Field body. Thistle thistle is one of the most common

This is a genus of plants belonging to the Astrov family. Its representatives are two- or perennials, which are widespread in the temperate and tropical zones of Eurasia and North America, some species are found in North Africa.

These are herbaceous plants with straight shoots, the height of which, depending on the type and environmental conditions, ranges from 40 cm to 2 m. The foliage is regular, oblong, may be serrated. The flowers are baskets of a rounded oblong shape, the fruit is an achene.

Types of bodyak

The color of the petals depends on the species, but in general this matters only in rare cases, since most types of bodyak are terrible weeds that they try to get rid of as soon as possible, among them: ordinary , white felt , garden , bristly , heterogeneous .

Their appearance is broadly similar, some differences are present mainly in the leaves, roots or flowers, for example:

at Bodiaka garden the flowers are large and white, although not ornamental,

and at Anthrax ordinary smaller and purple

In turn, it has thin leaves and a thinner shoot.

General information

In their natural conditions, some thistles may not occupy the area so much, but if you bring it to another place as an invasive plant, then they can make a real problem there - this happened with the Bogyak swamp, which from Asia came to the marshes of North America and firmly rooted there.

Such strong survival and distribution are due to the fact that the rhizome of these flowers gives many shoots from which new plants appear. It happens that because of this feature, entire fields with plants of the same sex appear - flowering occurs, but seeds are not formed, and reproduction occurs exclusively vegetatively.

But besides this, if plants of different sexes are present (and usually they are), then an ovary is formed, and in one flower of a calamus, depending on the species, there can be from 4 to 30 thousand seeds.

Most representatives of this genus easily tolerate droughts, rains, do not get sick, can be affected by some pests, but due to the huge number of individuals this is not a problem, they are also easily accepted if they were torn out of the soil and put back on it.

But there is also an endangered species of this genus - this. It is included in the Red Book of Russia.

Ratibida is also a representative of the Asteraceae family, it is grown during planting and care in the open field without much hassle, but requires several nuances. You can find all the necessary recommendations for growing and caring in this article.

Bodyak medicinal properties

Usually one gets the impression that this plant brings only trouble, but this is not so. Although it is poisonous, in some places it is used in folk medicine as a remedy for skin diseases and headaches.

The variegated calamus is used for boils, and Polevoi for colic in the kidneys and liver, decoctions of the briar boletus were used for problems with the menstrual cycle.

But we remind you that this is a poisonous plant and self-medication can cause poisoning - solid formations appear in the stomach, which can cause blockage of the intestines. Also, bodyac funds should not be taken by people with heart problems, varicose veins, encephalopathy.

Useful properties of bodyak

Some species are used in local cuisines. It's (young shoots) Garden (young foliage and stems), (expanded root areas and bottom of stems). During the Second World War, the vegetable garden was in the diet of the field troops.

The down of the Wildak field used to be used for stuffing stuffed animals.

Well, of course, it is worth noting the qualities that can benefit gardeners. This is an excellent honey plant, but it is better not to grow it in this capacity, as the benefits can turn into harms. But if there are pastures or meadows with a bee next to the bee, then the bees will be able to prepare a lot of honey.

The bodyak fluffs up the soil, after the death of the plants it becomes more moisture- and air-intensive. It also absorbs a lot of useful substances from the depth of the soil, so it becomes an excellent material for "green manure" or mulch.

He also lures aphids to himself, but in this case you need to be careful that the plant does not give seeds, otherwise you can greatly regret this method of pest control.

Field measure fight

Thistle clogs crops heavily and farmers fight it by crushing rhizomes and herbicidal preparations, to which it turned out to be very vulnerable. At home, the problem with using herbicides is that they can have a bad effect on other plants, and if we use them in the garden, then it becomes dangerous in the flower garden.

A good method is to mulch the area after cutting the stems of the stems. It is important to avoid sowing seeds. But weeding can make it even worse, because by cutting the rhizome into a couple of parts, you will get two plants instead of one.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude: to combat the bodyak, you need to cut it off, and not weed it, after cutting, water the area with effective micro-organisms and cover it with mulch. It is possible to sow green manure, which oppress other crops.

Bodyak in landscape design

And finally, and are used in landscape design. The first one grows up to 130 cm tall, the foliage at the top of the shoot is thin, at the bottom - pinnate, with more pronounced lobes. Baskets up to 3 cm in diameter, dark red. Blooms from June to August.

The Japanese badass can reach two meters in height. Grown as a biennial plant. The foliage is long, pinnate, dissected. Baskets up to 5 cm in diameter, purple or pink. This species is more common in culture and has a variety " white victory » with white flowers, and a series Beauty-Pink , Rose , snow beauty - with pink, dark carmine and white petals, respectively. Flowering begins in August and ends in September.

Both ornamental species have the unpretentiousness of their relatives, but do not create such problems with the seizure of the territory. Growing is available in any soil, but moist, nitrogen-rich soils are preferred.

For the maximum effect of flowering, a well-lit area is selected. Otherwise, neither watering nor fertilizer is needed. When the flowers begin to fade, they are pruned to protect themselves from excessive growth of the culture. In autumn, the shoots dry out and are cut to the ground.

Species that are used as ornamentals withstand frosts down to -20°C or even higher if there is a lot of snow. But, if you live in a cold area, then you can cover the area with fallen leaves, and remove it in the spring.

Reproduction of a bodyak

Seeds are simply sown in autumn or spring at the chosen location. It is worth noting that the seeds of this crop easily survive bad conditions and remain viable for a long time, they may not sprout once, but they will manifest themselves in a few years.

Like other bodyaks, reproduction is possible by dividing the rhizome - the root is simply cut into large pieces and buried.

Diseases and pests

Diseases do not usually disturb this culture. As for pests, aphids may appear. Since she loves the bodyak, it is better to immediately resort to insecticides.

Weeds, with which the owners of gardens, flower beds or summer cottages are constantly fighting, are often useful plants for humans, which have long been well known to traditional medicine. Today we will talk about one of these weeds - the wild thistle, better known as thistle, which does not allow cultivated plants to grow normally, but is useful for the treatment of many ailments.


Field watercress belongs to the wild-growing perennial herbaceous plants from the Compositae family. It has thin and very long stems, which sometimes reach 1.5 m in height. The color of the stems and leaves is green, with an olive tint. The leaves of the plant are small, arranged alternately on the stems, have an oblong-lanceolate shape, and are stiff. The leaf blades have a notched-toothed or pinnate-lobed edge, very prickly.

Did you know? There are more than 300 species of plants from the genus Lichen in the world, most of which are common in Europe, North and Central America. And in Ethiopia there is a giant bodyak Engler, which reaches 4 m in height.

The most powerful part of the plant is the root system, which includes a long tap root and many side branches. The main root grows vertically into the ground and can reach a depth of over 4 m.

Weed flowers are represented by brush-paniculate inflorescences, red-violet color. The weed blooms for a long period - from mid-summer to the end of September. After the bud fades, a fruit with seeds appears in place of the bud, which scatter over a large area. They have numerous feathery hairs, which allows them to soar in the air, flying a considerable distance.

In addition, seeds can survive in extreme environmental conditions and remain viable for up to 7 years. In the fruit of one plant, up to 30 thousand seeds are concentrated, the possibility of germination of which is very high if all conditions for this are created.

It grows best in a territory that is constantly cultivated, so it spreads as quickly as possible on well-groomed and fertile soils. Fields, gardens, arable lands, lands for cattle walking are subject to the impact of weeds. Often a weed can be seen near a river, a ditch, a road, in a meadow.

Important! Since the weed is very prolific, it can fill the entire territory and displace other plants very quickly - sometimes it takes no more than three years.


The field bodyak is interesting for a person due to the presence of:

  • thaliacin glycoside;
  • resins;
  • carotene;
  • choline;
  • tartaric acid;
  • inulin;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamin C.

The fruits of the plant are rich in fatty semi-drying oil - about 27%.

The nutritional value of this weed has not been studied much, therefore it is only known that the plant is very nutritious and rich in carbohydrates. There are about 396 kcal per 100 g of the product.

Beneficial features

Due to the high content of nutrients, the plant is famous for the following effects:

  • bactericidal;
  • painkillers;
  • wound healing;
  • hemostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diaphoretic.
In addition, vitamin C, which is contained in the plant, has a normalizing effect on the endocrine and nervous systems, stimulates hematopoiesis, and strengthens the immune system.

Carotene promotes the elimination of free radicals, which subsequently reduces the risk of cancer, stimulates metabolic processes in the body, and slows down the aging process. Fatty acids cope well with the carcinogenic effects on the body, neutralizing this process.
Alkaloids stimulate the central nervous system, strengthen blood vessels, normalize blood pressure and lower body temperature. Inulin helps the body absorb vitamins and minerals, stimulates the intestines, reduces the amount of sugar in the blood.

Choline helps the body absorb fats better, stimulate the heart and improve liver function. Tartaric acid allows you to reduce body weight due to diuretic and laxative effects.


Very often, the field thistle acts as the main component in the recipes of folk remedies for the treatment of various diseases. Let us consider separately which parts of the plant are used in treatment, as well as the main prescriptions for medicines.


Decoctions and infusions are prepared from the root, which help in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, colic, kidney problems.

For colic or pain in the abdomen, rheumatism, gout, a decoction is prepared from the crushed root of the field calendula. For this, 1 tsp. raw materials must be poured with a glass of water and boiled for 10 minutes. Leave the product to infuse for 2 minutes, then strain and use 1 tbsp. l. 5 times a day before meals for 30 minutes.
The decoction is good for treating toothache. To do this, rinse your mouth with a warm remedy 5 times a day.

The same decoction can be used as compresses for the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. A bandage or gauze soaked in a decoction, folded several times, is applied to problem areas 3 times a day.

The root powder of thistle is effective in the treatment of bruises, bruises, bruises. For this, 2 tsp. stir the powder in 1 tsp. water and apply the resulting slurry to the problem area for 20 minutes. Do the procedure 2-3 times a day.

Externally, the root of thistle is used to treat skin problems accompanied by boils, abscesses, wounds, ulcers, and inflammations.


Inflorescences help fight neuroses and cancer cells, preventing them from progressing.

In the treatment of malignant neoplasms, a decoction of the inflorescences of the thistle can help. This requires 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials pour a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes, then leave for 1 hour, strain and use 100 ml three times a day, regardless of food.
Infusions are prepared from inflorescences for the treatment of neuroses. For medicine, you need to use 1 tbsp. l. raw materials and a glass of boiling water, insist 4 hours. Before taking, strain and use 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals for 30 minutes.

stems and leaves

The aerial part of the plant (commonly referred to as "herb" in popular recipes) in dried or fresh form is used in the treatment of problems associated with the appearance of wounds, boils, abscesses, tumors, hemorrhoidal bumps. Herbal decoctions help to cope with intestinal, renal, hepatic colic, gout and rheumatism, remove excess fluid from the body during edema. A decoction also helps in the treatment of headaches, problems with blood vessels.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, poultices with bodyak grass are recommended: 3 tbsp. l. wrap raw materials in a sterile bandage, scald with boiling water and use as lotions for hemorrhoidal foci. The same lotion can be done to treat boils and abscesses.

To treat problems with blood vessels, it is recommended to prepare a decoction of the herb. For this, 1 tsp. boiled in 200 ml of liquid for 10 minutes. It is necessary to use strained three times a day for 1 tbsp. l. before meals 30 min.

Did you know? During the Great Patriotic War, the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR approved the bodyak as a food product in the diet of field troops.

Harm and contraindications

The use of the field as a medicine is prohibited for people who suffer from:

  • individual intolerance to the plant;
  • encephalopathy;
  • myopathy;
  • hypertension;
  • varicose veins.
It is not recommended to use the plant during pregnancy and lactation, as well as children.

Since the wild thistle contains a small amount of toxic substances, when using the plant in large volumes, signs of toxic effects on the body may occur, which are accompanied by symptoms of ordinary poisoning.
Among the most serious side effects are the development of tachycardia and hypertension, as well as the formation of blood clots.

Therefore, in order not to harm the health of treatment with the help of a bodyak, it is recommended to take into account the characteristics of your body and consult with a qualified specialist before using the medicine.


The field flower is not recognized by official medicine as a medicinal plant, therefore it is impossible to buy raw materials for the preparation of medicines in a pharmacy. To use a plant for medicinal purposes, you need to harvest it yourself, so you need to work out information about the time of collection, the parts of the plant that are used for treatment, as well as the features of drying and storage of finished raw materials.

All parts of the plant have medicinal properties, but they must be harvested and used in different ways.

The leaves and stems of the plant must be collected during the flowering period, which lasts from mid-summer to late autumn, but you need to have time to do this before the period until the fruits appear. To do this, using a sharp knife, cut off the entire green part of the plant almost to the root. To avoid damaging the skin when working with the sharp leaves of the weed, it is recommended to use gloves.
Dry the raw materials, separating the leaves from the stems, in a warm and dry room or on the street, under cover. Grass is not recommended to grind before drying - so you can lose a lot of useful elements. It is better to grind raw materials immediately before use.

Thistle is a perennial weed from the Compositae family. It reaches a height of more than 1 m. The stem is hollow, erect, with a sticky liquid inside. Closely crowded inflorescence baskets form at the top of the stem. They are surrounded by covering pale yellow leaves, prickly along the edges. Blossom blooms in August-September. It grows mainly on moist soils of ditches, along river banks, in wet meadows, as well as in wastelands and garbage places. It is found in Siberia, the European part of Russia, in the North Caucasus, on Sakhalin.

Useful properties of bodyak

Thistle has medicinal properties, although the chemical composition of this plant is not well understood. It is known that it contains tannins, alkaloids, glycosides, fats, resins, essential oils. The delicate delicate aroma of the bodyak attracts bees. To prepare medicines, you need to dig up the root of the plant in the fall, rinse thoroughly and dry it under an awning in the fresh air or in a special dryer. According to some sources, the aerial part of the bodyak can also be used.

The use of bodyak

In traditional medicine, the use of thistle for medicinal purposes has not yet been accepted. Due to the fact that it is very little studied, it is not recommended to use it at all. Nevertheless, in some areas the plant is used as a remedy for gout and rheumatism. A decoction of the herb is recommended for colic, skin diseases and hemorrhoids (in the form of poultices). Dry inflorescences in combination with other medicinal herbs are prescribed by traditional healers for patients with oncological diseases.
Fresh herbal gruel relieves inflammation, itching, treats eczema and lichen. Decoctions from inflorescences and roots help with headaches, epilepsy, neuropsychiatric diseases. But when using a bodyak, do not forget that the plant is poisonous, so when taking it yourself, you should act with extreme caution.

A decoction of the roots: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed raw materials is poured into 250 ml of boiled water, boiled in a steam bath for 8–10 minutes, insisted for about half an hour. The decoction is used in the form of lotions to cleanse the skin, they rinse the hair with oily seborrhea.

Moisturizing face mask: 4 tablespoons of crushed leaves of the plant are mixed with 1 tablespoon of kefir and literally 1 drop of rose essential oil is added. The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water, and the skin is rubbed with an ice cube from parsley broth.

Bodjak variegated

Thistle is a multi-leaved perennial plant with medicinal properties. Its height is 50–100 cm, the stem is vertical, rigid. The leaves are pinnatipartite, prickly along the edges, narrowed upwards, below - white felt. Inflorescence - basket. The flowers are round, scarlet. The fruit is an elongated achene, inside of which there are long feathery hairs. This plant blooms in July-August, the seeds ripen in August-September.

This type of bodyak grows in Siberia and the Urals. It grows among shrubs, in mixed forests. The plant contains essential oil, alkaloids, flavonoids, rubber, anthocyanins. The grass is used for medicinal purposes, stocking it during the flowering of plants. Used as a wound healing, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Basically, bodyak is used externally in the form of powders and lotions. Finely chopped fresh grass is applied to abrasions and boils. Wounds can also be healed with lotions made from the infusion of thistle. Purulent wounds are sprinkled with powder from dry leaves. Young leaves and shoots are eaten. The plant is also used in veterinary medicine.

Infusion from the roots of the bodyak: 4 tbsp. spoons of dry crushed roots are poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for 2–2.5 hours. After filtering, the infusion is added to the bath at a temperature not exceeding +38 ° C. Bath time is 15 minutes. The procedure gives the body freshness and reduces sweating.

Field calf

This herbaceous plant has a well-developed root system, which includes a long taproot and lateral roots. The tap root can go deeper into the soil by more than 4 meters. The stem is straight, branched, with grooves. The leaves are oblong, alternate, closely adjacent to the stem. Leaf blades are entire, pinnately lobed, prickly along the edges. Violet unisexual flowers, collected in paniculate inflorescences.

The fruit is an oblong, laterally compressed achene, narrowed towards the base, inside - a volute with feathery hairs. Seeds are small matte, grayish in color. On each plant, the number of seeds can reach 36 thousand. This type of thistle is propagated by seeds and vegetatively. The plant blooms from June to late autumn. It grows mainly in wastelands and pastures. Refers to difficult-to-eradicate weeds of vegetable gardens and orchards.

In the manufacture of infusions and decoctions, grass and inflorescences of thistle are used, which are harvested during flowering, the roots are harvested in the fall. The chemical composition of the plant is represented by glycosides, resins, essential oils, ascorbic acid. A volatile alkaloid was found in the green part of the plant. The fruits contain up to 27% fatty semi-drying oil.

In alternative medicine, decoctions from the root of the plant are used for intestinal, renal and hepatic colic. Also crushed thistle is applied to wounds, abscesses, boils. Inflorescences are used in a mixture with other herbs for cancer. When used internally, caution is needed, as this plant is poisonous.

A decoction of inflorescences: 20 g of dry inflorescences are used for 200 ml of water. The mixture is boiled for 10 minutes in a water bath and infused for an hour. After straining, the decoction is taken 3 times a day for 1/3 cup for malignant neoplasms.

Thistle is common

This biennial plant is a weed. Its stem is straight, branched, covered with sharp thorns. The bodyak reaches a height of 1.5 m. The root system is pivotal, the leaves are hard, pinnately lobed, prickly at the edges. The flowers are enclosed in prickly single baskets, have a crimson color. The plant can be found everywhere: along roads, in fields, under fences, in garbage places. Easily adapts to any climatic conditions.

In folk medicine, decoctions and tinctures of thistle root are used both for internal and external use. The collection and preparation of raw materials are carried out in late autumn, after the end of the vegetative period. The roots are washed, finely chopped, dried. Stored in paper bags for three years. The decoction helps with acute inflammatory processes, relieves headaches and migraines, relieves vascular spasms, strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to infections.

The decoction is also used as an antipyretic for infectious diseases accompanied by high fever. Alcohol tincture in the form of lotions and rubs is effective for skin diseases such as acne and boils. It is used to treat wounds and abrasions. Official medicine does not recognize this plant as medicinal.

Bristly calf

This herbaceous perennial weed has a well-developed root system, consisting of a straight rhizome and many root shoots. The stem is erect, with many branches, ribbed, slightly pubescent or glabrous. The leaves are alternate, tightly or weakly adherent to the stem, smooth above, slightly pubescent below, green, oval in shape, bristly at the edges. The flowers of this type of bodyak are bisexual, lilac-red or purple.

The fruit is an elongated achene of yellow or brown color. The plant reproduces by seeds and vegetatively. Blooms from June until frost. Seeds ripen in September-October. The plant is common in the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Siberia. Under natural conditions, it grows in meadows, along river banks, pastures and garbage places.

In folk medicine, baths and lotions from the bristly calendula are used for dermatitis of various etiologies, eczema, and dandruff. Dry and fresh leaves are steamed and applied to purulent wounds, abscesses, ulcers. As a wound healing agent, juice from the leaves of young plants is used.

A decoction of inflorescences and juice from the leaves are prescribed for uterine bleeding and menstrual irregularities. Infusion and decoction of all parts of the plant are drunk for nervous disorders. Harvesting of rhizomes is carried out in autumn and spring. It is washed from the ground, adventitious roots are removed and dried. The upper part of the plant is harvested during the flowering period. Dry it in the usual way.

Poultices: 2-3 tablespoons of crushed herbs or roots of thistle should be steamed with boiling water, after a couple of minutes, wrap the herb in gauze in the form of pads and use it for hemorrhoids, boils, abscesses.

Bodiak garden

Perennial, thorny herbaceous plant over 1 meter high. Blooms in August-September. Grows in nitrogen-rich soils. He likes to settle around water bodies, along the banks of lakes and rivers. It grows in the eastern part of Russia and in Western Siberia. The people use the aerial part and the root of the vegetable garden.

A decoction of the root can treat rheumatism and gout. Healers prescribe this remedy for toothache and cramps. In the literature, you can find a mention that the plant is used as salads, using young leaves and shoots. It is believed that such a salad improves digestion.

A decoction of herbs: pour a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water, cook in a water bath for 5-6 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain. Dosage: take 4 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals for? glass. The decoction helps with epilepsy. It is used externally for conjunctivitis. Cotton swabs soaked in a decoction are placed on the eyes for 20-25 minutes.

Bogyak marsh

This herbaceous biennial or perennial plant can reach a height of two meters. Its stem is completely covered with thorns. The leaves are pinnately dissected, smooth, white below, pubescent. The teeth of the leaves are covered with sharp spines. Inflorescences at the tops of the stems are collected in groups of 2-8 pieces. Flowers light pink or white. The flowering period is July-September, the seeds ripen in August-October. This type of bodyak grows in swampy forests, along the banks of grassy swamps. Grows in Siberia.

Before getting rid of weeds in your garden, you should think about whether this or that grass is really useless? Field bodyag, popularly called thistle, despite its poisonousness, can also be beneficial. Cultivated plants only suffer from it, but in folk medicine it is actively used for medicinal purposes. How, when and in what doses field bodyag helps - in this article.

What is a bodyak: a description of plant varieties

The grass also has a third name - sow thistle. It grows almost everywhere. Reaches a height of up to 160 cm. In general, there are about 250 species of weed, in Russia you can find about 125 of its varieties.

The most common varieties are:

  • Common bastard. The herb is biennial, commonly found in Europe and North Africa. In Russia, it grows in the North Caucasus and in the European part. It has prickly leaves along the edges, inflorescences in the form of ovoid baskets. Flowers pink or crimson.
  • The bodyak is multi-leaved. This species is perennial and grows mainly in Europe. The flowers of this herb are lilac, sometimes white.
  • The bodyak is bristly. Found throughout Eurasia.
  • The bodyak is elecampane. This variety can be found in Eastern Siberia.

Bodyak is a headache for many gardeners and gardeners. It inhabits both vineyards and meadows. Often it can be seen along the sides of ditches, on roadsides and in places where garbage accumulates. The plant blooms from June to October. The grass has a strong tap root that can penetrate the soil to a depth of 6 meters, so weed control is not easy.

The composition of the grass thistle field and its properties

The composition of the herb is not fully understood, so it is difficult to talk about its harmful or beneficial qualities.

The plant contains:

  • Resin;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Essential oil;
  • Inulin.

The herb also contains alkaloids and tannins. Due to the lack of information, traditional medicine does not recognize the medicinal properties of the weed and does not recommend the use of pink thistle as a remedy for various ailments.

However, in folk medicine the stems and root part of the plant are used. The stems are cut in the summer, and the roots are dug up in the fall. Thistle is popularly used both fresh and in the form of decoctions, infusions, powders and lotions. It has been noticed that the field flower has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and disinfecting effects. It has also been noted for its antibacterial properties.

How folk healers use the field bodyak

The cut leaves of the various-leaved bodyag are applied to fresh cuts. Thanks to the healing qualities of the herb, it is possible to stop bleeding, relieve inflammation from the wound. You can also get rid of boils or swelling with fresh weed leaves.

The roots of the plant are also used in folk medicine. They have a milk-producing property, so they are advised to be used by women during breastfeeding. Dried roots can be stored for no more than 2 years, and leaves - no more than a year, while it is necessary to protect them from dampness.

Badyaga parts also help with:

  • colds;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Respiratory tract diseases;
  • Purulent wounds;
  • sweating;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • Bruises and bruises.

Contraindications to the use of sow thistle are: pregnancy, acute or chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intestines or spleen, individual intolerance. We must not forget that thistle is a plant, although weak, but still poisonous, so it can only be used in small doses. Long-term use of the herb causes hypertension, varicose veins, blockage of the intestines.

To get rid of bruises, bruises or bruises, use the powder from the roots of thistle. The powder slightly diluted with water is applied to the problem area.

In diseases of the respiratory tract, sow thistle infusions are used. Take one st. a spoonful of dried grass, put in a glass and pour boiling water. After a few hours, filter and drink 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.

What else is useful bodyak ordinary

To get rid of such a nuisance as sweating, an infusion of crushed grass roots will also help. It is added to the bath. Thistle gives the skin freshness. With severe headaches, it is also advised to drink an infusion from the bodyak. Many healers use the herb as a cure for conjunctivitis, gout, epilepsy, and rheumatism. Even toothache and inflammation of the gums get rid of with the help of a decoction of grass. And although the medicinal properties of the plant have been little studied, traditional healers recommend garden calendula even as a remedy for cancer.

Since ancient times, young leaves and shoots of the weed have been used as one of the ingredients in soups and salads. They give dishes a bright green color. In difficult times, when the Great Patriotic War was going on, the bodyak was officially introduced into the diet of Soviet soldiers. Boiled roots taste like Jerusalem artichoke, so they are also used in cooking.

The benefits of herbs field calendula (video)

Despite the fact that traditional medicine does not recommend the use of thistle as a medicine, traditional healers advise weed grass as a medicinal one. Scientific studies confirming the benefits of thistle field have not been conducted.

Cirsium arvense Scop.

Field calf- one of the representatives of the huge family of Compositae has lilac-purple flower baskets, rough, small, seated on a dense, highly branched stem up to 120 cm high, leaves from slightly incised at the top of the stem to deep notched at the bottom, lanceolate, prickly to the touch. As befits a weed, thistle blooms in crops and plowed fields, as well as in meadows and wastelands.

All summer you can see nondescript flower heads, on which fluffy tufts gradually appear, helping the seeds fly as far as possible from the mother plant. This incredibly resistant weed has long been used in folk medicine for both animals and humans.

Biological description of the field watercress

The leaves of the field flower form a basal rosette, from which then a stem grows from 30 to 200 cm high (under good conditions); in the upper part of the stem is strongly branched.

The plant is usually dioecious and reproduces well vegetatively. It happens that it forms colonies only from persons of the same sex. Then the plant blooms, but does not produce seeds. Flowering time is from June to October.

Field calf due to vegetative reproduction, it can flood the entire field, displacing cultivated plants. In nature, it is also found in meadows, in thickets of shrubs, along roads in the lowlands and in the mountains.

A strong tap root can penetrate 2-3 meters deep, sometimes there are roots 5-6 meters long. Approximately to a depth of 35 cm from the main root, tuberous thickened roots extend parallel to the surface, in which nutrients are stored.

Where does the bodyak grow (distribution and ecology)

It grows mainly on the moist soils of ditches, along the banks of rivers, in wet meadows, as well as in wastelands and garbage places. Distributed in Siberia, the European part of Russia, the North Caucasus, Sakhalin.

What is included in the field bodyak

Undoubtedly, field calendula has medicinal properties, but the chemical composition of this plant has been studied superficially. It is known that it contains tannins, alkaloids, fats, glycosides, resins, essential oils. Thistle has a delicate and delicate aroma that attracts bees well.

When to collect and how to store a wild boletus

The whole plant is collected, then the stems are cut in half, dried and water extracts are prepared. It is easy to prepare a field calf and it brings unconditional benefits in the household and at home.

For what diseases is bodyak used?

In scientific medicine, the field flower is not yet used. In this regard, it is very poorly studied, and it is not recommended to use it at all. However, in some regions it has been successfully used to treat gout and rheumatism.

A decoction of the herb is recommended for skin diseases, colic and hemorrhoids (in the form of poultices). Dried inflorescences in mixtures with other medicinal herbs are prescribed by folk healers to patients oncological diseases.

Fresh herbal slurry from the bodyak eliminates itching, inflammation , treats eczema and ringworm . Decoctions from the roots and inflorescences help with epilepsy, headaches, neuropsychiatric diseases. But when using a bodyac, you should remember that the plant is poisonous, therefore, with self-treatment, you should act as carefully as possible.

The use of thistle in medicine (recipes)

With various spasms and pains, decoctions of the field waterweed are taken orally. Long-term use of cold herbal infusion normalizes metabolism, cleanses the skin and intestines, and reduces blood sugar in diabetics. With lichen, eczema, skin ulcers, an infusion is used externally.

Animal refers to poisonous plants, and it must be used (especially inside) with caution, strictly observing the indicated dosages. It cannot be used for encephalopathy and myopathy. In addition, long-term use of preparations based on thistle field can lead to the development of varicose veins and hypertension. If the body has a tendency to form blood clots, then bodyak treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of specialists.

For skin cleansing and rinsing hair with oily seborrhea use a decoction of the roots of thistle: 1 tablespoon of crushed raw material is poured into 250 ml of boiled water, boiled in a steam bath for 8-10 minutes, insisted for about 30 minutes.

Refresh the body and reduce sweating will help root infusion: 4 tablespoons of dry crushed roots are poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for 2-2.5 hours. After filtering, the infusion is added to the bath at a temperature not exceeding +38 o C. The bath time is 15 minutes.

From the leaves of the wild thistle field, you can make a very effective moisturizing face mask: 4 tablespoons of crushed leaves of the plant are mixed with 1 tablespoon of kefir and 1 drop of rose essential oil is added there. The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water, and the skin is wiped with an ice cube from parsley broth.

At hemorrhoids, abscesses and boils poultices from the bodyak will help: you should steam 2-3 tablespoons of roots or chopped grass with boiling water, after a couple of minutes wrap the grass in gauze in the form of a pillow and apply it to the affected area.

At malignant neoplasms traditional medicine recommends decoction of inflorescences: 20 g of dry inflorescences are used for 200 ml of water. The mixture is boiled for 10 minutes in a water bath and infused for one hour. After the decoction is filtered and taken 3 times a day, a third of a glass.

At epilepsy use the following decoction of the herb thistle: a tablespoon of the herb is poured with a glass of boiling water, boiled in a water bath for 5-6 minutes, insisted for 1 hour, filtered. Take 4 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals, 1/3 cup. This decoction is also used externally. with conjunctivitis: moisten cotton swabs and apply to closed eyes for 20-25 minutes.

Good to know...

Previously, tufts of down from the field calamus and flowering plants were used as material for stuffing stuffed animals.
