Purchasing Manager Job Responsibilities. Purchasing Manager Job Responsibilities

What is purchasing manager job and what does this person do? Some executives believe that this position can be saved and completely canceled by leaving the procurement issues to the accounting department or marketers. AT small companies who do not make regular purchases, this is true. But if you need to build a clear procurement strategy, establish close relationships with suppliers, achieve just-in-time deliveries and at the lowest price, then you simply need a competent and professional purchasing manager.

What does a purchasing manager do

The duties of this specialist depend on the field of activity of the company in which he works. Ideally, he should find a quality supplier of the required products (raw materials), who offers the best price and quality, and is also responsible for the delivery time.

A quality purchasing manager will select reliable suppliers and negotiate discounts

A manager must be able to talk to people, adapt to them and convince them. Professionals can often negotiate with partners on payment deferrals, on the introduction of a “take and pay” system instead of “pay and take”, on the return of unsold products, etc. This person must keep large amounts of information in his head and use it correctly. He also draws up a procurement plan for certain groups of goods, as well as a general strategy, taking into account production capacity, the size of warehouses or the seasonality of sales.

Note:in some areas of business, sales of products are quite predictable, so the manager draws up a linear purchase plan and sticks to it.

This situation may be in a small manufacturing enterprise. It buys raw materials, processes them and sells them. finished products in full.

In other cases (and most of them), sales are unpredictable and non-linear. As an example: jewelry, perfumery, various exclusive products, branded clothes and shoes, fur coats, etc. Accurate planning is necessary here to maximize profits.

The main task of this specialist is to optimize and simplify the process of purchasing goods / raw materials. He must know exactly how much and what is needed for production / sales in a specific period of time. Roughly speaking, Purchasing manager job description is a set of rules that tell the employee how to effectively perform their duties and ensure that goods appear in right place at the given time. The manager must prevent forced downtime and loss of company income.

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How to become a purchasing manager

On the this moment our universities do not graduate specialists of this profile, although the need for them is growing every year. Usually people come to the profession from marketers, office managers, logisticians and salespeople. These people are somehow connected with procurement, so by improving their skills, they become good specialists.

The purchasing manager must effective strategy and find loyal suppliers

You can become a purchasing manager without higher education. But you are unlikely to be able to get into big company. There, the presence of a crust (preferably profiled) is a prerequisite. It is best if you have an economic and psychological education. The job involves making schedules and reports, working with finances, holding regular meetings with people. different ages and social position. Quite often, people in this profession go on business trips - they have to look for suppliers from other regions and even countries. Therefore, in addition to the above skills, it is necessary to good knowledge foreign languages ​​(mandatory English and bonus Chinese, German, Turkish, Italian).

Now there are quite a lot of different refresher courses and training in building procurement strategies. After passing them, you will get the necessary crust and will be able to quickly immerse yourself in the specifics of this important and interesting profession.


Purchasing Manager responsibilities include:

  1. Drawing up a procurement plan, according to which the constant availability of the necessary raw materials, products or goods will be ensured.
  2. Search for new suppliers offering Better conditions than those available.
  3. Maintaining relationships with trusted suppliers.
  4. Drafting of purchase requisitions.
  5. Supply process control.
  6. Market analysis, providing management with proposals for changing the assortment to a more promising one.
  7. Control over the number of sales and adjustment of the purchase plan.
  8. Monitor the market and keep track of new offers from suppliers.
  9. Monitor the execution of contracts with suppliers and prevent the occurrence of debts on the part of the company.
  10. In some cases, advise sellers on new products.

Many people think that keeping track of the availability of the right raw materials / products in the warehouse means simply filling them to the eyeballs, agreeing on favorable conditions with the supplier. But it's not. By doing this, you will tie up free funds and increase the cost of warehouse services. A competent purchasing manager understands this, so goods / raw materials arrive at warehouses at the time and in the quantity they are needed. It also reduces the size working capital and increase the profit of the company.

Purchasing manager can have a good career growth

Qualities and skills

Let's break down the requirements for the right purchasing manager:

  1. Good level of computer proficiency, knowledge of office and warehouse programs.
  2. Ability to work with people, the ability to convince and achieve results.
  3. The mindset is analytical.
  4. Understanding economic fundamentals.
  5. Understanding the principles of logistics, customs, transport companies.
  6. Responsibility and ability to make decisions.
  7. Ability to plan effectively.
  8. Ability to prioritize.

Business requires the solution of diverse tasks, in connection with which new professions appear. If some job responsibilities are regulated at the legislative level, then others arise from practical experience and are drawn up taking into account the specifics of the enterprise. The basis of any business is people who know how to establish contacts with partners. From this point of view, the job responsibilities of the purchasing manager play a key role in the development and operation of the enterprise. This term is relevant in the field of trade, since it is in this industry that logistics is important.

The main points of the job description

A typical job description consists of general provisions, duties of the employee, his rights and limits of responsibility. To ensure the stability of trading processes and the maintenance of an established client flow, one condition is necessary - the presence desired product. If there are no problems with the assortment on the market, then its quality and cost make it necessary to carefully study the offer. It is the purchasing manager who deals with these and related issues.

His task is to find a reliable supplier who is able to provide stable supplies that guarantee the required quality and favorable prices. Work tools range from typical office equipment to personal qualities. With the help of the first category, all potential partners are identified and eliminated, the latter helps to establish cooperation with them and conclude contracts that are beneficial for your company.

Job description Purchasing Manager has the following responsibilities:

  • Constant search for suppliers offering the most profitable terms and quality;
  • Maintaining cooperation with existing partners of the enterprise;
  • Uninterrupted supply for each group of goods;
  • Formation of orders to suppliers;
  • Supply control;
  • Product monitoring: trend research and demand identification. Based on the data obtained, form an assortment of sales;
  • Identify products that are in high demand and provide them commercial enterprise in sufficient quantity;
  • Acceptance and processing of new supply proposals: analysis of conditions, bringing to the attention of the manager general information on offers;
  • Monitoring the performance of the company's obligations to suppliers;
  • Resolving conflicts and disputes with suppliers;
  • Checking the quality of the delivered goods for compliance with the requirements.

Purchasing manager is an employee who provides the company's product range in accordance with customer preferences.

Brand Manager Job Responsibilities

Brand manager is a relatively new term in trade, which came along with the development of a market economy. The production of a new product, which was not previously known to consumers, poses one big task - promoting the product to the masses.

The implementation of this process requires diverse work: on the one hand, the dissemination of information about the product, on the other hand, the provision of wholesale and retail sales. The job responsibilities of a brand manager include work simultaneously in two directions: B2B and B2C - selling to business and selling to consumers. The order of implementation of these types of activities is the basis of official duties.

  • Development of a strategic plan for entering the market, improving positions and overtaking competitors;
  • Organization and holding of events aimed at improving brand awareness;
  • Interaction with the media, the purpose of which is also the placement of information about the brand;
  • Analysis of competitors and their promotion methods;
  • Finding new ways to promote the product;
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of marketing and promotional activities;
  • Formation of the budget for promotion, distribution of funds and reporting on expenses to the accounting department;
  • Interaction with managers in other areas: training, consultations and trainings aimed at effective promotion.

The results of the brand manager's work are monitored in two aspects: increasing sales and increasing brand awareness. For new products, the second factor is relevant, since only recognition contributes to an increase in sales. Internet technologies play a leading role in brand promotion. The manager must master them to perfection. From this point of view, the work of a brand manager intersects with the job descriptions of an online store manager.

Advertising Manager Job Responsibilities

Companies are forced to develop in an environment of increased and constant competition. The methods and tools of fighting for a client are described in textbooks on marketing, journalism, psychology and business literature. Job Responsibilities advertising manager require competent application of these methods in practice. Given the fact that advertising implies a creative, non-standard approach, we can say that in modern conditions what comes to the fore is not the prescribed instructions for the employee, but his ability to think creatively and implement bold ideas. Due to specific features, this position closely combines the job descriptions of a marketing manager.

The list of types of work that the advertising manager is engaged in:

  • Interaction with media representatives;
  • Formation of a database of media contacts and regular mailings, press releases;
  • Studying the market, competitor strategies and, based on the data obtained, draw up a strategy for promotional events;
  • Calculation of the budget for all advertising products and reporting for each type;
  • Creation of advertising products of the company: texts for the website, booklets, press releases, development of the concept of printed and digital types of advertising;
  • When holding large-scale events: organization and design, interaction with participants and guests;
  • Representation of the company in thematic events;
  • Development of non-standard ways of advertising.

An applicant for this position must have higher education in the profile or related direction. Essentially related industries: journalism, marketing, psychology.

Job Responsibilities of a Sales Manager

Job responsibilities of a sales manager include all activities aimed at improving the relationship between the manufacturer and the consumer. depends on the level of his work. financial well-being companies and consumer satisfaction. The main part of the work of such a specialist is occupied by telephone negotiations: cold calls and personal meetings. A sales manager is in demand in any company.

Work is accompanied by regular stressful situations, indirect dependence on certain trends in the economy (for example, during a crisis, real estate falls in price, along with related products, and vice versa). Such specificity highlights not the presence of education or skills, but personal qualities.

The functional responsibilities of the sales manager are as follows:

  • Finding and attracting new potential customers;
  • Maintaining effective relationships with existing customers, if possible, developing a line of repeat sales;
  • Maintaining the workflow related to sales and a database of clients, maintaining confidentiality in relation to them;
  • Reporting to the immediate supervisor;
  • Keeping sales statistics, forecasting.

This is general views activities implied by the job description of the sales manager. The list can be supplemented depending on the specifics of the enterprise. Them full list is determined at the stage of hiring and is fixed in the job description of the sales manager of the 2017 sample.

Purchasing manager job description

This position requires a certain specialization - it can be higher education in related industries or specialized education. Direct management - the head of the procurement department. The decision on hiring and dismissal is made by the head of the organization. In practice, most enterprises give preference to candidates with at least one year of work experience. However, his absence is not an obstacle to starting a career in this field. Open vacancies are often found in trading and manufacturing companies.

After the applicant is approved for the position, he will have to familiarize himself with the list of work performed. In fact, his duties do not differ from the job description of a logistics manager.

The list of responsibilities assigned to the purchasing manager is as follows:

  • Search for suppliers offering optimal conditions For the company;
  • Tracking the number of goods for sale and timely replenishment of their range;
  • Monitoring of proposals in order to determine the most profitable and establish cooperation with them;
  • Maintaining interaction with the existing database of partners;
  • Control over the schedule of delivery, shipment and unloading of supplies;
  • Documentary fixation of ongoing transactions;
  • Control over purchases. In this aspect, the job of a manager overlaps with the job description of a financial manager;
  • Eliminate controversial and conflict situations with suppliers.

In order to fulfill his duties to the full, the manager is endowed with the rights and powers to act on behalf of the company.

Category manager job responsibilities

This position is relevant in the trading industry. The formation of the store's product range is carried out not only under the dictation of market offers, but also taking into account the preferences of various factors of an indirect nature: customer preferences, the relevance of goods, competitors' offers and the seasonality of certain types of goods.

But the job responsibilities of a category manager go beyond window-shopping, and include different types activities of the entire trading process.

For example:

  • Drawing up an assortment;
  • Procurement, accounting and reporting on them;
  • Formation of prices taking into account related factors;
  • Calculation of the profitability of a particular product;
  • Sales promotion and promotion.

The above requirements partially repeat the job description of the supply manager.

The candidate is presented with a number of standard requirements, including complete or incomplete higher education, benchmarks in the company's industry, the ability to use office equipment and work experience. Ownership English language and fundamentals of marketing, sales and accounting will be a significant advantage.

Logistics Manager Job Responsibilities

Collaboration in the business world is unimaginable without moving material assets from one point to another. Often the destination is not only the borders of one country, but also other contingents. The transportation market offers many options for transportation: air, sea, road.

The duties of a logistics manager are aimed at coordinating transportation issues and in finding the best routes and tariffs.

The service was originally provided to state principles. But with the development of international trade and the advent of large enterprises it became necessary to maintain its own logistics department. The functional responsibilities of the manager of the logistics department are carried out in two directions: determining the place of storage of goods and transportation.

Given the fact that logistics is a relatively new activity, the duties of an employee are not specified in the legislation. Practical guide includes the following activities:

  • Development of cargo transportation schemes;
  • Conclusion of contracts with performers: owners of transport companies, aircraft and sea vessels, warehouses;
  • Participation in the formation of the transportation budget;
  • Internal organization of the transportation process: preparation and shipment of material assets, monitoring their safety;
  • Risk management: insurance, compensation for losses, resolution of disputes;
  • Coordinating the work of loaders, drivers and other personnel under the direction of a logistician.

The logistics instruction is not binding document, but it is of practical importance, allowing you to clearly define the boundaries of the employee's responsibility.

Candidates for such a position must have higher education, knowledge in the field of international and customs law. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is required.

The job description of the procurement manager (specialist) contains the employer's requirements for the employee's qualifications, defines the rules for appointing him, dismissing him from office, and the order of subordination. The document contains functional responsibilities, the rights of the employee, his responsibility.

Purchasing manager job description sample

I. General provisions

1. Appointment to the position of a procurement manager or dismissal from it is carried out by order of the director of the organization on the proposal of the head of the procurement department.

2. A person with at least secondary professional education and at least one year of experience in a similar position is appointed to the position of a procurement manager.

3. The purchasing manager reports directly to the head of the purchasing department.

4. During the absence of the purchasing manager, functional duties, responsibility, rights, are transferred to another official, which is recorded in the order for the organization.

5. The purchasing manager must know:

  • fundamentals of civil and economic legislation;
  • the procedure for concluding contracts of sale, supply, requirements for paperwork;
  • range, characteristics, purpose of goods used in the organization;
  • rules for acceptance, transfer of inventory items;
  • organization supply planning methods;
  • norms of safety, labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • principles of pricing, organization of purchases;
  • forms of accounting and reporting adopted in the organization.

6. The procurement manager is guided in his activities by:

  • the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • the charter of the organization;
  • Rules of internal work schedule;
  • orders, orders, instructions of the director of the organization, immediate supervisor, other governing documents;
  • this job description.

II. Job Responsibilities of a Purchasing Manager

The Purchasing Manager has the following responsibilities:

1. Carries out work on the supply of goods in the required quantity and assortment.

2. Realizes planned indicators for the turnover of established groups of goods.

3. Searches for suppliers, studies new proposals from them, develops and substantiates proposals for attracting new suppliers.

4. Negotiates with contractors, discusses, agrees on the procedure, terms of delivery with the immediate supervisor.

5. Places orders with suppliers.

6. Exercises documenting deals.

7. Tracks the stages of order fulfillment.

8. Controls the fulfillment of the obligations of the parties.

9. Participates in the acceptance of goods and execution of relevant documents.

10. Tracks the turnover of goods in the organization, together with other departments.

12. Sets a minimum inventory balance and promotes stock required amount goods in stock.

13. Implements measures to maintain the constant availability of goods in high demand.

14. Advises sellers and buyers on their product groups.

15. Provides departments of the organization with the necessary information about the goods.

16. Draws up and substantiates plans for the purchase of goods.

17. Performs official assignments of the immediate supervisor.

III. Rights

The Purchasing Manager has the right to:

1. Independently make decisions within their competence.

2. Act on behalf of the organization by proxy and represent its interests in relations with other companies.

3. Receive official information necessary for the performance of their functional duties.

4. Send proposals to the management on improving their work and the activities of the organization.

5. Require management to create conditions for the performance of official duties.

6. Inform the immediate supervisor about the identified shortcomings in the company's activities and make proposals for their elimination.

IV. Responsibility

The Purchasing Manager is responsible for:

1. Results of decisions made and own actions.

2. Violation of the regulations, provisions of the governing documents of the organization.

3. Causing damage to the company, its employees, counterparties, the state.

4. Deliberate provision of false information.

5. Improper performance of their official duties.

6. Disclosure trade secret, personal information, confidential information.

7. Violation labor discipline, safety regulations, internal labor regulations, fire protection.

8. Holding unauthorized meetings by the management, representing the interests of the organization.

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1. General provisions
1.1. The Purchasing Manager belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The procurement manager is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order CEO company on the proposal of the head of the purchasing department.
1.3. The Purchasing Manager reports directly to the Head of Purchasing.
1.4. During the absence of the purchasing manager, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of Purchasing Manager: higher or secondary professional education and at least one year of similar work experience.
1.6. The purchasing manager must know:
- Fundamentals of civil and commercial law;
- standard forms of contracts of sale, supply, requirements for the execution of relevant documentation;
- assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of goods of their groups;
- methods of pricing, strategy and tactics of pricing;
- principles of procurement organization;
- current forms of accounting and reporting.
1.7. The Purchasing Manager is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts RF;
- Charter of the company, Internal labor regulations, other regulations companies;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.
2. Responsibilities of the Purchasing Manager
The Purchasing Manager has the following responsibilities:
2.1. Ensures the availability of goods for their product groups in the optimal quantity and assortment.
2.2. Provides planned indicators for the turnover of its product groups.
2.3. Searches for suppliers, studies new offers from suppliers, prepares for management reasonable suggestions about attracting new suppliers.
2.4. Negotiates with suppliers and agrees on the terms of delivery with the immediate supervisor.
2.5. Prepares orders for suppliers.
2.6. Tracks order fulfillment.
2.7. Controls the fulfillment of obligations to suppliers.
2.8. Provides documentation of transactions.
2.9. Tracks sales for each product and, in case of deterioration in sales, together with the marketing department, develops and takes measures to reduce the product balance.
2.10. Determines the types of goods that need to be added to the assortment or removed from the assortment due to the futility.
2.11. Determines the minimum stock balance of goods and ensures the availability of the required amount of goods in the company's warehouse.
2.12. Ensures the constant availability of high-demand goods, regularly monitors the availability and sales of high-demand goods in order to prevent their shortage.
2.13. Provides departments and services of the company with all the necessary information about the goods.
2.14. Advises sellers, and, if necessary, buyers on their product group.
2.15. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate supervisor.
3. Rights of the purchasing manager
The Purchasing Manager has the right to:
3.1. Act within their competence on behalf of the company and represent it in other institutions and organizations.
3.2. Receive information about the company's activities necessary for the performance of their functional duties from all departments directly or through the head of the procurement department.
3.3. Disposal of allocated resources within its competence.
3.4. Provide management with suggestions for improving their work and the work of the company.
3.5. Notify your immediate supervisor of all shortcomings identified in the course of your activities and make proposals for their elimination.
3.6. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties.
4. Responsibility of the purchasing manager
The Purchasing Manager is responsible for:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

Purchasing manager - an employee who should be on the staff of any enterprise engaged in trading activities. He is best aware of how to properly negotiate with suppliers and set them up for further cooperation, where it is most profitable to purchase goods, how to develop the most appropriate strategy for the company.

Table of contents:

Purchasing manager job

This area of ​​activity is associated with the search for suppliers and procurement, market research, and solving various problems.

The work of the manager is influenced by the type of trade and direction. In the event that the company's activities can make it possible to calculate and determine the sale of goods in advance, then its duties will consist only in making purchases according to the plan. And when there is a need to purchase exclusive or seasonal items, expensive cosmetics, jewelry, then the manager is responsible for finding goods and calculating sales volumes for a minimum period.

The main goal of the manager is to find and develop a specific strategy for the implementation of purchases, as well as to determine a certain balance between purchases and sales. Of course, the employee must also ensure that the goods being sold meet the needs of the buyer and are sold in the shortest possible time on profitable terms.

The administrative apparatus of companies, as a rule, gives preference to employees with higher education. Importance is attached to the profile that is closest to the activities of the company (for example, medical, chemical, construction). In some cases, the economic direction is a big advantage.

There are situations when an employee in an enterprise is retrained from another position to this one. For example, from the department of logistics, marketing, sales manager and so on. It all depends on the personal qualities and potential of a particular person.

Purchasing manager requirements

The following basic requirements are put forward for the employee:

In some organizations, the requirement is knowledge foreign language(in the case of working with companies from other countries).

Perhaps the most important requirement for a manager is the ability to find mutual language with different people. This quality is necessary due to constant negotiations with suppliers, tastings and evaluation of goods.

Important fact

To work, a supply manager needs to know the 1C program. The correctness of drawing up and maintaining reports depends on the knowledge and skills to work in it.

Responsibilities of a Purchasing Manager

The need for a qualified employee in enterprises is growing every day. Those specialists who can develop the most suitable and profitable concept, taking into account market factors, areas of activity, and sales indicators, become in demand.

The most valuable employees are those who are able to keep in mind a large number of information and quickly assess the situation.

Job responsibilities of an employee include many functions that directly depend on the scope of the enterprise. The main ones are:

  • search for suppliers who offer benefits at the most favorable prices;
  • providing information to other departments of the enterprise;
  • communicating information to management;
  • formation of orders;
  • calculation of the required commodity volumes;
  • tracking the results of order execution;
  • assessment of the market and demand for goods;
  • control of sales of goods;
  • study of new interesting proposals;
  • determining the product that should be added to the assortment or removed;
  • implementation of product quality control;
  • providing the warehouse with the necessary volume of goods;
  • elimination of conflict situations with suppliers, consumers;
  • control of transportation and terms of shipment of the ordered;
  • assistance in solving problems at customs;
  • sales consulting;
  • control over payments for acquired goods.

It is worth noting that in each company, the job responsibilities of the supply manager are determined according to the wishes and preferences of the management. Therefore, the list can either be supplemented or significantly reduced by delegating certain functions to other employees.

Positive and negative aspects of the profession

Some firms consider the purchasing manager to be an executive employee who clearly performs the tasks assigned to him. In others, a different approach is taken - it is given the opportunity to influence the procurement strategy. Someone sees this as an opportunity to implement their own ideas and approaches, further career growth, and someone sees the fear of making a mistake.

However, the main advantages of this profession include:

  • high remuneration, commensurate with the assigned duties;
  • prestige;
  • the ability to act independently;
  • career advancement;
  • diversity of work.

But there are also nuances that are considered negative side professions. Namely:

  • a large degree of responsibility;
  • significant dependence on external environment(political and economic atmosphere, geography of activities, and so on);
  • high competitiveness of the market.

Becoming a management professional requires exceptional supplier management skills and the ability to achieve goals. You need to be able to negotiate, as well as agree on the provision of discounts, installments, the possibility of returning unsold goods.
