Growing black allspice in the country. How to grow black pepper

" Pepper

Black pepper, like a spice, has been known to mankind since time immemorial.. Neither first nor second courses can do without its aroma and spiciness that adds taste, delicious marinades also cannot be cooked without the well-known black peas. But not everyone knows how this well-known spice grows- black peppercorns. Recently, the cultivation of black pepper on suburban area and at home is becoming more and more popular, so I want to answer in detail all the questions that arise.

The homeland of the spice is the subtropics of Asia. Plantations of the Malabar berry, another name for black pepper, are located in India, Brazil, and Indonesia.

IN vivo habitat is a perennial tree-like liana, wrapping around tree trunks.

Pepper liana grows up to 15 meters tall with large leathery leaves and hanging clusters of hard fruit balls.

Green clusters turn red as they ripen. Red berries are harvested and dried. In the process of drying, the fruits become familiar to everyone, black peas.

How black peppercorns grow in Australia:

Is it possible and how to grow a plant at home?

Since at a temperature of + 10 ° C the pepper vine dies, raise her in open field it is almost impossible for us.

But when creating favorable conditions, it grows well and even bears fruit as indoor plant .

A little patience and you will certainly be able to surprise your family and friends with an exotic tenant on the windowsill.

Where to plant, where to get the seed

So where to plant? For pepper west and east windows are best suited with good lighting and no direct sunlight.

If the landing is located on south side, you should slightly cover the plant from too bright light.

The optimum temperature for growth and development is +25°C. In winter, like most plants, the pepper liana has a dormant period, at which time the planting feels great at + 16 ° C.

Which is sold in almost every grocery store.

You should pay attention to the date of packaging, seeds packaged more than a year ago may not sprout.

Before planting, they are soaked for a day in water + 25- + 30 ° С. Popped peas should not be planted. After that, the seeds are planted in the prepared soil.

What soil to choose

Plant seeds in a pot with good drainage., pepper loves moisture, but with its excess, the plant may die.

Expanded clay, shards are used as drainage, ordinary crushed stone is excellent for creating a drainage layer. Do not forget about the holes for water drainage in the bottom of the pot.

Ready for planting soil mix for orchids, but you can prepare the soil yourself. The following composition will be optimal:

  • sand - 1 portion;
  • humus - 1 portion;
  • sod land - 4 servings;
  • leaf ground - 2 servings.

Seeds are planted in late May-early June. They can be covered with film or glass to create a greenhouse effect.

Landing should be systematically watered and ventilated. Seedlings appear in 3-4 weeks.

Cultivation and care at home


Pepper loves good hydration and needs abundant watering and spraying from spring to autumn. The soil in the pot should be slightly damp.

Reduce watering in winter and water the plant twice as often. If the room temperature in winter is within + 20 ° C, it is not necessary to spray.

Important: watering and spraying is carried out with settled water in which there is less salt and chlorine.

top dressing

The introduction of complex mineral fertilizer or diluted chicken manure into the soil will provide planting with the necessary substances.

Fertilize from late April to early October, twice a month. With a sufficient content of fertilizers in the soil, the plant will please with a good appearance and active growth.


It is produced every two years.. The plant is placed in a pot bigger size, transshipment method. The soil before transplanting must be moistened so as not to damage root system.

Possible difficulties

Pepper will tell you what he needs in this moment. With a lack sunlight the plant stretches and sheds foliage.

With insufficient moisture leaf tips turn brown. Excess waterlogging leads to yellowing of the leaves.

Direct sunlight can burn and dry the foliage.

Little growing tricks

Because it's a liana need to put a support to allow the seedling to grow normally.

The appearance of white "eggs" on the back of the leaves is normal for the plant.

A green pet begins to bear fruit in the second year of life. Depending on the time of harvesting the fruit, you can get green, white, and actually black pepper.

At good conditions keeping pepper liana at home can reach 2 m in height.

White pepper is obtained by soaking ripe fruits for 2 weeks and then peeling and drying.

Only black peas can be used as seeds. Red, white and green seeds do not germinate.

Beneficial features

The spice has a powerful antibacterial effect.. Contributes to the preservation of products, which is why it is so popular in hot Asian countries.

Able to normalize the process of digestion. Helps with colds. It is an excellent antioxidant and improves metabolism.

At weight useful properties it should be remembered that pepper is contraindicated in inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and its excessive use can be harmful.

The program "About the most important thing" will tell about black peppercorns:

Growing peppers at home is easy.. A little patience and careful care will allow you to get at home very interesting plant, not only useful, but also having excellent decorative properties.

Try it, you will surely succeed.

White, black, green, red pepper - all these are spices from one plant, collected in different time or processed with slight differences in technology. The culture is widely used in cooking, folk medicine, and cosmetology. Black pepper grows well indoors or in greenhouses, and in mild climates it can be grown outdoors in the summer.

Origin and description of culture

The homeland of the spice is the southwestern coast of India called Malihabar. The name of the area was translated as the land of pepper. Today this state is called Kerala. From India, the Malabar berry (by the name of its growth - the Malabar Islands) spread to Indonesia, then to other countries in Southeast Asia. Further, black peppercorns were brought to Africa, America, Europe.

About 600 cultivars are known external characteristics. Often it is herbaceous, with a creeping stem or shrub species, but there are trees with an upright trunk. Flowers unisexual or bisexual, small, inconspicuous, collected in cobs singly opposite the leaves or 2-3 in their axils. The resulting fruit is a drupe, characterized by a burning taste. The sharpness of the spice depends on the amount of piperine, and the aroma depends on the concentration of essential oils.

Botanical description

Tropical tree vine of the Pepper family reaches a height of 15 m in natural conditions. The leaves are ovate, grayish-green in color, leathery, 8-10 cm long. The flowers are small, white color, collected in hanging ears of 7-10 cm. After them, fruits are formed in the form of a ball with a hard shell, at first green, and as they ripen, they become brown.

Unripe red peas are used as a raw material for the production of spices.

One spikelet 8-14 cm long consists of 20-30 drupes 3-5 mm in diameter. The roots are aerial, formed on the nodes. Fruiting in the natural habitat 2 times a year, the life of the plant is 25-30 years.

How black peppercorns grow

Liana wraps around trees, using them as a support. When cultivating, the creation of special props in the form of poles is required. At home, you need to think about more complex structure so that the plant does not take up much space on the windowsill. In nature, it feeds through the air root system; when growing at home, a favorable nutrient medium is created in the soil mixture. The first fruits of black peppercorns can be obtained in the 2nd-3rd year of cultivation.

Where does black pepper grow?

The natural distribution area is tropical rainforests. Most black pepper is grown in India, countries South-East Asia, Australia, Brazil. It can be cultivated everywhere when favorable conditions are created, but it dies at a temperature of + 10 ° C, which must be taken into account when trying to grow it in the country. Open ground is rarely used, it is better to immediately plant in a heated greenhouse or at home.

Features of growing on the windowsill

The culture is thermophilic, does not tolerate temperature changes, is very demanding on environmental conditions. Care is to maintain the main indicators (light, heat, moisture) at the proper level. You can use specialized equipment (growbox for cultivating exotic varieties), but it is very expensive.

To grow black pepper at home, you need:

  • create favorable conditions - heat, high humidity, good lighting;
  • select high-quality peas for sowing, process for early germination;
  • prepare the container and soil;
  • plant in compliance with agrotechnical recommendations;
  • if necessary, carry out top dressing;
  • harvest when ripe.

Growing conditions

Plants need to create environment close to the tropics. For growing black pepper at home, high humidity and an air temperature of + 20-30 ° C are required. Peppers love lighting, long daylight hours, but they do not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight. Drying out of the soil will negatively affect development, constant waterlogging will lead to death. When cultivating, focus on recommendations for orchids, both cultures grow in the natural environment under the same conditions.

By appearance you can determine what is missing pepper:

  • leaves turned yellow - excessive moisture;
  • weak, diseased plant with elongated internodes, cessation of fruiting - lack of sunlight;
  • the bush dries - an excess of lighting;
  • the tips of the leaves are brown - lack of water and air humidity.

Selection and preparation of seeds

planting material can be purchased at any grocery store. You should pay attention to the expiration date, the product must be collected no more than a year ago. Only large black peas can germinate, so you need to choose high-quality products, dried without violating technology and using chemicals that increase shelf life.

To grow black pepper from seeds, they need to be prepared. Soak for a day at a temperature of + 50 ° C, periodically changing the water. Remove pop-up, small, damaged specimens. You can additionally keep the seed material in a growth stimulator solution in accordance with the instructions for use.

Tank and soil preparation

It is better to immediately choose individual pots for growing, picking and an extra transplant for young seedlings is useless. Wash the containers, treat with a disinfectant, and dry. Holes must be made in the bottom to remove excess liquid, 1-2 cm of expanded clay is poured, broken slate or rubble for drainage. Pick up a wide pallet, pour expanded clay or peat into it, fill it with water. When it evaporates, the humidity of the air will increase.

It is better to purchase a ready-made soil mixture, soil for orchids is suitable. At self assembly mix leaf and sod land, add well-dried river sand. Before use, such soil can be kept for several hours in an oven at + 70-80 ° C for disinfection.

organic fertilizers are not required, mineral complexes for orchids can be used for top dressing during care.

Seeding technology

For planting, it is better to choose the end of May - the beginning of June, but a working battery will help create optimal conditions, so the timing can be any. Use an individual container for 1-2 plants, in accordance with this, select its size. Do not deepen the seeds too much, 2 diameters of the prepared pea is enough. Moisten the surface of the soil with a spray bottle, cover with glass or a bag on top. The first sprouts of black pepper will appear in 3-4 weeks. All this time, ventilate, water as needed. When the seedlings hatch, remove the covering material.

Watering mode

When growing black pepper, you need to create high humidity air, so 2 times a day, spray with warm water. Make sure there is always liquid in the pan. Water as needed, don't over water. Under natural conditions, the liana clings to trees with air roots, so it is not used to stagnant moisture. For the procedure, use settled water room temperature not cold. In winter, watering can be slightly reduced.

top dressing

As fertilizers, it is desirable to use complex mineral solutions for orchids. Sometimes it is recommended to add organic matter, but in nature no one feeds the liana with cow dung. For this reason, the maximum that is required is watering with herbal infusion prepared according to folk recipes. Excess nutrients negatively affects the growth and development of culture, as well as lack. It is enough to carry out the procedure 2 times a year.


You can get black peppercorns by collecting unripe red fruits in the 2-3rd year of cultivation. Harvest dry in the sun for about a week until completely dry, acquiring a specific black color. Green pepper is harvested even more immature and also dried, characterized by a more pronounced aroma. The white variety is made from black peas. To do this, pour water for 6-7 days, peel, dry well. The spice is softer, without a strong spiciness.

Keep harvested crop in paper bags, folded into plastic containers with a lid, or glass, tightly closed containers.

Black pepper is quite possible to grow at home or greenhouse conditions. The culture is perennial, with proper care it produces a crop 2 times a year. The difficulty lies in creating favorable conditions similar to the climate of tropical rainforests.

How does black pepper grow? I like to experiment and on my windowsills there are more exotic crops and various spices than flowers. I planted hot peppers last year. The husband has already tried the first harvest and said that now he needs peppercorns to pair with him. What is it and is it possible to grow this pepper at home?

Culinary thrill-seekers cannot imagine any dish without black peppercorns. The spicy smell and spicy taste will turn the meat into a delicacy and add an interesting note to salads. What can we say about marinades for preservation - there’s nowhere without pepper. Do you know how black pepper grows? Despite the name, with Bulgarian or hot peppers This plant has nothing in common. Yes, they have different growing requirements. What is black pepper as a culture?

The second name of black pepper is Malabar berry.

plant description

Unlike the Bulgarian, popular among gardeners, black grows by no means in a bush and is not quite compact. By its nature, it is a perennial tree-like liana, whose birthplace is the subtropics of India and Asia. There, in the conditions high humidity and stable heat, its length can reach 15 m. Clinging to aerial roots, it wraps itself around trees and rushes towards the sun, forming a thick wall. Pepper thickets are almost impassable, because the leathery leaves are very dense. Although their sizes are small, maximum 10 cm in length, there is a lot of gray-green foliage. Pepper blooms simply, with small white flowers, collected in a long semblance of a hanging spikelet. At the end of flowering, round green drupes are tied in their place. When ripe, they turn red.

Black, green and white pepper are the same culture. The only difference is when and how the crop was harvested. Red peas become black during the drying process, they remain green if unripe peppers are harvested. White pepper is obtained by cleaning the peas from the pericarp after soaking.

How black pepper grows - growing features

Maximum low temperature, which the vine can transfer, is 10 ° C heat. For this reason, not only winter, but even autumn in the open field, we will not endure. But the liana will cope with the role of a room pot culture.

Getting seeds is not a problem. You can also plant those peas that are among the seasonings in the kitchen, but only after soaking them for a couple of days.

Black pepper as a houseplant is quite unpretentious. Easy enough to reproduce natural environment its growth, and already in the second year of life, you can take the first harvest. In order for the vine to grow actively, it needs:

  • loose nutrient soil(a mixture of leaf and sod land, sand and humus);
  • good but diffused lighting (east windows);
  • humid air (water pan plus frequent spraying);
  • warm (in winter - not lower than 16 ° C);
  • proper watering (abundant - from spring to autumn, scarce - in winter);
  • seasonal top dressing (from spring to autumn - twice a month with a mineral complex).

Given the "curly" nature of the vine, you need to install a support in the pot. So she can curl and maintain an upright position. Once every 2-3 years, the bush is transplanted into fresh soil. You can propagate such a plant by collecting seeds, as well as cuttings, layering and dividing the bush.

Spicy and fragrant black peppercorns can be found in every kitchen. Everyone knows what it looks like - black round peas, no more than 0.5 cm in diameter. This is an excellent seasoning for any first and second courses, canned food, meat and fish delicacies. But few people know where black pepper grows and how to grow it at home.

This spice, which came to India, many seasoning lovers have learned to grow on their windowsills and in the beds of summer cottages.

Peppercorns in natural conditions

This spice grows in almost all regions of the equatorial and subequatorial strip. Its homeland is the Malabar Islands, which the locals used to even call the "Land of Pepper" in translation from the Indian language. The plant itself looks like a liana, in the wild winds around trees or shrubs and can reach a length of 15-17 meters.

To grow spices on an industrial scale, special pegs and long sticks are installed on plantations, around which vines curl. The leaves of the black pepper plant are elongated, rounded at the base and pointed at the end. During the flowering period, the buds of the plant grow in bunches of several pieces on long brushes of 12–15 centimeters. The growing and harvesting period is quite long, because the brushes do not ripen at the same time, but gradually on the entire vine. From one branch (one bud) 25-35 peas are collected.

Garden according to the Mitlider method: features and benefits

By the way, not only black peas can be collected from such vines. Known to all white, red and green pepper- it's just allspice, collected at different times and in varying degrees maturity. And black pepper acquires its color only after prolonged drying in the open air or ovens.

growing at home

It will not be possible to plant a plantation of peppercorns everywhere due to the unsuitable climate in a number of regions. But there are several ways to grow spices at home:

  • from seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering.

The last two methods are more suitable for experienced gardeners, but the fastest and easiest way is to grow a spice from seeds. For growing black pepper at home, seeds are suitable directly from a pack bought in a store. One sachet is enough to get a good result. But it is black peas that are suitable for planting, other species simply will not germinate.

Choosing a place is worth considering that the bush will need a lot of light, so if you decide to grow pepper at home, you need to put a container with it on a windowsill or balcony.

From the package you need to select the heaviest seeds and pour them before planting warm water for a day. After that, they can be sown in soil that is half leaves, sand and turf in equal parts. It is better to plant spices in late spring, and keep the plant at an average temperature of 24–29 degrees above zero.

Rational arrangement of beds in a greenhouse 3x6

In the first year, the plant gives an active growth of the vine, and in the second year it already brings the first crop. The length of the creeper on the windowsill can reach one and a half to two meters, so you need to prepare for this and constantly tie up the plant.

To propagate black peppercorns from cuttings, you need:

  • Choose vines with two buds and cut them off;
  • Put the cuttings in a dark warm place;
  • After 2-3 weeks, when they take root, they can be planted in pots with prepared and fertilized soil.

And the third way to grow spices is layering. You can propagate pepper by layering right during transplantation. It is best to spend it in the spring. After transplanting the bush, the long branch bends down and is fixed horizontally at the surface of the earth. At the bend at proper watering and feeding young roots grow. When they grow enough and get stronger, the bushes can be divided and seated in different pots.

Features of care

After the appearance of the first sprouts, the pepper is transplanted into a larger container than was used during planting. When transplanting, chicken manure is added to the soil as a fertilizer. The room in which the spice grows should be bright, but at the same time it is necessary to protect the pot from direct exposure to the sun, otherwise the pepper may simply dry out. The plant loves moisture very much, so it should be sprayed from a spray bottle at least once a day. You can also put a pan of water under the pot and add it there as it is absorbed.

Black pepper is a popular and beloved seasoning all over the world, present in the kitchen stocks of almost every housewife. How does pea grow?

Useful properties of black pepper

An excellent seasoning for meat, fish and vegetable dishes, in addition to culinary use, it has a lot of healing properties that are beneficial to the body.

Black peppercorns contain vitamins useful for the body, essential oils, glycosides, thanks to which the plant is successfully used folk medicine for:

  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • cleansing the body;
  • normalization of digestion, liver and stomach function;
  • arousal of appetite;
  • memory improvement.

In the era of antiquity, such a culture served as an equivalent when weighing pharmaceutical powders: exactly 460 grams should weigh 1000 peas of such a high-quality crop as black pepper. How does the "king of spices" grow in nature? Can it be grown at home? What kind of care does such an exotic culture require? Where does black pepper grow?

Description of the Malabar berry

In nature, black pepper, otherwise referred to as the "Malabar berry", is a perennial tree liana families Pepper with a long flexible stem and aerial roots formed at the nodes. Mostly such a plant is found in forests, wraps around trees and can reach 15 meters. Its leaves are 80-100 mm long, grayish-green, leathery, alternate, ovoid. Small white flowers are outwardly inconspicuous, collected in hanging small spikes.

The fruits are spherical drupes placed in a hard shell, characterized by a burning taste. Initially green, with time they turn red. It is during this period that the harvest takes place. In the process of drying in the sun, the fruits change their color and turn into the usual black pepper.

How culture grows and bears fruit at home

The pepper liana is native to the Malabar coast of India. Also, the culture is successfully cultivated in countries such as Brazil, Indonesia, Sri Lanka. In areas with a familiar subtropical climate, it is able to please the harvest twice a year for 20-50 years.

By the way, white pepper is the same black, only peeled from the pericarp mechanically. To obtain it, freshly harvested ripe fruits need to be soaked in water for about 7 days. This operation helps to soak and soften the shell of the fetus. Then it is separated and the released seeds are dried.

How does black peppercorns grow at home? Planting and caring for a spicy culture is not particularly difficult. It is enough to provide the plant with the usual moist growth conditions, and the harvest on the windowsill will delight twice a year.

Growing black pepper: features

For planting, peppercorns purchased at the store are suitable as seed material, from which you should choose the most beautiful and largest peas, soak in water for 24 hours, and then plant them in a prepared container.

The optimal soil composition for the plant is a mixture of sand, humus, leafy and soddy soil in a ratio of 1:1:2:4. Good drainage must be ensured. Landing is desirable to carry out in early summer. After about 3-4 weeks, it will be possible to observe how your own black pepper appears from the ground. How does a young culture grow at home?

Black pepper is a plant that loves moisture and warmth; it is not adapted to frost. That's why an important factor care is to provide moisture. To do this, it is recommended to place a pot with room culture on a pallet with peat or wet expanded clay, and periodically spray black pepper with settled water at room temperature. The plant reacts to the lack of moisture brown leaf tips; with its excess, especially dangerous in winter time, the leaves will begin to turn yellow and gradually fade.

Choosing a location

It is recommended to grow black pepper in a bright place, protected from direct sunlight. IN room conditions east and west windows are most suitable for this. The lack of light can be judged by the stretching of the stems and their exposure.

When grown on the south side, the plant needs to provide shade. During active growth, the preferred air temperature is + 20-25 ° C. In winter, the indicator should not fall below +16 ° C. In winter, it is better to keep the plant on the windowsill, in summer period- take out to open air. In the first year of life, a spicy culture can grow up to 2 meters. Flowering occurs in April-May. At proper care black pepper will begin to bear fruit in the second year.

Rules for watering and fertilizing

From spring to autumn, the plant needs to provide abundant watering, which must be done as the topsoil dries up. In winter, the supply of moisture must be reduced.

In spring and summer, it is important to feed black pepper. How culture grows during regular top dressing? Timely provision mineral fertilizers, carried out no more than 2 times a month, as a result, it will give a beautiful healthy plant, pleasing with its own grown spice fruits.

Application in cooking

Universal spice is used in the preparation of meat, fish, sauces, gravy, first courses, marinades, vegetable salads. The greatest aroma is inherent in ground peppercorns. It is recommended to add seasoning a few minutes before the dish is ready. It should be stored in airtight packaging, otherwise the spice will quickly run out of steam and lose its valuable properties.
