Window bindings. Conventional signs of construction drawings

indication doors and gate on the drawings used in construction, should be carried out according to GOST 21.201-2011. In accordance with this document, it is necessary to use special graphic images.

On those drawings that are made on a scale of 1:400 and smaller, the door leaves and the direction of their opening are not shown. If the scale of the displayed doors and gate is 1:50 or more, then when depicting on construction drawings, it is necessary to indicate such elements as quarters, thresholds, etc.

Each design project is unique but follows a well-defined path. This is how we approach a design project, from the Program, through and through to building permits and administration. In this series of posts, we will review our approach to the design process and give you an idea of ​​how we can handle your future project.

Here is the floor plan: what are all these symbols for?

As we did in our recent series on the design process, we will demonstrate all of these symbols using a floor plan from a recent project, the main level of a renovated house on Carmen Ave. It shows the basic layout of the new space: walls, room names, furniture, and plumbing. But it's also covered in cryptic annotations to the layman.

Image Name
Door (gate) oopolny
Door (gate) double leaf
Double single door
Double double door

Single door with swing leaf (right or left)

Double door with swinging doors
Door (gate) sliding single-leaf external
Door (gate) retractable single leaf opening into a niche
Door (gate) sliding double leaf
Door (gate) lifting
Door (gate) folded
Door (gate) folded-retractable
revolving door

One of the most common elements of buildings and structures are doors. They may have the most different design, but the most common are:

We use all these tags and symbols for two important reasons. First, if every annotation were fully included in the floor plan, it would be so covered in information that no one could understand it. In addition, during the course of the project, minor changes and additions to information are inevitable. When these changes are made, they must be made consistently across all drawing sets to avoid conflicts.

Architectural drawing set elements

Every measurement, product specification, or construction note must give a clear answer to the contractor trying to understand it. Every architect uses such symbols to indicate key information in their drawings. Here is our field guide to the signs and symbols of architectural drawings.

  • single floor
  • Double field
  • Swing
  • Rollback

According to the material of manufacture, they are classified into:

  • Wooden
  • metal
  • glass

Boxes are installed in doorways for mounting doors. If wood is used for this purpose, then such structures are made of bars, and then attached to the wall. Wooden canvases usually made from a material such as glued panels. Often used for this purpose Chipboard, which are finished with facing materials.

These square numbers always refer to a numbered list of notes running along the right side of the same page on which they appear. Each drawing set page has a new set of keywords. Often the main notes offer a simple explanation of the function and then a link to another part of the drawing set for further reference.

Grid lines don't refer to any other pages in the set - they just help coordinate work across the set by showing where important elements align with each other. Often they are placed along breaklines to show how columns and bearing walls support the rest of the building. In the floor plan above, they work that way; on every outer wall and on every inner breakline.

boxes metal doors and the binding of their canvases is made of cold-formed galvanized steel profiles, which are subsequently painted to give the structure an aesthetic appearance and corrosion protection. The door leaf of metal doors is composed of one or two steel sheets, a frame and stiffeners.

This symbol indicates a height located on another page. The inside of the circle tells you which page in the drawing set to go to, the number next to the arrow lets you know which drawing on the page it will be. The arrow points to the wall that will be shown in this drawing. This symbol can contain multiple arrows and drawing numbers pointing in multiple directions.

The section of cuts is also shown on other sheets. The sheet number is shown below the line, and the section number is shown above. The downturned line on the right shows the direction that the cut is cutting. Door and window tags refer to numbered and lettered lists of product information on schedule sheets. By convention, window tags are enclosed in hexagons and numbered, and door tags are enclosed in circles and labels.

Structural elements of canvases glass doors are a strapping made of aluminum or steel profiles, and a canvas made of the so-called "stalinite" (that is, tempered glass, characterized by increased strength).

According to current norms and standards, all entrance doors to buildings and apartments must open outward, that is, in the direction of movement to the street. This is necessary in order to facilitate the evacuation of people from buildings in the event of various emergencies(for example, fires).

These numbers and letters refer to the detailed spreadsheets of information about the "Schedules" sheets. For each unique door and window type, the listings list the specific dimensions for each window and door, materials, glass type, hardware, and any other notes.

Wall types allow us to indicate on the plan how each wall will be built and what existing walls are made of, without taking up much space on the main floor plan. These labels lead to a wall sheet that follows the other schedule sheets and shows the annotated wall section for each wall type.

For fixing door frames in the openings, wooden corks treated with antiseptics are used. They are installed directly into reinforced concrete panels at the stage of manufacturing these structures. If the doors are external, then they are installed together with thresholds, and if they are internal, then without them.

To on door frames hang door leafs, hinges are used. If the door is wide open, then it is very easy and simple to dismantle it from the hinges. In order to avoid the doors being open or slamming, special devices are used, which are called "diplomat". They serve to keep the door closed, and if they open, then smoothly, without bumps, return to it. In addition, the doors are equipped mortise locks, latches and handles. Entrance doors often equipped with combination locks.

Putting Symbols to Work in Your Architectural Drawings

If you want to see examples of sheets mentioned in this post - sections, heights, schedules, etc. Check out our Tuesday article. The concepts of reading and interpretation. The word project means intention, design, enterprise, overall plan edification.

In civil engineering, various designs are used to achieve the goal of being a building in a complete state of use and functionality.

  • Architectural project; Additional projects.
  • Fire protection, topographic design.
These sets of cited elements, together with a production design that also uses these elements, form the design of the building. Gates

Gates are such building functional structures that serve to restrict access to a particular territory with their help.

They can play both strictly utilitarian and decorative roles. In the latter case, they often do not have wings and are simply an arch. If the gate is intended for the passage of vehicles, then its dimensions are taken into account during their development and production.

In this work, we will consider reading and interpreting an architectural design, the starting point for any building project. We will begin more quickly to determine the means of representation, we will know the stages of the preliminary study, and finally the final project along with the specific norms that determine the design of the architectural project under study.

The construction of a work designed by an architect or engineer must meet the requirements of the professions in which the professional act is valid and meet the needs of the project applicant, that is, the client. If it is a project of large size or complexity, it includes the steps previously mentioned above, a land use study, the purpose of which is to provide an initial check on the physical-functional and economic-financial level of the feasibility of the project with landscape.

By their design, the gates are swing, rotary, sliding, retractable, up-and-over and lifting. The simplest in design and the most common are swing and sliding gates. There are also swing gates, in which the curtains are made of rubber sheets or elastic transparent plastic. They are most often installed in industrial buildings and can significantly reduce heat loss.

Upon completion of each stage, the architect or engineer presents to the client, reports, drawings, etc. Which make it easier to understand what will be done. Then it can be extended to other activities, among which are: assistance in the performance of work; Inspection, which consists of a detailed inspection of the structure, aimed at strict quality control and construction processes, in strict adherence to architectural and additional projects; The general direction of work execution, which includes the preparation of tenders, purchases and contracts and the control of quality, quantity and cost of materials and services.

Door and window openings buildings simultaneously perform two functions at once: utilitarian and aesthetic. From a practical point of view, they are the elements that provide access to the structure of people, light and air. At the same time, door and window openings largely determine the architectural appearance of buildings.

However, what has been perceived recently is the reluctance of architects and engineers to follow and manage the execution of the project, thereby opening a gap in the market for the technology professional in construction. Technical Drawing Standards The standards aim to unify the various elements of a technical drawing in order to facilitate implementation, consultation and classification. In Brazil, the standards are edited by the Brazilian Association of Technical Regulations, the main ones being. Through architectural design, an architect or designer creates the necessary documents for buildings.

According to GOST 21.201-2011 on construction drawings to indicate openings and holes, special designations should be used.

Usually, when applying an opening, which is supposed to be made in the ceiling or partition, it is applied inside broken line, which in other cases can be omitted if it is clearly clear what is displayed.

They are reproduced in "boards", that is, sheets of paper with standard sizes, according to technical standard, where the usable space is limited by lines called margins. A legend or identification in professional slang is called a seal, which has the purpose of standardizing the information that must accompany the drawings. It is recommended to use the stamp near the edge in the lower right corner. This placement is necessary to ensure good visibility when archiving drawings. However, the stamp must have the following basic information, at the discretion of the office, adding or removing other data.

In cases where a hole or opening as planned by the designers, they should be sealed, then dotted lines are used to depict them, and shading is used when depicting these elements of buildings in sections. The explanatory inscriptions indicate the material of the bookmark.

Simplified image method window openings in prefabricated structures (for example, reinforced concrete slabs) they are used when the scale of the drawing is 1: 200 or smaller. In this case, the quarters are not shown.

One factor that determines the scale of a drawing is the need for detail information. Typically, during the executive design phase, when building elements are designed to be executed, such as frames, we usually draw them as close to actual size as possible.

Site plans and landscaping. . They are the main elements of architectural design. In addition to determining the shape, size and location of walls, doors, windows, pillars, beams, etc. They define the dimensions and define the characteristics of each projected element. Therefore, they must be perfectly represented in the drawing.

Openings and openings in the premises are mainly divided into window, door and ventilation.

Holes and openings are made in walls made from a variety of materials: stone, concrete, wood, brick, foam and aerated concrete, etc.

When placing all kinds of window and door openings, designers must necessarily take into account such a factor as the convenience of placing furniture in any planning solutions.

They always represent the actual dimensions of the object and therefore do not depend on the scale at which the drawing was made. These are the numbers corresponding to the measurements. The overall dimensions must be recorded in a horizontal position so that they can be read with the pattern in the normal position by placing the reader on right side fees. To precisely define a dimension and indicate which part or element of an object it refers to, you must use two types of strings.

Both call lines and dimension lines are drawn using thin continuous tracing. Call lines should, in principle, be perpendicular to the element to be numbered, but in exceptional cases it may be convenient to draw them obliquely, preferring 60° or 75° inclinations in these cases, the dimensions of the lines should not be written very close to the outline lines, depending on the distance at which the dimensions of the drawing and the dimensions of the dimensions are placed; Angles will be measured in degrees, except for pavements and ramps, which are in percentages.

Color representation - Convention. . In the vision of reform, one must distinguish very well between what exists and what will be destroyed or added.

In order to correctly position those holes through which air is removed or supplied, it is necessary to take into account their spatial position relative to each other. It should be such that air can freely flow through them, both into the premises and beyond.

During the construction of the walls of modern buildings, the method of manual laying with vertical and horizontal bandaging of the seams is used. Door and window openings of the walls are made with the device of quarters adjacent to outside along the vertical, as well as the upper faces.

These statements can be made using the following conventions. Graphical representation systems. . Orthographic projections of descriptive geometry are used in architectural drawing only by changing technical terms. An object is projected onto each of the six faces of the cube, and then the cube is opened or planned to receive six representations.

In outer walls 20 cm thick walls are recommended, but not required. It is recommended for continuous extrusion of high walls, as well as for walls at half height with a continuous middle trace indicating the appropriate height.

  • external port.
  • The connection between the two media has different sizes, i.e. outer floor below.
  • For this reason, bathroom doors are designed as exterior doors.
Logical arrangement and numbering direction.

Quarters allow reliable and tight installation in openings window frames. They allow the use of various modern sealing materials. In addition, the presence of quarters looks very good based on the results of the work.

The purpose of windows as elements of buildings is to ensure the penetration of natural light into the premises and their ventilation. Doors are necessary in order to provide access to the building and communication between rooms isolated from each other.

The windows of modern buildings usually have double glazing. They can be one-, two- or three-leaf. In addition to them, drains made of galvanized steel are also mounted in the openings. steel sheet, as well as window slabs. For the arrangement of slopes, a cement-sand mortar is used.

Doors mounted in modern buildings are glazed and deaf. Door glazing is usually used in order to ensure uniformity of illumination. various premises as well as interior decoration.

Recently, plastic has been widely used for the manufacture of windows and doors. The windows are equipped with sealed double-glazed windows, which are installed between PVC profiles. Inside these profiles there are cavities, the number of which can be different. Due to them, good heat and sound insulation is provided. To make it even better, the windows must be equipped with double-glazed windows.

Door and window openings buildings simultaneously perform two functions at once: utilitarian and aesthetic. From a practical point of view, they are the elements that provide access to the structure of people, light and air. At the same time, door and window openings largely determine the architectural appearance of buildings.

According to GOST 21.201-2011 on construction drawings to indicate openings and holes, special designations should be used.

Usually, when drawing an opening, which is supposed to be made in a floor or partition, a broken line is applied inside, which, in other cases, can be omitted if it is clearly clear what exactly is displayed.

In cases where a hole or opening as planned by the designers, they should be sealed, then dotted lines are used to depict them, and shading is used when depicting these elements of buildings in sections. The explanatory inscriptions indicate the material of the bookmark.

Simplified image method window openings in prefabricated designs (for example, reinforced concrete slabs) is used when the scale of the drawing is 1:200 or smaller. In this case, the quarters are not shown.

Openings and openings in the premises are mainly divided into window, door and ventilation.

Holes and openings are made in walls made from the most various materials: stone, concrete, wood, brick, foam and aerated concrete, etc.

When placing all kinds of window and doorways designers must necessarily take into account such a factor as the convenience of furniture placement in any planning solutions.

In order to correctly position those holes through which air is removed or supplied, it is necessary to take into account their spatial position relative to each other. It should be such that air can freely flow through them, both into the premises and beyond.

During the construction of the walls of modern buildings, the method of manual laying with vertical and horizontal bandaging of the seams is used. Door and window openings of the walls are made with the device of quarters adjacent to the outer side along the vertical, as well as the upper faces.

Quarters enable reliable and tight installation in window frame openings. They allow the use of various modern sealing materials. In addition, the presence of quarters looks very good based on the results of the work.

The purpose of windows as elements of buildings is to provide penetration into the premises natural light and their ventilation. Doors are necessary in order to provide access to the building and communication between rooms isolated from each other.

The windows of modern buildings usually have double glazing. They can be one-, two- or three-leaf. In addition to them, drains made of galvanized steel sheet, as well as window sills, are also mounted in the openings. For the arrangement of slopes, a cement-sand mortar is used.

Doors mounted in modern buildings are glazed and deaf. Door glazing is usually used to ensure uniform illumination of various rooms, as well as to decorate interiors.

Recently, plastic has been widely used for the manufacture of windows and doors. The windows are equipped with sealed double-glazed windows, which are installed between PVC profiles. Inside these profiles there are cavities, the number of which can be different. Due to them, good heat and sound insulation is provided. To make it even better, the windows must be equipped with double-glazed windows.

In architectural and construction drawings, in order to give them greater clarity, visibility and readability, conventional graphic symbols are used according to GOST 5401-50 for building materials, elements of buildings, sanitary equipment, etc., which makes it possible to reduce the explanatory inscriptions on the drawings.

Symbols for building materials, most often
used in the construction of buildings.

The figure shows the symbols of some building materials most commonly used in the construction of buildings.

Brick or masonry is indicated in the section in the drawings by straight parallel strokes with a slope of 45 ° to the horizon. The distance between strokes depends on the scale of the drawing. In small drawings, gaps of about 1 mm are taken, in large ones they are increased to 2 - 2.5 mm. Refractory brickwork is hatched in a square cell.

The metal parts of the structures in the section in the large-scale drawings are hatched in the same way as the brick, but a little thicker. In small-scale drawings and in general, when the thickness of the cut part in the drawing is less than 2 mm, a solid black ink fill is made.

The wooden parts in the cross section (from the end) are hatched with circular and radial lines, and in the longitudinal section they are hatched as the fibers in the tree go, and depict the actual arrangement of the layers of wood in kind. Wooden parts that do not fall into the cut are not hatched.

Thin layers of various insulating and cushioning materials (roofing paper, cardboard, cork, asbestos, hemp, asphalt, etc.) are depicted as a solid black fill with an explanatory inscription.

Concrete is represented by dots with circles irregular shape between them. Circles are made with a pen by hand. If two layers of different composition are in contact, then they are separated horizontal line. The composition of concrete is indicated by inscriptions. Reinforced concrete, that is, concrete reinforced with iron rods (reinforcement) embedded in it, is indicated by ordinary shading and circles.

Water is represented by intermittent horizontal parallel strokes, and the gaps between them increase as they move away from the surface.

Walls and partitions are depicted as two parallel lines, the space between which is shaded with thin oblique lines (at an angle of 45 °), sometimes filled with ink, and sometimes left without hatching and filling.

Windows and doors are depicted as wall openings of appropriate sizes, which are not shaded, but are depicted as parallel lines for frames and perpendicular lines for door leaves. The part of the door that opens is called the door leaf.

Doors can consist of one or two door panels
- Single or double sided. If the canvases have different widths, then the door is one and a half.

a - outer door;
b - inner door;
c and d - windows;
d - outer door;
e - single-sided door;
g - double door;
h - window.

Stairs are internal if they are in a special enclosed space called a stairwell, external (entrance) and service (basement, attic, etc.). Each staircase consists of inclined parts, called marches, and horizontal platforms.

Marches consist of steps laid along stringers and railings fixed on the steps. In the steps, their width, called the tread, and the height, the risers, are distinguished. The slope of the marches is determined by the ratio of the height of the march to its horizontal projection. The steeper the ladder, the more difficult it is to climb.

For residential buildings slopes are accepted 1:1.5 - 1:1.75, for attic stairs 1:1, for basement stairs 1:1.25. The ladder is more comfortable if the riser is 15 cm high and the tread is 30 cm.

Sanitary devices, i.e. baths, showers, sinks, washbasins, etc., are shown in the figure.

Heating appliances- stoves - they show in terms of the contour of their actual outlines (round, angular, rectangular, kitchen hearths, bathroom column). As a rule, a free space is left between the oven and the wall, called a retreat, 8–10 cm in size, embedded on the sides in 1/4 or 1/2 bricks.

The image of heating devices in the drawing

A window is an opening in a wall that allows light to enter and ventilate a room.

The window drawing is carried out on the basis of GOST 2.109-73 - a unified system for design documentation (ESKD).

You can download this simple drawing for free to use for any purpose. For example, for placement on a nameplate or sticker.

How to draw a drawing:

You can draw a drawing both on a sheet of paper and using specialized programs. To perform simple sketch drawings, special engineering knowledge is not required.

A sketch drawing is a drawing made by hand, in compliance with the approximate proportions of the depicted object and containing sufficient data for the manufacture of the product.

A design drawing with all technological data for manufacturing can only be performed by a qualified engineer.

To designate on the drawing, you must perform the following operations:

1. Draw an image;
2. Put down the dimensions (see example);
3. Indicate for production (more about technical requirements read the article below).

It is most convenient to draw on a computer. Subsequently, the drawing can be printed on paper on a printer or plotter. There are many specialized programs for drawing on a computer. Both paid and free.

Drawing example:

This image shows how easy and fast drawing is done using computer programs.

List of programs for drawing on a computer:

2. AutoCAD;
3. NanoCAD;
4. FreeCAD;
5. QCAD.

Having studied the principles of drawing in one of the programs, it is not difficult to switch to work in another program. Drawing methods in any program do not fundamentally differ from each other. We can say that they are identical and differ from each other only in convenience and the presence of additional functions.

Technical requirements:

For the drawing, it is necessary to put down dimensions sufficient for manufacturing, limit deviations and roughness.

The technical requirements for the drawing should indicate:

1) The method of manufacture and control, if they are the only ones that guarantee the required quality of the product;
2) Specify specific technological method, which guarantees the provision of individual technical requirements for the product.

A little theory:

A drawing is a projection image of a product or its element, one of the types of design documents containing data for the production and operation of the product.

A drawing is not a drawing. The drawing is made according to the dimensions and scale of the real product (construction) or part of the product. Therefore, to perform drawing work, the work of an engineer with sufficient experience in the production of drawing work is necessary (however, to beautifully display a product for booklets, it is quite possible that you will need the service of an artist who has an artistic view of the product or part of it).

A drawing is a constructive image with the necessary and sufficient information about the dimensions, method of manufacture and operation. You can download the drawing presented on this page for free.

Drawing is artistic image on a plane, created by means of graphics (brush, pencil or a specialized program).

The drawing can be both an independent document and part of the product (design) and technical requirements related to the surfaces processed together. Instructions for joint processing are placed on all drawings involved in the joint processing of products.

For more information on drawings, technical requirements for design and indication of manufacturing methods, see GOST 2.109-73. See the list of standards for the development of design documentation

ESKD. Designations of graphic materials and the rules for their application on the drawings. GOST 2.306-68 Interstate standard GOST 2.306-68
"Unified system for design documentation. Designations of graphic materials and rules for their application on drawings"
(approved by the resolution of the Committee of Standards, Measures and measuring instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR in December 1967)

Unified system for design documentation.
Graphical designs of materials and rules for their representation.
Introduction date 1 January 1971
Instead of GOST 3455-59 and GOST 11633-65

1. This standard establishes the graphic designations of materials in sections and on facades, as well as the rules for applying them to the drawings of all industries and construction.
1a. General graphic designation materials in sections, regardless of the type of materials, must comply with the drawing:

2. Graphic designations of materials in sections, depending on the type of materials, must correspond to those given in Table 1.
It is allowed to use additional designations of materials not provided for in this standard, explaining them in the drawing.

Table 1.

A.1 Metals and hard alloys
Clause 2 Non-metallic materials, including fibrous monolithic and slab (pressed), except for those specified below

A.3 Wood

P.4 Natural stone

P.5 Ceramics and silicate masonry materials

P.6 Concrete

A.7 Glass and other translucent materials

A.8 Liquids

A.9 Natural soil


  • Composite materials containing metals and non-metal materials are referred to as metals.
  • Graphic designation P. 3 should be used when it is not necessary to indicate the direction of the fibers.
  • Graphic designation P. 5 should be used to designate brick products (fired and unfired), refractories, building ceramics, electrical porcelain, cinder blocks, etc.
  • 3. Install the following notation grids and backfills from any material (in section) indicated in the figure:

    4. When highlighting materials and products on the view (facade), their graphic designations must correspond to those indicated in table 2.

    Table 2.


  • To clarify the type of material, in particular, materials with the same type designation, the graphic designation should be accompanied by an explanatory inscription in the drawing field.
  • In special building structural drawings for the reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures, designations according to GOST 21.501 should be used.
  • The designation of the material on the view (facade) may not be applied completely, but only in small areas along the contour or spots inside the contour.
  • 5. Inclined parallel hatching lines should be drawn at an angle of 45 ° to the image contour line (drawing 2a) or to its axis (drawing 2b), or to the lines of the drawing frame (drawing 2).

    Drawing 2a. Inclined parallel lines of hatching to the line of the contour of the image

    Drawing 2b. Inclined parallel lines of hatching to the axis of the image contour

    Drawing 2. Inclined parallel lines of hatching to the lines of the drawing frame

    If the hatching lines, reduced to the drawing frame lines at an angle of 45 °, coincide in direction with the contour lines or axial lines, then instead of the 45 ° angle, an angle of 30 ° or 60 ° should be taken (drawings 3 and 4).

    Drawing 3. Coincidence of hatch lines in the direction with contour lines or center lines

    Drawing 4. Coincidence of hatch lines in the direction with contour lines or axial lines
    Hatching lines should be applied with an inclination to the left or right, but as a rule, in the same direction on all sections related to the same part, regardless of the number of sheets on which these sections are located.

    6. The distance between parallel straight hatching lines (frequency) should, as a rule, be the same for all sections of a given part performed on the same scale and is selected depending on the hatching area and the need to diversify the hatching of adjacent sections. The specified distance should be from 1 to 10 mm, depending on the hatching area and the need to diversify the hatching of adjacent sections.
    7. Narrow and long cross-sectional areas (for example, stamped, rolled and other similar parts), the width of which in the drawing is from 2 to 4 mm, it is recommended to hatch completely only at the ends and at the contours of the holes, and the rest of the cross-sectional area - small areas in several places (drawings 5 ​​and 6). In these cases, glass hatching lines (drawing 7) should be applied with an inclination of 15 - 20 ° to the line larger side section contour.

    Drawing 5. Hatching of narrow and long cross-sectional areas
    Hatching of all designations in this case is done by hand.

    Drawing 6. Hatching of narrow and long cross-sectional areas

    Drawing 7. Glass hatching lines
    8. Narrow cross-sectional areas, the width of which in the drawing is less than 2 mm, may be shown in black, leaving gaps between adjacent sections of at least 0.8 mm (drawings 8, 9).
    In construction drawings, it is allowed to designate any material as metal on sections of a small area or not to use the designation at all, making an explanatory inscription in the field of the drawing.

    Drawing 8.

    Drawing 9.
    9. The designation specified in clause 3, Table 1, and the designation of the backfill in the section are performed by hand.
    10. For adjacent sections of two parts, you should take the slope of the hatching lines for one section to the right, for the other - to the left (opposite hatching).
    When hatching "in a cage" for adjacent sections of two parts, the distance between the lines of hatching in each section must be different.
    In adjacent sections with hatching of the same slope and direction, you should change the distance between the hatching lines (drawing 10) or shift these lines in one section relative to another without changing their angle of inclination (drawing 11).

    Drawing 10. Adjacent sections with hatching of the same slope and direction with a changed distance between the hatching lines.

    Drawing 11. Adjacent sections with hatching of the same slope and direction with a shift of these lines in one section relative to another without changing their angle of inclination.
    11. At large areas sections, as well as when specifying the soil profile, it is allowed to apply the designation only at the contour of the section with a narrow strip of uniform width (drawing 12).

    Drawing 12. Designation for large cross-sectional areas.
