Installation of a reducer on a cylinder with a valve. Household propane reducer - key criteria for the right choice

If a lot of time is spent in the country, cooking is indispensable. You can, of course, use an electric stove, but the lights are often turned off in summer cottages, so this is unreliable. The best way out is a gas stove for giving under a cylinder. It almost does not require registration, there are very inexpensive models. As long as there is gas, you can always cook.

Types of plates for gas cylinders

It should be said right away that there are gas stoves that can work with both main natural gas and bottled liquefied gas. Reconfiguration requires nozzle replacement and adjustment. So, in principle, any of them is suitable for giving.

Tabletop gas stoves are mobile...why not...

Another thing is that in the "field" conditions they use it much less and less often than in everyday life. For this reason, the simplest and smallest models are chosen. After all, now water for tea is heated, most often, with an electric kettle, cooked food is heated in microwave oven. On the gas oven in the country they only cook, and the most simple meals. Some other housewives make twists. That's all. That's why they usually buy one or two burner stoves. However, there are quite wide choose for any requirements and needs.

Desktop and floor

According to the installation method, gas stoves for summer cottages are divided into desktop and floor. Specifications do not differ only in size. Desktop ones are usually made the simplest, without any additional options. This is exactly the country / camping option with a minimum weight and dimensions.

For rare visits, "and so it goes", but you can't put a balloon next to it

What is the best gas stove for giving under a cylinder? Desktop or floor? It's all about free space. If there is a place to install floor version, take it. Although they cost more, they can serve as a cabinet themselves. And they (cabinets), usually, are not enough in the country. Just remember that you still need to find a place to store the balloon. It may be located near minimum distance between the stove and the cylinder - 0.5 meters and at a distance of at least 1 meter from the heating devices), and can stand outside in a special cabinet that is locked with a key.

If, on the contrary, there is space on the table, but not on the floor, a desktop version of the gas stove will do. The best part is that they cost one and a half to two thousand rubles.

Number and type of burners

A gas stove for giving a cylinder can have from one to four burners. A single burner is suitable if there are one or two people in the country and you do not spin. For cooking breakfast / dinner for a family of three to four people and a small amount of conservation, two burners are enough. Well, if you need it and dinner for a full-fledged family, take it with three or four burners.

Recently, in addition to burners of a standard, medium size, they began to make even larger and smaller ones. This is convenient, as the dishes come in different diameters. Such "excesses" are available only on four-burner options.

In addition, there are models in which, in addition to gas burners, there are also electric ones. If there is light on the site, and you need a stove to give a cylinder for three or four burners, this is also convenient. The gas in the cylinder tends to end at the most inopportune moment. If there is no spare, at least make a fire. And if you have an electric burner, you can finish the process and hold on until the balloon is filled.

Availability of additional options

The arsenal of additional functions only for gas burners is small. This is an electric or piezo ignition and gas control. Both functions are useful, but only you can judge how necessary. It should be said right away that desktop options are very rare.

Design features

Tabletops are available in just a few types. The simplest is one, more often two burners, and that's it. But there are also models with a built-in electric oven. A good option if you use an oven. This is where the "diversity" ends.

Outdoor gas stoves for summer cottages have a little more design options:

The cabinet under the gas stove can be used to install a small gas cylinder in it. This is contrary to the requirements of gas workers (the distance between the stove and the cylinder must be at least 0.5 meters), but it is still used.

Where can you put the balloon? In the basement or basement, in a residential area.


The design of the gas stove for the cylinder is nominal - you don’t need to visit any instances, the requirements are easy to fulfill. The first was announced - the distance to the cylinder is at least 0.5 meters. Second: to highways - water supply, sewerage, metal pipes heating - must be at least 2 meters. That's all.

There are two formalization options:

For many, a gas stove for giving under a cylinder has been standing for years even without such a “design”. But in this case, you will fill the cylinder yourself, without using the services of municipal gas stations or exchange machines. Also, if it is necessary to repair or maintain the stove, reconfigure it, it will be necessary to somehow resolve the issue of registration (usually there are no problems) or use the services in private.

What you need to install and connect

You will need:

How to choose a gas stove is already clear, we will now deal with the rest of the components. Nothing complicated, but there are features.

Balloon material and size

First, let's talk about the material from which the liquefied gas cylinder is made. Until recently, there were no such conversations. The gas cylinder was exclusively metal, and made of metal of decent thickness. Now there are also composite gas cylinders (also called eurocylinder) and they are approved for use by gas services. If possible, it is better to buy just such. Why are they better? Here is a list of their advantages:

There are few disadvantages of a polymer balloon. The first is that it costs two to three times more than a metal one, but it is much easier to carry / transport it. The second - with an equal volume in size, it is larger than the metal counterpart.

Now about the size of gas cylinders. The larger the volume of the gas cylinder, the longer the period between refueling. But, on the other hand, larger cylinders have large dimensions and weight, and it is more difficult to carry / transport them. In addition, it is easier to find a place for installation under a small cylinder.

In general, the choice is yours. Moreover, with the advent of composite, they appeared in different sizes - high and narrow, low and wide.


Why do you need a reducer on a gas cylinder? It performs several functions at once:

So the reducer on the gas cylinder helps to increase safety and stabilize the operation of the stove. Without him better stove do not connect. In this case, the more you open the tap on the stove, the more powerful the gas flow will come out. In addition to being uneconomical, it can create a situation where the balloon starts to jump. In general, it is better not to operate without a gearbox.

Please note that different types of reducers are used for metal and composite cylinders. Therefore, when buying, specify the type of cylinder and its volume. And most importantly, to work with a liquefied gas cylinder, you need a propane reducer.

Beware of Chinese made gearboxes….

If we talk about manufacturers, it is better to take Russian or European products. Chinese are better avoided. Even those that have passed certification are made of very thin metal and quickly fail (begin to poison). In addition, many do not withstand the size of the fittings. When connected, this becomes a problem, since the hose is not put on tightly, you have to somehow seal the connection.

Hose for gas stove

You can buy it in Gorgaz stores or in hardware stores / markets. But be sure to specify that you need it to connect the gas stove. It is correctly called "gas hose-sleeve". Inner diameter must be 16 mm, the outer one depends on the type of hose, there must be an inscription on the surface ( yellow) that the hose is gas.

There are such gas hoses:

To connect the cylinder to gas stove you need a hose about a meter long - to fulfill the condition about the distance between the cylinder and the stove of 0.5 meters and leave a margin for freedom of movement.

On one side, a union nut with a gasket must be installed on the hose. This end is connected to the outlet from the gas stove. If you buy just a piece of hose, you can install the corresponding gas adapter yourself by tightening the mount with a metal clamp (do not forget the silicone thick gasket for sealing). On the other hand, the hose is connected to the reducer - it is pulled onto the fitting, then tightened with a clamp (do not forget to put the clamp on the hose, and then connect it to the fitting).

The process of connecting a gas stove to a cylinder

Connecting a gas stove for giving under a cylinder is simple. Just remember that propane, when mixed with air, becomes extremely explosive. Therefore, it is necessary to work in a well-ventilated area and very carefully. When working, it is better to use cotton gloves. Another limitation is that when working indoors, you cannot use / turn on power tools. None. Until you make sure there are no leaks.

When connecting a gas stove in the country to a cylinder, it is best to provide a stopcock in the route. It is needed to increase the level of security. It will be required when replacing cylinders, in the presence of leaks. You can put it at the exit of the stove, but then the stove will have to be moved away from the wall at a decent distance. Because most often gas pipe cut, put a crane in the middle.

The work is carried out in the following order:

If everything is fine, the gas stove for giving under the cylinder is connected, you can operate it.

The reducer for a household gas cylinder is an intermediate link in the gas source-gas consumer chain. It performs the function of stabilizing the working pressure of the propane-butane gas mixture, which is in the cylinder in a liquefied state, and therefore under high overpressure.

Reducers for household gas cylinders

The stabilization function involves maintaining the gas pressure in the range of operating values ​​for safe operation gas stoves. They can be classified according to the following features:

  • along the gas mixture - direct, reverse;
  • if possible, regulation - regulated, unregulated;
  • according to the control range - input - 2-3 MPa, output - 0.3-1.5 MPa;
  • according to the method of connection - fitting, nipple;
  • throughput;
  • according to the presence of indication - with a pressure gauge, without a pressure gauge.

Also, due to the design features, they have a variety of shapes, the material from which they are made, the mass, the color of the color.

How does a gas reducer work?

Direct drive gearbox

high pressure gas from the cylinder enters the chamber, equipped with a shut-off valve. valve under pressure overpressure opens and begins to rest against the saddle. After that, the gas stops flowing to the outlet.

The diaphragm responsible for pressure regulation, under the action of the spring, begins to displace the valve from the seat surface. The pressure is reduced due to a small passage and reaches a safe, serviceable.

Further, the straightened spring allows the valve to open access to the flow of a new volume of gas from the cylinder, and the regulation process is repeated. On non-adjustable gearboxes, the spring force is set at the factory, acting as a pressure regulator.

Reverse gear

Here the principle is somewhat different. Incoming gas from the source presses the valve against the seat, preventing it from escaping. The design contains a screw, with the help of which the spring compression force is adjusted.

By compressing the spring with a screw (regulator), the safety diaphragm is bent, passing a certain amount of gas. The support disc actuates the return spring, after which the valve rises, freeing the way for the fuel.

The working chamber has the same pressure as in the cylinder. The membrane under the action of the spring returns to its original state, and the support disk moves downward, while pressing on the return spring. As a result, the valve is pressed against the body seat.

It is worth saying that many note the great popularity of reverse action gearboxes. They are safer to use.

How and why gearboxes are used

The gas ones look no different from each other. It is customary to manufacture them, depending on the type of gas. All gases used are divided into two groups:

  • combustible;
  • non-combustible.

Storage cylinders are fitted with a right hand (normal) thread for non-flammable gases. Accordingly, cylinders with combustible gases are equipped with a left-hand thread. The same principles apply to gearboxes.

Many gardeners have noticed that if you need to replace an empty container to power the stove, the nut is unscrewed in the opposite direction.

Gas reducers are found in almost all spheres of our life. From industry to medicine. For welding work used: oxygen, acetylene, argon, carbon dioxide and others.

Builders other than welding equipment when installing a roof, use propane. All household cylinders are also equipped with propane reducers.

Medical institutions, in addition to oxygen, use nitrogen and the recently popular “laughing gas”.

We are used to seeing that gas storage tanks are made of metal. They are of considerable size and weight. But they are being replaced by containers made of composite materials.

Unlike metal cylinders, they are safer and lighter. Manufacturers claim that in case of an emergency, it does not scatter to the sides, forming a large number of traumatic fragments.

Accordingly for composite cylinders a dedicated gearbox is required. Among their characteristics it is worth noting:

  • the nut is screwed on with ease;
  • for the gasket, a service life of 10 years is declared;
  • the design ensures complete sealing.

On the this moment reducers for household gas equipment have become so tightly integrated into our lives that we treat them with some disdain. And they are responsible for the integrity of the living space and you can buy them at a low price.

Before buying, you should pay attention to the following:

  • type of gas used;
  • type of gas cylinder;
  • connecting dimensions;
  • is there a regulator to change the pressure;
  • price.

Characteristics of reducers for gas cylinders

RDSG 1, RDSG 1.2 and RDSG 2

The gearbox was popularly called the frog because of its characteristic flat appearance.


pressure, MPa:

input - 2.95-3;

output - 0.65-1.5;

productivity, cub. m/h - 1.2;

operating temperature range - 30-45 C;

weight, kg - 0.31;

cost, rub - 200.

The cost is extremely low due to the nipple connection.

BKO 25 and BVO 80 and RKZ 250


pressure, kPa:

input - 2000;

output - 80, 80 and 125, respectively;

productivity, cub. m / h - 25, 80 and 250, respectively;

weight, kg - 2, 2.1 and 13, respectively.



pressure, kPa:

input - 250;

day off - 30;

productivity, m3/hour - 5;

weight, kg - 0.65.

For security gas reducer, designed for one type of gas, cannot be used with another type of gas. For household cylinders, the gearbox must be selected according to the inscription on it. Cylinders filled with propane or methane. And their density and flammability are completely different.

Reducers for gas bottles

How does a gas reducer work? Operating principle. How to adjust outlet pressure? (10+)

Gas reducer. Device. Operating principle. Self repair, setting

The gas reducer (reducing) is designed to get a lower stable outlet pressure from a relatively high, but not stable gas pressure at the inlet. That is, the input of such a reducer can be supplied with gas under pressure within certain limits. Sometimes the upper and lower limits of these limits differ from each other by dozens of times (for example, from 0.5 bar to 20 bar). At the output, a stable set pressure is obtained (for example, 36 mbar), regardless of the input.

Application of gas reducers

Reducers are used where it is necessary to reduce excess inlet pressure and stabilize the outlet. In everyday life, we meet them in autonomous gas supply systems (this applies to both stationary systems, as well as to ordinary gas cylinders), because liquefied gas, to remain liquid, must be under a pressure of about 15 bar, and Appliances operate at 36 mbar, 20 mbar, or even 10 mbar.

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Hello, after the next refueling of the propane tank, I had a problem. After turning on the burner, after about a minute, a knock occurs. The flame goes out. Replacing the gearbox with a new one did not help. Tell me what needs to be done. Michael

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As you know, liquefied hydrocarbon gas (propane-butane) is stored in cylinders or gas tanks under a pressure of several bar. In order to reach the performance indicators of consumers (30-50 mbar), a special device is used in autonomous gas supply systems for private facilities - household propane reducer. If we draw an analogy with electrical network, this device performs the function of a stabilizer, that is, it reduces the pressure to the required value and automatically maintains it at the same level.

The design and principle of operation of the gas reducer.

Any propane reducer includes the following components:

  • valve;
  • working chamber;
  • locking spring;
  • pressure spring;
  • membrane.

Bandwidth this device depends on the degree of opening of the valve, which is acted on the one hand by the membrane and the pressure spring, and on the other by the gas and the locking spring. The higher the pressure of propane in the cylinder and the lower the flow of gas-using equipment, the closer the valve is located to the seat. Conversely, as the chamber pressure drops and the flow increases, the valve opens more. The operating parameters of a household propane reducer are determined by the stiffness of the springs and the elasticity of the membrane. Some models are additionally equipped with a valve whose shaft is connected to a pressure spring, which allows you to manually adjust the gas supply in a certain range.

The principle of operation of the device:

How to choose a household propane reducer

The choice of a device for supplying a propane-butane mixture to gas-using equipment is based on two key parameters:

  • operating pressure;
  • gas consumption.

Sample passport for a gas stove

The operating mode of most household propane appliances is 30 mbar, 37 mbar or 50 mbar. Based on this indicator, an appropriate gearbox is selected. If its output pressure differs from the operating parameter of a gas stove, boiler or, for example, a grill, this may lead to improper operation of the equipment and even create an explosive situation.

The characteristics of the propane reducer can be viewed on it - 3 kg / h and 29mbar

30 mbar, 1.5 kg/h (kg/h)

For stable and safe operation of the gas consumer, it is also important that its consumption does not exceed the performance of the gas reducer. In this case, the upper level of the reducer flow rate is not standardized. That is, for a 24 kW boiler with mass flow 2 - 2.5 kg / h, it is permissible to install a gearbox with a capacity of 3 kg / h and above - the automation of the boiler or stove will still not let the "excess" gas through.

For reference:

1 kg ~ 1.9 l ~ 0.45 m3 (for propane - butane)

1000 Pa - 1 kPa - 10 mbar

30 mbar - 0.03 bar

1 bar-0.99 atm.

Some owners of autonomous gas supply systems make a mistake when they purchase industrial gearboxes instead of domestic ones, considering them more reliable. Firstly, such devices are much more expensive, and secondly, they are designed to work with more powerful gas equipment, so they are not always consistent with household appliances.

You should also pay attention to the type of thread of the device. Gearboxes designed to work with non-flammable gases are equipped with a right-hand thread, and with combustible gases they have a left-hand thread and a risk on the nut.

Rules for the installation and operation of a gas reducer

To connect a propane reducer to gas-using equipment, two methods are used: using a herringbone fitting or using threaded connection. The first option is considered the simplest and is often used to connect a cylinder to a gas stove. The second method is more reliable and aesthetic, in addition, it allows you to connect one propane tank to several consumers at once.

Connection via fitting

Whichever option is chosen, in the process of connecting the gas reducer and starting the system, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. Make sure that there are no cracks and depressions on the body, check the integrity of the pressure gauge (if any).
  2. Connect the device to the cylinder (gas holder). For better tightness of the threaded connection, flax or FUM tape should be additionally used.
  3. Connect the gas line to the outlet pipe of the reducer. When using a herringbone fitting, fix the pipe at the attachment point with a clamp.
  4. Slowly open the bottle valve, then turn the valve on the gas consumer.

It should be noted that the device is intended for use in temperate climate, therefore its use is permissible at temperatures from -15 to 45 degrees Celsius.

An example of connecting a propane reducer in a group cylinder installation

A well-made household propane stabilizer can last more than one year without serious repair intervention. Only rubber materials that lose their elasticity over time are subject to periodic replacement. You should also inspect and, if necessary, clean the bypass valve 1-2 times a year. The degree of clogging of the gas reducer directly depends on the purity of the propane-butane mixture used. For example, you can familiarize yourself with the standard forms of delivery of this high purity mixture in accordance with GOST. If gas is used High Quality, then the service life of shut-off and control valves and gas-using equipment will increase significantly, and the probability of sudden failures of the autonomous gas supply system will be minimized.

The installation of a gas cylinder must comply with the requirements of the "Labor Protection" and "Rules against fire safety».

Installation of a gas cylinder in the house

Gasification of basement floors and cellars is prohibited. When installing a gas tank in a house, you must follow the rules:

  • the gas vessel must be installed strictly vertically
  • it must be available for inspection and replacement,
  • it must be flush with the stove at a distance of at least 0.5 m from it and 1 m from the stove or heating radiator,
  • when located opposite the furnace door - at a distance of at least 2 m.

In residential premises it is allowed to store no more than 10 liters of combustible flammable liquid in a closed container. No more than 3 liters of such liquid can be stored in containers made of non-flammable and unbreakable materials. It is highly recommended not to store containers with flammable gases in kitchens, residential buildings, apartments and rooms, escape routes, attics, basements, balconies and loggias.

Rules for installing gas cylinders

The basic rule says that self-installation gas containers is prohibited. Repair, replacement, rearrangement must be carried out by a qualified specialist. According to the rules, the installation of gas vessels must be carried out in a pre-ventilated room. On the street, the tightness of the valve seals is checked, for which the stem exit from the valve is treated with soap, then the transport plug is removed and the fitting hole is soaped with the valve closed. The operation of gas vessels is prohibited if the bubbles come out through the soapy solution. If no leaks are observed along the stem and fitting, you can bring a vessel with gas into the room and connect it through a reducer to a gas appliance. Then the tightness of the stem seal and threaded connection should be checked with the valve open and the cocks closed after connection. To do this, also apply a soap solution. If bubbles do not come out, the gas appliance can be used. If a gas leak is observed, close the valve, take the gas container outside and call the emergency dispatch service of the gas facilities.

Installation of a gas cylinder in the country

This procedure must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of the operating and safety regulations. Gas tanks should be located outside buildings in outbuildings made of non-combustible material near a blank wall pier (under casings covering upper part with gearboxes, or in cabinets), no closer than 5 meters from the entrances to the building, basement and basement floors. Cabinets and outbuildings must be locked, ventilated and labeled “Flammable. Gas". At the entrance there should be a sign “Flammable. Cylinders with gas. Installation must be carried out by qualified specialists from the gas services, in accordance with the regulations of the gas economy.

Installation of household gas cylinders

Installation of gas tanks should be carried out by specialists of gas services. It is necessary to place and operate such installations, which include gas containers in an amount of more than two pieces, in accordance with all the requirements and standards specified in the currently valid normative documents regarding safety in the existing gas facilities.

Norms for installing a gas cylinder

The gas supply system must comply with fire safety and explosion safety standards during operation. Outside the house, gas vessels should be located in a metal cabinet near outer wall Houses. W The cafe must stand on a base of non-combustible material, the top must be at least 0.1 m above the planned ground level. The distance between the cabinet and the windows and doors of the first floor must be at least 0.5 m, from the doors, windows of the basement and basement rooms, the well, the cellar, cesspool- not less than 0.3 m. The gas pipeline from gas tanks to the house must be introduced directly into the room where it is installed gas equipment. Gas containers placed inside the house should be installed in the premises where gas-consuming appliances are located. Installation is not allowed in the basement and basements, rooms without ventilation and natural light.

Installation of a reducer on a gas cylinder

The most reliable are considered gas containers equipped with valves. The valve connection looks like union nuts. Reducers for gas tanks are designed to reduce the pressure entering the vessel with gas and maintain it at a constant level automatically. They are also used in gas-plasma processing. The reducer fitting is connected to the main gas pipeline hose, the hose is fastened with a clamp tightened with a screw. The valve is connected to the reducer by tightening the threaded connection of the valve fitting and the union nut of the reducer. The nuts must be tightened with an open end wrench. A disposable gasket is installed between the nut and the fitting. This device is connected to gas containers equipped with valves by putting it on the neck of the gas vessel. A special sealing ring is installed between them. When the gearbox is put on the valve neck, the ring of the locking mechanism is tightened on it. The ring is released after the gearbox is seated in place. union nuts made of bronze, since when this material strikes the metal, sparking does not occur.

Installation of a gas cylinder on the street

With this installation, the gas tank must be located in special outbuildings made of special non-combustible materials and located near blind walls. You can use special cabinets and casings that cover the gearbox and the upper part of the gas tank. These extensions should be located at a distance of at least 5 meters from the basement and basement floors and from the entrance to the building. Special cabinets and extensions must have shutters for ventilation and a lock for locking. Be sure to have the inscription “Flammable. Gas". The installation must be carried out by a qualified gas worker. At the entrance to the courtyard there should be a sign “Flammable. Cylinders with gas.
