Room violet: description. Indoor violet: care and reproduction

Violets have a surprisingly long history. They were grown in Ancient Greece. Scientists have found evidence that flowers were known before our era. Purple inflorescences were considered a symbol of tender love. Petals were added to wines, decorated dishes. Centuries have passed - the attitude towards flowers has not changed. They are the same as they were many centuries ago.

Violets are a perennial plant that can be found in vivo, grow at home. Varieties have similar structural characteristics that make it possible to consider them as a single group with diverse varieties. About a thousand species are known.

  1. Ordinary. The petals are arranged in one row, the pattern is clear, correctly outlined.
  2. Terry. The petals are arranged in several rows, one above the other.
  3. Semi-double. In the center, incompletely formed petals are formed, giving additional splendor to the bud.

Plants can be monochromatic, painted in one specific tone, without a pattern or pattern. Others have a fantasy coloration of mixed colors. Bright lines, stripes, blotches, specks adorn the petals.

Varieties of violets (video)

Structural features

The structure of the root is common and uniform in varieties. It is strong, voluminous and woody. Other features:

  • short stem;
  • dense leaves;
  • basal greens and peduncle;
  • leaves are rounded;
  • buds consist of 5 petals.

The structure of violets allows them to be of different sizes: miniature, medium and large. Moreover, this applies to inflorescences and foliage.

flowering period

To please the owners begin in the spring. At this time, the first buds appear. Gradually, the violet is covered with a pattern, from which it is difficult to look away. Flowering lasts until late autumn. The flowers then form seed pods. Grains will help propagate the look you like.

Purple inflorescences were considered a symbol of tender love.

Purple varieties of indoor violets

The purple color is uncommon for flowering houseplants. Gentle tone is beautiful and gentle. Violets of this palette have always been liked by lovers of home beauty. The most striking types of this color include the following plants:

  1. Currant dessert. The shape of the inflorescences is similar to asterisks. Along the edges of the petals is a thin fringe of a darker blue tone. The stamens are bright yellow. The general background is reminiscent of blackcurrant jam.
  2. Winter rose. Outwardly, the plant resembles a bouquet under frost. Snowy outlines and colors have the middle of roses and buds that have not yet blossomed. Small petals open into a rosette, the edges have a delicate white fringe: purple with a white border.
  3. Baltic. Semi-double variety has a feature. The rosette becomes quite large, the petals have jagged edges. The color is hard to describe. It seems that a shadow falls on light purple leaves, which blurs the main palette.
  4. LE - Rings of Saturn. The flowers are large in size, open and clear in the shape of the inflorescence. All the details of the bud are visible. Feature - in a rim of a lighter tone. The main color is lilac.
  5. Balchug Avenir. The classical forms of the petals have two tones - blue and pink, their merging gives a violet tint of gentle warm tones in the sun.
  6. Blue watercolor. Terry buds have an interesting color. Violet strokes are carelessly applied on a white base. They do not have a clear pattern; an original cap of light colors is created.

Gallery: types of violets (58 photos)

Popular varieties of indoor white violets

Snow-white varieties create grace, bring purity and innocence to the house. The compositions touch, soothe and bring special kind peace and tenderness.

  1. Bells ireland. The flower has a pale white background and the correct shape. Semi-double buds look like bells. The edges of the stars are painted in a light green tone. The buds are compact and very simple in appearance. Pedicels are long, white stars rise high above dense green leaves.
  2. Alice Blizzard Bunny. Small white inflorescences are shaped like stars. Against the background of heart-shaped leaves, their curvaceous forms look attractive. I would like to carefully examine each outline of a white star.
  3. Snow lace. The doubleness of white inflorescences creates a snowdrift. In the center of each bluish stroke, a small delicate spot. On closer examination, you can see a green tint, it seems that this is a reflection of the leaves, but in fact this is the color of the petals.
  4. The bride's bouquet. Delicate lush white stars are framed with wavy edges. The ideal purity of the white tone explains the name of the violet. On it, except for the yellow cores, there are no other reflections and patterns.
  5. YAN Caprice. The hat looks like white foam, harmoniously combined with variegated leaves, which have terry edges.

How to care for violets (video)

What are pink and red violets

Coral, crimson, cherry violets will find their place in any interior. They will become bright points among light warm shades. Red flowers are similar in palette to wine, fruits and berries.

  1. Georgia. A variety of magical beauty of fabulous creatures. Along the edges of the pink petals is a thin fringe of green. It turns out an extraordinary light of gold, brilliance, and sunshine. Before the golden edges a clear border purple tone. Peduncles are powerful, so the bud is strong and voluminous.
  2. Queen Sabrina. The terry variety has a three-dimensional shape with frills on the petals. A blue stripe passes through the middle of the sheet, which divides into two parts or draws pale stripes.
  3. Marquis. The buds are delicate with a clear, pronounced pattern. Two-tone edging: the edges are white, and the edges of the petals are dark blue. The main color is soft pink.
  4. Cinnamon ruffles. The wavy buds are deep red and vibrant. The color is tinted with white edges and a narrow fringe. Inflorescences adjoin each other with a dense carpet. The foliage is a dark, practical gray, so the red tone becomes even brighter.
  5. Magdalene. Terry sockets have the shape of a ball. Twisted petals create a voluminous bouquet of a delicate pink shade that is the same throughout the ball.
  6. hotspot. Bright inflorescences cover the greens with a dense ball. The edges of the petals are finely striated and wavy.
  7. RS-God of the sun. The variety is similar to cherry. Delicate red leaves are combined into a single bouquet with white edging edges.


Beautiful varieties of terry violets

Terry violets differ in the shape of the petals. They have unusual lush endings of flower buds. Wavy and fluffy edges create terry, softness and uncertainty of clear outlines. Flowers look like one lush bud of incomprehensible volumes. Among the varieties there are popular ones, often chosen by housewives. Varieties of terry violets:

  1. EC-Nautilus. Semi-double variety in the delicate color of the summer sky. White shades merge with blue. Blue stripes move from the center and end with waves of white petal endings. The variety is unpretentious, does not require special conditions for growing. Author - E. Korshunova.
  2. AB caramels. The variety is semi-double and terry. By coloring - striped. Crimson, white, purple stripes change. The drawing is very impressive.
  3. Spring rose. The snow-white terry violet blooms so profusely that on green leaves it resembles a delicate bride's bouquet.
  4. Silver romance. The variety is multicolored, and the shades are so contrasting that it seems that they cannot be combined on one petal. Against the background of dark leaves, the light green fringe looks amazing. In the center of terry buds are white and pink colors.
  5. Rosemary. The terry beauty has an unusual coloration: strokes of a bright pink tone are casually applied on a delicate white background and blue paints are splashed.


Types of violets of an unusual color

Other varieties of violets have a delicate unusual color. These include the following colors:


  1. Lilac charm comparable to bouquets made from soft tissue or corrugated paper. Yellow hearts dazzle brightly on a soft blanket of petals.
  2. Favorite daughter. Saturated shade close to emeralds. Rosettes give off a shine, it seems that the petals are covered with small drops of dew. Small inflorescences are darker than mature ones. This combination is very beautiful.


  1. Lemon snow. Not only the buds, but also the leaves are original in the species. They are speckled with white blotches and bright snow-white edging. The inflorescences are snowy, and the lemon shade comes from the stamens.
  2. Villodene. The leaves are even whiter. There is very little green left. Emerald pink flowers are similar in color to early peaches.
  3. Chimera. On a purple base are bright white chamomile patterns. You can describe the pattern in another way: bright stars in a dark night sky.


Indoor violets in the interior of the apartment

Violets are the most popular indoor plants. They transform the interior of the house. There are a lot of use cases. Each variety brings its own nuance. Whimsical patterns and unusual color shades make them suitable for any style of home. Options for use in the interior:

  1. flower beds: different varieties are placed side by side and create a lake of flowering plants;
  2. Strict arrangements: for pots create certain places of setting, elevation. Then the violet will shade all other interior items, create islands of bright mood.
  3. Traditional: on the windowsills. Cache-pots are placed side by side, one after another, receiving flower borders of window openings.
  4. hanging ornaments: they can be placed to separate certain zones, to highlight entrances, places of rest.

Violets are suitable for office space, living rooms, offices. It's not just decoration. The color queens are elegant, sophisticated, whimsical and fabulously interesting. Home care varies depending on the variety, but most species are unpretentious. Even a small member of the family can take care of them. Care will make the baby kind, gentle and caring.

Violets - the most popular plants for the house

There are few varieties of plants that are similar in appearance to violets. You can list some of them:

  1. Gloxinia. The analogy is noticeable in the form of inflorescences, their color and location on the foliage. The difference is in the structure of the leaf, the section of the bud and the structure of the pistil. Great proximity to terry species.
  2. Primrose. Outdoor plants are bright and lush. They are similar in the arrangement of the petals, but their shape is somewhat different. In primrose, the flower is flat and wide open, as if smoothed.
  3. Ahimenes. Blue flowers surprise with tenderness. The foliage is different, it is small and uneven at the edges.
  4. Petunia. Numerous colors and the shape of small inflorescences bring the appearance closer to violets.
  5. Deikun. Blue bells are somewhat elongated, like violets, similar in tenderness and structure of the inflorescence.

All plants that look like violets are similar in one parameter: leaves, inflorescences, pattern, color. But in general, violet is peculiar and unique.

Secrets of growing violets (video)

A marvelous flower adorns houses and fates in different parts of the world. Their diversity is impossible to enumerate. Breeders are constantly creating new varieties. Finding a flower that is even more popular and beloved is almost impossible.

Attention, only TODAY!


Violet homeland.

In nature violets grow in East Africa in the Uzambara and Ulugur mountains. They got their name in honor of Baron Walter von Saint-Paul, the governor of East Africa, who, with his bride, escaping from the heat in the shade of trees, discovered unfamiliar purple flowers. Saintpaulias got its name in honor of the name of the discoverer.

Other name - Usambar violet- comes from the name of the mountains in which violets were first discovered.

Flowers so impressed him that he described this meeting in the most enthusiastic terms. He compared them to a radiance of pale blue light in a bowl, in the center of which a bright yellow light burned.

The flowers he found were sent to Germany to a florist and orchid collector, Walter Saint-Paul's father, Ulrich von Saint-Paul. To determine the flowers were sent by Ultrich Saint-Paul to the director botanical garden Herman Wendland in Hannover, who assigned them to the Gesnerian family.

1893 is considered the year of the "birth" of violets: this year they were shown at international flower shows, were first described in the magazine "Gartenflora" and aroused great interest.

Violet flower (home, room, uzambar).


Violet description.

Violet (saintpaulia)- This is a low perennial herbaceous plant with a shortened stem, from which numerous pubescent leaves on long petioles depart from a rosette. Relate violets to the Gesneriaceae family and grow in the mountains of tropical Africa.

Modern varieties violet (Saintpaulia) grouped according to the shape of the flowers. There are simple, terry and fringed varieties. violet flowers can be single-color - pink, red, white - or multi-color - with different shades in the form of beautiful patterns.

In addition to the usual ones, there are also ampelous types. violet (Saintpaulia), in which the main stem branches, forming several rosettes of leaves. The leaves of such violet (Saintpaulia) are less common than in common varieties.

Violet flower (home, room, uzambar).


Violet leaf.

violet leaves have a variety of shapes and colors (from light to dark green). Usually violet leaves (saintpaulia) rounded or heart-shaped up to 8 cm in length, fleecy, brittle.

Depending on the variety, they can have either a monochromatic light or dark green color, or a more complex one with a small white spot at the base of the leaf, with a white border or spots. The leaf blade of the violet at the base is heart-shaped, rounded, serrated or entire.

Violet flowers.

violet flowers have a very wide range of colors: from snow-white, all shades of pink to dark crimson, from blue to dark blue and purple.

The shape of the flowers and the degree of their doubleness are very diverse.

Violet flower (home, room, uzambar).


violet flowers medium-sized (about 3 cm in diameter) are collected in inflorescences of several pieces. Currently, as a result of breeding work, a huge variety of hybrids and varieties has been created. Flowers of many hybrids violets reach 8 cm in diameter, on one plant there are 70 - 100 flowers.

Flowers are simple, semi-double and double, with corrugated and wavy petals.

At violets, having a border on flowers, it does not always appear at the first flowering, it may appear later in adult saintpaulia.

Petals of numerous varieties violets adorn various points, stripes, spots and rays.

Violet flower (home, room, uzambar).


Violet scent.

The smell of violets is absent. Currently, as a result of breeding work, a huge variety of hybrids and varieties has been created.

Work is currently underway to violets They also had a pleasant aroma.

Violet at home.

Violet (saintpaulia)- an extremely popular houseplant. This miniature delicate creation of nature captivates with abundant long (with short breaks almost throughout the year) flowering.

In apartments, ampelous types of violets are often used. Ampel plants have more voluminous foliage, their stems fall off, hanging over the edge of the pot, representing a wonderful living picture.

domestic violet- This is a fairly unpretentious plant, but requiring proper care. It prefers bright but diffused light and does not like drafts.

Indoor violets prefer moderate watering with necessarily settled water at room temperature.

In pruning violets not necessary. Remove broken and damaged leaves if they turn brown, and pluck off wilted discolored flowers. During flowering, it is better not to rearrange the plant, this may prevent flowering.

violet flower easily propagated by leaf cuttings. Usually both young and already adult plants are transplanted every year, preferably in the spring.

Although violets live indefinitely, but to ensure a large number flowers and maintaining a healthy collection, it is still best to grow new plants every 12 to 18 months.

Violets - video.

Violet flower (home, room, uzambar).

Pots for violets.

Standard selection ratio pot for violets- the diameter of the outlet to the diameter of the pot 3: 1. Remember violets have a rather weak root system and in large volume there is a high risk of overflow and, as a result, root rot.

For violets use clay or plastic pots with a diameter of 5 to 13 cm. Pots and bowls should not be high, as violet roots don't grow very deep. To violet developed normally and bloomed profusely, its root system should braid the entire pot.

In too big and high pot violet does not bloom for a long time.

Violet flower (home, room, uzambar).


Clay pots conduct air and moisture better, so the roots rot in them less often. But such pots are more expensive and fragile, and after use they must be thoroughly cleaned and boiled. They are also heavier and the earth in them dries out faster. If the pot is glazed, then the glaze does not let water or moisture through.

plastic pots light, inexpensive, does not need special care, their range is quite wide.

Violets don't bloom. Why don't violets bloom?

How to make a violet bloom?

In order to homemade violet blooming, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for it.

Pots with flowers should be kept at a temperature of 18 - 24 ° heat. Of course, small deviations are allowed, but in this case the flowering will not be so lush.

Violet flower (home, room, uzambar).


It is very important that homemade violet received required amount Sveta. For abundant flowering, she needs at least 12 hours of continuous lighting daily. That violet there is not enough light, you can determine by the leaves that begin to reach up.

These flowers need good bright lighting, but also from direct sunlight. violets must be protected, otherwise burns may appear on their leaves.

Absence violet blossom can be caused by irregular watering, overdrying or waterlogging of the soil, the use of cold or hard water for irrigation. Provide violet the required humidity.

Great value for violet blossom has soil in a pot. simple garden soil violets does not fit. Heavy, too dense earth does not allow normal development violet roots and as a result violet blossom stops.

And even if initially there was good, loose earth in the pot, over time it becomes compacted, and its composition deteriorates - without transplanting to achieve flowers from violets is unlikely to succeed.

Violet flower (home, room, uzambar).


Indoor violets love bright diffused light. But in winter, due to a decrease in the length of daylight hours, they do not get enough of it, which helps to slow down the process of photosynthesis. Therefore, it is necessary to turn on additional lighting for several hours in the evening.

In winter, do not water the flower often to prevent rotting of the roots. Reduce watering and water only with warm settled water, or water at room temperature. But if the room is hot and dry, water violets, as usual, but do not fill.

Violet flower (home, room, uzambar).


In apartments with central heating very difficult to maintain room violets humidity. You can increase the humidity if pots of violets put in a pan with expanded clay and water.

Back in October, stop feeding the plants. In adult violets that still form a few flower stalks, it is better to remove them immediately. Because the flowers will only take away the strength from the plant, which will be needed in the future, for full flowering after a dormant period.

Generally, violets they tolerate a decrease in temperature to 15 - 18 ° quite well, only slowing down growth. But homemade violet does not tolerate low temperatures, so if it is cold on your windows, it is better to remove the flower from the windowsill. For violets the critical temperature is already at 12 °. Indoor violets they don't like their roots to freeze. Root and aerial parts may rot. If the window sill is cold, put the pots on wooden pallet or foam. It is also undesirable that the leaves violets touched a cold window, otherwise rot spots appear on them.

But overheating and dryness of the air during the winter months lead to the fact that the buds are not laid, or they will give crushed, quickly fading flowers.

Indoor Violets (Saintpaulia) are so popular that it is difficult to find an apartment where there are pots with these wonderful flowers on the windowsills. flowering plants. Their diversity is amazing. They differ in size, shape of flowers and many other characteristics. In this article, we will help you understand the complexities of classifying violet species, as well as describe the most popular varieties.

For the first time, this plant, unknown to science, was discovered in 1892 in Tanzania by the commandant of the Uzambara district of German East Africa, Walter von Saint-Paul. The flower grew in the crevice of the ravine right on the mossy stone. The shape and color of the petals of the flower resembled the violet known at that time, but it was much more delicate.

Walter collected the seeds of the plant and sent them to his father Ulrich von Saint-Paul in Germany, who was president of the German Dendrological Society there. He, in turn, gave these seeds to Hermann Veldland, director of the botanical garden in Hannover. Wendland grew a flower from seeds and in 1893 described it with the name "Saintpaulia violet-flowered or violet-flowered" (Saintpaulia ionanta) in honor of Walther von Saint-Paul, highlighting this species in a separate genus. In the same year, he wrote an article on Saintpaulia, published in the journal Gartenflora.

Saintpaulia belongs to the order Lamiaceae, family Gesneriaceae, genus Saintpaulia. Due to the fact that in appearance this flower resembles a real violet (Viola), Saintpaulia is often called Ousambara or African violet - after the area where it was found. In our article, we will simply call it violet.

Types of wild violets

The range of natural distribution of wild violets is limited to individual highlands in Tanzania and Kenya. There it can be found along the banks of rivers flowing down steep mountain slopes, near waterfalls that irrigate the territory adjacent to them with water dust, at the bottom of ravines in partial shade tall trees. Under direct sunlight, this violet quickly dies. Under natural conditions, about 20 species of Saintpaulia grow. Let's introduce you to some of them.


Saintpaulia Velvet (Saintpaulia velutina) has jagged rounded dark green leaves, 4-5 cm in size. The reverse side of the leaf has a reddish tint. The lush inflorescence consists of small blue-violet flowers with a dark center.

Grote (Saintpaulia grotei)- This is an ampel type plant that has rounded pubescent leaves of bright green or purple color up to 6 cm long and about 5 cm wide. Small blue-lilac flowers up to 2.5 cm in diameter have a dark eye and a border.

violet flower

Violet-flowered or violet-flowered (Saintpaulia ionantha). The plant has a large rosette, up to 60 cm in diameter, short succulent stems with heart-shaped, dark green leaves up to 8 cm in length. Flowers purple-blue.

Classification of varieties of indoor violets

There are many varieties of violets, differing in size, shape of flowers, number and color of petals. Moreover, the same variety can belong to several groups. Now we will try to understand the classification indoor violets.

According to outlet size

Micromini. They have a rosette diameter of up to 8 cm. Against their background, ordinary saintpaulias with a diameter of 20-40 cm look like giants. Grow them only in compact pots with wick watering. Otherwise, the risk of their drying out is too high - left without moisture, they quickly dry out and die.

Mini. The diameter of the rosette of such a violet does not exceed 12-15 cm. Also, like micromini, they are grown, most often, on wick irrigation. They tolerate reproduction well and therefore take root faster than larger varieties. During flowering, they form many attractive, bright and original inflorescences.

Semimini. They have a rosette diameter of up to 20 cm. Most of these varieties were bred with the participation of the domestic botanist Igor Milekhin. It is important to know that excess light for semi-mini violets is harmful! In a short time, all foliage may turn yellow, and the outlet becomes flat.

Standard- socket 20-40 cm in diameter.

By flower size

According to the size of the flower, violets are divided into the following groups:

  • small-flowered - up to 2 cm;
  • mid-flowered - from 2 to 4 cm;
  • large-flowered - from 4 to 6 cm;
  • especially large-flowered - more than 6 cm.

Flower Shape Types

Depending on the size and arrangement of the petals, there are 5 types of indoor violets:

  • Pansies;
  • Star;
  • Bell;
  • Bowl;

Let's get to know them in order.

Pansies (Pansy)

Five petals on a flower are arranged in two rows. AT top row two petals are smaller, and in the bottom row there are three larger ones. In this group of violets, select the following varieties:

Lyon's Pirate's Treasure (Lyon's Pirate's Treasure). Breeder S. Sorano.

Violet Lyans Pirates Treasure has bright pink flowers with a wide crimson border around the edge. Along the border of the main color and the border, the petals are strewn with a scattering of small dark crimson dots. The rosette consists of leaves with a bubbly texture.

Cinderella dream

Saintpaulia Cinderella dream has large, semi-double, lacy flowers of light purple color with a crimson sheen. Purple-violet patterns run through the petals. The top two petals are smaller and darker in color than the bottom three. Their edges are greenish, fringed. The border is corrugated. The rosette consists of dark green, uniformly colored wavy leaves.

Melody Kimi. Sunnyside/Levy breeder.

Variety Melody Kimi has a symmetrical rosette, folded from "quilted" wavy sheet plates. A white simple violet flower has two blue upper petals and a border of the same color on the main background.


It differs by the same size of all petals and their uniform arrangement around the center of the flower. In this group of violets, we will introduce you to the following varieties:

Kev's Heavenly Star. Breeder K. Degner.

Violet Kev's Heavenly Star It has the appearance of a simple semi-double pink star with a wide dark fuchsia border.

The beauty queen. Breeder E. Korshunova.

Violet variety The beauty queen has a large basal rosette of dark green leaves. The inflorescences flaunt bright double flowers - pink stars with tints of purple-violet tones.

Magic of Love. Breeder E. Korshunova.

The magic of love. This large-flowered violet has densely double star-shaped flowers, reminiscent of the shape of pompoms, painted in burgundy, with a beet sheen. The edges of the petals are decorated with elegant white piping. The rosette consists of beautiful green leaves.

Black Prince

Saintpaulia Black Prince has large dark red double flowers in the shape of a star. The standard size rosette consists of dark green foliage, red - from the inside.

Rosemary. Breeder E. Lebetskaya.

Saintpaulia Rosemary has a standard rosette of dark green leaves with serrated edges. And star-shaped terry flowers combine several bright strokes at once. Their notched petals are delicately ruffled, and pink strokes and blue splashes are miraculously applied on a white background.

Zephyr has double or semi-double flowers with large, creamy-white petals, on the surface of which coral or pink strokes are scattered. The edges are wavy. Peduncles large, erect. The large but compact rosette of this Saintpaulia variety consists of light green leaves. The plant grows quickly. Does not like high temperatures, at which it begins to bloom with simple white flowers.

Austin Smile. (Austin's Smile). Breeder LLG / P. Sorano.

Austins Smile has a large rosette of dark green leaves and large single coral-pink star flowers with a dark pink eye and raspberry edging.

Bell (bell)

Differs in petals fused at the base. This feature does not allow the flowers to fully open, as a result of which they become similar to bells. We will present this species with the following varieties of indoor violets:

EC-Admiral. Breeder E. Korshunova.

Violet Admiral has large cornflower blue semi-double bell flowers with wavy edges. The pointed dark green leaves of this saintpaulia have a creamy-purple border.

shining bell

Flowers of the variety shining bell bloom in the form of blue bells with wavy edges. They show rare touches of fantasy. There is a bright yellow eye in the center. Rosette of the correct form from leaves of green color.

Sea wolf. Breeder E. Korshunova.

A large rosette consists of dark green fleshy leaves. Flowers are also large, up to 8 cm in diameter, blue color. The corollas are semi-double, shaped like bells. wavy petals sea ​​wolf at the stage of complete dissolution, they are decorated with an elegant mesh pattern.

Violets varieties Chanson unpretentious, bloom profusely and for a long time. Terry flowers look like bells. They consist of a huge number of violet-purple or dark blue velvety petals, playing in the light in various shades. In addition, wavy petals have light or dark pink spots. A large, symmetrically growing rosette consists of smooth, shiny dark green leaves.

Robs Dandy Lion (Rob's Dandy Lion). Breeder R. Robinson.

Saintpaulia Robs Dandy Lion has a rosette consisting of leaves of dark green color with a slight variegation, and large inflorescences-bells of a greenish-cream shade, resembling snowdrops in shape.


It differs in that the petals that are not fused at their base still do not allow the flower to fully open. The flower retains the shape of the bowl throughout the flowering. In this group, the following varieties of room violets can be distinguished:

Boo Man. Breeder S. Sorano.

Boo Man (Boo Man) has double or semi-double cupped flowers of pale blue color. The upper petals are usually white, sometimes slightly greenish, up to 3 cm in diameter. The leaves are dark green, oval, spoon-like.

Ming Dynasty. Breeder I. Fredette.

Ming dynasty. This saintpaulia is distinguished by strongly corrugated cup-shaped flowers of snow-white color with pink or lilac borders. There are terry and semi-double specimens. Rosette consists of wavy variegated leaves.

Wasp (Wasp)

It features completely separated petals, two of which are folded into a tube, and three, elongated, hang down. In this group, the following varieties of indoor violets are distinguished:

Lunar Lily White

Variety Lunar Lily White has a small rosette of light green leaves with a "quilted" texture. Its inflorescences consist of 3-8 white single and semi-double flowers about 4 cm in diameter.

PL-Zemfira. Breeder L. Pchelovodov.

Zemfira has a medium rosette of green leaves, variegated in the center. Single or semi-double lilac tubular flowers have corrugated edges.

Satellite (Spootnik). Breeder J. Dates.

Saintpaulia Satellite has a small rosette (about 15 cm) of light green leaves up to 5 cm long. The flowers of this violet are red-violet in color.

According to the degree of terry

Also, varieties of violets can be divided according to the degree of doubleness or the number of petals. On this basis, all violets are divided into the following groups:

  • Simple (5 petals).
  • Comb - this is a type of semi-double saintpaulia, in which, in addition to five petals, there are 1 - 3 additional underdeveloped ones.
  • Semi-double - this is when there are more than 5 but less than 10 petals on the peduncle, most often 7-8. At the same time, the stamens are clearly visible.
  • Terry is a type of violet on which the number of petals exceeds 10. There are so many of them that they cover the stamens.
  • "Carnations" - saintpaulias, the flowers of which are similar to terry, but larger, with large quantity petals on the peduncle. In appearance, such saintpaulias really resemble carnations, hence the name.

Along the edge of the petal

Saintpaulia petals are wavy, notched and fringed.

by color

According to the color of the petals, indoor violets are divided into plain and painted in two or more colors.


In this type of saintpaulia, the petals are painted in only one color. In this case, the colors can be very different: white, yellow, orange, pink, red, blue and even green. For example, " Blue Tail Fly».

Blue Tail Fly (Blue Tail Fly). Breeder J. Dates.

This violet has bright blue flowers with tubular upper petals and elongated lower petals. The rosette consists of fleecy leaves rolled into "bags". On the example of this variety, it becomes clear that one variety can belong to several classifications. Blue Tail Fly Refers to both "Wasp" and "Solid" violets.

Gillian. Breeder D. Ferguson.

Violet Gillian has a rosette of rounded "quilted" green leaves up to 40 cm in diameter. White large double flowers resembling a carnation in shape.

Two tone

These indoor violets have two shades of the same color on the petals. They can be in the form of shadows, rays, or thickening of color from the center to the edge.

Marie-Sylvia (Marie-Sylvia). Breeder M.Tremblay

Variety of violets Marie-Sylvia characterized by simple and semi-double light lilac flowers with pronounced dark lilac tips of the petals. Moreover, on the two upper petals, the darkening is stronger than on the lower ones.

Rum Punch, or Rum Punch. Breeder S. Sorano

Rum Punch- a rare variety in its beauty, with characteristic large semi-double and double flowers, resembling a star in shape. The edges of the petals are wavy ash-pink, they are shaded by more intense mauve lower petals.

Two-color or multi-color

These violets are distinguished by a contrasting, in relation to the main color, border.

Iceberg. Breeder S. Sorano.

This variety of Saintpaulia is characterized by semi-double and double flowers in the form of stars with a thin blue corrugated border. The border is always clear, as if drawn with a pencil. But iceberg there is a tendency to darken the color towards blue, over time the flowers can become just purple or blue.

In some cases, violets have two borders. Here are some examples of such varieties:

Looking Glass Looking Glass. Breeder S. Sorano

Through the Looking Glass- this is a very unusual and unlike other violet. It has semi-double light pink corrugated flowers with a raspberry-fuchsia border and a very thin white-green stroke.


Rose of Wind. Breeder E. Lebetskaya.

Flowers wind roses reminiscent of graceful garden roses with pale pink petals. To the crimped fringed edges, the color thickens, and the edging becomes crimson, and, in some places, green. Complementing the picture are wavy, light green, rosette leaves.

Natalis Estravagante (Natalia's Extravagante). Breeder N. Pineault.

Natalis Estravagante lacy white-pink flowers with a border, the tone of which can be pink, green or chocolate. The rosette consists of green leaves, along the edges of which pink-white stains pass.

A wonderful creole. Breeder E. Lebetskaya.

A very unusual plant, prolific and unpretentious. Small compact outlet beautiful creole strewn with many simple, but very spectacular dark blue velvety flowers - stars, the edges of the petals of which are circled with a contrasting white edging. The diameter of the flower reaches 5 cm. The strong stem has a burgundy color.

Macho. Breeder E. Lebetskaya.

This is a large-flowered variety of standard sizes, pleasing flower growers with a lush hat of large semi-double flowers. violet corollas Macho have a pronounced star shape and are painted in a deep burgundy-violet color. The wavy edge of the petals is set off by a contrasting white border. The rosette consists of simple green oval leaves.

Modern Talking ( Modern Talking). Breeder E.A. Arkhipov.

Modern Talking- Violet with white semi-double frilled pansies with a pink-blue-violet border. The rosette consists of light green flat leaves.

finger color

Violets of these varieties look like a finger has been dipped in paint and stained with flowers. Such "imprints" are most often located in the middle of the petal, but can also be located closer to the edge.

Crimson Ice (Crimson Ice) or Raspberry Ice. Breeder P. Sorano

Crimson Ice or Crimson Ice has plain white pansy-type flowers with crimson-red spots on the petals that are brighter and more intense on the bottom three leaves.

Also, violets can have arbitrary strokes and spots on their petals. It looks like the edge of a flower has been dipped in paint. At the same time, on the same bush, some of the flowers may have such spots when others remain monophonic.

Southern Springtime (Mac's Southern Springtime) or Southern Spring. Breeder G. McDonald

For example, southern spring. This semi-miniature violet has single and semi-double wavy cup-shaped flowers. white color with contrasting chaotic spots of red from a light shade to almost black. At the same time, each flower is unique and carries its own pattern.


The so-called eye looks like a round spot in the center of the flower. It can be either in tone with the main color, or contrast with it.

EC-March 8 has huge single to semi-double white flowers in the form of stars with a wavy-fringed edge and a crimson-pink center.


This is a pattern consisting of veins, similar to a mesh. Examples of this color can be found in other flowers, for example, in streptocarpus, but for violets it is quite rare.

Feather (Feathe) or Feather. Breeder I. Fredette.

Feather- This is a medium-sized pansy Saintpaulia. It has white flowers with ruffled edges and blue pattern over the entire surface of the petal, more like lace.

Granger's Carnival. Breeder J. Eyerdom.

For variety Granger's Carnival (Granger Carnival) simple flowers with a blue-violet mesh pattern are characteristic. The edges of the petals are white with a clear venous pattern.

chimera violets

They may have stripes of various colors, diverging from the center of the petal to its edges. Here are some typical varieties.

Chain Reaction. Breeder S. Sorano.

Chain Reaction (Chain Reaction) differs in that a light lilac stripe passes through the center of the pink petals of its flowers. Lilac blotches are scattered over the entire surface of the petals. The socket is standard, consists of green leaves.

Queen Sabrina (Queen Sabrina). Breeder P. Sorano.

Saintpaulia Queen Sabrina has double flowers of coral color, with purple stripes on each petal. The rosette consists of small dark green leaves.

Here is a photo of several more varieties of chimera violets:

Humako Sharon
Lyon's Fortuner Teller


Chimpansy. Breeder E. Fisher.

chimpansy- beautiful variety. It is distinguished by a small green rosette, composed of slightly serrated green leaves. Semi-double pink star flowers have a white wavy border around the edge. Violet petals are studded with strokes and swirls of bright blue.

live wire. Breeder P. Sorano.

This showy violet has huge coral-pink flowers in the form of single or semi-double stars. And besides, its petals are abundantly covered with blue or purple spots. Sometimes, as a result of mutation, flower growers based on live wire receive varieties of violets with multi-colored corollas. At the same time, the size and simple shape of the leaves remain unchanged.


It is also possible to single out a group of currently very fashionable ampel varieties of indoor violets, which have a long stem (up to 50 cm) with several growth points. These saintpaulias are distinguished by lush flowering. Their stems are quite flexible, so you can try to create a variety of compositions from them. The characteristic color of the leaves is variegated. The flowers are tiny but attractive. Let's introduce you to some varieties of ampelous violets:

Ramblin' Dots. Breeder S. Sorano.

Ramblin Dots- a beautiful variety of room violets. The rosette consists of light green leaves with golden-white stains. Her double flowers-stars are light lavender color adorned with a captivating light purple fantasy pattern.

Falling Snow. Breeder P. Tracey.

folin snow- violet with light green, slightly pointed leaves. It has numerous small flowers-wasps of snow-white color.


Violets from the variegated group have elegant, brightly colored foliage with many different shades and contrasting spots throughout the green field. They can have both yellow or white edges, lavender or pink border. These violets have large double flowers with petals of various colors, often with a prominent border around the edge.

Pauline Viardot

This violet has a compact variegated rosette, very elegant due to the light border along the edge of the leaves. Its large, single or semi-double flowers have wine-colored petals. The edges of the petals are decorated with a thin white ruffle. Flowers Pauline Viardot grow vertically.


We have introduced you to many, completely different varieties indoor violets. If you are interested in these cute plants, choose which varieties you like best in appearance and which you can grow in your home. It is better to immediately abandon the cultivation of exhibition large specimens of saintpaulias. Although they have a magical beauty, caring for them involves a lot of all sorts of difficulties. If you do not have sufficient experience in breeding these plants, we advise you to start with mini violets or ampelous varieties, as well as necessarily read our article on caring for violets. Pay attention to fantasy violets - many of them are unpretentious, but all are original and extraordinarily beautiful.

Botanical characteristics of violets

Violet is a perennial low plant that has a creeping growing rhizome. Violet leaves are shaped like a heart. Single flowers come in a variety of shades. The violet fruit is presented in the form of an interesting box with a large number of seeds. The root of this plant is thin and slightly branched. The flowering of this herbaceous plant begins in mid-March and ends in May. It bears fruit in August.

Violet can be seen in parks, forests, between bushes and under trees. This plant is found throughout Russia. Decorative violets bloom with pleasure in front gardens and flower beds.

Violet breeding

Violet can be propagated by seeds, but sometimes the method is used with cuttings of shoots. From seeds, the plant grows much stronger than with the help of cuttings. Seeds need to be planted in the beds. Shoots will appear in April. And after a month they need to be transplanted separately from each other. Do you want to see beautiful violets in a pot on your windowsill in winter? To do this, at the end of summer, dig up the plant along with an earthen clod. Plant the finished plant in a pot with fertile soil and place in a cool place. In winter, transfer this pot with a plant to a place with 10 degrees Celsius.

Violets grow well in the light and in the shade. This plant can grow well under trees. Violet does not tolerate drought. Fertile, loose and slightly moist soil is most suitable for growing violets. Wild violet can be seen in the lowlands, because moisture accumulates there.

Every 3 years after planting, it is necessary to remove old plants and plant new ones. At the same time, fertilizers (compost) are applied. If the violet does not have enough air or is not watered enough, then it will be affected by a spider mite.

Violet seeds are best sown immediately after harvest, as they quickly lose their germination capacity. Violet is a plant that can reproduce by self-sowing. It needs to be weeded regularly. Violet is an unpretentious plant. It needs regular watering, loosening and weed removal.

violet flowers

Violets are fabulously beautiful flowers that delight with their variety of shades and shapes. The size of flowers and leaves varies greatly. Thanks to selection, they were bred various varieties- from miniature to incredibly large. The flowers of this elegant plant contain anthocyanin glycosides and essential oil, due to which it is an effective remedy in the treatment of eczema, lichen, urticaria and cracked lips. Fresh juice of flowers is often used for smallpox and severe cough.

violet leaf

Violet leaves amaze with their content of useful substances. A decoction of these parts of the presented plant, combined with honey, can cure chronic, cough and various gastrointestinal ailments. An infusion of violet leaves is useful for soothing watery or irritated eyes.

How to grow a violet from a leaf:

violet care

Violet grows well both in sunny places and in partial shade. It prefers clearings under trees. For cultivation, loose fertile soil should be chosen. Due to the fact that the violet does not tolerate drought, it should be watered abundantly and regularly. A wild-growing perennial violet can be seen in darkened lowlands, as moisture accumulates there.

How to care for violets at home. Such an elegant plant propagated by seeds. In order for the violet to feel good, it must be weeded often. Every three years old plants should be removed and new ones planted at the same time as fertilizing the soil. Violet loves Fresh air and good watering.

How to grow violets at home?

Violet room (home)

Unique houseplants are very fond of high levels of humidity in the room. But do not forget that spraying the leaves is strictly prohibited. Caring for a violet will not be difficult even for a novice grower.

For reproduction, you can take leaves from the middle row, which give good offspring. The main thing is that the shape of the sheet should not be too elongated. We put the stalk in water until the roots appear.

After that, it can be transplanted into fertile, moist soil. It should also be noted that significant hypothermia of the root system often leads to the death of the flower. That is why you should protect the plant from frost. An ideal place for a violet pot would be the east side with sufficient lighting. Best Temperature for proper cultivation is in the range from 20 to 24 degrees.

Violet varieties

These beautiful flowers have a huge number of varieties. Graceful violets can be subdivided according to the type of flower. Small flowers are less than 2 cm in diameter, medium - 2-4 cm, large - up to 6 cm. Depending on the size of the violet bushes, there are simple ones - a rosette up to 8 cm - and practical miniature ones - from 6 to 8 cm. You can also divide the varieties by the number of petals. There are simple species with even leaves, there are terry ones with fluffy leaves and lush flowers, as well as semi-double ones with wavy petals.

Equally important is the shape of the violet flower. In classic varieties, the upper petals are larger than the lower ones. In a violet-star, all the petals are the same. Narrow buds - in bell violets. If the top two leaves are fused, then you have a violet-wasp variety. In addition, violets can be divided by color - one-color, multi-color and chimera violets. Depending on the original pattern on the leaves, there are varieties of finger, moire and border.

Violet uzambarskaya. Such perennial has a shortened juicy stem, on which there is a rosette of leaves. As a rule, the leaves of this variety, heart-shaped at the base, are no more than 8 cm. The flowers of the uzambara violet are collected in small inflorescences. The fruit is presented in the form of a densely pubescent box. Modern varieties of this species may vary in terryness and shade of petals.

Violet blue. Violet blue impresses with its attractive flowers of a heavenly hue. Elegant wavy edges give the flowers a special charm. The leaves are pale green and have a serrated edge. Flowering is usually quite abundant. This sort of violet will decorate the collection of any grower.

Violet white. White violet has thick double large flowers which look great on a compact rosette of dark green leaves. The snow-white shade gives the variety innocence and grace, causing undoubted tenderness. Almost always, white violet has a magnificent composition of white flowers, which will decorate your interior.

Violet Jan. Fancy Violets Yang represent unique varieties who have unusual shapes and sizes, as well as exclusive color combinations. Such fantastic plants often have notched or wavy edges and light green leaves.

Violet red. This variety of violet can rightfully be called one of the most common varieties that every self-respecting grower has. Such violets have a wide variety of shades - coral, ruby, raspberry, purple, wine and burgundy.

Useful properties of violets

Violet contains everything useful for human body substances and elements. The plant has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, laxative and antimicrobial properties. It is also used as a good pain reliever and sedative. In addition, this plant is often used to lower blood pressure.

Violet herb is used to treat bronchitis, sore throat and whooping cough. A decoction of violet helps to improve well-being with bronchitis, pneumonia and suffocation.

In addition, violet can be used to treat all kinds of skin diseases. A decoction of the plant will help improve overall well-being after an illness.

Application of violet

For medical purposes, field violet (Viola arvensis Murr.) and tricolor violet are used! Potted violets - Saintpaulias, are not used for medicinal purposes!

Violet is equally used in folk medicine as an excellent internal and external remedy. Violet tea is useful for dry bronchitis, in addition, it perfectly cleanses the blood of harmful substances. This plant is recommended not only for inflammation of the respiratory tract, but also for, and. Violet leaves are used for external treatment of the epidermis.

The leaves of the plant are used externally for various skin diseases. An infusion made on the flowers of the plant is indispensable for convulsions, memory impairment and tinnitus.

Violet for cough. The infusion is prepared as follows: we take the grass and violet flowers in the amount of 50 grams and grind. Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water. We let it brew for a day. After straining the composition, it is heated over a fire and a glass of sugar is added. It is necessary to take a ready infusion 4 times a day, 1 teaspoon. The optimal course of treatment is 7 days.

Violet tincture for angina. To prepare it, you need to take 50 grams of violet flowers and pour a glass of alcohol. We leave for 1 week to infuse. It is necessary to take tincture three times a day, 30 ml before meals. And after eating before going to bed, you need to rinse your throat with the same tincture: 10 grams of tincture is diluted with a glass of warm water.

Violet flowers in milk for insomnia. Take 3 grams of plant flowers and pour 200 ml of boiled milk. Let's leave for half an hour to infuse. Ready milk should be drunk before going to bed, and the flowers should be eaten.

Violet for rheumatism and gout. 30 grams of violet grass and roots are poured with 1 liter of boiling water and taken during the day instead of tea.

Violets syrup for coughs in children. To prepare it, take violet flowers and fill the cup to the top. Next, pour 200 ml of boiling water there and leave to infuse for 24 hours. After straining the finished broth, squeeze out the raw material and throw it away. And fresh flowers are again added to the broth and left to brew for a day. Now, having filtered the infusion, add the same amount of honey to it as the broth turned out. Take the medicine 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

Violet during pregnancy. We take 10 grams of violet grass and pour a glass of boiling water. Pour into an enamel bowl, close tightly with a lid. We put it in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, after which we remove it from the heat and leave it to brew for an hour. After straining the broth, we squeeze the raw material. In the finished broth, you need to add another glass of boiling water. The resulting remedy is taken three times a day.

Contraindications to the use of violets

Don't forget that violet is poisonous plant! That is why when taken orally, be careful in dosages.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna| Phytotherapeutist

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

For many flower growers, violet is the most favorite indoor flower. It is also called Saintpaulia or Uzambara violet. It owes its popularity to the variety of colors and not very complicated care at home. The flower is native to the tropics and subtropics of South America, Africa, Asia and Australia. In the 19th century, flower lover Walther von Saint-Paul first discovered the violet on African continent. Today, there are about two thousand varieties and species of this representative of the flora, the description of which is presented below.

Violet is a small plant with a short stem. From it on long petioles depart numerous leaves covered with villi. various forms and coloration. They are rounded or heart-shaped, reach a length of 8 cm. The flowers of Saintpaulia are from 3 cm in size, grow in inflorescences of several pieces. The color is infinitely diverse, some varieties, in addition to the main color, have a border, dots, stripes and spots on the flowers. They have no smell.

Saintpaulia is classified according to many parameters, in particular, according to the following:

  • outlet size: microminiature, miniature, semi-miniature, standard, large;
  • flower size: small-flowered, medium-flowered, large-flowered, especially large-flowered;
  • flower type: simple, semi-double, terry;
  • form: pansy, star, rounded flowers, bluebell, wasp, spider;
  • color: one-color, two-tone, two-color or multi-color;
  • leaf shape: round, oval, heart-shaped, elongated;
  • sheet type: boys, girls;
  • edge of the sheet: rounded, entire, serrated, corrugated, wavy, torn.

Species and varieties

Varieties of violets are incredible. To distinguish them, letter prefixes are often written before the name, which help to find out which author is in a particular variety. For example, the EC is Ekaterina Korshunova. Below are some of the most popular varieties bred by domestic breeders.

frosty cherry

Refers to the type of semi-double violets. Cherry color with white center and border. The color becomes more intense as the plant matures.

The color is also very dependent on the lighting, the less light, the lighter the flower will be.

The pigment also changes, depending on the temperature, the higher it is, the more pronounced the red color, and at low temperatures white prevails. The leaves are simple, painted with the usual green color.

Sea Wolf

In accordance with the classification, the flowers of this orchid are very large semi-double wavy colorful blue stars with an openwork pattern. 3-5 flowers grow on peduncles. At the beginning of dissolution, the flowers have a juicy blue tone, and with time they become a little lighter. The leaves are glossy, ragged dark green above and burgundy below. In the case of an abundance of light, the leaves drop a little. This variety is not very whimsical in home care.

Winter Smiling

The violet is semi-double or terry, the coloring of rather considerable flowers is light pink, having wine-red strokes and light green braid on the edges of the petals. 3-5 flowers are placed on stable peduncles. The leaves are rounded, slightly elongated, quilted with a jagged edge of a yellow-green hue. Saintpaulia is recommended to beginner gardeners as a fairly easy-to-care plant.

Bridal bouquet

This flower is striking in its beauty. It has huge white terry corrugated stars with voluminous ruffles, with a yellow stamen placed in the center. Flowers stay fresh for a long time and do not fade. The leaves are simple light green. The variety is very prolific, not capricious and does not require special attention.


Very beautiful bright violet, the color of which looks new when different angles review. According to the classification by flower, these are large semi-double or double crimson stars. There are 3-5 flowers on the peduncle. Flowers show their real size only after 3-4 flowering. The socket is symmetrical bright green. The leaves are elongated.

White Queen

The charming charm of this violet is large puff semi-double and double wavy rounded white stars, about 7 cm in size. The tips of the flowers have a greenish tint. Flowering in a cap-shaped violet. The leaves are medium pointed green. The socket is compact and neat.


Violet with pale pink terry corrugated flowers in the size of about 6 cm, which have a white-light green border 2 mm wide. The flowers are very voluminous, resembling a ball, many flower growers note their magnificent shape. Lyubasha blooms very plentifully and for a long time. Light green rosette. In home care is not whimsical.

Love Magic

Rosette at a violet of an emerald-green coloring of the average sizes. The flowers are huge, densely double, rounded purple-red stars with a edging on the edge of the petals, which contrasts with the main violet color. The magic of love is very easy to care for, some flower growers notice that even children can look after them.

Black Pearl

Violet blooms with a hat, huge, about 7 cm, densely double cherry-purple balls on hardy flower stalks. Often the flowers are miniature when blooming, and become impressive after a while. The leaves are dark green in color, the rosette is quite dense.


The flowers are large semi-double white flowers. On the petal, the shade is from lilac to dark purple. Also flowers have one feature - these are ears that are several tones darker than the main color. The edges are trimmed with green and white ruffles. The socket is very neat.


Insanely huge white terry vast stars-balls. The petals are entirely covered with waves and folded into triangles at the beginning of blooming, which in their appearance resembles origami - paper products in Japanese art. Leaves are clean and bright.

Beautiful Creole

Unusually beautiful violet. Flowers with a voluminous terry wavy shape. Curly dark blue coloring, reach a size of 4-5 cm. Peduncles are strong, sometimes falling when all flowers open, the number of which is 5-7 pieces. Dark green leaves form a small rosette. This variety is very easy to care for. Daylight quite acceptable.

Chateau Brion

The texture of the petals is similar to porcelain. On strong erect peduncles, the flowers keep their shape for a long time and do not age. They are large, velvet wine-ruby stars with a snow-white corrugated border. Flowering cap form. The leaves are slightly elongated, sinuous green. The outlet is a normal size, compact and neat. The leaves are ovate, stretched, wavy in shape.


Violet blooms in a bouquet of huge fluffy ruffled white flowers sprayed with plum. Flowers open gradually at a slow speed, but according to most flower lovers, the wait is worth the result. Medium green foliage forms a large rosette.

An excess of light has a bad effect on the development of the flower, especially on the opening of the buds.

The beauty of flowers corresponding to the species does not appear from the first flowering.

Green Lagoon

The plant is very unusual and fragile, interesting colors. The flowers are large, double with a fringe, white with blue blots with green outer petals, shaped like a cabbage. The leaves are wavy light green in color. The socket is very dense with sheets raised up. Sometimes the flower at home is naughty, the flowers are not always perfect and the buds often do not open, and the leaves are darker than expected.

Reproduction at home

There are several ways to propagate a plant. But the most commonly used method of leaf propagation is carried out, as a rule, in spring and summer.

First you need to choose a healthy leaf from a plant that is not damaged by insects or ailments. It is desirable to choose a sheet from the second or third row. The method of separating the sheet may be breaking off or cutting off, the second method is recommended as more acceptable. After that, the rooting of the sheet is carried out. This procedure can also be carried out in several ways. The first is rooting in water, and the second is in the ground. After the leaf gives roots, you need to transplant it into a permanent pot.

Landing: the choice of pot and soil

For planting violets, a small pot is used, so that the roots would not grow much, which will take all the strength from the flower. Soil for violets can be used ready, bought in flower shop, and also cook it yourself, using a mixture of sod, coniferous, leafy or peat soil for this, adding baking powder: sand, perlite, vermiculite, chopped sphagnum moss. A prerequisite for planting is the presence of drainage.

The plant is transplanted at least once a year. The main reason is a decrease in the size of the leaves due to the fact that the flower grows and it becomes crowded. During the growth of the violet, it forms side rosettes, which must be separated from the main bush, this contributes to better flowering.

When transplanting, the bare part of the stem should not exceed 6 cm. In this case, a new pot is used one size larger than the previous one.

Features of care for Saintpaulia

Violets love light, which plays an important role in the flowering process. But it is also recommended to avoid direct sunlight.

Particular attention should be paid to watering the flower, because due to the large amount of water, the roots most often rot, resulting in the death of the violet. Saintpaulia needs high humidity, but it is undesirable to use spraying for this, since such a procedure can lead to spots on the sheets.

This plant is thermophilic The ideal temperature is +16-21 degrees. Fertilizer is recommended to be used no more than once a month.

Diseases and pests of indoor violets

Even following all the rules for caring for a violet, diseases and insects can arise unexpectedly.

Infectious plant diseases:

  • Fusarium (rotting outlet)
  • powdery mildew
  • late blight
  • Gray rot


  • Chervets

Growing violets does not require special care, there is nothing complicated in it, and any amateur grower can add to his collection this incredibly beautiful flower. Providing him with the right care, the plant will delight you abundant flowering and wonderful views throughout the year.

Video about the most beautiful varieties of Uzambara violets
