DIY vacuum pump: a step-by-step workflow on how to make a vacuum pump. How to make a vacuum pump Make a DIY vacuum pump for pumping

It is quite simple to make a vacuum pump yourself, there are two options: the first is from car pump, the second one is more complex, using two empty plastic containers, sealant, valves and a syringe (more on the second option in the video below). It will take a little more time, but the appearance will be much more like that bought in a sex shop. The video shows in detail how to assemble it:

How to make a vacuum pump video

For the first way, how to make a vacuum pump for penis enlargement, you need a cuff-type car or bicycle pump. Disassemble it, turn the cuff in the opposite direction and twist all the pump parts in reverse order. You should get a vacuum pump that can draw in air. Be sure to install a check valve in the pump hose. You can buy one at a pet store that sells aquariums. The valve is needed to prevent air from escaping the pump.

This option will provide 80% vacuum. At home, it is impossible to make a 100% vacuum unit.

This publication proposes to consider the question of how to make a household Vacuum pump with your own hands. Let's analyze a few simple ways to pump out air, implemented at home using improvised materials or old compressor equipment.

Application of hand air pumps

To solve simple tasks related to the creation of a shallow vacuum, any device for pumping air is suitable - a hand or foot car pump and even a medical syringe. Using the latter as an example, we will show the assembly of the simplest vacuum pump. To work, you will need the following materials:

  • syringe with a capacity of 10-20 ml;
  • plastic check valve - 2 pcs.;
  • transparent tubes from a dropper;
  • tee.

Reference. Small non-return valves are available from pet supply stores, aquarium supplies section. Prices are literally cheap.

Assemble the manual air evacuator in the following order:

  1. Cut 3 pieces 5-6 cm long from the dropper tube.
  2. Put the segments on the outlets of the tee, connect the syringe to the middle one.
  3. Install check valves at the ends of the 2 remaining tubes so that the arrows on the body point in different directions.
  4. To the outlet of the valve, whose arrow is directed to the syringe, connect the tube leading to the object of evacuation. You can check the operation of the pump with a liter plastic bottle.

The principle of operation is as follows: when you pull the piston, air passes through the valve from the side of the bottle, the second line is blocked. After pressing the stem, the valve of the first tube no longer lets air in, but the second one is open. If you work intensively with the piston, then a vacuum forms quite quickly inside the bottle, which is shown in the video:

More productive manual settings are made from various piston devices. A conventional pump designed for inflating car tires is suitable. To convert a simple device into a vacuum pump, follow the instructions:

After the alteration, the pump will draw in air through the main hose, and throw it out through the hole in the housing. If you need to pump the wheels of the car, the cuff is easy to return to its original position. How to make a vacuum pump from a small bicycle pump, see the video:

How to make a unit from a compressor

Not all problems can be solved with hand tools, unable to create a deep vacuum (minus 1 bar). To increase productivity, electric pumping devices - compressors should be used.

For the manufacture of homemade vacuum pumps fit different kinds similar units:

  • aquarium oxygen blower;
  • compressor of an old refrigerator;
  • Chinese automobile electric pump;
  • multipurpose compressor household series with a productivity of 350 l/min.

Note. On the Internet, there are often instructions for the manufacture of a water ring type vacuum pump. The device is difficult to assemble (you need to grind some parts) and operate, since it requires the organization of cooling of the feed water and intake air. We do not recommend adopting this idea.

Reworking an aquarium blower

The device is plastic case, which contains a diaphragm micropump with two valves and a small motor powered by electricity. Modernization is carried out in the following order:

Advice. In order to protect the membrane assembly from dust, debris and moisture, install an automobile gasoline filter on the inlet hose.

If you did everything correctly, then the supercharger will be converted into a homemade air intake average performance. The apparatus will not create a deep vacuum, but it will definitely help to solve a variety of small tasks. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to repair and return the compressor to its original state - you need to change the valve group.

Using a Refrigeration Compressor

For assembly, a working unit from any old refrigerator is suitable. Moreover, such a do-it-yourself vacuum installation retains the ability to act as a compressor. Prepare before assembly additional elements designs:

  • frame welded from corners or twisted with bolts;
  • receiver - a cylinder of propane or freon;
  • pressure gauge (in this case, a vacuum gauge);
  • connecting hoses;
  • filter - moisture separator;
  • wires and circuit breaker;
  • a common crosspiece can act as a collector.

Note. If you plan to use the unit as an air blower, then you will additionally need a pressure switch to ensure timely shutdown of the engine.

Before assembly, drain the old oil from the unit by turning it upside down. At the same time, you will find out which of the three pipes is oil. Then fill in new special grease for compressors in the amount indicated on the nameplate or directly on the housing.

Assembly is done in this order:

Advice. For the receiver, it is better to choose a small cylinder with a capacity of 25 liters.

If you need a compressor more than a vacuum pump, connect differently. Place the crosspiece on the discharge side, attach the receiver, pressure switch and pneumatic hose to it. A filter and a vacuum gauge are installed on the suction side. More information about the assembly of the unit is described in the video.

Modernization of other devices

Portable Chinese pumps used for pumping car tires, are not suitable for conversion into a vacuum apparatus, the productivity is too low. Verify given fact easy: disassemble the plastic housing of the unit and look at the dimensions of the cylinder with the piston. The latter is driven by a connecting rod mounted on the motor shaft.

To convert such a supercharger into an aspirator, it is enough to solder to the intake valve hole plastic tube. The simplest way– apply glue gun. Then proceed according to the previous instructions - install the filter and pressure gauge on the suction side.

The tube must be glued to the suction valve opening

Note. To in living conditions to use a vacuum pump made from a mini-compressor, you will have to find or mount a source direct current at 12 volts.

A multi-purpose wheeled compressor (mostly made in China) is the best donor for making a vacuum pump. Thanks to the hardware performance of 350 l/min, the blower is able to instantly create a vacuum effect up to 1 bar deep. This is enough for the operation of various home-made machines - a vacuum packer and a moulder.

Making the unit is quite simple:

  1. Unscrew the air filter mounted on the cylinder head. Attach instead a hose or pipe leading to the receiver, pressure gauge and vacuum object. On the same line, do not forget to put a filter.
  2. In the standard receiver, unscrew the condensate drain plug.
  3. If necessary, make a button for remotely turning on the unit.

A large tank should be used as the receiver of this vacuum pump. propane tank with a capacity of 50 l. It will serve as a dehumidifier of the exhausted air and smooth out the pressure surge at the moment the engine is started.

Where is vacuum applied?

The manufacture of vacuum pumps is of interest to home craftsmen - craftsmen who know how to use them. For most ordinary people, the unit is of no value. In fact, with the help of air pumping, many useful things are realized:

Similar devices are also used for vacuum body massage and the operation of machine tools - presses, packers and molders.


Vacuum pumps are not essential tools. When needed, most homeowners use a handy household appliance- vacuum cleaner. But this device - a vacuum cleaner is designed to solve other problems, the long-term creation of a vacuum is not his forte. And yet, air pumping devices help to realize a lot of useful things and therefore are a good help in the household.

Structural engineer with over 8 years experience in construction.
Graduated from East Ukrainian National University them. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronic Industry Equipment in 2011.

Vacuum pumping equipment is widely used to solve a variety of domestic and industrial scale problems. Units of this kind are mainly used for pumping out vaporous and gaseous substances.

The equipment in question is very convenient, but its cost is unacceptable for many potential users. But craftsmen found a way out of this situation by learning how to assemble vacuum pumps on their own, mainly adapting other equipment for this.

Before you start making your own vacuum pump, familiarize yourself with the basic principles of operation and varieties of such devices.

The mechanism of operation of the equipment is based on the creation of a vacuum. Depending on the purpose, the equipment in question is classified into low-, medium-, high- and ultra-high vacuum pumps.

In everyday life, the simplest are usually used homemade designs made on the basis of ordinary pumps, compressors and other equipment suitable for these purposes.

Learn how to choose, and also consider the main selection criteria, from our new article.

The vacuum pump is made from an ordinary cuff pump used by car owners. Even a simple bicycle pump or other similar device can be used as a basis.

In the application of complex technological methods and no special equipment is needed. The conversion of an automobile pump into a full-fledged vacuum equipment is carried out in several stages.

First step. Disassemble the original pump.

Second step. Turn the cuff of the automobile pump 180 degrees. By changing the position of the cuff, air will not be pumped into the container, but will be drawn out of it. Such equipment is perfect for solving various problems that do not require the creation of a deep vacuum.

Third step. Assemble the unit in the reverse order of disassembly.

Fourth step. Install check valve. To solve this problem, you can use a valve that takes part in the transfer of air from the blowing compressor to the tank (aquarium). This valve must be installed between the hose and the pump itself.

On this simple household pump ready. Subject to careful and correct execution all the above steps of the guide, ensuring sufficient tightness of each interface, selecting a suitable plastic valve High Quality, such a simple vacuum unit can suck up to 75-85% of the total air volume. For comparison, this parameter is many times lower for a vacuum cleaner.

Water ring pump

Belongs to the category of low vacuum pumping equipment. The design is a body with plates installed inside. The plates are attached to the rotor. When the plates are immersed in a liquid (most often it is water), its volume changes.

During the operation of the equipment, conditions are created that are sufficient to ensure a 90-95 percent vacuum. To increase the indicator, you need to replace the water with another liquid that has more high point boiling, and to provide cooling of the pumped-out air.

Among the advantages of such a vacuum pump, it is necessary to highlight its high motor resource, which is ensured by the absence of rubbing seals and the utmost simplicity of design.

But the water ring unit also has a number of disadvantages, namely:

  • the need to organize the capture and disposal or recycling of the lost working fluid with the inclusion of exhaust gases;
  • the need for regular replenishment of the volume of working fluid in the equipment;
  • the need to provide cooling of the liquid used to reduce the pressure of the resulting vapors.

The assembly of the liquid ring vacuum pump is carried out in a few simple steps.

First step. Prepare the body right size. The pump housing must be cylindrical.

Second step. Place a shaft with a fixed impeller inside the housing. The wheel should be equipped with relatively small blades.

Third step. Ensure the supply of working fluid to the pump housing. The liquid must be supplied so that under its influence the blades rotate. The generated centrifugal force will cause the liquid to move towards the walls of the case, and a vacuum will be created in the center of the device.

These pumps are commonly used in agriculture and in production, in a city apartment, they are unlikely to be of any use, but such a unit may come in handy for the owner of a private house.

Find out how to do it right, and also get acquainted with the nuances of the equipment, from our new article.

Modification of the aquarium compressor

If necessary, provide more high rate rarefaction, you can use equipment based on a household compressor capable of pumping air at high pressure.

In remake aquarium compressor there are no complications. The areas of use of such devices are quite multifaceted. For example, some owners use such pumps to eliminate the specific aroma that occurs during the distillation of alcohol.

Also, this kind of vacuum pumps are suitable for different kind experiments, during which some rarefaction should be created in pot stills and a variety of fermentation containers.

First step. Unscrew the fasteners from the housing of the compressor being used. A screwdriver will help you with this.

Second step. Disassemble the assembly inside the compressor, which includes an element with valves.

Third step. Saw off the corner of the body in a place convenient for connecting the pump hose. Assemble said compressor assembly in reverse order and insert it into the case according to the prepared hole.

Fourth step. Prepare a hole in the bottom wall of the part to remove condensate and water that has accidentally penetrated inside.

Fifth step. Arrange a system for venting gases from a vacuum pump. To do this, use glue and a tube of suitable sizes.

As a result, the device, assembled in the reverse order, will pump out air instead of forcing it.

With the rarefaction created by such equipment, it will be possible to reduce the boiling point of working fluids.

At the same time, be sure to take into account the fact that in the process of performing such work, the resulting vapors will pass through the unit, which is categorically undesirable. Therefore, it is necessary to include a sump and a receiver in the system - they will help to dry the air.

The procedure for using a vacuum pump will be discussed using the example of pumping water from an aquarium. In general, the features of using such equipment remain almost the same for most situations.

Prepare necessary fixtures. You will need:

  • pump core;
  • tee;
  • nozzle and fitting.

Insert a nozzle into the hole in the tee. You can pre-make it from a tube of a suitable size. Next, you need to screw the fitting onto the pre-threaded faucet, and then pull on the hose section. It is not recommended to use a hose longer than 100 mm.

Prices for popular compressors

After that, you need to insert the pump core into the second end of the hose. On the opposite side of the pump core, connect a short hose to drain fluid into the sewer.

Connect the hose to the main outlet plastic tee, and then run the connected hose into a container of water.

At the same time, an aquarium siphon must be connected to the end of the hose to prevent the earth from being drawn into the vacuum unit.

As a result, the system will work in the following order:

  • you open a faucet;
  • water enters the system;
  • a vacuum is created in the hose;
  • water is pumped out of the aquarium.

After required amount the liquid will be pumped out, you will have to shut off the flow of liquid with a tap and remove the siphon from the tank.

Find out, and also consider how to use it, from our new article.

Now you have an idea about the order self-manufacturing various models of vacuum pumps. The information obtained will allow you to make a pump on their own and save a fairly significant amount on the purchase of a finished factory-made device.

Successful work!

Video - DIY vacuum pump

Vacuum pump - a special device, consisting of a flask and a pump, operates on the principle of reduced pressure, due to the impact of which on the penis, it expands and increases in volume.

This device contributes to the active growth of the penis, both in thickness and length, fights against psychogenic erectile dysfunction, increases the duration of sexual intercourse several times. It is important that the device is suitable for all men, regardless of their age.

However, it is not always possible to purchase a vacuum pump in a specialized store, but there is a desire to increase manhood. What to do in such a situation? The answer is very simple, you can make the device at home with your own hands.

Due to this possibility homemade, you need to find out what parts and materials will be needed for the fixture, and how to properly assemble the required device?

What materials will be needed?

Initially, it is worth noting that in order to get a homemade pump for penis enlargement, which really effectively copes with its task, it is necessary to understand how the original vacuum pump works.

For this, information is studied: various photos and video, instructions for using this device, recommendations for its use at home.

And only after a man understands the principle of action, will imagine how it functions, you can make it yourself at home.

As a rule, the original pump includes:

  • A sealed cylinder or flask, where manhood is placed.
  • Seals that allow the vacuum to cope with its main task.
  • A special knob that regulates the level of pressure inside the flask.

Before you make a pump, you need to think about what it consists of. To make the device, you will need a large syringe used in medicine, by means of its handle the level of negative pressure in a vacuum is regulated.

In addition, it is mandatory to take into account the fact that the cylinder for a home pump must fit the shape of the penis and be suitable in size. To avoid injury, the cylinder must not have sharp corners or other irregularities.

The material of which the cylinder is made must not pose a risk to the health of men and cause allergic reactions. A special pen can be easily replaced with an ordinary pear, for example, from an old blood pressure monitor.

Before proceeding with the assembly of the device, each component is necessarily treated with an antiseptic solution or 70% alcohol.

Fixture assembly

Without a doubt, if the device for men is made correctly, it will meet all the stated requirements, and will perfectly cope with its functions. It is worth noting that the appearance will be significantly different from the original device. However, this is not such a significant detail, because the main goal is to increase male dignity.

How to properly assemble a homemade device:

  1. The main element of the device is a cylinder (flask) where the penis is placed. It can be replaced with a simple aerosol can of the required dimensions. Spray can parameters: 37-38 cm in length and 16-18 cm in circumference.
  2. The cartridge is carefully disassembled, compressed air is released. Need to remove it upper part where the atomizer is located. The edges should be smooth and even. At the bottom of the home "flask" make a hole where a tube made of dense metal is placed.
  3. To minimize the risk of injury to the penis, a special cuff is made. It is through it that the penis will pass, being placed in the flask. The cuff can be made from plain paper, or use soft plastic.
  4. When all the elements are prepared, a sealant is needed to fasten the device. The thickness of the protective layer varies from 0.5 to 0.9 cm.
  5. To ensure that all elements of the device are tightly fastened together, the apparatus is left for two days until it dries completely.

When the home appliance is dry, it is completely treated with an antiseptic, which will help to avoid the harmful effects of using the device.

Based on the reviews of men, we can state with confidence, although the device does not have a presentable appearance, it meets all other requirements, and contributes to an increase in male dignity.

The original vacuum penis pump is always accompanied by instructions for use, and the basic rules for its use. For a home device, there are also recommendations:

  • In order to obtain the desired results of penis enlargement, it is necessary to direct the vacuum flows. It is believed that the intensity of the air mass should increase slowly, otherwise the training may be completely useless.
  • To minimize the risk of injury and subsequent complications from the procedure, the penis is inserted into the flask in a relaxed state.
  • After each workout with a home pump, it must be washed with soapy water and wiped dry. This rule also applies to the penis.
  • To some extent, the fixture may dry skin covering penis, so after class it is recommended to apply a specialized cream on it, which will not only moisturize the skin, but also fix the results of the increase.

To obtain a long-term effect that will last a lifetime, the device is used every day. Any workout with the device should not exceed 15 minutes.

After the first use of the device, the penis will increase significantly in length and thickness. This effect is achieved due to the active flow of blood to the vessels of the genital organ. However, this result is only short-term, and can last from 30 minutes to two hours.

Men are strictly forbidden to use the device if it has inflammation of the soft tissues of the penis, in history infectious diseases foreskin, and also, in cases where the skin of the penis is damaged (wounds, abrasions, boils).

As practice and experience of men show, to make homemade device for penis enlargement is a reality, the main thing is to understand how the original device functions and what components it consists of. The specialist in the video in this article will tell you how the vacuum pump works.

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Recent discussions:

There are enough men who are not satisfied with the size of their own manhood. But, of course, you should not be content with natural data. To date, there are enough methods that allow you to take a step towards meeting your own standard. These are methods in the form of stretching the penis with the help of weights, various drugs, pills, physiological procedures, surgical operations, enlarging the male genital organ with the help of an extender, and, in addition, a vacuum pump. It must be said that the latter option has now become the most common solution to intimate problems. For this reason, it is necessary to talk about the vacuum pump in detail.

So, a vacuum pump for penis enlargement is elementary device from a pear and a flask. The flask is usually put on the penis, already at the end of which it is necessary to pump out the air from it. This is how a vacuum is formed, and due to the vacuum, respectively, the flow of blood, an erection appears.

A member in this state is kept for a certain time, after which the air is bled off. Such actions can be done repeatedly. Of course, it must be said that, in addition to its own main purpose, it is also considered a wonderful device in the fight against erectile dysfunction. In addition, the pump, together with the erection ring, is usually used when preparing the penis for sexual intercourse.

So, if you have decided that a pump to increase the reproductive organ is exactly what is needed, some actions should be taken. You can buy it: shopping malls and online stores that offer this type of product. There are enough specialized shops for intimate goods in our country; they have a large and rich selection of pumps for every taste and budget.

If for some reason a person cannot buy a pump in a store, then it is quite possible to make it at home.

There is no possibility or desire to purchase a vacuum pump in a specialized store? It can be easily created at home from conventional means. Not every representative of the stronger sex will take the risk of acquiring it, since everyone knows what it is intended for. So, using the device, you can increase your own penis by several centimeters in height; it is also possible with the help of this device to increase your sexual organ and in width.
Using it every day, you can not only increase your own dignity, but also save the result in the form of a beautiful and big penis for life. Thus, we can conclude that everyone should have it.

If there is not enough money to purchase it in special stores, you can save a lot of money and make it yourself. For this reason, we will tell you further how to make this miracle device and get the desired result.

In order to start making a pump, you need to pick up a cone for it. It is better to use an aerosol can. Choose a balloon based on just one criterion: it must fit the size of your own penis. You can also use a plastic bottle for these purposes, but a balloon is better. We remove the atomizer from the selected pump. With the help of pliers with your own hands, you need to make a side on the top component.
In the component of the bottom we create an opening. Make it at an angle to best sealing, we introduce a tube into the hole two centimeters inward (in general, the length is from six to seven centimeters). It must be fixed with sealant.

Now you need to make a "cuff", which will give a light contact of the pump with the penis. We create it from paper material or foam rubber. You will also need a pear in order to be able to pump air out of the device.

If you look at the resulting hand-made design, then with the naked eye you can see that a hand-made device will differ markedly from the production one. So if you do not spare cash, it is better to buy it in the store. However, for the sake of experience, it is possible to try to construct it with your own hands. It won't come out worse. The main thing: remember that all materials must be free of defects, otherwise you can injure the skin of the penis.

Vacuum pump for penis enlargement is one of the new tools that has gained great popularity among men.

On the Internet they assure that such a device will give fast and effective results. It sounds very tempting and I want to try it in action.

But what to do if you do not want to take risks and spend money on a purchase? penis enlargement device easy to assemble yourself from improvised means. If you follow the assembly rules, you will get a device similar in action.

The materials from which a homemade penis pump is made are tritely simple. It consists of 4 main elements:

  • plastic cylinder– the form in which the member is placed.
  • sealant– rubber bottom with a hole, serves to fix the penis.
  • A tube- air is pumped out of the cylindrical shape through it.
  • Piston- the same as in the apparatus for measuring pressure. Serves for pumping out the air medium, attached to the tube.

Instructions on how to make a penis pump are given below. to content

Operating principle

Homemade Vacuum Cock Pump Performs 2 main functions: an influx of new sensations during masturbation and an increase in the size of the penis at the same time. It remains to figure out how it works.

  1. The sexual organ is placed in a cylindrical shape in a calm state.
  2. With the help of a piston, air is gradually pumped out, a vacuum is created and the penis takes on an erect state.
  3. After ejaculation or at the end of the procedures, using a pillow, we pump air into the cylinder back, the penis can be poked out.

Learn more about how a penis pump works in this video:

If you have already decided how to enlarge the penis and have decided make your own vacuum pump, then consider what means you want to collect it from. Most often, the following set is chosen for assembly:

  • As a cylinder, it is better to use a feeding jar infants. It is suitable for the shape, size and materials of manufacture. Never take glass flasks due to pressure drop, glass can crack.
  • A medical tube, as in droppers, fits perfectly.
  • Instead of a piston, you can take a syringe, it will perform a similar action. If the farm has an old tonometer, it is more rational to use materials from it.

It will take 30-50 minutes to make a pump at home. The main thing is to prepare all the materials and follow instructions.

  1. We take a bottle and carefully cut a hole for the penis in the center of the cap. The size should correspond to the width of the erect penis so that there is no discomfort during the process.
  2. On the other side of the bottle, we make a small incision for the tube.
  3. One of its edges is placed in the hole and treated with a sealant.
  4. We take a five-cc syringe, put the other end of the tube on it, if necessary, it can be tightened with a clamp or other sealant.

A do-it-yourself penis pump, with the right approach, will last more than one year and will nothing better than the factory version.

In the following video you will see how easy it is to assemble a penis pump with your own hands:

Assembling it correctly is not a difficult task, but many beginners manage to make a number of mistakes. The reason is that they do not follow simple rules and that's what comes out of it if you do not have accurate information about how to make a penis pump at home.

Mistake #1– Incorrectly selected sealant

Some neglect the seal at all or choose the wrong hole size. This leads to the fact that during the process in the cylinder sucks testicles. And this should not be allowed under any circumstances.

Mistake #2– The tube is not fixed

1. It is necessary to fix the tube on both sides so that it does not fly off and air does not get into the bottle.
2. Do not forget to process the bottle opening into which the cord enters with a sealant. Since, even because of micro-slits, the vacuum will be broken.

Mistake #3– Plastic cover

The bottle must have a rubber cap. Plastic is a bad choice, this material will to press, to rub the genitals during an erection.

Mistake #4– Narrow tube

Material cannot be used with inside diameter less than 2-3 mm. In some cases, it can bend and then the air will no longer be pumped out or flow into a cylindrical shape.

If you follow the instructions and take into account all common mistakes, an assembled vacuum pump for a penis with your own hands will serve you faithfully for more than one year. to content

Instructions for use: basic rules

To get the best results and feel comfortable However, there are a number of rules.

They were invented by people who have been using these devices for several days and know correct option how to make a vacuum pump.

  1. We lubricate the base of the penis and the hole in the bottle with a lubricant for comfort and better patency, after which we introduce the penis into the form.
  2. We pump air out of the cylinder, penis starts to get erect until a vacuum condition occurs.
  3. For complete fixation, it is recommended bend the hose and secure with a clothespin so that no air gets back in.
  4. We leave the member in this state for 30-40 minutes. You can masturbate if you wish.

At misuse device for penis enlargement, you can apply yourself harm or injury. And for men suffering from certain diseases, this adaptation is completely prohibited for use.

  1. If you have a tendency to bleed, don't try the pump. High pressure in the cylinder will adversely affect your health.
  2. In no case do not combine painkillers with procedures. Absence pain will not let you know when it is time to stop the process. In this case, penis injury cannot be avoided.
  3. Overuse and abuse will lead to bruising and bruising on the penis.
  4. People with painful erections should not use the pump.

I would like to ask a question: Is there any point in wasting time and effort on assembling, if you can buy a pump in the store?

Moreover, there are budget models, for only 15$. And the choice is great, for every taste and color. Let's analyze all the pros and cons.

Purchase Benefits

  1. The cost of the most simple models - 15$ , this is not a strong blow to the pocket.
  2. Pumps are made according to all the rules, and will not cause discomfort or inconvenience.
  3. Introduced wide range goods, you can choose any amount, shape, color and even the method of air injection.
  4. It is worth mentioning that the purchase can be 100% confidential, if you order from an online store with delivery by mail, the goods will be delivered in an opaque package and without marking its contents.
  1. Spend less money(on the expendable materials and components will still leave some finances).

As a result, having assembled it with your own hands, you won’t save much money, and the result will be worse. Given that this product is quite cheap, it makes sense to take the goods from the store. Homemade pump better to use as a demo version: collected, tried, if you liked it, then bought a store analogue. to content

Summing up

Firstly: assemble a vacuum pump for a penis at home pretty simple and it won't take long. It is made from scrap materials.

Secondly: before operation, it is better to familiarize yourself with the rules of use and safety measures so as not to harm your health. This product is not a toy even though it looks harmless.

Thirdly: prices for goods in the store start at $ 15, which means that it makes sense to buy a factory unit. Doing a pump with your own hands is worth it in two cases: you don’t want to spend money on such fun, or just for a test to understand what it is.

Now you know how to make a penis pump and all the pros and cons of a homemade version.

I wish you good luck with any decision you make.

A vacuum pump is the simplest and most reliable device for penis enlargement. Regular use of the simulator helps to improve blood circulation in the groin area, as well as enhance erection. Thanks Enough simple principle actions and designs, you can assemble a vacuum pump for a penis with your own hands from improvised materials.

You can make an analogue of a medical simulator at home in just half an hour.

The systematic use of homemade devices allows you to increase not only the girth of the penis, but also sexual stamina. Due to the restoration of normal blood circulation in the groin, the conduction of nerve impulses from the soft tissues to the cerebral cortex improves.

If you use a vacuum pump for at least 20 minutes a day, over time it will help to cope with premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

The principle of operation of the vacuum pump

To understand how to make a pump for penis enlargement, it is necessary to consider the principle of operation of a medical device. The increase in the size of the reproductive organ occurs due to the stretching of the microchambers of the erectile tissue, which makes up the cavernous bodies. The vacuum pump contributes to the creation of negative pressure around the penis, as a result of which it increases blood flow to the tissues. Excessive blood filling of the cavernous bodies entails an increase in the girth of the male member and, accordingly, an increase in erection.

Do not use a vacuum pump for more than 20 minutes a day, as stagnation of blood in the penis can lead to vascular damage and tissue scarring.

As a rule, factory simulators are equipped with pressure gauges, with which you can monitor the degree of air discharge in the flask. Too much decrease in atmospheric pressure in the device leads to a critical expansion of blood vessels in the penis and, as a result, their rupture. To prevent tissue injury during the use of home-made devices, it is recommended to carry out therapy only in the absence of pronounced discomfort.

Typical device design

How to make a vacuum pump? The classic simulator consists of several parts that you will have to construct yourself from improvised materials. As a rule, the package of the vacuum pump includes:

  • transparent plastic cylinder;
  • sealing ring;
  • small hose;
  • pressure reducing device (electric pump, rubber bulb).

Some men use compressors from a refrigerator or car to pump air out of a tank. However, it should be noted that compresses converted to vacuum pumps have a very high power. Lack of regulation of the air pumping speed can lead to a rapid drop in atmospheric pressure in the flask. As a result, this can lead to excessive filling of the erectile tissue with blood and, as a result, rupture of blood vessels. To avoid injury, it is recommended to use homemade devices only mechanical vacuum pumps.

What to make a flask?

A homemade penis pump should consist of a cylindrical tank, the diameter of which would be at least 5-6 cm. Some nupers use aerosol cans as a container. According to experts, it is dangerous to use opaque reservoirs, since during the pumping out of air you will not be able to monitor the degree of expansion of the superficial vessels and the increase in the diameter of the penis.

As a pump, it is best to use transparent cylindrical containers made of durable plastic:

  • cream injector;
  • aquarium soil cleaner;
  • technical (automobile) syringe;
  • hard plastic bottle.

Subsequently, a thin tube will need to be attached to the flask, which will be connected to a vacuum pump. Therefore, during the assembly of the device, it is necessary to ensure that the connection of the tube to the plastic reservoir is tight. To avoid difficulties during operation, it is recommended to give preference to a technical pump. It is equipped with a flexible hose of the required diameter, which fits perfectly to the syringe stem.

The factory vacuum pump is additionally equipped with a rubber seal, due to which there is no discomfort when pressing the bulb to the pubic area. To prevent tissue injury, the edge technical pump(without piston) it is recommended to treat with silicone or sealant, which will play the role of a softening buffer.

Vacuum pump assembly

Assembling a vacuum pump is one of the most difficult steps in constructing a homemade simulator. To create a sufficiently high negative pressure around the penis, you will need to pump out excess air from the pump. To assemble the pump, you will need a small plastic syringe, 2 nipples from a bicycle tube and a flexible tube.

You can design a vacuum pump with your own hands in several stages:

  • using a hot screwdriver, make a small hole in the piston from under the syringe;
  • insert the nipple into the hole with the part on which the thread is applied;
  • connect a flexible tube no more than 3-4 cm long to the syringe rod;
  • attach the second nipple to the free end of the tube so that the threaded part remains outside.

Important! If the second nipple is not fixed correctly, the check valve will let air into the pump while the pump is running.

As practice shows, a self-made pump can create a sufficiently high negative pressure in the flask. A decrease in atmospheric pressure will provoke blood flow to the phallus, as a result of which the cavernous bodies will expand significantly. A simple and fairly simple device is recommended to be used to permanently increase the diameter of the penis immediately before copulation (sexual intercourse).

Any vacuum pump works on the principle of medical cups, which are used to increase blood flow to certain areas of the body. To increase the penis instantly without the invention of ingenious devices, use a long glass jar. Soak in alcohol solution piece of cotton wool and drop it to the bottom of the jar. With the help of matches, set fire to the cotton wool, then insert the penis into the jar, pressing it to the pubis. During the burning of the fleece, part of the air from the container will evaporate, and after the wick goes out, the pressure in the can will become significantly lower than in the environment.
