Independent study of Turkish. Turkish language: self-study vs

Learning foreign languages ​​can be an exciting experience, whether we learn it in the classroom or on our own. Each language is not just a set of lexemes, but also a special grammar with which native speakers build their speech. The way words are combined into sentences, categories of time, gender, number, various forms cases and other features take time to master, but it's worth it. If you decide to start learning Turkish on your own from scratch, take advantage of the unique opportunity provided by the Internet. Video lessons, online courses, communication with native speakers using Skype, dictionaries, movies and books - this will help you absorb large amounts of information with ease. Previously, people did not have such opportunities in learning as they do now.

Learn Turkish from any level online for free

This online resource is a great opportunity to start learning Turkish from a basic, intermediate or advanced level. If you have not yet dealt with the languages ​​of the Turkic branch, then here you will find Better conditions for easy assimilation of the phonetic, morphological and lexical composition of Türk dili. The site has at its disposal a lot of video tutorials for beginners: they will allow you to learn elementary conversational phrases and the words on which everyday speech is based. A businessman who is constantly in contact with carriers within business communication will be able to learn Turkish more easily, because he had heard the sound of living speech before. Here are some reading materials to help you build your vocabulary. In the future, it will be easier for the user to understand business partners and easier to navigate in international treaties and other official documents.

What you need to know about the Turkish language?

Turkish is one of the languages ​​of the Turkic subgroup, the oldest on the planet. The Turkic languages ​​include numerous extinct languages, including Pecheneg, which at one time had a great influence on the formation of the lexicon of Russian and other Slavic languages. Some words have etymologically common roots with the languages ​​of Turkic dialects. Turkish in morphologically close to the Azerbaijani and Gagauz languages, and if you have heard or understand their sound, then this will help you learn Turkish more easily.

A little grammar...

For a Russian-speaking person, Turkish may seem quite complicated. The point is not only in a different root system, but also in a different morphology. Turkish is an agglutinative language, and phrases in it are built from words using affixes that are attached to the root of the word. It will be easier to learn Turkish online by the fact that in any sentence there is a strict word order, and each suffix has its own meaning. There are few exceptions in grammar, so different kind tables irregular verbs and other complex rules will not have to be learned.

In Turkish there is no category of gender, as in Russian, but there are five moods, seven complex shapes time, five pledges. The inversion of words in a sentence, which is common among us, is absent in Turkish, which also makes it easier to learn.

As for vocabulary, the language in the entire history of its existence has absorbed most of the borrowings from Arabic, Persian (Farsi) and Greek. Of the modern languages, there are many roots borrowed from French, English and Armenian. A lively socio-cultural exchange led to the fact that from Turkish a lot of lexemes penetrated into the lexicon of the Balkan peoples.

Good Opportunities to Learn Turkish

The site provides the user with many opportunities for learning the Turkish language: video lessons for free, phrasebooks, online dictionaries, song selections and other helpers. They will be useful to everyone in mastering a new lexical system and morphology, which is still alien to perception.

Where does language learning begin?

Learning Turkish for beginners, like other languages, starts with the alphabet. To quickly learn a new grammatical and morphological system, it is necessary to combine three ways of obtaining information: visual, auditory and verbal. Visual is the main channel, it includes reading and writing. Without mastering the alphabet, learning will go slower.

Turkish alphabet and script a pleasant surprise for beginners. The alphabet of the modern Turkish language is based on the Latin alphabet, which can facilitate learning to read and write. A beginner will not have to learn complex and incomprehensible symbols, hieroglyphs and styles, for example, such as in Armenian and Georgian. The character set of the Turkish alphabet is almost no different from English or French. The sounds of Turkish speech almost completely coincide with the letters of the alphabet, which will also eliminate problems in learning the Turkish language for beginners (unlike, for example, French, English and German, in which phonemes are transmitted using 2-3 letters, which greatly complicates learning to read beginners).

With the help of simple written tasks, each student will be able to quickly learn new words, seeing the roots and affixes of lexemes. This will help you easily understand the principles of constructing phrases and sentences that are fundamentally different from Russian or English.

What else will be useful for learning Turkish for free?

The site for learning Turkish also offers a large number of materials for the development of information by ear. Spoken speech in sound recordings, videos, films, songs, short dialogues - all this will complement the information coming through the visual channel.

The main problem for many who have studied foreign language from scratch, is the gap between understanding writing and oral perception. To learn Turkish easily and correctly, it is important to combine reading and writing with listening to live speech. One of the most important and valuable ways to improve your language competence is to communicate with a native speaker. The site provides many video lessons for free, which can be taken as a basis for mastering the phonetics and diction of the Turkish language.

Hello everyone, glad to see you on my channel.

Today I will tell you about how I learned Turkish, and I will give a few practical advice about how to learn it faster and not forget it.

I started learning Turkish when I met my husband. I went to courses and chose them based on the teaching program in Moscow. I really liked the courses, they seduced me by the fact that they were taught according to Tömer ‘Tomer’ textbooks (there were textbooks Hitit I, II; an audio course was also given). Teaching was divided into 3 levels. First level for beginners (Hitit I, II). I passed Hitit I, but Hitit II, unfortunately, did not pass, because summer came, our group was disbanded and another one was recruited. In addition, I have already left for Turkey to get married. But I study Turkish all the time and I can say that a foreign language is such a thing that goes away if you do not study it, so you should always practice.

What else can I recommend from Turkish textbooks? P. I. Kuznetsov’s manual “Turkish Language Textbook”, this edition consists of two parts, it even comes with an audio course. It has a lot of useful exercises, texts. The only thing I can note is that the textbook was probably compiled in Soviet time, and it contains a lot of such vocabulary as “comrade”, and everything that follows from it. Therefore, from the point of view of the interest of the texts and their lexical composition, the manual is a bit outdated.

Also, when I went to the courses, I immediately got myself a “Big Turkish-Russian and Russian-Turkish Dictionary”. Let me explain why I bought a two-in-one dictionary: I was already planning to move and, accordingly, I absolutely did not want to carry two such dictionaries. But teachers and those who study languages ​​recommend buying two separate dictionaries, because in a publication like mine, of course, a truncated version.

Right now in life situations Google Translate helps a lot. Naturally, he will not translate the whole sentence, but he will be able to translate some words, for example, while going to the store.

Another piece of advice on how to memorize grammar in general is easier, to systematize knowledge, is to start a notebook. I got one and write down all the grammar rules that I study in it. Why is it convenient? For example, you forgot a topic. You do not need to look for where the textbook is and run to reread the entire chapter in it; you have records of examples, rules; you repeated them, remembered - and everything is fine.

It is also very important to learn words. I took a notebook, divided the sheets in it with a vertical line in half. In the left column she wrote down words and even phrases in Turkish, in the right - their translation into Russian. All this can be read in the subway while you are going to work. Of course, looking for something in such records is not very convenient, because this is not a dictionary compiled in alphabetical order, but it is quite suitable for reading in transport.

Concerning how in general it is better to learn words. I discovered this thing for myself: I remember them best when I first write them down, then I pronounce them, and then I write down the translation. For example, I write the word bilmek, pronounce it and write the translation - to know. At the same time, my visual memory works, auditory and mechanical - I remember how a word is spelled, and sometimes it helped me a lot. Friends, this is really good technique and I can recommend it to you.

Good Turkish textbook can become a serious help and reliable adviser in the development of new material. It can be used for both self-study Turkish language at home, and as an aid in language classes. How to choose your "assistant" among the many books on the market? We have selected for you best textbooks Turkish who will come to the aid of those who begin to comprehend new language and those who wish to improve their knowledge.

  • Bengisu Ron "Turkish in three months". The author is an experienced language teacher at the University of London. Turkish textbook for beginners with large quantity illustrations. Well-chosen examples, tests and exercises have answer keys. The first lesson can be used as a reference - it contains all the features of consonant alternation and vowel harmony in Turkish.
  • Morozov A., Shen Yu., Akhmetov B. Yeni Diyalog Turkce kursu "Learning to speak Turkish". Consisting of 18 lessons manual in Russian language, contains a grammar section with several topics. For each topic, special exercises are selected to consolidate the material, dialogues and texts. Easy material supply interesting topics and well-chosen exercises allow you to acquire excellent knowledge.
  • Karepina I.V. "How to speak Turkish legibly." If you dream of speaking Turkish like a native of this sunny country, this book is for you. The manual teaches the correct colloquial speech, step by step, the desired pronunciation is developed and the accent disappears.

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  • Hengirmen Mehmet " Turkish language for thirty lessons.Russian-Turkish textbook designed for language learning with " zero level". At the end of each lesson - reinforcing exercises, there is also a dictionary.
  • Kabardin O.F. Turkish Tutorial.Author does not offer a breakdown into lessons - the student is invited to go at the speed with which he is able to learn the material. The chapters are divided into different topics, which allows you to use the tutorial as a phrase book. The answers come right after the exercises.
  • Ahmet Aydin, Maria Bingyul "Textbook of spoken Turkish. Merry interjections. An informative publication describing "emotional signals" - interjections, also given the situations in which they are used. An excellent option for improving knowledge and enriching vocabulary.
  • Kuznetsov P.I. Turkish Textbook. Beginning course. All the basic information on the phonetics of the Turkish language, the rules of syntax and morphology are presented. There are detailed instructions about the peculiarities of pronunciation. At the end of each topic, 30-50 new words were added separately.
  • Olga Sarigez "Grammar of the Turkish language in tables for beginners". An excellent tool for systematizing knowledge - pivot tables, figures and diagrams greatly facilitate the assimilation of knowledge. Can be used in the classroom as a methodological material.

The Dialog Language Center offers a textbook store where you can purchase books for learning turkish, phrasebooks and dictionaries.

But if a person has other priorities, if he wants to communicate with those who interest him, then no one will wait for someone to learn Russian in order to allow him to communicate with him.

This is where motivation comes in, the main engine of successful learning. Those who are going to Turkey to work, for permanent residence, or simply to cooperate with one of the Turkish firms, do not need to be convinced. They themselves want. And this is one of the strongest motivations.

No less important is motivation - self-development. Very well reveals its meaning Chekhov's expression that a person is as many times a person as he knows languages. Convincing, isn't it? Each language represents a country with its traditions, worldview, culture and rules. Realizing and studying this, a person touches the past of another country, making his present spiritually richer and brighter.

What is important, a person studying another language trains memory, brain activity increases, its aging slows down, and intelligence increases. But where to start learning Turkish for someone who cannot different reasons study it with a tutor or in courses? The tips below will help you get started.

The earlier the better. Many of those who are going on a trip/work/permanent residence to Turkey think that they will be able to learn the language on the spot. This is a profound delusion: none of the locals will explain the rules of grammar, teach how to use words and many other subtleties of the language.

Therefore, it is best to start learning the language at home, before the trip. In 2-4 months, you can learn about half a thousand phrases, which are the most common. So it’s best not to waste time now, because later the language will still need to be learned and no one knows what circumstances a person who does not understand at all what his interlocutors are talking about can get into.

As the Turks themselves say - fill your ears. But you can not only ears, but also eyes, memory, consciousness. This means that you need to surround yourself to the maximum with the Turkish language. Books, audio and video recordings, movies, songs are the best things to watch/listen to in Turkish. At first, of course, only films with subtitles, songs of your favorite singers are desirable. But as some words, phrases are already clear, you can add audio recordings.

Reading, listening, communication are the three main components of the successful study of not only Turkish, but also any other foreign language. One letter and reading is not enough. It is necessary to speak this language. The best way is to find a native Turkish speaker on the Internet and start communicating with him.

Experts also recommend doing the following: print the text of any audio recording you like and, when playing it, pronounce the text along with the announcer. At the same time, you need to follow what is written in the printout, with what intonation the announcer pronounces each word. Then, after several listenings, you can already pronounce the text with the announcer. This is how pronunciation is developed, and words / phrases are better remembered, since visual and auditory memory is involved.

Translation. Strange as it may sound, even a beginner can do translation. You just need to choose the book (story, fairy tale) that you like. Then the translation will go easier and be interesting than the text that you don’t like. Of course, it is not worth translating the whole book at once - this will not work right away, and it will be burdensome. But for 15 minutes every day, but only - every day, you definitely need to do it.

No one can explain this phenomenon, but when translating words are remembered best. And this technique will help to understand how much you managed to learn the language. To do this, you need to translate the translated text back into the original language (you should not peek into it) and then compare both texts. Of course, at first it’s not worth waiting for the texts to coincide, but as you learn the language, there will be less and less discrepancies.

Those who have been to Turkey probably know that in almost all major hotels and outlets there is English or Russian speaking staff. Therefore, during the rest and buying souvenirs, there should not be any discomfort. However, the tourist must have in his vocabulary at least minimum set Turkish expressions.

Why does a tourist need to know Turkish?

If you want not only to sunbathe and swim in the warm sea, but also to get to know the culture and peculiarities of the country, you certainly need to know the Turkish language at least to a minimum extent. Basics for a tourist includes not so much information that will allow you to chat with local population.

Another factor that speaks in favor of the need to take a Turkish language course is that unforeseen situations may arise during the trip. Faced with the staff of hospitals, police or other services, you are unlikely to meet a person who is sufficiently fluent in English, and even more so in Russian.

Features of the Turkish language

First you need to figure out what Aze is for a tourist, it may seem quite complicated, but this is only at first glance. The thing is that in terms of grammar it is very different from Russian. Also, pronunciation can cause some difficulties. So, one can distinguish the following features Turkish language, which will be useful to the tourist:

  • in 90% of cases, the stress falls on the last syllable;
  • most of the concepts associated with scientific and technological progress are borrowed, therefore they do not cause difficulties in understanding;
  • Turkish speech is filled with many set expressions, which are associated with traditions of politeness, superstition and religion;
  • no matter how long the sentence is, the predicate is always put at the end;
  • Turks often break the rules of syntax when it comes to emotional speech or poetry;
  • despite the fact that the alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet, some letters can cause difficulties for the tourist. Here is some of them:

How to learn Turkish?

Of course, it is simply impossible to learn Turkish in a short time. The basics for a tourist include a minimum set of rules and words that will allow him to at least superficially communicate with the local population. In this case, you can go in several ways:

  • take a Turkish language course at a language center or school (this is one of best options giving the fastest results)
  • hire a tutor or take lessons via Skype;
  • study with the help of a self-instruction manual, as well as materials posted on the Internet.

Whatever method you choose, it is important to proceed from the purpose for which you are learning Turkish. The basics for a tourist should include elementary basics that will allow you to speak politely and competently in the most common life situations.

How to understand Turkish by ear?

Communication involves not only speech, but also auditory perception. It is not so easy to understand any foreign language, and even more so Turkish. To learn how to parse fluent speech, theoretical knowledge alone is not enough. You need to use additional tricks:

  • Listen to songs in Turkish. And do not just listen, but try to recognize and translate individual words and sentences. If the task turned out to be too much for you, find the lyrics of the song on the Internet and read it while listening to the song.
  • Watch Turkish films. Thanks to them, you will not only learn to perceive speech by ear, but also get acquainted with its main intonations. Ideally, you should use the video without translation (in last resort- With subtitles).

Sign language

One of the most mysterious countries is Turkey. it is very important for tourists to know so as not to get into an awkward or even conflict situation. Here are the highlights:

  • A thumbs up signifies approval. But it's better for girls not to use it, and even more so - not to catch a car in this way. Such a gesture can be misinterpreted by hot Turkish men.
  • Do not use if you wish good luck. The Turk might think that you don't want to continue the conversation.
  • A clenched fist with an outstretched little finger symbolizes resentment towards a person.
  • If the Turk pulls the lower eyelid with his finger, this means that he noticed the deception. This is a kind of distrust.
  • Never use the "OK" gesture. In Turkey, it is associated with homosexuality.
  • "Dulya", which in our country is considered a fairly harmless gesture, in Turkey is equated to a raised middle finger.
  • Nodding your head means denial.

Sign language is quite insidious, so if you don't know their meaning thoroughly, it's best to be as discreet as possible.

Some common phrases

Going on a trip, many take a Russian-Turkish phrase book with them. For a tourist, this is an important acquisition, but you also need to learn the most popular phrases in Turkish:

This, of course, is not all the words necessary for a tourist. Start small, and the Turkish language will definitely give in to you!
