Unusual experiments at home. Various physical experiences

Did you know that May 29 is Chemist's Day? Which of us in childhood did not dream of creating peculiar magic, amazing chemical experiments? It's time to turn your dreams into reality! Read on to find out how to have fun Chemist's Day 2017 and what chemistry experiments are easy for kids to do at home.

home volcano

If you are no longer attracted, then ... Want to see a volcanic eruption? Try making it at home! To arrange chemical experience"volcano" you will need soda, vinegar, food coloring, a plastic cup, a glass of warm water.

Pour 2-3 tablespoons of table soda into a plastic cup, add ¼ cup of warm water and a little food coloring, preferably red. Then add ¼ of vinegar and watch the "eruption" of the volcano.

Rose and ammonia

A very interesting and original chemical experiment with plants can be viewed on a video from YouTube:

self-inflating balloon

Do you want to conduct safe chemistry experiments for children? Then you will definitely like the balloon experiment. Prepare in advance: a plastic bottle, baking soda, balloon and vinegar.

Pour 1 teaspoon of baking soda inside the ball. Pour ½ cup of vinegar into the bottle, then put the ball on the neck of the bottle and make sure that the soda gets into the vinegar. As a result of a violent chemical reaction, which is accompanied by the active release of carbon dioxide, the balloon will begin to inflate.

pharaoh snake

For the experiment you will need: calcium gluconate tablets, dry fuel, matches or gas-burner. See the YouTube video for the steps:

color magic

Do you want to surprise a child? Rather, conduct chemical experiments with color! You will need the following available ingredients: starch, iodine, a transparent container.

Mix white starch and brown iodine in a container. As a result, you will get an amazing mixture of blue.

We grow a snake

The most interesting home chemistry experiments can be done using available ingredients. To create a snake, you will need: a plate, river sand, powdered sugar, ethyl alcohol, a lighter or burner, baking soda.

Pour a sand slide onto a plate and soak it with alcohol. In the top of the slide, make a recess where you carefully add powdered sugar and soda. Now we set fire to the sand hill and observe. After a couple of minutes, a dark wriggling ribbon will begin to grow from the top of the hill, which resembles a snake.

How to conduct chemical experiments with an explosion, see the following video from Youtube:

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We have a lot of things in our kitchen with which you can make interesting experiments for children. Well, for myself, to be honest, to make a couple of discoveries from the category of “how I didn’t notice this before.”

website chose 9 experiments that will delight children and raise many new questions in them.

1. Lava lamp

Need: Salt, water, glass vegetable oil, some food coloring, a large clear glass or glass jar.

Experience: Fill a glass 2/3 with water, pour vegetable oil into the water. The oil will float on the surface. Add food coloring to water and oil. Then slowly add 1 teaspoon of salt.

Explanation: Oil is lighter than water, so it floats on the surface, but salt is heavier than oil, so when you add salt to a glass, the oil and salt begin to sink to the bottom. As the salt breaks down, it releases oil particles and they rise to the surface. Food coloring will help make the experience more visual and spectacular.

2. Personal rainbow

Need: A container filled with water (bath, basin), flashlight, mirror, sheet of white paper.

Experience: Pour water into the container and put a mirror on the bottom. We direct the light of a flashlight to the mirror. The reflected light must be caught on paper, on which a rainbow should appear.

Explanation: The beam of light consists of several colors; when it passes through the water, it decomposes into its component parts - in the form of a rainbow.

3. Volcano

Need: Tray, sand, plastic bottle, food coloring, soda, vinegar.

Experience: A small volcano should be molded around a small plastic bottle made of clay or sand - for entourage. To cause an eruption, you should pour two tablespoons of soda into the bottle, pour in a quarter cup of warm water, add a little food coloring, and finally pour in a quarter cup of vinegar.

Explanation: When baking soda and vinegar come into contact, a violent reaction begins with the release of water, salt and carbon dioxide. Gas bubbles and push the contents out.

4. Grow crystals

Need: Salt, water, wire.

Experience: To get crystals, you need to prepare a supersaturated salt solution - one in which when a new portion is added, the salt does not dissolve. In this case, you need to keep the solution warm. To make the process go better, it is desirable that the water be distilled. When the solution is ready, it must be poured into a new container to get rid of the debris that is always in the salt. Further, a wire with a small loop at the end can be lowered into the solution. Put the jar in warm place so that the liquid cools down more slowly. After a few days, beautiful salt crystals will grow on the wire. If you get the hang of it, you can grow fairly large crystals or patterned crafts on twisted wire.

Explanation: As the water cools, the solubility of the salt decreases, and it begins to precipitate and settle on the walls of the vessel and on your wire.

5. Dancing coin

Need: A bottle, a coin that can be used to cover the neck of a bottle, water.

Experience: An empty unclosed bottle should be put in the freezer for a few minutes. Moisten a coin with water and cover the bottle taken out of the freezer with it. After a few seconds, the coin will begin to bounce and, hitting the neck of the bottle, make sounds similar to clicks.

Explanation: The coin is lifted by air, which has compressed in the freezer and occupied a smaller volume, and now has heated up and began to expand.

6. Colored milk

Need: Whole milk, food coloring, liquid detergent, cotton buds, plate.

Experience: Pour milk into a plate, add a few drops of dyes. Then you need to take a cotton swab, dip it in detergent and touch the wand to the very center of the plate with milk. The milk will move and the colors will mix.

Explanation: Detergent reacts with fat molecules in milk and sets them in motion. That is why skimmed milk is not suitable for the experiment.

7. Fireproof bill

Need: Ten-rouble note, tongs, matches or lighter, salt, 50% alcohol solution (1/2 part alcohol to 1/2 part water).

Experience: AT alcohol solution add a pinch of salt, immerse the bill in the solution so that it is completely soaked. Remove the bill from the solution with tongs and allow excess liquid to drain. Set fire to a bill and watch it burn without burning.

Explanation: As a result of the combustion of ethyl alcohol, water, carbon dioxide and heat (energy) are formed. When you set fire to a bill, alcohol burns. The temperature at which it burns is not enough to evaporate the water that the paper bill is soaked in. As a result, all the alcohol burns out, the flame goes out, and the slightly damp ten remains intact.

9 Camera Obscura

You will need:

A camera that supports slow shutter speeds (up to 30 s);

Large sheet of thick cardboard;

Masking tape (for pasting cardboard);

A room with a view of anything;

Sunny day.

1. We seal the window with cardboard so that the light does not come from the street.

2. In the center we make an even hole (for a room 3 meters deep, the hole should be about 7-8 mm).

3. When the eyes get used to the darkness, an inverted street will be found on the walls of the room! The most visible effect will be on a bright sunny day.

4. Now the result can be shot on a camera at a slow shutter speed. A shutter speed of 10-30 seconds is fine.

Every child has a desire to learn about the world around them. An excellent tool for this is experiments. They will be of interest to both preschoolers and children of primary school age.

Safety rules for home experiments

1. Cover the work surface with paper or polyethylene.

2. During the experiment, do not lean close to avoid damage to the eyes and skin.

3. Use gloves if necessary.

Experience number 1. Dancing raisins and corn

You will need: Raisins, corn kernels, soda, plastic bottle.

Course of the experiment: Soda is poured into the bottle. The raisins go down first, then the corn kernels.

Result: The raisins move up and down with the soda bubbles. But when they reach the surface, the bubbles burst and the grains fall to the bottom.

Let's talk? You can chat about what bubbles are and why they go up. Pay attention that the bubbles are small in size, and can carry along raisins and corn, which are several times larger.

Experience number 2. soft glass

You will need: glass rod, gas burner

The course of the experiment: the rod is heated in the middle. Then it is torn into two halves. A half of the rod is heated by a burner in two places, gently bent into a triangle shape. The second half also heats up, one third is bent, then a ready-made triangle is put on it and the half is bent completely.

Result: the glass rod turned into two triangles linked to each other.

Let's talk? As a result of thermal action, solid glass becomes plastic, viscous. And it can be made different figures. What causes glass to become soft? Why does the glass no longer bend after cooling?

Experience number 3. Water rises up the napkin

You will need: a plastic cup, a napkin, water, felt-tip pens

The course of the experiment: the glass is filled with water by 1/3 part. The napkin is folded vertically several times to form a narrow rectangle. Then a piece of about 5 cm wide is cut off from it. This piece must be unfolded to make a long segment. Then step back from the bottom edge about 5-7 cm and start making large dots with each color of the felt-tip pen. A line of colored dots should form.

Then the napkin is placed in a glass of water so that the lower end with the colored line is about 1.5 cm in the water.

Result: water quickly rises up the napkin, painting the entire long piece of napkin with colored stripes.

Let's talk? Why isn't water colorless? How does she get up? The cellulose fibers that make up paper napkin, porous, and the water uses them as a way up.

Liked the experience? Then you will also like our special material for children of different ages.

Experience number 4. Rainbow from the water

You will need: a container filled with water (bath, basin), a flashlight, a mirror, a sheet of white paper.

The course of the experiment: a mirror is placed at the bottom of the container. The light of the flashlight is directed to the mirror. The light from it must be caught on paper.

Result: A rainbow will be visible on paper.

Let's talk? Light is the source of color. There are no paints and felt-tip pens to color the water, a sheet or a flashlight, but suddenly a rainbow appears. This is the spectrum of colors. What colors do you know?

Experience number 5. Sweet and colorful

You will need: sugar, multi-colored food paints, 5 glass cups, a tablespoon.

The course of the experiment: a different number of tablespoons of sugar is added to each glass. One spoon in the first glass, two in the second, and so on. The fifth glass remains empty. In the glasses, put in order, pour 3 tablespoons of water and mix. Then a few drops of one paint are added to each glass and mixed. The first is red, the second is yellow, the third is green, and the fourth is blue. Into a clean glass clear water start adding the contents of the glasses, starting with red, then yellow and in order. It must be added very carefully.

Result: 4 multi-colored layers are formed in the glass.

Let's talk? Large quantity sugar increases the density of water. Therefore, this layer will be the lowest in the glass. The least sugar is in the red liquid, so it will be on top.

Experience number 6. Figurines made of gelatin

You will need: a glass, a blotter, 10 grams of gelatin, water, animal molds, a plastic bag.

The course of the experiment: pour gelatin into 1/4 cup of water and let it swell. Heat it in a water bath and dissolve (about 50 degrees). Pour the resulting solution onto the bag in an even thin layer and dry. Then cut out animal shapes. Put on a blotter or napkin and breathe on the figures.

Result: The figures will begin to bend.

Let's talk? Breathing moisturizes the gelatin on one side, and because of this, it begins to increase in volume and bend. As an option: take 4-5 grams of gelatin, let it swell and then dissolve, then pour it onto glass and put it in freezer or take out to the balcony in winter. After a few days, remove the glass, remove the thawed gelatin. It will have a clear pattern of ice crystals.

Experience number 7. Hairstyle egg

You will need: an egg shell with a conical part, cotton wool, felt-tip pens, water, alfalfa seeds, an empty roll of toilet paper.

The course of the experiment: the shell is installed in the coil in such a way that the conical part is located down. Cotton wool is placed inside, on which alfalfa seeds are poured and watered abundantly. You can draw eyes, nose and mouth on the shell and put it on the sunny side.

Result: after 3 days, the little man will have “hairs”.

Let's talk? Soil is not required for grass to sprout. Sometimes even water is enough for sprouts to appear.

Experience number 8. Draws the sun

You will need: flat small items(you can cut out figures from foam rubber), a sheet of black paper.

The course of the experiment: in a place where the sun shines brightly, put black paper. Place stencils, figurines, children's molds loosely on the sheets.

Result: When the sun sets, you can remove objects and see the prints of the sun.

Let's talk? Under the influence of sunlight, the black color fades. Why is the paper dark in places of the figures?

Experience number 10. color in milk

You will need: milk, food coloring, cotton swab, dishwashing detergent.

The course of the experiment: a little food coloring is poured into milk. After a short wait, the milk begins to move. Patterns, stripes, swirling lines are obtained. You can add a different color, blow on milk. Then the cotton swab is dipped in dishwashing detergent and lowered into the center of the plate. Dyes begin to move more intensively, mix, forming circles.

Result: various patterns, spirals, circles, spots are formed in the plate.

Let's talk? Milk is made up of fat molecules. When the agent appears, the molecules are broken, which leads to their rapid movement. Therefore, dyes are mixed.

Experience number 10. Waves in a bottle

You will need: sunflower oil, water, bottle, food coloring.

The course of the experiment: water is poured into the bottle (a little more than half) and mixed with the dye. Then ¼ cup vegetable oil is added. The bottle is carefully twisted and placed on its side so that the oil rises to the surface. We begin to swing the bottle back and forth, thereby forming waves.

Result: waves form on an oily surface, like on the sea.

Let's talk? The density of oil is less than the density of water. Therefore, it is on the surface. The waves are upper layer water moving due to the direction of the wind. The lower layers of water remain motionless.

Experience number 11. colored drops

You will need: a container of water, mixing containers, BF glue, toothpicks, acrylic paints.

The course of the experiment: BF glue is squeezed out into a container. A specific dye is added to each container. And then alternately placed in the water.

Result: Colored droplets are attracted to each other, forming multi-colored islands.

Let's talk? Liquids of the same density attract while liquids of different densities repel each other.

Experience number 12. We draw with a magnet

You will need: magnets different forms, iron filings, sheet of paper, paper cup.

The course of the experiment: place the sawdust in a glass. Put the magnets on the table and cover each with a sheet of paper. Sprinkled on paper thin layer sawdust.

Result: Lines and patterns form around the magnets.

Let's talk? Every magnet has a magnetic field. This is a space in which metal objects move as the attraction of a magnet dictates. A circle is formed near a round magnet, since its field of attraction is the same everywhere. Why does a rectangular magnet have a different sawdust pattern?

Experience number 13. lava lamp

You will need: Two glasses, two effervescent aspirin tablets, sunflower oil, two types of juice.

The course of the experiment: glasses are filled with juice by about 2/3. Then sunflower oil is added so that three centimeters remain to the edge of the glass. An aspirin tablet is thrown into each glass.

Result: the contents of the glasses will begin to hiss, boil, foam will rise.

Let's talk? What reaction does aspirin cause? Why? Do layers of juice and oil mix? Why?

Experience number 14. The box is rolling

You will need: a shoe box, a ruler, 10 round felt-tip pens, scissors, a ruler, a balloon.

Experience: a square hole is cut in the smaller side of the box. The ball is placed in the box so that its hole can be pulled out of the square a little. You need to inflate the balloon and pinch the hole with your fingers. Then put all the markers under the box and release the ball.

Result: As long as the balloon is deflated, the box will move. When all the air is out, the box will drive a little more and stop.

Let's talk? Objects change the state of rest or, as in our case, uniform motion in a straight line, if a force begins to act on them. And the desire to preserve the previous state, before the impact of force, is inertia. What role does the ball play? What force prevents the box from moving forward? (friction force)

Experience number 15. false mirror

You will need: mirror, pencil, four books, paper.

The course of the experiment: books are stacked, and a mirror is leaning against them. Paper is placed under its edge. Left hand placed in front of a sheet of paper. The chin is placed on the hand so that one can only look in the mirror, but not at the sheet. Looking in the mirror, write your name on the paper. Now look at the paper.

Result: almost all letters are upside down, except for symmetrical ones.

Let's talk? The mirror changes the image. Therefore, they say "in mirror image". So you can come up with your own, unusual cipher.

Experience No. 16. living mirror

You will need: a straight transparent glass, a small mirror, adhesive tape

The course of the experiment: the glass is attached to the mirror with adhesive tape. It is filled with water to the brim. You need to bring your face closer to the glass.

Result: The image is reduced. If you tilt your head to the right, you can see in the mirror how it leans to the left.

Let's talk? Water refracts the image, and the mirror slightly distorts.

Experience No. 17. flame imprint

You will need: can, candle, sheet of paper.

The course of the experiment: the jar must be tightly wrapped with a piece of paper and kept in a candle flame for several seconds.

Result: removing a sheet of paper, you can see an imprint on it in the form of a candle flame.

Let's talk? The paper is tightly pressed to the bank and does not have access to oxygen, which means it does not burn.

Experience number 18. silver egg

You will need: wire, a container of water, matches, a candle, a boiled egg.

The course of the experiment: a stand is created from the wire. boiled egg cleaned, mounted on a wire, a candle is placed under it. The egg is evenly turned until it is smoked. Then it is removed from the wire and lowered into the water.

Result: After a while, the top layer peels off and the egg becomes silvery.

Let's talk? What changed the color of the egg? What did it become? Let's cut it open and see what it's like inside.

Experience No. 19. saving spoon

You will need: Teaspoon, glass mug with handle, twine.

The course of the experiment: one end of the string is tied to a spoon, the other end to the handle of the mug. The string is thrown over forefinger so that there is a spoon on one side, a mug on the other, and it is released.

Result: The glass will not fall, the spoon, rising up, will remain near the finger.

Let's talk? The momentum of the teaspoon keeps the mug from falling.

Experience number 20. painted flowers

You will need: flowers with white petals, water containers, a knife, water, food coloring.

The course of the experiment: you need to fill the containers with water and add a certain dye to each. One flower should be set aside, and the rest should be cut off the stems with a sharp knife. This should be done in warm water, obliquely at an angle of 45 degrees, by 2 cm. When moving flowers in containers with dyes, you need to pinch the cut with your finger so that air pockets do not form. After placing the flowers in containers with dyes, you need to take the postponed flowers. Cut its stem lengthwise into two parts to the center. Place one part of the stem in a red container, and the other in a blue or green container.

Result: water will rise up the stems and color the petals in different colors. This will happen in about a day.

Let's talk? Examine each part of the flower to see how the water rose. Are the stem and leaves painted? How long will the color last?

We wish you an exciting pastime and new knowledge while conducting experiments for children!

Experiments were collected by Tamara Gerasimovich

For many students, physics is a rather complex and incomprehensible subject. In order to interest the child in this science, parents use all sorts of tricks: they tell fantastic stories, show entertaining experiments, and cite the biographies of great scientists as an example.

How to conduct experiments in physics with children?

  • Teachers warn not to limit acquaintance with physical phenomena only by demonstrating entertaining experiments and experiments.
  • Experiments must necessarily be accompanied by detailed explanations.
  • To begin with, the child needs to be explained that physics is a science that studies the general laws of nature. Physics studies the structure of matter, its forms, its movements and changes. At one time, the famous British scientist Lord Kelvin quite boldly stated that in our world there is only one science - physics, everything else is the usual collection of stamps. And there is some truth in this statement, because the whole Universe, all planets and all worlds (supposed and existing) obey the laws of physics. Of course, the statements of the most eminent scientists about physics and its laws are unlikely to force elementary school student throw away your mobile phone and enthusiastically delve into the study of a physics textbook.

Today we will try to bring to the attention of parents some entertaining experiences that will help to interest your children and answer many of their questions. And who knows, maybe thanks to these home experiments, physics will become your child's favorite subject. And very soon our country will have its own Isaac Newton.

Interesting experiments with water for children - 3 instructions

For 1 experiment you will need two eggs, plain edible salt and 2 glasses of water.

One egg must be carefully lowered into a glass filled halfway cold water. It will immediately sink to the bottom. Fill the second glass warm water and stir in it 4-5 tbsp. l. salt. Wait until the water in the glass is cold, and carefully dip the second egg into it. It will remain on the surface. Why?

Explanation of the results of the experiment

The density of plain water is lower than that of an egg. That is why the egg sinks to the bottom. The average density of salt water is significantly higher than the density of the egg, so it remains on the surface. Having demonstrated this experience to a child, one can notice that sea water is an ideal environment for learning to swim. After all, the laws of physics and in the sea, no one canceled. The saltier the water in the sea, the less effort is required to stay afloat. The most salty is the Red Sea. Due to the high density, the human body is literally pushed to the surface of the water. Learning to swim in the Red Sea is pure pleasure.

For 2 experiments you will need: Glass bottle, a bowl of colored water and hot water.

Warm up the bottle with hot water. Pour out of it hot water and flip upside down. Set in a bowl of tinted cold water. The liquid from the bowl will begin to flow into the bottle on its own. By the way, the level of tinted liquid in it will be (compared to the bowl) significantly higher.

How to explain the result of the experiment to the child?

The preheated bottle is filled with warm air. Gradually the bottle cools and the gas is compressed. The bottle is under pressure. The pressure of the atmosphere affects the water, and it enters the bottle. Its inflow will stop only when the pressure does not equalize.

For 3 experience you will need a plexiglass ruler or a regular plastic comb, woolen or silk fabric.

In the kitchen or bathroom, adjust the faucet so that a thin stream of water flows from it. Ask the child to strongly rub the ruler (comb) with a dry woolen cloth. Then the child should quickly bring the ruler closer to the stream of water. The effect will amaze him. The jet of water will bend and reach for the ruler. A funny effect can be obtained by using two rulers at the same time. Why?

An electrified dry comb or Plexiglas ruler becomes the source electric field, which is why the jet is forced to bend in its direction.

You can learn more about all these phenomena in physics lessons. Any child will want to feel like a “master” of water, which means that the lesson will never be boring and uninteresting for him.

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How can you prove that light travels in a straight line?

To conduct the experiment, you will need 2 sheets of thick cardboard, a regular flashlight, 2 stands.

Experiment progress: In the center of each cardboard, carefully cut out round holes of the same diameter. We put them on stands. The holes must be at the same height. We place the switched on lantern on a pre-prepared stand made of books. You can use any box of the right size. We direct the flashlight beam into the hole in one of the cardboard boxes. The child stands on the opposite side and sees the light. We ask the child to move away, and we shift to the side any of the cardboard boxes. Their holes are no longer on the same level. We return the child to the same place, but he no longer sees the light. Why?

Explanation: Light can only travel in a straight line. If there is an obstacle in the path of light, it stops.

Experience - dancing shadows

For this experience you will need: a white screen, cut-out cardboard figures that need to be hung on threads in front of the screen, and ordinary candles. Candles should be placed behind the figures. No screen - you can use a regular wall

Experiment progress: Light the candles. If the candle is moved further away, then the shadow from the figure will become smaller; if the candle is moved to the right, the figure will move to the left. How more candles you light it, the more interesting the dance of the figures will be. Candles can be lit in turn, raised higher, lower, creating very interesting dance compositions.

Interesting experience with shadow

For the next experiment, you will need a screen, a fairly powerful electric lamp and a candle. If you direct the light of a powerful electric lamp at a burning candle, then a shadow will appear on the white canvas not only from the candle, but also from its flame. Why? Everything is simple, it turns out that in the flame itself there are red-hot opaque particles.

Simple experiments with sound for younger students

Ice experiment

If you are lucky and you find a piece of dry ice at home, you can hear an unusual sound. He is quite unpleasant - very thin and howling. To do this, put dry ice in a regular teaspoon. True, the spoon will immediately stop sounding as soon as it cools. Why does this sound appear?

When ice comes into contact with a spoon (in accordance with the laws of physics), carbon dioxide is released, it is he who makes the spoon vibrate and make an unusual sound.

funny phone

Take two identical boxes. Poke a hole in the middle of the bottom and lid of each of the boxes with a thick needle. Place ordinary matches in boxes. Pull the cord (10-15 cm long) into the holes made. Each end of the lace must be tied in the middle of the match. It is advisable to use fishing line made of nylon or silk thread. Each of the two participants in the experiment takes his "tube" and moves away to the maximum distance. The line should be taut. One brings the phone to his ear and the other to his mouth. That's all! The phone is ready - you can make small talk!


Make a pipe out of cardboard. Its height should be about three hundred mm, and its diameter about sixty mm. On the regular pillow place the clock and cover it on top with a pipe made in advance. In this case, you can hear the sound of the clock if your ear is directly above the pipe. In all other positions, the sound of the clock is not audible. However, if you take a piece of cardboard and place it at an angle of forty-five degrees to the axis of the pipe, then the sound of the clock will be perfectly audible.

How to experiment with magnets with your child at home - 3 ideas

Children simply adore playing with a magnet, so they are ready to join in any experiment with this object.

How to pull objects out of water with a magnet?

For the first experiment, you will need a lot of bolts, paper clips, springs, a plastic water bottle and a magnet.

The children are given the task: to pull objects out of the bottle without getting their hands wet, and of course the table. As a rule, children quickly find a solution to this problem. During the experience, parents can tell children about physical properties magnet and explain that the force of a magnet acts not only through plastic, but also through water, paper, glass, etc.

How to make a compass?

Take cold water in a saucer and put a small piece of a napkin on its surface. Carefully place a needle on a napkin, which we first rub against a magnet. The napkin gets wet and sinks to the bottom of the saucer, and the needle remains on the surface. Gradually, it smoothly turns one end to the north, the other to the south. The correctness of a homemade compass can be verified for real.

A magnetic field

First, draw a straight line on a piece of paper and place a regular iron paperclip on it. Slowly move the magnet towards the line. Mark the distance at which the paperclip will be attracted to the magnet. Take another magnet and do the same experiment. The paperclip will be attracted to the magnet from a farther distance or from a closer one. Everything will depend solely on the "strength" of the magnet. In this example, the child can be told about the properties of magnetic fields. Before telling the child about the physical properties of the magnet, it is necessary to explain that the magnet does not attract all the "brilliant things". A magnet can only attract iron. Such pieces of iron as nickel and aluminum are too tough for him.

Interestingly, did you like physics lessons at school? Not? Then you have a great opportunity to master this very interesting subject together with your child. Find out how to spend interesting and simple at home, read in another article on our website.

Good luck with your experiments!

Children are great whys. By their very nature, they are aimed at understanding the world, and up to a certain age, the world is ready to give them discoveries almost every day. Children are ready for the most risky experiments in order to answer the questions “How?”, “Why?”, “What will happen?”. We, parents, out of fear for their safety and the safety of objects surrounding children, try to limit the flight of their imagination, especially if we are talking about preschoolers and 7-8 years old.

It is very important to preserve this curiosity and inquisitiveness, it is this trait that will bring the child both deep knowledge and the ability to realize them. Entertaining experiences will force the child to consciously read physics or chemistry textbooks, in an effort to understand and explain the results of the experiment.

Therefore, responsible parents strive to support their children in their desire to discover chemical, physical, biological and other laws on their own. Having caught the demand, stores offer to buy different children's kits in order to conduct experiments and experiments for children 7-8 years old at home.

You can buy these kits, but many fun and interesting science experiments can be done by children with their parents by creating the necessary kits from improvised tools at home. At home, you can do experiments in chemistry, physics, biology. At least 10 experiments can be done with Coca-Cola alone. The main thing is to teach young researchers the rules of safety.

Most of the experiments and experiments for children, which parents can read about and suggest to kids for practice, are completely safe. But many children at the age of 8, and even more so 10 years old, already quite freely find videos on the Internet where slightly older guys demonstrate their experiments, and not all of them, even with Coca-Cola, are safe for a beginner.

Or maybe your young researcher decides to conduct a chemical experiment of his own design. Therefore, rule number one, which, first of all, children need to be taught, is to coordinate upcoming scientific experiments with adults.

  • Before you do, carefully read the instructions for the experiment. All kits sold are equipped with them.
  • The place for experiments should be carefully chosen and well prepared. Remove all unnecessary, especially combustible materials and fragile items. There should be enough light, close to water, and the possibility of ventilation.
  • Careful handling of fire, hot or sharp objects.
  • Use separate dishes for experiments. Wash and clean thoroughly after use.
  • Do not take anything by mouth, taste or mess with the products used or obtained.
  • If your hands get dirty, wash them immediately so as not to rub your face and eyes with dirty hands.
  • Do not lean close to the experiment site to avoid splashes, sparks, etc. do not come into contact with skin or eyes.
  • At the end of the experiment, we carefully clean everything, wash our hands, if necessary, ventilate the room.
  • Pour used liquids carefully into the sink, turning on cold water for her to loosen up.

But still simple experiments with fire or chemicals, even as common at home as vinegar, children should only do it under adult supervision.

Experiences for kids! Children's Experiment #1 - Rainbow Water

Soap engine boat

For this experience, you do not have to buy complex sets. Enough water, liquid soap and plastic corner. From a corner or film with scissors, cut out a triangular boat with a slot and a round hole in the middle. It is quite capable for children 7-8 years old. Then we lower the resulting boat into a vessel with water and drip into the hole liquid soap. The ship begins to move quickly through the water. And so after each drop of soap.

Experience with soda

This simple and fun experience will help draw kids' attention to physics concepts such as density, volume, and weight. It does not need special sets, it is enough to buy several metal cans of soda of the same volume. For example, buy Sprite, Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Fanta, and ask the child the question: “What will happen to them if you put them in water? Drown or not?"

You can even bet on how the next bank will behave. Then carefully lower the jars into a container of water and observe. Some banks sink to the bottom, while others float in it. Although a child of 7 or even 10 years old is not yet learning physics or chemistry, this visual experience will help to remember that objects with the same volume can have different weights, different densities.

paper cover

This scientific experience is like a trick. We take a glass of water, pour water into it, press a piece of thick paper on top and carefully turn the glass over. Water does not spill out! The paper remains pressed to the glass, as if glued. The explanation for the secret of this experiment is that air presses on the paper.

Home rainbow with water and a mirror

You can please children by making them feel like a magician by creating a rainbow yourself. To do this, the child immerses a small mirror in water and directs the light of a flashlight onto it. On the White list paper, we catch the reflection and here it is - a rainbow!

The experience of Rene Descartes or the pipette diver

It is believed that this interesting experiment was first made by the 16th century French physicist and mechanic Rene Descartes. We will not repeat his experience exactly, because today there are plastic bottles. In one of them we collect water almost to the very brim and lower the pipette there. We first draw a little water into the pipette, so that it floats when immersed in the bottle, with its upper rubber end slightly protruding from the water.

Close the bottle and squeeze it. The pipette goes to the bottom. We release the sides of the bottle - the pipette pops up. When the bottle is squeezed, the pressure of the water in it increases, and it penetrates into the pipette. It becomes heavier and sinks. The pressure is released and the air pushes out the water, the pipette becomes lighter again and floats.

From glass to glass

Such an experiment can be done even by a 5-year-old baby. One glass is filled with water and a strip of fabric is immersed in it, the second edge of which is lowered into an empty glass. It is placed a little lower than the full one, and gradually water flows through the fabric from full to empty.

Experience with Coca-Cola

The Internet is full of videos where guys are doing a variety of experiments with Coca-Cola. You can find 10 or 20 such experiments. Sugar, Mentos sweets, soda or salt, milk and dry ice are added to Coca-Cola and look at the result. With a child of 8 - 10 years old, it is quite possible to create a volcano from Coca-Cola.

To do this, a tall glass or a small plastic bottle we insert it into a paper dark cone, which will depict a volcano. We put the volcano in the basin. Pour Coca-Cola halfway into the vessel and throw Mentos candies into it. Then we admire the volcanic eruption from the fountain of foam. The fountain from our volcano will be even higher if we add soda instead of sweets to Coca-Cola.

Experiment Naughty ball. Simple Bottle Experiments
