What to do if the cypress dries up? Indoor cypress is a fashionable houseplant (with photo).

Ephedra are recently cultivated as houseplants. The most popular type among coniferous crops grown indoors is indoor cypress.

How to care for indoor cypress?

Cypress is native to the warm, humid Mediterranean. Cypress care at home should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of the natural subtropical climate in which the plant feels comfortable.


When growing cypress as a houseplant, it is required middle level illumination. AT cold period year, it is better to place cypress on a south or west window, but with the onset of warm sunny days, it is advisable to rearrange it to a north-facing window, or create artificial shading.

Temperature conditions

Special attention required in compliance with the temperature regime in winter period: cypress is comfortable at temperatures from +5 to + 10 degrees, for this it is better to keep the plant on a warmed, but cool loggia. If this is not possible, then you should place the cypress away from the heating radiators, periodically ventilating the room, but avoiding direct contact of cold air flows on indoor plant.


indoor cypress requires moderate watering in the warm season - about 2 times a week, and rare watering in the cold season - 1 time in a week and a half. But at the same time, the condition of the soil should be monitored.

When caring for indoor cypress, you should know that the condition of the plant is most favorably affected water procedures. In this regard, it is necessary to spray cypress from a spray bottle at any time of the year.

top dressing

When growing cypress at home, top dressing is carried out from May to August. It is necessary to feed the plant once a month with special mineral fertilizers "Buton", "Effekton", "Sodium Hummat". At the same time, experienced lovers of home flowers recommend breeding mineral supplement half the dose indicated in the instructions.


The plant is very sensitive root system, in this regard, transplantation is carried out in exceptional cases by the method of transshipment. A high-quality drainage layer is formed in the new planter, and soil is added, consisting of two parts of leafy soil and one part of soddy soil, peat and sand taken. It is important to root neck was not buried in the ground, otherwise the cypress will die.

Home cypress dries

Often flower growers lament: “Indoor cypress has dried up. What to do?" As noted above, coniferous home plant very demanding on temperature and humidity. Content cypress in winter in a heated room causes drying and falling off of shoots, shedding of needles. In addition, a weakened plant occupies. Another common cause of cypress drying up is the overcooling of the root system during its transportation in winter, when the soil in the pot is moistened and it is frosty outside.

In case of illness, indoor cypress should be treated with "Fitoverm" or "Aktellik" at the rate of 1-2 ml per 1 liter of water and it is imperative to frequently humidify the air around the plant. You can also try to reanimate the affected plant as follows: place the indoor cypress together with the planter in a plastic bag, inflate it with air and tie it on top. Every day, the crown should be sprayed with water with the addition. It is necessary to repeat the procedure until young shoots appear.

At proper care indoor cypress will delight you with the bright color of coniferous twigs and can even serve as a miniature Christmas tree at the onset of the New Year.

The cypress that grows in the room has small size and was bred specifically for growing in an apartment. How to properly care for this plant so that it feels good at home, not quite typical for it? What to do if a miniature tree dries for unknown reasons? Answers to these questions can be obtained after reading the article and viewing the photos.

What cypress can be grown in a room

Large-fruited cypress, grown in a pot on a windowsill, differs from its counterparts from subtropical groves only in size. In its homeland, in California, the tree reaches a height of 25 m, and in room conditions its maximum height is 2 m. Home cypress has the shape of an elongated cone, shoots densely covered with small scale leaves and fruits - ovoid cones.

Attention! Very often indoor cypress is confused with cypress. You can distinguish them by the color of the needles - in the first it is dark green, in the second it is light green.

It has been proven that growing cypress in a room has a positive effect on the human respiratory system. This is due to the release of phytoncides into the room air - volatile substances that have a detrimental effect on microorganisms, including pathogenic ones.

Indoor cypress care

If the cypress is properly cared for, it will delight with its beautiful appearance for many years. The main thing is to create conditions for it that are close to those in which it grows in nature.

Lighting. Cypress is a native of the southern regions, therefore it prefers good lighting. However, direct sunlight can cause significant damage to the tree. AT natural conditions only adults strong plants withstand the sun. So that best windows for indoor pets, those that face east or northeast.

Choose an east window for cypress

Room temperature. In order for large-fruited cypress to grow and develop well, in summer months he needs warmth, and in winter coolness. In summer, domestic cypress requires a temperature of + 20 ° C and above. The plant feels very good in the yard or on the balcony.

Advice. A room with a growing cypress should be well and often ventilated. Conifers do not like stagnant air.

In winter, the temperature in the room with the growing tree should not exceed +15°C. Better conditions for him this season +8..+10°C. Such a place can be found on an insulated apartment balcony or an unheated extension of a private house. If you leave the cypress to winter on the windowsill with a heating radiator located under it, the tree will die.

Advice. So that the roots of cypress do not freeze in winter in a cold room, you can insulate the flowerpot by wrapping it in several layers thick fabric or overlaid with foam.

Watering. From spring to autumn, cypress should be well watered. The higher the temperature in the room, the more often you need to do this. It is impossible to allow the earth to dry up in a flowerpot, but an excess of moisture is also unnecessary. Therefore, when planting, you need to ensure good drainage.

In winter, cypress should be watered every 7-10 days. AT summer period, even if the plant is exposed to the street, to maintain required humidity it must be sprayed periodically.

Soil fertilization. It is necessary to feed indoor cypress with liquid mineral fertilizer regularly once every one and a half months. During the period when it is actively growing, that is, in the spring, the soil should be fertilized once a month.

Advice. Cypress growing in the room, it is advisable to feed half the dose recommended on the package. Otherwise, its growth may exceed the expected size.

Transplant a. Young plants require an annual transplant in spring period, and more adults - as needed. In order not to damage the roots, the cypress must be transferred along with the ground into a larger pot.

Young cypress need to be replanted every year

reproduction. Indoor cypress can be propagated by seeds and cuttings. In the first case, the seeds can be purchased at the store. For 3-4 months they need to be placed in the refrigerator (stratify), and before sowing, soak for 12 hours in warm water with the addition of growth stimulants.

sown planting material in boxes filled with wet sand or sawdust, and as soon as shoots appear, the plants are transplanted into soil mixture for conifers. The percentage of germination of large-fruited cypress seeds is not high - less than half of them germinate.

You can also propagate an indoor tree with semi-lignified cuttings left after the formation of the crown. To do this, the lower leaves are removed and the twigs are immersed in a growth stimulator solution for a day. Then the cuttings are planted in a box with soil and a greenhouse made of glass or polyethylene is arranged above them. Rooting occurs after at least two months.

Causes of drying out of large-fruited cypress

There may be several reasons for this change in appearance:

  • very dry indoor air;
  • water used for irrigation is of poor quality;

Adjust the intensity of watering

In addition, flake leaves may turn yellow and crumble after an inaccurate transplant.

Attention! The above reasons can not only spoil the attractive appearance of the plant, but completely destroy it. Therefore, you need to immediately identify them and deal with the elimination.

Large-fruited cypress is a capricious plant that requires due attention. But, with proper care, it will purify the air and fill the home with the unique natural aroma of a coniferous forest.

Probably each of us, walking along coniferous forest, inhaling this sweet air, I felt a certain relaxation, which helps to escape from everyday worries, plunge into my mind and be alone with my thoughts. Or when on New Year every house is decorated with a Christmas tree and this fragrance has been associated with the holiday since childhood. Pure pleasure…

Many people know what medicinal properties these incense own, thanks to turpentine, which is part of the resin of the needles. And then the thought comes: “What if you could have such pleasure at home all the time?”. Usually, coniferous plants practically do not grow at home, they do not tolerate heat well in winter time. Every rule has its exceptions. In our case, consider cypress room care at home and the nuances of growing.

Interesting. AT Ancient Greece cypresses were considered a sacred plant and were specially grown near temples. The magnificent view and unique aroma evoked the feeling of “paradise on earth” in people.

Getting to know cypress

Cypress (Cupressus - Cupressus) - are brought to us from the Mediterranean countries or North America. Under natural conditions, it can grow up to about 40 meters. But some varieties, the maximum height of which does not exceed two meters, are suitable for growing at home.

It looks like a small tree with a triangular or trapezoidal crown. Cypress can be an excellent decoration for your home or office.

Interesting. Cypress trees are considered one of the most ancient plants on the planet. Three thousand years old cypress was found on the historical lands of Sparta.

Every year, such a plant is gaining more and more popularity, so you can buy it in almost any florist's shop. But in return, he will require quite thorough care and optimal conditions otherwise it may quickly lose its decorative appearance. Sticking to everyone, perfectly simple rules, cypress will delight the eye for years, giving even a good increase. This will be discussed further.

How to buy cypress

The first step is to choose a cypress. You need to decide on the view that you like the most. Further, depending on financial capabilities and desire, you can buy or grow yourself. Breeding methods and growing rules will be discussed in this article.

Before buying, you should find out what types of indoor cypresses exist on the market. Below are the most popular ones:

  1. Mexican (Lusitanian) cypress. Known for its spectacular crown, wide pyramidal shape with hanging branches. Tetrahedral branches, red-brown bark. Afraid of cold, dry soil and air.
  2. Cypress evergreen. Only horizontal shape common in nature. Resistant to cold, drought. Pyramidal shape of the crown, short branches pressed to the alignment. Actively used by gardeners in decorative purposes, and also can be worthy decoration premises.
  3. Large-fruited cypress. Most suitable for growing indoors. A characteristic pyramidal shape of the crown, a straight trunk, many horizontal branches covered with scales and leaves. On the lower branches grow cones with a diameter of approximately 4 cm.
  4. Kashmir cypress. Originally from India. A rather whimsical look, but with proper care it is quite possible to grow at home.

Interesting. There is an opinion that the pyramidal shape of the cypress crown, which is so attractive, is the result of many years of selection.

On a note. Be careful. There are two plants that have only an external resemblance to cypress, while having nothing to do with what we need. These include Kohiya broom and Taxodium. Kochia belong to the Marev family. The foliage strongly resembles cypress, but this plant is not evergreen. Taxodiums are from the cypress family. This is conifer tree but deciduous.

home cypress care at home

temperature for cypress

The temperature regime is probably one of critical factors, which affects the state of the plant. The optimal temperature regime of cypress is approximately in the region of 5-15 degrees. It is quite afraid of high temperatures, so we keep it away from strong heat sources in winter.

Important! As you know, cypresses are afraid of high temperatures. In order not to lose your pet, place the cypress pot in a cool place.

If summer is in the yard, cypress is best taken out on Fresh air, and for this we need a window sill or a balcony, having previously closed it with a protective material to reduce exposure to sunlight or drafts.

Cypress lighting

Cypress is a photophilous plant. It is recommended to keep under conditions bright lighting, but at the same time try to scatter the light. If the light is not enough, then there will be problems with growth. It will stretch out to make up for the shortfall.

If the lighting is too bright, this will also negatively affect the cypress. It can change color, usually to yellow, and also crumble, which is completely undesirable. In winter, and this is a period when there is not enough daylight, the way out is to install a cypress on the southern windowsill.

How to water indoor cypress

From spring to autumn, watering should be moderately plentiful, as the plant does not tolerate drying out. In winter, watering should be limited, as abundant watering during this period can destroy it. In this regard, you need to listen to your plant to determine the optimal amount of water.

Important! Do not forget to monitor the state of soil moisture and water your plant on time. Only in moderation.

Feeding homemade cypress

It should be remembered that every plant, regardless of species, needs quality nutrition. minerals. The most important are nitrogen, phosphates and potassium salts. Desirable in the composition of fertilizers and trace elements, such as Mg S, Mn, Fe, Mo, B, Zn.

Present on the market today big choice fertilizers. For cypress, almost any fertilizer for indoor plants is suitable, but it is better to pay attention to special means for conifers.

Do not use fertilizers used in vegetable gardens, as well as fertilizer with a high percentage of nitrogen. This may cause improper growth. No manure, azofoski.

Most the best option there will be liquid mixtures for conifers. After reading the instructions and preparing the mixture, we make grooves in the ground around the crown. We pour the mixture into the same grooves. Then we cover it all with earth.

We feed in warm periods - from April to August, once for 30 days. As for the dosage, we recommend using half the dosage intended for deciduous plants.

Cypress transplant at home

You need to repot every year, in late spring. When transplanting, you should be very careful about the root system, since even slight damage can cause death. Transplantation, which involves a complete replacement of the land, is performed only when necessary. In other cases, they change only the land that we can easily separate from the root.

The optimal soil for cypress includes leafy (2 parts), peat, turf and sand (one part each).

Important! Be very careful with the root, and especially with the neck of the root. Its damage can cause irreversible consequences.

The transfer technique is as follows:

  1. Choose a pot of the right size.
  2. Then we install material for drainage at its bottom, in other words, for drainage excess moisture. Expanded clay can be used as drainage. An alternative would be sphagnum moss, embers and shards. The drainage layer should be several centimeters.
  3. We pour a small layer of earth.
  4. Carefully install the root of our cypress.
  5. Adding required amount soil so that the layer of earth does not touch the neck of the root.

On a note. Expanded clay is a porous clay material. When choosing, only the number and size of pores (fraction) is important for us. Although the plant does not care what kind of drainage, many florists recommend a fraction of about 5-10 mm. Using shards, it is recommended to eliminate sharp edges, as they can damage the roots.

Propagation of indoor cypress

When one such green miracle is no longer enough for us, the question arises: “How to properly propagate cypress?” Now we will answer this question.

There are two methods of propagation - seeds and cuttings. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, but they are equally popular with florists.

With seeds, we can get a wonderful plant, as they say, "from scratch":

  • we need seeds. You can buy them or assemble them yourself;
  • after we received the seeds, we need to process them with cold, scientifically stratify. We place the seeds in the refrigerator for about 3 months;
  • When it's time to plant, soak the seeds in a container of warm water. For a day;
  • planted in pre-prepared boxes. The filling of the boxes can be a layer of crushed bark, which will serve as drainage, and a mixture of sand and sawdust, as soil;
  • install boxes in conditions optimum temperature and humidity.

There is a possibility that only a small part of the seeds will germinate. This is normal, our plants are quite tender. The same lucky ones that have sprouted by 5-6 centimeters are transplanted into separate pots.

Attention! We pay special attention to the necks of seedlings. They must not be covered with soil!

Observing favorable conditions for seedlings (temperature, watering, fertilizer, lighting), after about a year, you will have new cypress trees a quarter of a meter.

Reproduction in the second way involves the use of cuttings, which is obtained when pruning a tree. Technically, the implementation of this technique is simpler in comparison with seeds. Apical cuttings that have a "heel" are suitable for reproduction. The process of propagation of cypress with cuttings step by step:

  • the cuttings that we received must be processed by cutting the leaves;
  • we collect it in a bouquet and put it in a container with a root solution for about a day;
  • sprinkle slices with crushed coal;
  • we plant in the soil, which was considered when planting seeds for about a third of the length of the cutting. The soil must be sufficiently moist;
  • you need to cover the cuttings. For this we need glass jars. Since the cuttings need to breathe, we remove the jars several times a week for about an hour;
  • we wait a few months for our cuttings to take root.

On a note. Kornevin is a plant growth stimulator. It is based on indolebutyric acid (IMA). It acts by slightly irritating plant tissues, which stimulates growth. If the IMC gets into the soil, then the stimulation of root growth from the cut surface begins. Used in powder or solution form.

Important! Avoid getting the powder in the digestive tract. It is not recommended to use food utensils when working with it. If you accidentally swallow the powder, take Activated carbon and drink large quantity clean water. If necessary, consult a doctor.

Diseases of indoor cypress

Here, we have a beautiful cypress. We care for him, we give a certain part of our soul. But at one point, it begins to dry, turn yellow, crumble. This may be due to errors in care, damage by disease or insects. To prevent a disease or cure our plant, you need to find out the cause and eliminate it. We will talk about this further.

Insects. Only a few species of insects are dangerous for our home cypress. But they can bring significant harm to their livelihoods.

The first to your attention are scale insects, as well as false shields. They belong to the coccid order, only their families are different. The females of these insects are larger in size and they "sit in one place." Males are smaller than females and are mobile.

The whole danger of scale insects is that they feed on plant sap, slowly and reliably killing it. Also, females are attached to one place on the leaf, and remain there to protect their larvae. By doing this, they cause damage to the leaves, which is manifested by yellow or brick color spots.

Outwardly they look like small yellowish, greenish plaques on the foliage, there may be a sticky secretion. If at least one scale insect is noticed, urgently take the necessary measures to eliminate them. For this you need:

  1. Moisten the cypress with soapy water using a soft brush or cotton swab. This eliminates adult insects.
  2. Treat the tree with an insecticide. The pot, shelf or window sill where your cypress was located is also processed, window glass. Actellik solution can be taken as an insecticide.

On a note. Atellik is an insecticide-acaricide. It is based on organophosphorus substances, the main of which is pyrimiphos-methyl. Designed to combat almost all types of pests of vegetation. Known for his high speed and duration of action, as well as a fairly wide spectrum of action.

Important! The drug is toxic, so take precautions. Keep out of the reach of children.

To your attention is another malicious pest of vegetation - spider mite. It has a yellow-green, milky-transparent color, its size varies up to 1 mm, sometimes up to 2 mm. The typical habitat is the underside of the leaves.

The first signs of wrecking of these insects are light dots. Further, they actively crawl all over the needles. As a result, they create web-like clusters everywhere. Although ticks are afraid of moisture, simple spraying with water and soapy water does not save. It is necessary to resort to the help of actellik, alcohol and special sticks - Plant-Pin and Etisso.

Cypress dries, what to do?

The next problem, the most undesirable and dangerous for cypress, is the ability to dry. In almost all cases, the reason for this is errors in care. As soon as dry and brown leaf tips are noticed, care should be reconsidered. Perhaps it:

  • very dry indoor air;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • too cold in the room;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • insufficient watering or poor quality water for irrigation.

It is enough just to find the cause as quickly as possible and eliminate it. And you will be able to preserve the beauty of your cypress.

As we can see, indoor cypress can be a great home decoration. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, you will enjoy a pleasant relaxing aroma. But in return, it takes a lot of patience, hard work. But it's worth it...

When asked, Cypress is completely dry. What can be done to restore it? given by the author Caucasian the best answer is Cypress is moisture-loving and needs abundant watering, especially in summer (by autumn, watering is reduced, but light soil moisture is constantly maintained). Overdrying the soil is very harmful for cypress. Also, cypress hardly tolerates high temperatures and dry air. You can not often rearrange the cypress, because of this it grows worse. Avoid direct sunlight on the cypress (on a hot day, you can shade the cypress on the balcony from the sun with a wet sheet hung on a rope). Continue spraying cypress at least twice a day. Place the cypress pot in a large pan of water (on a stand to keep the water from the pan from flowing into the drain hole) so that its twigs constantly trap evaporating moisture.
The reason for the drying of cypress can be:
- hypothermia of the root system during transportation in winter from the store to the house (especially if the soil in the pot was very wet when buying, and it was frosty outside);
- damage during transportation of needles from the cold (cypress is not frost-resistant);
- high temperature content (cypress in winter requires coolness of 5-10 degrees);
- stagnation of moisture or drying out of the root ball (in your case, this factor seems to be excluded).
If the cypress roots are still alive, you can try to reanimate the cypress by placing its crown under a transparent plastic bag on spacers (if the tree is small, you can completely put the plant pot in the bag, inflate it with air and tie it on top). Ventilate the "greenhouse" daily and spray the crown with water with the addition of the "Epin" biostimulant (according to the instructions) until young shoots appear.
Cypress does not tolerate stagnant moisture, and if it looks deplorable, then one of the reasons for its suffering is precisely a large pot. I advise you to quickly transplant the cypress into a smaller pot -
The container should have one (preferably several) drainage holes. At the bottom, be sure to put a layer of drainage mixed with pieces of charcoal.
It is better to add not needles to the substrate for cypress (it rots for a long time), but coniferous soil. For a cypress seedling, prepare a lighter substrate consisting of equal parts of coniferous, leafy soil and sand. For an adult cypress, you will then prepare a heavier and more fertile substrate for transplantation (a mixture of sod, leaf, coniferous soil, humus and sand in a ratio (1: 2: 1: 1: 1)).
When removing the root ball from the pot during transplantation, the ground from the roots of cypress cannot be completely shaken off: on its thin roots there is mycorrhiza (fungi useful for the growth of coniferous plants). When transplanting cypress, carefully inspect its roots: remove the sick and rotten ones. Plant cypress in a new pot strictly at the same soil level as it grew before (deepening of the root neck is unacceptable).
Water for watering and spraying cypress should not be colder than room temperature; maybe a little warmer. If possible, purchase Zircon and Epin bioregulatory preparations to restore plant immunity, use them according to the instructions (add to water for irrigation and spraying). Place sphagnum on the surface of the substrate in a pot so that the earth does not dry out too quickly. Water the cypress tree regularly, keeping the soil slightly moist.

Indoor cypress will delight the eye, provided that home care is properly organized. Recently, it has become very fashionable among housewives to grow coniferous plants at home. One of these is indoor cypress, which even designers advise to purchase. The fact is that this tree has a number of features. This trendy house plant purifies the air much better than others by releasing it into the atmosphere. a large number phytoncides. These substances perfectly remove various harmful bacteria and viruses from the air. Let's learn more about this plant, see its photo and read some rules for caring for it. And also tell you what to do if it dries - what agrotechnical measures help to resuscitate your pet. In the meantime, look at the indoor cypress in the photo, which show the diversity of its species:
At home, such types of cypress as evergreen and cashmere take root well. They are often found on the shelves in flower shops. By the way, such a houseplant is quite capable of turning into a lush tree, so it must be controlled. This is done by skilled housewives in two ways - the tree is pinched, and the branches are shortened to form a neat crown, as in the photo below:

How to care for indoor cypress at home

Before purchasing or planting indoor cypress at home, you need to know that this plant is quite finicky and requires special care, which let's try to discuss further. As at different stages of its development - the recommendations vary somewhat. Therefore, we turn to the experience of experienced flower growers.

First of all, you should take care of proper lighting of your plant. For indoor cypress, very bright light is simply necessary, but it should not be left in the sun, as it is afraid of direct sunlight. Of course, many will say that how then can a tree grow in natural conditions, where it spends a lot of time in the sun? Flower growers, answering this question, say that only adult plants can cope with direct sunlight, and young specimens grow quietly in the shade. Quite often, gardeners make a big mistake when planting their pets in the garden for the summer during the heat. Thus, cypress simply will not take root, since young seedlings need very bright, but diffused light, so it is better to keep it at home in the first couple.

It is believed that cypress is not quite a houseplant, as it needs to be seasonal. Thus, not everyone can keep it only at home - he needs a full-fledged winter and summer. But, if possible, you can create a certain temperature regime, in summer it is necessary to keep at a temperature of 20-30 degrees, and in winter no more than at 8. But, you should know that such a spread is necessary only for young trees, since it is quite mature plant easily copes with both heat and bitter cold. A full-fledged cypress has a well-developed root system, unlike young ones. But, if it grows exclusively at home, then it is not necessary to expose it to frost, since the root system is limited to a pot and will freeze in just two hours.

Also, for the proper maintenance and care of cypress, it is simply necessary to observe a certain humidity. The fact is that in its homeland this plant usually grew near the seas and other bodies of water, therefore, with a low moisture content in the air, it can simply die. If there is not enough moisture, the plant may begin to get sick, especially if it is very young. This often suffers appearance wood - bald spots may occur, which may not recover for a long time. That is why flower growers recommend that indoor cypress owners do not put this plant near heating appliances and, if possible, spray it clean water from a spray bottle. Also, moss or pebbles, which are laid out in a pot, can help increase the humidity of the air, as shown in the photo below. If possible, you can purchase a special humidifier for this plant.

For the indoor cypress to grow beautiful tree and to please the eyes of the household, it is necessary to be able to water it properly, because this is the basis of all care for it at home. This must be done when required. To understand an irrigation system, one should watch it for a while, namely its root system and how much water it uses. In no case should you try to ensure that the earth lump is completely dried. Since cypress, even indoor cypress, is a seasonal plant, it must be watered in different ways in different times of the year. In summer, abundant watering should be done, but the plant should not be flooded. In winter, it is best to water rarely, but do not dry the soil. The plant can only be transplanted once a year - in early spring, while carefully choosing the size of the pot so that it does not constrain further development root system of indoor cypress. But, this is until it reaches the required height, when the plant grows up it can be transplanted once every 2-3 years. In no case, when transplanting, do not destroy the earthen lump at the base of the root, as there are mushrooms that help the tree absorb nutrients.

High-quality top dressing and substrate is the basis for caring for indoor cypress, it is best to use as the first mineral fertilizers, and for the second, a substrate for coniferous plants is suitable. At home, cypress can be propagated in only two ways. The first is woody cuttings, which are planted in the ground and placed in a greenhouse. After 1-2 months, they will give roots and growth will begin. The second way is propagation by seeds, which can be found in flower shops.

Quite often, flower growers wonder why the cypress began to turn yellow or dry, and think that it could be some kind of pest or disease. But, in fact, a houseplant of this species is very resistant to this. Therefore, many growers say that cypress may begin to dry out due to the improper care that it requires.