Petiole celery - growing from seeds. Petiole celery: cultivation and care

One of the most capricious and difficult to cultivate plants is petiole celery. Growing and caring for it requires strict adherence to the rules of agricultural technology. Only with a competent approach to the choice of planting material, watering and fertilizing can you get high yield this healthy and tasty vegetable.

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The best varieties for growing

All varieties of celery are divided into two categories:

  • self-bleaching;
  • in need of bleaching (green).

The best self-bleaching varieties are presented in the table:

Variety nameDescriptionFruiting terms
MalachiteYou can get a crop of about 3-4 kg per square meter. Petioles are fleshy, dense, light green in color, each up to 35 cm long.Growing time from the moment of germination will be 80-90 days.
TangoPetioles are curved, up to 50 cm long, outlet weight 1 kg. From one square meter, you can collect from 2 to 3.7 kg of fruit. The variety is widely used in cooking due to its rich aroma and pleasant taste.Counts the best variety in its category, it will be possible to harvest in about 170 days.
GoldThe petioles are of medium length, not strongly curved, the yield is high - up to 5 kg per square meter, the outlet weight is 800 gr.It will be possible to collect fruits in 150-160 days after emergence of shoots.
  • loamy and sandy;
  • pH level from 6.5 to 7.5.

Soil acidification will have a detrimental effect on the plant, but this figure decreases after lime is applied.

Soil preparation consists of the following activities:

  1. In autumn, celery beds are dug up and humus is added, 1 bucket per square meter.
  2. For varieties that need bleaching, a trench 40 cm wide and 30 cm deep is prepared. Then the pit is filled with 20 cm of compost.
  3. Before planting seedlings, the earth is once again dug up and loosened.


Seed Requirements:

  • seedling height should reach at least 5-7 cm;
  • sprouts should be strong, but not elongated;
  • three to five leaves are required.

Seed material ready to be planted in open ground

How to plant celery

The nuances of planting celery:

  1. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 25 cm between sprouts, while there is no need to deepen the sprouts excessively into the soil.
  2. When the height of the plant reaches 5-7 cm, each outlet is mulched.

Caring for petiole celery

Caring for petiole celery is necessary, taking into account a number of nuances:

  1. An additional condition for self-bleaching varieties is hilling. The procedure is carried out every 3 weeks.
  2. Bleaching of other varieties involves wrapping the petioles with a thick layer of paper. This is done when the sprouts reach a height of 30 cm. The procedure will give the celery a light green color, and most importantly, a rich taste.

The whitening method shows a video on the First Country channel.

Watering rules

Irrigation features:

  • celery needs abundant and timely watering, because when the soil dries out, the petioles can crack;
  • number required water calculated based on the presence or absence of mulch, rainfall and the needs of the plant;
  • both lack and excess moisture can harm.

top dressing

Immediately after transplanting seedlings into open ground, and then every 10 days, top dressing is carried out. Liquid organic fertilizers.

There is another feeding scheme:

  1. Two weeks after planting, mullein is introduced in a ratio of 1:10.
  2. Mineral fertilizer is applied 5 weeks after planting.

Disease and pest control

If you do not weed the beds and loosen the soil in time, then there is a risk of slugs, snails and other pests.

The most common pests of petiole celery:

  1. Celery fly. Liming of the soil, thinning of seedlings, autumn digging of the earth, in the neighboring garden, will protect from its impact.
  2. Carrot fly or leaf fly. It is killed during weeding and loosening the soil. For prevention at the end of summer, the distance between the beds can be sprinkled with dry mustard or a mixture of sand and tobacco dust.
  3. Bean aphid. Thyme or nasturtium planted nearby will protect against it. If the pest managed to penetrate the cuttings, it is washed off with a decoction of dandelion, yarrow, tomato leaves and potatoes.

celery fly Carrot fly Bean aphid

Diseases that celery can face:

  1. Early burn or cercosporosis. Appears in wet weather and is identified by round spots on the petioles. As a preventive measure, the seeds are disinfected for half an hour in water at a temperature of 45 ° C. When infected, the leaves are treated with Topsin-M or Fundazol (0.1% solution).
  2. Late burn. Treatment measures are similar as for early.
  3. Powdery mildew. Appears with high humidity, cold dew. Affected plants and weeds are destroyed, the soil is dug up, celery is sprayed with infusion field thistle. For 5 liters of water, 300 grams of grass is taken, boiled for half an hour, infused under the lid for 8 hours.
  4. Cucumber mosaic. It appears as a yellow mosaic or round spots on the edges of the petioles. For prevention, the plant is sprayed with a decoction of tomato leaves. For 10 liters of water, 2 kg of dried tops are used, then 2 liters of broth are diluted in 10 liters of pure water.
  5. Rust. Leads to leaf death. For prevention and treatment, petioles are sprayed with phytosporin or bactofite.
  6. Boron deficiency. With this problem, the petioles crack. This often happens on sandy soils and in hot weather. For treatment, celery is sprayed with a 0.04% solution of borax.

powdery mildew

4802 02/13/2019 7 min.

Petiole celery is now often included in the composition various dishes especially salads. You can eat it raw, as well as after heat treatment. Petiole celery is considered a very tasty and healthy plant.

How to plant seedlings

If a variety of petiole celery has a long growth period, then it is better to get it with the help of seedlings. It is usually placed on the windowsill. Seedlings are planted in late February or early March. If the seeds are not prepared in advance, then the seeds will germinate for more than 20 days. Usually seeds are soaked in immunocytophyte. The solution is prepared at the rate of 20 ml of water 1 tablet of the substance.

A clean box is prepared in advance, the earth is poured into it. The ground is prepared in advance. Mix the earth from the garden and humus in equal proportions, add a little sand. Now the ground needs to be watered, and a day later a layer of snow is placed on top.

How to care

Now it is important to create the right care after transplanting seedlings. All weeds must be removed, the soil loosened. If germinated seeds were sown, then you need to remove nonwoven fabric. If there is a growth retardation, then shooting ahead of time will eventually occur.

You need to thin out the celery for the first time, as soon as 4 to 6 leaves appear. The distance between the plant should be left at 20 cm. The next time you need to thin out the celery after 10 days. As a result, the distance will be 40 cm.

The video tells when to sow petiole celery for seedlings, planting dates:

The soil must not be allowed to become dense. Therefore, loosening is a must. The depth of loosening should be about 6 cm. But if it rained heavily, then the soil is loosened by 15 cm. In this case, it is advisable to apply a little fertilizer when loosening.

top dressing


The plant needs to be watered every week. One square meter will require 20 liters of water. But if there are few rainy days, then the amount of water is increased to 25 liters. There is usually little rain in August and September. When watering, try not to let water get on the leaves themselves. If this is allowed, then the fungus and other diseases can affect the plant.

Light and hilling

If you want to achieve a pleasant aroma and taste from the petioles, then try to remove them away from direct sunlight. Thus the quantity essential oils will decrease, the leaves will become light, the taste will be pleasant. If you spud the plant, it will quickly acquire a light shade. When hilling, the earth should be poured gradually. Keep in mind that you need to spud only with wet earth. First, the plant is spudded so that it does not fall.

The second time to half the stem, and the third time almost to the crown. But this method of hilling has one drawback: petioles can acquire a not very pleasant taste of the earth. Therefore, hilling during the growth period is not recommended. It is better to dig in the greenhouse after harvesting. But in this case, the yield of celery will fall.

But there is another way to apply. In the first weeks of September, the plant is usually already fully formed, so you can take the fabric and tie the stems. Now the soil can be collected under the plant. Petioles need to be wrapped with wrapping paper and tied with twine. The wrapper should not cover the leaves, but end at the edge. Usually improve the taste of celery 3 weeks before harvest.

Celery, like other plants, is susceptible to pests. Therefore, you need to start fighting them in time:

  1. Borsch fly. She is able to start laying eggs at the end of May. These pests can and do spend the whole winter in the soil. If you find a borscht fly, then on next year You can't plant vegetables there.
  2. carrot fly. The larvae of this fly can damage the roots of the plant. Therefore, it is important to carry out weeding on time. Top dressing and loosening is also done on time.
  3. Carrot blotch. This living creature is able to drink all the juice from celery. Outwardly, the plant will look oppressed.
  4. bean aphid. This pest is considered the largest. If you find this pest, then celery must be treated with a decoction of tomato or potato tops.
  5. Early burn. Usually this phenomenon is observed with a sharp temperature drop. You will see spots with a brown border on the leaves. If the humidity is increased, the stain will acquire a purple bloom. You can get rid of the pest within 30 minutes using a temperature of 48 degrees.

The video tells when to plant petiole celery for seedlings:

What time is the landing

Whatever variety of celery you take, they all have a long growing season. Usually celery seeds are sown in April: from April 20 to 25. Transplantation into open ground is done in May: May 15-20.

Those who want to have celery on their table every year can start sowing it. Observing simple rules you will get good results.

The most useful vegetable plant, rich in vitamins and trace elements, is considered petiole celery. It is used in their diet by people leading healthy lifestyle life and wishing to throw off excess weight. Growing petiole celery is within the power of every gardener. The main thing is that the elementary requirements for the landing process and further care are observed.

Initially, petiole celery was grown as medicine and only in our time it began to be actively used in cooking. This rare vegetable plant has a specific aroma, but its fresh greens are loved by so many gourmets. The numerous beneficial properties of this plant prompted gardeners to grow celery in their summer cottage, and cooks to prepare various dishes in which the vegetable acts as a side dish or seasoning.

An open area for planting celery seeds must be prepared in advance. The soil should be fertile, loose, with excellent drainage properties. For this land plot you need to dig, adding mullein or rotted compost to the soil.

Preparatory work must be carried out planting material. Seeds for seedlings are best planted in the first week of March. More early boarding may affect the quality of the emerging seedlings, they are rather capricious cultures. Containers for planting seeds will require shallow, but spacious.

Seeds of petiole celery have one interesting property- the "older" in age they become, the greater their germination becomes. Experienced summer residents and gardeners advise purchasing seeds with a margin and keeping them for 3-4 years before planting. From such seeds it will be possible to grow stronger and better quality seedlings.

Petiole celery is distinguished by a variety of varieties that can be selected according to the method of cultivation (for example, for home conditions), in appearance, in taste, and in yield.

Prepared wooden boxes or plastic containers must be filled with potting mix.

Using a sprayer, the soil needs to be moistened a little, then celery seeds are scattered over its surface.

Each seed needs to be slightly pressed into the soil by one to 2 millimeters, and then cover the container with film or glass to create greenhouse conditions.

Germination of seeds will last approximately 15-20 days. All this time must be devoted to the proper care of future vegetable plants:

  • Daily water procedures in the form of sprays and watering.
  • Maintaining a constant temperature in the room (about 22-25 degrees Celsius).
  • Regular ventilation throughout the daylight hours (2-3 times a day).

Such care must be continued after the appearance of young sprouts, as well as until the transplantation of celery seedlings into open ground (after the appearance of 2-3 full-fledged leaves). Petiole celery grows very slowly, so it will take a lot of strength and patience to achieve this goal.

Before planting seedlings on the beds, it should get stronger. Vegetable culture will not survive cold nights, and even more so night spring frosts. That is why you should not rush to transfer seedlings to country cottage area. The best time for this is the beginning or middle of May.

Seedlings are planted at a distance of about 25 centimeters from each other, and the same width is left for row spacing. It is advisable to protect plants below 5 centimeters in height with a plastic cover (from plastic bottle or a glass with a cut bottom and a bottle top). Seedlings higher do not need such a cover. After that, the entire surface of the soil in the beds with petiole celery must be covered with a mulch layer (for example, straw or small sawdust). On this initial stage the first feeding of vegetable plants should also be carried out. Liquid fertilizers can be applied to the soil along with irrigation water.

Among the numerous varieties of petiole celery, there are those whose seeds do not require planting for seedlings. Seeds of the "Utah" and "Golden Pen" varieties can be planted immediately on open beds, and as young shoots grow, thinning is carried out. The distance between the grown and strengthened seedlings should not be less than thirty centimeters.

A vegetable plant needs regular moderate watering. The volume of irrigation water may vary depending on weather conditions, from the presence of a protective mulch layer and from the needs of the culture itself. Celery will not tolerate an excess of moisture in the soil, so water should not stagnate in the beds, but the top layer of soil should not be allowed to dry out. The soil should always be slightly moist.

Celery needs regular organic top dressing, which are introduced into the soil in liquid form three times a month.

When growing celery varieties that bleach themselves, it is very important to regularly apply hilling crops. As you grow vegetable plant hilling is carried out approximately once a month. The base of the celery, from which the leaf part grows, cannot be covered with earth, so the hilling process must be carried out carefully.

Problems and difficulties in growing celery

Petiole celery is one of the most capricious vegetable crops. Its cultivation requires patience, attention and compliance with all care recommendations. With minimal violations of the basic requirements, problems may arise with the development and growth of a vegetable plant, as well as difficulties due to the appearance of pests.

  • Insufficient soil moisture during irrigation will cause the middle part of the celery stalks to become unusable. On the appearance this culture will not be noticeable, the growth and development of the plant will not differ from other specimens.
  • When planting low-quality seedlings (overgrown or weak) on open beds, flower stalks are formed that cannot be eaten. For planting, it is necessary to select only healthy and strong seedlings.
  • Rotting of the core of the vegetable fruit occurs due to the appearance of bacteria. Long time the external state of the vegetable plant remains normal, although the processes of decay are quite active.
  • The qualitative development of celery petioles also depends on many factors. For example, insufficient irrigation water, irregular irrigation, prolonged hot weather and dry climatic conditions can lead to the appearance of cracks on the petiole of the plant.
  • Cracking of petioles also occurs due to an excess of nitrogen in the soil.
  • For the qualitative development of celery, it is necessary high humidity, which is very popular with some pests. The most common of them are snails and slugs. Timely cleaning of the beds from weeds will help reduce the likelihood of their occurrence.

Delicious and healthy petiole celery can appear on every table if you make every effort and patience to grow it.

celery like spicy herb, is of Mediterranean origin and is valued by gardeners for its excellent taste qualities. Despite its southern origin, celery grows well in temperate climate and can even tolerate light frosts. Celery is leaf, root and petiole

How to plant petiole celery

Petiole celery loves well-fertilized loose soils. If the acidity of the soil is increased, chalk is added before planting celery. Since autumn, humus is introduced into the soil and a lot, because for good development petiole celery needs nitrogen. Humus is introduced into furrows 30 cm deep and 40 cm wide and covered with earth from above.

Early varieties of petiole celery can be sown with seeds in open ground starting from April 20. Seeds are pre-soaked, and then sown to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. Late varieties are grown only seedling way. The seedling method is generally preferable, because the seedlings of petiole celery are quite capricious.

How to plant celery seedlings

Seeds of petiole celery before planting on seedlings are soaked for a day in water at room temperature to speed up their germination. It is worth knowing that petiole celery seeds only improve their qualities with age, so one of the seed bags can be safely postponed for 3-4 years and then planted.

For the appearance of friendly shoots, celery seeds can be stratified: first keep them on wet gauze for 7 days at room temperature, then 14 days - on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. After this treatment, the seeds are ready for sowing.

The soil mixture is poured into the container, it is well moistened, then the seeds are evenly sown on the surface of the soil. After sowing, the seeds are slightly pressed into the soil, the container is closed cling film and put on germination. Before emergence, the soil in containers is regularly sprayed with warm, settled water, once a day the film is removed for ventilation. Celery shoots appear 21 days after sowing seeds. Seedlings are regularly watered. After the appearance of the first true leaf, the seedlings dive, trying not to damage the tap root of the seedling.

Seedlings are planted outdoors when the threat of frost has passed. Basically, this is the second half of May. Seedlings at the time of planting should be 13-15 cm high, have a good root system and 4-5 true leaves.

Seedlings of petiole celery are planted in holes according to the scheme 25 by 25 cm. A handful of humus is placed in each hole before planting and wood ash, which are mixed with the earth in the hole. When planting, seedlings are buried in the soil to the cotyledon knee. Planted seedlings are watered abundantly and shaded with damp paper for a day. Experienced gardeners recommend planting petiole celery between the beds of potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, as the smell of celery repels pests. Mulch the soil around the plants to retain moisture and control weeds.

Caring for petiole celery

Planted seedlings need regular watering - the soil in which petiole celery grows must be moist all the time, but water stagnation should not be allowed. Once every 10 days, celery should be fed with liquid organic fertilizers. Some varieties of petiole celery need to be regularly hilled - once every 3 weeks as the plant grows.

The popularity of the plant of the umbrella family is constantly increasing. On the suburban areas fragrant celery is increasingly appearing, known not only for its pleasant taste, but also for its many useful properties. It belongs to spicy plants, aroma oils which enhance the taste of food. It is not only used for cooking, but also canned or dried.

The main varieties of celery:

  • sheet- cultivated because of the lush growing fragrant greenery, which contains a huge percentage of essential oils;
  • petiolate- grown for thick and long petioles, used mainly for salads;
  • root- valuable round root crop used for cooking various dishes.

Important conditions for growing celery seedlings

To obtain good harvest, you need to worry about the quality of the soil under the plant in advance. The site selected in the fall is dug up and saturated with humus. In the spring, the bed is loosened and dug up again, evenly distributing fertilizers and saturating the soil with oxygen.

Varieties early cultures can be sown directly into the ground in spring, and late crops are best grown in seedlings. One of important conditions a good harvest are high-quality fresh seeds. In order to sow celery for seedlings, all selected seeds are placed in warm water and stay there overnight. Then planted to a depth of 1 cm in the soil.

Technology for growing leaf celery

The leafy species is able to withstand relatively cold temperatures, so experienced gardeners plant it in the soil in early spring. But a more productive result can be obtained by sowing celery for seedlings in early March.

After soaking and deepening into the soil, the seeds are sprinkled with peat, and provide a temperature of about 20 ° C. Watering in the first days is carried out from a spray bottle, evenly moistening the soil.

After the emergence of sprouts, the temperature must be lowered by 2-3 degrees to obtain stable seedlings. When the seedlings have the first true leaves, they make a pick, pinching the root. This will help develop a good root system.

In order for the cultivation of celery seedlings to have good results, it is necessary to monitor the light and temperature regime by hardening plants. At the end of April, greens can be planted in the ground.

Proper care of leaf celery seedlings

In order for the seedlings to take root well, they are transferred to the garden, without breaking a lump under the roots, and watered well. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the growth point is necessarily above the soil, and the distance between the seedlings is at least a quarter of a meter. Then everything is simple: the soil is periodically loosened, preventing the appearance of weeds, and watered well. July - August leaf celery will already bear fruit.

The technology of growing celery root

This species is grown only by seedling method. Sowing celery for seedlings is carried out in February. The secret to good germination is seed stratification. Do it like this:

  • quality seeds are distributed on wet gauze;
  • keep in the room from 5 to 6 days;
  • put in the refrigerator for 10 days;
  • only after that they are sown in the soil.

Effective care for seedlings of celery root

Seed plants when two true leaves appear. When carrying out picks, special care is taken, trying not to disturb the root. Otherwise, instead of a round valuable root crop, you will end up with a branched system of roots unsuitable for food. However, you can not dive root celery, seedlings will succeed in any case. But maybe less durable. Strengthened and rooted greenery after 2 months can be planted in the ground. The growth point is not deepened.

Young seedlings of celery root love moderate watering, periodic fertilizer. One of the secrets to getting a well-formed, rounded celery root is to remove the topsoil around it, and remove the shallow side roots. Another secret is to lower the leaves to the ground at the final stage of growth. So the fruit grows larger and faster. You can collect tubers in October.

Features of growing petiole celery

Agrotechnics and care for celery seedlings of this species is no different from others. But the growing process has a number of nuances. The plant loves high-quality watering and loosening the soil. However, stagnant water in the garden is unacceptable - this will lead to plant diseases. So that the earth does not dry out, it can be mulched. Fertilizer can be produced every 2 weeks. It is better to choose organic fertilizers for this, for example, nettle infusion.

To obtain bleached petioles without bitterness, plants spud a couple of weeks before harvesting. At the same time, the amount of essential oils in the stems is slightly reduced, making them more palatable.

Observing uncomplicated conditions sowing and growing plants, at the end of the summer season, you can get a good harvest of fragrant and healthy celery.

Video sowing root celery for seedlings
