Dining room business advice. Market overview and development prospects


In big cities, cozy cafes and restaurants are created on every corner. The very word "dining room" is associated with a dot Catering where you can eat hearty and cheap. Young people bypass such places, preferring more advanced establishments, but older people visit such food outlets with great pleasure.

With proper management, a canteen can easily compete with even the most expensive restaurants. To open a dining room, you need to know some of the nuances.

Differences between an ordinary canteen and a restaurant

  • The opening hours of the dining room should coincide with the work schedule of organizations located nearby.
  • The menu in the establishment of such food is simple, but varied.
  • No alcoholic drinks.
  • The pricing policy implies low prices.

The modern canteen and the so-called fast food restaurants have a lot in common. Accessibility is considered an attractive moment of one and the other institution. The main visitors to social catering establishments are employees and students, workers and students in the vicinity of the enterprise.

Canteens offer "first, second and compote" - budget, but delicious option, which people of average income managed to appreciate. Therefore, many businessmen want to open a buffet or canteen.


Certain knowledge will help you wisely invest money and realize your own potential. You need to start a business from scratch by finding a room, a room in the city and paperwork. The organization of the dining room includes the following items.

  • Open an individual entrepreneur or obtain the status of a legal entity. Suppliers and corporate clients prefer to cooperate with legal entities rather than with an individual entrepreneur.
  • Search for a room that would meet all the requirements for the installation of professional equipment. The Internet can help with this.
  • Carrying out repairs, creating an interior, including the purchase of furniture and decorative elements.
  • Procurement and installation of professional kitchen equipment.
  • Preparation of documents, coordination with government agencies like: SES, fire brigade and so on. Obtaining permission from them to open their own business and sell food to customers.
  • Recruitment of staff in the dining room.
  • Development and implementation of the menu.
  • Purchase of beautiful dining sets.
  • Work with suppliers, which consists in signing contracts with stipulated requirements and conditions.
  • Advertising about the services provided by the canteen.

Required documents

A license to open a canteen from scratch is not required. The main documentation must be coordinated with the following institutions and organizations: SSES, UGPS, KUGI, GIOP and the technical supervision service. Without this, the business will not be able to open.

The dining room from scratch provides for the study of the intricacies and nuances of the entrepreneurial business, which consists in drawing up and concluding contracts with suppliers and other persons involved in the business.

You have to delve into banking, many entrepreneurs prefer to pay money to employees by transferring them to plastic cards. Such a business without cash register not open, it must be registered with the tax office.

Business from scratch - the right location of the dining room

It is best to find a building located near large enterprises with a large number of employees. Opening a canteen is a costly business. Factories, offices, dormitories, a clinic, a hospital, a large shopping center and other crowded places will provide the institution with a large influx of customers. Well, if you can rent the building of the former dining room.

Inspecting services are scrupulous about places of social catering located on the first floors of residential buildings.

If you have found a building to open your dining room, then pay attention to the following points:

  • main hall;
  • kitchen (it is important that it is tiled or plastic, the materials can be easily cleaned of dirt, they are invulnerable to high temperatures);
  • utility rooms;
  • accounting;
  • in the dining room carried out: sewerage, plumbing, electricity and gas;
  • automated systems, accounting software;
  • It is better to buy cash registers with the provided function of payment by plastic cards.

To open a business in the field of catering, you will have to study a lot of information, instructions, talk with knowledgeable people who have achieved some success in this field, take their advice into service.

Equipment for the kitchen

To open a profitable dining room, you need to know that gas appliances are more economical than electric ones. In the kitchen of the establishment, one cannot do without first and second courses. The institution is obliged to purchase: hoods, dishwashers at the discretion of the owner, ovens, stoves, cutting, production tables. The dining room should have: lockers, racks for storing kitchen utensils, dishes, cold rooms, meat grinders, mixers, blenders.

Work with vendors who provide end-to-end service. It is unprofitable to save on the above devices, because if the business goes uphill, cheap devices will quickly fail. To prevent this from happening, you need to invest in high-quality, new devices. It is quite difficult to open this institution without experience.

Additional furniture

In the utility rooms of the dining room there should be tables, racks, lockers for changing clothes of employees. The hall must be equipped so that the furniture is in harmony with the intended design. You should not buy super-comfortable soft chairs, because this place is designed to feed people, not entertain.

If the estimate provides for a certain amount for the purchase of dining furniture, add another 20%, this is enough for the first time.

The distribution complex should attract potential visitors and not repulse. For ready meals cells are provided, it is convenient if there is a belt conveyor, refrigerators are required for storing perishable dishes and desserts. Buy new equipment for distribution, this is the first thing that catches your eye when a person enters the dining room, and then your service.

To open a profitable canteen, you need to find good employees. In addition to finding cooks and technologists, hire administrative workers. Find the director of the dining room and the accountant. The institution employs: cooks, workers standing on the distribution line, cashiers, dishwashers, a mechanic. They must strictly comply with sanitary requirements.

If you plan to open a small institution, then you can not hire an accountant. It is advisable to contact the company that will manage your accounting affairs.

Canteen opening costs

Calculations are approximate, it all depends on the wishes of the entrepreneur and the conditions with which he will have to work. For example, the owner of a new establishment rents a room for 300 square meters, standard dishes are offered in the dining room, 16 people are working on the prosperity of the business. Capital costs include:

  • all Required documents, their design, 60 thousand rubles;
  • repair of 850 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment 400 thousand;
  • the cost of inventory and furniture is 150 thousand rubles;
  • 100 thousand products;
  • advertising will cost about 50 thousand.

In general, 1,600,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses include:

  • rent, about 100 thousand;
  • salary to employees of 170 thousand rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses 100 thousand.

You will have to spend about 370 thousand rubles a month.

As you can see, it is profitable to open your own dining room. Such institutions pay off the investment after several years of active successful work, if all requirements are met.

Additional income

Opening a canteen can bring additional dividends, because the premises allow not only to feed people, but also to arrange corporate parties, children's parties and other events. Creative workers can decorate the hall for the holidays, and this is additional funds for the prosperity of the dining room.

You can earn a lot. It all depends on the interest of the institution in additional earnings.

You can open the delivery of hot meals to various organizations and offices, the main thing is to properly advertise the services. With a competent approach to business development, you will not end up with customers.

Useful Tricks for an Entrepreneur

  • Loyal customers need to be valued, every day you should work on attracting new customers to the dining room.
  • In the evening, the establishments are empty, make a working schedule from 10 am to 5 pm. There are savings on the salaries of workers.
  • The cost of dishes should be acceptable for each person, because canteens “survive” thanks to turnover.
  • Purchase products more profitable wholesale, the first purchase will be the most expensive, then it will be easier.

Subtleties of opening

Many people treat the foundation of catering with caution, the business provides for red tape with documentation, strict requirements for the dining room and other unsightly aspects that entrepreneurs do not want to delve into. A thorough study of important points will help to discover profitable business generating regular income.

Starting a catering business can be a profitable investment or a failed business that closes in a year. The reasons for the collapse are different, often the businessman has nothing to do with them.

Among the reasons for the fiasco, it is worth noting an increase in rent or unreasonably high prices for products. There are other nuances that need to be taken into account in order to open a profitable canteen. For example, a person does not understand all the intricacies of catering, and acceptable conditions are important for visitors. Poor ventilation is one of the reasons why customers refuse to visit the establishment.

In order not to fall into the number of bankrupt entrepreneurs, use the services of a consulting company. Representatives of such firms resolve issues related to the design of public catering, they are aware of all the requirements and standards that are needed to open a profitable canteen. Only those who are not confident in their own abilities should contact agencies.

Business plan for opening a restaurant

Catering has nothing to do with a fancy restaurant. If you decide to open a simple dining room, you do not need to make something pretentious out of it. The requirements are simple. The location of the dining room plays a major role. Such establishments can be opened in crowded places, otherwise strong competition will not allow them to stay afloat. You can attract customers with a well-thought-out design.

Large glass windows, pleasant music and delicious aromas coming from outside will make passers-by come in for a cup of aromatic coffee.

A canteen designed for young people should be opened in appropriate places, near universities, hostels, and so on. A wide range attracts visitors, as the institution provides a choice.

Light meals paired with a variety of drinks will do the trick, while the welcoming friendly staff will keep customers coming back for more. The work of the staff must be constantly monitored, the human factor always takes place, the institution must protect its reputation, which is easy to spoil. Patience and tireless work will sooner or later yield positive results.

Sanitary and epidemiological station requirements

Every businessman who is about to open a profitable canteen should familiarize himself with the strict sanitary regulations. Many mistakenly believe that the requirements are created for the irresponsible owners of establishments who pay hefty fines.

The requirements are high, but every entrepreneur who decides to open his own canteen is obliged to fulfill them. Sanitary norms and rules (SANPIN) for such food establishments include a large amount of information that every entrepreneur related to this business should take into account.

  • The company is obliged to store perishable products in special equipment that maintains the correct temperature.
  • SANPIN for public catering provide for the separation of space in the refrigerator or chamber for storing meat, fish and dairy products. Incorrect saving is considered when the products are in the same department. Therefore, to open a simple dining room, you need to buy the right equipment.
  • In SANPIN for catering there is a lot of information about the storage of various products.
  • Few catering owners know about the correct terms for saving food in a freezer or refrigerator. For example, meat is stored no longer than 5 days, butter- up to 10 days, eggs up to 20 days, boiled sausages lose their qualities after 3 days.
  • To open your dining room, you need to know the sanitary norms and rules that indicate the shelf life of perishable products.
  • According to SANPIN, the responsibility for the quality of products lies with the storekeeper, if he is in the state.
  • Workshops for working with vegetables, meat and fish should be provided. This is a must if you want to open your own dining room.
  • Meat should be thawed large pieces in limbo.
  • Cutting meat, fish and other products is carried out different knives on the respective boards.

You need to defrost the fish for several hours in a container of water. To defrost salted fish, it is necessary to study sanitary standards. It needs to be soaked for about 12 hours. Water should be changed four times. These are just some of the requirements that not only the catering owner, but also the chef must know.

Products under the ban

To open your own canteen, you need to know that products that do not have documents are prohibited from being used in cooking for general consumption. SANPIN requirements prohibit the sale of meat and fish products without a preliminary veterinary opinion.

Do not use: eggs with dirty, deformed shells, canned food with damaged jars, cereals and flour with existing pests, moldy fruits and vegetables, products homemade without relevant documents.

Every catering worker and owner is obliged to get acquainted with SANPIN before they decide to open their own canteen.

Waiters and barmaids must wear gloves, especially when serving food to customers. Semi-finished products can be sold only if there are accompanying documents.

To open a profitable canteen, you need to familiarize yourself with sanitary standards. They indicate that all employees are required to undergo regular medical examinations. Every catering worker should have a medical book, no matter what position he is in. Opening a food related business will not tolerate negligence.

Sanitary regulations

They are designed to prevent mass poisoning, infectious and non-infectious. And a must for any food-related business you decide to open. SANPIN includes: proper transportation of products, layout of premises, operation of appliances, conservation of products, their processing, sale, technological processes.

Parking spaces must be provided on the territory of enterprises. The territory assigned to the dining room needs to be landscaped. Include these costs in your business plan if you decide to open a restaurant.

According to SANPIN, animals and birds cannot be kept in such enterprises, this is a gross violation of established standards.

The quality of water in the water supply system of the collective catering enterprise is checked, the main criterion is compliance with the established hygienic requirements.

If you decide to open your own dining room, then keep in mind that the staff preparing the dishes must undergo hygiene training.

Should be done weekly general cleaning. Every day at the closing of the public catering, it is necessary to clean the entire premises. The requirements are clear and logical, it is important not to forget about them when performing work duties.

You must strictly follow these rules if you decide to open your own dining room.

Alternative Options for Starting a Business

Many people cannot afford to dine in restaurants and cafes. Buffet in such cases helps out a lot. How to open a buffet? To small business from scratch was worth the effort, you need to take care of the concept of the institution. The following steps will help you realize this business faster.

  • Favorable location, choose a place located near organizations, cultural institutions and sports sections.
  • Found appropriate place, negotiate with the owner of the building you like.
  • To open your dining room, you need to buy equipment: a microwave oven, a coffee or tea machine, refrigerators, and so on.
  • The number of people working in the point depends on the concept of the institution. You need a salesman, a cleaner, if you do not want to open a buffet or a self-service restaurant, hire a waiter.
  • Despite the fact that the establishments are located in small rooms, it is worth considering the interior of the point. Create a pleasant atmosphere.
  • Visitors are more likely to come if tables and chairs are placed near the buffet. Comfort is important for visitors.
  • Complete the relevant documents.

It is not difficult to open a buffet or dining room, you should know them and their advantages:

  • small costs;
  • quick payback;
  • minimal financial losses in case of failure;
  • a short period of organization of the case.

If you decide to open a buffet, you should take into account the factors influencing the result of the enterprise: location, advertising move, attraction with discounts, a varied assortment and excellent service.

A well-designed idea will bring profit to the enterprise that you decide to open.

Drafting step by step business plan You can trust professionals or do it yourself. If you open a small business, then this will provide you with a regular income.

Buffet in schools or higher education institutions

If you can open your dining room or buffet in such a place, then you are guaranteed a profit. Of course, alcoholic beverages are not for sale, but only fresh culinary products should be available.

The name should evoke pleasant, appetizing associations. Do not call the institution incomprehensible words, this will scare off potential buyers.

Opening a buffet in an office building is a profitable solution. He is alternative which regularly makes a profit. Constant rush and time troubles lead to the fact that employees are left without an elementary snack.

If you open a buffet in an office building, it will solve this problem. It is important that the food you offer is fresh, tasty and satisfying. The work of the institution should be adjusted to the schedules of people working in the office building.

Approximate business plan

Price policy and location affect the profit of the enterprise. Approximate financial investments for those who want to open a buffet:

  • rent will be 20-30 thousand rubles;
  • utilities 15 thousand;
  • equipment cost 60 thousand;
  • initial batch of goods 20 thousand;
  • advertising 10 thousand;
  • salary of employees 40 thousand;
  • other expenses 15 thousand.

It will take about 200 thousand rubles to open a buffet. Already in the first month real income will be about 90 thousand rubles, while the net income is 45 thousand. In six months, you can beat off all the costs.

Secrets of a Successful Business

Every entrepreneur has his own secrets. Some rely on the popularity of alcoholic beverages, others rely on advertising moves and marketing, and still others are sure that success lies in properly trained personnel.

It would be wiser to take into account all of the above. Compared to other catering establishments, opening a buffet or canteen is much easier. The flexibility of the business plan allows you to feed all people, regardless of their status. The entrepreneur must decide on the prices of products, the range and content of his small business.

It is more convenient to open a buffet already when you have a registered IP or JSC. Reporting to legal entities is more difficult. Tax payments for legal entities are less attractive.

Ideally, you can open a buffet on an area of ​​​​10-30 square meters, smaller than the dining room. Consumer demand will be a decisive factor in choosing its location. For example, servicing corporate clients provides for the placement of a buffet on the territory of this enterprise. In this case, you will have to take into account the needs of the main customers and, possibly, equip the establishment according to their wishes.

If you decide to open a buffet along the road, the main customers will be drivers, so the assortment of goods should be selected accordingly.

The bus station has always been considered a great place to open a profitable canteen. The competition is low, the flow of customers is almost uninterrupted, and the income is stable. The most profitable places to open a buffet are: schools, universities, office centers, airports, train stations. It is worth thinking about renting a room near factories, large companies, and busy highways.

If things go uphill, it makes sense to think about expanding, especially since you already have experience. and open another dining room.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 12 minutes


According to analysts, based on the analysis of the necessary indicators, the business activity associated with the opening of the canteen is recognized as very successful. What does it take to open a catering canteen from scratch? What documents and permits are on the list of required ones? How much money will it take to organize a catering canteen from scratch?

Opening a public canteen: business features

The sphere of Russian catering is replete with restaurants, cafes, eateries. However, establishments in the format of canteens are somewhat forgotten. Although everyone knows about them. The canteens have centuries of history. Its countdown began in 1917. It was the Soviet government that established a unique catering system that has no analogues in other countries. During the perestroika period, there was a general closure of such food outlets. How could it be otherwise, if the enterprises that served as the basis for their functioning stopped working.

Nevertheless, canteens remained on the modern Russian market, they are divided into two types:

  • Closed - for corporate services. Employees of enterprises, students of schools and so on eat in them. Such a catering point is located directly at the factory, at a school, a hospital, that is, within a particular institution.
  • Open - for the reception of everyone who does not want to eat at home or at work. Sometimes they are competitors of restaurants and cafes.

Further differences may relate to the technology cycle:

  1. With a full cycle - cooking from scratch.
  2. With the last stage of cooking or with the usual heating of the finished dish.

If you deal with the form of service, then there are differences:

  • Distribution line.
  • Service is performed by waiters.
  • Free Flo, the so-called option " free movement» - there are no waiters, and the kitchen is open to the eyes of visitors. Customers can see how the food is being prepared.

What is the peculiarity of canteens, or what are their basic principles of work:

  1. The menu is not very varied. Customers are treated to first and second courses, snacks and soft drinks.
  2. The space of the room is used to the maximum - the arrangement of furniture (tables, chairs) is compact, the complete absence of any partitions.
  3. The hall is decorated modestly, ascetically.

To begin with, an entrepreneur needs to choose the format of the future dining room, based on several parameters: budget, location of the planned catering point, price category.

Organization of a catering canteen: where to start?

They start with the choice of the legal form of the business and the execution of the necessary documents.

What documents are needed to open a canteen?

Small business is fine suitable option. So, you should visit the tax office and arrange future activities accordingly. It is also necessary to register with the Pension and Social Funds. The next stage is the conclusion of a contract for the lease of premises or its purchase.

A separate list for documents of a sanitary and epidemiological orientation.

He contains:

  • A program that involves the organization and conduct of production control regarding sanitation standards. The developed document is sent to Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor on the compliance of the premises with sanitary standards.
  • Quality certificate for manufactured products.
  • Contract for cleaning and disinfection of air conditioners and ventilation systems.
  • Contracts for works of deratization, disinfestation and disinfection nature throughout the canteen.
  • Internal documents of the institution (list of services and others).
  • A log in which each waste collection is recorded.
  • Agreement with organizations involved in the removal and disposal of various types of waste.
  • Relationships with dry cleaning and laundry, washing and cleaning overalls, are also drawn up by an agreement.
  • In the presence of vehicles exporting products, sanitary-type documentation for the vehicle is required.

Permits and requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station

The final permit, which gives the entrepreneur the right to organize a canteen and carry out its activities, is issued by Rospotrebnadzor. Naturally, after receiving permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire department. By the way, no licenses are required.

Very often, a businessman who opens a catering establishment seeks to equip it according to his own understanding - to make a hall with a large capacity, to minimize the size of the catering unit, and so on. Don't rush to organizational issues, without familiarizing themselves with the standards called SANPIN - the rules and norms of the sanitary and epidemiological aspect. This document is adopted at the legislative level and is mandatory for all catering establishments, canteens are no exception.

SANPIN contains a set of requirements and norms for the territory and premises, water supply and sanitation, lighting and indoor climate, maintenance of equipment, personal hygiene of employees and other norms.

Attention . Deviation from the rules threatens with fines and sanctions, including the closure of the dining room until the violation of the norms is eliminated. Therefore, you should not wait for a special check, it is better to work immediately in accordance with the established requirements.

Where is it better to open a catering canteen: location

It is quite difficult to gain a foothold in the corporate segment, where dominance belongs to large operators. Although there is still such a possibility. However, competition will be associated with large initial investments. More likely to succeed in opening a canteen with a small number of seats (up to fifty). True, the success of this option depends on a well-chosen place.

Where is the best place to open?

  • Next door to business center, office center, large enterprise, student hostel.
  • Close to the train station or a major transport interchange.
  • In the building of a new shopping complex. The most promising is the first floor.

Any place that is visited daily by potential customers interested in full value inexpensive food will do. The main thing to consider here is the presence of competition. For example, in big business centers often have their own canteens, and in industrial areas, as a rule, there are few or none at all.

List of furniture and equipment for the catering canteen:

Type of equipment List of main positions
For the hall
  • Furniture sets (tables and chairs)
  • Table on which trays are placed
  • Showcase for collecting dirty dishes
For distribution line
  • Counters for placing dishes
  • Refrigerated showcases displaying salads, desserts, drinks
  • Cash register
  • Production and cutting tables
  • Refrigeration and freezer cabinets
  • Furnaces for cooking and frying
  • electric stoves
  • Electric type frying pans
  • Automatic dishwashers
  • A variety of utensils that help cut, chop, butcher and cook food
  • Cookware sets
  • Furniture for storing towels, beds and other utensils

Advice . It is important to consider equipment as one of the main tools successful business. Business law says: when buying equipment, you should not save money, its convenience and reliability are the key to high productivity of employees.

Requirements for a dining room

The entire dining area is divided into two parts. One is for visitors. It's called the dining area. Another is necessary for production needs - the placement of a kitchen, household and technical rooms, a warehouse. Each type of room has its own requirements.

The recommended size of the hall for visitors is 50 square meters. A smaller area complicates the workflow - queues are created, which does not encourage repeat visits, which means that you can not count on a permanent clientele. It is acceptable to decorate the hall without frills, inexpensive textiles on the tables. The main condition is cleanliness and comfort.

With regard to the kitchen and other utility rooms, not everything is so simple. Their compliance with building codes and regulations (SNiP) is important. These requirements are provided by the SES. It is important to know them before concluding a lease agreement. If you ignore the norms and rent space at your own discretion, then there is a high probability of being denied the opening of a dining room in the regulatory authorities. It is necessary to study and take into account the requirements of SNiP, so that it is not annoying later.

Assortment in the canteen of catering: which melted Sanpin should be followed when storing and selling products?

Although the dining room menu does not strive for restaurant abundance, a variety of dishes should still be present:

  1. On the first at least three types of soups. Usually they are represented by hodgepodge, kharcho soup, borscht.
  2. For the second - choice of garnishes. Let's say it will be spaghetti, boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, buckwheat.
  3. To garnish offers a fish and meat assortment of cutlets, fried fish and meat, stewed liver.
  4. In a row of salads , as a rule, there is Olivier, cutting fresh vegetables, vinaigrette and so on.
  5. Among the drinks juices (preferably natural), compotes, teas (black, green), coffee (with and without milk).

The above is one of the options as an example. The menu is recommended to be updated periodically.

SANPIN has established rules that must be followed during the storage and sale of products.

Here are just a few of them:

  • For storage of products, the manufacturer's containers (barrels, flasks, cans, etc.) are used. In case of production need, the products must be transferred to a clean container of a smaller size and labeled.
  • The unpackaged product is weighed using tare or clean paper to avoid direct contact with the balance.
  • Each type of product is stored separately. Dry foods (flour, cereals, sugar, and others) have their own place, bread has another, and so on. This alignment is also applied to meat, fish, milk fat, gastronomic, fruits, vegetables.
  • A separate refrigerator is required to store raw materials. A similar requirement for ready meals. Separate shelves are used for their joint short-term storage.
  • The commodity neighborhood has special rules containing storage standards, shelf life, conditions under which storage takes place. For example, there are products whose smell is very specific (for herring or spices). Others are very susceptible to foreign odors. Among them are cheeses, tea, butter and others.
  • Particular attention to perishable products. They are subject to special hygiene requirements, Terms and Conditions.

Recruitment for a public dining room

The recruitment process is, of course, a serious stage. The future profit depends on the well-coordinated work of the team. To speed up the action and a qualitative result, one of the recruitment agencies can be involved.

Who should be in the state of a small dining room:

  1. Chefs (2-4 people) are experienced professionals who can cook traditional Russian dishes.
  2. Cook assistants. Two employees are enough here.
  3. Dishwasher, cleaning lady, two laborers.
  4. One person to manage the enterprise.
  5. One person to serve at the checkout.

Bookkeeping can be entrusted to an outsourcing company.

Public Dining Marketing and Advertising

Therefore, the effective promotion of the dining room comes down to simple methods:

  • Installing a colorful sign.
  • Ordering a mobile advertising structure - a pavement sign (passing by). It is displayed in front of the establishment.
  • Distribution of leaflets at nearby enterprises, offices and so on.

For the initial stage, this is quite enough. In the future, the first satisfied visitors will connect to advertising - the effect of "word of mouth" always gives amazing results.

A ready-made business plan for organizing a catering canteen from scratch with calculations

The accuracy of income-expenditure calculations is one of the difficult tasks for any business activity. There are many parameters that affect future profitability: the area of ​​the canteen, its location, work schedule, the cost of purchased equipment, and so on.

Let's try to make a business plan based on the following data:

  1. The establishment is located in the building of a shopping complex.
  2. Area 80 m².
  3. Working hours: 11.00-15.00 functions as a regular dining room, 16.00-23.00 the hall is available for various celebrations.
  4. The number of employees is 8 people.

One-time costs:

Monthly expenses:

As a result of calculations, it is easy to determine the amount that you need to have to open an institution. It is equal to 2,275,000 rubles. By the way, the capital's dining room will require more significant investments - twice as much as indicated.

Income from hot meals:

  • Let's say 190 people will have lunch in the dining room per day.
  • The value of the average check is 180 rubles.
  • Daily income will be 34,200 rubles, monthly - 1,026,000 rubles.

The income from the celebrations cannot be called permanent. And yet one solemn event per week will definitely be held. Its cost is an average of 75,000 rubles. We multiply this amount by four, we get 300,000 rubles per month.

The total monthly income of the canteen is at the level of 1,326,000 rubles. Net income for the month when deducting monthly expenses is 221,000 rubles. When the calculation is carried out, investments pay off in 5-6 months. However, in practice, this takes a year and a half.

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Dining room opening real opportunity successfully invest in a low-budget anti-crisis enterprise. The reason is the high market demand for inexpensive, but high-quality catering services. At the same time, it is important to know the requirements for the organization of the dining room and follow them from the very beginning.


Catering has already become a part of our lives. It is impossible to imagine the everyday life of a modern city without business lunches and relaxation after a hard day with a cup of coffee. Among the various formats, one of the most popular is the dining room. Reasons: democratic (visitors are ready for full or partial self-service "in exchange" for the low cost of dishes), demand (more and more people prefer to dine out of the office), good alternative fast food. But before you open a canteen, you need to choose the format of the institution, find out the requirements from the regulatory authorities, take into account your risks and opportunities.

In order not to make a mistake when drawing up a business plan, you need not only to present your business in detail, but also to predict its profitability. To do this, start with a prospective analysis.

Prospects for opening a canteen in a crisis

AT last years The catering sector developed especially vigorously in large industrial centers. According to VTsIOM data from 2014, 62% of the urban population uses catering services. For the first half of 2014, the growth compared to the same period in 2013 amounted to about 9%. However, many metropolitan areas are still significantly behind in terms of the number of seats in public catering establishments from cities Western Europe. According to www.aif-nn.ru, there are 120 people per restaurant in the US, 300 in Europe, and about 2,000 in Russia.

Here are the statistics provided by Deputy Mayor of Moscow A. Sharonov (see Table 1)

*Data 2013

Since the purchasing power of the population has decreased, and the habit of dining in public catering establishments has remained, canteens are becoming more and more in demand.

GOST 31985-2013 defines a canteen as a public catering establishment, public or serving a certain contingent of consumers, producing and selling dishes and culinary products in accordance with a menu varied by day of the week.

Canteen formats have their own characteristics (see Table 2)

Table 2. Format by Type, Location and Range*



Canteen at the enterprise


On the territory of the plant, factory, organization



In a residential office space, mall

Special: sale of own-made products according to a special recipe for dietary nutrition

Student (school)


In the territory educational institution

General: sale of finished products of other public catering enterprises

Network (by franchise)


On the territory of a shopping and entertainment center, in a residential or detached building, etc.

Special: implementation of a branded assortment, which can be represented by semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness



In the industrial zone, in a residential or detached building and near enterprises and office centers

General: sales of own-made products

The profit of the institution directly depends on the quantity and quality of the services provided. However, the service line also depends on the concept. Let's compare the capabilities of the three most popular canteen formats (see Table 3)

*In the dining room at the enterprise it is possible to hold banquets for third-party organizations if there is permission from the management and a collective reception of guests through the entrance is organized. The order of culinary products is available only for employees (or additional points of sale are organized outside the territory of the enterprise)

Summary: The greatest freedom for the development of different directions is given by the formats of a public canteen and a network (by franchise). This is due to their territorial accessibility and democratic prices.

How to attract additional funds for the opening?

Although in general, opening a canteen from scratch requires less initial investment than a cafe or restaurant, it can be difficult to manage with personal funds during a crisis. Given this circumstance, many banks offer aspiring entrepreneurs to open a franchise or completed business plan. In particular, www.forbes.ru talks about the project of Sberbank, which developed the Business Start loan product together with the leading consulting firm CJSC Gorislavtsev and K. Audit. As part of the project, clients are offered not only an attractive interest rate on a loan, but also support at all stages of building a business. There are similar offers in other banks.

Choice of legal form

Canteen owners often stop at organizational form IP. State duties and fines in this case are lower than with an LLC, but the entrepreneur is responsible for all violations, incidents and debts with all his property, even those that are not involved in the business (dacha, apartment, etc.).

In accordance with the organizational and legal form, the taxation regime is selected. UTII is considered the most profitable and easiest to account for, but many entrepreneurs choose the simplified tax system for income reduced by the amount of expenses.

What requirements must the dining room meet?

You have decided to open a canteen. Where to begin? Study the requirements of the legislation for public catering and carry out the necessary approvals.

Coordination with Rospotrebnadzor

The selected premises must be agreed with Rospotrebnadzor in a notification manner. This means that the use of the premises under the dining room does not need prior permission from this controlling organization. However, you need to know the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, because a discrepancy during verification in the future threatens with serious fines and even suspension of activities. Since January 1, 2016, GOST 30389-2013 has been in force, recommended for use by catering enterprises as national standard.

Important! According to federal law 532-FZ of December 31, 2014, as amended, from January 23, 2015, Rospotrebnadzor received the right to inspect public catering establishments without prior notice (previously, it had to warn the entrepreneur about his visit 24 hours in advance).

According to the current requirements for the dining room (recommended by Appendix B to GOST 30389-2013), it must have

  • signboard
  • entrance for guests, separate from the service entrance for staff
  • hangers in the hall or lobby (hall)
  • service hall
  • toilet room (own or shared with the enterprise where the dining room is located)

Requirements for technical equipment (coordination with the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations):

  • stationary generator or batteries to provide emergency lighting
  • hot and cold water supply
  • heating (recommended for catering establishments temperature regime 19-23°С)
  • ventilation system that provides acceptable temperature and humidity parameters
  • fire extinguishing system
  • security alarm
  • availability of fire extinguishing equipment (fire insulation, fire extinguishers)
  • Illuminated exit signs
  • if the dining room is located in a residential area, soundproofing must be provided ( allowable level noise less than 35 dB)
  • toilets should be equipped with cabins, washbasins with a mirror, electrical outlets, toilet paper, soap or liquid soap dispenser, paper towels or electric towels, coat hooks, waste baskets

Important! To obtain a permit for the operation of the selected premises from the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, it is necessary to study in advance the requirements for equipment from this authority and bring the premises in line with them.

Personnel Requirements

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 N 302n, the staff of a catering enterprise must undergo medical examinations both before hiring and periodically (once a year).

By following the legal requirements when opening a case, you save your future profits, as this will help you avoid sanctions from regulatory authorities.


The catering market in Russia is far from being saturated. During the crisis, the canteen as a business competent organization can bring a stable income due to a constant audience and high traffic. However, at the initial stage, the enterprise will require investments in equipment, rent of premises. At proper organization activities, a good location of the enterprise and high-quality service, you can achieve a good payback in a short time. For a quick start-up, you can take advantage of a franchise and preferential lending programs from banks.

Any catering establishment with a competent organization of business is able to bring excellent profits to its owner. Below we will give a completely realistic and workable business plan for a canteen that will require a minimum of expenses.

A little about design

First you need to create an initial concept plan for the dining room, determine general ideas its development, requirements, calculate the footage of the premises, offer the initial menu and “draw” a general portrait of the visitor, highlighting his main preferences. Immediately think about how to name the dining room. The name must be original and unhackneyed.

Where to coordinate the main documentation for the dining room?

An enterprise plan drawn up independently or purchased from a design organization must be coordinated in the following organizations without fail:

  • SSES (sanitary and epidemiological surveillance);
  • UGPS (fire service);
  • KUGI (state property management service);
  • technical supervision service;
  • GIOP (committee for the protection and maintenance of historical and cultural monuments).

Location Requirements

Your dining room business plan must take into account its location. Needless to say, it should definitely be located close to large factories, offices and other places that can provide you with a reliable layer of anchor customers.

Renting is a great option. former premises dining room. Immediately ask local power engineers if there are any restrictions on the power consumption of electricity.

It should be noted that in recent years, inspection organizations have a very negative attitude towards canteens, which are located on the first floors of residential buildings.


Choosing suitable premises, pay attention to the presence in it of a sufficiently spacious hall for receiving visitors, a kitchen and utility rooms, as well as rooms for accounting. The walls in those rooms where direct cooking will be carried out must be lined ceramic tiles or plastic. These materials are easy to clean and disinfect, resistant to chemicals.

The dining room must have water supply and sewerage, gas and electricity supply. The wiring must withstand the connection of 380 V equipment. After completing all construction and repair work, you will need to draw up an acceptance certificate certified by all of the above organizations (UGPS, GSEN, KUGI, GIOP, Tekhnadzor).

Cash and accounting equipment

Do not forget about bureaucracy: you will need to purchase automated systems and software for automated warehouse and accounting. Performance depends on your needs and the size of the dining room itself. It is best to buy cash registers with the possibility of paying for orders with plastic cards. This is especially important for cities where the population has little cash on hand.

Kitchen equipment

Any business plan for a dining room should fully disclose this question. As a rule, most of this kind of product runs on electricity, but it is much more economical to buy gas modifications. This is also due to the fact that not in all settlements electrical network and the local substation will generally be able to "pull" the required capacity.

AT necessary minimum includes the following equipment:

  • Powerful extractors.
  • Industrial dishwashers.
  • Ovens, ovens and convection ovens.
  • Cutting and production tables.
  • Sufficient number of cabinets and racks for storing kitchen tools.
  • A set of all necessary utensils (with a 20% margin).
  • Refrigerating chambers of sufficient capacity for storage of raw materials and semi-finished products.
  • Mixers, blenders, meat grinders, etc.

It is advisable to buy equipment from those suppliers who offer full service. Do not try to save money by buying household models: if your dining room becomes famous, then even a household electric meat grinder simply cannot withstand the loads.

Furniture for production and utility rooms

For utility rooms, you will need shelving, work tables, as well as lockers for changing clothes for workers.

With the dining room itself, the situation is somewhat more complicated. It is impossible to randomly approach the purchase of furniture, since tables and chairs must be in harmony with the overall design project. By the way, it is preferable to order chairs with rigid and angular shapes, on which visitors will not be able to sit for several hours. In the end, you open a canteen, but not a cafe.

Experts say that it is desirable to buy 20% more furniture than was included in the project. So you will be protected from unpleasant moments associated with its lack.

Equipment for the distribution complex

At this point, special attention should be paid, since the distribution complex should be quite convenient, not interfere with visitors. It is necessary to purchase counters with cells for ready meals, refrigeration equipment for first courses and desserts, as well as a belt conveyor.

Note that all of the above is desirable to buy only new, as used equipment for distribution will negatively affect your reputation with customers.

What staff will you need?

It will be necessary to hire not only technologists and cooks, but also administrative workers. Specifically, you will need a canteen director and at least one accountant.

The working staff includes:

  • cooks for hot and cold production shops;
  • workers who will stand on the distribution line;
  • the required number of cashiers;
  • employees responsible for washing dishes;
  • auxiliary workers, among whom must be mechanics.

If your dining room is not very big, spending money on your own accounting service is somewhat unwise. It will be cheaper to hire a company that will provide your canteen business accounting support.

Remember to make badges for all employees who interact directly with customers.

Professional technologists advise to create such a menu so that repetitions of dishes in it occur no more than a couple of times a month. Be sure to include in the daily diet of meat and fish, poultry, as well as vegetarian dishes. Given the specifics of our cuisine, it does not hurt to diversify the range of soups and pastries. In addition to traditional tea and coffee, customers should be offered mineral water, juices or compotes.

It should not be mentioned that all dishes must be fresh and tasty, otherwise you can not count on the loyal attitude of visitors. After the final preparation of the menu, you need to certify it in the SSES.

What documents will be required?

You need to complete the following documents to open a canteen:

  • Develop technological regulations for the manufacture of food and its sale, for technological measures (disinfection of premises, deratization).
  • Conclude and sign contracts for the delivery of raw materials, for the removal of garbage and liquid household waste.
  • Draw up all contracts related to the service maintenance of the equipment you have installed.
  • Draw up and certify all agreements with the bank, open your own account for payment by plastic cards.
  • Register the cash register. This is done by the local tax office.

In addition, you must obtain permission to operate from Roskomnadzor, SES, as well as other organizations that we talked about at the very beginning of the article.

Total costs

The purchase of equipment can take from 600 thousand to 6 million rubles. Finishing and repairing the entire premises, carrying out all the necessary communications, concluding contracts and other bureaucratic procedures can take the same amount. In large cities, the cost of organizing a catering enterprise can reach thousands of dollars per square meter.

Despite this, the profitability of the canteen is about 40%.

other services

Forget about the fact that the dining room is the place where you only eat. When you get enough promotion, start organizing holidays, social events - this attracts people.

You can take contracts for the supply of dishes to large organizations. When holding holidays, even ordinary citizens often need a large number of high-quality and tasty dishes. The school canteen business is very promising when you deliver food to school institutions.

If you don't set sky-high prices, you can make great money on it.

In general, organizing your own dining room is not only profitable, but also allows you to expand your production almost limitlessly, constantly increasing the amount of profits received.

Here's what you need to open a dining room!

Here we will look at an article on how to open a canteen, a ready-made example of a business plan for opening it from scratch.

Whatever the city - the capital or the province, and the number of canteens in them is small. Why did it happen? And all because of the fact that for many people, especially the younger generation, the word "canteen" is associated with something old-fashioned, which is reminiscent of the times of the USSR. Therefore, modern businessmen often call their establishments "restaurants", because that sounds much more attractive. Hence, there are two views on one problem - on the one hand, this is an interesting innovation, on the other hand, this is a dining room that was presented to visitors from the other side.

Canteen business plan

So, how to open a dining room from scratch? We present to your attention a ready-made example for its opening.

Business form

The form of doing business for this project - individual entrepreneurship - is the best option. And if legal entities are the suppliers of raw materials and components necessary for opening a canteen, then you will have to open entity. If this does not follow, then the best option is individual entrepreneurship.

Analysts, after analyzing all the necessary indicators, argue that such a business as opening a canteen is very successful. And all due to the fact that many settlements do not have such institutions.

About the institution

Since the canteen is created for clients with an average level of income, the prices for products in it should be low, but appropriate.

Services to be provided

The business plan is drawn up so that the following services will be provided in the dining room:

  1. creation and sale of hot breakfasts;
  2. production and sale of wallpaper;
  3. cooking for corporate parties, memorial services, alumni meetings, etc.

Market and competitors

This item reveals and contains all the necessary information about the canteens, which are located in a particular city or town. Determine which of them are competitors and which are not. Knowing all the mistakes of competitors, you can take them into account and prevent their appearance in your institution.

Production part

by the most important point will search for a room for the dining room. A place that with the convenience can become a popular catering corner. It is for this reason that the search for a place must be given due attention. The best place the location of the dining room will be the area where the most large enterprises, and even better if the dining room will be located on the premises of these enterprises. Another good option is to place a dining room in a new shopping center. At first, the builders of the center will be your first customers.

In order to pass all kinds of checks, as well as instances, one should take into account the presence of the main and emergency exits in the dining room, as well as its division into two parts: one of which is the kitchen, and the second part is the hall. As for the level and size of the room, everything will depend on your financial capabilities.

Particular attention should be paid to the equipment that is necessary for the dining room. A large number of companies that are ready to provide the necessary equipment for the dining room, are represented on the market. The only difference is price and quality.

Dining room equipment:

  1. plates, which are necessary for the manufacture of hot products;
  2. ovens and cookers;
  3. production and cutting tables;
  4. washing;
  5. tables and chairs for clients;
  6. utensils for cooking and serving meals.

The very result of its work will depend on the staff of the dining room. Therefore, when choosing personnel, treat this matter carefully and selectively.

After the traveled path, the next step should be taken, which will be the advertising company of the dining room. The success of any institution depends on this business. And here any means are good - you can use ordinary advertising, but guerrilla marketing is much better.

Chefs with experience should be able to cook any dish of Russian cuisine. To do this, you must specify that the menu will consist mainly of Russian cuisine, and then everything else. The business plan provides for the presence of such employees in the dining room:

  • one manager;
  • two chefs;
  • two kitchen workers;
  • one dishwasher;
  • one auxiliary worker;

One cleaner, one cashier.

The menu of the opened dining room should contain a list of the most important dishes of traditional Russian cuisine. As a rule, this list includes: borsch, a couple of soups, hodgepodge, potato dishes, meat dishes, various salads.

When all of the above is taken into account and implemented, then we take up the discovery. Due to the location of the dining room, a large-scale advertising campaign is not required. The food must be highest level in order to win the love and respect of future customers. In the future, this will allow stealing customers who already eat at establishments of this kind.

Financial plan of the institution

This paragraph of the canteen business plan was created to calculate both the expenses and income that are so necessary for overall assessment payback of this institution.

The expenses include:

  1. rent of the selected premises - 1 million rubles / year;
  2. purchase of all necessary equipment - 500 thousand rubles;
  3. remuneration for the work of personnel - 2.040 thousand rubles / year;
  4. and other overhead costs - 100 thousand rubles.

In total, 3.640 thousand rubles came out. - This amount is required for the initial investment.

Consider income:

  1. sale of hot meals;
  2. providing food at banquets, parties, etc.

Based on these data, the payback of the canteen will be 1-1.5 years, and these are very good indicators in modern environmental and social conditions. Let this business plan help you open a canteen and start your own business. It remains to wish only good luck.
