Weak pressure of hot water from the tap. Solving the problem of low pressure of hot water from a gas heater

Normal showering or bathing becomes a very problematic activity due to weak pressure hot water from the gas column. With difficulty, it is possible to reach the desired temperature, and the jet can hardly be filtered. The normal process starts to take a lot of time. This contributes to everyday life great inconvenience, depriving the usual comfort, because in everyday life there is a constant need for hot water. This issue is one of the leaders among the problems encountered during the operation of gas water heaters. However, the main causes of the problems are quite simple, and you can solve them yourself.

Variety of used geysers

Modern geysers are compact devices designed for heating running water. They are used in gasified houses without central hot water supply. Heating equipment is divided according to the principle of operation into accumulative and flow types. The first constantly heats the liquid in the tank and is a gas boiler. The second heats up during its flow and is a flowing gas column.

By performance water heaters are divided into the following groups:

  • low-power (9-16 kW), capable of delivering only about 10 liters of hot water per minute;
  • medium power (16-23 kW), giving approximately 15 liters per minute;
  • devices with high power (more than 24 kW), heating up to 20 liters.

The performance of low-power equipment is enough to wash dishes in the kitchen. Devices middle group suitable for two-room apartments. And the last category will easily meet the needs of residents of three-room apartments.

Causes of the problem and their elimination

Problem today low pressure coming from the warm water heater is not eliminated. It remains relevant. The primary basis for such a phenomenon may be insufficient pressure in a cold water supply. You can normalize it like this:

  • with the help of hydraulic accumulators;
  • using pumps and additional water tanks.

The latter option involves installing a container under water (enough for 500 liters), and installing a pump inside it. Such a system can even supply water to an apartment. certain time during short breaks in the water supply.

You can also identify a number of main reasons related directly to the gas column. They and their elimination methods are presented in the following table.

Problem Possible Solutions
A low-power (low-performance) water heater is operated in the house (apartment) Buy a more powerful model
Use only one hot tap at a time
Filter clogging Remove the mesh in front of the heat exchanger and wash it with water to remove rust and lime deposits
If damaged, replace the filter
The presence of scale coming from the heat exchanger in the tubes This problem can be solved by giving cold water in the opposite direction or by replacing the clogged section
Scale on the walls of the heat exchanger is removed using citric acid, dissolved in water
Faucet problems The mixer is disassembled and the blockage is removed, while replacement is an extreme case

Most of the causes of low water pressure from warm faucet water heater are a direct consequence of the lack of timely repair inspections. Their frequency is indicated in the operating instructions for each model of equipment.

A weak pressure of hot water from a geyser with normal plumbing most often occurs if the filter is clogged or a lot of scale has accumulated. Regular preventive measures will eliminate these problems. You should also pay great attention to the power of the water heater when buying it. Even starting from one-room apartments, it is recommended to use appliances average performance if more than one person lives there.

When paying utility bills, consumers expect quality services. However, these expectations are not always justified. For various reasons, they often have to face problems heating system, water supply. Often worried about the poor water pressure in the apartment, as well as the question of what to do in such a situation.

It should be?

Norms of water pressure in the water supply system. Photo No. 1

All services provided for residential buildings and apartments must meet certain standards. The official establishment of standards provides everyone with normal conditions.

For the pressure of water supplied to consumers, certain standards are also provided. They can be seen in SNiP 2.04.01-85 and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the provision utilities owners and users of premises in apartment buildings» dated 06.05.2011 No. 354. The data provisions establish the following standards for water pressure:

  • for cold - 0.03 MPa (0.3 at.) - 0.6 MPa (6.0 at.);
  • for hot - 0.03 MPa (0.3 at.) - 0.45 MPa (4.5 at.).

At the same time, for the normal supply of water from the tap in the apartment, it is important to comply with these requirements and plumbing equipment. The consumer evaluates the water pressure visually, however, to solve the problem, official measurements must be made. The pressure of the incoming water is measured using special devices - pressure gauges.

What are the causes of low water pressure?

Causes of low water pressure in the apartment. Photo #2

The normal flow of water from the tap depends on the indicators of its pressure, the quality of the plumbing, the floor of the consumer's residence and a number of other circumstances. In case of their violation, non-compliance with the prescribed standards, problems with admission inevitably arise.

If the water from the tap barely flows, then the reasons for this may be the following:

  • bad pressure in the system water pipes leading to the house (trunk);
  • problems with pipes directly in a multi-storey building;
  • clogging of the water supply in a particular apartment;
  • the state of the tap (mixer) from which water flows.

Going to court is a last resort, it can take a lot of time and effort, but sometimes there is no other way out. Through the court, you can demand that the management company fulfill its obligations or reduce payment for a poor-quality service. Another way to influence the Criminal Code may be to contact the housing inspectorate.


If you find a problem with water pressure, you should first determine the causes of its occurrence. If problems are found in the pipes or taps inside, then the owner himself must solve it. When the problem is in common house equipment or street pipes, then you will have to act through management companies.

You can find out what to do if the pressure is low in the apartment by watching the video:

Sooner or later, each of us is faced with a situation where the water in the kitchen or bathroom comes in a very thin stream. And before taking corrective measures, we need to figure out why the tap has a weak water pressure, what it should be and what we can basically do about it.

System pressure

Causes of pressure loss

The water pressure in the water supply system is one of the most important parameters characterizing the operation of pipelines. Insufficient pressure leads to the fact that water enters the apartment in too small volumes, and excessive pressure can cause failure of household appliances and valves.

And if about overpressure we rarely hear in pipes, then a small pressure of water in a tap is a very common problem:

  • Especially often it affects the inhabitants of the upper floors. apartment buildings - with an active intake on the lower floors, the incoming water is simply not enough, and.
  • Another reason for the loss of water pressure in the tap may be a pipeline malfunction.. In this case, large volumes of liquid enter the external environment and simply do not reach the point of consumption. Usually such situations are episodic, but if the communications in your area are worn out, then a drop in pressure during an accident will be a fairly common occurrence.
  • The minimum pressure values ​​in private houses usually coincide with the irrigation season.. Firstly, usually watering occurs during the hottest months, and the water level in the water supply sources drops, and secondly, a one-time withdrawal of a large volume is also not in vain.

Sometimes utilities deliberately reduce the pressure to a minimum, trying to extend the life of dilapidated pipes.
In this case, only a collective appeal to the appropriate authorities will help, but even then you should not count on a quick solution to the problem.

Standard values

To understand the situation and understand when you need to solve the problem yourself, and when you should contact the maintenance office, you should study the legally fixed values ​​​​of water pressure in hot and cold water supply taps.

Here it is worth focusing on the following numbers:

  • Optimal, according to the current regulatory documents, the pressure in the water supply pipelines is 0.4 MPa, which is equivalent to 4 atmospheres (approximately 40 m of water column).

  • In fact, the actual pressure is largely determined by the position of the water intake point, and usually ranges from 2 to 5.5 atmospheres. This pressure is quite enough for the system to function normally without excessive load on stop valves.
  • SNIP 2.04.01-85 also regulates the upper limit of the allowable pressure in pipes with water. It is at the level of 6 atmospheres. If this value is exceeded, the likelihood of leaks both in and in taps, valves, etc. increases significantly.

According to the same SNIP 2.04.01-85, absolutely all pipes must withstand a short-term pressure increase of at least 10 atmospheres, otherwise the system simply will not withstand regular pressure testing.
Requirements for main communications, of course, are much stricter

For this, the formula P \u003d 10 + H * (h - 1) is used, where:

  • P is the desired value.
  • H is the height of one floor of the building.
  • h - the number of storeys of the high house in the territory fed from this branch of the water supply.

In addition, instructions for household appliances, connected to the water supply, contains requirements for the allowable pressure.

The optimal values ​​are:

It is very important to comply with these standards, because at low values ​​the devices will not be able to work efficiently, and at high values ​​they can simply fail, causing the apartment to flood.

Head and pressure measuring system

In search of an answer to the question of why there is a weak water pressure in the tap, many are studying regulations on one's own. And here a difficulty may arise associated with the use of different units of measurement, which, in fact, describe the same processes.

In fact, everything is quite simple, since almost everyone can convert units:

  • The head itself, as such, is usually measured in meters of water column.
  • Instead of the head itself, the pressure in the system is often measured, which is usually measured in megapascals (MPa).
  • At the same time, rather often, instead of MPa, such units as the atmosphere (0.1 MPa) or Bar (1.09 atmospheres) are used.

Independent problem solving

Features and functioning of the water supply in a private house

Almost all of the above is true primarily for apartment buildings. However, in private households, the issues of insufficient pressure in the system or low pressure in the pipes are quite sharp.

There are several aspects here:

  • Firstly, the pressure itself is provided either by raising the water to a sufficient height (usually used expansion tank in the attic), or at the expense of permanent job pump. In the second case, it is mandatory to install an automatic adjustment system: yes, its price is very significant, but it allows you to simply use the tap without performing preliminary manipulations to start the pump and equalize pressure.

  • Secondly, the flow rate of the well or well is the limiting factor, i.e. the volume of water that a source can provide per unit of time. If our well is thin, then we will have to install a sufficiently large hydroaccumulator tank, otherwise there will simply not be enough fluid to fill the pipes during intensive selection.
  • But the owners of artesian wells with high internal pressure usually do not have to decide how to increase the water pressure in the tap. Here the problem is different: a significant flow rate leads to the fact that the pressure in the system rises to 6 atmospheres and above. Accordingly, it is necessary to reduce it, otherwise the plumbing will wear out quickly.

However, usually these nuances become obvious even at the design stage of the water supply system of a private house, so instead of taking emergency measures, it is worth thinking over the details in advance and taking care of selecting the right equipment.

Ways to increase pressure

And yet, what to do - if the tap has poor water pressure?

The situation can be corrected in several ways, but their effectiveness can be very different, and largely depends on external circumstances:

  • The simplest and most obvious solution is to file an application with the organization that supplies water to your home. After that, they are obliged to send a specialist to take measurements, and either fix the system malfunction (if this is the reason), or increase the pressure in the entire building.

If it is not possible to provide optimal pressure, it is also possible to recalculate the cost of utilities.
However, in this case, you cannot do without the help of a professional lawyer, since this issue will have to be resolved in court.

  • If pressure drops are episodic, then a pump can be installed to increase the pressure. Such devices are quite energy-intensive, and their efficiency is low (if there is simply no water in the pipes, there is nowhere for the pump to get it either), but they can be used as an aid. In any case, you will have better pressure than your neighbors.

  • If this does not help, then you can go to serious expenses and install a small pumping station with a battery tank in the apartment. However, the financial benefit from this acquisition will be doubtful, so resorting to such a solution is only a last resort.

In a private house, everything is much simpler:

  • We regularly clean the source, as silting reduces the flow rate.
  • We control the tightness of the well head.
  • With an increase in consumption (for example, during the irrigation season), we use more powerful pumps.


Having figured out why there is no water pressure in the tap, and having learned how the actual values ​​differ from the normative ones, you can begin to correct the situation. However, in this case, only the owners of private houses have a "field for maneuver".

And to everyone who depends on central water supply, you will have to enter into correspondence with responsible organizations. You can study the problem of insufficient pressure in pipes in more detail by watching the video in this article.

Weak pressure from the faucet. There are several reasons. According to GOST in the city water supply network, the pressure should be 4 atmospheres. In reality, it can fluctuate within 3-5 atmospheres. IN major cities, the desired pressure is maintained electronically and is almost always normal. Most often, the cause of low pressure at the outlet of the tap is dirt, fine sand, scale, which eventually clog the filter, if any. It also often happens that the pressure reducer is clogged, if it is, the largest debris can get stuck in it. And finally, the so-called aerator in the mixer. Since it is easiest to unscrew it and clean it, let's start with it. It looks like in the picture - 1. It is located at the outlet of the mixer, has edges, thanks to which it can be easily unscrewed with an ordinary adjustable wrench. If his mesh is clogged, you will immediately see it. Shake it out, rinse with water and screw it back on.

If it doesn't help, move on. Water filters are divided into two types. The first, as shown in Figure 2, is usually located in front of the water meters. Such filters are called "mud filters", they are rarely clogged, designed to capture small stones, scales caught in the water supply. To check the degree of contamination, you will need to turn off the water supply valve, unscrew the plug on the filter from below, pull out the mesh with your finger from the inside, clean it if necessary and put it in place. The second type of filters are called self-cleaning, as shown in Figures 3 and 4. There are with a pressure gauge, as in Figure 3, and without a pressure gauge, as in Figure 4 - this is not important for us in this case. Such filters have a drain into the sewer and when the tap is opened from below, the filter element is flushed. To flush, open the tap for approximately 3 minutes. If after that the pressure has increased, but it is not strong enough, you can try to unscrew the bowl, pull out the filter element, screw the bowl back without it and see what happened to the pressure.

If it doesn’t help again, we take on the pressure reducer. It stands right after the water meters, it looks something like in Figure 5. It can be disassembled without removing it from the pipe by unscrewing the plug from below, if necessary, clean and inspect for damage. On top there is an adjusting bolt for a hexagon with a factory setting, you should not touch it.
The principle of operation of the gearbox is shown below in the animated picture.

Situations when the pressure of water coming from a tap in an apartment is weak are widespread, so the question of what to do in such cases is quite relevant. Weak water pressure in the apartment, when water from the tap flows in a thin stream, makes it impossible to use washing machines and dishwashers, and sometimes in such cases it is impossible even to take a shower. In the meantime, you can fix this problem using one of the following methods.

Causes of low water pressure

To find out exactly why there is a weak pressure of cold or hot water in the taps of an apartment, you should first of all interview your neighbors from above and below, whose apartments are connected to the same water supply riser as yours. If only you have encountered the problem of low pressure, this means that the reasons for its occurrence lie in the pipeline water supply system of your apartment.

We list the most typical of these reasons:

  • Clogged pipes are the most common cause of poor water pressure. Most often, apartments clog old steel pipes, the inner walls are characterized by high roughness. It is better to replace such pipes with new ones in order to solve the problem of low water pressure.
  • Another common cause of low water pressure in the taps of a single apartment is a clogged coarse filter, which must be installed in front of the water meters. Such a filtering device, also called a mud collector or an oblique filter, is periodically clogged with sand, rust and other debris, so it must be cleaned.
  • Clogging of the aerator, a special filter mesh that is installed in the spout, can also lead to a decrease in water pressure in the tap. To raise the pressure in the tap in this case, it is enough to unscrew the aerator and clean it.

If, however, not only you, but also your neighbors in an apartment building faced a weak pressure of water in the taps, then the reason may lie both in a separate riser of the house, and in the clogging of the entire house pipeline. In addition, the power of the pumping station seriously affects the water pressure in the water supply system.

In cases where the weak pressure of water in the taps is not connected with the pipeline of a separate apartment, the utility service or Management Company.

Ways to increase the pressure in the apartment water supply

The question of how to increase the water pressure in the apartment and thereby improve the water supply of your own home can be dealt with on your own, without waiting for the management company to respond to your applications and claims. To hot and cold, as well as mixed warm water came from the taps of your apartment with good pressure, you can use several tricks.

The use of pipes of larger diameter in the plumbing system of the apartment

The pressure with which water moves through the pipes depends on the hydraulic pressure that is created in such pipes. The value of this parameter is the higher, the smaller the diameter of the pipe and the greater the flow rate of water that moves through it. Accordingly, if you reduce the hydraulic pressure in the water supply by installing pipes of a larger diameter, then the speed of the fluid decreases, and the pressure increases.

It is this method of increasing water pressure that many apartment owners use. However, a significant increase in water pressure using this method cannot be achieved.

Usage pumping units

Installing compact pumping equipment is another way to successfully answer the question of how to increase the water pressure in the water supply of your apartment. To date, to purchase such pumping equipment does not present any problems. For effective work such devices are quite enough even for a weak pressure and fluid flow in the apartment water supply.

Powerful centrifugal pump can significantly increase the pressure in the plumbing system

The most powerful models of such compact pumps allow you to increase the water pressure by 1.5 atm, which is quite enough for the comfortable operation of an apartment water supply. Such powerful devices are installed, as a rule, immediately after the root valve.

To provide sufficient water pressure home appliances those who especially need it, place the pump directly in front of them. For such purposes, less powerful devices are used that can increase the water pressure by 0.8 atm.

It should be noted that increasing the water pressure in a single apartment, performed using compact pumping units, is sufficient effective way solution to this pressing problem. When installed complete with a water pressure sensor, the pump can operate in automatic mode, turning off when the pressure in the water supply reaches the required value. In the off state, the pump does not create obstacles for the movement of fluid through the pipeline system.

How to increase water pressure throughout an apartment building

Many owners of apartments in apartment buildings, constantly facing problems with water supply and not wanting to change something in their own housing, are wondering how to increase the water pressure in the entire building at once. This problem is solved quite simply - by mounting at the entrance plumbing system pumping station home or replacing an old station with a more powerful installation.

Pumping stations, which are designed to increase the water pressure in the apartments of the whole house, are equipped with several pumps and automatic systems. The task of automation of such pumping units is to reduce the performance of the pumps of the station at the moment when the pressure in the pipeline is too high, and automatically increase it when it drops below the standard value.

Of course, in order to install such equipment, which increases the pressure in the house water supply to the required level, the residents of all apartments will have to cooperate, purchase necessary equipment, pay for its installation and launch by qualified specialists. However, after this, the problem of low water pressure in the pipeline system of the house will be completely eliminated.

What to do with poor water pressure in the water supply system of a private house

Low water pressure in a private house served by an autonomous water supply system is also a common problem. In private homes, a weak pressure of cold water supplied by a pump from a well or a well can not only cause deterioration living conditions, but also to exclude the possibility of watering green spaces in the garden.

In most cases, the problem of low water pressure in private houses and cottages is solved by installing storage tanks of various capacities, in which the liquid supplied pumping station, will be collected in the required quantity, providing a stable pressure in the system autonomous water supply. To ensure that the water level in the storage tanks always remains constant, they are equipped with float switches for the liquid level, which automatically turn on and off the pumping equipment.
