practically does not require care during this period.

Evening primrose, or, as it is also called, a night candle, is one of the most amazing plants. There are several varieties, among them the perennial evening primrose Missouri stands out. The golden beauty, like all other species, begins to bloom in the evening and continues throughout the night. By morning, its flowers fade, but new buds appear to replace them, which will open again only in the evening. Today we will tell you about the evening primrose. Planting and caring for a plant have their own nuances, and if you have never encountered this species, but want to decorate your garden with it, we suggest reading this article.

Description of colors

One of yellow varieties evening primrose is called Missouri. This is when flowering, which occurs from June until the first frosts, it exudes a pleasant aroma, citrus notes are guessed in it. Flowers Missouri evening primrose medium, reminiscent of glossy cups, they can be up to four centimeters in diameter, collected in graceful inflorescences with a diameter of about ten centimeters. Gardeners love this variety for its decorative effect. Bushes of yellow evening primrose grow well, they can decorate the entire territory with their lush and abundant flowering.

Place of landing

Evening primrose - very demanding on the soil flowering plant. On any soil, it may grow, but it will not bloom. Special attention should be given to the presence of drainage. Also, the Missouri evening primrose will not develop in hard, heavy soil, it must be stably loosened. So, we will choose the ideal place for planting evening primrose and for its full growth, flowering.

The soil must be ideally permeable, water stagnation in the soil is not allowed, excess moisture is detrimental to the root system. The site where the plant is planned to be planted should be in a well-lit place, but it can be both shade and partial shade. Abundant flowering evening primrose yellow will please if the soil contains everything necessary fertilizers. This is undersized variety, they can decorate garden paths and flower beds.

It is recommended to feed the soil even before planting the plant, for this you need nitrophoska and humus. Fertilizers are taken exactly according to the rules: one square meter it is necessary to add two tablespoons of nitrophoska and three kilograms of humus. After that, the soil must be dug up well to a depth of about twenty centimeters, all weed roots should be removed, watered well so that the top dressing starts working.

A perennial evening primrose can be planted in several ways. Planting and care will be described in the following content. If you decide to grow a flower yourself, starting from seeds, then purchase planting material only from a good company.

Sowing seeds

In this way, it is best to plant perennials. Evening primrose Missouri is one of these species, so it is ideal. The seeds of the plant are very small, you must first mix them with large quantity sand and land on the prepared site to a depth not exceeding five millimeters.

For the first year, you should not expect flowering, only stems with leaves will appear. The Missouri evening primrose will begin to bloom from the second year of life.

It is possible to plant seeds in open ground only when the earth warms up to +15 degrees, there is no danger of frost. When shoots appear and get a little stronger, thinning will need to be done.

seedling method

To achieve the flowering of a night candle (Missouri primrose), you need to prepare seedlings. Seeds are planted in cups of peat or filled fertile soil plastic (with good drainage) at the end of February, shoots will appear in the interval from a week to four. Keep the air temperature around 20 degrees, water if necessary. In May, when the seedlings are strong, there is no threat of frost, it can be planted in the garden. Read below for information on how to do it correctly.

The division of the bush

This is the easiest way to propagate and plant Missouri evening primrose flowers in your yard. If your friends have these plants, then ask them for a bush. Dividing a flower is quite simple, the plant must be dug up in spring or autumn along with the root and a clod of earth, lowered into water for safer separation - the root system will be less damaged. It is possible to do without digging a bush, many give side shoots, which can be carefully removed from the soil without damaging the main plant. The evening primrose Missouri tolerates transplanting well, even during flowering.


Oenothera is original flower, when planting it in the ground, you need to take into account every little thing, because the adaptation of the plant to the new soil depends on it. If you do everything right, you will soon get the most beautiful flowers that will decorate your territory at night.

  1. When planting seedlings, prepare the holes, the distance between them should be at least half a meter, as this plant develops rapidly and takes root over a long distance. The holes should be exactly the depth at which the plant grew in pots or in the ground (when dividing a bush or thinning seedlings in open ground).
  2. Lay drainage at the bottom, it will perfectly serve as a drain excess moisture regular crushed stone or gravel.
  3. Place the seedling in the hole, sprinkle with fertile soil to the level to which it grew in the container or soil, this is very important.
  4. After carrying out all these manipulations, water the seedlings.

After planting, do not forget about the proper care of the plant. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules that must be observed for the active growth and flowering of evening primrose. Complete process will not take you much time and effort, the care is quite primitive, it practically does not differ from what is required to care for other flowering perennials.


Only young plants need to be irrigated. Adult evening primrose does not tolerate excessive moisture. Stagnation of water can cause root rot, and this can lead to the death of the plant. If there is enough rain in the season, then watering is not required at all.

In the dry season, when the earth is completely dry, it is worth slightly moistening the soil around the bush.


Only a planted plant does not need to be fed all year round. The mixture that was applied to the soil before planting will be enough for him. So next year you need to make compost once a season, it will enhance growth, and when flowering, pamper evening primrose with potassium sulfate and wood ash. The main thing is not to overdo it, it is worth feeding with potassium sulfate strictly according to the instructions, without increasing the dosage.

In order for the appearance to be aesthetic, it is necessary to remove wilted flowers in the morning so that they do not spoil the appearance of the plant and do not interfere with new inflorescences.

Soil loosening

The main care for evening primrose is precisely in frequent loosening. This will allow the soil to be more saturated with oxygen, get rid of excessive moisture. In addition, it is necessary to remove weeds, they are able to reduce the growth of evening primrose, although it itself perfectly clogs growing herbs and crops all around. That is why it is not recommended to plant it with other ornamental plants.

Missouri evening primrose should be completely cut off in the fall - to the very root. To protect the roots winter period covering material is needed, spruce paws will also serve perfectly for this.

Pests and their control

When growing evening primrose, you are unlikely to encounter problems such as plant disease or pest attacks. This flower very resistant to all these undesirable factors. If the rules of care are not followed, or if the season is excessively rainy and moisture stagnates, some fungal diseases, but they are quickly treated with fungicides.

Pests rarely encroach on evening primrose, but they can still notice it. If this happens, treat the plants with insecticides. Some insects will have to be collected by hand, removing from flowers.

By following these simple rules, you will get a beautiful clearing that will be littered every night with

When to change summer day evening descends languidly, with a soft rustle it opens its petals of evening primrose - night violet. It just so happened that nature hid from us such "details" as the blooming of flowers, and we always see them either folded into a bud or already opened. The very process of spreading the petals remains invisible to the human eye. This cannot be said about the so-called night candle - perennial evening primrose. She will not hesitate to open her bright goblet flowers about 5 - 10 cm in diameter right in front of you! A couple of minutes - and now a bush flaunts in front of you, strewn with large fragrant flowers. He will stay like this until the morning: with the sunrise, the flower petals will wither. Thus, the perennial evening primrose is transformed every night throughout the summer, occasionally blooming during especially cloudy daylight hours. About planting and care amazing plant we will tell in the article.

Enotera perennial: a brief description

The homeland of evening primrose, which belongs to the fireweed family, is considered the exotic woodland of America. However, the plant with surprising ease settled in other climatic zones of the earth: on Far East, Kazakhstan, in the central regions of Russia.

AT natural environment evening primrose is most often found along roadsides, in wastelands and in ravines. The plant is distinguished by long, creeping stems along the ground, which die off after a year of life, leaving behind abundant shoots. Evening primrose stretches to the sky to a height of 25 to 130 cm. The stem of the plant is erect with simple long leaves. The flowers are painted white, blue, pink colors, but most often there are all kinds of shades of yellow. Blooming buds exude a pleasant lemon flavor. The rudiments of peduncles are formed in the basal rosette. In nature, there are about 100 species of perennials and biennials of this plant, and in a cultivated horticultural environment - 20 species of perennial evening primrose. If you have not yet had a chance to admire this plant, appreciate the beauty of the perennial evening primrose in the photo:

Almost all varieties of evening primrose bloom closer to the night, but there are those that demonstrate their beautiful flowers afternoon. When it is cloudy and cold outside, the flowers of the plant can be opened all day long. A blooming bud lives only one night, and the next evening a new bud is preparing to open. Enotera is not only attractive, but also very useful plant- decoctions of its roots are washed with wounds, and a remedy for indigestion is prepared from leaves and flowers. In addition, perennial evening primrose serves as a raw material for the production of essential oil.

Oenothera is perennial. Varieties of culture

Here we list the most popular types of perennial evening primrose:

  • Evening primrose shrub. The perennial grows to a height of up to 120 cm and attracts everyone's attention with a large number of small yellow flowers.
  • Oenother Drummond. Represented by annuals and biennials from 30 to 60 cm in height. The plant blooms with large flowers of rich yellow color.
  • Oenothera Missouri. Low-growing bushes every night dress up in large (up to 10 cm in diameter) yellow flowers, reminiscent of the shape of a cup. The plant diligently blooms all summer, until the first frost!

  • Evening primrose perennial yellow. The plant is cultivated as a biennial. Differs in small flowers, reaching 1.5 cm in diameter. Blooms from May to June.
  • Oenothera quadrangular. This perennial has impressive size flower stalks - about 45 cm. The flowering period covers June - August.
  • Enotera is beautiful. The cup-shaped flowers of this perennial evening primrose are pink in color. The height of the bush reaches 20 - 60 cm. The plant blooms from mid-April until the end of spring.

  • Oenothera redsepal. Grows up to 1 m in height. During the growing season, the plant develops red buds, which later turn into beautiful yellow flowers.

  • Enotera grandiflora. mature plant reaches a height of 2 m and releases large flowers bright yellow color. It attracts with a gentle and very pleasant aroma, which becomes especially noticeable in the evenings.
  • Oenothera is fragrant. Flowers of this species grow to a height of up to 1 m. They prefer to be in the shade rather than bask in the sun. Can keep my buds open even in daytime days.

Most often in the gardens of domestic flower growers you can find shrubby evening primrose and quadrangular evening primrose.

Features of planting evening primrose perennial

When planting evening primrose, try to find a place open to direct sunlight. Do not worry if this is not found - the winter-hardy evening primrose will also feel good in a shaded area. The plant is unpretentious to the composition of the soil, but the earth must be carefully loosened and fertilized. Loamy soil is more suitable for the night beauty. First of all, make sure before landing that there are no ground water. The soil in which evening primrose is to grow must have a high degree of permeability and be sufficiently drained, since stagnant water will destroy root system plants. Oenothera is more likely to cope with a short drought than with an excess of moisture.

Before planting a perennial primrose, arrange a site for its convenience. First, fertilize the soil: use nitrophoska (2 tablespoons per 1 sq. M.) And humus (3 kg per 1 sq. M.). After fertilizing, thoroughly dig the soil to a depth of 15 - 18 cm and water it abundantly.

Evening primrose can be grown from seeds, seedlings, or by dividing the mother bush.

Small seeds of the plant, as a rule, germinate well with a embedment depth of 2 - 3 mm. In the first year, the evening primrose grows leaves, and begins to bloom and set seed boxes only in the second summer after planting.

To get seedlings, the seeds are sown in February-March, and in May the plant is transplanted to permanent place. In order for young sprouts to quickly get used to a new place, when planting they need to be deepened into the ground as far as how deep they sat in pots. This summer, starting from mid-July, evening primrose will delight you with an amazing picture of its flowering, which will last for a month.

Young shoots, which usually grow in abundance near the roots of evening primrose, can also be used as planting material. Dig up required amount holes about 50 cm deep. So that evening primrose bushes do not interfere with each other, the distance between them should be a little more than half a meter. Place one plant in each hole, then cover the roots with earth and water well.

Perennial evening primrose care

It is unlikely that you will have many questions about caring for this plant - evening primrose is quite unpretentious. The night beauty will certainly appreciate regular watering, weed removal, as well as the timely disposal of the bush from wilted flowers.

In one place, evening primrose feels great for several years, just do not forget about periodic fertilizing of the soil with organic matter and mineral compositions. 6 years after planting, the evening primrose is rejuvenated: the bush is transplanted to a new place, having previously divided it. In order for the daughter bushes to quickly gain strength and grow, they are fed with mineral fertilizer.

In the summer, before the start of the growing season, primroses use superphosphate at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. funds for 1 sq. m. of land. When the flowers have already begun to open, the bush is fed with fertilizer for flowering plants. After fertilizing, the soil must be well watered, focusing on the proportion of 10 - 15 liters of water per 1 sq. m.

The land around the evening primrose bush is very quickly covered with young shoots, which can even “drive out” the flowers growing in the neighborhood. To prevent this from happening, wilted flowers must be immediately cut off. And experienced gardeners offer another way to curb the cheerful evening primrose: around the area where the plant is planted, you need to dig into the ground (to a depth of 25 cm) sheet iron or pieces of slate as limiters.

With the advent of autumn, perennial evening primrose bushes are cut to the very root, peat or compost is laid around a layer of 5-6 cm in thickness. Also, mature bushes can be dug up in autumn or spring to transplant or propagate the plant. Note that the transplant is well perceived even by flowering perennial specimens. In areas with a cold climate, evening primrose is sheltered for the winter. If your area has little snow but frosty winters, the plant will also need shelter.

Oenothera is perennial. Plant diseases and pests

Perennial primrose flower will delight you not only beautiful flowering, but also with remarkable resistance to insect pests and various diseases, from which other plants have to be saved every now and then. Even caring for evening primrose to a minimal extent, you are unlikely to encounter such problems.

How to combine evening primrose with other flowers

Evening primrose is a perennial plant for group plantings. It is best to fill the background of the flower garden with tall varieties of plants, and place them next to each other as neighbors. miniature bells, spur or daylilies. Low evening primrose bushes usually find their place on alpine slide. Lobelia and ageratum look great near them. Good night beauty and in single landings. For example, if you plant its bushes along the path and illuminate it with small spotlights, you will get an original path that blooms and glows. And some gardeners grow evening primrose for cutting - it is very good in bouquets!

Useful properties of evening primrose perennial

Leaves and roots of perennial evening primrose after correct processing become a real remedy. The roots are rich in mucus and sugary substances, and a large percentage of resinous, tannic, mucous and organic substances were found in the leaves. For example, you can prepare a healing infusion from dried raw materials. To do this, pour 20 g of dry chopped leaves and roots into 200 ml of boiling water and set aside for 20-25 minutes. Then be sure to strain the liquid and put on medium heat. Boil the product until a tenth of it remains in the container. The prepared infusion should be added to mint tea in 0.5 coffee spoons. This medicine is taken to stimulate the stomach, promote hair growth, and calm the nervous system.

Perennial evening primrose is a magical mystery of nature. Video

Oenothera is a genus herbaceous plants belonging to the Cyprian family and numbering about 80 species. Most of them are from Europe and America. In the people, this culture is known as an aspen or a night candle.

These annual, biennial and perennial herbs have mostly straight pubescent shoots. The foliage is oblong, alternate, placed on short petioles, it is because of its shape that the plant was called aspen.

Quite large fragrant flowers come in pink, yellow, white colors. Varieties with red flowers similar to poppies have been bred. Flowering occurs only at dusk, and the life of the inflorescence is only one night.

Varieties and types

One of the smaller species. Comes from the south of the American continent. This perennial grows in clearings up to half a meter in diameter and 15 cm in height. Shoots are straight, well branched, covered with fluff. Foliage lanceolate, oblong. Flowers solitary, yellow.

It has a large-fruited shape with twice as much fluff on the stems.

It has straight bushy shoots growing a little over half a meter. The leaves are rounded, with a bluish tint, turn red by autumn. The corymbose inflorescences of yellow color form bunches, flowering occurs in the summer.

Or red sepal biennial with straight stems, heavily branched, grows up to a meter tall. The foliage is rounded, lanceolate. Yellow flowers collected in racemose inflorescences.

Most likely, this species arose by natural mutation a very long time ago.

A plant that does not develop very quickly and quickly degenerates, but has a very high decorative effect.

Its stems are not particularly tall, the foliage is long, covered with sparse teeth. The flowers appear at the tops of the stems, form a spike-shaped inflorescence of pink, less often white, color. The number of flowers is very large and sometimes foliage is not visible behind them.

In addition to high decorativeness, this species is unpretentious, but poorly tolerates our winters.

Comes from Chile, but can grow in our conditions.

An undersized species with very large large flowers that appear on a low peduncle. The flowers are large - up to 7 cm in diameter, can be yellow, white or slightly pink in color.

Grown as an annual. It has tall stems that can reach 50 cm and branch well.

The flowers are quite large, yellow in color. Flowering is plentiful.

Enotera perennial planting and care

In order for this crop to grow and develop well, before planting, you need to fertilize the area where it will be grown.

In general, two glasses of nitrophoska and three kilograms of humus per square meter should be added. area meter. The soil is dug up along with fertilizers and watered well the day before planting. If planting is carried out in hot weather, then while the bushes are accepted, they should be shaded.

In general, evening primrose can be grown both in bright sun and in light shade. If you plant it in a heavily shaded place, then due to lack of lighting, it may not bloom flowers.

The soil on the site must have drainage, neutral acidity and not be compacted.

Another representative of the fireweed family: Fuchsia about the cultivation and care of which can be read at the link.

Watering evening primrose

Perennials of this genus do not suffer from a lack of moisture, withstand hot weather and do not require constant watering.

To make flowering as attractive as possible, you just need to heavily water the site a couple of times during the summer, using one and a half buckets of water per square meter. meter.

Fertilizer for evening primrose

Perennial evening primrose can also grow on not particularly fertile land. By applying a small amount of fertilizer, you can provide it with all the necessary substances.

She will need one feeding for a year, the composition of which includes a tablespoon of potassium sulfate and a tablespoon of superphosphate per square meter. area meter. This fertilizer is applied during the flowering period. Instead of this mixture, during the period of bud formation, wood ash or nitrophoska can be added.

pruning evening primrose

Pruning of bushes is carried out only in the fall and is a complete cutting of the entire plant to ground level. Wilted flowers should also be removed.

The rest of the care is weeding and removing weeds. If you have a tall look, then he will need to make a support.

Oenothera in winter

Most species of this crop tolerate cold well and cover with a 5 cm layer of compost will be enough for them. But young plants are still better to cover with dry foliage.

Due to the fact that evening primrose bushes grow rapidly, which affects the quality of flowering, they need to be replanted every 3 years, dividing the bushes growing nearby. The procedure is carried out in May or September.

Evening primrose growing from seeds

Evening primrose can be propagated by dividing the bush, which is mentioned above, cuttings and seeds. In the spring, this flower forms a lot of young growth, which can be easily separated and transplanted as an adult plant.

But most often the seed method is used. Seeds are sown directly into the soil in May or April in hotbeds, it is not necessary to bury the seeds deep, 5-7 cm will be enough. It is important that the substrate is always wet before the sprouts appear.

Diseases and pests

This crop has a high resistance to pests and diseases.

But even with high resistance, when in contact with plants, rotten , it can spread to evening primrose. If this happens, then the diseased parts should be cut off - usually this is enough. If there is a lot of rot, then fungicides are better used, but this remedy is rarely resorted to.

also happens aphid infestation , which feeds on the juices of the plant, as a result of which it dries. To combat this pest, insecticides are used, for example, Aktar.

It happens that evening primrose does not rise . This may be due to Bad quality seed or soil drying out during entries.

Very often we buy Beautiful Pink Evening primrose, which does not tolerate cold middle lane, and in the spring it does not rise. Be careful when buying, this species needs to be grown in warmer climates.

Evening primrose (another name is aspen) is a beautifully flowering plant of the Cyprus family. There are about 80 types of evening primrose. Among them there are perennials, biennials and annuals.


Evening primrose has straight stems from 30 cm to 1.5 meters high, plants with creeping stems are less common. Fragrant large flowers are often collected in a long racemose inflorescence, most often have a golden yellow color, but in some species and varieties they can be pink, white or purple. In many species of evening primrose, flowers open in evening time.

Perennial types of evening primrose:

In culture, the most common perennial species- evening primrose shrub and evening primrose quadrangular, you can also meet evening primrose Missouri and evening primrose beautiful. As annuals, evening primrose Drummond and evening primrose are grown.

1. Oenothera quadrangular (Oenothera tetragona) - winter-hardy perennial, forms bushes with erect stems about 40-70 cm in height. The bluish-green leaves are oval, turning reddish in autumn. yellow flowers collected in thyroid inflorescences. Flowering continues from June to August.

2. Evening primrose shrub (Oenothera fruticosa) is a perennial winter-hardy plant about 90-120 cm in height. The flowers are fragrant yellow, about 5 cm in diameter. Flowering June-August.

3. Oenothera Missouri (Oenothera missouriensis) perennial with ascending stems about 30-40 cm in height. The leaves are dense oval long, fragrant golden yellow flowers solitary about 10 cm in diameter. The aroma intensifies in the evening. It blooms in June-August with a total duration of about 2 months.

4.Oenothera is beautiful (Oenothera speciosa) - a perennial, but insufficiently winter-hardy plant in the conditions of central Russia. Stems 25 to 40 cm high, leaves are oblong, sparsely serrated along the edge, white or pink fragrant flowers are collected in spike-shaped few-flowered inflorescences. For the winter, the stems are cut, leaving daughter rosettes, covered with a layer of dry foliage or sawdust, and a film on top. It is also possible to save the plant in the winter in the cellar or basement by digging with a clod of earth.

5. Evening primrose (Oenothera acaulis) - a very interesting perennial miniature plant about 10-15 cm in height. In a non-flowering state, this evening primrose resembles a hosta, only very small. Flowering lasts about 2 months in July-August. The flowers are pale yellow, solitary, open at sunset and live only one night. Above each rosette of leaves, one flower opens, by morning it already completely fades, and by the next evening a new one appears.

Annual types of evening primrose:

(Oenothera drummondii). Annual from 30 to 80 cm tall with yellow fragrant flowers. Snemena is sown directly in open ground in May, 3 seeds per hole with a distance of about 30 cm between holes. Time before germination is about 2 weeks. Blooms around mid-July. Flowering lasts until frost.

(Oenothera pallida). Perennial grown in our climate as an annual. It has very fragrant large white flowers about 5 cm in diameter, which bloom in the evening. By morning, the flowers turn pink and fade during the day, and in the evening new, very fragrant buds bloom. This "night magic of scent" lasts from June until the end of September. It is better to plant pale evening primrose for seedlings in March-April. Flowering occurs about two months after germination.

Oenothera in garden design

In the garden, evening primrose is planted in groups in slightly shaded places, undersized species look beautiful in combination with other perennials, for example, or. Worth it great. Evening primrose is quadrangular and beautiful - excellent plants for borders. The rich bright yellow color of evening primrose flowers will perfectly fit into " sunny flower garden"with plants of harmonious colors. The semi-shady area will become brighter and sunnier thanks to this flower. Evening primroses can be planted in near-stem circles of shrubs and garden trees. The contrast will be a composition of yellow-flowered evening primrose with blue-violet flowers.

Oenothera. Growing, planting and care

Oenothera - pretty unpretentious plant, drought-resistant, winter-hardy. Grows in sun and light shade. In the sun during the day, the flowers close. Soils are preferred light nutrient well-drained with a neutral reaction. withered flowers must be removed in a timely manner, this will prolong the flowering period.
