Electric storage water heaters: types, device, advantages and disadvantages. How to choose a flowing electric water heater

Hot water supply has become commonplace in the homes of urban residents. However, its shutdown - emergency or for the purpose of preventive maintenance - can seriously disrupt the usual life. The question of buying a water heater becomes especially acute in families with small children and elderly family members. For the first, bathing “from the ladle” can threaten with colds, and for the second it is difficult to carry buckets of water from the stove to the bathroom.

Types of water heaters

Those who are not used to dealing with water heaters have concerns:

  • if the heaters are gas, will there be a situation that when the pressure drops hot water, the burner will go out, but the gas supply will continue? Or another option: when the pressure drops, the intensity of the burner will remain at the same level and the column will “boil”;
  • and electric water heaters scare the final electricity bill? Is there any protection to save the family budget;

All these fears have long since lost their basis. Now electric or gas type water heaters are equipped with automated systems control in case of a sharp drop in water supply pressure, as well as thermostats that, regardless of the volume of supply, will support set temperature.

Consider the difference between storage and instantaneous water heaters, and which type should be preferred. Is it better to have a constant flow of hot water in the tap, or a limited one? Someone will say "wrap both" and get combined type water heater. How will they differ:

  • flow-type or direct-flow units - they heat the moving fluid and are mounted directly into the water supply system;
  • storage water heaters first provide the necessary supply of water, after which heating occurs;
  • aggregates of flow-accumulative type are combined option, allowing, if necessary, to apply more convenient way depending on the need.

Good electric or gas heater water can be based on both storage and flow type water heating. In the first case, the required volume enters the boiler and heats up after a while. If it is a flowing water heater, then the water flow is passed through the heating element. Among the electric ones, the so-called induction water heaters are distinguished, which have an exclusively flow-through mechanism for heating water.


The same type of water heater can be called "straight-through". gas unit economically more profitable in terms of the cost of using an energy carrier than an electric one. However, it can only be installed in houses with gasification. What if there is no gas or electricity? In this case, the "balloon" option remains. Exactly gas bottle becomes the only source of hot water in the dachas. There are a number of conditions here:

  • your geyser must be adapted to the connection to the cylinder and the gas it uses. Otherwise, it is necessary to readjust the unit, replace the manifold nozzles;
  • after re-equipment, the apparatus is checked for tightness;
  • the date of the changeover is marked on the column, indicating the type of gas that is acceptable for use.

Installation of a geyser is carried out after a tee or manifold, through which hot water is distributed. For comparison: a direct-flow version of an electric water heater is installed under the tap, thereby reducing heat loss during the transportation of liquid to the place of consumption.

The electric direct-flow water heater does not have a storage tank and has a large capacity. Electricity consumption can reach 30 kW. This is a compact unit that allows you to install directly under the washbasin. The use of such a heater is possible only in houses whose wiring is designed for electric stoves. Before installation it is necessary to consult with an electrician without fail.

Another type of electric direct-flow water heater is called the so-called induction columns. Unlike units with heating elements, this type boasts the highest efficiency - up to 98 percent. Saving electricity with such a heater can be up to 30-50 percent. Simple design. The heating element does not come into contact with water, except for the inner wall of the pipe through which the supply is carried out. The variable type magnetic field does not allow deposits to form and warms up the entire volume of the liquid at once, which saves time. The water heats up very quickly. Long service life - up to 30 years. The only drawback of this miracle unit is the high cost.


A gas-heated boiler is installed only if it is not possible to connect a higher power unit. This is a large and at the same time an expensive option. The power of the device directly determines its performance.

An electric storage water heater is an easy way to solve your hot water problem. Electricity is available almost everywhere. And unlike gas equipment it does not require any approvals or permits.

Unlike direct-flow, the storage water heater has a special tank equipped with heating elements and thermal insulation. Water from the pipeline enters the tank, and then through the drain fitting it enters the consumer. This can happen both under the influence of pressure and by gravity. A special thermometer is installed on the front of such a unit, which allows you to determine the temperature of the water in the tank.

Depending on the manufacturer, an electric boiler can be equipped with sensors:

  • dry run - prevent heating of the heating element if there is no water in the tank;
  • pressure control systems - turns off power consumption when the liquid overheats;
  • combined approach to security. The mechanical valve is complemented by electronic sensors on the body or fitting.

In addition, there must be a power unit designed for a voltage of 180-240V, and not just the standard 220V.

The boiler is mounted on a pipeline with cold water supply and is supplemented at the outlet with a collector for hot water pipes to the points of consumption. The main requirement for the body of the water heater is compactness and sufficient thermal insulation. The most effective from this point of view is polyurethane foam. High-quality thermal insulation is a guarantee effective work boiler without extra costs for heat loss.

Scheme of storage water heater


The combined flow-accumulative type of heaters can operate both on electricity and on a gas pipeline. Moreover, it is this type of speakers that can be connected to various alternative energy sources - for example, solar panels, heat pumps.

The circuit of such a unit includes both a flow-through and a storage type of heater. It is possible to accumulate a supply of hot water for small needs and provide continuous heating for a bath or shower. Moreover, during installation, it is possible to immediately distribute the water disposal in accordance with the required volume at the points of consumption.

Installation is carried out on the pipeline with cold water with further drainage through the collector.

Source of power Type of heater Advantages disadvantages Notes
Gas flowing Suitable for low hot water consumption. It can only be installed in houses with gasification.

Installing behind the collector increases heat loss during the time the water reaches the point of consumption.

Economical in view of the cost of energy.

Requires sufficient water pressure to operate.

Installation gas water heater requires approval from regulatory authorities.

Cumulative It will be more preferable and economical at high water consumption. Justifies the installation only in the absence of the possibility of connecting a more efficient unit.
Flow-accumulative Allows you to effectively breed points of consumption according to the method of water heating.
Electric flowing Heat losses during the delivery of hot water to the point of consumption are minimal due to installation directly behind the tap. Compact. Large power consumption. Wiring must match the voltage, in a house where there is no electric stoves will not withstand stress. Electrical consultation required prior to installation.

No installation permission required. Fireproof, does not need ventilation.

Cumulative Compact. It has sensors for monitoring pressure and heating heating elements. With insufficient thermal insulation, energy consumption will increase.
Flow-accumulative Allows you to save money by dividing points of consumption according to the method of water heating. Allows use alternative sources energy. Requires installation of two heating systems.
Electric induction flowing Heats up water quickly. Energy savings up to 50 cents. Efficiency - up to 98 percent. Long service life. Simple construction. High price. It is possible to assemble by yourself.

Gas flow


Accumulative gas

Electric storage

Electric flow

Principle of operation

The flow heater has a simple circuit work. By copper tube water is supplied. The tube itself in the form of a spiral wraps around the energy source - gas burner or heating element (in other words, a tubular electric heater). The induction water heater uses AC power magnetic field, which, acting on a material with high resistance, causes it to heat up due to the excitation of an electric current. The current from the mains is converted into high-frequency current by means of an inverter and transferred to a coil that generates an alternating magnetic field. The liquid pipe plays the role of the core. The electric current excited in it under the action of a magnetic field causes it to heat up and increase the temperature of the water.

Principle of operation

In the storage heater, water first enters the tank, where it is gradually heated to desired temperature. Moreover, according to physical laws, warmer layers gradually move into upper part tank, and the cold ones go down.

Gas water heaters have open and closed combustion chambers for the output of waste energy products. A chimney or coaxial metal sleeve can be used.

Electric columns can differ in the type of heating elements: tubular or dry. The most common tubular This is a metal tube, inside which is placed a conductor with a high electrical resistance. The tube is heated by the conductor and gives off heat to the water. The dielectric in this case is sand, which fills the space between the conductor and the walls of the tube.

Heating elements contribute to the formation of scale, which reduces the efficiency of the heater.

The so-called dry heating element is not a tube, but a special flask, inside which is special oil or quartz sand. It is also called ceramic. Much less scale forms on the walls of the flask and this option is recognized as more electrically safe.

Wiring diagram

Selection rules

When deciding which water heater is better for flow or storage, decide on your expectations.

What specific functions will be assigned to hot water equipment:

  • you have hot water, but for maintenance periods you want to have additional source hot water;
  • you are interested in water heaters to simply boil water for small needs;
  • or there is no hot water system and you need an electric or gas heater in the bathroom as the main water heating system.

Having decided on the specific purpose of the purchase, proceed to the next step. Calculate the estimated daily water consumption. You can rely on the following values ​​in calculations:

  • shower visit - 20 liters per person;
  • the cost of cooking, washing dishes and other household needs - 12 liters.

Average Russian family consists of four people. Based on this, we calculate the daily need for hot water: 4 (number of family members) * 20 (hot water costs when visiting a shower for 1 person) + 12 (daily consumption for household needs) \u003d 92 liters.

In our example the best choice will be water heaters with a tank of 100 liters. It is not recommended to take a smaller volume, since there will always be a risk that someone will not have enough water and there will be a need to reheat. If you plan to use a water heater for a large house or non-domestic use, be sure to get expert advice.

In addition to the price, you need to objectively evaluate the connectivity water heater to the required source energy supply. Checked: the larger the tank volume water heater, the more operational term . Choose a model based on its technical requirements for installation and operation. When buying, the reputation of the manufacturer is important and duration warranty .

When choosing a water heater, you can not unreasonably save. A poor-quality or inappropriate model will cause many problems in the future, reacting to pressure drops in the pipeline or overloading the power grid. An instantaneous water heater is good in a home with a high water consumption, but trying to save money using a storage gas type is not the best. best idea. This is going to be a great water pressure dependent unit that should only be chosen if there are no other alternatives. Flowing induction heaters are considered the most efficient, but their purchase can be considered a large-scale investment in future energy savings on hot water.


Electric water heaters for summer cottages are used for a very obvious purpose: to provide proper level comfort and guarantee the supply of hot water for washing dishes, washing, showering, etc. These devices may have very different designs, but they share a number of common features.

To make it easier for you to choose the type of water heater and its specific model, in this article we have tried to systematize the most important information.

Heater Requirements

For many of us, a dacha is not only a piece of land with beds and fruit trees. With due diligence and certain financial investments, the cottage can be turned into a full-fledged suburban area with a comfortable house where you can live from early spring to late autumn, and only in winter move to a city apartment.

However, for a full life, it is necessary to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the main communications. And here you can not do without electrification, as well as water supply. In addition, in holiday villages, central water heating stations are the exception rather than the rule, and therefore additional care must be taken to install a device that is responsible for hot water supply.

If your cottage is electrified, then an electric boiler is the best choice.

It is desirable that it meets the following requirements:

  • Economical energy consumption. Dacha networks usually do not have high power, and the load on the generator must be minimized, therefore it is worth sacrificing the heating rate to the detriment rational use electricity.
  • Ease of adjustment. It is desirable that there is a function to maintain a certain temperature level: it will be much more convenient to use the device.
  • Significant tank volume. The more water we can heat at once, the easier it will be for us to take a shower or even a bath. Yes, and washing a large number utensils will be much lighter.

This requirement does not apply to flow models, which we will discuss in the corresponding section of our article.

  • The instruction also recommends choosing models that do not require frequent maintenance and prevention.(replacement of heating elements and other components). If the cottage is far from the city, then carry the boiler to service department, and inviting a master will be equally expensive and inconvenient.
  • Finally, do not forget about such a requirement as safety at work.. Of course, electric heaters are not included in the list of leaders in terms of causes of fires, but it is still better to choose models with a maximum reliable protection electrical circuits from short circuit.

As for such a parameter as price, it is largely determined by the requirements for the device, as well as your financial capabilities. Both budget models are available on the market that can heat a small amount of water for washing, as well as branded products for several hundred liters. If you can’t imagine a good rest without a bath, you will have to pay!

Main types of devices


The most popular model, which is used to provide a private house with hot water, is a storage heater, better known as a boiler.

The design features of this device are as follows:

  • The installation is connected to the water supply system, therefore boilers are used only where there is either a centralized water supply system or an automatic pumping station.
  • Through a system of valves that prevent reverse movement, water enters the storage tank (the optimal volume is from 50 to 100 or more liters).
  • The tank contains a heating element connected to a thermostat. The operation of the heating part can be adjusted by setting the desired temperature on the control panel.
  • The option to maintain a certain degree of heating is very convenient: the heating element turns on only when the water in the tank cools down a few degrees below normal.

The key disadvantages of such systems are:

  • High energy consumption.
  • Dependence on the stability of pressure in the pipeline.
  • Considerable cost.

However, the convenience that the boiler provides more than compensates for these disadvantages.


Peculiarities similar devices are:

  • The unit is mounted on the wall, as close as possible to the point of hot water consumption.
  • A supply pipe is connected to the device, through which cold water enters.
  • Passing through a system of tubes with internal heating elements, the liquid is heated to a certain temperature. The degree of heating can be adjusted on the control panel or using a special valve.

In spite of enough level convenience (we get heated water almost immediately), flow models have serious limitations:

  • Firstly, for their efficient operation, a consistently high pressure is required. If the water supply in your village provides it - well, if not, then you will have to install an additional pump with an expansion tank.

During the mass watering of gardens, the pressure in the system drops very much, so you need to focus on this particular period.

  • Secondly, the performance of the device is low. You can wash your hands under a thin stream, it’s already more difficult to take a shower, but you definitely can’t fill the bathroom in this way.
  • Thirdly, the features of the heating part affect the nature of the installation: the peak power of the instantaneous water heater is quite high, so the load on the wiring will be serious. To avoid accidents, it is worth connecting such devices through a separate RCD.
  • It is also worth noting that the system works most efficiently on the principle of "one heater - one tap". So for you have to buy two installations.


Self-contained bulk electric water heaters for summer cottages are used where water supply is not organized.

In fact, such devices are improved washstands:

  • The basis of the system is a container (from 20 liters or more), inside which is a heat-insulating casing made of durable plastic.
  • The top cover of the container opens, which allows you to pour water from a bucket or hose.
  • Water heating is carried out due to the operation of the internal heating element.
  • At the bottom there is a faucet that allows you to adjust the water pressure. There are also models with an additional tank for cold water: their tap works on the principle of a mixer, regulating the temperature.

Despite the fact that this model is inferior to the above in terms of convenience, it also has its advantages:

  • Firstly, it is elementary mounted with your own hands: the tank can be hung on the wall or installed on a fairly solid base.
  • Secondly, it can be used where the source of water is a well without a pump.
  • Thirdly, such devices are quite economical in operation, and they are cheaper than flow and storage boilers.


Storage, bulk and instantaneous electric water heaters for summer cottages are used almost everywhere today. In order not to wash dishes in cold water and not to cringe when washing under an icy stream from a tap, it is worth considering purchasing one of these systems. You can find a more detailed overview of them in the video in this article.

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The reality is that today, despite the century progressive technologies, the problem of hot water is faced not only by residents of villages and country houses, but also most major regional centers. Crazy pace modern life does not allow us to waste our precious time on heating water with the help of stoves and buckets familiar to us. Plus, it's completely inconvenient. And why such painful chores? Indeed, today it is enough to purchase a high-quality heating device that will satisfy the needs of even the most demanding customers.

The industrial market is so large that it offers a huge number of various types and types of water heaters: gas and electric heaters, storage and flow systems, powerful enough and economical to use, horizontal and vertical, wall and floor.

How to choose a good electric heater?

The choice is so great that, focusing on your financial condition and consumer needs, it is easy to choose qualitative electric heater water and enjoy cleanliness, comfort and a lot of free time, and not run around with buckets of boiling water, blaming the housing department for your difficult life. At the peak of popularity among consumers, electric water heaters. They are faithful helpers, both during the period of seasonal shutdowns of hot water supply, and in suburban private houses, being an integral part offline feed water. In turn, electric water heaters are of two main types:

  • flow,
  • cumulative.

Therefore, when going shopping, you must clearly determine your needs in hot water, as well as the requirements for a water heater. Indeed, not only the comfort of its use depends on the correct choice of the device, but also the ability to significantly reduce the amount of the bill for the use of electricity.

So, in the case when hot water supply is needed country house, where the owners come to relax for a couple of days from time to time, it would be more economical to install an instantaneous water heater. What can not be said about an apartment in a high-rise building, where a large family lives permanently. In this case, the expediency of installing an electric storage heating device is obvious.

Features of storage water heater

The main feature that distinguishes a storage water heater from a flow one is its operating principle. So, the principle of operation of the latter is truly simple and lies in the fact that water coming directly from the water supply passes through a special chamber where a heat transfer device is installed. Most often, such a device is a heating element, a spiral or a plate electric heater.

There, the liquid is heated to a certain temperature, after which it exits hot through the installed tap. At the same time, it is obvious that such a device does not have a separate container for accumulating water (in some cases it can be quite small in size - up to three liters). And this, of course, affects the size electric heater water, making it quite compact. Of course, this is a big plus in case of a lack of usable space in the room.

Positive properties of electrical appliances

Among other positive features of the operation of flow devices, it should be noted that the liquid heats up almost instantly, which eliminates the dependence of hot water consumption on the volume of the tank capacity. Electric water heaters have enough power to instantly heat water. One has only to open the faucet, as hot water immediately flows out of it. Such a seemingly obvious plus of a flow device for many consumers is a significant minus. It's all about the power of the heater. In order to instantly heat cold water to a comfortable temperature of at least 36 degrees C at a flow rate of 2-3 liters per minute, it is necessary minimum power 3-5 kW.

Therefore, the power consumption is quite high, which, in turn, requires good electrical wiring in the room, capable of withstanding high loads. Do not give preference to electric water heaters of this type and those who like to take hot bath. After all, the power of the device is unlikely to allow him to cope with his task. Of course, you can purchase a heavy-duty model with a consumption of 20-27 kW, but such a device already requires connection to three-phase network and is by no means cheap, which is not at all affordable for the average consumer.

Varieties of electrical appliances

Flow type electric heaters are enough easy to install by yourself, which can significantly save on the services of electricians and plumbers. But still, it is worth considering certain features of their installation, so that later you can freely enjoy the comfortable use of hot water. So, in order to avoid unpleasant moments associated with a power surge protection circuit breaker, it would be better to install a separate circuit breaker for the water heater.

It is not uncommon for a purchased heating device to exceed the capabilities of an existing one. installed counter. In this case, his recommended to replace. Most often it is necessary in rooms and houses old building. And additional wires will help create grounding devices. In any case, if you have already decided to install an electric water heater on your own, you will need to be careful in work and, of course, comply with all safety standards.

Storage-type electric water heaters are better known to the average consumer as a boiler. The main design element of such a device is a special container - a tank, which can be either standard sizes of 30-60 liters, or very impressive up to 500 or even 1000 liters. However, electric heating devices of such a volume already have the value not of domestic, but of industrial ones. Features of the operation of an electric storage-type heating device can be compared with the well-known thermos.

So, the heating elements located inside the tank provide water heating to a predetermined temperature, the range of which is 7 - 85 degrees C, and then with the help of a thermostat keeps it at a given level. Naturally, with this principle of operation, in order to reduce the cost of consumed electricity, thermal insulation of the tank is of great importance. The thicker the insulating material, the less electricity is needed to maintain a certain liquid temperature.

Electric heaters - modern models

Modern models electric water heaters have a night heating mode, since developed countries have long been practicing the establishment of preferential tariffs for the population at night. Also, storage water heaters perfect solution for high-rise buildings with electric stoves, because there is an opportunity save on fare. Since such houses are equipped with more powerful wiring, it is most likely not necessary to lay a separate one for the boiler.

Many consumers rightly refer to the main requirement for an electric heater of storage type is the presence of a high-quality anti-corrosion coating inside the tank. Every day, the storage capacity of the boiler is adversely affected high pressure as well as sudden changes in temperature. In addition, tap water has various aggressive substances that have a destructive effect. All these factors can significantly reduce the life of the device.

Manufacturers of expensive models use a special anti-corrosion titanium enamel, she is much better than cheap aluminum or galvanized steel. Another problem faced by residents small apartments is the lack of space to accommodate a large boiler tank. The choice will help to partially cope with this problem. correct form tank. Today, manufacturers of storage-type electric water heaters produce the following models:

  • round or cylindrical
  • rectangular tank,
  • tank, the so-called slim-form.

The latest model is different much less thick, and the volume is preserved due to the greater height of the device. This form is often the only possible solution. At proper organization space in the room where the boiler will be installed, you should also take into account the installation method of the electric heater, as some models require horizontal installation, others vertically, and there are boilers that can be installed in both ways.

All electric storage heaters can be divided into the following types:

  • to open, so-called non-pressure,
  • and closed or which are also called pressure.

And, like any technique, both have its advantages and disadvantages. Non-pressure (open) are installed only at one draw-off point or speaking plain language- one faucet. This is largely due to their small tank volume, only 5-50 liters. Such compactness and ease of installation allow you to install the boiler even under the sink.

However, the small volume and high consumption of electricity consumed are a significant drawback of this type of storage water heater. Pressure (closed) water heaters have a larger tank volume and can simultaneously serve a pair of water points. When installing this heater cold water the installation of the so-called three valves: check, safety and pressure reducing is required.

Naturally, almost everyone modern man dreams of the most comfortable environment in his own living space. That is why such unforeseen circumstances as turning off hot or cold water do not suit any of the residents living in high-rise urban new buildings. The most optimal and correct solution in this case is the purchase and installation of a device called a wall-mounted electric water heater.

The choice of water heaters on the market is as wide and varied as possible. And the demand for them is quite stable. And this is no accident, since for most buyers a wall-mounted electric water heater is equipment endowed with much large quantity advantages over gas and liquid fuel devices, which, by the way, can not be installed in every apartment.

Key features of the heater of this type are:

1. One hundred percent security;
2. Easy direct installation;
3. Easy to operate and manage;
4. Low price;
5. Energy saving design.

Types of electric heaters

Electric heaters are divided into two main types:

1. Storage device (heats a container with water);
2. Flow equipment (heats running water).

A flow-through water heater has the ability to heat water as quickly as possible, while water passes through a powerful heating element called a heating element - plate or tubular. The main advantages of the device are:

1. The indisputable ability to provide users with hot water at any time and, of course, in unlimited quantities;
2. Maintenance is not required regularly;
3. Compact, does not occupy a large area.

The disadvantages of the device include:

1. Requires centralized cold water supply;
2. Requires a stable voltage in electrical networks;
3. Requires a stable pressure in the water supply;
4. Large energy costs are required - an instantaneous water heater requires a large allocated power for an apartment;
5. Provides hot water usually with only one draw-off point.

The accumulative water heater in its structure resembles a thermos, endowed with the function of heating and further heating the water. It initially accumulates water, then heats it up, and subsequently maintains the set temperature. The main advantages of this technique are:

1. Work even with not the best pressure in the central water supply networks;
2. The ability to heat water up to approximately eighty degrees, while expending a minimum amount of energy. Savings occur due to the slow heating of water;
3. A unique opportunity to produce hot water at the same time with several water points.

The disadvantages of a storage water heater include:

1. The need for regular maintenance- 1 time in six months;
2. The presence in the line of heaters of sufficiently large dimensions, unsuitable for each interior in a residential area;
3. Sufficiently long waiting for water heating;
4. The ability to heat a limited amount of liquid - exactly the volume of the heater.

Heating water with electricity

In order to answer the question of how long it will take for high-quality heating of water, it is necessary to understand some of the nuances. The time spent depends on several components:

1. Volumes of water tanks;
2. The power of the electric heating element.

In order to significantly reduce heat losses, it is required to use water heaters with increased coefficient thermal insulation. That is, they should work on the principle of thermoses. If the heater is well insulated, then the temperature of the already heated water will drop at a minimum rate.

The unit in question can be connected to the most common electrical outlet, since a conventional heater has a power of 1000-2000 watts. The capacity of the heater tank affects only the time during which the water will be heated, but not the temperature to which this water will be heated.

This is the main difference between storage and flow heaters. If you take a flow heater of insufficient power for your needs, then you will receive slightly warm water. But instantly.

If you take a storage heater for 100 and 200 liters, then you will end up with 100 and 200 liters of water with a temperature of 80 degrees. But in the first case it will be after 4 hours, and in the second - after 6 hours.

The modern market for water heaters provides an opportunity to purchase devices that run on gas, electricity, solid or liquid fuels and have different power characteristics. Among such devices, flow-through devices stand out favorably.

This type of device has many advantages, including:

  1. compactness- water heaters are small in size, occupy a small area, which allows them to be hidden in specially made niches or cabinets, placed directly above washbasins and sinks.
  2. Instant liquid heating- at the moment of turning on the device, the water is instantly heated to the set temperature.
  3. Does not require a chimney- unlike the use of gas instantaneous water heaters, an electrical appliance does not need a smoke exhaust system.
  4. Can be used in the garden- with electricity and running water.
  5. Adjustment accuracy– allows you to configure the device to produce hot water at a given temperature.

Flowing electric water heaters are not without drawbacks. Almost all devices have high power, which does not allow them to be used in houses with dilapidated electrical wiring, or with a limit on the maximum consumption of electricity.

Principle of operation

To heat the water inside the device, it is used, which, during the passage of the liquid, heats the water to the required temperature. The water heater allows you to completely abandon the mixer, due to the need for additional regulation of the liquid temperature.

Connection diagram for a flowing electric water heater

Varieties of heaters

There are two main types of instantaneous electric water heaters:

  1. Non-pressure - this type of heater is used in conditions of low water pressure. These devices are indispensable in the country, where water supply is often carried out using a tank located more than high level than water users. Such a slight pressure of the liquid in the plumbing system is sufficient for the full functioning of the heaters. Non-pressure devices are low-performance, usually heating the liquid in such devices does not exceed 3 l / minute, but the power consumed by such heaters is much less. Non-pressure heaters can be used to provide hot water to only one point of consumption.
  2. Pressure - heaters, the operation of which requires pressure in the water supply system of at least 2 atmospheres. If the fluid pressure in the water supply is below this indicator, then it is necessary to install a hydraulic accumulator with a water pump and set the system to operating pressure. Pressure water heaters have a large capacity and can be used to provide several taps with hot water. If it is required to install equipment with a power of more than 12 kW, then devices for operation from a three-phase electrical network are purchased.

How to choose

Before purchasing a flow heater, you should accurately determine the performance of the device.
There is absolutely no need to purchase a powerful three-phase water heater for use with one draw-off point.

In this case, a small non-pressure appliance is suitable, which can be installed directly above the sink or sink.

In the case when it is necessary to provide several water points with hot water, pressure devices with a power of at least 8 kW are used. Such devices allow you to heat water in flow mode up to +70 degrees, with a capacity of 5 - 10 l / min.

Manufacturers and prices

Hyundai H-IWR1-5P-UI060/S– non-pressure electric water heater well-known South Korean company. The device is very reliable, equipped with an overheating protection system. Due to the fact that a copper heating element is used as a heating element, almost instantaneous heating of water is carried out.

The heater is controlled by a mechanical knob-regulator. The power of the device is 5.5 kW, which is quite enough for taking a shower or washing dishes. Despite the fact that the device is connected to a 220 V network, this device is not equipped with a plug. To connect the device, a separate one with an automatic fuse is required.

The heater can be purchased at a price of 2100 to 2700 rubles.

ELECTROLUX NP6 Aquatronic– flow-type pressure water heater, ideal for providing 2 - 3 hot water outlets. The performance of the water heating system is 2.8 l / min, achieved using spiral heating elements from stainless steel.

The rated power of the appliance is 5.7 kW, which is enough for taking a shower and washing dishes. Water heating occurs instantly, provided that the water flow rate is not more than 3 l / min. The device has built-in protection against overheating, which contributes to a long service life and safe use of the device.

The heater has a small weight and overall dimensions, it is installed on the wall. Connects to electrical system 220 V via dedicated wiring equipped with an automatic fuse.

The cost of the device ranges from 4500 to 4990 rubles.

AEG RMC 75- high-efficiency instantaneous pressure-type water heater. Due to the fact that the device is equipped with two powerful copper heating elements, water is heated instantly. System performance - 3.75 l / min, which is for a shower and warm water enough in the kitchen. Power - 7.5 kW, so it is forbidden to connect the water heater to the main electrical wiring, you need a separate line.

The heater has high-quality protection against overheating and current leakage, the degree of protection of the case: IP 25. The heater has small dimensions, so installation is possible even in places where there is a shortage of free space, for example, above the sink, or in.

You can buy an AEG RMC 75 water heater at a price of 15,100 to 16,700 rubles.

STIEBEL ELTRON DEL 18/21/24 SLi– instantaneous pressure type water heater with a capacity of 24 kW. The heater has a capacity of 12 l / min at a water temperature of +60 degrees. The heating is regulated by an electronic system, which can be equipped with a remote control.

Highly effective protection system against overheating, air pockets, and damage electric shock allows you to safely operate this device for many years. STIEBEL ELTRON is connected only to a three-phase electrical network.

Heater installation

To install an instantaneous water heater, you will need the following::

  1. Wrench.
  2. Pliers.
  3. Crosshead screwdriver.
  4. Electric drill and drill for concrete 6 mm.
  5. The cable is three-core, the cross section of which depends on the power of the connected device.
  6. Flexible reinforced hose for connecting and draining water.

Before performing installation work, it is necessary to turn off the electricity and turn off the cold water.
First of all, the water heater is released from packaging and plugs that are installed on its nozzles.
To install the water heater, fasteners are used, which is included in the device kit.

To fix the heater in the wall, a hole is made with a drill to a depth of at least 80 mm. Then the cable is connected to the heater according to the device diagram, while it is imperative to correctly connect the ground wire, without which the operation of devices of this type is prohibited.

The other end of the cable is connected to phase, “0” and ground at electrical panel. In this case, it is imperative that the electrical circuit leading to the water heater must be equipped with an automatic fuse.

After completing the connection of the electrical cable, the water heater is installed in place and screwed to the wall with dowels. After that, it is necessary to connect the water to the device. To do this, use a flexible reinforced hose, which is connected at one end to a tee, which is installed in any convenient place for supplying cold water to others. household appliances and cranes. The other end of the hose is connected to the heater.

If installing non-pressure device, then the hot water outlet is carried out through a built-in tap or shower head. In the event that a powerful, pressurized heater is installed, the hot water outlet must be built into the domestic hot water circuit. To do this, a flexible reinforced hose is connected to the outlet of the device, which is connected to the water pipe.

  1. If the water entering the heater has solid particles or is hard, a filter element must be installed at the inlet of the device. Some models of expensive heaters have a built-in filter, which reduces the amount of installation work when installing such devices.
  2. If a bath heater is required, powerful three-phase appliances are installed with a power of at least 12 kW and a capacity of 8 l / min.
  3. The installation of a flow heater must be carried out in accordance with all the rules, which will guarantee trouble-free and safe operation of the water heater. In the event that there are doubts about your own qualifications, then you should not install the heater yourself. It is better to contact specialists who will perform all the necessary work.